how come there's no thread on this?
Presidential Executive Order on the Establishment of Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity
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how come there's no thread on this?
Presidential Executive Order on the Establishment of Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity
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There was one earlier, wasn't there? You sure you checked the catalog? Maybe I'm thinking **newsplus""
May 11, 2017.
Oh fuck my spoiler fail
yeah, there was >>83022, great fucking thread
The libs are fucked. They wanted this. KEK.
Another great storm of salt is about to home.
the AP article is so biased, no evidence this, unsubstantiated allegations that, meanwhile muh russia.
Democrats need to be exposed for their cheating and dirty tricks, their media still disgusting in the brainwashing, even Simpsons on Fox had a trailer against Trump because democrats party have lobby in the media and try to use this to manipulate people. I hope people in USA aren't being brainwashed by media of democrats party after elections being the same piece of shit
I wonder what the shill narrative will be in this thread
Wall not being built yet. It's a genuine complaint, and if in September there's no funding for it then it'll be a real valid point of criticism, but for now the tough talk is keeping crossings down. Lord willing the next healthcare bill fails and in his embarrassment, Trump really buckles down on the rest of his legislative agenda. Hopefully gassing Ryan as well.
so much this
I have been waiting for this moment for a while.
Is it just me, or does it kinda sound like that says "No matter what we find here, that doesn't mean you have a right to sue anyone"…
I fully expect some moron judge to actually try to put a temporary stay on this executive order, citing racism and feelings. So far, all I've heard is kvetching and screeching about how absolutely AWFUL Trump is for being a bigot/racist/Russian sympathizer/fascist/cocksleeve, but I'm just PRAYING some goddamn judge tries to put this down, because you know he'll make a real legal fight about this and he'll probably win, because there's no real way that anybody can say this is illegal or unconstitutional in any reasonable way.
What a tremendous waste of fucking time. Let me explain how voting works, niggers, cucks kikes, and non-whites vote for white genocide, we don't.
How about he works on building the wall and deporting illegal immigrants? Oh wait, he doesn't want to do that.
How big is your nose?
He isn't deporting illegals. What did he say about DACA? Hmmm? Fucking retard. Democracy is a sham, voting is a sham. Anything short of deporting or killing every non-white is a joke.
ICE is creating literal ghost towns Moishe. Try not to cry yourself to sleep.
You could just kill yourself and stop the pain now.
The EO is written that way so that it doesn't create "law" and therefore gets cock blocked by some fucking liberal judge in Puerto Rico. I guarantee you once the lights are turned on, Jeff "Niggers are 3/5ths" Sessions will unleash hell on the States that have "allowed" this to happen. Then the fireworks REALLY get started.
The solution to what so appropriately identfied, and the last few responses have fallen prey to is- Filter it, don't let it derail the thread. The saltmining from this move will be glorious and so will a solid red rustbelt
Reminder that blue areas of the US and Sanctuary Cities are dens of human and drug trafficking
We must cleanse their degeneracy and lay it bare
I'm not counting my chickens with this. While I applaud Trump's effort, he's only one guy, and creating this Commission is still "the system." So you have the system which will investigate the system. Thousand bucks says whoever gets put on this commission will suddenly find themselves on the receiving end of a whole lot of jewish love and attention and ass kissing and, most important, fucking money. As if something being "bipartisan" means it's going to be fair. Top kek, I love how the White House spokesperson says that as if it's a left vs. right issue and not the people vs. the deep state shadow government issue.
Maybe it will get results, but I highly doubt it. I don't know if anyone would actually be able to tell for sure without being on the inside, but as the days go by I'm more convinced that a violent revolution is our only option.
The FBI says this is part of a Washington D.C. field office investigation.
The firm has a good reputation among Maryland Republicans, but a raid from the FBI was enough for some to start pulling away.
The president of the firm also told the Baltimore Sun that the federal investigation ties back to the 2013 Virginia gubernatorial campaign.
Chairman of the State GOP party, Dirk Haire, says “we don’t believe anyone currently has an engagement with that firm, so we are simply suggesting that no one should engage them for any activities at the present time until the investigation is resolved.”
All the feds will say is that this is an active and ongoing investigation.
There's a lot going on right now.
Took you long enough, Moishe.
