Don't touch the child

Don't touch the child

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck manaka


Hey, Lucy was a "girl" so it's NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good for you revy.


The* shit

my exact sentiments at the time



i mean i could just say when you were shit and i carried you but Im a fuckboy what do I know

I'm just waiting for the day the government makes an official stance on it and just says "THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH US MASTURBATING TO CHILDREN".


what rank did Lenko get to eventually? he still plays or no?

I was still learning.

I used one of these for rust

good ole days

wat game do i play


that's a good reason

A kid gets raped in japan every time you make this joke


it's the only reason you need

Japs aren't people.
Blame all the radiation.
We should've just nuked the bastards a few more times and not have to deal with it.

I saw him at DMG for a day but he was MGE for like a month lol
good players in the morning then massive bad luck at night got him deranked

idk he's been playing again lately

one day you'll make ur own cheats like me too. i wonder where i'll be athopefully with a fucking job doing this shit

did you make it or?

what people do with their private time is super serious business that affects my daily life and i thing heterosexuality is morally wrong

nah i can think of other reasons to do or not do other things

dang we're at the same skill level

too bad he won't play with me


You fucking queer.

uou heard me bitch

i'm sorry, girls are too cute

after I develop the 50th pokemon game

the child in this case is manaka

he is delicate to say the least

did you make yours?

That makes you heterosexual.
An MtF and a female would still be heterosexual, not lesbians.

fuck you

he uninstalled in december or something and just recently started to play again

we were always up against LE/LEMs and was doing p good too

easy as fuck m8
it's more of a challenge to break them

btw if you wanna cheat in csgo just get some private cheator one from UC lol and run it as root on ubuntu. vac legit cannot see it running and you'll only get caught if you rage hard to get overwatched

yeah. i did something bad with it though and it's why a few people on vg hate me

i can think of good reasons to touch manaka~

are you sure?
i thought it was all gay no matter what?

when where and how bby

well yeah that was right before the rank update

LE+ is scary hard now

lots of cheaters too

GE here I come!

having trouble believing you for some reason



Manaka's not even a child.
Isn't he like 26 or 27?

right now
in the thread
and with your feet

that's the joke

true. i still dont think ranks really changed though, just less hackers.
oh rip, well when it was done they did a huge vac wave with it too

that or just hack in windows/osx for 2 games
DO NOT do it on your main tho just in case and don't have them linked at all

i still have it and can show you it. no point in really using it anymore though since only ~100 people play dayz mod


but manananananan~~~

fuck me with my own feet?
that sounds uncomfortable...

You are a faggot if you hack in csgo

you are a faggot if you play cs:go

no need bebo
I trust you enough

or any game for that matter

oh well

oh would you rather use my dick?

I won't do either anyways.


bebop stop cheating


lame. don't you want your enemies to look like kawaii anime girls? WiP

once a cheater always a cheater

i like manananaka

i don't believe you have a dick

trouble doesn't mean fully disbelieving, bebo.

I know
he emails you and shit

it's not that big but that doesn't mean I can't get it going like a sewing machine

i played csgo once

i ran around with a shotgun and didn't like it because i kept getting killed

I mean look at the menus lmao

I'm still on that no lie since 2013 shit too
Erio can confirm because he caught me on something earlier

Hi daisy ~


I would a Rory

hope your vault account gets vac/trade banned

i'm going to bed because fuck everything this presentation is as done as i'm gonna make it

that's weird


I want to shoot lolis

It's not the size of the hammer it's the nail you're throwing it at

hello boo

how are you doing this fine evening or whatever?


craaaaaaaaaaaaawling iiiiiiiiiiiiin my skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin

It took them years to finally do something about LMAOBOX. By the time they find that account I'll be long gone lmao




sleep calls

goodnight threaders




why do you cheat though

it's pathetic

git gud



Goodnight revy sleep well ♥

Heyyy man I have my AP spanish final tomorrow
it's all cool homie we cant win all the time

For fun? I didn't cheat to ruin the game for other people, I did it to just be a memer
It's pathetic when I can beat pros in csgo and don't put in half the time into the game that they do.
oh god i found this screenshot and i wanna cry ;~;


btw nezi put your default tick to 128 and rate to 80000 or whaveter
i saw you didn't edit your shit at all when i was last playing with youi ran a test on the server and saw it : ^)
your rate could be double what it was. your settings in general triggered me

the good ol days

You guys play shit games.

