Canadian politics and questions that don't deserve their own thread
Canadian politics and questions that don't deserve their own thread
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Here's a good youtube channel that you should check out:
Suprised this guy hasn't been vanned by our stasi for hate speech yet. subscribed.
I have a question.
why is it that this cuck and his liberals havent been booted out yet with a vote of non-confidence?
I am from Sweden, just dropping by to say I notice alot of similiarities between Sweden & Canada, in a bad way.
Yes almost all european countries are being flooded by muslims.
But I think this way
But reality is sweden is a Demokratur (A mock word combining Democracy+Dictatorship)
Do you feel Canadas political climate is oppressive? Do you feel subconcious negative feelings of sovietism dystopia? Alot of white people in Canada appears to kill themselves on chink heroin, this pessimism in society is bad.
Anyway, a thought struck me today, the realization that women is a meme-gender.
Women voted Treadue because he was handsome & charming, I do stock trade and notice how FNBC & other banks going to shitter, how your entire gold supply appears to have been sold(!?), and chinks are collonizing you.
But maybe this started way before Tredau. I hope Canadians arent like sweden, arrogant, pretending their country is perfect, and the bastion of "great socialistic & liberal belief and we totally make it work"
I hate American liberals who cite Sweden as source for free healthcare, without mentioning our crippling high taxes, long cues, and Abdulla as doctor who probably stabs your liver during procedure because you are infidel, or that time I checked my benis after unprotective sex, a muslim woman with pure hatred in her eyes the moment she saw me, and violently jammed metal stick into my pee-hole, making it sting for a year.
Granted, after a while, the stinging felt good when fapping. Anyway I hate the current state of Sweden please God or Hitler save us for fuck sake, I cant stand it!
Hopefully liberal normie Tim Pool can redpill normalfags about Canada, like he did with Sweden.
Because every party side from the cuckservative party are virtually the same, with the only difference being the cuckservative party is all about
leaf here. Unfortunately that's exactly how it is. Moreso in shitholes like Ontario and Manitoba. Even here in Alberta, shitlibs and normalfags are smug and arrogant because facebook told them they're special and doing well.
Seriously day of the take when?
You people produce very little of value, and what we do want we could probably just take.
Don't you rely upon the u.s. for military might?
We used to stand on our own two feet just fine, with the largest naval fleet in the British Empire, but then the liberal party was like
and sold our aircraft carriers, dismantled our manufacturing and cucked the country forever by ditching God save the Queen and changing the flag.
Leftists are always arrogant. So yes, we will be you, but with the added detriment of owing even more than you to (((the banks))) and the chinese owning everything, so the unholy mix of sweden, china and venesuela.
I propose we ditch the maple fag and use the Pearson Pennant:
Fuark, I expected that much. This is why I draw parellels between Sweden & Canada. Very similiar things going on.
After Trumps Last Night in Sweden comment, Swedecucks came out in droves on Twitter, cracking jokes "Haha, Smorgosbord! ABBA music! Haha Free healthcare", sarcastic & arrogant every time. Glad to see sweden get their shit pushed in, and exposed on global scale, just mortified it had to be 11 year old Ebba who suffered for it.
Soon Canada will also go to shit and hopefully be globally exposed. I'm glad the winds are turning atleast towards the right.
Sweden dismantled it's army too, many people didnt like it, but "intellectual" liberals pretended to be superior by saying we dont need barbaric violence and having millitary in 21th centioury is outdated notion.
Only in older age do I start to realize it's a type of Communist playbook guide, to demilitarize.
Some anons think Canada purposly crash their economy, then implement basic income, in return for bigger government, then fill nation up with obedient slave mentality chinks & brown people who become lower caste with no concept of liberty and will enjoy living in marxistic hellhole. And to think this shit would stop when Sweden collapse and go bankrupt, only for the possibility that it will benefit marxists.
Then again they have historical tendancy to start "revolutions" by polorize society and inflame it, like Soros hoping BLM would lead to martial law but didnt.
All in good time, mein freunde.
On another note, create.php will be back up imminently and i plan on creating /canpol/ as soon as it is possible
Hear me out; it would have strict rules about the orientation of the content; would be focused stictly on Canadian issues so the board would necessarily be quite slow. A few anons in various leaf threads have responded positively to the idea. Thoughts?
Civic Nationalism is Globalism
Jewish Influence in Canada: The Civil Rights Movement
Common Myths About Immigration in Canada
Canada's Metropolis Project
Trudeauism is Anti-White
Thanks will watch them all.
I don't blame normies for not believing the JQ, just look at the jews, tiny minority, fucking up the whole world with great efficiency. Where did they aquire these subversive, highly efficient knowledge and methods? My bet is deal with the devil.
The only one's vocal for it more or less have no relevant life experience to go by. Sure the kids are mouthy lefties but that is not entirely surprising.
Right under america's nose too but I guess when nations get too cucked to bother with little things like nationalism and sovereignty why wouldn't you. Oh well, I still have inda woods and winter-chan as my backup but at this point I can only hope for accelerationism.
Who knows maybe we'll see the first time a first world nation has reverted to third world shithole within 1/2 a generation so that faggots in the new gulags can go on about the 'good 'ol days' with turdeau sucking gay muslim cock all the time.
Sorry for being depressing, but it is a leaf thread. I like to think that the essence of winter is the blackpill. It will be amazing when the fall finally comes and all these faggots realize that the whole time they were laughing and snickering and raising their wife's child just how hard they were fucking themselves. I'm sticking around almost entirely for that collective groan of disbelief and then like a million voices crying out "Are you kidding me! I can't even" together in unison and then silence.
If you want a detailed answer, read "Culture of Critique" but it essentially posits that all this knack for subversion is a result of an evolutionary process. The desire to combat anti-semitism by weakening the social hierarchies of the gentile majority coincides with an strong ingroup consciousness and a desire for self-preservation. Every intellectual activity; from taking over anthropology to discredit evolutionary theories of culture and race, to psychology (literally theorizing that gentile group identity was a pathology), everything revolves around the desire to combat anti-semitism
I guess this makes a certain amount of sense, after being kicked out of 150 countries all the ones who can't backstab and lie with the best have died out and all the proto-altruistic ones have been destroyed by the skilled backstabbers.
The Leafanon pic isn't accurate. FAL's are prohibited. An NEA15 in 7.62 Slavshit, or a Norinco M1A in a Blackfeather stock is more appropriate.
I voted Bernier for CPC leadership. Maybe the conservatives can win the next federal election and Mad Max can unfuck the firearms laws. Then we can have unregistered AR's with standard capacity mags. Good fucking luck trying to the next round of liberals who try to "get them off the streets" when there is going to be millions of them in Canadian gun cabinets with no records to fall back on.
This is a great article, and website. The only Canadian website worth visiting imo
Century Initiative: Make Canada a "Global Nation" through a Massive Increase in Immigration
A Canuck containment board? Sounds like a great idea, user.
I actually have a relevant story/field report from today. My friend and I went to the March for Life (anti-abortion demonstration) on Parliament Hill today.
Talked to a couple of the students too, found some that were kind of redpilled. One knew about Soros and we joked about how he must not have very much money if this is the best he could afford.Actually had a funny exchange with them before they left.
Farther right than that.
Farther right than that.
Farther right than that.
I just told him that we're Nationalists, the Dutch one's eyes got a little wide a few seconds later when he realized what I really meant. Before they left I told them to read up on Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School if they wanted to know how things got this way. Overall a pretty good exchange.
There's a staggering amount of evidence of jewish dominated intellectual movements with the same m.o. and same ultimate purpose. Most of which involved some form of academic fraud or intellectual disingenuousness, ALL of which were motivated by strong jewish self-identification and an even stronger hatred of gentiles. They're just a vindictive people user, it's in their genes.
Seriously though, being pro-accelerationism, as you said, is the only way to remain sane in the current ideological climate. Of course, being an died-in-the-wool edgelord, i've been hoping for a massive societal collapse ever since i can remember. Ultimately, we have to play our cards right, and build on the growing resentment that is currently felt among normalfags and boomers alike regarding current year man and his asinine policies.
Although i mentioned in this post
that i wanted to create a /canpol/ board, actually our main goal should be to put together an ultra-nationalist website to post canadian-centric content. If you build it, they will come. As small as the niche may be, one can only predict a marked increase in far-right sentiment in the country in the following years and we have to scoop up that sweet sweet racist sentiment and mold it to our advantage
putting in my posts about Holla Forums operations in leafganistan from another thread because nobody bothered to respond there.
Reposting my Canadian nationalist flag.
Fails as a flag, but makes a nice banner.
and 's flags are better.
yeah, honestly I agree. I kinda imagined it as a ceremonial banner more than a national flag. It can still represent Canadian nationalism, though.
I think the colours in the flag in the OP are more appealing than the ones here so I made a large version.
Awesome. Thanks, user!
I read your posts in the other thread. You were right about using Canadian symbolism; it plays into the collective unconscious and obviously people respond to it. No argument there; certainly updating the imagery - a blend of the old and the new - would be preferable. Although i hate to use marketing lingo, it's important for "branding" to have a distinct, instantly recognizable aesthetic.
As for your comment.
What do you think of this idea (bottom part of the post)
I disagree that we should downplay the "white nationalist" part though, and adamantly. If you keep your message to the point, and sincere, the audience for this position will grow. There's a difference between white nationalist content and going full GTKRWN, but if you dilute your message you just become another big-tent conservative with a twist. It's important to distance yourself from the civic nationalist position from the getgo.
I knew a girl from BC who said she voted for Trudeau for that exact reason, that he was handsome. Her beta orbiter voted the same since he's bluepilled to hell and back. As for the world's view of Canada, I've talked with a lot of people from outside of the country and they're all surprised when they get here and find out that Canada isn't some perfect, friendly place that welcomes everyone. One person from Ethiopia got called all sorts of names and told to "go home", another from Colombia was astonished at how much crime there was in the cities since they were lead to believe that it just didn't happen here. To be fair, it's generally in areas that have a lot of blacks, pajeets, and natives but you get the idea. Aside from a few people in medicine and high-up business, most of them were doing jobs like retail and construction.
To foreignfags: If you are thinking of immigrating to Canada, don't fall for the media memes. You're not going to be universally welcomed. There is crime, even violent crime. It isn't a flawless wonderland of happy people and pine trees, it's a real place filled with real people and real problems and if you come here, you are adding to the job problem that existing citizens are having to deal with already. Canada is not perfect in any way.
tl;dr: fuck off we're full
I can get onboard with that. Whatever works and boldness often works. We need bold and unapolegetic action.
Have you heard of the site www.eurocanadian.ca ? You don't want to have to compete - or undermine - a site like that which features smart, scholarly content but from a common-sense blue tory perspective. It's pointless and also counterproductive. Doubly so if you're just larping as a CivNat anyway. There's plenty of civnat stuff brewing and i don't want to put a minute of my time contributing to that or helping them in any way. Might as well just go work for (((Rebel Media))) if that's the case.
Not everybody has the balls or biceps to join their local Sons of Odin chapter, but they WOULD join an online community of like-minded redpilled leafs, at the very least check it out due to curiosity alone. From that point you build up a user base and you move on to 3d mobilization further down the line.
Ah ben crime, si c'est pas le namefag numéro un…
J'ai failli greentexter "inb4 ouin c'est ça Kevin", mais j'ai cru à tort que t'avais peut-être lâché cette habitude. Si cuquepôle t'as banni encore, pourquoi pas faire table rase et essayer de ne pas namefagger?
Do it.
Je ne poste strictement jamais en français ni ici, ni là-bas. D'ailleurs ça fais des mois que je ne visite plus le 4è canal. Trop b8, pas assez de h8. Je poste pas en français pq les gens qui ont rien compris vont commencer à trashtalk le QC etc etc et j'ai pas le goût de perdre mon temps à éduquer des adolescents
et je doute fort que ce soit la raison pour laquelle tu t'es fait b&, mais c'est possible
Le turc bannit tout le monde à la qui mieux mieux. En espérant que ce soit lui; pourtant y'a bien des thread non-anglo à l'occasion, me semble. Ça contrevient pas à aucune règle mais que veux-tu..kampfy est jaloux pq il est pas un vrai normand
Like i said, it will be imminent. According to a thread on /sudo/, codemonkey has to take care of some IP leak issue but then it's his next priority. Not going to lie though, i'm a bit concerned about the number of spinoff country-specific boards that have cropped up, that's why a /canpol/ board shouldn't be a substitute. I still like it here.
Take the namefag with you.
Anyone get their Cuckservative Party leadership ballots in the mail yet? I got mine a couple days ago. Put Leitch first and Bernier second. I figured that Bernier will probably win and would probably have a better chance at beating Trudeau, but if Leitch does well enough, it would send the message that you can still be a successful politician in this country despite being branded an ebil wacist.
I'm just glad O'leary dropped out. I know there isn't any proof he's a kike, but I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he was.
I've thought about the 'Canada' problem quite extensively, because I am a LEAF.
The fundamental problem is that 'Canadian' identity never really existed. I've spoken with my grandfather about this, and I've read through some of my great-grandfathers diary entries and It more or less confirms this.
To be Canadian was to be a proud part of the British Empire, or if you were French to be a proud French Canadian.
When Pierre Trudeau entirely severed ties with the empire and declared Canada a 'multicultural society' (and this is actually written in our charter, officially. for yanks this would be like it being written in the constitution) he basically cut Canada off from having any actual identity.
Being a 'Canadian' is fundamentally meaningless now. Even in previous years, being Canadian was being part of something bigger. You were proud of Canada, but you were proud of the empire. The two were almost inseparable (I can only speak of English Canada here). You served your country, God and the commonwealth. Because of how cucked England is we can't even really go back to that now.
If we want to build a nationalist movement, the first step will be to actually build a national identity. We must study our own history, find our own heroes to be symbols to us, and make a country from scratch.
Psssh. Good fucking luck with that
toppe jèje
En parlant de politique québécoise, t'as entendu parler de ça?
Québec polyglote, prise 2
This. Liberals where so eager to shred up what little culture we had, then proclaim that since we have no culture, we need to import 6 million rapefugees.
Started with Pierre Trudeau, not his alleged son. That guy was way before my time, but he pushed hard for the whole equal rights thing and non-european immigration.
defeatist trips will go unchecked
No. I will probably vote conservative at the last minute but i'm not thrilled about the prospect of supporting a State based on pluralism and diversity.
Obviously. as he said though it started with the Vater; who was a Frankfurt School shabbos goy if i ever saw one. To a "t". That being said, we can't just assume that people will be receptive to ye olde british empire, because indeed they won't. Patiotism has been neutered through a nation-wide psyop but to some people, it still resonates. Look at the anti-sharia protests; i haven't seen that much chauvinism in my lifetime. Regardless, we have to push for White nationalism even if we were alone in this.
pour >>9899751
Its been happening since the 40-50s, The dude before Pierre Trudeau was even a bigger prep to Canada being the shithole it is now. Shout outs to west coast Holla Forums faggots.
Please Holla Forums, just as Canada is the testing ground for socialist and multicultural weapons against our people, make us the testing ground for military grade memes.
Learn from us and wipe away this old rotting body to establish something new.
I have seen the true face of many Canadians. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, make us strong.
As a Canadian, Canada cannot uncuck itself unless the US does first. If we were to somehow have a nationalist revolution with our major cities being less than 50% white, the US government would (((pressure))) us economically or militarily. Sad that we've lost so much independence and put ourselves so squarely in the US sphere that our fate is 100% tied to theirs. We're better off trying to meme victory in the US first. Personally I'm trying to find a job in the US anyway cause our economy is so fucked.
Send Syrians to the maritimes, they'll integrate.
Um the entire set of provinces consider "Out West" the next province over and basically the entire pecking order is NFLD>NS>NB (and PEI doesn't even rank) until you hit Quebec and then you'r ereally out there. So if someone is from out rest (literally the next province over maybe 4-6 hours drive away) they are what we call
And if you are CFA you will never be accepted in this province, you won't get invited to church, you won't have nice talks with your neighbors, you won't drop over for a spot of tea, you won't small talk except for about the weather which we A> Fucking love to talk about and B> if we say its some weather and leave it at that, we are basically telling you to fuck off.