Saw that, dunno what the fuck to think about that one. One side says political witch-hunt from ye olde king nigger days; other side of me says- tip of the iceberg of deep corruption. Timing is very interesting.
That's probably the angle the liberals will go for, "He's investigating himself! Of course he's not going to find Himself guilty!"
Maryland and Virginia GOP establishment dating back to Reagan, so most likely corruption.
Looking at it, maybe just cuckservative infighting.
Nothing wrong with Trump's FBI Long-Knifing cuckservatives. They're just as bad if not worse than the open kikes like Schumer.
Kike enabler shills are the only ones that. overuse red text like this.
How's weather in Tel-Aviv, Chaim?
these pajeets they hire now are pathetic
So thats why this woman is so upset
What in the actual fuck is going on here
They're utterly broken. Even /polmeta/ is a graveyard. JIDF attrition rates must be through the roof.
Ditto. Anybody got any names?
It just occurred to me, I've never seen any jew fetish porn. They fetishize every other race and pairing possible but you never see JEWISH BITCH GETS RAILED or BIG KOSHER DILLS
That just means you aren't looking for it and that's a good thing. there is at least one producer that specializes in jewish girls getting blacked, pretty sure he is just a pissed off white nationalist with more money than sense
'huurrr start with investigating yourself Trump.'
Don't even bother reading their responses. I'll bet that's a good 90%.
I bet that's going to be at least 98%.
webm because that shit's funny
Be on the lookout for a happening on the 16th. Poster on halfchan said they were afraid no one would ask questions. Potential larp.
What in the fuck is exactly what I said
user called it earlier. Shills only working on this angle. Winky face
Has anyone tried screaming at communism?
This was so obvious of a shill bait
You niggers need to stop giving attention to these fags.
Just filter them and ignore.
I know of several on a Discord Server that go on Holla Forums only to shill bait so they can get replies because they have no social lives whatsoever.
Pic related
niggers and nigger enablers are so fucking predictable, we can be assured its all going to be "investigate urself", or "wut about russia mufugga"
whatever Stephen Colbert says, which will probably be a mixture of the two.
I mean its not like these kikes are going to bring up how illegal beaners can vote in some states.
Oh wow, drain dat swamp
Almost like clockwwork.
How many negative arguments is this exactly? I think it's off any official scale you can get as a civilian.
Top Kek. The left have been projecting about fraud non-stop.
Kek I think thats webm related.
he won by a landslide jew rats could not cover up so they did not win with their vote rigging collective search google bs to only show the sheep what anti americans want GOT A MSG FROM US… FUCK YOU RAT!!!!!!!!
absolutely that jew rat did not win the (((election))) to much riding one the jew narrative they rigged it yet thinking surrender niggers will do something about it is dumb they need as the world need Natsoc & no jews
see how you rats piss about when fact is NO JEW = prosperity and solidarity hence to vehemently appose whites asserting natural dominance over you shit skins Funny part is without whites you cannot survive without our flawed altruistic good will when we should actually be killing you all
all shitskins die no morality flags just a thing they die we live end of discussion
whitout evil whites let them starve to death
If the only thing that comes from this is requiring ID to vote in every state, then that alone would hamstring the Democrats' chances on winning elections…
Maybe even California could be in play.
are you okay, user?
The individual, the individual, the individual.
Not calling them illegal aliens according to the constitution! Fuck outta here.
Alaska is that niggers coulda told you this years agor dumb niggers
instead my body they all want ki9ller tier make normies look stupid
Top kek you nigger, what the fuck are you doing with those dubs.
AK os the shit period
lived there fpr 5 years I will kill your shit make no mistake jew rat
cry jew wee dont give a fuck
whe will kill you ahahaaa nig we will destroy you whites are the best
all niggers going to die rrrraaaaaaaggggggghhhhh1111
fuck you nigger
Go back to playing roblox, you aren't funny anymore.
Just checking what that get was
I'm drowning in incompetence and salt
If I don't make it, tell my wife Happy Birthday for me
Would be interesting to see how red that map with be without the millions of illegal beaner votes, ballot fuckery, and outright falsification caused by volunteer counters who felt they had a moral duty to help #ImWithHer.
Every. Time. In saner times they would have died working in the fields while only the genetically acceptable made it through to adulthood.
That faggot is clearly of low-quality stock..