I really wish they had old version of maps in comp still. I'd play the fuck out of it still, now all I have is Mirage

this is the feeling I get when I play mirage all the time


When you are hacking

let's see you beat them without cheats scrub

espanol es mierda

It's the best map right now lmao. Dust2 is right behind it.
new hostage map when?

Your ingame settings. They could be better.

I actually never got in a match against them when I was cheating.


idk, I don't keep up with csgo things. does it show promise

which settings are you talking about

you can't change tick rate

it's 64 for comp
and then you said "set 'rate' to 80000 or whatever"

literally couldn't be any more vague about which settings to change and what to change them to

What the fuck world do you live in?

cheaters are typically pretty delusional

I asked people why they cheat and they always say they don't when I know they 100% are cheating, and then when they get banned they make up some excuse.

Cheaters are fucked in the head

I'm saying that as in I want a new one.

Are you gonna make me get on csgo right now?
I know you can't change the servers settings but if does make a difference if you change it and play in casual(which you do). The rate one is actually higher in comp servers than what you had. the max was 2x of what yours was(which was default)
I literally said to put YOUR tick to 128 and to put rate to 80000 or whatever is double what it is now.

If you're gonna try to come into this then please at least read a little lol
if you aimbot in that game you're going to instantly get banned

When I say tick I mean tick rate
When I say rate I mean rate

imo you have to be dumb to get banned. that or want to.

gonna go lay down for a bit and then go gym for god knows how long

there isn't 128 tick for valve servers, and I only play valve servers

if I DO go into a community server it says I'm playing on 128 tick

and what is rate????? rate for what???

I dont like it
It doesn't feel right speaking it as a white person tbh
But its the only language besides sign language at my school so lmao

wtf you can't change the tick rate bebop how high are you

It is me

Post porn or no?

is casual not 128 now? did they downgrade them? LOL
looks like rate can go up to 128000 which i think mine is at
checking now

i'll look for it rn

I feel like this was Soto with his first trap


not if it's fucking loli

I love this




I love you

wow totally didn't see this reply coming

Couldn't find it in the settings, it may have been taken out. I know it was a thing before though(at least a year ago, when I set it)

so what?

bebop that thread you linked is from 2012 lmao

drake and josh was my shit lol

He just said that he loves me. Back off?!

my settings are good fam

I read it wrong.

So? Those commands still exist. If you want something newer that says the same shit then here, this is from 2015!

also I'm unranked again lmao
gonna kz/bhop or osu for a bit then prob queue for Mirage a lot tonight.

I'm not clicking your sketchy links! :)



I probably passed you on the highway on my way back up to Washington lol

Oh yea.


no seriously I'm not clicking anything that isn't valve official


This is an 2year old :((((
Can't tell if you honestly care that it's old or not though.
this one is from February and updated last month
might be too old tho

i wonder why they all say to use the same settings i've been using??


lol these settings are for network data transfer rates

none of this has to do with tick rate, and when you said "rate" before you didn't say that the "rate" was for data transfer on your network

no wonder you were confusing me

I'll read about it though and see if it helps after I set up my pc

thanks homie

Anyone up for some early morning ass tc in a while?



nezi 2.0 pls go

yes sir they are.
like i said, i dont see it anymore but i know it was a thing before
i was talking about a data setting so i would assume you would realize the other was similar to it

you can only change tick rate for offline

which I actually don't want because when I'm playing offline with bots I'm practicing jump smokes and that will mess them up if I use 128 tick


it used to have it's own setting for clientside, which of course did nothing on 64tick but when you were on a 128tick your computer would still act as if it were 64tick and be shit. maybe it was only in beta idk lol

