Rosie O'Donnell on suicide watch

Rosie O'Donnell on suicide watch.

inb4 shillpost is 1st

I'm guessing shills are furiously working to try and think of a good way to fight back against Trump's tweets right now.

Top kek, that fat bitch is going to have a meltdown.

What did he mean by this?

You can try alot fucking harder than that user jesus.
Was that so difficult you couldn't manage it?

Oh, what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive!

When the emperor shitposts this hard, it means a gift of liberal tears are about to flow soon.

4D chess move. That is a legitimate phrase. All libturds screeching about it are in for a check mate move

Is our Don finally back lads?

Or one step closer for Rosie's stroke and diabetes type 2


Dunno how people don't know what that means. I guess maybe it's a little old-timey, but its hardly obscure.

Thanks user, am lazy, can confirm.

April was just the setup month. Always appear weak when you're strong.

They still can't accept the idea that he is smarter than them.

April showers bring May flowers?

Mayflowers bring pilgrims.

Here I thought it was a common expression?

I never heard it but he's smart as hell and I wouldn't doubt it offhand. I still think he's playing way too much of a slow burn with his israeli friends but its so goes to see shitposting again. Feels like 2015 fam.

Ayyy lmao

it's only a common expression if you're half-way educated and/or speak standard American English.

(((journalists))) and nogs aren't/don't.


trump tweets. Autists screech in the tweet replies

Did they ever give an official reason for Comey getting canned yet?

they can't contain their autism into 1 tweet

Trump just found a new meme that really gets under leftie cuck skin and makes them super butthurt - use uncommon/old phrases and colloquialisms. I expect him to get a lot of mileage out of this meme, just look at the tears it's producing

It isn't in Harry Potter or Star Wars, therefore it is not a legitimate expression.

Is LeGate Jewish? Why do people have such weird surnames.

Lots and lots of french kikes.


Probably Wang.

He certainly has his head up his ass.

He did it with Schlonged during the campaign.

Wang is a funny name because it reminds me of a word used as a replacement for penis.
So to think of someone with the name "Wang" really makes me laugh out loud at how funny it really is.

Schlonged is Yiddish though, its a different kind of trolling.

And they reply fucking instantly which means they are just sitting there waiting for Trump to tweet. Their whole lives revolve around Trump. He lives rent free in their minds.

I suddenly remembered that little feud they had.
I don't think there's a better way to win an argument than this. First, become the president. Then rip open old wounds in the smuggest way possible. Was becoming the president just part of his 6d chess plan to BTFO Rosie from the start?

I'd tweet that it exists to him, then ask him if it coming from a star wars movie or makesit real. In got an empty salt shaker here.

Obviously, normies don't know enough 2D

This man is an embarrassment to Russians and Slavs and I hope to personally fucking kill him with my bare hands

* makes it real or not. Fucking phone.

Waiting for Trump to use "niggardly".

Gutiérrez I'm Spanish not a spic thank you very much :^)

Trump and Rosie both fed off that feud. Trump restarting it would be the best thing to happen to her in decades. She would be doing TV interviews and get work left and right again.

So why are you on a board for white people?

Tomato potato, wetback.

one of the best words for salt.

if you get enough people to flag the phrase you used to be able to change it on google Mabey its now different any way looking into it maybe up vote a new phrase SOMETHING Triggering get the meaning of
Laugh up ones sleave to ___?

(770) 850-9753 let William know how much you love him


William brought piss to a shitfight.


l o l

Would seem to be a pretty damn fine way of keeping the (((lugenpresse))) and libs distracted and occupied while Trump does his magic. I see that he's biding his time and letting the whole Russia shit continue to drag on and get stale as fuck, while also having the lugenpresse work themselves up into a tizzy. But fucking christ, I look forward to when he finally pulls the plug on them and blows them out of the water. But I see his strategy. The longer this drags on, the more it gets old, gets on people's nerves, and other shit. Then when the BTFO comes, it'll destroy msm stations and democratic party's credibility at a large scale. If the dems and lugenpresse were smart they'd drop this issue, but they never will. This is going to backfire on (((them))) spectacularly.

call and ask where to send the 20 dollars.

They are trying to "Keep the pressure on. Never let up." but its turning into "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."


the marble columns got to him then he woke up

Spaniards are white, you fucking morons.

Call and ask him to send YOU $20, since it says "contact him for $20"

Ask him where your $20 is

like pottery

I remember this. There were a number of niggers
there (ie offended city employees), and they freaked out when he said "niggardly". He had to resign because the niggers would have looked retarded otherwise (which they did anyway, to anyone who wasn't a moron). So they just quietly rehired him later.


He just needed to fire someone.


still can't get over how unmoved she was at mr rogers

That's insulting to autists. Autists know idioms, they aren't idiots.


I legit didn't know that was an actual phrase; thanks user.

kek, 10/10 meme

plz no

They do this deliberately in order to take up the first few pages of replies with negative comments.

It's not like it's a hard expression to figure out, though. See figures 1 and 2 at the top-left of this post. They just… don't stop to think.

cry more Ivan




I can think of a couple.

better dead than red
work sets you free

I knew a kike family named La Bel. There's an insane amount of french jews.. Also wayyyy more central american crypto jews than you would every fucking suspect

Christ, it's not even worth going on twitter anymore. Scroll down and you're eyes are accosted by shill after shill after shill. Sickening sub-humans…

I predict a 2 year long cat and mouse game to destroy them around midterm time.

