How will Holla Forums react when Holla Forums does mass suicide after the election?

How will Holla Forums react when Holla Forums does mass suicide after the election?

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The only problem is that Trump stands a good chance of winning. Even with the relentless propaganda, Hillary is so universally reviled people are actually willing to see that human joke in the president's chair before her.

We'll seize control of Holla Forums


At this point, if every single contested state went with Trump (and most aren't leaning that way), he'd still lose to Hillary.

It isn't over until it is over and there are still more leaks to come. Trump may be an over the top flashy egomaniac but Hillary will get us all killed in a nuclear war. We have no choice, either we elect Trump or violently overthrow the government and murder the neoliberal/neoconservative elite.

No matter wins, some people will be butthurt.

That ironically would be more likey if Trump won. Clinton winning will refuel Holla Forums with the rage that keeps it going.

You're saying that as if it was a bad thing

I fail to see how Donald "bomb our enemies and take their oil" Trump is even remotely a better candidate in that regard.


nukes don't give a fuck about Holla Forums or Holla Forums

Read this article, to understand that you're going to die with the rest of us, soon in a glorious ball of nuclear explosions.

Clinton’s Legacy of Terror

Donald isn't accusing Russia of interfering in the elections.
Donald isn't suggesting the US claim the entire pacific ocean and pissing of the Chinese.
Donald isn't antagonizing the Indian government over their nationalist leanings.
Donald didn't unironically suggest the Us drone strike the Ecuadorian embassy in London to kill Assange.

But don't listen to me listen to others that are more scared of Hillary then they are of Trump, like Jill Stein for instance.

jacking it

Suicide in young teens with depression is a serious issue.

actually agreed tbh

triggered? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!1!!!11

You would appear to be under the impression that Holla Forums, somehow, is a greater threat to the average American citizen than Clintrump's neoliberal hawkery.

No tears now Holla Forumsfriends, only dreams!

Trump is already prepared to spend the next four years insisting that Clinton rigged the vote, and he has the cash and spare time to sue literally everyone on the planet.
Holla Forums will do just fine. Their capacity for denial exceeds their attention span by a substantial amount. (See, for example, UKIP getting BTFO and their reaction)

And they will all be the people we hate. We find ourselves in an enviable position.

Do you mean that there is seriously not enough of it and that we have too many massive faggots surviving into adulthood?


This is pure Russian propaganda. Porky will not let a nuclear war start, it would destroy profits.

In the real world communists lose no matter who is elected, since both have no representation of our ideas whatsoever.

On the internet Holla Forums wins no matter who is elected, since trump will either lose and make Holla Forums cry, or win and fail to make "america great again" by returning jobs, improving lives, growing the economy by 4%, banning Islam, building a wall, and sending back illegal workers.

We just need to remind Holla Forums that trump will never, ever achieve what they think he will do, or what he says he will do.

doesn't matter what trump actually does, those who suck his dick now will declare him the perfect president. same for clinton, if she wins. the sad thing is that people think he represents change.

If Hillary wins there's a good chance that a lot of people will be alienated from liberalism by her presidency. Some of them might turn right, but I think a lot more would just go further left and maybe get into actual socialism, especially if the left uses a Hillary presidency to push an alternative to both the sort of rightism we've all gotten sick of since the Bush years and the tepid status quo liberalism embodied by Hillary.

If nothing else, I ask you Holla Forumsacks to look at this thread.

We will always have different opinions, but there is only one truth. And truth is what matters.

Left my shitposting flag on.

Look man we all know she is shit. No one here will ever defend her unless they are trolling.

What we are saying, is that to put on horse blinders and pretend that Trump would in any way be better is just delusional at best and flat out retarded at worst.

4-8 years of Hillary isn't much better than 4-8 years of Trump.

If Democrats somehow take the House and Senate, we might get some comfy social democratic reforms, but larger issues like wealth concentration will remain unaddressed.

Webm related.

This is actually not a terrible idea

I agree, and trump could cause the same thing.

We are living in a time period where bourgeois governments have no answer for the growing problems of the world, so no matter the election outcome there is possibility for radical change.

The Democrats, and the Clintons in particular, have been rolling back reforms since the 80s.

I don't see him as a messiah. I operate with facts.

And facts are, as I hope now is evident, HRC is completely in Soros / Rotschild hands.

Russia isn't

If they want nuclear war, they will start a nuclear war via HRC.

Trump is obviously not controlled by Soros / Rotschilds, that's why they are crawling out of their snakeholes pulling every trick in the book to stop him.