And people from a province over finds it hard to deal with. I literally have CFA friends (or as close as you get with CFA) curse their CFA status up and down and call us all ignorant niggers and their crime is they are from Onterrible.
So yes Foreignfags, stay in your own fucking country. We're good enough to stay in ours (and not to mention our immigration targets while too high considering the political atmosphere and the joblessness rate) are not actually all that high (until the trudeau finds more syrian cock to suck).
So please just go the fuck away. We got one little shitty section of the world and we're content with that, why can't you be content with yours.
Canada has plenty of natural resources. If we where not suckered into selling them to China and the USA for pennies on the dollar and instead manufactured things ourselves, we might actually have done fine.
Let us rebel against the traitor reign and form a new state. If Canada must have a Monarch, let that Monarch be a Canadian with Canadian interests at heart.
The old vanguard are a bunch of fat ignorant drunks, cities are multicultural shit holes, hell even the country side that is mostly white hate Americans for simply being Americans. Canada has a serious drinking problem and our white women need to be punched in the fucking face, but white Canadian men are a bunch of pussies and day dreamers.
can we have this thread without you shilling your weird obsession for binationalism
I think what you meant to say here is "free helicopter rides".
Let alone good luck with the Dutch, German, Scot, and Italian Canadians when it comes to giving anything to the British and French.
Fine, just British culture.
Much smaller in number compared to the primary founding groups.
Who cares, British and French culture are shit.
Now derail that thread, boys.
I don't think you understand
And then you can put them in a ditch after they're no longer useful.
there was pretty much guaranteed anyway
In no way will that lower wages and make things hard for law abiding canadians.
You forget that many (most now?) white Canadians are a European mix.
German/Scottish/Irish/French Canadian master race checking in.
White nationalism now transcends European ethnic lines. We are Aryan, period. We are children of Odin.
That's why the work camps are away and out of sight.
Yes, but it was Britannia that built is, and most white Canadians are at least partically familiar with some aspect of British culture and Government.
are you like 12 or something. The supply of labour affects the price of labour. (it doesn't matter if the public knows about it, the employers know about it ).
You think we'd have them making consumer goods?
You realize what resources are had in Canada are being taken by chinese, phillies, and shitskins right? The only way to get Canada back is my militia and killing a lot of people.
Yeah, Where is Odin now? He has Europe to take care of. Canada has our won God, or have you forgotten already? I do love King Author lore, but modern Brits are disgusting. You would also be surprised how many traditions are still carried in Canada by European whites. So much fucking pride too, might be why the downfall happened in the first place.
Arbeit macht frei, to be fair.
But at this point I think the best course of action is to tell the non-whites they have to leave, give them the opportunity to do so peacefully for a time, and then after that set time, purge the rest.
Robots are cheaper and safer than slave labour, anyways.
I am also extremely tired and I am surprised this thread hasn't been demoralized to hell in back as always. I guess all the shit talking east americans are a sleep, same with the brits.
Who said that wasn't part of the plan?
Great fantasy faggot. Want us to gas the jews while we're at it?
How about something of an actual plan and how to get there or something to start with that we can do right now. We'll get there eventually but be reasonable for a second.
Good luck getting anywhere without any fucking goals. Every other can/pol/ thread is just "ugh things r bad. time to listen to vapourwave and fap to loli"
Yeah, I dream about it every night. I just don't know the hell to start a local militia. I would want to band all alcohol and drugs from the process. You would lose 95% of your troops in a day.
Ball is in your court dude.
Fuck it, I am going to sleep.
Every other Holla Forums thread is fucking
It's just pipe dreams to placate themselves in their anger. Be action oriented and actions will be taken.
A friend of mine has some success in converting and rallying normies at bars. Perhaps the same way we where corrupted, we can fight back => baby steps. pretend to be moderate cuckservatives, run for local offices, MPs, city council, ect, whatever you can get your hands into, and lay the foundation for pushing things further and further right.
You don't get it, Odin was a real Aryan man from whom all Aryans can trace their ancestry to.
We are Aryan, the Other is not, period. I don't disapprove of preserving and propagating traditional white ethnic cultures, I'm just trying to say that the key to waking up the Aryan beast is to get it across to all whites that the left's goal is to replace them, period.
The war drum of Wotan is already beating in our chests. Every day, more whites begin to march to the beat.
Aryan re-dominance of Canada is inevitable. This nation was founded by and for the Aryan man, as our based first Prime Minister John A. Macdonald proudly proclaimed. A few shitskins and Muslims scurrying around the cities, pockets overflowing with Marxist gibs, is no match for our superior warrior spirit and legendary creative applications of violence.
Can't fucking wait tbh m8s.
I'm stuck in the middle of a libshit filled city. The most I can do without too much risk to myself and my family is plastering over stickers and shilling non-MSM sources of information to those friends whom I hope can think for themselves.
I don't know if I feel like a useless idiot or not. I live off the grid with my wife, kids and dogs. My towns populace is about 400 whites. I am a landscaper and a farmer. Do I just take the 4 hours to a major town/city and start flyer handing out? it's just so alienating going to cities and being clean, white, and male. Hell even my kids HATE going to major cities.
I did at least try and think of something and it's already in the thread.
And more or less the plan could change or be scrapped altogether for something else at any time like this user wants.
So really the ball is in your court on whether you want to add anything or not.
Redpilling is an art. Anything, ANYTHING, you to do spread the truth about our situation is helping. Thank you user.
Learn to shoot and learn survival skills. Our biggest advantage here in Canada is how vast the country is, and how sparsely populated it is. We can always disappear into the bush if we need to, and re-emerge guns blazing.
Teach your wife and children to shoot. Start networking with like-minded individuals that live near you out in the country. When the SHTF, it is only the strong united communities that will survive. As the chaos ebbs and flows, a leader will appear to unite the disparate militias.
Learn to redpill your neighbors and friends by really educating yourself about Marxism and the situation Canada is in. Make them see that the left's goal is to replace/annihilate all whites. Show them what is happening in South Africa right now.
We will retake the North.
Why did someone decide that a leaf would be the best thing to put on a country's flag?
I am actually going to get this printed up on an actual flag pretty soon. Might even use it for some events.
Here is a cleaner version
What happened to Ebba? I can't read Swedish.
Why the Pearson Pennant? Lester B. Pearson was part of the liberal party.
Nice meme Chaim.
Our cultural pride actually stems from being white as fuck.
Just move to America like anyone else with a brain. This country won't be saved unless it separates into itself into a few regions which will never be allowed to happen. Practically any useful skill can make far more money down south then here, the brain drain will not stop.
Its my goal before I end up getting enough money to buy some rural land, hopefully in Canada but we'll crash before America does once shit really hits the fan.
I'd rather move to Alaska.
I'm not moving south because the summers up here are already too hot for me.
In Burnaby…crazy bitch kicking dogs.
The man who uploaded the video deleted a comment on the video's description, saying he was warned by another user that this is an injury scam.
The girl kicked the dog to provoke the man into assaulting her, so she can sue him for injury and "psychological damage" and take his money.
I actually heard in China that this is nothing new. Some women would actually pretend to fall down and as someone tries to help them up, they chimp out and say "you assaulted me" and sue the person trying to help them. It's why no one helps each other in China when someone falls, they're afraid of another jewish type scam.
Maybe do something that isn't
Thread theme: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2oJhWi5SQ4
What the FUCK.
To hell with whipping out a camera and filming them, punch the bitch in the head until she stops breathing.
It was part of a song.
Lyrics:In days of yore, from Britain's shore,Wolfe, the dauntless hero, cameAnd planted firm Britannia's flagOn Canada's fair domain.Here may it wave, our boast, our prideAnd, joined in love together,The thistle, shamrock, rose entwineThe Maple Leaf forever!Chorus:The Maple Leaf, our emblem dear,The Maple Leaf forever!God save our Queen and Heaven blessThe Maple Leaf forever!
He's a fag. His worshipers are worse.
http:// www.livescience.com/9578-common-ancestor-blue-eyes.html
Not a big fan, his Greco-Roman counterpart would be be Kronos/Saturn, a harvester of souls (time), a god of death. Tacitus uses Hermes/Mercury interchangeably with Odin in Germania; the alchemists called Saturn, Mercurius Senex. The ravens (nigredo): while Huginn and Muninn symbolize more than putrefaction and dessication, they are the first associations that come to mind.
Tyr>Tues>Deus is the sky-father and god of law.
https:// youtu.be/A89blUjT7z8?t=1m26s
Not inaccurate. Ethnic mixing has created a lot of abominations in America.
Anyone with a basic understanding of how genetic mutations work shouldn't be surprised by this.
How about returning to the good ol' times when nationalists from other countries go to an oppressed one and rally up that place's nationalism only to get slaughtered but in the end they secondhandedly give the independence to the home team?
I think you should definitely do it. Having more boards to discuss this shit but in a way that is relevant to one specific country is different from having twenty Holla Forums spinoff boards. The former creates camaraderie among fellow countrymen, the latter just jumbles up shit and divides us.
The three leaf was already on the old flag.
Don't the Jews say that Jesus is boiling in hot excrement? Do you believe that to be true? Why do you think such language is always used to discredit?
I would like to see the sources of the original myth your page is from, the chapter it seems to state something about the author, I know of no such myth, even a zealot priest in the medieval ages who'd pen such a thing because to our race matters of a sexual nature have always been held sacred between the couple. Even before Christianity many Germanic Tribes ensured women remained virgins before marriage and back then there was no repenting or forgiveness if the vow was broken. As well as there was no "praying" the gay away.
You should have said Odin is a hypocrite though he has never said he is always wise only that he is always learning, which does tend to being shown as wise given enough mistakes.
This is why we need a name for our entire ethnic group. White Canadians of various backgrounds that built the Canada that we loved, not the Canada we live in now.
I said in the protest thread we need a name for ourselves. Not a name of a political group as suggested by in the last thread (northern lights is pretty gud though) we need an name for our people. Then we can use this awesome historic imagery and brand it with the name of our people to inspire and build the white Canadian national identity.
Look at the Afrikaner. They came from various European nations but developed a separate identity for themselves. We are Canadians, yes, but I feel that word does not exclusively refer to whites in Canada that descend from the farmers, trappers and other pioneers and pilgrims that built the foundations of our nation.
I will ask again: who are we, as a people? What are we called? Without a name for ourselves it will be impossible to build a proper identity.
The second you do that you will be labeled as a hate group and if you gain traction you will be outed public. The public will crucify you and everyone involved you need to be -very- careful. I'm not saying don't work together, the opposite but you need to be very sure about how you do things otherwise you will be at great risk.
Do not underestimate what those against you are capable of.
I know these things, very hard times for us. It's why I myself have not done much of anything outside of redpilling acquaintances.
Cancasians? Canayrians(sounds like a bird)? Ameirkaners(that ones a dessert already, beautifully segregated I might add)? There must be a word we can come up with to describe ourselves as a people.
A jew wrote that book and your peddling his lies.
(((They've))) done that for you already. It's called "Metis". And now, thanks to our supreme court, ANYONE can "self-identify" as an Indian or Metis. Outplay der juden, they've literally created an "ethnic Canadian" race card, a LITERAL race card you can apply for.
The most unsettling part is how he only behaves like this because he knows he will not face any meaningful pressure whatsoever. Someone who cannot even get through scripted, rehearsed talking points (on home turf) without falling all over himself is not likely to be someone who can consciously and skillfully deceive, but with no opposition leaders, and CBC in his pocket, even a colossal humiliation like this will have virtually no impact. You start to wonder what it will take for people to clue-in to just how fucking dumb this guy actually is, completely outside a political context. I'm almost certain he is illiterate.
The new BC government is minority controlled by the Greens. In my experience, there are a lot of Holla Forumsish types in there who hide their power level well. Thoughts?
Yeah, I actually encourage this, since if EVERYONE is an indian eveyone only gets $5.
My friend's wife won't shut off the TV and that fucking special snowflake tranny who is "nonbinary you faggots" or whatever is everywhere.
I understand what you mean, they have the deciding vote on propositions from Libs and NDP, but they can't really put much forward.
We call that "welfare Wednesday around here. Last of the month."
Go on..
I'm not a mongrel and will never call myself one. Metis are distinct from White Canadians and distinct from natives, I feel bad for the actual Metis mongrels having to deal with the Warren clan self hating white types usurping their heritage with that "self-identifying" bullshit.
This is the thing user. I've come to the same conclusion over the past few years and have literally abandoned a career path once I saw how kiked up it was. How many other people have seen this but can't for whatever reason, and is there a way to help them?
as a suggestion I would say to use geographical region
We are the people from in and around the (European/Russian) Boreal forests.
Same here bud, 2 actually. People's minds are not open to discussing the jewish question. Facts and restraint are of no importance to the majority of them. You can expose the ongoing effort to subvert all western institutions, but as soon as you show the overwhelming contribution of jews to this effort, you lose them. Sad state of affairs, the irony of which is that this kneejerk reaction was itself caused by jewish propaganda. I don't have a solution for mass-redpilling, as it were. Better to continue on our path in an uncompromising way and if people join us, good. If they don't, may God have mercy on their souls.
Forgot to mention
If you really wanted to you could include something about
But I've always seen this and any sort of talk about viking ancestors as larping and actually very cringy.
Thats not even the worst part. Your average Canadian worships this guy and has created an entire cult of personality around him while at the same time going on about how unintelligent and unqualified Trump is.
People here are so heavily demoralized and indoctrinated that they cant even notice how moronic and detached from reality their own PM is. I really dont think you can recover from that level of cognitive dissonance.
Yeah, they tried that bullshit on me. My ancestors were provincial commissioners while yours were fucking chickens. Face if, if you're name is not Oland or Irving (or you're a frog like me) you're nothing.
One can dream.
any nationalist should put Steven Blaney at the top of their ballot. Him and Leitch both emphasized immigration in their campaigns, but Leitch led with symbolic issues like the values test, while Blaney led with serious stuff like reducing the number of legal immigrants (and illegals, of course) and making sure each immigration candidate gets a face-to-face interview. Leitch was smart and adopted these policies from Blaney, but my own impression is that in the past she's been wishy washy on a number of issues, and I think of her nationalism more as a newfound Trump and Kouvalis-inspired strategy, rather than a constant motivating concern of her political careers as I know it is for Blaney. Go ahead and vote for Leitch…but don't exclude Blaney. His campaign slogan is literally "Canada First".
Bernier was until yesterday an open-borders guy, I don't trust him on the national question at all. He may be courageous and charismatic, but when it comes down to it he's an ideologue and a wonk, not a statesman. I'm thinking realistically Andrew Scheer has the best chance to stop him right now.
Cheese tooth, even thought she is a camwhore, is instructive. Bear in mind that all TV networks are kosher, especially (((Rebel Media))) which is alt-kike.
Just avoid all news except the weather report, and then take that with a grain of salt.
They love the "educated" meme until you point out that Trump himself has an economics degree from an Ivy League school, while Trudeau would have a hard time convincing anyone he even graduated high-school. It's this bizarre inversion, where Trump is a smart person who pretends to be dumb, and Trudeau is a retard pretending to be smart.
We're white europeans. Why invent a new title when the answer is already in plain sight?
Good. If you're not explicitly advocating violence then the motivation for this manufactured public outcry will be exposed for what it is.
Exactly. If everyone is an Indian, gibs dry up. People abuse the status for cheap gas, smokes, hunting, schooling (although Canadian schools are the fucking worst) etc. and soon chugs will start freaking out cause suddenly whitey isn't paying into their meal ticket anymore. When everybody is special, nobody is special.
i don't. Fucking squaws should have spoken up when they had the chance about all "their land" getting sold to chinks or given away to shitskins.
The other issue with "metis" is it's harder to tell whom isn't white while acting like they are; ala shylocks.
