Trump Gets Two Scoops of Ice Cream Instead of One


Reporters from Time magazine dined with President Donald Trump in the White House, where it appeared that the waiters are well-accustomed to catering to his preferences.

The magazine's story on Trump "after hours" contains this tidbit:

"As he settles down, they bring him a Diet Coke, while the rest of us are served water, with the Vice President sitting at one end of the table. With the salad course, Trump is served what appears to be Thousand Island dressing instead of the creamy vinaigrette for his guests. When the chicken arrives, he is the only one given an extra dish of sauce. At the dessert course, he gets two scoops of vanilla ice cream with his chocolate cream pie, instead of the single scoop for everyone else. The tastes of Pence are also tended to. Instead of the pie, he gets a fruit plate."

Trump's predecessor in the White House had his own after-hours food habits.

The New York Times reported last year that President Barack Obama ate exactly seven lightly salted almonds every night for a snack and rarely drank anything with caffeine.

Obama later said that was a joke, noting that he doesn't obsessively count out his almonds every night. But he was known in the White House for being very disciplined with food and avoiding indulgences like potato chips and cake.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is literally how pathetic this board has become
Fuck you OP

I agree that the OP's formatting is shit, but goddamn the article is fucking hilarious and I think the sarcasm of the redtext went over your head.


would the redditor prefer an "/s" after obvious sarcasm?

I feel like I've heard this before

Big talk from someone who forgets to sage.

I'm not putting effort into a thread made only for laughing at the liberal media, and I'm not to blame for your inability to understand sarcasm. Screencapping articles is of far more use than archives, because individual anons can be trusted to save them and keep them unmodified, unlike a comprimised, and you certainly don't need a direct link to propaganda websites when a screencap is available for you. Stop roleplaying as the board police you no-fun faggot, and start making threads that you meet your standards if you're so upset.

Agreed, I like when people screencap and copypaste articles because I don't have to click on some shady link and it's easier to read on mobile.

Not sure what sort of logic he follows.

Polite sage because retarded thread.

What universe are you currently in? He's a fatty.

This level of journalism makes the gamergate-kvetching spewed out by (((the usual suspects))) almost look dignified by comparison.

True, but he's also an old fatty, so its not as surprising.

That said, dude does need to start taking more walks. He should get Barron a dog and walk it. Or even better, an eagle.
Falconry in the White House needs to happen.

It's literally this meme again.

I would have pissed in their water, not told them till after dinner.

I would have poisoned them.

I would have (factually) told them that the mystery meat in the main course was actually the meat of NYT reporters.

Ill give you everything but the spacing.

I still dont understand how after years upon years of going to chans (4 than 8), only NOW do people start screaming about using spacing. You know, to separate thoughts and ideas from each other…paragraphs.

God help us if peoples biggest fucking problem is spacing. I would prefer spacing to a gigantic clusterfuck of text.

because if you format your post in a way that flows logically and is easy to read, you are clearly a kike shill from reddit

Checked and keked

For the record, screengrabs feel out of favor over archives around here due to screengrabs potentially being faked or altered. In the case of this particular OP, I don't think it matters, but the board has been flooded with OPs with all these issues,

"reddit-naming" was a dc tactic pushed heavily by raiders here and it was partially adopted by anons because shills at the time often used "reddit formatting".



The extra spaces are unnecessary.

give back those dubs you dirty kike

They're baaaaaaaaaaaaack. Shills hitting refresh to get the first post. Where's the funding coming from now?

No it's pretty gay m8
It's the Internet equivalent of sashaying like a faggot

The ECB and the Federal Reserve.

Reddit spacing is not paragraphs nigger, reddit spacing is pretending every sentence is its own paragraph. Its called reddit spacing because reddit has a really shitty text formatter that requires double spacing every sentence.

We are being raided user

top wew lad

On a more relevant note, look at the last few paras of the first image.

God that is so unbelievably satisfying.

you could make a compilation of all the salty headlines

The memes, Jack!

Says the guy who just unironically used the word "sashaying".


