Which company that was previously part of the console race would you most like see have a comeback and why?
Sega, Atari, SNK, etc
I just want someone to fill the handheld power gap that Nintendo will leave once it goes full mobile.
A Game Gear 2 would be nice.
SEGA because holy shit, those niggers make good games. They produced a ton of shit too, but whatever.
SNK should stick to making games, especially now that they're rebranding from SNK Playmore to make vidya great again.
None, consoles are pointless nowadays.
However, I would like a revival of arcades.
I really hope Sony thinks about what they are doing and reconsiders. Even if they make something almost identical to the Vita, but more powerful Japan will make games like crazy for it. We're at a point where most games can be scaled to run on less powerful hardware. Vita just hadn't hit HD level PS3 graphics, despite what Sony claimed early on. We really only really need one more out of them.
I actually expected more games out of Sega once they focused on software. I can't believe how few games they put out now and how many amazing series are lying dormant.
Sega and SNK
No, fuck no, fuck Atari and everything they stood and stand for.
Fucking kikes since the beginning to the bitter end.
The Lynx was better than the GB.
It would be nice to have a decently powered computer in a PC Engine case.
It was horrible to code for and didn't exactly prioritized frame rate.
What were some good Lynx games? Was there any good JRPGs or platformers?
Of course not, i'm talking hardware wise. As you may know Nintendo were a bunch of greedy fucks that had a monopoly on the handheld market.
Lynx is the one library I know next to nothing about, so I thought there was a chance there was at least a couple good games. With as horrible as the Jaguar's lineup is it's hard to imagine it could be any worse than that. Maybe I'll spend some time researching the Lynx tonight. I just always get sidetracked reading or watching things about better games/systems.
Lemmings is about the best thing you can get on it. There's also some hombrew titles.
Most handhelds were, but muh Nintendo and marketing.
I think the biggest weapon nintendo had back then was battery life.
You had to buy the goddamn things all the time, and when you have a portable that burns thru 6 of em in 3 hours, against a system that can juice 12 houts out of four batteries, the choice gets clear.
Sega, they have a gold mine of unused vintage IPs just rotting away. If they made a new console they wouldn't have to worry about getting third parties at first because they could launch with 10 new games from franchises they already own.
SNK is already making games again. Honestly I don't care about the Neogeo as a console since it was mostly SNKs games and most of that shit got ported to other systems, though sometimes it wasn't perfect. As long as they make games and leave pachinko for good I'm happy.
Atari were just too much of a fuckup to want to see again. It wasn't like Sega where it was some glorious fall from grace either. After the 1983 crash, Atari just kept putting their mouth, from the 5200, to the Lynx, to the Jaguar, to when they merged with Infogrames, to when they tried to erase any negative press about Driv3r. Atari was just sad. I can't see them releasing a console when their last one was a CD add-on shaped like a toilet.
I only used batteries on the school bus or at people's house that I didn't want to ask to use an outlet. Back then they'd put cigarette lighters right in the back seat of cars so you'd barely even notice things were plugged in.
Well Satan trips, when I was a lad in school a classmate that had the Lynx. I remembered he had Slime World and California Games. Slime world was ok, California Games was pretty good.
You niggers seem to forget the GB actually had fucking games
How many other kids did you knew that did exactly that back then?
I was never really around kids who had handhelds unfortunately (I always wanted to try the system link feature too). Car adapters were easy as shit to find and batteries weren't cheap, so I would imagine a lot did. You could get these big rechargeable battery pack things too, but those cost a lot more, while the chargers were less than ten bucks or included in little variety pack things, since there was tons of generic brands that made them.
Well, still, a system that simply lasts more on a battery seems more useful to play around in school etc..
It probably sucked more for poor kids, but batteries were so common in everything back then that a lot of kids could probably just grab new ones from wherever their parents kept them. It's crazy how everything took batteries, plus different kinds too. Nowadays it seems like barely anything takes C's, D's , and 9V's. It seems like the price went up too, unless I'm just noticing it more since I have to buy them myself now.
The Game Gear also had games you fucking nigger
Most people emulate and say it sucks, since they can play the Genesis version on their phones or something anyway, but the Nomad wasn't out until much later, so GameGear was awesome at the time. Plus you wanna talk about something that's big and eats batteries. That thing was fucking huge and it's the only thing I remember not having power for, despite owning practically everything. (I actually still really liked it though. I wish I never sold it)
It changed quite a bit, with everything having internal batteries.
Also modern batteries are *LOT* better than the bullshit we had in the 80's.
You probably can get 6 hours out of a game gear now.
Yeah, it did, and it wasn't a bad console either. But you're comparing it with the motherfucking GameBoy, there's just no comparison
Yeah, it makes shit battery life seem not as bad when pretty much everything has it. I swear batteries used to leak like crazy back then too. I remember trying rechargeable batteries and they were a complete joke too. The chargeables now are pretty amazing.
Both good. Also ElectroCop and Roadblasters from what I played.
ElectroCop is really remarkable in that it is a pseudo 3D 3rd person shooter in that era.
The funniest part of the 80's rechargable NICAD shit was how the batteries had a very, VERY strong "memory effect".
You had to be ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SURE, to always charge it to max and always use the whole charge, otherwise the battery would just "memorize" a half charge and you would lose half of the capacity overnight.