Sweetheart, that's why we're investigating it. To substantiate it!
I think it's pretty cool that he's investigating it even though he won the election. Good for him.
I'm sure those illegal aliens in California respect the laws of the country enough to not cast their invalid votes, user :^)
Hes gotta win a second election too, user.
Virginianon here. I worked as a doorknocker during the Presidential campaign, and stood around all day election-day manning the polling stations and handing out material.
The only reason our state flipped blue is because of our boot-licking fed whore of a governor, Terry McAuliffe. Three weeks before the election, he pardoned over 50,000 criminals in our state, and had voter registration forms mailed to them so they could all get their paperwork in order in time to vote in the election.
First of all, in Virginia, a pardon by the governor has to be written and signed by the governor himself. There is absolutely no way McAuliffe wrote over 50,000 pardons in a weekend to have the mailed out on Monday, which means those pardons were automatically generated. This is, absolutely and without question, illegal. Every single one of those pardons was illegally granted.
But the fun doesn't stop there. Point to the second, envelopes like those used by the governor's office have their postage paid for by station the governor holds. Which is to say, all the mail and letters he posts, are posted using taxpayer money. So we, the people of Virginia, paid for these illegal pardons to be shipped out. They were mailed on our dime.
And the final great thing about this? Our state flipped blue by less than 30,000 votes.
McAuliffe paroned over 50k blue voters at the last minute and gave them what they needed to vote. And we lost the state by less than 30k votes.
Terry McAuliffe is the reason Virginia tipped over the edge at the last minute. We had them, we had those sons of bitchs in D.C. beat. Every projection and polling station put us firmly in the lead on all the local regions we needed to take to beat out NOVA. And then our governor opened the flood gates and put tens of thousands of murderers, gang bangers, rapists, and drug dealers back on the street, illegally, just to pull an election and get a pat on the head from King Obongo.
There isn't enough rope in all of Texas for what needs to be done out here. If McAuliffe gets to walk after everything he's done at the behest of his masters, then justice is truly dead. Election fraud on a scale you would not believe took place right underneath everyone's noses, and nobody seems to give a damn about it at all.
no one in New York is ever taken off the voter rolls even when they moved away 30 years ago. They wait a decade for dead people to be taken off as well. With no voter ID in NY, only the biggest liars would have you believe people aren't voting under those names.
President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to launch an immediate probe into claims of widespread voter fraud on behalf of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election.
Thursday’s signing of the executive order will see a commission review numerous reports which indicate that millions of people illegally voted for Hillary in 2016.
The announcement comes months after a study published by NPR proved that over 25 million Hillary Clinton votes were fraudulently placed – meaning that Clinton should have lost the popular vote by an enormous margin. reports:
The White House said the president’s “Advisory Commission on Election Integrity” would examine allegations of improper voting and fraudulent voter registration in states and across the nation. Vice President Mike Pence will chair the panel and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach will be vice chair of the commission, which will report back to Trump by 2018.
Trump has alleged, without evidence, that 3 to 5 million people voted illegally in his 2016 campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton. He has vowed since the start of his administration to investigate voter fraud, a process that has been delayed for months.
A brave journalist has offered to hand over a mountain of evidence to Trump that conclusively proves widespread voter fraud took place during the 2016 presidential election.
Following Trump’s announcement of a voter fraud task force, James O’Keefe from Project Veritas has offered to hand over incriminating evidence to the White House.
“We have troves of footage proving that #voterfraudisreal, and we would be happy to cooperate with @POTUS’s voter fraud probe,” O’Keefe tweeted on Thursday. reports:
O’Keefe’s media outlet Project Veritas was credited during the 2016 US presidential election with taking down Democrat party “dark operatives” who were paid to stage violence at rallies and blame Trump supporters. As a result two operatives, Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, were fired.
A subsequent exposé released days after Project Veritas’ first report also caught Clinton campaign operatives scheming on how to “successfully commit voter fraud on a massive scale.”
Why would you want to restrict it to illegal aliens? This includes citizens who vote in multiple districts.
Not necessarily the sole purpose. Another purpose may be to lay the groundwork for locking up Hillary.
the real kicker is that, even if this was done legally, I guarantee you none of those pardoned felons actually voted. they only did that to make using their names on forged ballots more believable.