128tick when

You've never been anywhere close to that pathetic, don't sell yourself short

pretty much never because 128 tick won't increase the number of people playing csgo and they will just lose tons of money by upgrading servers

if they do it, csgo is gonna have to get a lot bigger even
like fuckin cod or whatever

thanks ian, i appreciate your kind words

You're welcome

i know people who have quit because of it lmao

why would it need to get that big? it's already p big now compared to years ago when tournaments were barely even 50k lol
now they have ones going for 1mil+

plus microtransactions are $$$$$$$$$$

well honestly they can AFFORD to do it nooooooo problem, but like I said they literally gain nothing from upgrading servers. right now they're content to let third party clients provide the 128 tick servers

maybe they'll change their mind at some point but who knows when, based on the fact that they easily could have done it already, there's no way to know when they'll finally break down and say "fine we'll give something nice to our customers even though it will cost us"

meanwhile even pros are pissed about the 64tick servers and play on other comp servers hosted by other people who they pay monthly to be able to
as i said, i know people who have quit because of 64tick

why would they be okay with letting other people host 128tick while people pay for it? tbh i wouldn't mind paying a little for valve 128tick servers

at least LANs are 128tick lol
really i don't see how it's "going to cost more" too though. it's literally just a setting.

Sing me a lullaby

/sings you one

go to sleep
go to sleep
go to sleep little neko

That's fucking eminem


thred ded

282, yours?
ah that 3units gap ;)
not playing video games?
at least my longjump isn't 279


hi guys

US [] Bebop: your mousepad isn't as big as your monitor? lol
US [] Bebop: but Im a fuckboy what do I know

one guy asked why my sens was so low. asked his was so high.
thats what sparked that little bit


I was flipping through and there was this lady with a fake sounding porn name that was the host of some crime show.
I have an unjustifiable erection.

everyone's saying it's shit but I think it's okay

gonna stay with my muertos though for p250

Tsuchi masturbates to forensic files.

last 2 cases have had a lot of shit skins though lately

i've been wanting the full set to be a thing for 2years lol

there's always been a lot of shit skins
it's not a new thing lol

there are some cases though that had a lot of good quality skins

shadow case and chroma 2 are good examples

inb4 ak asiimov

poor mmasqueôtes

Did I even post today? I can't remember.


i only see 2 good skins lmao
i see 4
i see 3

i seriously want them all. they're all in the workshop.

Well now I am just in case.

I know people would miss me.

I know I did


it doesn't have to be a high rarity to be a good skin ya know

I love the mag7 heat, Dualing Dragons, Famas Survivor Z, sawed off origami

seems to me like the quality of the blue/purple skins is dropping off with the newer cases

I dunno, I'm just saying shit

No speak your mind.

Don't hide this feeling anymore.


I... have nothing more to say


It's kind of creepy how much her chest moves even though it's nonexistent.

Oh yeah me too.

Hi ui

Yeah what a great game.

Shitty Korean pedobait MMOs.

No this game is 99% titty monsters.

Hey :3, I missed you.

yea i know

i think those all look gross lol


I've been around though.

I haven't.

what skins do you use for those guns then nerd? those are the best skins for those guns in my opinion at least



Where have you been?

except for origami, Kraken is better


Well, I'm home now. I was within 10 minutes of bebop the other day.

stop making me jealous

Rub my "head"

Did you touch his butt?

I'm forcing him to move in with me.

Well, He wasn't home so I never picked him up to come to my house.

mag7- Praetorian looks sexy, Heaven Guard is bae because Heaven, default or silver
duelies-Duelist unf, Panther p-pls, default
famas- Valence is sexy, Afterimage is a meme but aight, default
sawed off- Highwayman, Bamboo Shadow, Full Stop, default

you were near my house! i wasn't home! prob driving right next to each other tho lmao

i said i wanted to months ago when you moved there lol


Did u see my turquoise mercury grand marquis?

Let me have my fun.

I am legit upset whenever I hear about other posters doing stuff together because it'll never happen with me s;dlkjg;sdlkjg;d

Ohhhh so then you'll touch his butt whenever you want.

I live with 3 posters from 4chan


I saw a white one i think but no blu

meet up with someone!

I'll be playing.

me too

we should team up

The dateis wrong..

I probably raved with your sister that night.



these look decent, prefer dualing dragons tho
they're just fucking black with small red trimming
hate it
good skin but too expensive for me to buy, it's a fucking famas
good skin

bad taste/10

but Im a fuckboy what do I know


everybody from here hates me

Devnull wouldn't meet
Karp hates me
Desu pretends I don't exist
there's another poster that lives in miami i think but that's like a 3 hour drive, might as well be another state

seriously nobody near me wants anything to do with me

on her birthday I mean.

and anytime someone is "visiting" florida and says they'll see me they end up not going to florida at all

squash canceled
drunky canceled
someone else canceled

it's so frustratiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing

You're insatiable


Will see what happens.