If there is a positive, the toronto maple leafs leddit (yes I know leddit), is taking shots at him for his fucking stupid comments earlier today about backing the Ottawa Senators and saying even Torontoians and Montrealians can agree on that.
He honestly thinks Leafs and Habs fans are going to support the Senators? How out of touch is he?
Kelowna a nice place to live?
Thinking of selling our place in the lower mainland in a few years and moving there to get away from all the chinks.
the fact th
This and doctor assisted suicide is legal. Dope for the young and miserable and kill off the old and miserable. See, Canadians do think ahead
You can do what the left did to religious America years and years ago. get in to the universities and academia and turn the tide on peoples views.
You have to get them young. just like your wives
Don't forget that Blaney is the only guy who even talked about nuclear energy, from any party. What's funny is after I filled in my top 3 choices, I ended up working on the rest of the clowns from bottom-up, with Michael Chong last.
CEC ~ Council of European Canadians
White Demographic Decline in Canada
Highminded debate:
To unite Canada, you will need to learn Canadian French.
No the way to get Canada back is a political, economic and spiritual awakening. Would you build on mud? Restore the family. Build your body physically, give up porn, find a wife, buy a gun, join the Canadian gun lobby. Make children until you don't pay taxes any more, no reason paying taxes to a system trying to kill you.
what was the name of that french canadian song about land???
Ha, I'm planning on the same. I've grown up out here and every time I go to Kamloops or Kelowna it just feels right. Dry, cold winters and hot, clear summers. The rain, the slants and the chugs can all fuck right off.
Kelowna is a college town atmosphere, lots of dude bros with lifted trucks and girls in bikinis rolling in convertibles. Good times for sure, but Kamloops is a more balanced community in my opinion. Sun Peaks kicks ass and also, some newspaper did a poll about the US election, and Trump won by a wide margin lol.
Both cities are becoming larger and more expensive though, hard to say how long itll take for diversity to come in. But it's worth the move mate, plus don't let dollar signs keep ya from seeing what you really want.
Subtly redpilling those around you is a good start. If you are in Ontario, you can create anti-liberal sentiment fairly easily by talking to any white homeowner about Kathleen Wynne and hydro prices. Hst. If your once white town now has a large population of non-whites, point out the rising crime in the ghetto areas they live in and having to lock your doors. Talking about high tax rates is another good way to get the anti-government juices flowing and from there drop redpills as the situation allows.
Once the election comes around, Castreau has a million dumb things he's said and done to make into memes for normies, pic related.
I will also drop a link to this thread again for any leafanon who wants to know how things got this bad. 8ch.pl
I'm a degenerate shutin so normie culture doesn't make that much of a difference to me. Noticed a 90% white population which is nice. I just want somewhere comfy and quiet to hide as society collapses around me.
My thoughts on saving Canada:
Step 1: Destroy it. There's lots of dissent rumbling in the west. Every election has the stipend; candidate must appease Quebec. Ottawa is telling other provinces how to manage their natural resources. The current government got in on the promise of reforming electoral representation, and now says "nah, not gonna happen". The government is not working for the people, only their own interests. It doesnt matter which party is in power; the Conservatives squandered 10 years, 6 which were a majority.
I want to see a referrendum in the four western provinces to split from Canada. No monarchy, a republic with finer tuned representation, that represents western ideals.
Step 2: Once a new country is formed, everything is open for discussion. Immigration does not need UN input. The Constitution can include fundamentals found in America's, such as free speech, firearms rights, etc. A proper military can be created to defend the country, and tie incentives to free education, to unpoz the youth and get them into trades. The housing market can be brought under control. No more foreign owners or speculation allowed. Rules for media ownership will keep bastards like the CBC from existing.
Anyone in Ontario with western ideals would be welcome to emmigrate. Quebec would love to take the opportunity to split off as well, and could even create something with the maritimes. Ontario can enjoy its liberal virtue signaling as it sinks deeper into the mud.
The key to gaining support for a referrendum is to keep the message positive, showing people in the west why they are not alone in their hatred of the east, and why it's in their best interest to split. It has to be done online, because the gov media will twist the message. Any hint of discrimination will kill the movement, so everyone plays nice so we can have our own sandbox. Then we get to choose who we play with.
Is that maple syrup pepe?
No it's just another one of the characters created by the original creator of pepe.
This will not make a difference, Canadian conservatives may slow the bleeding, but won't stop it or heal the wounds to Canadian nationalism.
Think bigger.
You must go further and criticize socialism itself. Who cares about how much taxes they pay, when they don't have jobs which pay for them? Who cares about hydro prices when conservatives will pillage pensions? Lets say you win the election, then what? Liberals get in again in 8 years and continue their agenda of destroying you. What needs to be done is a full economic, cultural and spiritual movement.
No NO NO!!!
No Quebec is not the problem. Quebec is the solution. Quebec did not fight world war II, they kept their raised armies at home.Quebec was the last to vote in woman's suffrage, in 1948. Quebec was Catholic and non-liberal a long time before it took the mind poison. Quebec did not suffer the French revolution, France did.
The money spent on Quebec is designed to destroy it. Most of the money goes to major cities to subsidies French speaking, yet non-francophone immigrants. It promotes liberals. Quebecker are more patriotic than you ever hope to be. The money spend polishing Quebec boots goes to leftists designed to destroy their culture, heritage and identity. The reason Quebec gets more money is to destroy them faster.
Quebec is the push to get the west to leave. There is zero love for Quebec outside of eastern Ontario, and every western voter sees them as a spoiled child who controls federal policy via threats of leaving. Its time to end the dysfunctional relationship, and let Quebec be the sovereign nation it so desperately wants to be.
The west also cannot compete against the liberal voting block in Toronto, who is slowly destroying traditional Canadian values.
It's time to go.
Then make them suffer economically. Work towards strong provincial governments and weak federal government. Weaken their tax income, have so many children that you don't pay a cent in taxes. The Toronto Universities are the ones exporting the shit to Montreal and Vancouver. Montreal exports liberal ideas to Toronto too.
Complete reform of the academia will fix this. The universities are focuses on NeoLiberal-Socialist agendas. Reject all social science.
Its not going to happen, ((They)) won't let you. YOU aren't going anywhere.
This infighting is why you cannot get any nationalism done in Canada. Every conversation with Canucks ends up with a regionalism bitch fest. This division allows them to rule us.
There is zero love for Québec because the new canadian identity can/could only be made by killing the real Canada, which was renamed Québec; it created an identity crisis for french-canadians, which was proven by the Québec "schism" from the french Canada, because many of us assumed the old Canada was lost becuse of the british-controlled and immigration to push us to a minority status in our own nation (sounds like deja vu no?).
Any Albertan should rigtfully give back Québec the credits she deserves; Maurice Duplessis is the man, with the Albertan PM of the time that i do not remember the name, that fought Ottawa and stopped the excessive centralization process that had started at the detriment of the provinces. He alsostopped the liberal revolution until the 70s in Québec as a hardcore conservative.
We never signed that gay constitution and the
biggest group of immigrants are still the French so things aren't too bad yet.
Post revolution french aren't true french and should fuck off.
Which makes it illegal and illegitimate. Quebec has a veto, they denied Quebec its right.
The constitution protects only the French language. The bilingualism was designed to create an elite bilingual class.
Bilingualism was also designed to destroy French only units, by making bilingual officers, French could be ordered by "legitimately" by non-franco Officers. They mixed french-english crews creating bi-lingual ships. Basically, if Quebec decided to walk, it wouldn't get any military assets. Nor could Quebec be in a position to keep soldiers at home in the case of WWIII which is likely to be in desert sands which have nothing to do with safety of Quebec or Canada.
The True Anglos Died in WWI and WWII
For Anglo Canada the Creme-de-la-Creme of Anglo Canada was slaughtered in WWII and WWI. All that was left was the cowards, draftees, socialists, women and crypto-communists. The loss of male voting demographics pushed the votes towards women (and Feminism) and Cultural Marxist agendas. Canada gave a higher % of the male population to the war than any other colony.
"In some ways, I feel like [Blaney]’s really in the wrong election — he’s running for the CPC leadership when his true calling is running in a French legislative election as a representative of the National Front. I just get this visual image of him stirring up the locals out at a regional festival of some obscure French village. Everyone’s a little too inebriated on Port and bloated from various rich foods. I picture a few confused tourists accidentally stumbling in and getting stared down while awful “regional music” plays in the background. Blaney would emerge from a balcony wearing a sash and fire everyone up with a loud speech blaming the “elites” for closing down the local factory, or some other local grievance, to the delight of the crowd.
Silliness aside, I do suspect he’s the most “nationalist-right” candidate in the field and a genuine ideologue, it’s just that he embodies a more European-style of right-wing thought, which is why some of our friends from the economic wing of the party find him so confusing, or accuse him of being a phony Conservative since he supports supply management. I do agree he’s gone too deep into the weeds on that issue, though he’s hardly alone in that (dairy policy in general has received inordinate attention in this race).
Blaney might have gotten more play had he not been from Quebec, given he’s pretty unknown in English Canada. He might have even eaten into the Leitch vote since he seems more consistent. He’s been saying the same things since his ADQ days, while her previous life as a moderate raises suspicions that she’s running a bait and switch-style campaign, a la Patrick Brown in 2015."
I want our future Canadian fasces to be made of fuel rods. Atomic nationalism now!
Kamloops has a lot of drug addicts and other sorts of fucked up people, you need to go further east into BC. Not sure about Kelowna, haven't been there in over 10 years.
Thanks to the Quebecqois in 1995, we already have precedent. 60% vote in favor wins.
Move forward to 2010.
Now the special needs adults either spend all day bumming around at the rec center, roaming the streets as drug addicts, or they're at home 24/7 burdening their parents who can't catch a fucking break now that their 30 year old child has nowhere to go.
Every citizen deserves a place in the order, and when you're not cucking yourself on immigration you'll find that there actually is a place for absolutely everyone. Won't someone please think of the tards. Teenagers not getting jobs until after college is a whole other problem, but the tard thing is something nobody ever talks about.
And by the way Trudeau, no social program or tax credit will ever be a suitable replacement for giving someone with special needs a job. It's something that has nothing to do with money so please stop thinking you can gibs all of Canada's problems away.
True that. But Canadians will not buy into it, being that "Environmentalism is part of our heritage". Some fear we will have a Fukushima or Chernobyl.
Where should Canada store its nuclear waste?
Where which lakes are most isolated from the water system? We need lakes to cool the reactors and they need to be kept away from regions prone to natural disaster.
Did you know we provided 80% of the British Empire's Nickel and 50% of her Aluminum? Nickel is used to make rust-proof alloys. Navies cannot be built without Canadian Nickel, we could simply raise the price because Canada has a near monopoly. Globalists cuck us to keep nickel cheap.
Nationalize Nickel Now!!
He might be trying to communicate illuminati style.
Being from Sudbury I agree. Those Harper nigger faggots prevented INCO and Falconbridge from merging and allowed foreign jews to come in and buy them up. We would have been unstoppable. They ruined my town.
Yes please. Too much being slid for other reasons on Holla Forums, our voice disappears every time one of these threads is made.
This thread is doing fine. All we need to do is support Canada threads. I really don't feel that the community of people willing to participate in threads like this is big enough to warrant an entire board. It will just split the userbase. Let's keep threads like this going and only create a board if they start moving too fast.
We must protect the Big Nickel from the foreign hordes.
Anyone else sick of Ezra Levant's shit? Always doing his best to agitate us against the Muslims so the goyim will help create Greater Israel. (((The Shekel Media))).
Indeed, in fact, so many Canadian corporations betrayed Canada by building up the Nazi war machine. Nickel was smuggled to build German ships. Anglos were led to a slaughtered by U-boats built with their own Nickel.
Sudbury was not built up at all, despite its resources, our country is so easily plundered by the cities in the south. They would not have us have a provincial Capitol elsewhere.
Some speak of separatism, well northern Ontario is cucked by southern Ontario. Perhaps all provinces should be split horizontally between North/South. We prop up urban areas and see no benefit but division and cultural disruption.
Is he /ourguy/?
This is why any nationalist party needs to focus on the Confederation model of Canada. More autonomy for the provinces, less power to the feds. Do you think Quebec will allow shitskins to ruin their province? The Western provinces? No. It'll be Toronto that gets ruined - but its been ruined for a long time.
Please dump more Canadian lore user, it's fascinating.
Here's a tidbit I know of: There is a NORAD deep underground military base by North Bay, Ontario. I believe it has/had nuclear tipped ICBMs. It is now inhabited by Google and is being used for unknown purposes. source: woman I know who used to work there underground before Google took over.
https:// www.mysteriesofcanada.com/military/norad-north-bay/
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CFB_North_Bay
Which federal party is going to grant that wish? We tried with electoral reform, had a huge group of support, and the government still decided to support their own interests. There is no room for another political party in Ottawa, and no interest from those entrenched in Ottawa to serve their citizens. Who voted for gender appointments at the price of experience? Who voted for importing 70 million immigrants by 2100? The government set up as it is now will only ever do what is best for itself. The bureaucratic inertia in Ottawa is staggering.
We will create a new party. This worldwide nationalist/populist movement is only beginning. It is beginning as we are seeing the effects of the social cancers of multiculturalism, diversity and feminism.
First, we need to get Trudeau out of office in 2019. Trudeau is the one importing shitskins. Trudeau is the one sucking globalist cock. Trudeau's father is the one to originally introduce Canada as a multicultural nation (to get votes, obv). The Trudeaus are owned and operated by kikes. Nuff said.
So we get Mad Max in 2019. This is a stopgap solution. In 2 years, things will get worse. More and more will move to the right. More and more red pilled kids brought up on the chans and memes will be able to vote.
Once 2019 hits, its time to start a new party for the 2024 election. We unite various nationalist groups (La Meute in Quebec, Garvey's nationalist party, everyone who writes for eurocanadian.com) - there will be more nationalist groups popping up as time elapses.
We then create our platform. If we were smart, we'd start creating our platform ahead of time. (I've already started writing a political platform based on the idea that Canada is a white nation.)
In order to start a political party, one needs: an accredited accountant, 3 people willing to act as officers, 150 signatures of willing members.
And unless you're a shill, what kind of fucking attitude is this. Defeatism because the government is big? Fuck you. Get off your knees and fight, white man.
Let's go full pic related.
I want to see pits full of burning Bank of Canada funny money in front of Parliament.
Any leaf here that can explain to me why you guys changed flag to the current one?
our neghole had to be pozzed at some point.
people will claim there was no official flag prior to 1960, but they're retarded.
In seven years there will be so many immigrants that your vote will be meaningless. A referrendum can happen in 2-3, and will instantly cut off the Quebecers and southern Ontarians. There's no defeatism in my goals, check previous posts. I don't believe yet another federal party will save western values. We need to shrink the liberal influence by cutting off the gangrene foot and building a new constitution. The "rights" in the charter that Pierre made are a joke, and continuing to waste time trying to build a new party within that framework will only get you attacked further by the SJWs fighting to limit your speech.
The only reason someone would be shilling for the current Canadian institution is if they live in Ontario and are afraid to see the west leave.
Heraldic analysis:
These symbols are good if you stand on Right of Might alone. But this isn't good enough if you want to portray the natural leaders of Canada.
The Fleur de Lis, represents royalist France, and beckons the age of Charlemagne. This is good if you want to suggest a French Catholic Canadian kingdom. A kingdom ruled by their natural betters in spirit, body and mind. The fleur de lis also suggests a large European kingdom or Empire. It is quite a popular icon across Europe, I agree with this symbols inclusion.
The harp is the the symbol of the Irish. But it smacks of the Protestant traitors who put Ireland under England's yoke. It disavows Celtic Christianity/Catholicism. Canada has many many many Catholic Irish, they won't like this.
I do not like the three lions. This is of the house of Normandy. The three lions on the top right of the shield represent the Third Son of of the Duke of Normandy. (Thus lions in three). This smacks of Norman conquest of England. The alienation of Britons, Danes, and Saxons from their land. Normans also betrayed Nordic paganism . Our Queen's line is much removed from this. None the less I do like the prestige of having the lions of King Richard I, his piety in the Crusades would strike fear into Islamists.