Are they implying that minority voters have lower agency and would be less likely to vote if they need to wait for an ID?
no, they're implying that all minorities have a criminal record.
Hell, it's even easier in some places. I live in New Orleans - a 68% nigger city - and getting an ID here is stupidly easy.
You can ever register to vote online here if you have a valid ID number. It's almost painfully easy. I've met fucking grandma niggers in their 80s who say there's a service that will bus you to the DMV … FOR FREE!
$21 is like, fucking 21 mac donalds.
which nigger would pay that much?
good LORD! he wants people to show ID?! when voting?!?!?! THE BASTARD!
pretty sure i've shown ID ever since i was 18, it just makes sense….
Yeah, that $21 could buy 2 packs of Newports and some malt liquor; but it's $21 one time and $10 to renew … every 6 years (That's $1.60 / year). I could go out on the street corner and panhandle $21 in an afternoon from tourists.
Then again … I'm White. Maybe it's muh privilege that keeps me from buying newports and 40s.
fuck that stupid namefagging whore
Burgers explain to me right now how the fuck voter ID laws are even a fucking debate in your country let alone not standard? How the fuck can anyone think it's fine to vote without ID?
I know, right? The very nerve of people actually asking for ID. I want to know how these niggers get their welfare check without ID or cash it without ID. God damn it must be fucking simple to be a nigger.
the only reason anyone ever buys into being against it is because they're either a criminal or they fell for the "but what about gun ID!?!?!?" meme.
It's because we have really odd election laws based on voting being a Constitutional right for anyone over 18 - regardless of status. The big beef against requiring State issued photo-IDs is that it means homeless people can't vote.
Except that's utter horse shit because homeless people CAN get a State issued ID, using a shelter or other variations thereof as their address. It's just a stupid mess over here, but we're working on it.
That man is a
Is this why they're screeching so hard about Russia "hacking" the election again with the Comey business? Or was that just the usual levels of asshurt?
That's fucking infuriating, user.
That's not true. It was 1,981,473 to 1,769,443. The felons being granted voting rights was bullshit, but even if that had not happened, it wouldn't have made a difference.
No, the reason is because of George W Bush, who expanded the size of the federal government by more than anyone else in the history of the country. All these federal carpetbagger pieces of shit ended up spilling over more and more into northern virginia. It was enough to turn a state that's voted solidly red for generations into what is now a solid blue state.
The way to fix virginia is to drain the swamp and gas all the federal employee carpetbaggers. They're not virginian. they don't belong here.
This is 1488 hyper double D deminsion underwater reverse blackgammon at it's finest.
Won't work, the left will just claim trumo faked the results because he's butthurt about losing the pop vote
They can claim what they want, there is no downside to exposing your enemy's lies.
Doesn't matter. The point of exposing mass voter fraud is to get some voter ID laws and other anti-fraud measures passed that would seriously cripple the kikes' ability to sway election by bussing around city niggers
You have to have an ID for almost everything else in America and ID's are very easy to get. Hope Trump takes care of this madness.
The Golden One is that you?
Only liberal cucked states enforce this no ID for voting bullshit.
Everytime I've voted they've had to check my state license and run it through a data base prior, like a normal procedure should be
How I get on the server? I loss the link.
I'm aware of that.
they only do that if you're white. I've seen spics and pajeets in front of me zipped right on in without even asking for a name.
Here in Louisiana, you don't actually need a DL or State ID. The state offers what's known as a free Louisiana Special ID, available at the Office of Motor Vehicles by showing your voter information card.
It's fucking free! FREE! And it prevents people from voting in different districts, prevents people from voting at the polls using someone else's name, and prevents illegals from voting. You just take your voter ID card - issued to everyone registered to vote - and show it to the DMV. It's stupidly easy and it's free, but the niggers still complain.
these hyper cunts man.
here's a panda mp4 for that Rolling Stones reference.
don't wanna say where I live, but my blue area is based as fuck. No riots. No Antifa. No dumbass protests. We have an actual working class and Latinos that actually do shit.
if you're hanging on discord servers where people are trying to shill here instead of being helpful then you're on the wrong discords.
btw kikes hate discord because it's allowing anons to plan shit out of public view so they get caught by surprise instead of a heads up when an operation is discussed here openly. ultimately things need to be shared here but offsite planning is often in our strategic interests.
