Let's meme traditional values to help save western civilization

I want to see young adults getting married and starting families young. Can we meme this into existence?

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Good luck convincing women they shouldn't attend university, have a career, then try to marry someone that doesn't make less than them and still finds them attractive while they are in their late 30s, only to have 1-2 kids. Pablo has no problem pumping out kids at 18 and making you pay housing assistance and his kids' school lunch.

That's why I need pol's help.

What's the point of this?

I am of opinion that some things cannot be memed for majority of people. Traditional gender roles did not occur because everyone loved the idea, they were instead reinforced with an iron fist. And such is our way.

You will indeed never convince women not to aspire for careers, colleges etc. You will either force them into submission, or shame them. That's most of them, either way. Those that understand are outliers anyway, and such rules shouldn't be enforced on them in same measure in the first place.

What you need to do is change men, as they are more aggressive and prone to action. There is no point in making women want traditional gender roles if there is no other polarity on which this tradition is dependent on (strong men that earn a good wage).

You got to lurk more m80.

I have the ear of many young women that are in college and are resisting feminist indoctrination. It's very difficult to find memes regarding the importance of marriage and family.

I disagree to an extent. Women need to be encouraged to stay virgins so that they'll be fit to be wives and that's a major battle against all popular culture.

molymeme is very persuasive when it comes to that. He has lately come to make pretty good (including financial) arguments for women staying at home being moms.

You want to save traditional western values ? Expel kikes problem solved.

Thanks, I'll check it out.

A well-raised woman doesn't give two shits about a career. She may end up working out of necessity, but she'd much rather be raising children.

Deep down women want to have children because of their maternal instincts. Show them images of happy white families.

Very true. The problem I'm encountering is that these young women were raised by feminists for the most part and want to live a traditional lifestyle but have no idea where to start.

It worked before. Look into the Artaman league.

I can do that. Thanks.

Too rationalized. Who the fuck is going to ponder all that? Even if they do, there are -literally- books of feminist rethoric explaining why that text message is wrong.

What feminist books can't refute is pictures of an idylic female with her kids and husband.

Make sure she looks healthy and beautiful while her kids help her with any work she has.

It has to convey PROTAGNOSIM.

The sucess of feminists was to shift weight center of PROTAGANISM from maternal instincts into being a wage-slave.

Make sure PROTAGANONISM is given as a reward for motherhood.


Are you in a relationship OP?

Yes, I'm married.

Agreed. Happy family as the carrot. Single, childless, middle-aged woman as the stick.

of course, white women are now paying for other women's babies lol

they are cuckqueans

I'm going to work this angle. Thank you, it's a smart idea.

Women should have the means to support a family in case her husband is injured or dies. Traditionally, young women would get a certificate to teach or be a nurse as insurance.

single white women go to work, get paid, send taxes to government, and government sends that money to happy African families.

see the resentment that image conjures up in a white woman's mind. and to say black families aren't happy is racist.

and so she and her children didn't become depended on the State.

That's absolutely brilliant!

Sure, but we need to do something in the interim.

well the side effect is if you show a black man that's happy, white women will want to become mud sharks. but, if they try that, they're going to lose comfy life. cognitive dissonance will set in and they may just resort back to trusting their instincts. path of least resistance determines what they go after. and women choose comfort over race relations, 100%

Well, I don't want that. Perhaps showing a black family how it actually is would be best…many children and no dad in sight.

you can show a corporate guy whipping the woman to "get back in the cubicle", sending her money to the state and then show a brightly smiling government man handing cash over to the single black mother.

also show the black single mother smiling and playing with her kids, and her grandmother smiling proudly with her.

it will make white women sick to their stomachs

This could work!

Not bad. Not just women, tho.

Wizard detected.

This is an interesting point. When nobody is looking, are white women more selfish than their virtue signaling would indicate? Daily reminders of what is being done with their Coach (tm) handbag and Godiva money could help to drive some points home.

The babies are happening, we're all paying for them. The question is, is your baby getting paid for?


Single middle-aged women with pet-companions pay a shit ton of money for pet care. Doggy day care (no joke). Vet bills. Animal surgeries. Animal psychiatrists. Soothing pheromone perfumes. Animal beds, trinkets, toys, treats.

Not sure where I was going with that, but it's a thing.

I'd rather focus on getting Whites to think in racial terms. Get White youth to start thinking about the fact that they are White and every single other race on earth is ethnocentric and will screw them over if they do not start looking out for their own race's best interests.

This is how you D&C lesbians, BTW. Nothing more vicious then a dyke fight.

Meh, I know one with a dozen pets who uses farm grade and pays cents while the idiots at the (((pet store))) get hosed.

if they're already in college it's already too late.

Honestly, I was assuming we were talking about whites.

It's a cuckchan sperg. See:

I was thinking today about creating an image that shows the stressed out mom at work in her shitty cubicle job while a non-white nanny spends quality time with her kids. Something like "they grow up so quick…" but not sure how to end it yet, something like how the black or mexican nanny never misses any of the precious moments while the mother never misses her deadlines…

maybe like "while you're hard at work making sure you never miss a deadline, Rosita is making sure she never misses a single precious moment with your kids." So like a split panel with the mexican maid playing with the kids in the park while the white mom is getting stared down by a male boss who is ugly and fat.

Or have Rosita at the park looking at her phone while the kid is on a swing.

I'm 16 years old no b8 at what age should I marry and have children?


If you're a woman, then between 19 and 24 and if you're a man, as soon as you can support a family.

Depending on your state laws and your parent's consent, you could marry your significant other tomorrow and have a baby by 17 or 18. Your parents ideally should approve of your partner.

16 with parental consent.

Unless I want to work in McDonalds no way I'm marrying early I think. Going to need the Jackpot.