Alright, I think no one here on Holla Forums likes or even cares about Laci Green. Laci Green, 1.4 million subscribers on Youtube, she calls herself a feminist and is very popular among SJWs.
Now, after watching this video, I think she presented something like an opening. You know how SJWs dismiss any logic and reason and believe any blatant lies other feminists fuel them with? Maybe, Laci Green is about to be enlightened.
I assume she will now start debates with people like Sargon. I think she is ready for her views to be challenged. And considering that most of her viewers are cucks, SJWs, and whatnot, she may be a useful tool to increase the, well, "power of the alt-right".
Think about it. Turning one of the most popular feminists on Youtube into one who thinks like us… That'd be hilarious.
Just imagine this, Holla Forums. She starts with questioning. Then she starts debunking feminist myths. She will point out hypocrisy of the left. And then… She starts denying the Holocaust.
All right, it will be a long way until then, but tell me what you think, Holla Forums.
Can she be saved? Is there any hope for her?
Do you think she has the potential to be /ourgirl/?
Cooper Hill
are we being raided?
Justin Anderson
My guess is yes.
Andrew Johnson
When you got such a huge social media following, you don't change your views for any fucking reason. Especially if you're a cunt, in which case you rationalize your loss of an argument with a thousand different ways, both creatively invented out of your mind and also your followers' minds.
Therefore, this is a shit thread and you should kill yourself.
Isaac Stewart
No she will never be /ourgirl she like other progressive useful idiots will be nothing more than something to be laughed at. Her only use is to point to her and inform fence sitter normies how fucking retarded she is and how she is a (((useful idiot)))
Cooper Peterson
Noah Campbell
She's trying to infiltrate the right.
Christopher Robinson
Any shift towards the right is just a jewess seeing her money well drying up and is looking for a new body to leech.
Brody Mitchell
There's been a recent wave of liberal turned "conservative" women recently. Nothing more than opportunists who are chasing down the shekels.
Jackson Diaz
I don't understand the thinking here. If she's a useful idiot now, how would she have the wherewithal to become an infiltrator by switching sides? Would she not just be a useful idiot for our side?
Sounds like you're afraid of winning.
Juan Hall
Trips of god damned truth.
Lucas Cox
Ian Allen
(criminally unchecked trips) Confirm OP is a faggot and should get a month long ban
Connor Nelson
Best thing to do is remind any new "fans" of her real opinions the stench of feminism and social justice will not leave them they will be branded and scorned for the rest of their years.
Trojan pussies turncoats with no loyalty who deserve no home but the ruins they crawled out of.
Lincoln Wood
The memes always come real in the end. Give it time.
Matthew Robinson
Andrew Robinson
what the fuck is this garbage
Cooper Roberts
By 'red pill' do you mean cock?
Evan Flores
Useful idiots with a big following end up influencing others to act on the same shitty behavior as the former do. And a potential useful idiot like Laci, if she ends up being convinced by FUCKING SARGON will only attract retards who do nothing more than bastardize our ideas and morals more than they already are by the (((alt-right))).
tl;dr: I don't want another Evalion or Sinead, and so should you.
Lincoln Ross
This. Bringing bluepilled liberals into the fold only bites us in the ass because they end up serving as controlled opposition steering people away from becoming fully redpilled.
Angel Reyes
looking at her face reminds me that jewish inbreeding is a real problem
Mason Sanchez
I totally agree, and I expect you to keep trolling and abusing these liberal-minded people until they get to where you want them to go. These types only respond to emotional abuse, not logic.
At the same time, support your fellow travelers. Nobody's politics teleport to full 1488 instantly. Purity tests are pure cuckservative, and no cheeky memes showing one white person surrounded by 20 dindus is gonna change that.
Jackson Adams
No, the red pills she crushes, mixes with water, boils in a spoon over a lighter, and injects into her arm.
Michael Baker
Shes just trying to jump ship to survive. That's how SJW politics work. They infiltrate, infect, kill, then attempt to jump host.
The left has clearly died and SJW's crave money. So time to jump host to the right. Don't allow this to happen.