Because niggers forget to bring IDs and spics don't have them at all.
Which means it's racist to demand them. Just you wait: wherever the hell you are, this sort of fuckery is coming to your doorstep soon. Denying migrants and immigrants the right to participate in your electoral processes would be racist, after all.
We have some niggers here who literally cannot get an ID. But it's for the most retarded reasons on the planet.
Katrina. Yes, the hurricane.
When Katrina destroyed half the city a lot of nigger homes were destroyed, so all their personal documents were destroyed along with them. These dipshit niggers didn't realize that they could just get new copies from the various government offices, so they sold their social security numbers to other people in exchange for food, money, guns whatever. Here's how it works:
Nigger A and Nigger B
Nigger A can't find his social security card.
Nigger B is an illegal from Haiti
Nigger B gives Nigger A money for his social security number.
Nigger B fills out all the forms to get birth certificate, social security card, and eventual ID/DL using Nigger A's number.
Nigger A spends the money on liquor and lotto tickets and says, "Nigger B sho is stoopid."
Time goes by.
Nigger A suddenly wants to vote because Nigger President. Nigger B is now legally Nigger A. Nigger A is fucked for life.
Shit's insane. Just bring back Jim Crow.
North Carolina doesn't require ID. The legislature enacted an ID law a year or two ago, but a court struck it down last year for being racist. The Supreme Court refused to hear the case, on a 4-4 tied vote when the court was 8 judges, so the appeals court ruling stands.
Please tell me this isn't true.
I admire your paper ballot at least.
Soon it won't be.
So I heard he's got Kobach in on this. More commonly known as the "czar of immigration."
Because lefties know that all the illegal shitskins will vote for them, so they cry racist at voter id laws.
You already know the answer user.
If I get Alzheimers, I will hang on to the memories of this night until the very end.
webm related
I wish this was my grandma
When blacks were freed, the southern states put into place poll taxes or literacy exams to prevent niggers from voting.
So anything done that can be contrived to be preventing people from voting is illegal now or racist. IDs are not hard to get at all and hardly cost anything. The Democrats use this to their advantage gain favor with niggers and spics and then fraudulently vote.
Honestly, we should go back to open ballots and let everyone know who vote for who.
Is that a smart move though? Republicans in blue states would get harassed to death.
Not really a good idea. It would do way more harm than good.
say goodbye to the secret Trump voters
Yeah, because enforcing whatever the ZOG-approved zeitgeist is through public social shaming is totally a great idea. Remember how all those open ballot caucuses went where Trump got crushed by El Rato?
Aye, during the 2016 election, there was a very strong correlation between states that had open caucuses and states that the cuckservatives and neocons won.
On the other hand, in the states where the primary was decided by a secret vote, Trump usually cleaned house.
The ability to vote for exactly who you want to without having to face social repercussions is very important and without it I don't think Trump could have won.
It's especially bad since you're not allowed to carry firearms to any election polling station. Protecting yourself through the private ballot is almost all you've got.
It's a mix of bleeding heart faggotry, and good 'ol fashioned American apathy.
good video using the jew vlogger against the jew newspaper
You are too late, Schlomo. >first post was 50 minutes earlier.
My grandma always said Hitler did nothing wrong and she was american. Hated JFK for some reasons I was never able to get her to explain thoroughly.
Probably the immigration act, he changed US immigration from welcomig europeans to welcoming thrid worlders
wasn't that LBJ that pushed that? Either way she was too based for this world, died last month :(
O'Keefe is definitely /ourguy/ in this situation. Putting all that evidence into the hands of a White House that not only wants to kick the DNC in the dick, but drag them through the mud? It's going to be fucking glorious.
It will be glorious
They can claim it all they like, but they won't have Obongo there to bury the story. When it gets out to the public ear is when you see shit going down. Besides, he can refer to his ICE raid numbers about how many illegals he's successfully deported throughout the various areas while the MSM and libs were distracted.
Kennedies (in plural) pushed it through
This is just for investigating so a judge would have a hard time stopping it.
There's also the issue that most liberals don't believe there would be anything found. So they aren't likely to try and stop it. Which is a plus in this case since it means any investigation would go unimpeded and they could more easily get the Republicans on board with passing legislation to fight the problem.
haha fucking jews
Open ballots are a terrible idea.