He is, at the very worst, a much lesser evil

Perhaps you're aware that Russia is already instructing it's citizens to gather supplies and prepare for nuclear war, which they think is imminent should Soros become POTUS

Porky doesn't want nukes because nukes hurt profits so by your own logic Trump is more likely to start ww3 for this reason alone. Not to mention generals have flat out said to not vote for him because in his national security meetings he asks about why we can't use nukes constantly, he says he would not take nuking Europe off of the table he has said that if we have nukes we should use them and all kinda of shit like that all the time. Trump is just as hawkish as shillary he is just way less compitant

Trump is a billionaire capitalist operating for his own interests. He's not in the pocket of Soros/rothchilds because he is his own pocket.

Clinton supporter tears > Trump toddler tears

Only Bill Clinton.

Democrats are a lot less ideological than Republicans. They went right to win the election after Reagan fucked the country. After Obama, there's less impetus for a right-wing turn.

Holla Forums exaggerates "gibs me dat" voting, but the Democrats know that social democratic policies will endear them to young and working class voters.

he is on friendly basis with Putin.

they won't start a nuclear war.

Don't make the mistake that because I come from Holla Forums I'm nazi. I'm not. I'm not even American or a Trump supporter.

As I said I only deal with facts.

And because of the danger ahead, I thought it was my moral duty to come here and spread the knowledge that I gathered. You can interpret or misinterprety that how you want, but my duty is fullfiled

Pick up your skirt and don't let the door hit you on the way out polyp.

Just because he says nice things about put in doesn't mean anything for their long term relationship. You have to understand who trump is as a human being to get what I'm about to say and that takes at least 30 years of cultural context of watching trump when he was just a celebrity. Trump at his core is a con man, and will do and say anything to get a leg up over anyone. Trump doesn't actually mean anything he says, to anyone. Trump is an egomaniac with a short fuse who will be rash and quick to action and not quick to think and will force himself into a state of perpetual escalation because he has no self control. Trump doesn't even really want to run the country, its been leaked that when trump was looking for a co he came to kasich and basically told him that he would get to run the country and trump would just make speeches and essentially be a tuner stamp. If he gets elected the people making all of the decisions will be the ultra conservative retards he has surrounded himself with and they will escalate because they are neocon American conservatives. You just don't understand how weak and helpless and shifty trump really is and that is why you see him as viable. You mistake his weakness for strength.

Even though its been proven

Why the fuck would we not?

Too scared

Muh Julie Assange

Shes playing 4d chess

why the fuck do all the cranks show up every time we discuss the presidential candidates?

[citation needed]

such is the life of a quasi-religious trump thrall


This is pure French propaganda. Porky will not let a great war start, it would destroy profits.

Porky has profited from wars for all history because war is money.

You need to attend a history class.

War is profitable. Nuclear war is not. It's all well and good when poor people are killing one another with guns, but getting entire cities blasted into oblivion creates no profits for anyone.


get reading lads



Have you listened to… any of his speeches?

gonna rub one out

You fucking retard. Hillary is the one who actually, literally thinks that. She wants to sell wars to us on that premise! And she will.

What the… Yes. He talks nonstop about failed American intervention going all the way back to the 80s

Plus he has not advocated escalating military friction with Russia and China because of muh world order

“Gulen-Gate” Islamic Terrorists at the Democratic National Convention

Why are known terrorists at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia? Doesn’t the Secret Service vet people that are in the same building as the President of the United States anymore?


This real world confession from one of Kadri Veseli’s men lays the horror out plainly. And shows why both he and Thaci are facing charges for it:

“The interview was broadcast on Monday a day after Serbia’s war crimes prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic told AFP his office had a witness who “testified about a medical procedure, done in northern Albania, that consisted of harvesting organs from Serbs kidnapped during the 1998-99 conflict in Kosovo”.

“They gave me a scalpel. I put my left hand on his chest and began cutting. When I got near the bottom (of the ribs), the blood started pouring,” the witness, whose face was not shown and whose voice was distorted, told RTS.

“As soon as I started cutting, he began screaming not to kill him and then he lost consciousness. I don’t know if he fainted or died,” he said,”

Former Kosovo rebel describes removing prisoner’s heart for black market sale The Telegraph September 2012


Invited as a guest to the 2016 Democratic National Convention is none other than Kadri Veseli, the Speaker of the Kosovo Assembly. Veseli is a former Kosovar Albanian leader of the KLA and its spy organization SHIK. He’s being indicted along with the current president of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci for small things like organ trafficking and crimes against humanity.

Trump literally said he'd bomb our enemies and take their oil. He's openly advocated using gunboat diplomacy to enforce American interests.