The lion on the top right is the lion of Scotland royalty. It is a good bloodline, but it is protestant. And the line of Scottish kings also alienated Scotland from their identity. It eliminated Gaelic and Gaelic Christianity. It is a deep fracture in the Scottish people.
The three maples at the bottom represent native Canadians far removed from their homeland. This is the assimilationist/subsumptionist part of Canada. It represents everyone else or "people of the land", which is somewhat agreeable, but none the less meaningless. The maples need to be replaced which a symbol of might which represents the same.
This flag leaves out other European peoples. How will you argue this is the natural flag of 3,203,325 CDN-Germans, 1,488,420 CDN-Italians, 1,251,170 Ukrainians, 1,067,245 Dutch, and 1,010,700 Poles, 550,515 White Russians (also 500K welsh, Norwegians, Metis, and Portuguese ea.)? Are they to identify with the assimulationist Maples?
Canadians actually wanted something of their own flag independent from another country, but they did decide to keep a leaf (legacy symbol from Britain) to keep in memory of where they came from.
The gov held an open box where people could submit designs. There are actually some interesting ones that Holla Forums could possibly steal if they wanted to.
Cucks. They wanted to be "inclusive" by eliminating nationalism with in the flag. It is a *feminine flag*, a *women's flag*.
That facility carries the deeds to the oil, and financial records of Shell Oil. Who owned most of CDN oil and distribution at one time. It is there to make sure Shell Oil owns the oil after WWIII m8. It may be a different bunker in the area though. Probably as bought by google. Many bunkers were abandoned by CF after nuclear bombers were replaced by nuclear missiles. There was less time to hunker down.
Want Canadian lore?
A former Canadian defense minister is going around saying aliens are real. Crazy?
Avro Arrow, the fastest Jet never made.
HARP facility in Canada. Similar to declassified Russian design found in ruins of Chernobyl. It is a long range radar facility, which bounces off the atmosphere, to detect launches, probably. Its outdated anyway, Russia can fly missiles across the south pole now, and descend from Latin America to USA.
Canada once had nuclear missiles under Diefenbaker, but the Americans ran the facilities, later abandoned.
Canada removed all fighter jets from Quebec during the 1990s referendum vote, to make sure Quebec did not get any if they left.
Makes sense, maybe an AI stronghold as well.
I think you're right that anything they let us know about is outdated.
Did not know this. I can't imagine the the US letting us have our own nukes outright. Too much risk Quebec would glass Ottawa and irradiate New England, I imagine.
How about the Halifax explosion:
The blast was the largest man-made explosion prior to the development of nuclear weapons, releasing the equivalent energy of roughly 2.9 kilotons of TNT.
They had basic income in toronto for 2 months, and it only made the rich jackasses richer and they scrapped it before even sharing any money outside of toronto. The poor literally had money stolen to line the riches pocket.
And nova scotians got help from over including boston after that explosion, we did not scoff at help offered. What happened at fort mcmurray I will never forget or forgive and will never let any libshit weasel out of it.
Postal dude left my ballot exposed to the rain so there was some water damage and I had to carefully cut the envelope open and seal it together with tape. The incompetent commie government employee couldn't stop me from voting for Mad Max. I long for the DOTR.
this is true, whatever the US does, Canada will do the opposite
Classic scapegoating and deflection. There's a concerted effort to concentrate all anti-immigrant sentiment on strictly the muzzies, and for all the wrong reasons.
He's just trying to position himself as the dissenting jew to avoid the DOTR.
So the controlled media is jews, AND the alternative as well. Guess they have the market cornered
To avoid this trap don't bogged down talking about specific problems and specific groups. Diversity itself is the problem and affects us all.
Of course - civic nationalists are fine and dandy with diversity, they just think that muslims are "the wrong kind" of diversity. The jew has played a clever trick on the collective unconscious that our standards for integration are so low that only the muslims seem incompatible. They can't see the chinks behind the curtain slowwwwwly changing the west coast into new Canton
i live in the okanagan in BC
it's almost all white here but is there ANY form of white identitarian sentiment in west canda
I dont know any nonwhites yet i have nobody to talk to IRL about redpilled topics (not white nationalism, not IRL) other than enlightening politically neutrals on current events who aren't that interested
shits lonely sometimes but i count my blessings that i live in such a nice place
Keep in mind in the book: Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon- Dentist were used as fronts by the CIA to launder drugs and underage whores.
Guessing there isn't a "Generation identity" for Canada huh.
"Dégénération" by Mes Aïeux.
Nope. Canadian normies are disconnected and suicidal. The luckier ones drink themselves to death. The unlucky ones hide in their rooms and then hang themselves. The media here are harpies and constant demoralization and degradation is sowing seeds of self destruction among white youth.
Throw in selective enforcement of the law by cucked white cops that ENJOY beating and harassing whites while ignoring niggers openly stealing from stores, and every day forming a gang for protection looks more and more practical.
Every fucking antifa gets cash straight out of police coffers, with the undercover cops serving as bagmen. It's a massively shamefilled place and if you're bluepilled, you'll try to end the pain with bullets.
Save us.
so much this
there is no deep long blood history tying us to the land or even together so we just chill
we are the epitome of "just chillin" cuz we have it so good here with being rich and free of the eurabian problem. Just drugs, welfare, nature, drugs, degeneracy, and booze… and drugs. ZERO motivation to do something
I'm a fan of the Northwest Front/Cascadia
I hate and resent the fact we are part of the commonwealth. we should have fought for independence with america. Canada would be much better off a sovereign nation. We need to take back the Bank of Canada, BTFO the brits, and start looking after canadian interests.
and shred the fucking treaties
biblically, whites were called JAPHETITES
Made another one.
Also, don't get demoralized, that is how they win. Just stop caring about anything but your white destiny. Seriously, I have done this, and I am open about my opinions now. I don't fucking care what other whites think, if they accept message, good. If they don't, they are nothing but godless men and women. I use the term "Godless" to describe these people almost all the time, and not in a religious bullshit Semite sense. I mean in they have no natural connection to the nature around them. They are just "enjoying life". Easy times create easy men, Hard times create hard men. There is a loads of blood history tying us to the land, we are the Great White North. Never forget that.
By the end of the century Canada is basically going to adopt Political Islam, have Sharia Courts , and an ISIS/Extremist Sect that will control big portions of Canadian Shield, Rockies, and the Arctic regions.
Our politicians are trying to pave this road for Canada as hard as they can. Even almost getting a supremely vague Anti-Islamophobia bill which would have thrown any white person that either triggered a Muslim or criticized Islam in prison for mostly likely would have been set to 25 years cause "Muh Feelz Hurt = 25 to Life"
Canada is doomed, and I will basically urge my children and grandchildren to move to Alaska or America (in majority white areas).
You know he is Muslim right?
Nah, fuck your dubs, Canada will be reborn. Take your defeatist shit somewhere else shill.
Minorities and women at my college openly speak out loud about killing whites, putting whites in camps, and white slavery and how to accomplish it.
With no one batting a fucking eye.
I would want nothing more than a figure to rise in Canada and flip everything in favor of Canadians and not Leeching Shit/Slime/Mudskins.
But anything that figure would suggest would be shot down by 80% of the population, all News outlets in Canada, and 98% of the House.
Only thing I could really see happening to sway Canadians would be 5 things in the span of a Week.
Then Canadians would fucking get woked.
But until that happens, I'll be hiding from Hate Speech charges that would most likely nail me if I took action.
This. We must internally make the decision to fight to the death to protect our people, and the decision to win, letting everything else become secondary. You must transform yourself into a warrior of your volk. Dedicate your very breath for the rest of your life to the ultimate victory of our people. We must realign our purposes: Die to the individual and begin serving the greater whole.
They are Godless. They serve the immediate desires of the flesh over that of the greater good and community. This type of behavior leads to hell on Earth as our enemies ruthlessly exploit it to attack our people.
And none of us should anymore, not a single one of us. What is there to be afraid of? Some soccer mom disagreeing with your opinion? Our country is being flooded with invaders, our women are being actively turned into whores via propaganda, and there are literally plans in place to round up every single white person and torture/starve them to death in prison camps. Get your fear priorities in order and start taking appropriate action.
Take Action
This is a war over minds and hearts, you must begin redpilling every single white person you know. Start with your immediate family and friends. We are well past the point of hurt feelings: every single person you know is going to be tortured and killed, don't you get it? You are going to have to be ready to let go of friends if they prove themselves to be cucked or cowardly beyond hope (but be patient with them at first, it can take months).
Walking in truth is not an easy journey. Educate yourself about Marxism so you can hold a decent conversation about how and why Canada is in the state that it's in now (you don't have to get to the JQ until much further down the line, the fact that we're dealing with communism is more than enough to sway many people to reason). You must make them see that the left's plan is to REPLACE THEM.
Think about how angry and disillusioned you feel. Now multiply that feeling by tens of millions of Canadians. Do you not realize how much of a force the white race is to be reckoned with when we are fucking PISSED? This is why the lugenpresse exists, to stop this mass awakening from happening, but they are losing their stranglehold FAST. Every time you spread the truth to another Canadian, you are waking up this beast.
What other option do we have?
You can run away like a coward, as suggested by many anons in this thread. "Just move to the USA, bruh". You think the USA is somehow being spared from white genocide? Their demographics are even worse than ours, and they are constantly teetering on the edge of a Jewish created race war (of different demographics than what's brewing here). And at any rate, once the SHTF in the USA (and it WILL), it will simultaneously hit the fan in Canada. You can't escape the genocide of the entire white race by driving south for a few hundred KM.
Do not commit suicide, leafbros.
This is precisely what the Jews want: White men committing suicide so that they don't have to kill them themselves. Every time a white male commits suicide, our army shrinks, there is one less white male to be a good father to white children, and the Jews cackle while grubbing their hands together. Do not EVER forget this.
Then why don't you record these conversations and put them on YouTube to wake up our people? Or how about you challenge them to a debate? Or are you just going to stand there like a fucking faggot twiddling your thumbs while you listen to our enemies openly plot the torture and murder of your family and friends?
Hiding like a little faggot bitch. Have you ever considered that if we all just started peacefully spreading the truth, they could not charge us all? And for that matter, spreading a message about loving your own people and heritage is not likely to get you charged with hate crimes. Even if it did, who cares? What have we got to lose at this point? All you have to lose is your own personal comfort. Weigh your personal comfort versus that of the future of our entire race: Which is heavier?
Back in the days of the Soviet Union, a regime far more oppressive than what we currently live under, many citizens risked their lives daily to spread the truth. They would laboriously copy anti-communist literature (memes) by hand and disseminate them to those in their community, risking the gulags or worse by doing so. They called this "Samizdat".
We live in the information age. You can do Samizdat anonymously and reach thousands of people in minutes if you are clever. Do anything you can: If you have talent for creating content, make YouTube videos (writing books and articles is far less effective these days; no one reads anymore). If you don't have a penchant for creating content, find YouTube videos that are good for redpilling different types of people on different subjects, and start disseminating them. Figure out which videos will work best on which type of person.
Your attitude is shit and you need to correct it immediately. The way out of your blackpilled depression is stand up and say:
Heres some Ideas. Use traditional British Imagery in your propaganda. Anything with white couples. Post them outside British Shops, churches, places that offer Strawberry teas. The goal is to bring Antifa into contact with old people from a different era and far different values so as to distrupt their days and possibly their flesh.
The elderly have families, and they tell their other friends and or priests about the rude and violent youngsters attacking them and their haunts and seriously if antifa makes a habit of attacking Grandmothers and churches and old folks over historical values posters it'll cause a backlash of serious proportions.
Force the commies to personally attack normie relatives systematically, and watch them get lynched!
What the hell, this is a brilliant idea, luring Antifa into contact with normies. Perhaps we could even post false ads for a "Nazi" rally on social media, with the address being a local church during the time of a bake sale or something.
At the very least we waste their time. kek
I would actually completely agree with you guys if we were talking about the population of another country but this is Canada. Normie and even a lot of non normie Canadians are some of the most heavily brainwashed and indoctrinated people in the world. They are the collective personification of the demoralized individual Yuri Bezmenov talked about.
You cant redpill these people because they have either chosen to shrivel up and die as Marxism rolls right through them or they will actively support Marxist idealogy to their last breath. And we cant even use the excuse that they don't have access to the truth anymore because the internet has rendered that argument null and void.
I agree about nationalising the central bank. We might even convince the libshits on that one since bigger government == good to them.
The most easily swayed people on the planet would absorb memes like a sponge. The ones who stubbornly cling to their own ideas are the hardest to convince. Look at how much we all glom on to American culture. The key is a coordinated meme campaign, focusing on a singular goal. If we bombard people with all the ills of society, they will throw up their hands in defeat and go back to their digital distraction devices. People need a reason to fight, they need an enemy, and they need to know their effort will result in a positive outcome. The reason is the preservation of the morals and lifestyle we all value, the enemy is the government taking it away from them with a multitude of little movements, and the positive outcome is a safe, fulfilling future for their children, and a government that serves their wishes.
Under rated post.
The people just need something, a rope to pull, a target to hit, a ram to push with or a flag to get under.
You say we are all demoralized but really I believe we just need a foothold to get things steady, we need some kind of banner to get under and use to push together which is why I made this post talking about a Canadian counter culture or counter movement. The media and government play whack a mole with whites to keep them down one at a time but if we had some sort of group movement to get behind we could blow the lid off it. It is like a tarp held down by nails, once one is pulled and the tarp catches wind it will begin to one by one pull up more nails and it would be very difficult to put down again.
I like the ideas you linked from your other thread. The north star icon is interesting, I could see a stylized flag or shield with the star, mountains, plains, sea. I think the Mounties idea is linked to much to British control and dominance.
The concept of "No family equals no future" is important to push people into action, but I don't know if that's strong enough to break the hedonism. I don't know if we can disrupt consumer culture until the economy has completely cratered and people realize they need their family and friends to survive. It's close, and very real for a large amount of people who've lost their jobs, but there's still enough stability to keep most from thinking about it. If we time it for the housing market collapse, people will be much more open to the idea of protecting family vs a globalist government giving away their taxes.
Anything to get the ball rolling.
Honestly I would enjoy gaslighting my own country into a frenzy and turning it into a meme wasteland with pranks. The left here are so brainwashed that it would be easy and the redpilled of the younger generation would be drawn to us.
I like it for the most part although I think for most white Canadians the lion would be hard to identify and connect with. Many white Canadians have a severe lack of cultural identity and tend to identify as whatever their grandparents or parents were, eg in Alberta I hear Ukranian/Scottish/German a lot. Other than that p good mang
These people should be executed.
The creating of a strong, proud and appealing national identity for Canadians is key. Right now there is little to work with, but I will list off some of the unique white cultures that have developed, although for many of these they will not work for the majority of Canadians.
-Quebec culture
-Albertan Prairie Populism/Farmers Union Party
-Fransaskois prairie french population
-Maritime Irish and Acadians
-Metis possibly
Living in B.C. there is a lot of devotion to Canada here, lots of people of British descent who have long roots, the problem is they don't have much to latch onto for a universal identity, but the potential is there, it just has to be cultivated.
Ukrainian/Scottish/French here. Agreed. The white nationalism historic to Canada has only ever been based on European values, in time we will become unique.
Exactly. The cities are being shit up faster than a cuck can jump on a black dildo but the core of our people move to the more rural areas, like how French people moved to rural france when their cities became multikulti shitholes. Although in particular I'd move to an area which has a strong culture already, like rural Alberta, the Fransaskois community in Saskachewan, or Vancouver Island is excellent too, but be very tentative with your red pilling, because of cultural conditioning most Canadians will jump and be very afraid as being viewed as intolerant or hateful, so just start slow and red pill them on the negativeness of *Globalization* once the populace is wary of globalization, the rest will fall in place much more easily, the average leaf cant bear to hear talk of race, it scares them too much. Empirical arguments against globalism however are much easier.
