Leafs ban "molon labe"


This is obviously a shitty, arbitrary law but at the same time, I'm kind of ok with it because "Molon Labe" is fucking cringey as hell. Everyone I've ever met rocking molon labe gear has been a huge faggot. It's almost as bad as the Punisher skull or that thin blue line sheepdog shit

I see nothing wrong with the thin blue line. I support the police and have no problem showing it. Molon labe might be larpy but anything that unifies us is a good thing. This post is bullshit and u are a either nog or a nose.

If you don't think this shit is cringey as fuck then I don't know what to tell you.

Molon Labe is a white concept of rebelling against powers that be wishing to disarm. Not far too dissimilar to what Holla Forums does today with memes and information.

To call it larpy or cringey is both anti-white and anti-right-to-life.

It can't be helped if some faggots rock the Molon Labe gear.
If someone wants to take your firearms, the absolute best thing you can say is, "Come and take them."
Captcha says you're a masonnigger.

Understood. I should be more informed before making claims. Fuck.

Leafs cucked eternal

I don't approve of the move, but I have to commend the Canadian government for their masterful use of irony.

I agree with the sentiment behind the statement. That doesn't mean the gear associated with the phrase isn't gay as fuck.

Not to mention the fact someone had the balls to slap a molón labe bumper sticker on the door to Obama's limo right after Sandy Hook. Pretty bad ass


And maybe remind the few
If ill of us they speak
That we are all that stands
Between the monsters and the weak
Burma Shave

Retard. Now you should say Molon Labe even more because it's banned.

There is literally nothing cringy about molon labe. That phrase goes back thousands of years and is part of the backbone of european civilization itself.


That's what the football team called her.

Hey there schlomo


What is kosher about calling op a nigger or a jew? I admitted my lack of knowledge and realize my mistake. If thats not good enough for you then go climb a wall of dicks.

Kill yourself, faggot.

Links autobreak now you idiot

They didn't ban speech they banned a specific gun with that larp shit engraved on it, which is obviously retarded. I was just poking fun at the gear queers who buy that stuff.

Whatever was going through your mind is exactly as worthy of its own thread as everything else that's ever gone through your mind, not at all.


dubs don't lie. OP is a huge faggot.


You're probably a shill but most definitely a fucking faggot.



Got a link?

that is fucking cringey

Kill yourself, faggot.

can confirm, every gunshop clerk that sported something with this was an obnoxious prick who got paid to just stand around and convert oxygen.

Reddit defense squad unite!

only good thing in this whole thread tbh

Welp. You know shits about to get really bad here when they start doing this kind of shit. If I see another excuse to ban guns for any reason in the near future Im gonna be very worried.


Nice shift shlomo.

Getting mad about a symbol or phrase instead of the faggots who are using it is retarded. Same thing can apply to "Don't Tread on Me" which has been overused and taken by a bunch of civil nationalist homos that will never do shit if the guberment takes their fucking guns.

Thin Blue Line stuff is only not cringey if you're actually a cop and not a LARPer.

Kinda off topic but I want to give you guys an idea of how fucked Canada is. I live in a medium population city and we just had the provincil vote. The left party won with 44%, the ultra left party got 41%, the green party which I dont know how to describe in terms of LEFT got 3% and independents got 1%. What is missing here?

It makes it much worse if you're a cop honestly. Dividing everything into "good guys" and "bad guys" is like a 6 year old's understanding of morality/conflict.

powerful captcha. dubs checked.

Leftism Sine Occasu brother

I came in here to tell you how gay you are. But then I realized you are right.

aequalitatem autem mendacium. occidere omnium proditorum

Thanks for the useful contribution fam




hang yourself op.

God I love Faith Goldy and her strong, sexy voice. I'd lick her butthole all night!

You better keep your mouth shut on the DOTR you cuck, and you might survive.
I think TRS is more your place, they love cops


She's a Jew, you disgusting mother fucker.


Checked & Keked

How much more blatant can they possibly get with the FACT that this is a series of anti-white cancer?

that poster is a jew


What would happen if you electro-penciled "Molon Labe" into one of your guns and tweeted the pic to the faggots at the RCMP?




You get arrested and sent to prison to be raped by pakis and timberniggers for sending them a threat implying you'll shoot police officer online.

I'm Canadian and really don't give a shit.

The stupid, sheepdawg 'FROM MU CULD DED HUNDS MURRIKA JUICY CHEESEBURGER BALD EAGLE' is just the patriotard equivalent of virtue-signalling. The people that slap this shit like Molon Labe and Infidel windshield stickers on their trucks will sit on their asses and do absolutely nothing while they puff themselves up like peacocks about how hardcore and STRONK MURRIKAN they are when they're cowards who will roll down and sob like babies if and when ZOG's boot does actually come down on them.

If they had ever been worth a shit, they would have rebelled long ago.

kill yourself

That chick is so fucking hot. Goofball Lauren Southern can get hit by a truck.

inb4 muh dick

You fucking liar, she's Pan-European.

Her arms are kind of freakishly twiggy looking relative to her body.

I have to assume you are reffering to BC.
Yeah it's pretty fucked overall how the provincial system here is. I don't know which city you're in, but kamloops and north the people are slightly more tolerable. Although williams lake and prince george have a lot of chugs, people generally seem to be realistic in their attitudes towards them.

This. Leafs can't stop sucking cock.

The commercialization of the phrase into faded jeans late 90's esque culture IS fucking cringey.