Reminder that our enemies are neurologically 4 years old and that we should have been killing them decades ago.

Jesus christ we're one step away from pic related being real.


Wait, did he really tweet that? Hate to say he's wrong because I fucking love diet coke and I'm fit as fuck just go vegetarian bro its not hard. Not even mad though because I'm sure it pissed off some pissy little lardass SJWs regardless



Disappointing, was hoping there would be more salt. Instead there's just a bunch of attention whores proving how low their self-esteem is by needing to tweet a picture of themselves drinking diet coke to validate themselves.

Does Trump really like his steak well done though? Because that's wrong like almost all of the time.

I have known some niggers and spics that like that, and eat it with shit like ketchup

Checked. We should all wreck something beautiful

ketchup is ok butter is good French butter infused with balsamic vinegar is amazing i don't know the name but my real favorite steak sauce and the only sauce you need is blood any one who burns their steak will hang next to the trannies on the DOTR

uh, there's no compromise in

Well done is how people evolved to eat meat.

Go out in the bush and try eating some meat that is cooked anything less than well done. Then as you slowly die of parasites maybe you will consider how retarded the undercooked meat fad is.

BEURRE MATrie hotel. SAUCE ?
its DELICIOUS and easy to make

I eat nearly raw beef all the time and have been doing so for years with no illnesses.

That shit can fly in the first world where stringent health standards ensure that farm raised cattle are pumped full of antibiotics and whatnot. But go out into the woods and eat some "nearly raw" venison and tell me how that works out for you.

Those posts are not comparable.

One is composed mostly of greentext.

The other is not.

Trump needs to lose weight.

This. You can't eat wild meat undercooked. Shit will kill you dead.

If these where about Obama it'd be about "Obama takes charge and gets two scoops of chocolate"

its meat cook it but dont burn it we still have gallbladders for a reason it helps ade in processing raw meat it keeps your body functioning like it should

Yeah I eat almost all meat well done except beef cuts commonly sold as steak. In which case making them well done basically ruins them. You can eat a prime ribeye well done and it's still good, but not as good as medium or medium rare.

I dunno man, never got sick from it. It's been a long time since eating a rare steak would have any significant chance of hurting you.

Ketchup is disgusting with steak, I could get down on the butter. I do like my steaks "burned" (charred somewhat) on the outside but still medium-rare. Takes a hot grill. Don't need anything but some seasoning rubbed on before grilling but infused butter would be okay too. Ketchup and steak is shit though, it's even terrible on fast food burgers

i eat Muh beef rare to but not my wild game i slow cooker deer and medium well my deer steaks

These posts are comparable.
One is composed entirely of redditspacing
The other is not.

Or you know, maybe stop and think for a second and ask yourself why people bother cooking meat in the first place since you seem to be under the impression that you have discovered a secret about how food is prepared.

If fact I will fucking spoon feed you against my better judgement.

In essence, cooking—including not only heat but also mechanical processes such as chopping and grinding—outsources some of the body’s work of digestion so that more energy is extracted from food and less expended in processing it.

Fire up the smoker my man. Smoked game is pretty gud

This is entirely untrue. Most wild tribes cook their food way less, and many eat meat entirely raw all the time.

They probably mutated stomachs to process it.

They also live in mud huts and shit in the woods.

And that's why I'm proud to be white

Your point was the opposite though. That wild people can't eat raw.

Well, the diet of the Indo-European nomads was mainly raw horsemilk and raw horse blood, with raw horse meat intermittently.

That's cool. I drink milk cold and I cook my meat hot

Ya see, king nigger was asked by the SS which protection he wanted. Being a nigger faggot, he chose the snowflake-ballerina bulletproof vest to not ruin the drape of his clothes. Plus, being a stupid nigger, he assumed everyone loved him; and being a nigger, his skull was bulletproof.

Trump when asked by the SS chose the vest that would withstand a small nuclear blast because, in his own words; "There's a lot of stupid niggers out there."

He's wearing a vest and electronics, you halfwit nigger.

