Nancy pelosi visited the Dali lama and stuttered like a retard, showing everyone exactly how committed to diversity and inclusion the democrats are.
Democrats should be ashamed tbh.
Nancy pelosi shows the world how fucked in the head she is
Did she have a stroke or does she have a degenerative mental disease?
She a democrat rat, they carry all sorts of mental defects and diseases.
It really does seem like a degenerative brain disorder. Hopefully she dies soon.
Toxoplasmosis, due to being a cat lady
don't care she is toast can't say up or down had a good run plenty of bbc and cocktails at this point that bag is worthless cull the infirm make way for the strong ;)
a handicapped coder is worth more than that ugly sellout POS and I wonder how good her family lives because of how she sold out all Americans with her liberal left dem bullshit
sage. Hell awaits you whore
Forget to hop IPS faggot?
liberalism is a mental disorder
i couldnt resist
That bird is dope as fuck. It has the fake eyes just like an Orca. That bird would be a better choice than Pelosi tbh
I hope she remains in office for a very very very long time… it's going to be all downhill from here on out.
She's already dead she sold her husk of a soul long ago to Moloch.
would you go back in time to muhdik young nancy pelosi and redpill her with aryan cock?
i think i would
Mp4 because OP is a faggot as usual.
She is definitely on a ton of xanax or some other benzo.
Might've had a few drinks with it as well…
Drug use seems to be pretty common among all these democrat grannies.
I hope these people never retire.
As long as the Democrats have these old dingbats like Pelosi, Warren, Waters, etc hanging out at the top their party is fucked.
Anyone led by a bunch of old women that isn't about cooking or sewing is bound for failure. You can make a good profit by investing against companies owned by older women.
She's 77. Mental decline is normal at that age. Objectively, she ought to retire, but now that she's out of power, she's only hurting the democrats, so I hope they keep her.
"Mental disorder" is a communist concept.
The commies definitely piggybacked and used the term "mental disorder" as a slur to attack all those in opposition to state values, but don't fool yourself into thinking there were no mentally unstable people before the 20th century.
Is it wrong that I want to sodomize her (possibly while she's stuttering or having a small seizure) and play with her great big grandma jugs?
Yes, you degenerate. Keep your fantasies to yourself.
"Guarding the minds of children" and "Freedom of education" are the interests that we protect. This bitch brain has been fried on SSRI's
go away