Owen Sanders
show me your tits laci
Noah Wilson
implying we can stop it the right becoming mainstream is normal and to be expected the pendulum swings back in a couple of years western cities will have chased out the last enemies of the west and strung up the ones we caught things might seem bleak but i am optimistic
Elijah Parker
100% accurate. Quality over quantity.
Ayden Diaz
Noah Torres
blowjob pic?
Hudson Howard
Oh, also:
The path to the redpill is NEVER, EVER revealed by a woman. Deal with it.
Lincoln Lee
Did any of you fuckers actually watch and listen to this video? She might be choking on it, but Laci is honestly attempting the Red Pill. God bless her heart. She straight up argues against the most Tumblr level arguments this video would have garnered, nipping them in the bud. Overton Window confirmed moved. FFS, this is a win, lads.
Dylan Butler
Sure they don't, especially this specific cunt. You know why? She's a jewess. She'll never be 1488 no matter what she becomes. She'll never become anything acceptable either, since her position in society is too well-cushioned to make her change to a side that benefits us.
Depends on what ideas' purity we're talking about. We're not talking about Republican "save all the nigger babies and die for Israel"-tier ideas, but ideas that help our people and will save them from destruction. Demanding purity regarding these is something strongly preferred at the very least. We don't need any more "redpills" diluted in Olympic-sized swimming pools, but the real thing from real people who do what they preach. Forget Evalion, not even Enoch or Spencer are acceptable anymore. It's the same kind of controlled opposition BS that entered a popular movement, created a bastardized flashy turd replica out of it, and paraded themselves as "leaders"; this has to fucking stop somewhere. We need to "upgrade" our already existing intermediates to influencers, so to speak, not constantly recruit new members until our spaces and movements turn inseparable from the normalfag world.
Austin Myers
Isaiah Brown
Wait, holy shit, how did I not know this… I could of sworn she was a legit kike.
Wyatt Diaz
You cannot redpill women bro. Demonstrable in this cunt's case, in that she's sensing the shifting of the times and is trying to position herself in a favorable light - she's literally engaging in fucking subversive efforts right under your nose, and you think its a good thing because 'hey, tits that say things almost like what I believe!'. Sad!
Josiah Gomez
It would be a shame if feminist side of youtube completely turned on her and drove her the rest of the way insane.
Daniel Allen
It would be interesting to see, but I doubt it'll happen, because again, I get a strong subversive vibe off that shit.
Seriously though, someone explain pic related - what the fuck is up here?
Lincoln Baker
Adding some more to the pile. Feast your eyes upon this super cool alt-right(tm) member who will attract so many worthy people and be such a great example for our youth! Sure you wouldn't want to miss a chance listening to this shiksa, little goyim?
Justin Bennett
Jews can't be shiksas.
Caleb Clark
Shit, fucked up that one. Thanks dubsbro.
Mason Bell
Webm for the webmfags
Asher Baker
We're neither interested in kikes or kike politics.
Luke Gomez
Wasn't she the porn star that flipped her shit over GamerGate because Sarkeesian wouldn't give the time of day to an actual rape victim?
Cameron Anderson
Jace Perry
Literally who?
Eli Thompson
Adam Hall
Gavin Gonzalez
Jaxon Myers
i still want t stick my peepee into her tbh.
Kayden Martin
We really need to do something about Sargon and Kekistan. I delve deep into normalfag spaces and Carl's fucking cancer is everywhere I go. Its getting so bad that I honestly dread leaving Holla Forums to go infiltrate the normies.
This shit is reddit tier, they bastardize kek in hopes of getting easy thumb ups and popularity riding on the coat tails of Pepe. Its infuriating.
Caleb Hernandez
Why? What does this even mean in this context?
You want a higher quality of Holla Forums poster and still want the board to move at a crawl? Ok I suppose. But you aren't going to actually get anything done.
I'm not sure in what case quality over quantity matters here. If you're talking about making legitimate change in the world than quantity is a lot more important. If you want to change the minds of people you need the audience. If you want to change policy you need votes. If you want to change the country you need an army.
Whether you find it enjoyable to have to deal with waves of retarded alt-right bandwagoners is irrelevant. If you want to have a meaningful impact on the world you're going to need to learn to deal with idiots. Have you never held an important management position before? Or lead any projects?
Connor Murphy
I'd only be willing to watch her debate if it was with metokur