Can confirm. Am one of them.
I have asked around with many older Canadians and they all seem to be a-ok with the maple cartel, they even praise it because it keeps the prices steady and keeps jobs in place. If there is something that will benefit white canadians while not explicitly stating it, combined with playing into their cultural soft-spots, they will love it.
Nanaimo here, and there are a few strewn about, there are ways to awaken the redpill within.
Perhaps the best platform for Canada as she currently exists would be one of a smaller Federal Government and more Provincial autonomy, since the cultures between different provinces tend to vary greatly. As another user said earlier, a platform of confederation.
Some Ukrainians are German diaspora, but hide their powerlevel. They fled communism, Stalin, and WWII left-wing death squads.
There are more Germans than is let on.
Its important to capitalize White, when speaking of the tribe. It identifies your power-level subtly.
We must fight religion with religion, faith with faith, god with God. But Christianity is so weakened, and subverted. The spirit of the nation is best channeled with the Spirit of God. And Paganism in Canada is run by a bunch of lesbians.
sorry, user. sometimes i like to laugh things off when the blackpills hit too hard.
perhaps you should save your executions for those truly deserving it
besides do you not know the power of memetics and normalization of racialism?
I always had my suspicions about the Greens
I am happy about this
It was Mays apparently nationalist economics that first sparked my interest
Canada is not the states, man. It's rough around these parts.
I'm like 70% certain I have met a woman who is actually an Islamic facilitator who masquerades as a lesbian (she married a Muslim and moved to Egypt. She then mysteriously became a lesbo and moved back, and now works as a lawyer assisting muslim immigrants any way she can).
Repeat with me is you want the GLORY of the BRITISH EMPIRE to return:
These posters are good for shooping to the cause.
Some inspiration for Canadian imagery. Perhaps the red-cross images can be appropriated for motherhood inspiration.
Behold the most uncucked party in Canada. Still trying to be 'acceptable.' Accessibility is worthless. POWER IS EVERYTHING. I recommend all anons join this party and form paramilitary youth wings. Eventually our time will come and we will seize the party and the country!
I'm a leaf. I redpill people every single day, you have no excuse.
You realize that the Jews have carefully cultivated a "chilling effect" in Canada with regards to free speech? Most of it is just bluster. For example, denying the Holohoax is not illegal in Canada, that's a myth. Ernst Zundel's case in the 80s did away with it (he proved in supreme court that 6 million did not die). He got fucked over because he was extradited to Germany (he had dual-citizenship). The key is that if what you are saying is provably true, it's not "hate speech".
And again, spreading a message of loving your own folk would be almost impossible to construe as hate speech (I saw one lame attempt by a Chinese NDP MPP to construe a poster he found on a campus that said something like "whites deserve their own countries" as hate speech, and no one took him seriously). It's key that White Canadians begin to see one another as kin once again, and this isn't even that difficult to engender given how alienated most Whites now feel in Canada due simply to the fact that they are usually now a minority in the crowd even when they go grocery shopping. You would be astonished how many older Canadians are ready to gush about how disturbed they are by the very rapid shift in Canadian demographics. Just broach the topic and give them the chance to vent their true feelings. They will leave the conversation feeling emboldened to discuss their feelings with their friends and family, you just have to "give them permission" to be "racist". People are angry as fuck, it's all simmering just below the surface.
Again, what is more important: Your personal comfort, or the entire future of our race?
Start with your friends and immediate family. Learn which redpills to give to which types of people. I have found that alerting hockey fans to the fact that NHL teams are about to have racial diversity quotas set for them really wakes them up. Then you can begin giving them redpills about the cause for the disruption to their beloved bread and circus (Marxism, then the Jews).
Also, I would like to mention that you would be astonished how many people already secretly dislike the Jews. Most can't articulate why or even know where they got the ideas from (probably a redpilled grandparent when they were younger, is my guess), but once you open that floodgate there is no closing it.
This. Canadian hate speech laws are not as bad as everyone thinks they are. Criminal hate speech is governed by ss 318-320 of the Criminal Code. Section 318 says promotion of genocide is illegal, so don't do that. The bigger one is section 319:
Public incitement of hatred
319 (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty…
Wilful promotion of hatred
(2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty…
So basically, it can never be hate speech if you're asserting a positive identity for your own people. In order for you to attract criminal sanction, you must:
-be engaging in public conduct, and not private redpilling of people
- incite hatred against an identifiable group, OR wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group.
Avoiding this is easy. In public materials, don't name the Muslims, or whoever else. Your readers will connect the dots if you keep things vague: "True Canadians first" etc.
Does anyone have the original video of this?
I've seen these guys before but never really read their policies. If they were to get into power would they really have the power to enact all the changes they promise? Memeing an established party into power would be a lot easier than doing the heavy lifting ourselves.
Yeah I'd be one of those. Grandmother on the mother's side were Ukrainians who escaped the holodomor(her father spent 10 years in a gulag for his trouble), grandfather on her side were Austrian-Germans. My father's side were either Scottish or English, one of them was related to the james purdey rifle company.
That's because the previous conservative government revoked several sections of laws that allowed the prosecution of hate speech. Section 13(see stopsection13.com) is probably the best known. You notice that the current liberal government is pushing hate speech in various forms again? Did you know that it was the liberals that pushed this shit the first time?
Anyway, Canada isn't as bad as most people think especially outside of Toronto and other big cities. That "small town" feel is still there, lot of places yes you can leave your doors on your home unlocked, your car too and no one will touch it. Leave your shit outside, or even at a park and it'll still be there 3 days later. Or someone will stick a note to a tree/fence/etc saying it was dropped off at the police, or to call x number to come pick it up. It's the small cities, towns and so on where Canadian identity lives. People are nationalistic despite what things say, there are a lot of similarities to what's happening now and previous left-wing purges that have happened in the past. And a lot of people see it.
Something a lot of people don't know is there's a lot of guns in Canada, just like the US. I wouldn't be surprised if there's illegal firearms in most houses in Canada. ~25ish years ago the liberal government enacted a firearm registry, and a lot of people simply refused to register and hid their weapons even if it meant 10-20 years in prison. This is from the government's own stats, and it's doubly true for rural folks and farmers. Hell you can't go a day in western canada without hearing some "native canadian" being shot/shot at on left-wing media because they tried breaking into some farmer's truck/barn/house/etc. The police really don't even do much because response times can be up to half a day away.
Or all the other alternative ways we name people
I'm surprised how relatively unknown this is. Canada would have you believe there are barely any guns in the country, however statistically there are now more gun owners than play hockey. And those are just the ones Canada knows about. Their laws may be strict right now, but the people that matter aren't the one giving into the random legislative gun and mag grabs. The only people that got rid of their butler creek 10/22 mags when the RCMP issued their reinterpretation are probably the cucks over on r/canadaguns. There are definitely a lot of firearms in Canada that were made illegal that people just decided not to give up. The way I see it, they're still a conservative country occupied by a hostile liberal government.
It says in the Poetic Edda that HeimdallR is father to all children. How the fuck can people larp european paganism without reading anything. I mean, at least read "the golden bough" or "reflections on european mythology and polytheism"
It's like the christians that never read the bible and shitposts about crusades
So in other words "North for the Northnoids" is ok but "drop PEI on Israel" is not
He never had Canadian citizenship. He even ran for the leader of the liberal party of Canada against Cuckdeau Sr. knowing full well he could never be prime minister without being a citizen.
Sounds like bullshit, but if it's not, sauce plz. This would be a great conversation starter.
You know nuke waste can be reused for more fuel right? whatisnuclear.com
Reason it ain't is that Jimmy Carter was afraid some Commie might make a bomb with it and created the Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty. It could provide limitless energy! That and it makes the oil kikes nervous about their sheckels
Yeah (((Canadians))) sure wanted (((their))) own flag alright. There was never a vote bud.
Disgruntled Leaf?
We're all disgruntled, and that means all. A lot of Canadians feel exactly the same way as that user described; you'd never know it though since it's been hammered into everyone that the only thing that speaking out gets you is to be socially outcast, and that if you don't outcast the outcast, then you get outcast too. It's not like you can hold beliefs that the narrative says are fringe openly and still have any kind of social circle or life. Even people who agree with you can't agree with you unless it's in private, and even then if you confide in the wrong person it's game over. They've managed to trick everyone into thinking they are mostly or completely alone in how they feel. Hate speech laws here aren't good, but they aren't as bad as they are made out to be; however, it's not the government you have to worry about ruining your life for being against what is being done to our country and people, it's the wrong ears hearing you say it.
Loose lips sink ships.
Wise words, I am all too familiar with a dwindling social circle for my views. But the people still in my life, we cherish one another deeply. We truly are a tribe.
Subtlety is key. I'm in the process of figuring out what subtle steps I can take personally to help fix this mess or at least open some eyes to the extent of the mess. Because I'm quite sick of things and 'disgruntled' puts it lightly.
Sounds like my dad's side, you're not forgetting any minuscule Native ancestry are you friend?
hmmm, you're also from BC, really makes me think. Mc surname huh bud?
srs wtf, sauce?
fuck britain and the whole inbred monarchy they bow to… british jews controlling the bank of canada is what's wrong with this country
It's coming. Use this to redpill.
Quotas have not been declared, but see this: The lugenpresse has begun harping on about how hockey is "too white" and the NHL has responded saying they are going to "fix" it.
Since hockey is a big business, the change has to be incremental (it can't hurt profits). If you think about it though, they can't just let hockey continue to be dominated by white males. It would stick out like a sore thumb once whites are a minority, and serve as a rallying point for whites. In fact, NHL hockey is in a way the most acceptable, most politically correct, form of racial pride in Canada, given that most teams are majority white and so are the fans. In a sense hockey pride has replaced nationalistic pride for the average Joe.
So you can see why the Jews are attacking it relentlessly.
Can't wait for the day an all non-white team gets devastated by a fully white team and liberals whine about "white privilege" being the reason for the easy win.
A team full of non-whites could be what makes the best generation finally crack and bring down some whoop-ass. Hockey is sacred for them, and the last refuge in a world gone mad. They wouldn't put up with any Kapernick-like bullshit either.
Let's push for inclusivity.
Burger here
what's the haps in the leaflands
I'm assuming trudeu is still letting people burn alive in forest fires
Thousands of non-white "refugees" are streaming across the Canada/US border (illegally, through the woods) from burgerland. Our government has done nothing to stop it, and law enforcement have their hands tied. They pick them up and drive them to community centres and hospitals so they can start receiving gibs.
I'm going to be passing by one of these border crossing hotspots soon, and am thinking of cruising around with my camera to see if I can spot any, maybe even try to interview them. Most of them are blacks from Africa that snuck into the USA through the Mexico border and were denied asylum by the US government.
We absolutely need to brainstorm specific ways to rile up/redpill different demographics.
We should work out the exact date that Canada is projected to become minority white. It's a bit hard to pin down using Statistics Canada numbers, but I think it can be done, and being able to cite Statistics Canada as the source would make it more compelling to normies.
I've tried explaining to some normies that we only have about 15 years until we are a minority, but they sometimes pull up Statistics Canada data that shows how some immigrants are from European countries etc. The truth is that whites are now only a tiny fraction of immigration and have been for some time.
Just thinking out loud, but I'm going to work on that once I have some time.
Another plan I have is to begin trying to redpill by highlighting what has happened, and is currently happening (full scale genocide SHTF), in South Africa. This can be tied into documented cases of the Canadian government refusing refugee asylum to any and all whites from South Africa (there was a pretty prominent case about a decade ago I believe, a white South Africa family tried to flee here due to the escalating violence in SA). Making whites aware of the situation in SA is a crucial as it is, the lugenpresse will NEVER cover it, or if when they do, it will be Jewish typical tricks painting the white South Africans defending themselves as "evil nazi aggressors disrupting the rainbow utopia that is the failed state of SA". (embed related)
Here is another project I am going to begin soon:
Operation (((Canadian History Education))) Deprogramming
I'm going to obtain copies of recent high school history textbooks from the different provinces, and review the information contained therein relating to WW2 as well as Canadian history.
I will then debunk the outright lies, as well as highlight manipulative Marxist half truths and propaganda. I'm going to put this on YouTube and my hope is that it might redpill any students that happen to search for information related to their homework etc. (redpilling the youth is the topmost priority), as well as redpill people on how fucked and controlled our education system is. Maybe it will inspire more parents to home school.
If anyone has any tips for obtaining these textbooks please let me know. Digital copies would be ideal.
Checked. I'm right there with you; we're all in this together.
I want to meet IRL, we need to hold some protests, Call me @ 1-204-218-2252
Eh, the only normie source you gave was rolling stone. Thanks for the links and all, but I don't know what I can accomplish with this, I know that this probably doesn't need to be said, but remember to add in that (((Gary Bettman))) just happens to be a Jew while dropping this info.
Get this, I was just looking into this, and I just discovered HIFE (Hockey is for Everyone) which was originally called the NHL Diversity program.
I stopped paying attention to hockey about 10 years ago but I never knew it got this bad.
Likely going to take Ontario crashing before anything shakes out of it. At the rate we're going it's about a decade away, especially with the absolute bullshit that the liberal party has pushed here. Upside is the libs here in Ontario likely won't be a party in two years, and maybe we can go about fixing this.
Should be easy enough. See pic related, quality is shit, phone posting.
If this keeps up at the current rate whites will be 50% of the population by 2051. I suspect however that the numbers in October are going to be showing a larger delta then the previous 5 year span.
First my wrestling, now my hockey
It's my real number, I'm just talking abut protests, nothing illegal, okay, I want to advocate at the university of Winnipeg, for reparations for slavery, in particular, black-on-white, and arab-on-white, I also want reparations from Mongolians for thee colonization and imperialism they forced upon Europe, it should be devoid of any racial supremacy, and not linked to any racial supremacist groups or slogans, however, we should make it clear that the fact that these crimes aren't recognized by the average person of color, is an intentional act of erasing the crimes of the past, which have not yyet been legally addressed, I want to find a lawyer who can argue the average white person's case as to how, even tough white people aren't doing terribly right now, these crimes have been affecting us to this day, especially with anti-white sentiments associating whites with slavery, when they the selves were recovering as the victims of it.
I'd call you, but I'm 90% sure you're an Indian and I get stabbed and jacked for my shoes
It has to be way sooner than this, but the increased flow of "refugees" needs to be factored in. They keep announcing that they are increasing it.
This article is OLD too, from the past summer (John McCallum isn't the immigration minister any longer): archive.is
I'm white, I've never even been mistaken for a native, which happens a lot to white guys around here, my mom said that when I was a baby I looked like the one on the pampers package.
dirty blond hair, blue eyes, I'm not the most handsome, short and fat, but I'm definitely white.
Interesting ideas but I think that shit is a dead end. By time you succeeded, after spending $100k+ on legal fees, we will be a minority living under Shariah.
If you're around the universities, consider putting up posters or something. But focus on redpilling white Canadians, it's the most important thing.
Well, that's good. Not many of us left in this rats nest. what part of town? Just say "North/South/East/West" we don't need CSIS on us.
any posters that are good for redpilling normies? I men, babbys first redpill, redpills that aren't against race or sex, but ideas alone, redpills that even non-whites and women will be willing to swallow.
A lot of normalfriends are already on our side, but feel like they cant say anything without getting fucked over, and others aren't even aware of what we have to say, just that we are bad, and that produces the Streisand effect.
call or text me at the number provided, I've made sure that it's safe from government spooks overhearing what I have to say.
if you are feeling a bit more bold, use my gmail, [email protected]/* */
we can get cash money from the very rich arabs and blacks who live here, mostly saudis with oil money, and nigerians who work in tech or business (for some reason).
if possible, we meet at the university, identify each other with yellow and green, and go for coffee (or a feast at the local mead hall).
You just went full retard.
All calls in North America are monitored (speech to text, stored in a database / analyzed by AI). All texts are logged as well.
>if you are feeling a bit more bold, use my gmail, [email protected]/* */
How is emailing you being "more bold"?
