Bill granting food stamps to drug felons passes in Lousiana

Mo' Money Fo' Dem Programz, Nigga


And you know the thing is, liberal and left leaning faggots and their brown pets won't even think this is a bad thing.

It's appalling that criminals used to only wait one year. It's also shameful that we subsidize apes at all.

Of fucking course it doesn't work you fucking morons.

Isn't it kind of silly that taking away gibs is used as a deterrent? We should just take away gibs for all nonwhites.

You cant deprive a person who is not in jail from equal treatment under the law.

Welcome to Civics 101, the "drug felon" excemption is not sufficiently narrowly tailored, to achieve a compelling government interest.

Also a bunch of felon gun possession was in that list yet king nigger sure doesn't have problems with niggers having guns.

Why would anyone white man ever pay taxes?

Yet they have gun laws on the books that do just that. That Lautenberg was a mensch eh?


Niggers were a mistake, you know it to be true Jews!

Malcom X autobiography

"I told him that, yes. I gave Jew credit for being among all other whites the most active, and the most vocal, financier, "Leader" and "liberal" in the Negro civil rights movement. But i said at the same time I knew that the Jew played these roles for a very careful strategic reason; the more prejudice in America could be focused upon the Negro, then the more the "White Gentiles" would keep the diverted off the Jew. I said that to me, one proof that all the civil rights posturing of so many Jews wasn't sincere was that so often in the North the quickest segregationist were Jews themselves…

And an even clearer proof for me of how Jews truly regard Negroes. I said, was what invariably happened wherever a Negro moved into a neighborhood that was thickly Jewish. Who would lead the white's exodus? The Jews!

(((They))) are currently taking down our Confederate statues in New Orleans, now this bullshit. WTF Louisiana!! You are a Southern state in Deep South, act like it! Fucking faggot, Landrieu

Are you thinking of the equal protections clause? That only prevents specific groups from being targeted by laws. For instance, a state can take a felon's right to vote away. They just have to do it with all felons. You may want to read the 14th amendment. Especially this part:
A state can deprive someone of life, liberty, or property as long as they follow due process of the law. If they bust you for drug dealing, they can confiscate any property that may have been purchased using that money. They can even take your house and sell it.

niggers need them gibs fool.


Regardless of the fact niggers sell drugs mostly because they are to lazy to get education and actual jobs even with aff action they still are what they are Mud hut building low iq shitskins and a jewish made/indoctrinated plague on the BEAUTIFUL WHITE RACE!!

being biased because I am white but all shitskins are ugly AF make me puke tier just looking at your stupid shitskin faces I would rather die than give you control JEW in fact would rather see you all hung even your innocent just cuz you are shit period and contribute nothing

The exception of voting rights were baked into the amendment. You couldn't for example exempt all felons from the right to own property, or the right to free speech. That wouldn't be narrowly tailored, and the least restrictive means for a "compelling government interest", like a bunch of felons getting together to elect gang members as a sheriff and such.

whites gave you a country to live in yet never enough is it you still meddle in affairs of white men don't you jew rodent/not to talk bad about rodents I actually respect a rat more than a jew

She is fucking morbidly obese while her daughter also has a protruding belly. Sitting in a what at the time was a luxury wheel chair. What the fuck is she talking about? Hungry? Her entitlement is to 5000+ calories a day or what?