I've been wanting to get the original model but seems like that one is obsolete now. Is the Scorpio now going to be BTFO? Also forgot to mention the adapter won't use a Thunderbolt 3. It's going to use one designed for this thing.
I've been wanting to get the original model but seems like that one is obsolete now. Is the Scorpio now going to be BTFO? Also forgot to mention the adapter won't use a Thunderbolt 3. It's going to use one designed for this thing.
Can you accept the fact that building a PC isn't like Legos and no one wants to build one? People won't mind switching the parts out but as far as building a really nice PC people aren't going to take the risk.
Kek. Then let them get jewed. Besides, there isnt anything to run on those fuckers anyway, everthing good can run on a toaster.
Did you even read the article? This isn't the steam machine fiasco of 2014. It's being advertised as a compact PC and it's being shipped with a kb&m unlike a 360 controller. It's a mid range PC for the average gamer. It's a good size for a good deal and a good price. You have to atleast admit it's a good price for performance for an Alienware.
No thanks
It's basically a Scorpio and NEO killer so there's that.
But does it come with that scorpion?
The Scorpion is a dig at the Scorpio.
This is going to be shit and I probably will not buy it since the original plus an i5 is fine as an emulation station.
I really should learn how to build an arcade cabinet onto it, maybe get one of those new bluetooth xbone controllers for games unsuited for that kind of thing
Also 10 bucks says this has wangblows 10 or babbies first linux on it.
If you really want a pre built grab something from the asus m32 series, even the cheapest model has a far better cpu and built in graphics then this shit and its a normal computer not some weird compact fuckery.
The Asus models use a weaker GPU then the original Alienware Alpha R1. This thing will atleast play games really well.
Im not the type to ignore reality
How ISN'T building a pc like lego? Order parts online, snap them into place, plug the cords into the slots, apply thermal paste, close the case, install OS, you're done.
It isn't like you have to solder the chip sets on the boards yourself. Christ, building a pc is so easy even my mom can do it. What baby is paying an extra 500 dollars for some chink to slap together a bunch of parts?
This device is not much more than the price to build one. And no it isn't like Legos. Your forgetting all parts must be compatible. Parts are going up in price and many companies are selling prebuilts close to the price of building a PC. I understand building a PC for under $200 but most people are afraid to build one that cost almost as much as $800. Yes you can pay a PC hobby store to build one for an extra $50 but anything they break will not be covered by warranty. Atleast with prebuilts anything that breaks can be covered.
You can just refuse to pay them if they're their parts, you know
I get the feeling you're being obtuse on purpose
Do you apply your thermal paste all over your heatsink?
You're damn right there, Lego's much easier. Lego requires creativity, whereas putting a PC together is just sticking the round plugs in the round holes and the square plugs in the square holes.
You still need to sell them at a profit, a prebuilt will never close at being cheap as building your own.
Because obviously Lego doesn't have parts that aren't compatible with one another. On that note, it's very easy to check compatibility, especially with websites or guides.
Unless you're buying extremely outdated computers on clearance, the closest you're not going to get close.
The only people building PCs that are $800 are typically enthusiasts at that point. The average person goes with $400-$500 and calls it a day.
Do you realize that all parts have a warranty? Before you say it, negligence isn't covered by prebuilts either.
I understand what you're trying to say, but building a computer is still better by a long shot. I understand normalfags get scared at the fact at playing around with sensitive parts, but even they or at least the normalfags I know take the time to check guides and try talking to me to subdue their fears rather than overpaying for a computer that may not suit them. And you know somethings fucked when normalfags know they're being gypped.
My housemate built her own PC a few weeks ago, and aside from having to send her monitor back because she bought the wrong kind, she managed it almost entirely on her own (I sat nearby and handed her screws, and occasionally offered advice on where I thought certain components were supposed to connect up when she got stuck) in the space of about a day, with no prior experience with anything but prebuilt computers. Runs like a dream, with the specs of a pre-built costing twice as much as she ended up spending.
There is literally no excuse to not build your own PC in this day and age, except perhaps a serious lack of funds (in which case you wouldn't be buying a proper gaming rig anyway), or outright ignorance of how easy it is, and how much money you'll be saving. Sorry, OP, but that's the truth of the matter.
lol. I built my family's computer 15~ years ago on a $2000 budget.
You reek of shill faggot. Alienware makes shit putters for children. Why would anyone concerning themselves with video games use a 1TB SSD? That's fucking retarded.
Quad core skylake (Desktop) = 150$
Gtx 960 = 200$
mobo= 50$
Psu = 50$
Memory = +/- 50$
Case = +/- 50$
Harddisk = 50$
Total = 600 dollars
Oh looks like if you build the desktop equivalent you will only save 150$ surely that's not worth having to do something equally complicated as playing with lego's right?
What these reviews don't seem to mention is the specific CPU that's being used which appears to be a laptop CPU. What does that mean? That performance is practically halved from what a homemade desktop build would offer.
Don't believe me? A core i5-3470 (desktop) is already bottlenecking most high end GPU's now imagine half the power of that and even your shitty GTX 960 will have trouble getting over 30fps on most modern games. Essentially you're paying at least 300$ extra to play on a system that equivalent to a PS4. Thanks happy merchant for making these people part of the pc mustard race.
On a side note the T processors are technically desktop processors that failed to maintain stability at intended stock temps and are heavily throttled down and repackaged as a low heat/power "efficiency" solution.
They're crap.
I guess the T stands for throttle
Look at this shill. Look at him and laugh.