Jesus Christ CSIS, try a little harder.
d6ccfc (>>9931215) is now a confirmed CIA nigger.
he also mentions Nigerians working in tech in fucking WINNIPEG. that is something that never, ever happens. All Nigerians take retardgaurd jobs and/or gibs.
Gibs or Subway employees, sounds about right.
Pic related: CSIS preparing for this hamfisted sting attempt.
u CSIS fags need to step up
My nigga
welcome fellow aryans, who wants to kill chinese, indians, arabs, and assasinate trudeau?
give me a call and ask for the moonman and we'll hook you up with explosives, weapons and ammunition
Leave it to CSIS nigger to ruin a good thread.
This shit is why we can never get anything done, my name is adam morrison, i live at concordia village, i have a facebook, facebook.com
we will be doing nothing illegal, so we wont have to worry about getting arrested.
I just feel alone and isolated, and want to meet someone IRL, protests are what make the left visible, I think their willingness to do something outside is their one advantage at this point, it's also something we can take from them.
BTW, for the nigerians, the tech and biz jobs ARE the gibs, you seriously think they got there on merit? for some reason, they are the one nig population that actually takes them, instead of living on welfare.
if there is some way i can show you that i am who i am, let me know and I will.
Poster Trump shit at the university. That'll make the local news GUARANTEED.
Not true, have you ever been around authentic, egg-plant black Nigerians? They work as guards, retard wranglers or live off welfare. And this is the first I'm hearing about their being a tech industry in Winnipeg, let alone staffed by nogs and not pajeets or chinks.
PS; white people call Indians, Indians. not natives. unless they have to as part of there CSIS job
ok, there re no nigerians in tech, i was wrong.
the point is i want to take their money.
Draw a Pepe on your arm with permanent maker, hold up your arm, and take a time stamped photo of that includes your face.
Protests are useless by the way. The only reason the "left" gets noticed is because the Jewish controlled media covers every single thing they do. They ignore protests by anyone else.
Make a YouTube channel or something if you want to find like-minded people IRL and organize things in meatspace. This is not the place.
Once we get the numbers from 2016 census we can get a bit better picture of what's happening. I suspect they will show a bigger change in %white then the 5 years before it. Mark October 25 on your calendar, it is the release date. August 2nd we should see a preview of what to expect via the language numbers.
Interesting that they were able to hold the change at a steady 3.3%/5 years for over 15 years. Makes me wonder if that is something (((they))) came up with as a comfortable maximum before the masses get angry.
Stop shilling for the kikes and mandatory kikes; Canada was ahead of its time when it came to multiculturalism as a method of killing the legitimate French nation of Canada and you are all the fruits of this leafy abomination.
You could still hear publicly our PM defend the race in the 1960s, something the rest of Canada cannot ever do because of its own multicultural history.
Face the truth, Canada is and will be a multicultural stronghold for the next decades or so and the only hope is a strong Québec that either gtfo of Canada or force it to be a real confederation that respects provincial rights, aka decentralisation.
Guys, anyone has that image that has a pretty good explanation about the Arab Spring, Syria and the use of Social Networks on all of this stuff?
It's like 6 or 7 posts with tons of links.
Thanks in advance
Bugerboy who asked back
I have a teaching thing at the local highschool, i try to subtly redpill the kids, but if i over do it i'd very easily get fired
so far i'm just getting them to stop believe all the liberal lies, haven't named any Jews yet, though the school year is ending round here so i've done what i can
Good observation, I think you're probably right. I'm sure they use all sorts of (((math algorithms))) to herd the goyim.
Something to remember is that whites will become a minority almost overnight when the baby boomers start dying en masse in 10-20 years. This really makes me furious, because these stupid boomer fucks are digging their own childrens' graves, right before they hop into theirs. I've considered creating content that directly targets the boomers, but I've pretty much given up on that demographic as hopelessly self-centered and cucked.
Our only real chance is redpilling the youth.
May Kek bless your holy efforts, user.
Go away
Just a follow up
that's an old folks home
Video related.
Lets invite these apparent "security organizations" to this thread. By all means, they could be a private COINTEL for a big bank or Mossad for all we know. Lets not be afraid of policemen, but show courage. For we are doing nothing wrong but having an honest discussion, and this is a free private assembly.
We have many ways to actively resist them without violence, after all Ghandi freed India without any violence on his side.
Indeed it is we who NOT should be afraid, for it is their injustice, that (((they))) fear being exposed.
Once they can no longer force their world view on us, restrict our flow of information, force their drugs on us, surveil us, make us cower with fear. Their injustice will become naked before us when they become forced to draw blood as a desperate naked attempt to maintain their illegitimate power.
I like to tell people to look around, and ask them "Is this what we think our grandparents fought WW2 for? So their granddaughters can dress and act like whores and for their grandsons to fuck other men in the ass?
Depending on the person, I'll also throw out the reason that housing prices are so high is because of all these "refugees" have to live somewhere and Chinese money buying up the land because they see it as an investment.
So not only is our societal sense of moral values completely rotten, we're becoming a slave class on the land our ancestors fought and died for.
I want to welcome you all.
Everyone one of you.
(Looks at policemen.)
We have no secrets.
Let us begin by being clear,
about Trudeau’s new hate speech law.
All Europeans must now be surveiled,
like criminals.
Men and women.
a. (No opinion other than a non-White,
non-male, is considered valid.
Under this act, our sons and fathers
are enemies of the so-called state.
And every White-man here is a NAZI.)
(No rape other than a non-White, non-Christian
rape considered valid.
Under this act, our wives and mothers
are whores.
And every white-man here is a bastard.)
And a policeman passing a European Dwelling…
I will not call them homes…
may enter and demand to search your home,
and demand to see the electronics of any
European man or women.
(Goddam them!)
He does not need to stand at the door…
he may enter.
(Continues as original source.)
So this guy might just be a clueless old man who stumbled upon here and not the most obvious csis shill of all time?
I'm intrigued now, can we find his goybook?
read the post
he posted it himself, and "he's" not an old man
time to kms then, clearly I am retarded
Tell me "Adam" what is "Packers Movers Dubai" and why do you like them?
We will also break ((((their)))) means of economic control over us.
That right there is why I left the Vancouver Furries. The smug arrogance of a small elite that has total control over who enters events and parties, even if said person lives at that location.
Like all LeftyFags, They are also rude, disrespectful and messy irresponsible guests that get super drunk and cause shittons of issues.
Also something as little as a bit of gossip or a tiny deviance from correct values or behaviour can get you blacklisted by the elite from even having friends over.
Listen up. This small microcosm of degenerates is basically canadian college/university society in a nutshell. A tiny elite seems to micromanage shit, down to the tiniest social value or even what's considered orthodox behaviour or even protocol for what one does online. We're imprisioned here so tight, the only way to escape is booze and weed. Even hint in some places at wrong think and you get antifa'd with police help.
But, with Trump's election the chains are slackening. These fucks got suckerpunched in the kidneys and are pissing blood. It really rattled the elites here. Even a single flyer in places like New Westminister gets a communist Protest march even if it's not Pepe.
Keep going brave friends! You're doing grand work!
Hey heres an Idea. When you get to WWI talk about the Spartacist League and their German Revolution of 1918 as the reason Germany surrendered. No nation can fight an internal war and an external war at the same time. Hell do a class project on their leaders and the Friekorps warring in the streets as a direct reason for Hitler's rise to power.
That and play some of his speeches with subtitles and without the scary music. That's a huge one.
Absolutely HEILd and checked.
(((They))) really hate it when you spread a message of loving your folk. It undoes billions and billions of dollars worth of demoralization. Feel good man.
Laziest CSIS agent of all time. Must be a poo.
He is also not "dirty blond" or "short and fat" as he described himself.
Yeah, I'm lurking that kikehook link he posted now. a lot of questionable shit.
Claims he's a lolberg, basically a t_d normie
It stinks of CSIS
Checked these sleuthing dubs.
So get this. I was walking in a park last week and I come across this FOB group of shitskins (about 8 of them).
I said hello to them and struck up a conversation. I always ask foreigners where they are from. They told me they were from Africa (they were blown not black), Pakistan, and India. FOBs about to begin university here.
After I asked them this, one of the men said to me: "And where are you from?"
… mfw
I told them I am Canadian and that my family has been in this country for hundreds of years.
He replied: "Oh, yeah you look Canadian."
Give these shitskins two years and they will snap back at anyone who asks where they're from with "I'M CANADIAN, ARE YOU RACIST?". Don't forget that the university they are going to study at will indoctrinate them to believe whites don't "deserve" Canada, because "muh residential schools".
You know Trudeau is hurting for a "sting on a raycess cell in the most racist city in Canada" when then send FOB poo's to bait into a meetup.
I don't fear the security foot soldiers - unless they're "just doing their job" to me. Most of them are already pretty redpilled.
They get to see the shit.
Explain Canada then. What happened, what and when it went wrong?
Here is Lord Durham's plan that's been going on since the 19th century: submerge white french with immigration from anywhere they can find to submit us into a minority in the very own country we created, from 100% to 20% something.
Canada is at the apogee of multiculturalism, and there is no one more clueless than an english Canadian when to comes to resuming what the fuck is going on north of the USA.
Easy. Instead of treating Lower Canada as "separate but equal" it treated lower canada as separate but less than vs upper canada. This isn't rocket surgery, Durham simply took the England vs France rivalry and made sure it became a permanent thing even after it had died across the pond.
It would be RCMP pulling this shit, not CSIS.
All of our parties are watered down too much for something like that. Even the "conservative" party is only conservative in name only. There is no real opposition to Trudeau and hence he can do what he wants. That's the answer. And I don't think it's because of some grand conspiracy, in reality it's because Canadians are just so passive that we don't think about shaking the system at all. Working within the system to change it radically has no net benefit here.
Not true man. CSIS operates as a combination of domestic and international investigative body and has a warm body mandate which is why there's 2 independent bodies that oversee all their actions one is a government body, the other is made from members of other members of crown committees, special members of the public that have security clearences and other parts of the security apparatus and is considered a "civilian" oversight body. While the RCMP will deal with immediate threats, CSIS is the direct line of investigation and hands info off to the RCMP when it's a serious but not a "ticking bomb" situation, where as CSIS can get things like JTF2 to be deployed on canadian soil without the declaration of martial law, or enforcement of the emergencies act(which replaced the war measures act ~10 years ago). JTF2 for non-canucks is basically a cross between delta force and a seal team. Small country, limited military forces basically means that there's only a few specialized groups like all that in the CAF. But JTF2 is unique in that it can operate on Canadian soil without "sovereignty limitation" powers. There's also parts of JTF2 that allow their direct insertion and superseding of sections of the military in the event of a national emergency(requires activation of the emergencies act).
Acadian pride is alive and strong in the ns, but irish and scotish pride are beyond dead. Hell, greeks have more pride here.
Record and post on jewtube. Name and shame, its still the strongest weapon against limp wristed canadians.
Wrong. They've been planning this for decades. The Jews are directly responsible for our immigration laws changing in 70s so that the third world began flooding in.
I meant that the reason Trudeau has no real opposition is not first and foremost the result of some grand conspiracy. Canadians are just too passive and they really don't think that way. We've been jewed hard in many different ways, but we can only blame ourselves for our inability to take action.
I know
CSIS is the storefront. JTF2 in Munster Village is where the real action is.
t. former chinese spy
Now when you say "former", that's because you gooks own everything and spying is irreverent, right?
I disagree. Democracy is basically a Jewish ploy in itself, they control all available parties through subversion, no matter what.
This I agree with.
kek, I didn't even mean to quote your post.
Story time user.
ok round eye I tell you. family came from dingdong, very rich. buy houses and rent to rich whitu-piggus or feather heads to grow green plant that smell like chinese air. Xia Yung Ku come to me say "you spy now!", so I give secrets to homeland about weak, possibly homo people in cold land. New gay man in charge says "no more spy, we just give you detail". we agree and pay 250,000 for fish at talk-talk.
9/10, could have used more little potato.
I have no counter to this one argument when it comes up.
How do I not be retarded and actually make a compelling argument?
Thanks, nice anecdote. Always good to hear different opinions and impressions, even if we're racial enemies.
Are you talking to white people? and if yes, what part of the great brown north? Here I would say something like "oh, yeah. It'll be good when the Indians get their land back". Most people hate Indians. They chew on Canada becoming one big reserve; and that gives them pause.
Fucking Blue Jay player just apologized for calling another player a faggot and still got suspended 2 games. Now MLB is investigating. They really love the poop dicks up there. Gotta protect them like polar bears or some shit.
Your answer makes me laugh, it is childish at best. The Durham plan was to erase the frenchs and melt them into a Canada that is a melting pot of cultures from every colors of the rainbow. THAT is multiculturalism, and the cost and result of this anti-european strategy is the liberal poison that is evrywhere and the loss of many parts of Canada to foreigners, Vancouver island being an iconic exemple of this mess.
The province of Québec will be the last one to die, we countered Lord Durham's plan with a baby-boom, it costed our clergy its reputation because it was hard on the families and the women, so the Quiet Revolution happened with its liberal propaganda.
Nice job mate, nice fucking job (((friends))).
Fucking lol
Just once I'd like one of these numale faggots to stand their ground and refuse to apologize.
Ask them this: What are the benefits of diversity?
But with regards to the "so?" response (aside from strangling them), you can just tell them that you think it's wrong for a nation of people to give their country away to foreigners and go literally extinct in a few generations.
Make them realize that it's happening to every single European/white country in the world. You can tell them that it's a planned destruction of Western culture led by psychopathic liberal elites (no need to name the Jew, many politicians are open about it, including Trudeau who said we are the first "post-national state", which is objectively communist rhetoric – most normies still associate communism with evil).
Explain to them that multiculturalism is a Marxist communist utopian idea, and that it has never been successful.
Tell them that you are gravely concerned about how whites will be treated in the future as a minority, especially considering all of the openly anti-white rhetoric pushed by the left. Then tel them about the openly planned genocide of the whites in South Africa that is occurring RIGHT NOW (the black communist government just announced they will seize all white farm land and businesses by the end of the summer). Tell them about how the whites there cannot find employment because blacks won't hire them. Tell them how many hundreds of thousands of whites have been raped, tortured, and murdered in the past decade and a half.
But I think one of the best ways to handle it is to turn the questions over to them. Ask them things like "why should we want to become a minority?". If they turn it around on you and ask why we should NOT want to, tell them that scientific studies and historical evidence indicate that the multicultural experiment is destined to fail spectacularly.
Remind them that other races in Canada are organized as distinct groups that act in their self interest. Ask them why whites should not also act in their self interest? Explain to them that the different demographic groups in Canada interact in a zero sum fashion, and that flooding our country with competition is an obviously bad idea.
Above all, try to get it across to them that the left's goal is to exterminate whites. Talk about how the concept of "white privilege" is genocidal rhetoric that encourages and excuses violence towards whites, as under that ideology "it's not possible to be racist to a white person".
I'm picturing a nu-male cuck dressed as a pretend lumberjack saying the word "so?" to you while casually shopping for ass dildos on his iPhone.
Is anyone talking about Jordan Peterson pwning the senate hearing? Someone post it ps4 browser cannot copy text
The BC Teacher's federation is openly Communist and wants to bring Common Core into Canuckland. I have proof here.
Why does this matter, you ask, we all know Canada is a communist country…. The average normalfag DOES NOT. He doesn't know that in the 70's the President of the BCTF Jim McFarlane was an openly card carrying communist, or that the real reason there are constant strikes in schools asking for raises is because the commies are pocketing most of the cash for their Social Justice Projects, or that the worst unions are led by Marxist-Leninists (Tankies).
Here's some names to dox:
Barbara Biley, Regional Vice-President for Vancouver Island of the Hospital Employees Union (HEU) and member of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist- Leninist)
-Bob Chamberlin, elected Chief Councillor of the Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation & Vice President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs (UBCIC)
Victor Elkins President of the Hospital Employees Union
Charles Boylan on behalf of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist- Leninist)
Jim Iker, President of the BC Teachers Federation (BCTF)
-Tamara Hansen, coordinator of Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba
=Teri Mooring, 1st Vice-President of the BCTF;
=George Davison, President of Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC (FPSE) and
-Terri Van Steinburg, Secretary-Treasurer of FPSE.