He's not opposed to intervention in a general sense, numb nuts, he's just implying that he'd do it better.

Nobody will suicide. Trump is only seen as the beginning. Whether he wins or loses is irrelevant. His campaign has already helped immensely.

What's wrong with that?

Nigger, everyday taht "grab her by the pussy" is played on some news station somewhere. No amount apologising or dirt on Hilary has even made a dent in the general negative impression people have of Trump

To be fair in the second debate he indicated he would be happy to let Russia have Assad while he initiates a trade war with China. He'll bomb sand people but he'll avoid a nuclear war. Granted I'm pretty sure when push comes to shove he'll just do what Hilary would do anyway. They are both fucking idiots so the "decisions" won't really be up to them anyway.

Clinton Foundation’s Ties To Suspected Human Organ Trafficker

Despite awareness of the gruesome allegations against Thaci, the Clinton State Department appears to have approved him to attend the 2011 CGI conclave. He also attended in 2012 and 2013.

His office took advantage of the meetings, posting pictures from the events on government websites. Kosovar news outlets also picked up stories of the meetings and added pictures of Thaci meeting both of the Clintons.

Thaci even sat next to Hillary Clinton at the 2013 meeting, which was held more than six months after she left the State Department.


Kosovo je Srbija

Have a bump OP.



I don't give a shit who wins they are both going to tear the country down.

But watching SJWs cry would be a lot more fun than watching Holla Forums say it was rigged. The butthurt on tumblr would be lolcow status for weeks.

Is there really an inherent difference though?

As far as I see it, the Tumblr landwhales are part of a community that no sane person wants a part of while we're stuck with Holla Forums as our neighbor, so I would actually get to witness the butthurt of the latter.

That, and the social justice cult doesn't make it personal enough. They only want Clinton because muh wymyn, they don't give even half a fuck about the woman herself, but the "alt-right" literally worships Trump like a deity. It would crush them.

Pollacks don't make videos of themselves screaming like idiots while virtue signalling.

SJWs do.

The lolz if Trump wins will be glorious.

And I just want to watch the world burn.

This user gets it

proof like the PLA 6138, a chinese government unit that has been proven down to the 12 story building they operate out of on a daily basis to hack United states infrastructure for the past 10 years proof?

oh thats right, no, no proof at all

This. WWI was pretty much the only thing that prevented the 1st International from clawing away at capitalism, and directly lead to the cryptofascism of the Bolsheviks corrupting what socialism remained.


Nuclear war means destroying the world which means destroying all the money which means no money for porky.

Nuclear war is unprofitable, sure, but the threat of nuclear war is great. In fact, nuclear MAD-enforced cold war (with sporadic brushfire action) is more profitable than real war, the more intense the conflict the more profitable.

The problem comes from the fact that porky is notoriously bad at judging where to draw a clear line between "near-disastrous brinksmanship" and "oopsey, time for another bailout". We lucked out on the nuke lotto for 40 years, I'd rather not give porky another free spin.

to be fair so does destroying the planet through environmental damage and overexploitation but porky is powerless to stop that

You don't get it. Hillary winning will entrench their ideology. The only way to get them to commit mass suicide is to let Trump win and then taunt Holla Forums with screencaps as he breaks every promise he made.

all the american candidates are terrible, the american people are in a lose-lose situation unfortunately.

Oh dear oh dear


There's no tears once the nukes start falling

Remember when Holla Forums crumbled after Romney lost? Me neither

Pictures on the internet usually do not disturb me, but that one is absolutely horriffic.

take your meds shillcen

learn to code codemonkey


Whoever wins the butthurt will be glorious. Now if only we could get that kind of butthurt without having one of those two oligarchs as president the next four years.

If there were more of these, I'd probably fap to it.

FUCK just realized she's a kid in this pic ignore what I said

The only way it could happen is double assasination during the third debate. Altough i'm not entirely sure if the butthurt of one side's champion's death would overcome the shadenfreude of the other's side champion's death.

Then we'd just get Kane vs Pence, i.e.: business as usual. I'd rather have Trump around to cause massive asshurt and get kicked out of office on corruption charges by around the midterms.


laws don't apply to rich people user


*2nd international

Not like their vice presidents are any better though.

We're talking about sheer butthurt there. Not on how public affairs would be run. We already know what the program will be no matter who wins.

because they all sure killed themselves when Ron Paul never got elected president amirite

It is a picture of Hillary Clinton, and that is what turns you off or at least makes you pretend to be turned off?

they actually purged all the libertarians after ron paul lost

There are no libertarians left on Holla Forums. Everything is either stormniggers and conservative RP

Do you REALLY believe that Holla Forums, or white america will take a 🍀🍀🍀 loss 🍀🍀🍀 sitting down?!