What I'm saying is that they don't make decisions that better their living situations. You can absolutely eat meat raw, it's just not a smart thing to do. Might as well drink unprocessed sea water while you're at it.

There are plenty of primitive people who eat more cooked food and grains.

These raw meat eating primitive people have IQ's of around 90-93.

Mostly cooked food grain eating primitives have IQ's of around 70-80.

i understand that and thank you for the info but from my years of eating meat rare i have to say that i have never been sick or felt ill due to raw meat i guess it has something to do with my diet or body their maybe an exception not the rule but i can't trust just any thing that i have told following nutritional guide lines because MILK IS GOOD or bad YEAR BY YEAR and other reasons Fit/ hasss good info on nutritionbut you have to take what they say with a grain of salt and they will probably bitch about a grain of salt and yell at you that you'll get ass cancer from hot dogs long story short thanks for info but everyones body is different especially skulls of black people

I think there's more factors in that than just diet user.

I bet they treat him well because he's usually very nice to the people who serve him like he's always been, and you know, he's the fucking president.

I thought he wasn't a faggot?


Does that make dried fruit the most heterosexual fruit?


you cuckchan fags never stop it.

spacing your shit.

is reddit garbage.

do you feel enlightened?

Das it mane


The official ice cream of white nationalism and he takes two scoops! Oy vey, I bet it was Hitler Brand Ice Cream as well.

These fucks are off their rocker.

Hey friend, I'd like you to eat some venison well done. Its fucking shoe leather if you cook it any further than rare.

You're being obtuse and simplistic. While cooking meat can be absolutely a requirement in some circumstances, in others it is not. While certain raw foods are in fact indigestible, others are not. Calm your fucking tits.

Are they mad that Trump doesn't smoke, drink or do drugs? Wew.

Obama being some sort of almond-activating autist is very funny though.

… nigga I weigh 235lbs, lost 35 since trump took office, and even *I* fucking avoid chips and cake (also most carbs that arent from, usually, beans)

Its not "disciplined" its just not eatting like a useless fucking slob that doesnt care if they weigh 500lb (ya know, like my roommates whose diet consists of soda pizza and fast food, or my obese coworkers who I've yet to see show up to a shift without some big bag of candy or cheetos or or a bag full of mcdonalds burgers)

Even putting on all the weight I have over my life it wasn't from shoveling down bags of chips and pounds of cake, it was from putting sugar in my tea, and eating lots of carbs through things like sandwiches or mashed potatoes as a side on most meals

It truly disgusts me that its considered "disciplined" to simply NOT be stuffing your face 24/7 with little debbie cakes and chasing it with a drink consisting of mountain dew and dorittos thrown in a blender (no shit, that fat tub of goo "boogie" or w/e his name is actually did this at one point)

Our society is so fucked at this point. Its not wonder we have an obesity problem when just not being a disgusting blob is considered some sort of achievement

Almonds aren't even that good for you, Obama fell for the meme, no wonder he was such a cuck.

I've put a lot of work into trying to find what the optimal diet is for men -
The one that gives the best energy, best health levels, best hormone levels etc, and almonds are pretty shit tier.

Men should be eating meat (especially eggs, red meat, and liver), starches (unfortunately wheat has been tampered with and is no longer as good as it once was), dairy, cooked/fermented vegetables, and fruits/honey.

You know too I was reading a pretty interesting article by someone called Dr. L Wilson (maybe (((Wilson)), not sure) who says that in most cases liberals are liberals because their bodies are in a poor state of health from poor diet or poor diet of their mothers while they were in gestation.

And to people saying Trump should lose weight, I wouldn't fuck with his routine - as old as he is and as young as he acts he has to be doing something right. Best not to fix what isn't broken.


Agreed there, we need a hard reset or at least some smart people to help light a new way.
By the way potatoes aren't bad for you, if you are interested check out something called 'resistant starch' and read about potatoes and them and health. Also you can check out something called 'the potato diet' or 'the potato hack' (I forget which it is).
But also congrats on the weight loss.