All are confirmed via participation in the welcoming of one of Fidel Castro's Communist Spies, Gerardo Hernández to Vancouver Island for a solidarity ceremony and Public Speaking.
Forgot the full damning proof.
You agree with my ultimate point which connects to the other point. We can only blame ourselves when we are weak and don't take action, so the reason everything else is so wrong stems from that, regardless of the jews. I'm not full natsoc so I don't agree that democracy itself is degenerate, I'd only agree with you if I saw an example of a natsoc alternative succeeding.
Also, if democracy is a jewish ploy (which you can definitely make the argument that it is), and everyone is controlled through subversion, does that also mean Trump is controlled too? This place supports Trump to the core so I wonder if your logic applies there too.
The points do not connect. My agreeing with you that our failure to take action is a problem does not equate with your other point that "there is no grand conspiracy". There is a provable "conspiracy" to subvert our nations with Marxist communism and exterminate all of the whites on the entire planet.
Where do you think you are, /r/the_donald?
Pic related. Hitler's Germany is a perfect example of successful National Socialism. The only reason Germany was not "successful" is because the Jews convinced the goyim of the world to destroy them by force (because National Socialism forbids usury).
Sounds to me like you need to lurk more, and like you aren't redpilled on the history of WW2. You can get started here: youtube.com
Embedded, going to watch this now.
are either of you aware of a decent KJV baptist church in winnipeg similar to Pastor Steven Anderson (After the Tribulation, Marching to Zion, Babylon USA). I want to find a good white church lead by someone redpilled as possible (acknowledges Israel/Zionism as a problem, is against gay marriage etc)
Excellent work user! Those fucking COMMIES! The audacity of those Marxist faggots is incredible.
Saved for later further investigation.
It does connect since that's the prime reason things are so bad, regardless of (((them))). I have noticed the internet discourse on this has changed - say, 7 or 8 years ago, when I told people they need to do something other than online whining, they would all sperg out. But now people know more often than not that we need to take responsibility and go beyond the internet.
I risk getting my ass kicked by the mods for this, but this place has been overwhelmingly pro-Trump for a long time now. For some reason, this board thinks he is going to "fight the jews" despite his extensive jewish connections. It would be funny if it weren't so tragically pathetic. You may be an exception, and 8/pol/ may change, but I know what I've seen on here.
>Sounds to me like you need to lurk more, and like you aren't redpilled on the history of WW2. You can get started here: youtube.com
I'm not as knowledgeable on natsoc as you and I'm not full natsoc, if I had a modern example of a natsoc alternative succeeding I'd drop democracy forever. The only real argument I can think of that democracy is a jewish operation is how we see before our very eyes that when we have too much "freedom" things deteriorate over time. The jews can subvert in many ways, not just through democracy.
Go to Calvary Temple faggot. Who cares?
I became aware of this while investigating a May Day Communist rally and was surprised to see the BCTF, the Lonhgshoreman's union, The NDP, and Marine workers union there. Then this Speaker for the BCTF Thanked those present for aiding them in their Strikes and actions.
You're mistaking hatred for shills as unquestioning support for Trump. If the shills stopped shrieking 24/7 you'd see more thoughtful discussion about his chess moves.
So far he's done great, considering the hand he has been dealt and the level of opposition. I haven't seen the deep state this riled up in my lifetime.
BC Teacher's Federation has strike breakers killed.
Pics are of a New Westminster antifa action in response to End White Genocide Posters put up by the local Andrew Anglin Fagclub. Low fucking energy that's what!
Why the mods get triggered over Syria threads
This is a factual event which has enormous implications for the future of the world and could drag us into global conflict. It is confirmed by multiple sources, The mods on Holla Forums get butthurt about any-pro Assad threads and have deleted multiple threads on this topic
pic related
Here's the rally itself, . It's super low grade, but I got as many faces as I could for Dox Foxes like yourself.
Secondly I have an article about the Commies and their use of the DT eastside charities as a dosh making enterprise. genuinewitty.com
Read all you can of that blog user, the author is a cuck, but even he's waking up to the commies and the threat they pose, and their evil scumbag ways.
No, it does not.
Premise: Failure to take action.
Conclusion: There is no conspiracy.
The conclusion does not follow from the premise. There can easily be a conspiracy that exists regardless of whether or not people "take action". The goal of the conspiracy might be easier to reach if people don't take action, though.
The question is: Is there some kind of (((influence))) that reduces the likelihood of Canadians "taking action"?
There is, it's called Voyeristic Sports. I've met many whitefolks with walls devoted to some athlete's victories, but not their own. When their guy scores they cheer, if their team loses they get depressed, and worst of all, it's a release valve for their shit lives. They even Talk to them as the game plays, even though there is no way for the chosen ones to hear them. I wonder if it's some sort of Loosh farming mechanism/mass hypnosis cult?
What qualifies as a "shill"? I've seen people banned here for questioning Trump in the best way they possibly can. If you don't tow the line here that Trump is the savior of the west and that he's some anti-jewish powerhouse, you pay for it.
Yes, there is no grand conspiracy that we don't take action because us not taking action is our own fault. Saying that the jews make us not take action is just an excuse. The jewish issue exists separately from "Canadians being too passive to do anything".
Except that they've spent billions brainwashing and demoralizing the populace from birth, while simultaneously fostering a culture of self-centered decadence and degeneracy.
Lurk for 3 years you fucking faggot.
As much as I hate kikes I dont want to absolve Canadians of any responsibility. They may have been exposed to propaganda in large doses but they had the choice to reject it outright and they chose poorly. If a board of truth seekers and non NPCs like Holla Forums can exist then im convinced a nation can choose to wake up at any point. Then again maybe im being too optimistic considering how fucking weak Canadians are even in comparison to other cucked white populations.
Yes, absolutely. It serves as a misdirection for any energy that could be directed towards nationalism. Fervent identification with a group, and emotional masturbation.
Something I've noticed too is that a lot of hockey fans are literal faggots (there are whole blogs dedicated to fawning over the players). I think the NHL specifically markets towards this as well, consider all of the locker room photoshoots and videos etc.
funny that you notice this too. I made the mistake of accidentally making jokes about hockey speculation being really gay and the reaction I got almost led to violence. I'm not one to join the "hating gays means you are a closet homo" but this really made it seem that way.
Basketball as well, which ends up becoming a bizarre synthesis of latent homosexuality and niggerloving as well. Im genuinly curious about how many basketball watchers are literal cucks because I suspect its a high number.
KEK the way that Russian guy holds the garbage can cannon with one arm. I wonder if he dislocated his shoulder.
Nice video and good find with that blog, I will check it out. Perhaps the de-cuckening is truly imminent.
mein sides
The chutzpah is unreal. It pleases me that such a large chimpout was triggered by some benign posters. This tickles my smug pepe, if you know what I'm sayin.
Basketball and football too. They probably settle in for a BLACKED.com fap after every game.
only Time Leaves ever riot is over Hockey, but that one was helped by Antifa and blackclad commies provoking violence. I was there!
I remember i went to G20 when it was here. Protest go head off by Riot Police, Turned down a detour, Then let back onto the Parade route. When we were walking back, the Area we were forced to avoid was DEMOLISHED by 'Black Bloc' protesters. Of course watching Toronto Mayor tell the press 'how ashamed he is of his city' for their 'violent acts' was my very first awakening to the REALITY of Media lies. It was all too 'uncertain' till i seen it with my very own being.
How good is the JTF2?
After the first car was set ablaze and after a commie grabbed a fire extinguisher from said car and sprayed the crowd with it, the Antifa styarted smashing concrete garbage cans and throwing them at the windows of the Blends Coffee shop there so as to break in and loot it. it took their baby arms dozens of tries to smash the glass. Hell they were even stealing the mannekins from the suit store next door!
Got into it with some libtard at work trying to defend tranny bathrooms…it was a guy with 2 kids…so he's in his 40s.
40 y/o man thinks tranny bathroom laws are a good idea, and trannies deserve special rights.
This country is fucked.
The people are soft, pudgy and weak, physically and mentally.
Here, found a Jew co-ordinating the commies! She's a Marxist-Leninist MP for New Westminister!
But regardless of what they've done, we still always had a chance and still do have a chance to do something about it, and we don't. Real men (and real women) wouldn't whine on the internet about someone keeping them down, they'd use the internet merely as a tool to help inform people. They wouldn't sit around and just whine online for years and years and not do anything. Almost ALL of us are guilty of that.
No need to. No point lurking a chan board so I can gain some fake credentials. Youtube had some great natsoc content back in the day but it was all taken down.
Do you have several nukes and an army? Cause that's pretty much the only way.
That las comment in pic 1 is moat likely true
I hope terfs go samson on the senators and liberals and start calling them and harrasing them for this, because the terfs are PISSED, perhaps more than cucknadian Holla Forumsacks, and with the vote for local parilments in less than a month, they shat the bed for liberals having a chance of winning many areas.
furries are degenerate faggots and gender confused, how could you have expected any decency from them?
hope you're using a sock and behind 7 proxies, bet his goal was identify users that viewed his page while logged in cause no one's stupid enough to try and make friends here
Long fucking Time ago, it was basically Babby's first introduction to Leftist Power Structures.
I always hated how he pretends to be quoting the POTEOZ at the end and then starts talking about the internet.
Make it sound very disingenuous on his part.
See here, anons:
These 3 IDs above are a demoralization kike shill. It is CONCERN TROLLING.
That's right, they sent a kike into our thread to shit it up with posts about how "Canadians are weak" and will "never do anything", with bonus "people who discuss Canada's problems online are the real problem because they're cowards".
Study the posts carefully. Observe how the kike pretends to be "concerned" about Canada, or "concerned" we aren't doing enough (while pretending to be one of us), then follows up the "concern" with a heavy blackpill and/or personal attack on the anons.
Don't be angry about this, it means that they truly fear us. They are spending shekels to pay a literal kike to try to make us lose hope, to steal our joy. This is because without FAITH in final victory, we are nothing but shells of human beings who will indeed accomplish nothing. Never let a kike steal your faith.
So far in this thread:
A CSIS sting attempt.
A paid concern troll kike.
We are on the right track, lads. The North will be ours ONCE AGAIN!
If "the best way they can" is by screaming like drooling retards then they don't belong here. There's no barrier to posting here for any thumbsucking faggot, but there's a cultural barrier to keep out nimrods like you.
Nice try you fucking retard. You can't even get your own bullshit straight. Up next you'll be whining about newfies using mayo with their french fries and laughing about the poor kids that bring lobster to school for lunch.
civil disobedience. begin calling every trans faggot by whatever pronouns you choose and fight on grounds of self defence.
or alternatively adopt ridiculous pronouns for yourself and initiate proceedings against anyone and everyone who slights you in even the smallest degree.
And because I'm a lazy fuck and can't be bothered to read the entire… This is the reminder that you can now crash the court and socjus(HRC) courts with no survivors. Make up your own imaginary genders, require them to be used at any government office. Provincial, federal, big businesses(e.g. walmart/timmy's/kelsey's/office depot/etc) doesn't matter. Don't do it on small businesses. Only takes numbers to simply overwhelm the system. The first few thousand people will likely get themselves some nice easy victimbux. The follow-ups will likely spend years simply tying the system up until the law is either amended/revoked or it ends up before the SCC and struck down.
Peterson made a good point in the senate hearing. The legislation claims that "gender is fluid", and his observation is that if this is the case, then what is the argument against gay conversion therapy (since apparently gender can change)?
Also, what if we create a new gender that has a special characteristic of being unable to consistently gender other people? "I identify as gender-inconsistent, I'm incapable of consistently gendering others accurately."
yes that sounds like a great argument. i wonder what ridiculous shit i can get on my government ID now. I want my gender listed as Aryan
Don't worry about me, friend. :^)
kek. I think a good idea would be to choose a gender that's name is so long that they need to rewrite their software applications to accommodate it. It would also become unprintable on ID/documents, and you could sue for being misgendered.
I am binary kin. My gender is:
01000011 01100001 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01100010 01100101 01101100 01101001 01100101 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100010 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100011 01101000 01100101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01101111 01101110 00101110 00100000 01010011 01101000 01100001 01100100 01101001 01101100 01100001 01111001 00101110
Since you can get a doctor to change your gender as shown how easily by Lauren Southern? This is how easy it is here in Ontario: www.ontario.ca/page/changing-your-sex-designation-your-birth-registration-and-birth-certificate Checking the ontario regulations for example, there's no clear definition as to what gender/sex/etc isn't allowed either. You can walk-in shop, if one refuses you as well since you're paying for a note(usually $20-70/page) you could get that if you tried hard enough.
Another thought along these lines has occurred to me anons.
Have you noticed how much Ezra Levant has been kvetching about Muslims preaching in their mosques about killing all of the Jews? He is whining incessantly about how they are "getting away with hate speech" (total hypocrisy, as out the other side of his kike mouth he's pretending to be a hero of free speech – meanwhile he sued a guy for hate speech a few years ago for writing something about the Jews).
Anyways, I was thinking, if I ever get hassled for speaking out about the Jews in Canada, why not say that I identify as a Muslim (remember "we're all Muslim!")? "Are you being Islamophobic, bro? My holy book says we Muslims are destined to kill every last Jew on the Earth!"
If we become "identity chameleons" we can perhaps get away with just about anything. Good luck proving in court that someone is not actually a Muslim or not actually triple-gender-genderkin. Even if they DO prove that in court, it will have the double edged effect of rendering the identity politics laws null and void.
Something to consider.
Identity chameleons.
HOLY FUCK LEAFBROS!!! I went to get the article that outlines Ezra Levant's lawsuit filed against the owner of www.radicalpress.com, and the SITE IS GONE!!! As of March 9th, it's GONE. (Also I was wrong, Ezra Levant didn't charge Arthur Topham, it was B'nai B'rith, but Ezra is playing a special role in all of it as you will see below).
Here is the web archive link: web.archive.org
What the fuck happened?
Reading the archive, here are the details, actually (also see pics attached): web.archive.org
Here are some articles about Ezra Levant and his role in all of this:
Here are two Red Ice inteviews with Arthur Topham:
Here's Ezra Levant saying that he "hates Arthur Topham", calling him a fringe lunatic etc. (while pretending to be for free speech): youtube.com
What seems to be going on, is that the Jews are scrambling to figure out what to do with Canada's anti-free spech "hate speech" laws, as the Muslims are beginning to use that legislation against the Jews (Ezra Levant was recently sued for hate speech by some Muslims!!!).
especially with gender being defined as fluid, my gender can change often. my preferred pronoun is 'mein fuhrer' and if you dont address me as such ill FUCKING SUE YOU
I am tran-Fuhrer Hitler-kin. GET IN THE OVEN!!!
I think it's time we begun creating a Marxist/leftist database of Canadian citizens (individuals in education/academia, government, anywhere else influential). These people and their activities need to be exposed and kept track of.
Not trying to be that guy who says "we should do this thing" and not lift a finger, I will put some effort into this later when I have the time. We can save the spreadsheet to IPFS so it can never be taken down.
apparently the canadian jewish council created the nazi party of canada with the help of trudeau sr in order to pass the hate speech legislation originally.
The timeline of our hate speech laws and its Jewish origins need to be thoroughly exposed. I think the most effective way to do this would be to highlight it simultaneously alongside Ezra Levant's "free speech" activities, exposing his hypocrisy and the battle that is raging between the Muslims and the Jews with regards to the use of hate speech legislation. It will get people's attention this way, because Ezra Levant is so famous in Canada now, and it will also undermine The Shekel Media's credibility.
Fuck I hate kike.
Searching "Israel" on the Rebel Media's website turns up more results than a search for any province name in Canada.
