Thanks to Holla Forums, I have learned of the evils of godlessness and the havoc it has wreaked upon Western culture. I am ready to discard atheism for good.
So what religions does Holla Forums approve? Right now I'm gravitating towards Orthodox Christianity, but I'm still open to suggestions. No pagan LARP bullshit, please.
Russian Orthodox is the best one if you want communion and organization; however some branches of Protestantism aren't bad either, it's just that their minister or pastor is like an unconstitutional dictator frequently, they'll collapse if they lose him. For example, Christian Identity churches are much more Holla Forums-like, however they frequently disband or have too little members.
Caleb Wilson
Anything as long as it isn't Islam or Judaism honestly.
Wyatt Edwards
It's just Orthodox. Stop LARPing pls
Aiden Lewis
Fucking lol
Brayden Powell
>>>/christian/ or better yet go back to where you came from >>>/cuckchan/
Blake Scott
Read the bible yourself, OP.
Hunter Jackson
Christian Identity and Esoteric Hitlerism.
Evan Taylor
British Orthodoxy was a thing btw
Noah Evans
Lurk more, read a fucking book and/or bible to boot
Jack Howard
Not OP, I just never have a good reason to post those webms most of the time. I like them airdropping the church
Isaac Taylor
Sounds like you're a desert LARPer.
Ayden Hill
Fair enough, Russian webms of all kinds are pretty good tbh
Robert Torres
Where did this whole ortholarper meme even come from, anyway? I don't see anyone here calling out Catholics for crusader larping.
Lucas Peterson
The bible is almost-english gibberish and you just read whatever message you wanted out of it.
Tyler Ramirez
There's plenty of Orthodoxy churches in the US and even several close to me How exactly is supporting Orthodoxy in the west larping if you could say the same about the Catholic church, protestant church and all other Christian churches that were not founded in the US?
Jayden Russell
All major religions have Jewish roots. Religion has always been used as a means to controll the population through clergy.
Isaiah Phillips
The LARPers the one who spunk their pants over 'muh based russians' and so they usually LARP as Russians or Greeks.
For me it's just more theologically sound, plus it's the real religion of the British Isles. Catholicism came with William the Conqueror (who also brought the Jews here for the first time).
Juan Sanders
Jesus fucking christ every slide ends at the beginning of another.
Nicholas Howard
So dumb Read the Protocols you faggot.
Oliver Collins
You see no difference between greek and russian orthodoxy? Kek.
Isaiah Hughes
As long as you don't make a conscious effort to gravitate toward one or more religions yourself, you'll never find the answer no matter how many Holla Forums threads you read. I'm not exaggerating. I'm on the fence about this since 2015 and I still haven't picked a side. Granted, I don't give too much of a fuck because my local nationalist group gives me purpose and a true sense of community, but still.
Jayden Long
Hello kike!
Thomas Thomas
Or how about Ethiopian? Weu.
Alexander Barnes
Jeremiah Harris
Are you mentally retarded? My whole point is that they're different. Orthodoxy is a looser collection of churches than Catholicism, but doctrinally they're the same and are contained in the same overarching structure.
Looks like you're the fool here
Josiah Clark
Religion is a classic slide/D&C topic. Go make a religion board and take your autism with you.
To answer your question Hinduism
Jaxson Lopez
This is missing a lot of Israeli backroom dealings during the Iran-Iraq war as well and provided weapons to the Iranians any time when Saddam/Iraq started to seriously win the war as part of the Iran-Contra affair's_role_in_the_Iran–Iraq_war
Andrew Ward
Listen to this podcast first, and read some of the books he mentions to get a better understanding:
Jace Phillips
Are you? Nigger.
William Walker
Oh, I see you are in fact retarded.
Juan Morgan
Then what the fuck is the point of this thread then.
Andrew Barnes
Says the fucking moron who can't follow the bullshit pouring from him.
You gotcalled on being an incorrectly pedantic faggot.
Evan Foster
Atheism is the only religion they promote you dummy. The materialist is the ultimate degenerate.
Tyler Young
Why live?
Jayden Brown
Shhh no tears, only smugs.
Aiden Flores
Because it's a commentary on (((post-modernism))) and jews ruining art while using it to money-launder.
Jason Cook
You're the one being fucking pedantic. You take every little word I said literally, just so you can act as if you've won an argument that was pointless to start with.
Isaiah Gomez
Kayden Cruz
Go fill out /christian/'s survey. It's in the sticky. Smite the Judaizers!
Dominic Williams
>>literal Holla Forums talks fights amongst itself about religion thread You're probably the same one who made that useless angel thread last month judging by your phrasing.
There seems to be no point in creating this thread besides causing infighting. Shill.