After all this energy?

Why must the left be so removed from reality the whole damn time, jesus.

a man can only dream

Clinton has the backing of 110 generals and admirals…Romney had 500.

my sides

Because we all know the ever-hungry, starved out left who spend their last pennies on hairdye and weed will stand a chance against a conservative white man backed war machine.

Did you not learn anything from Hitler?
He had nothing, he has no party, he was a nobody, he was just a soldier.

Granted, he lost in the end because the world is masochistic.
But don't underestimate things like that.

Neither should you.

Also, had either of those population backing like Trump?
Trump is the first presidential candidate that makes it feel like the founding father era where people straight up duelled one another with guns.

Again, the limp wristed left has nothing.
Gaze at the might of "the left" of the 21st century.

Oh god, they just drove though that crowd of protestors.
Agh, the sickening crunch of no prescription glasses, vials of truvada and e-cigs.

Oh, the humanity.
Well, file is too large, but imagine a compilation of cars driving through black lives matter protestors, with extreme prejudice.

pffft, how to forget it

…this has to be bait

Anything's possible when it's porky vs. porky, I can dream.

Right, sorry.

I'm hoping for just enough Trump to shut down critical SJW theory departments in acadamia, repeal many of the feminazi/quota/wrongthink speech laws, and maybe get a few of the shilliest "journalism" outlets sued into oblivion.

Don't know which vid you're talking about, but I hope this one's a good substitute.


White America isn't a monolith.

So you want to vote trump because he makes you "feel" good about politics huh?

I'd throw you off a bridge you fucking 14 year old.


shouldn't we want trump to win in the name of acceleration-ism?

or is that being shit tier at understanding theory

i wonder what communism would be like today if hitler never invaded russia… what kind of a world would we live in

Probably not much different. WWII would've drug on longer without their assistance, and the effect on the size of the Warsaw Pact could've gone either way (on the one hand the USSR would've emerged richer and more formidable without being burned to the ground, but on the other hand staying back too long would've decreased their slice of the Eastern European imperialist pie), but an actual alliance with the Axis seems unlikely, so things would've ended up about the same.

Hillary puts us on a collision course with Russia, so no.

i don't think you know what you are talking about

What? It's good old fashioned stuff. Telling your opponent that you will throw them in the slammer isn't something we've seen in quite some time.

Do you really prefer the limp wristed status quo thing you've gotten for so long, now?

The cucks can't fight. Especially when their dirty laundry is dragged out into the air.
Why would anyone who works as some sort of "salt of the earth" backbone fight on the side of Hillary?
They wouldn't. All the people that matter are standing behind Trump.
There are some cucked fatcats, too, but, again, there are more civilians than politicians and richfags.

No Barbarossa this time.
Anyway. You're missing the point.
Hitler was a nobody and made it to the top. He lost, but he made it to the top, nonetheless.

Brushing away Trump based on being "just some guy" or something is naive.

Well, that's not too bad, but driving through masses of protesters is more fun.
Especially to some Initial D music.

We can unionize and recruit the good cops to be on our side and the shit cops who try to crack down on the strikes will be our enemy.

Either way, the porky-loving, fed-worshiping cops and niggers are BOTH going to get ran over with cars in the revolution.

Do you really think the problem with the status quo is that it "limp wristed"?

Almost every one of Trump's "88 generals" are from the Air Force, aka the laughingstock of Western military.

Farms have almost all been industrualized apart from the niche organic farms who sell their wares in boutiques at expensive markets. There is no "salt of the earth" backbone-type in the industrialized economic center.

What exactly do you think makes the world go round every day?
Farmers alone?
But for some reason every damn farmer is kvetching about monsanto and having to pay for copyrighted seeds

Yes, because up until now primaries were rigged, resulting in a "choose, if you want, it's the same people in the background financing and pulling strings".

Now it's.
Add his general no gloves approach in naming the lying press and corruption, etc, on top of promises of incarceration and hinting at coup etats.
Yeah, I would think that, for a change, things are actually not *quite* as they have been for a long time.
Trump is an actual maverick. He backstabbed them all and they have no defense against him because he knew their plans for a long time now.

shit taste tbqh fam

I honestly think Trump will win, americans underestimate how loyal old white voters are. Also Trump winning might lead to a civil war, which bring us closer to socialism.

Iraq war wasn't about "stealing le oil" dumbass.

Funny no one has thought of hacking peoples computers to change the date and clock settings so Trump and Hillary supporters miss election deadline.

almost like people have more than one thing with a clock on it, some not hooked up to the internet…