You can bet your top dollar that Ezra Levant sleeps with a packed suit case and plane ticket to Israel under his bed. The kike is going to be gassed 60 gorillion times once the SHTF.
sounds good, a solid timeline would be really useful
I identify as transracialfluid. Whenever I speak ill of the jews it is because I felt like I was a new at that time. When I spoke ill of the Muslims it was because I felt like an Arab at the time. You must respect my free speech right to criticise my own people.
Any lawfags itt know if it counts as "hatespeech" if one uses air-quotes while gendering, its not misgendering technically
30:14 in
(((Senator Marc Gold)))
Pure cohencidence that he twists the contradictory points of the OHRC
Avoid UBC. It's where all the Commies recruit and the epicenter of Poz.
I think that board was created a while ago, but fell into disuse and eventually deleted.
I support its re-creation.
Enjoy youc C16, cuckolds!
Sudbury on Holla Forums? Am I dreaming?
bump for Indians
They can try. There are many ways to resist. Such as non-compliance of compelled speech. The more they pass these bills the more they push people to our cause. Now we can rally a bunch of dispossessed people because of their laws. Hindus/Sikhs are pissed about the sex ed and Muslim prayer rooms too and we can rally them. Remember folks, the Indians are Indo-Europeans, and their ruling caste also has Hellenistic blood.
Nice try on the COINTEL, but its not over.
Hit the Gym men, and get involved in citizenship organizations.
They can talk about building their utopia, we're going to simply start building ours. Start picking up the trash, and get involved in the community.
Did you just assume my gender expression, shitlord? Well, in this case you got it right. I prefer the pronouns "cuckself" and "Bilbo Cuckins", for future reference.
My buddy at CN Rail says is on to something.
Only cowards flee their nation when the going gets tough. Sort of like how your family fled Germany during the Holohoax.
Good job falling for the Jewish D&C faggot.
who is this?
Requesting the photo of Trudeau sitting in a chair like an obedient cuck. Preferably if it's already cropped/cut out.
Look at this shit : archive.fo
Two months ago, a conference by the Metropolis Project (an international network with ties to George Soros) included a presentation on how to fortify anglophone communities in Quebec by importing English-speaking immigrants and having them "integrate" the anglo communities.
This is akin to, say, proposing to fortify the Muslim community in France by importing Arabic speakers and letting them "integrate" the banlieues, and once settled declaring this an open and shut case of good integration into the French community. Not that this doesn't happen in practice, but immigrants can usually at least speak the language somewhat. We're doing away with even that pretense now.
I cannot help but notice the participation of the Quebec government in this conference (which is of course currently governed by the Quebec Liberal Party, the perennial Judas), and it brings me shame to think that some Quebecers think so lowly of their people that they are ready to swamp them with immigrants without even the pretense of assimilation.
Case study : archive.fo
Here we have a journalist for the Montreal Gazette, an anglophone newspaper, telling us how good it is for Quebec to have immigrants integrate the anglophone community. A journalist with a very francophone name, of course, either an assimilée or a Judas. Most laughable is the assertion that anglophones are integrated into the Quebec culture - nothing could be farther from the truth. Anglo areas in Montreal are anglo (and Jewish) ghettos, almost hermetic bubbles, and an anglo's idea of French fluency is being able to order a double double at Tim's. I remember reading (in the same newspaper) a lawyer whining that traffic signs should be in English because he couldn't understand a sign telling him to turn on his headlights (allumez vos phares). This man described himself as bilingual, was (assumption) born and lived here, but 3 simple words were beyond him. And of course, there is the passive-aggressive hatred of Quebecers that permeates the whole anglophone culture, which led to the creation of ghettos in the first place.
Non-white immigrants don't belong in Quebec or Canada, but this is a clear example of immigration used in order to quell Quebec nationalism among francophones by boosting the English-speaking community to the detriment of the French majority, a plan first devised by Judas' prophet in Canada, Pierre Elliott Trudeau. The participation of the government in this shameful initiative is easily explained by the fact that immigrants and anglophones vote for the QLP at rates of 85%+, a Stalinian level of support that can usually only be obtained by fudging the numbers but that are very real in Quebec.
It's easy to blame this on the eternal Anglo, but as it often is, the truth is more nuanced than that. This wouldn't happen if francophone Judas weren't tied to the same strings as the anglos we so love to hate, and we all know who pulls these strings. After all, we produced Trudeau Sr. a man who was a Quebec nationalist in his youth but turned his coat after studying in the US (as for Trudeau Jr., he is a product of his father's Canada, the quintessential Canadian : empty save for multicultural platitudes and rootless, thus can't be considered either anglo or franco - also, off topic, but he has an English accent when speaking French, does he have a French accent when speaking English?). The truth is that 90% or more of either our peoples are 100% worthless at best, active traitors at worst. Francophones are probably a little more vigourous because of the bunker mentality, but not by much. The few good people we have across the border of the two solitudes need each other.
Because not fleeing worked out so well for the Rhodesians, right?
Because capitulating has worked at any time ever, right?
high speed railing
Is Canadian syrup really the best or is that just a meme?
If so what are the top brands Canadians love?
Jesus wept. This place is truly lost. Fun fact: If you change the theme to Yotsuba it's now almost impossible to tell you're on Holla Forums.
This whole damned thread looks like a carbon copy of 4chan - writing style, KEKEKEKE-ers, localised memes, the whole fucking lot.
So he speaks 2 languages, doesn't mean that they're both the native tongues of Canada.
This is a good thing. Keep fighting for services and signs in French only.
Typical (((canadian-english))) argument with zero substance, because he himself is the product of multiculturalism forced on the French Nation of Canada.
Your ancestors were brought here to kill the French Canadian nation and erase them from the map so your bastards could claim Canada, history and culture, as their own.
Like the Jew, the English-Canadian cries in pain as he strike you.
We were both imperial powers looking to claim new territory, trade furs, kick as and take names. English fucking won. Simple as that you fucking kike.
Daily reminder that Winnipeg Injuns are the most savage of them all. The cree, Sioux - there are a couple of others that I can't remember - are almost a different species from the west coast injuns like Salish, nishka, Haida, etc. West coast injuns will not attack you unprovoked and are often very friendly. Plains injuns will knife you for just making eye contact.
I talked to a pensioner a couple of days ago that was travelling through Canada. A retired school teacher and she wanted to stay in Winnipeg so she found place online and sent a deposit. Didn't know it was in a "diverse" section of the city. Said she got threatened by injuns every day. More than once people tried to break into her apartment when she was home. Had to enter her building through the backdoor to avoid scumbags.
Found this on halfchan.
How long should we wait before doing anything for realz, guyz?
They are worse than niggers.
Errrrrrr buuuuddy. U white boi's iz juz angry you aint shit. Fucking Weenuck bud, MLAAAAAH got any change brudder?
Pictured; Nobel, native Canadian with a rich history and culture
As the grandson someone who fought in WWII and survived, I find your comments insulting.
I think our focus needs to be building a Canadian identity. The history we learn in school is Marxist garbage. Canadians have done some cool shit, and we need to learn more about our Anglo/Francophone forefathers.
How the hell can you be a 'nationalist' when you don't even know what your nation actually is ? When Pierre Trudeau cut us off from our culture and history, we lost all hope of being a real 'nation' We need to build this up before we can move forward.
Canada was fundamentally a nation founded on exploration. One of the most profitable ventures in early Canada was just mapping river routes for trading fur.
We should cultivate a culture of fascistic imperialist white adventurers mastering nature and the outdoors. We should be building right-wing outdoorsman clubs because fundamentally the best hope for surviving the coming shitstorm will be innawoods.
Pick a Canadian explorer, maybe someone who discovered the region you live in, and make that the symbol for your local club.
another disgruntled leaf video
It's nice to see how many Canadians are as frustrated as I am.
Check facebook
we are working diligently to create that exact identity.
The National Socialist Canadian Labour Revival Party is frustrated too
This letter is a request from the National Socialist Canadian Labour Revival Party "NSCLRP" for a phone conversation with Premier Wynne regarding Bill-89 and the potential implications it may have for Canadian Citizens
It is the Concern of This Independent Party (NSCLRP) that Canadians may be targeted directly as per the wording of the Bill in particular: Part 1 section 3 subsection iii
"takes into account a child’s or young person’s race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression"
Part 59 Section 6 "Use of Force"
(6) A program supervisor named in a warrant issued under this section may use whatever force is necessary to execute the warrant and may call upon a peace officer for assistance in executing the warrant.
Schedule 1: "The religious faith in which the child is being raised is deleted as a matter to be considered, Added is the child’s race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression."
It is the concern of the NSCLRP that this Bill may be, in effect, a continuation of the increasingly Anti-Canadian policies, Motions and Bills which the Liberal Party has adopted over the course of the last four years, that in its wording, this bill may be used as a tool to further pro-multicultural interests by targeting Traditionally Minded families and even precluding Traditionally Minded Parties from Adoption. To wit, it is of chief concern to the NSCLRP and our interests to discuss the applications, reach and extent of this Bill.
It is the hope of This Party that you can exchange any and all information regarding demographic projections concerning the practical application of this Bill, which groups will be most affected based on any pre-existing statistics and future projections concerning this proposed Bill. Will Roman Catholic children be placed into Islamic Households? Will Islamic children be placed into Methodist households?
As well, it is the concern of The NSCLRP that, while extremely detailed, the bill does not concern itself with explaining in what manner the considerations of a child’s "race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression" will be applied or if the "Best Interests" of any children concerned should be open to the interpretation of those executing such warrants as described in the totality of Part 59 (Sections 1 - 9).
To put it in layman's terms "If it is not in the contract, it is not legal". The NSCLRP wishes to know if the "Best Interests" of any child will be substantially defined
Furthermore, in it's extremity, the NSCLRP believes this Bill could have applications which walk all to close to the thin line between "best interests" and ulterior motives.
International Definitions of Genocide as outlined by "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide" (1948) In particular Article II section (e)
"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
To "Delete" (As defined in the text in Schedule 1) the consideration for a Child's religious origin and replace it with a number of other considerations is dangerously close to meeting those definitions laid out in the 1948 Convention on Genocide (Especially in conjunction with Part 59, Section 6 "Use of Force"). Giving Children away without consideration to their Religious
It would be preferable to have this discussion as soon as possible and well before the Bill comes to the Vote as can be made possible. The time frame for this conversation should be no less than is necessary to discuss the possible implications of the Bill but no longer than thirty (30) minutes.
The direct line for reply is: XXX XXX XXXX
- Respectfully.
Michael Thurlow, Founding Party Member of the NSCLRP with support of all current Party Members represented by this letter.
We are currently in talks with the Premier of Ontario and will be meeting face to face to discuss these things soon.
It's the other way around guy. We use the American military for nothing. The Americans and Israel however use our military all the time. And no you couldn't TAKE what you want from us. We'd just tell you to go fuck yourselves. And while we wouldn't last long, any invasion of Canada by any of the three world powers would start WWIII. Guaran-damn-teed! Not only from Britain and the Common Wealth either. Neither the States, Russia or China can afford to let either of the other two control the resources that Canada has access too.
Any anons going to the leadership conference on Saturday?
Wow saw the thread but did not realize how long it was.
Not sure if angry or
pumped due to its size
I don't wanna seem like that newfag but seriously,
where can I read some material based on the exploits and terrible feats of Pierre Trudeau.
I've really searched around and anything Canadian is four out of five times have the author kissing his ass.
who can propaganda this image or any other of the MP to be playing a shell game?
this is important
For the Empire!
britain is a shit hole full of muds and home to the city of london and the inbred royal family. should just glass all of britain
If you're going to attack Wynne, you need to tar her as a Communist. You need to openly exaggerate her leanings and show off her past decisions are part of that agenda. Don't be afraid to use shock imagery when you attack the heavily marxist sex ed curriculum she hammered in, like how the Gender is a social construct is a thinly veiled plot to convince boys to castrate themselves. Play on it and use Tumblr blogs like this one to scare the hell out of normie parents. or pics from this post here :
Communist Wynne Pics attached!
the easier argument to make is that because gender is fluid, xir was presenting as whatever you gendered them as and thus you were only trying to follow the law.
Mad Max will get Conservative leadership at this rate.
afraid not archive.is
Where does Canada go as a nation? There are so many questions regarding Anglo and Franco culture that I'd love to have answered. I hate this meme that Canada is a "multicultural" country. Canada should honestly be respecting its very distinct bicultural history. My bloodline is only a guest within your country but I would very much appreciate the days where Anglo/Franco Canadians make up 90% of the population (and the remaining 10% are only guests).
Alberta here
I hate liberals and so does the rest of this province at this point
Mine did too on the other side of the Rhine :^)
More info on this please.
Canuckistan has a lot of big flashy but ineffective communisms that hide the basic sensibility of the place. It's a lot less cucked than it appears. Seems it hides it even from Canucks themselves. Unless this thread is in fact a bunch of burgers LARPing as leaffags.
Although every Ontarian is a slimy asshole. Not even kidding. If you live there, leave, for your own mental health.
Did America have a Mike Harris figure? He recognized the Jew as it were - went straight for the teacher's unions. (Also zeroed Ontario's debt.) However, ultimately, it was before the internet so he got his shit kicked in and ended up McCarthy'ed.
With any luck Trudeau MKII will be our Obama, and will bring forth our Trump.
Lol how do you explain the NDP government?
Now, I know i'm preaching to the crowd hereor just simply summing it up for other legitimate autists who struggle with reading comprehension and focusing, but…
>enforced by social norm with no questioning
>these are all values that the left wants and is currently in the process of implementing for every first world country
It's shit like this that makes concepts like the ADL Stasi seem as outdated as floppy disks.
I'm fucking livid.
This fucking cunt, she holds no fucking knowledge of goddamn economics.
Ontario becomes 2nd province to go ahead with $15 an hour minimum wage
Premier Kathleen Wynne says Ontario will bring in $15 wage by 2019, a few months after Alberta does same
How the fuck do we get this fucking dyke out of our politics. The only fucking reason she was elected was identity politics.
You leafs are fucking pathetic
We already have employment at a deficit you dumb cunt, raising the minimum wage is the exact opposite of what you want to do
A rise in the minimum =/= a rise in current wages. ie My dad works for 35$ an hour, so when this shit goes through (hope to god it fucking won't) the buying power of his work goes down. Meanwhile, minimum wage going up has done nothing for minimum wage workers. That 15$ has the same buying power as the current minimum does, or it will, within a year. It's a fucking band-aid solution to a surgery problem.
Thanks for bumping kike, now fuck off.
your vastly overestimating how quickly this will set in. Small changes will happen within a year but the full effects of the decreased buying power and increased number of people at minimum wage will take several years to a decade to peter out.
Aka long enough for people to misattribute the cause and blame those bad white guys for it. your old man will do okay, (in the sense that a 10-20% decline in purchasing power is bad) but it will literally eat away the middle class from the bottom.
That's okay, we all float down here. Must be nice to be the son of someone so you can hope to be someone today (especially when the cost of education keeps booming as an increasingly percentage of canadians make minimum wage).
And it will happen too. Only 10 provinces to go. I guess I need to brush up on my skills and hit the states of something. There will be no goddamn jobs east of the St.Lawrence or west of slave lake at this rate. I sure hope these liberal fuckwads can digest grass and shoe leather.
when quebec separation?
how armed are your common folk? how would a race war go down in canada?
At least we've never elected a nigger.
Having a destructive dyke as a premier of a province which hosts 1/3 of Canadians isn't much better.
Also, Torontonian here please nuke this city. I recently had to go out of the city up to Guelph and I was just reminded how much of a shithole Toronto is. Pics related.
what the fuck are you talking about everyone is depraved degenerate and obsessed with being "deviant"
watch these go up on flag poles across canada…
Comparatively similar to Navy Seals, or maybe Green Beret's since we have our own Seals now. America did give us good knowledge on combat training before they cucked themselves.
Is that a real quote? I genuinely can't tell.
"Moving towards acceptance" was part of his bullshit speech on how he wants canadians to bend over and take it in the ass.