Laci Green redpilled?

What does Holla Forums think? Are we gaining ground or is this some kind of jewish trick?

1. Look at her eyes, OP. She obviously has a birth defect. She might have rockin' bewbs, but the rest of her is biowaste.
2. Who the fuck cares what she thinks about anything?

I get what you're saying but I haven't been swayed by her feminine wiles if that's what you're thinking.

A bunch of normies. If she's popular with people who aren't us and has really taken the redpill, then it'd certainly be good news.

I'm more wondering why you aren't:


Why don't you, user?
I didn't mean that in the wrong way.

SAGE …none give a fuck about some ugly jew whore .

Look I ain't posting this because I actually care about the woman. But if they can be used as a means to disseminate non-kosher thought then that's a good thing. But at the same time, if this is the start of some new subversion or moderation scheme then we should keep a look out.

user, fix your brain.

She's on "The List" so no fucking way she is redpilled. The bitch is a cancer on humanity all those little girls and young people watching her slop being led astray.

People like that deserve the very worst happening to them.

She knows the way the wind is blowing and wants money. Never trust a traitor.

why not just kill all jews their woman and children seems a more efficient plan and piss on any narrative they push etc etc …Completely strip them of influence


Dubs of truth.

Until further evidence is presented this is simply moderation because the Soros subsidiaries are too busy funding antifa to give this titty demon her shekels. Spurn. Spurn as you would spurn a rabid dog.

dont fall for the BUT WE ARE FRIENDS NOW GOY!!

more e-celeb bullshit. her and varg are just great.


Because I'm not touching JewTube with a 39.5' pole, so I can't get a webm to post.

Sage because it's what an e-celeb thread deserves, though I would like to get a kek at this hollow-headed cumdumpster's sad attempt at playing nice with the Patriarchy.

(((Laci Green)))

i seem to remember another thread just like this only with a ton more posts…

wha happen?

(((Laci green)) haahahahahahahah Truly progressive

Me as well. There were also a ton of threads about her on halfchan yesterday.

Dug around a bit, apparently a lot of SJWs lost their minds because of her new video. Saw some screenshots from twitter. Well, whatever.

I'll sit back and hope for a flame war. Triggered SJWs are one of the few things that give me a boner these days.

this entire post summed up in two words NO JEW !!

Somebody get these hotheads out of here.
also she's not jewish her family is mormon. Calling everyone a jew just because you don't like them only dilutes the word making it meaningless


How many young girl's sexuality has she ruined with her stupid videos?

Soooooo, a good goy?

Remember how Pediepie was totally ourguy a few weeks ago?
I watched about 3 or 4 videos of him and not a single one ever again since.

Isn't this about them trying to co-opt the word red-pilled to mean learning about social justice?

jewtube thinks he is.


Just sayin, except for golden one literally every eceleb ever mentioned on this board is accused of being a jew. If everyone is a jew then nobody is a jew, no wonder the majority of newfags here think hdnw is just a meme.

Just another case of "Hello fellow white people" and coopting subcultures

Looks like it. If they can't destroy it, they'll subvert it. They can try but the truth is social justice itself is a manufactured cause to distract people away from reality, much like what the blue pill offers in the matrix. A continuation of acting on an deliberate illusion.

The very act of being redpilled means there's no boundaries on where you go to seek the truth. Unless SJWs are able to give up censorship, their subversion will fall based on invoking a extreme contradiction.

She's a literal Jew. GREEN IS A COMMON HOLLYJEW NAME. A Don't be fooled by plastic surgery, makeup and MySpace angles. Always assume a Kike or crypto if theyre getting promoted for shit anybody could do.

Mormons can't wear clothing that revealing and go to their temple fungus.

I see potential to subvert her viewers in the future depending on what follows, but for now there is no reason to give her more attention, as she tried to create fake controversy for her new feminist debating series.
The best Holla Forums can do at this point is to shill certain debate partners, like this feminist chick who created "the redpill" to slowly alter what her cuntbots want to hear from her.

Laci seem to be someone who moves easily from one bubble into the next after reading up on her history.

It's become a common phrase, and it's being thrown around like it mean nothing. There is only one redpill. The JQ.

Is this twat a Jew or a Muslim or a Mormon?

>implying meaningful difference


whether she's jewish or not she's a degenerate to the highest degree and has a platform which spreads degeneracy to western girls

e-celeb cunt needs to make sandwiches not videos. Until then she isn't red pilled.

Pic related

She's a perky qt with a top shelf rack that happens to be batshit crazy, name one that isn't.

I'm not into Iranian half-breeds.

She looks ……. canadian…… and also exactly like the kind of girl who goes home with you after a 5 minute convo at a bar.

Her dad is from Iran or something, shes half and half like Jon tron.

NEVER trust Mormons. They're always up to something fucking fishy, especially since they own most of the world's DNA databases.
I do have a sneaking suspection that she's secretly fascist as all fuck. Hope it's true, but just a gut feeling

half persian.

Mormons started as an ethnostate cult and then Elohim fucked it up with the space-jesus faggotry

Will take heavenly dubs word for it. Sad to hear but she's still a blue eyed cute with exceptional jugs and a six figure income, any neets itt saying they wouldn't need to fuck off with that shit.

Her biological clock is getting louder which probably explains her slow drift to the right, by the time she's a full blown mom wouldn't be surprised if all that dormant no niggers or degeneracy allowed mormon programming kicks in and she jumps the fence officially.

sage goes in all fields

I thought Laci Green was a kike?


She feels the fascism net of the left closing in on her free speech.
When mistaken they double their investment in their mistakes instead of turning around and facing that they were wrong.
This means they become increasingly extreme, as we hear her discuss in the video.
If they have trans-gender they have to logically have trans-racial.
Cannibalism - they are eating themselves.


Shit thread, shit OP.

You see OP, when a man's penis becomes hard, the man puts it into a lady, into her vagina. Then, the hard penis will sneeze milk inside the ladies tunnel and after it's all done sneezing milk the penis stops being hard and the man looses interest in the lady.


You are the cancer that has killed 8/pol/

is that lauren's sister?

How traditional!


I watched it. She's finally looked past the liberal conditioning, but she's not been truly redpilled yet. If we bombard her with hypocritical libcuck propaganda, she can get redpilled out of disgust.

Lighten up ffs.

Probably, got the same nose.


bullshit. her management is on the sheckel hunt, hoping for 1000s of skepcuck response videos for 5 more minutes of fame. If it works, she can get more paid speaking gigs too, representing while secretly undermining the right.

She already claims credit for the modern day revival of nazism. Only she's a self-proclaimed nazi puncher, so she probably won't be one of the ones switching sides.

Funny how in 2 years here whenever I try to promote a serious op (e.g. #IstandwithUrsula) the reaction is usually "this is just a shitposting board" then when I shitpost there's always at least one user like you there to call me a jew for it. Make up your goddamn mind.

this, i dont buy it.

To her credit, during that discussion she did with that tranny anti-feminist a while back, she finally admitted she was being a total retard about male and female brains, and that she now accepts there are physical differences between the two, meaning sex isn't just some social construct.

I only watched a few minutes of that video though, because it was just cancer from both of them.


I suggest becoming better at spotting shills and D&C faggots then.

There are differences between average female and average male brains, but, despite what some trans say, there is no "male brain". The differences between male and female brains, is like the difference between male and female height. The only binary difference between men and women are genitals, the rest if a gradient. Some trans like to think that they have a "female brain" to make transgenderism sound more scientific, but that would be like a 5'5 man saying they are actually a woman because they have "female height".