What does Holla Forums think of Albanians? I know we had a thread about them before. I just found this meme and I thought it was hilarious
I know no
threads but mods lets this one slide.
What does Holla Forums think of Albanians? I know we had a thread about them before. I just found this meme and I thought it was hilarious
I know no
threads but mods lets this one slide.
Pick one.
Are you retarded?
We need a new word for them. The word albania in ancient times had a very different meaning.
He's not wrong
Then don't do it you nigger brain
They need to be exterminated
also take this shit to the Balkans thread
I think he's saying Albanians aren't White which they're not.
What did it mean?
There is already another word for them "Shiptar", its basically the same as calling one a nigger
Genetically speaking, albanians are the lllyrians that have always lived there. It's just that half or so of albanians decided to embrace islam from their turkroach oppressors.
They ARE white. Just with their shitty jihad religion.
Turk savages. Albanian is literally Europe's local dump.
Sacrificing your soul to a semitic deity makes you an honorary shitskn.
Not possible. There is nothing worse.
No lol, they came from what is now Azerbaijan. Albanians are inbred Sunni shitskins. They are not indigenous to Europe.
Sorry bro didn't see it
The Latin word for "white" is "alba." Albania literally means Whiteland.
wow just wow. and that's going on in Europe?! wew lad.
The caption in the image is very close to reality, they are easier to spot and neutralize than jews though.
In Albania there seems to be a minority of whites/slaves, the mayority are turkcroaches rapebabies, the country's main export is criminals.
Reminder that when you see someone posting memriTV, you've been visited by a non-white subhuman
Yeah…no. Fuck off with your low quality screencap of shitskinTV with nothing new to contribute.
You're not white, never will.
I bet you're mad, mehmet
Analbanians are awful.
Serbs > Analbanians.
Stay mad.
analbanians ==GET OUT==
P.J. O'rourke Eat The Rich
Albania also suffered a financial crisis when a pyramid scheme collapsed. A huge number of ordinary citizens were invested in it. They all knew the returns were too high to be legitimate, but they thought the business was involved in criminal enterprises to earn so much cash. Turned out it was a pyramid scheme.
Ok, shiptars of shiptaria. rhymes with shittee, so makes sense.
I bet you're a real blast at parties. I've saved a few of these. They're good for a chuckle.
56.7% muslim population
- There's no such thing as albania in ages past, people there are basically turkroach mongrels and descendants of janissaries of the long dead ottoman empire, also hilldog endorsed them with funny money and other free shit the day before the Balkan conflict went off.
- muh (((((greater albania)))))
- their thought process and way of life are similar to that of the antifa scum mixed with nigger and saudi/wahhabi mentality, except it's an entire country instead of a few ragtag bunch of larping commie libtard faggots
- 'isis stronk! kill the infi- eh i mean we are true yuropeans! aloha sna- uuuh slava albania!'
- they're similar to jews appearance-wise; seemingly white skin, but genetically full of mix blood from other ethic groups (aka slightly intelligent subhuman mongrels with a brain of your typical nogs)
- majority religion: wahhabism
- actual native whites are either second class citizens or labor/sex slaves
-inbred monkeys
-mostly mudslime
-not part of western civilization
-only good for killing orthodox turks, i.e. serbs
-also prosperperous pastry, ice cream and drug merchants
The niggers of europe in every aspect.
"The only Albanian you can trust is one with no hands"
These fuckers steal more than niggers and that's saying something.
Probably not. He doesn't sound albanian.
Oops, we need to look deeper.
Greek here. Our country is infested with them and we know them better than anyone else. Let me tell you what your average Albanian is like.
They steal a lot from a young age - even the educated ones from somewhat good families. I have no idea why, it must be literally in their DNA. I know of no other "white" people who steal that much. There are no exceptions. Every Albanian has stolen hundreds of things in his lifetime but will not admit it.
They are violent but they pussy out in 1v1 fights just like niggers. They will only attack someone if they outnumber him but even then their victory is not assured because - just like niggers, they are horrible in streetfights. Though many of them carry knives that they probably stole from some market.
The younger ones? They're basically niglets but with white skin. They're loud, violent, stupid and jealous of other whites.
Albanians are basically the result of hundreds of years of inbreeding and rape by Ottomans. They look white but their facial futures are most of the time fucked up. Subhumans all of them. They love Turkey, Islam and the U.S.A. They believe they will take over Greece and steal our women but not even their own women like them. Every Albanian female I know only fucks with Greeks.
And just like the FYROM subhumans, they larp as Ancient Greeks n' shieeeeeeeeeet. They claim that they wuz Greeks and wuz 1821 liberators. Of course they got nothing to backup these claims and everyone ignores them.
And they steal just like other Albanians?
The Albanian female will not steal but she is just as worthless as the male. They are the worst fucking sluts I've ever seen. They fuck around from the age of 13 and it's not rare to see them dating with cousins. They also fight a lot with other Albanofemales.
so just like negresses
Go to hell. This does not belong here, go to plebbit or fagchan.
And for your info, white>anything.
Now blow your brains out for making this thread.
Nice sage
The native whites are the most direct descendants of the original inhabitants, the Avars.
The majority of the raping was done by the Ottoman corsairs. The corsairs were under Ottoman control but made up of Berbers.
You can say what you want, but albanien bektashis seem to be based and sound in morality without being retarded durkas. Something good that came from that country which comes to my mind.
you must be an albanian haha
Mh, I looked at the comments and it seems I did a mistake and the guys poking their cheeks are not bektashis as the Youtuber mislabbeled the practize.
Anyway its islamic sufism that originated from Iran but found great following in Albania from some time and mixed with the local european culture. They drink whine, dont veil their women but are not total hedonists either about the good things in life. Seem like nice people albeit they are a minority in albania.