I've already got some people who wanna play it with me and its gonna be hard getting in everyone.

really? why is that? :/ I live in the same town as Ruka and I think they hate me lol

oh. eh

Hurry up I can't wait all day.


legit I've never done anything to Karp to make him hate me but he's like Lenko, all they say is "kill yourself" whenever I'm in tc or anything with them

desu just decided to pretend I don't exist one day with no explanation

I don't get it, I want to meet up with people but they keep being weird/rude

shit, why can't any normal posters be near me that wanna hang out

Anime and chill?

let me join too!
i have most expeireince


Whats the maximum number of people on one team?


Feel No Ways>>

you don't have to directly do things to people to make them have an opinion of you. maybe they just don't like you for what you are? if so then move on, too many people alive to feel bad just because of one

that's just desu

one day yo
wait so am i lucky having all these people who post being from oregon

No, our state is full of liberals and degenerate cucks


Well I'm gonna make Lexi play it.

Limes wants to play it with me.

A few people from work wanted to play it with me.

And like 5 or 6 people I play league with wanna play it with me.

I dunno whats gonna happen.

everyone i know is progun and loves trump

It was a meme

everyone i know doesnt exist


they are going to flake on you

but at least i'll be there :)




What makes you say that?

tfw no friends irl



i dont want to play alone.


w-what did you do today

i was a very quiet person in high school ..

don't mock me...

if you saw me in high school then you were lucky. if i talked then it was real.
why quiet? :c

I'll try and play a few with you then.

I worked ALLL DAY so please just rub my "head" before bed god dammit.

You pretty much set yourself up for it.

play moar

you were invisible?

i'm not sure myself, i wasnt interested in extra curricular activities, when classes are done i went straight to home..

I've got cute girls to play with though.



I only came if I needed to or had plans with someone. A lot of my days I was either riding my bike or skating. If it was gonna rain I bought my laptop to read and play games with people there.

ahh, no fun :|

ahh well, for me my interaction mostly were with group learning, other than that.. almost nonexistent.

ahaha, i think we had similar high school experience

-pulls on your hair- . // .

Oh god it feels so good i'm gonna bust.


most of my classes were boring af anyway. the only ones i thought would be fun at the time were japanese and criminal justice/psychology, ended up only have a handful of people in those..

maybe, idk. a lot of my irl friends are in the military though and left.

Okay but you have to be the big German guy.

im not guy

I don't care what you are but you're using that hammer.

o-on my face ./////.

*cummies on your face*


I hope you feel special now.

but i play mei

Shes thick.

I won't be able to get married now....

No sexualizing the Manaka.

You're my property anyways.

I'm going to bed.

Sweetest dreams mr Archives

Sleep well Ban.

mei is cute

sorry, work called

hm.. except the military part.. my problem was i attended college on other town, now that i'm back in my hometown, i'm on my own here

SD, nobody is interested in that now
i'm not sure if i should be thankful, or worried. since that means everyone suddenly lost interest

SD is one of the most consistent top 10 posters ever

now they all left?
i was supposed to leave with all my friends to join the military but i let things get out of hand..

Well then, am I that scary?

Got to remain neutral in order to stay afloat.

well, since my college friends live in another city, they're just as real as my online friends

no friends from school tho?


ehhh.. you're not scary, i wouldnt classify you as scary

MAYBE one from junior high school.. now that i'm here, i felt like i completely wasted my schooldays


I think that would imply that.

hmm. well maybe you can make some new friends somewhere then

yeah i didn't notice it until i took the screenshot lol. i was just trying to get it to show most of the island

was just about to take another but now the server is kill

what server

do you know how hard it is.. outside school

i mean in school we pretty much shoved inside one class and we had no choice to talk and we did had reasons to



one a friend of mine is hosting.
this is what it looked like yesterday lol. the burning cross was a prank

oh i do, trust me. i'm not in college atm and not 21 so i can't into bar. no job either right now so basically just kill me.