I… honestly dont know. Probably something to do with re-watching boondocks recently

oh and sorry for double posting but I missed this

Oh I know, once I get my weight back down to a healthy size (probably in the 170-180 range), and once I'm going to the gym again, I'm going to readjust my diet back to something normal with a properly balanced macro setup which means carbs and health choices for them, and potatoes are fine.

I'll just never drink anything with sugar in it again, and will likely never buy any size container of chips in my life, and stuff with lots of bread like firehouse subs will be, ya know, weekend treats and the like, not something you eat regularly (which is how I got into this mess to begin with.. went from 290 to 320 over six months at one point because I was eating firehouse so damn much)

End your life



Yeah that would explain it, I just think it's best to leave those black culture words behind, they are from Obama's time, but anyways this is just my autism speaking here.

And yeah avoiding sugar and wheat like you mentioned is definitely the best way to go and to lose weight quickly and keep it off. I've experimented with it myself and anytime I add lots of wheat to my diet as a staple my gut starts extending within a few weeks.
Also I know you didn't ask for it but I've got a cool diet infographic here, maybe it can be useful to you.

and a Holla Forums one that I forgot
(a little contradictory to the first one I posted but still good)

Appreciate it user, I have a diet/exercise folder for infographs and the like (goes next to the survival/diy folder). But yeah, actually having gone off those things for awhile I actually noticed I noticeably bloat if I eat much of them now. Not actual weight gain just, bloating and I feel like that for a day or so until itll go away again. I dunno if it always happened and I just didnt notice due to my size, but now that my gut is much smaller I can tell a huge difference when it happens.

Either way, thanks again.

"The tastes of Pence are also tended to. Instead of the pie, he gets a fruit plate."

This is mildly amusing.

Question. Can I swap veggies with fruits and if not why?

This reminds me of the thread earlier about trump supposedly putting on weight. Did the shills get the media narrative ahead of time to prime us with?

Yeah the bloating can happen. Based on what I have read it usually is due to some gut biome stuff, might be worth looking into at some point.

You don't have to eat veggies in the way the health cucks say you should (large heaping plates of raw salad daily) but you should be eating things like cooked onions and garlic, cooked beets, cooked spinach, sauerkraut, whatever else that is appetizing to you, etc. I just eat them with my meals.

As for fruit they are completely different from vegetables. Less fiber and more sugars (in a good way). Completely different set of vitamins/minerals too. For example citrus fruits are very pro testosterone. Then theres stuff like melons which are great, figs, grapes, etc. You won't go wrong just following your instincts and eating what tastes good if its a natural product.

accidental sage



Looks tasty tbqh.

I've been eating rare and medium venison for over 50 years and am no worse fort the wear. Just don't eat sick fucking animals, you ignorant pavement nigger.

Imagine being this mad. They're like children.

He made a follow-up tweet 2 days later.

did one of you guys write this? Reads like quality lefty bait.

sushi is raw fish you don't see every one died after it right? Obviously meat gets cooked to kill parasites and germs n sheit but there is no harm in raw meat.

Way way way over Anons head

So why isn't anyone baiting the tumblr extra-salted whales into eating these (((reporters))) alive for fatshaming?

you know you've fucking won when your enemies are reduced to talking about how much ice cream you eat in an attempt to try and hurt you. i think the comey shit broke them. here's hoping for a truly triggering nomination to make heads explode


top kek


He'll never know the wonder of fresh venison and will be fucked with all the shitskins on DOTR

So much projection.

All these cucks are stuck in school where Donald is the big boy bullying them.

This the first thing that came to mind, meme magic.


OP is a faggot and so are you. Both of you make gay faggot love to each other's neg holes and kill yourselves.

Well Nat Soc Germany and Germany as a whole is very industrious, were you expecting something less?

This man deserves the presidency for the twitter bants alone, politics notwithstanding

Healthy eating habits confirmed for white supremacy. Fire up the Buzzfeed articles.


Lol youre not fucking fit if you are a vegetarian, youre just sickly and weak

Never posted there, but how can you fuck up a text formatter?