I guarantee thats him

It's impossible to get a competitor going unless you have bottomless pockets like the kikes. I don't know if Twitter has ever made a profit.

They're doubling down on the Russia narrative, even with Democrats losing seats left and right last election. Unless Russia hacked every fucking election in the country, it just boils down to people having had enough of their shit. Instead of owning up to that fact, they're retreating deeper into the echo chamber.

I have a feeling the next election is going to be even worse for them and they'll continue to screech about Putin

I am Spanish. English is not my first language. I have never been to an English speaking country. And I knew that fucking expression. What the heck.

You trolling, right?

I love Spain, but since I live in Arizona, Spanish just looks like spicnigger talk. Shame, you guys were really cool with Franco.

Reconquista soon?

They pronounce and use it in a whole different way, it is like ebonics.

Peak ((((CAPITALISM))))

Congrats to the photographer and hair&makeup, they made made the thumbnail version of Amy look almost attractive.

Twitter altered his algorithm, instead of seeing pro replies you only get leftist anti-trump cancer pushed in order to spread negativity.

Twitter owners should be slowly hung and killed.

I thought it was just bots rushing to get first post.

Iberians fucking hate Mexicans and other mestizo trash. Europeans hate mudskins who butcher their language who woulda thunk.

Franco was a sandnigger dicksleeve. He did some good things about the communists, but that's it

I think it was found that they changed it to go with those that get more likes or something.

Leftists obsess over Trump's twitter and especially their favorite twitter celebs that reply to all his comments, so they're going to end up with more likes on their replies than those on the right.


Ahh lads I missed these bantz.

I never heard of this expression either, maybe in another world line it is more common.

Top fucking Kek I never heard of this clown but he seems especially butthurt judging by that pepe image.



Daily reminder.

I can't stop fucking laughing, this tweet is 10/10 in every way.

This would be optimal for us too considering that Rosie is fucking batshit and rarely coherent. She'd fill the same role for us that Brianna Wu did for gaming. Someone completely batshit to represent the opposing side in a negative way but who's unassailable from within their own ranks.

Which is why Trump should nationalize Twitter.

That would mean Trump would have to invade Israel as most of the servers are there. I'm not against that.

Oh dear, more bread and circuses.

It is, it's just that it's a more common expression among whites. Remember these people do their best to ape niggers and jews

My money's on spontaneous combustion.


Hearty chuckle.

Is using phrases that idiots don't know about the new tactic?

The whole entire russia thing started exactly right after Trump made that remark of "I can call on the russians to keep hacking" or something around those lines. Either way, the left took his bait of him jabbing at the left during their email scandal, and the dems were eager and desperate to find some scape goat for what happened. But for anyone that has been following along during the primary would know that it wasn't even "russia" (and the dems have nothing but "it was real in my mind") , and that the man who leaked he emails to Assange would be the late DNC chairman Seth Richard. When that becomes public knowledge and how he died shortly after, their "it's the russians" will blow them out of the water. infact call sean hannity up during his hours and get that out into the air. 1-800-941-7326
And it'll damage their credibility so badly, not just for Seth Richard dying shortly after, but also because it proves that the lugenpresse and democratic party went all in, all worked up, and spent months dragging on something that turned out to be absolutely false on epic proportions.

Inb4 google is branded rightwing fake news by itself.

The state of faux intellectuals in the current year.

Seth Rich, actually. But your point still stands.

Personally, I'm all for the democrats to continue REEEing over this Russia bullshit. They're spending (ie, wasting) their entire political capital going after this story. It's a red herring. It's their white whale. Literally nothing will come of it except for the fact that they won't have pursued anything important. And then when they continue to lose seats and elections bigly in the next few years, they'll wonder why it's happening.

That and when bluepills on the internet or meatspace bring up "muh russian influence", I like to flip that around on them. You want to talk about other nations influencing our election? Okay, let's talk about Israel.

In the same vein calling someone a pinko is just as effective. Most people don't know how to react to it. Anyone else have anymore old school commie slurs? I'm itching to use them IRL.

user, we need to make this happen.

Okay, when does he air? I don't watch cable news.

This is something else.

How many literal niggers browse Holla Forums?

As opposed to figurative niggers?


Bonus points for being retarded enough to complain about it without trying to look it up first.

Isnt she already suiciding by donut and burger?


I'm a nigger and I knew what it meant. Do you expect niggers to frequent here without being somewhat smart instead of "we wuz" ?
Majority of niggers I know are stuck on cuck-chan "enriching" the shithole.

Is it really a surprise a fat dyke was against that?

Easy user, the Spanish may not be our prettiest brothers but they're still family

Yeah, people call eachother nigger as an insult on here all the time

Meant for

Holla Forums is a whites only board. Fuck off back to cuckchan and fuck off back to Africa.

EST 3-6pm

only the iberians spanish get a pass the others have been mudded up from mudslimes and jews i.e semites.

The funniest part about this is that it's now Presidential Behaviour