I thought you implied that everyone lost interest because of my post, which would imply that I'd be scary enough to do that.
Although I might be misinterpreting again because 3-4(?) hours of sleep.

yeaa, it's hard enough to start a conversation and keep it going with friend, let alone to random strangers

nono, it's not because of you ^^
my own fault

I don't really follow.

is it weird if I think that but backwards sometimes? there's some people i call a friend and they call me one but talking to each other is just weird.

ehh, nevermind then..
**i found my cute camera, charged it and it's still working, so i recorded a short trip, and found out a lizard was riding along, he was cool*

that happen to me with friend with very different interests

stupid internet

You're going to have to explain that to me later on.
The camera you bought half a year ago?
Did you keep the lizard as a pet?

makes me wonder if we're not meant to be friends or they really just don't care so i shouldn't either



mhm that cute white action camera. He left when i stopped at red light.. i hope he's okay

it's all about finding something we both agree on.. but me being me, i gave up before i could find one.

I don't think you ever showed me what the camera itself looks like.
Probably is, knowing that the lizard hitched a ride on a motorcycle it's probably getting mad lizard poontang.


i'll take a photo, give me a moment.

well.. we did have a bit of staring contest before he went to find more comfortable position below the windshield..

so it should just stop then? or leave them there and rarely talk to them?


Travelling in style, I wonder how many lizards have done that before.

I had a world like that, but it was full of snow and I built a small wooden shack on top of the highest mountain, it was cozy.

we should play together!

it requires effort from both parties, if one of them doesnt show interest, then.. i dont know..
maybe just stop

cropped from the video, it's so small

hmm. i'll give them a couple weeks then.

be right back, food time

I tried playing a few months ago, but it kept crashing for some odd reason.
I guess tekkit doesn't like me and my friends.

Looks like the common lizard that's found here, now that I think about it maybe capturing it would have been a bad idea since they tend to drop their tail when frightened.

Have a good one, I think I'll take a few hours nap though because I need to be up later on to do some things, which I'd rather sleep over to be honest.


i sent it on skype

i play vanilla


gonna go cuz league
and no replies

yay leeg

y Holla Forums ded

lonely thred.... :(


couple of weeks sounds a bit long.. i mean i'd already miss my friend if we havent talked in more than 3 days

i guess i'll spectate bebop




i cant play on my office wifi, it's unstable

at least you get to spectate bebop.

yes, office

are you now an offfice person in cubicle work at a desk on office type stuffs?

well.. a desk and a shared room, not a personal cubicle. it's not really a company, we dont use cubicle

are they paying you really good tonsa money to work there?

not really, it's actually pretty low paying.

*pets kitty manaka*

but is it comfy and are you happy there?

mmwell, i guess.. i like it here ^^

you think i should remove them after 3days then?

rip that game..

nono, not delete, force yourself to talk to them and see if they look like they're interested in talking, given that they're not busy.

epic baron steal by heimer, though!

if i didn't say it earlier, i meant that i would try talking to them again and if I don't get anything i'll just remove them

even though i'm against removing, i dont see any other way. seeing someone i like but never talk to in my contact list just makes me sad

good~ ♥
i hope you do fun!

i really hope i can be a motivation for you, luka

i'm a known degenerate, yet i can still get a job. i'm sure you can do better than me ^^

i'll give them a bit and if i get nothing then i'll just remove em


okay.. i'm sorry it have to be that way :(

dw it's not you



chat shit get hit

Just realized Sabrina probably sounds like that squirrel from spongebob, just bpopped a massive boner


jon snow doesnt die


Who could have ever seen such a surprising twist?

anyone without half a brain

tbh people could have figured it out lacking a brain entirely too, just wouldve took longer

Don't mind me. Just warging into my dead brother's body and trolling everyone.


i hope so, thatd be hilarious


wat u doing up so late >_

well.. now that the tripcode is made public, i dont know what to feel

Gimme da tripkode

never post when you've been up all night and everything seems to be moving in slow motion.

rip sabby :(

make a newer cuter tripcode sabby!

it's there for everyone to take

she'll survive,
i wont

wait, sabrina died?


i hoped no one would notice, like when i accidentally did the same thing about six months ago.


dunno how

if i new thread
no one will notice!
since this will be lost to old thread :D

i do!

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

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new thread

new thread

new thread

its night
nobody will keep it