Looks like he was too busy covering for that black bastard to actually do his fucking job.

His name is "Nigger", user.

Neat. Have a bump

Comey was fired because of his investigations of Jeffrey Epstein linking both Hillary and Trump to the elite pedo rings/

Video already embedded elsewhere


I thought that was all their names, it'd be hard to differentiate. At a Triple K meeting long ago it was decided they he'd be denoted as "Kang Nigger" since he got enough white cucks to vote him in.

Kek. Kang is more accurate now since he WUZ kangz.

In Comey's defense, with all the diversity speeches and ADL knob gobbling, it's difficult to find time for investigations.

Comey was fired because blocking the FBI investigations of Hillary email servers, which are related to a Clinton Foundation arms deal in Libya in 2011, with Osprey Global Solutions and Constellations Group, about training and arming anti-Gadaffi 'rebels'. The controlled opposition grew too fast and she lost the Benghazi 'outpost'.

Up to this day the Justice Dept. will block any inquiry to the CF or HRC emails. Comey was just a pawn, a gatekeeper. Now she will name another. The email servers destruction and the messages wipe was disgusting. Comey blocking all was worst.

Gowdy will become the new FBI Director.

He was named on the short list along with Jewliani, The Jersey fat man, and our favorite cowboy hat wearing negro sheriff.
Gowdy would be pure terror though to a number of our enemies.

Black Bastard sounds like he needs a monthly comic book.

So that's the shill narrative now?


Gowdy isn't red pilled but my God that man is dedicated to the blind lady. Just through that alone the Jews will quake in his wake.

Comey had a long history of covering up for the Clintons. His first big case was Whitewater.
Look into his role in covering up "pardongate" where Hillary got Bill to pardon influencial (((people))) who got her elected, including literal terrorists (of the Puerto Rican variety). He went on to help get Sandy Berger off with a slap on the wrists when Berger smuggled and destroyed original unduplicated documents concerning the Clinton administration and terror investigations.
I've found it very telling that no reporters have done any articles linking all these incidents together despite a rather interesting narrative one could make. Especially if you were to tie it in with his senior vice presidency at Lockheed Martin during certain pay to play schemes…


If i recall correctly Comey also managed Clinton funds at Hong Kong Shanghai Bank before he became FBI director.


He also hates pedophiles. A large majority of his cases as a Federal prosecutor were about victims of Pizza.

Imagine what he could do with the resources and surveillance and powers of the FBI. It would truly become the Promised Chan Party Van.

(Checked! Praise!)

The Weasel is the First! Hilldog told the truth for once when she said they'd all hang for this if he won.

search engine and Youtube: "James Comey howdy doody"

A must-read article.

search engine and "James Comey howdy doody". Redpill everyone on all platforms about everything to do with the Clintons, Podestas, Marina Abramovic spirit cooking Shimon Elliot