By making it so that without breaking literally every line or two it's a giant wall of text that makes your eyes bleed and when every line is broken anything more eloquent than newspeak takes up pages and pages. Seriously, look at this shit. It's even paragraph-broken and on a subreddit that has better CSS than the default but it's still a chore to read.

Reddit is a dumpster fire of a site that is good for nothing besides mining salt when the opportunity arises.

These people have lost their goddamned minds.

Congrats! You're the dietary equivalent of pamperchu.

Do you cook your fruits and veggies, too? Don't wanna starve to death, eh?

How many of the retards celebrating this EPIC SLAMMING OF DRUMF are gargantuan hamplanets that shovel in a whole Hagendaz bucket for breakfast?

So what is the problem exactly? The distance between lines? The lack of block formatting (whatever it's called in English when lines are stretched so the rightmost word is always at the edge)?

While promoting "body positivity" healthy at any size you fucking white male

Seems pretty fucking compromised to me. Cap + archive is always preferred, but don't think for one second that your archived links are going to stay there forever, especially if it deals with kike shit..



Sushi is aged fish. AGED YOU DINGUS.

sushi grade fish has nothing to do with age. It just has to do with how it was frozen


Now that I got over the initial circuit break, here's how it's done. The fish is first refrigerated, usually for 5 days. This is done by the restaurant if they got their hands on fresh fish, but the supplier usually does that for their customers before export happens (that's when the freezing does happen).

Eating raw fish only works for smaller fishes (there's a few South East Asian recipes for small white fish flesh that are acid treated in lime and shallots).

For something like a tuna or a large salmon, you really can't eat it completely raw without the initial aging.


Pics related.

Somehow I doubt you've been visiting imageboards for very long.
Have you read any books that were not meant for children?

some of those are Jim spoofing IPs and some are users that are waiting out their two years
honestly if anons here lurked that much on this board, quality would shoot up like a post-election erection

for fucks sake, I almost feel sorry for them sorry as in, I'd finish them off with a shovel before rolling them into the trench

Sushi is fresh you ignorant shit.



I didn't claim sushi tastes good, I said sushi is fresh. That is objectively true. Sperg more.

Have you even eaten fresh tuna? Have you tried biting into fresh tuna?

They're paying you too much.

Flash freezing a fish doesn't "age" it. And tuna that hasn't been frozen is still completely safe for consumption. Sperg more faggot.

Which part of getting it softer in the fridge for 5 days before freezing for export do you not get you dumbshit?

there was no terror attack in czechia

Fact: A healthy tuna is safe for consumption the instant you catch it.

Sea has severe terror issues, I see fuck that's retarded, we should be better than this

That's part of why they age it. Sick/parasitic fishes become obvious over time and the meat becomes more palatable raw.

am shark can confirm
stop sliding with this retarded shit

My mistake. Can anyone do an accurate version then, please? It'd be a handy tool to throw at leftists.

There is a massive problem with your argument. At least how I was taught, paragraphs have a minimum length of four sentences. This paragraph will end up being five sentences long. So far, in the text box, it looks like this paragraph is of sufficient size. It's at seven lines of depth.

Now I didn't indent my last paragraph, nor will I indent this one. Indenting is not a normal format on imageboards, or any popular forum I can think of. I'll type a few more paragraphs after this one, to prove my point. But you will clearly see I have only double spaced after each paragraph, not after every sentence.

How does my format look? From a textbook grammatical perspective, everything I have done so far is normal. My paragraphs are at least four sentences long, and are cohesive in topic. I bet it's going to look like one or two lines of text per paragraph though. That's just how imageboards render the text.

It's very deceiving, almost like trying to write in notepad. The sentences you write don't wrap around correctly, they just keep going to the right. It's hard to blame anyone, as from their view, things look normal. This paragraph is already six lines in depth from my perspective.

