There will be chimping.
Judge promises security for cop charged in Laquan McDonald slaying
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sometimes I wonder how many nigger names are just the result of some nurse trying to type out their interpretation of chimp noises.
Wouldn't the spelling be better, in that case?
I'm going to go look at the footage but I think I remember seeing it and it was a legit shoot. Knife under 21'.
Just looked at the footage again. Nigger was twirling like a faggot and you can see the fucking knife glinting in the video. Legit shoot, nigger goodified.
His mom also got a huge payout, despite him having been in a relative's custody.
Wasn't this nigger literally on meth? This is old as fuck I thought this matter was settled already.
I thought he was on pcp. And it was wrapped up until someone FOIAed the video.
I shot my first real nig-ger
Put it right between his eyes
Continued firing as the commies fled
Was the summer of '17
Oh shit. THIS?
Wasn't this like a fucking while ago? Ya know what this means right? The kikes want a guilty verdict so the prosecutor kept asking the judge for more time before trial because THEY GOT NOTHING.
And the niggers are real extra indignant with Trump being elected. Race War confirmed. Get to the range and tighten up those groupings!
It is things like this that serve as a reminder to us all that niggers can't even get their shit together long enough to build a society to collapse.
Literally, explicitly, unquestionably, too dumb to live. Suicide By Cop is not a crime. It's taking out the trash.
why is this even in fucking court?
even one of Cook County's civilian "subjects" would have legal grounds to shoot that fucker
Honest answer? Illinois.
Its not that they are too stupid to live. They are too stupid to live with us. Had we never interacted with them they would still be nothing more than small tribes of animals. I would be willing to bet that if the amount of money expended on niggers, from sending them to school to fail at teaching them to be civilized to the cost of prisons, gibs.. all that… I am willing to bet the farm that if we took the literal fortune that has been spent on them over the past 50 years and put that into schooling, and raising several bloodlines of gorilla.. I bet ya they would be more civilized within 400 years than the niggers are now by leaps and bounds.
But no.. We found an inferior animal and then used them like we do any other inferior animal and then they jews came up with a masterful plan and tricked us into including them in civilization because 'its the right thing to do, goyim'
Me and some guys from Holla Forums
Had a plan and we memed real hard
Kimmy's fat and Macron got elected
I should've known we'd hafta go loud
March 23, 2017
Also of note: Laquan's Juvenile Case Files were made partially public, it seems…
I can't find the actual documents, unfortunately - seems the media didn't want to publish them, because all I can find is indirect reference, no direct links to documents.
June 24, 2016
The day 17-year-old Laquan McDonald was fatally shot by a Chicago Police officer began with a juvenile court hearing.
>Abuse and neglect complaints that began when he was a toddler had seen him in and out of foster care, and he had a history of arrests for drugs and petty crimes, according to hundreds of pages of child protection case records made public Thursday.
>The thick, battered case files present a detailed history of Laquan’s short life — from when he was placed in foster care for the first time at age 3, to just a few hours before he died.
>Laquan’s mother, Tina Hunter, gave birth to him at age 15, and the man listed as his father took no interest in the child custody hearings that punctuated his early life.
>Laquan became a ward of the state at 3, after his younger sister suffered a burn on her legs from a radiator, an injury that drew the attention of child-welfare authorities.
>While in state custody, he was sexually abused by an older boy in his foster home.
>He was returned to his mother’s care in 2002, but she lost custody 13 months later, after her boyfriend beat the 6-year-old in front of day care workers.
>Day care workers had also reported that Tina Hunter had “whipped” her son with a belt for “more than 10 minutes” in March 2003.
Oh this should be a pile of Jewish drivel…
Oh come on now.
Like most niggers.
Catlady as Fuck.
>Laquan lived most of his life in the custody of his great-grandmother, Goldie Hunter, who had raised his mother, who also had been a ward of the state.
>As a 16-year-old, Laquan would recall how Goldie Hunter despaired at his gang involvement and how he had a “real relationship” with his great-grandmother.
>Laquan admitted to Illinois Department of Children and Family Services investigators that he had joined the New Breeds street gang by age 12, sold drugs for the gang and had been shot at by rivals, but he claimed never to have engaged in gang violence.
>Laquan was in juvenile detention when Goldie Hunter was hospitalized shortly before her death.
What a worthless fucking nigger.
Fucking worthless.
>During a court appearance for a probation violation in February 2014, he claimed he left the courtroom in a rage and cursed at a sheriff’s deputy, who punched him in the face.
>Laquan said he spat on the female deputy, who punched him again, the report states.
Yes, that sounds like it happened.
Oh, I'm sure that's a benefit, a real role model.
I bet he fucking was.
>Tina Hunter received a $5 million payout from the city in April to settle litigation over Laquan’s death.
Spread that niggerdom around, lovely.
This is exactly how it went with Zimmerman.
I remember within a short time of the actual shooting seeing the story talked about on a few sites and people thinking it was an open and shut case of self defense.
Fucking years later they finally take it to trial and the media tries making a big thing of it.
I imagine with this case there is a similar problem of some overzealous prosecutor feeling they can score some political points by taking up this case because they're some deranged jackass.
Black lives matter. Just look at how black people loved him his whole life
how. only one nigger died.
Each bullet.
Gas them all.
I thought it was 16?