Juan Adams
It really doesn't matter as long as you aren't a nihilist supporting the Marxist agenda. Don't let belief in God be something to divide and conquer against your fellow Aryan.
Jose Brown
Samuel Evans
Churchmen are only human, user. We're all sinners.
It's the integrity of Church doctrine and traditions that ultimately matters.
Asher Nelson
You can find a religion somewhere in there.
Some Christian sects are less pozzed than the other, but nothing mainstream is what a Holla Forumsack should be looking for, or consider ideal. The very root of Christianity is pozzed. Whatever aspect you like from it originates either in Catholicism or a later denomination, and would likely be considered heresy by Christians proper.
Joseph Sanders
The Bible warned of Der Ewige before the Internet and 'red pilling' were a thing.
Fedoras, SJWs, Goons and our own moeshitposting staff try their hardest to push the 'muh kike on a stick' meme though. The fact that these mongoloid race-mixing Edomite kikes killed Jesus and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Christians from all kinds of races doesn't matter i guess.
Ryan Cruz
Not saying everything Russia does should be approved but you're delusional if you're trying to claim that the Russian Orthodox church isn't the single largest Orthodox denomination and therefore the most influential/important INB4 Kike Ukrainian/Pole D&C tactics Greek orthodoxy is somewhat better for being less politically motivated but most differences are minor
This although i would say OP is correct in that Orthodoxy is the lesser cucked branch of Christianity
If you want to look up Archaic Christianity that is closer to the original church that would be the Old Believers, the Armenian orthodox church retains old traditions as well IIRC and was founded by some of the original 12 apostles
Elijah Mitchell
Asking "Holla Forums" to give you a religion. You are doomed.
Oliver Bennett
This thread is full of christians!, were have you been?, it's like pagans are trying to annoy us to death.
Juan King
Blake Thompson
Get off Holla Forums and do some research of your own, in real life and not on the internet, and find what works best for you. Personally I'd recommend pentecostal protestantism, but that's just me. Sage for incoming Holla Forums thread
Bentley Mitchell
If I ever have no place to go, I would join the St. Anthony Orthodox Monastary.
Noah King
Christian Wilson
Aiden Reyes
Tyler Stewart
If your ancestors weren't Orthodox (or at least from one of the ethnic groups Orthodoxy is big in), converting is as LARPy as paganism. If your ancestors were Catholic, look up the SSPX or one of the sedevacantist groups. Otherwise, look into your local Protestant churches–denomination means less than you would think here, individual churches tend to be pretty independent from each other in doctrine and style.
This is silly. Christianity doesn't have an Islam-like "seal of the prophets" concept, revelation did not stop with Christ. The bits Europeans added to Christianity are no less valid or important than the bits the early Judean converts added.
Dylan Garcia
nice poster
James Mitchell
Is the Praise of Kek and Ammit still approved? I know the concept has been infected by the followings of Sargon. But the occult connections between Kek and the infrastructure of the spiritual world can't be ignored
Noah Harris
Im with this user.
I wish there was a western religion like hinduism. I think it would be easier to identify with stories.
Jacob Collins
Kekistan is heresy, but other than that I like them.
Jonathan Wood
READ THE FUCKING RULES this is akin to "is X degenerate", reversed
-Kekism -Hitlerism -Buddhism -Some non cucked-version non-stupid version of Christianism, can't bother to search
Ryan Morgan
Angel Phillips
This is mostly only a Sunni concept, Shiites believe that Ali continued the line of procession and there are other prophets, similarly Alawites accept Jesus and several christian saints as prophets And what parts do you mean in particular? It could likely be argued that later European influence is also responsible for Christianity becoming cucked.
Some might take it seriously but most of the Kek/Ammit worship here is facetious
John Hernandez
For the love of everything that is holy, please don't. I say this as somebody who grew up being a pentecostal for the first 16 years of my life, and interacting with people of that faith till today. 90% of people I know who were raised in pentecostal protestantism ended up either being autistic antisocial stuttering retards in their teens or hedonist turbo-normalfags who never looked back (for good reason, since the alienation they are taught to practice is too radical even for a hardcore Holla Forumsack. I know people who live with an agnostic/pagan relative in the same home and rarely even greet them because they're not pentecostal). A different 90% completely disregard physical health and exercise, thinking it's a slippery slope to hedonism or some shit. They completely disregard race/ethnicity from their teachings, however the "old guard" (that is, the 40+ crowd) is quite redpilled on that thankfully. That still doesn't prevent them from accepting tons of foreigners (fucking Albanians in my case, no less). 100% argue like kikes and are absolutely unable to settle an argument with any terms other than their own. Teachings are disgustingly pacifist, except if it has to do with scripture of course. Fortunately, they like marriage and having babies, so if you're ready to bear with the above you should be fine to join.