Please keep this post in mind the next time you want to criticize someone for using "reddit spacing". It's not "reddit spacing", it's normal spacing based on the rules of grammar, at least so far as English is concerned. In any other format, the surface these words would be recorded on would have opposite dimensions. Look at a book, or a notebook, or a sheet of printer paper. It's much taller that it is wide. Imagine how deep a paragraph from a book would be if books were read in widescreen format, like your computer monitor.

That's what you see here, a widescreen version of normal text. It's kind of shitty, but necessary if you don't want to have to scroll through every other post. Writing short concise paragraphs to express ideas, is good form here. We don't want walls of text.

The reddit spacing shit is a kike tactic to bring the white mans English down to nigger-tier levels by making formatting your post an un-cool thing to do.

Anyone who unironically bitches about spacing between sentences that are separate ideas is probably a teenager who's never actually written informal emails before in their entire life. Which makes me think they are just newfags who think people didn't format their posts like that before reddit was around.

I've been writing emails since before some of you were even born. OP's spacing is fine. It's preferred. He is spacing to give breaks between micro paragraphs. It makes the post incredibly easier to read at a quick glance.

Do you also think using ">" to quote spawned out of imageboards?

Good call shark, filtered him.


This is what the left does when it can't find anything actually bad to write about Trump. It's his fucking house, of course the staff cater to his preferences. If you hated liver and broccoli, and your staff constantly just served you liver and broccoli, what would your reaction be?

Also, where these whiny, nickpicky faggot reporters paying for their dinner? No? Then they should shut the fuck up. Typical rude and tasteless lefties.

maybe counting some shit greenpeace did?

lol, this is fucking pathetic.

Your dubs cancel out his shit dubs.

Mohammed fucking a pig is what I drew.

Healty-looking animals can still have parasites.
Google "parasite load"

You don't need to DOUBLE space after every single sentence. You reek of twitterfagging. Too low an attention span to be capable of reading unless everything is in tiny, bite-sized pieces with significant spacing in between. Fix yourself.

Have fun rotting your digestive system out and fucking your liver and pancreas to death and creating a crippling blood sugar deficiency because you're tricking your body into thinking it's ingesting sugars when in reality you're just burning out whatever blood sugar is already in your system. Faggot.
So you're a limp-wristed faggot.

You sound like a faggot.

Typical tricks.


I think 600lb booger did that for memetic reasons related to the cancer memes about "gamers" being all over mountain dew and doritos before the cancer meme became "gamers are sexist racist NAZIS and dead" with goyimergate.


When exactly has this happened?

That in no way addresses the issue of people making 7 one sentence paragraphs (i.e. reddit spacing) which is what we're actually referring to. Reddit spacing is called such because reddit users double tap enter after every sentence because reddit has a shitty text formatter that eats the first enter and treats it like a space bar press. You can tell they're reddit fags because they do it out of habit, not because it is necessary (like instances where someone double spaces in between individual lines of green text).

Not Holla Forums. We on Holla Forums drink only water and tea.

why even live



What did they mean by this?

So it's just that easy to get these media kikes to go uppity? Just invite them to a fancy dinner like they're accustomed to and indulge himself? Should have just handed those faggots some soggy burgers.

Who has money to do that?

Low-effort OC.

user, please upload your smug folder to Mega or something
I've only got 130 smugs in mine

Oh god I'm dying

Smugs are like trading cards, I can't just give them all away.
I'll give you an expansion pack though

greatly appreciated, my friend
In return I will provide you with the only thing capable of matching the sheer distilled smugness of anime girls
stock photo smugs

haha this thread is funny

Remember when Holla Forums or Holla Forums had 300 PPH

I do.
It was terrible.

Dont worry though summertime will br8ng new fags which we will get to suffer through

Considering Dr. Pierce's content has been being removed from the site I think there is cause for alarm.


Good, except for the detail on the hat which is spectacular

Seeing pics of him eat fast food and drink soda really make me worry for his health. I mean he looks damn good for 70 but I still worry. I hope he sits down to have some decent meals every now and again instead of just bringing some Big Macs on Air Force One.

Checked for glorious salt thread.

there was a terror attack on Heligoland?
by Weda, t'is yn nye slach op'e Boarn
