Fucking Leafs, what happened!...

Fucking Leafs, what happened!? The value of your currency has slipped immensely relative to the US Dollar in the past 5 years.

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I wonder what.

Justin trudeo happened

A weaker currency isn't necessarily a bad thing but it does some like something a cuck drama teacher would do to dramatically expand the monetary policy to give more gibs.

The culprit is Trudea be it through extremely poor economic planning or him jacking off to marx.


Its part of JUSTin Trudeau's plan to overthrow the Jews
"If you give value to your currency, they win." -Justin "Raking up every Snake" Trudeau

Though to add this could also be the influence of all the Chinese moving to Canada.

The bank of Canada manipulates the dollar however they want. When oil is cheap, the Canadian dollar is cheap and v.v. because oil is one of the main real exports of the country. Canada is a third world export driven economy so they have to revalue or devalue based on the commodity index in order to have something approaching a stable dollar domestically.

tl;dr because jews

Had to run to my computer so I could post this

Sorry for spamming but this could also be Prime Cuck's way of encouraging rich Chinese to buy up all the businesses and land due to a weak dollar to encourage foreign investment and take over.

Can't a moderately wealthy Chinese citizen essentially buy their way into a Canadian citizenship?

Not sure not a leaf just some autist who loves econ too much.

If you can’t purchase anything with your money, you win.

It's traditional bank of canada games. Check the dollar vs 70s oil crisis, the $120+ barrel shit before the crash, etc etc etc

but for an export economy that's true. Chinese devalue the Yuan for the same reason and that's why they're a "currency manipulator"

Shit like this is why we need to make it harder to trade currencies.

No, it's why you have tariffs. But then countries (by countries I mean kikes who don't make as much money off of trade) who don't like the tariffs and you get wars.
There's no end to it unless we kill all the kikes.

Along with the chinese.

Actual free trade leads to economic efficiencies which devalue the cost of goods and therefore make previously "wealthy" kikes powerless. They of course fear this because once they're powerless they can't pay their security goons to cover up their child sacrifice shit, and they all get massacred. The economic pyramid is entirely in place by the kikes because it creates the power structure for them to sacrifice children.

The chinese are a paper tiger who think if they can sacrifice enough slaves they can sit at the big boy table. They're primed for a collapse right now, and almost every country is trying to not be the first one to do it. ECB balance sheet is something like 4.2 trillion euros, Fed balance sheet is 4.5 trillion usd, there are 1.2 or 1.5 quadrillion USD worth of derivatives globally right now which could all go pop the second the kikes swing a pin at it, and they take their helicopters to the bunkers, put their paid snipers around, then swoop back in when the dust settles.

The chinese are the least of our fucking worries, rebuild american manufacturing and their entire economy collapses in on itself because all they bothered to do with their trade surpluses is pour more fucking concrete instead of investing in their own people and creating a real middle class.

look up "EB5" visa

This is what China always does they get big then they get knocked down and invade a country. If we don't crush and disable them now before they either get violent or recover we'll see more usual yellow hijinks.

Just a reminder for the leafs in this thread

They always eventually get their shit kicked in because ultimately they're a low-trust country and they'll always lose to a higher trust better organized force.

Time flies, eh? It sure didn't seem like five years.

He's just so progressive, ya know? Look at all the progress he's made in turning Canada into a 3rd world shithole in the short time he's been in office!

reminds of a song

He did it, the absolute madman.

It doesn't work exactly like that, read the thread before shitposting

… Thats not a shoop is it?

day of the RAKE when ? 🍁

Daily reminder that the Albera fire was an inside job and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynn is a crypto-like that is destroying all industry that's still operating in Ontario. Fucking electricity monopoly and insane rates makes it impossible to run a business.

>>>Holla Forums

can you expand on that?

What happened in 1963-1971? Because it seems good.

What's there to expand on? Did you not RTFA? The bank of canada outright states whenever it is going to manipulate the CAD
Supplemental: canadianbusiness.com/economy/why-the-bank-of-canada-is-so-cloak-and-dagger-about-the-loonies-strength/

The question you should be asking is "What happened in 1971?" and that answer is end of USD gold standard followed by petrodollar. Keep in mind population size, Canada is always second fiddle to USA. Biggest trading partner too.