A better way would be to tie voting rights to military service, and then raise the standards of admission into the military until only white men can pass the boot camp. Literally all you would need is a physical regime a woman couldn't do, a few written tests, and mandatory swimming.
Fucking christ, do these people ever step back and listen to themselves?
Wouldn't it be strange to find out illegals vote Republican?
FOX called the ID requirement racist against blacks.
it makes it more difficult for the Democratic party to commit voter fraud. The official reasoning though is that it unfairly impacts minorities and is the same as a tax on voting which is unconstitutional. Both of those are retarded as niggers find it easy to get valid IDs for opening a bank-account or buying alcohol.
so democrats admit that niggers and spics are too stupid to…
1. walk to their nearest DMV
2. use a cellular device or an internet connection to look for the nearest DMV
3. pay the fee for a voter ID (which might be free?)
the ACLU is a terrorist, subversive, israel-controlled organization
time to address the real foreign influence elephant in the room
Remember Jesus is a prophet of the Muslims too and insulting him is punishable by death in Islam, just like insulting Mohamed. Always share any insults to Christ by Jews and cucks with radical Islamic extremists. Translate videos to Farsi, Pashtu, Arabic, Russian, Indonesian, Malay, Swahili, Bengali and Urdu.
Should add that Muslims don't care about insults to the cross. They believe this was a mischaracterization of Jesus himself. look for insults to Jesus that could be just as insulting to a Muslim
Actually there is plenty of documentation for MI and WI, the MSM simply chose to grossly underreport it. PN was shutdown by a Clinton judge, so it's probably full of corruption too. And NY and CA are likely completely sceptic.
You can't be serious. I mean, it sounds plausible because, you know….niggers. But really? Is there any proof, articles, press releases, etc about this?
Guys, I support Trump but this executive order meme needs to fucking die. The president does not have the power to act like this without congressional support. Bush and Obama popularized this horseshit and now it's almost a given for people that this is what the president does. This is borderline dictatorship. Executive orders were supposed to be few and far between, Jefferson agonized for days over accepting the Louisiana Purchase through exec order, now it's just something a prez throws out before morning coffee.
I get that it's a relatively pain free way for Trump to get some of his policies in place but always be mindful the same power will go to some liberal fuckhead someday with none of our best interests at heart.
[Concern intensifies]
Let's see Anderson Cooper try to eyeroll his way out of this one
shoo shoo kike
I believe it. Nigs don't give 2 shits about their personal info. I used to do sales calls for cable TV and Aunt Jemima would call in with each one of her daughter's and niece's SSNs until she didn't have to pay a deposit. Then it would get shut off for non-payment 6 months later, then rinse and repeat.
If only I had a dime for every residence in Atlanta and Memphis that was marked non-serviceable because collections eventually catches up with that shit but not before 8 or 10 accounts were opened up that way which drives up the sales numbers
Man spics and niggers threw out entire ballot boxes with Trump on them but they're only starting this shit now? All of them belong in prison, if they aren't already topkek.
jew lawyers?
only if you don't kill him yourself, user
t. totally not fbi
Deo Vindice, Dixiebro.
To you, too.
That's why they worked so hard to make sure to remove as many of us as possible in Maryland. It wouldn't do to have the capital of the Union surrounded by people who tried to fucking leave.
The Jew (((Emmanuel Celler))) wrote the act, and it was pushed by TED (Edward) Kennedy, NOT JFK, who had been dead for 2 whole years!
Immigration Act passed in 1965; JFK was (((asssassinated))) in 1963.
Agreed 100%.
t.- born in Richmond VA, Capital of the COnfederacy.
Anything short of deporting or killing every shill is whats the real joke. Good thing money will never buy you some self respect, you paid asshole.
For a serious reply, that ONLY MATTERS if we had the same
If it was actually the type of aristocratic and authoritarian Anglo society it was meant to be then it would still be fine. It's not that anymore at all.
To this point I'll add that this is only true because of continued white genocide and displacement. Otherwise they would never win.
You remind me of this fella back during the election.
Is there any practical means of detecting voter fraud in districts where there's no ID requirements and the total votes cast does not exceed the total registered voters in that district?
Even with very strong circumstantial evidence leftists could just go with their "right wing conspiracy" line if there's no hard numerical evidence.