Flat Earth is an anti-Holocaust measure. Joe Rogan had an actual flat earth denier on, and if you're willing to listen to someone talk about the earth being round for 20 minutes, you'll listen to the idea the holohoax didn't happen for at least 5. I don't think we understand how big the Trump Overton Window shift was. People will be denying the holocaust openly within a year.
Flat Earth is an anti-Holocaust measure. Joe Rogan had an actual flat earth denier on...
If the earth really was flat what would be the point in saying it's round?
For NASA to get gibs, I think is the narrative.
As if Isreal can't just get whatever the fuck they want from burgers already.
the Goyim know. Shut it own!!
Nasa could still get gibs if the world was flat they'd just be launching off a flat surface instead of a sphere.
I'd like to take you out back, strip you naked, tie you to a birch tree and beat you with pic related.
you'd like to beat him with your penis?
forgot my fucking sage
Nah, FE's think there's a dome over the Earth to keep things from getting out, or… something. Haven't heard their explanation for fucking GPS though.
GPS is those big cell tower masts you see everywhere
if you're dumb enough to believe the earth is flat, you're smart enough to question the holocaust. Every added realist when it comes to what happened at the "Gas Chambers" is one more person we didn't have yesterday. If we can get Cletus we can get the world.
if earth is flat it makes human life a lot more meaningful since we arent just on some speck floating through infinite life. It also helps destroy any religions.
Added benefit of the possibility of the frontier being much more accessible since all we would need to do is explore past antarctica instead of going a gajillion miles into outer space. They won't let you explore antarctica tho.
I know I sound sarcastic, but I don't think you guys realize how close we are to having the holocaust be questioned on a massive scale. The numbers so obviously don't add up, people are realizing it more and more every year.
Knew I was going to sage
Stopped reading there
Sage and reported
Nah I forgot pic related and then decided not to waste any more time on this slide thread but since you've called me out fuck it here's pic related.
Has it ever occurred to you that it's precisely the opposite problem? That the reason flat earth theorism is around is because the kikes propagated the meme to discredit all "conspiracy theorists" as batshit retards, vis a vis the holocaust?
The whole point is psychological priming. You see something on flat earthers, and next when you see holocaust "deniers", they get written off in the same basket as the flat earthers. That's the whole idea.
Yes that's the first answer anyone thinks, it's quite obvious they want to make conspiracists seem crazy. But who cares, Trump became President, the Patriots came back from 28-3, we are living in a new world. You might be disconnected from Normies but the holocaust being fake is more likely than the earth being flat. The fact they even listen to this bullshit should tell you there's an opening.
nah there is good reason for them to deceive people into thinking we live on a ball too. modern sciences conception of the universe encourages nihilism among other benefits for the kike rulers.
The holocaust is the most important factor, it's the biggest lie which must be destroyed
Mad, Moshe?
you'll see, holohoax exposure will go mainstream before Trump leaves office, the flat earth shifts the proverbial Overton window more than you can imagine.
If (((top scientists))) started claiming that the Earth is flat as a measure to continue propogating man-made climate change, would you believe them?
To claim it's because of cellphone towers is retarded.
This flat earth bullshit was astroturfed to discredit real conspiracies.