Also lop.parl.gc.ca/Content/LOP/ResearchPublications/tips/tip117-e.htm

The price of oil has fallen from $100 to $50 in the last 5 years is what happened.


I'm still banking on $30 oil. I've seen some finance guys shitposting that Iranian cost of production is $3 a barrel.

Friendly reminder that Trudeau sold most of Canada's gold reserves when he first got in office.

I laugh whenever I think about it. What a massive faggot.

He sold the last million dollars worth or so. We've had basically no gold for decades. The irony is that Gold production is a gigantic sector of the Canadian economy.

CSIS' last gasp was preventing the potash sale. I'm pretty sure Harper dismantled them after that.

As a Canadian, I am extremely pissed at that, fuck that cuckboy trudeau.

this is tremendous

Harper made our dollar a petrol dollar and brought it up high, then OPEC decides to flood the world with oil to manipulate currency. People blame Harper for not diversifying Canada's economy so the dollar won't take a massive hit. Harper is a massive cuck for Israel and a bit of a faggot anyways, but he was competent. His campaign was a mess too.

The son of Castro then gets a campaign that is similar to Obama's in 2008. Gets elected, does a ton of stupid shit like sucking up to Castro when he died, changing question period so he wouldn't be asked tough questions, promote "diversity" in his cabinet and choice of ministers, and he had to reshuffle them, cause a few were involved with a lot of shit. Harjit Sajjan, the Minister of National Defence lied about his role in a mission in Afghanistan, and his apology was pretty backhanded. He shown no humility at all and Trudeau said "He apologized for it, let's move on."

Another issue is giving over $300 million to Bombardier, one of the most corrupt and incompetent companies in the world. It's to support "Canada's aerospace industry", but all Bombardier has been doing is having their board members pocket the money in bonuses, while all of their projects and deliveries have been massively late.

I have never seen a politician as incompetent as Trudeau in my life. He relies on his looks to win over the female vote.

I visited some friends up in soon to be rake land about 10 years ago and everything was expensive as fuck even in their currency. I'm pretty sure the strength of their dollar was exaggerated or manipulated in some way. Either that or the market compensated for the stronger currency by hiking the prices of everything but that kind of defeats the entire idea.

Exactly this

He lets in a shit ton of arabs, well sand niggers for that matter. Sells all canadian gold holdings off. So the Currency is now backed by nothing, like the us dollar… butttt the us dollar has the us military. canada on the other hand.. well they have syrup and tar sands

If the canadian currency becomes shit, they can pay the shit skins to work the tar sand fields and pipe it to the us via our now passed oil pipeline..

Canada is now a slave labor nigger country.
note to trump, build another wall, these niggers will try to get in once they realize there are no


just slave labor.

the kikes, have literally found people who will grasp power, to literally kill off their own people. sole-less fucking pussies.

Water backed Dollar. Canada gonna go big

It was a petrol dollar that was making the dollar strong. As for everything being expensive, in Canada, we have a 13% tax on everything called the HST.



Thanks. Artist is white, not a mixed breed LARPing as a nazi, right? It's hard to tell with rappers.

Pretty sure he is white, he replies in the comments

le weed man oh boy

Love that pic.


I picked up 10 of these today. Noticed the three people in front of me consisted of two old guys in Shriner's jackets and another that had the nose, and they were also loading up on silver and some gold. Is it about to get a lot worse for CAD?


some places. BC and Alberta it's only 5% GST, it's nice. MB is 5% GST and 8% PST.

CAD and AUD are almost always at par though.

BC has 7% PST

This was one of the best Leaf memes in current year(2016).

Oh looks like selling a huge chunk of our gold reserves then sending millions to random 3rd world countries "to fight climate change" has side effects. Can't even buy decent vidya games without having to sell my organs now.

I didnt know that Canada was such a progressive nation.
t. swede