Woke Niggas For White Genocide

Sun Man here. Just telling all you Rhesus monkey, Neanderthal hybrids that your destruction is imminent. Woke niggas are on the move as we speak; planting the seeds of your destruction. With every white bitch we steal from beta cucks and impregnate, with every diversity hire, and with every self-loathing slavery apologist we create we come closer to achieving our holy white genocide.

To hate us is to give us strength. To love us is to give us strength. There is no winning this war. So why prolong the struggle? So do the African race a solid and find the longest bbc you can find and use it as a your noose.

Not even trying today, huh?

If dubs, OP is permabanned even if it was just shitposting.

One off. You're lucky today OP.

Keep calling us niggers and the like. Your only validating the existance of "racist" and "nazis" furthering the progressive cause. Thus allowing woke niggas to operate more efficiently in the public sphere. Spreading the white genocide.




Time for a solar eclipse, nigger.


Fuck off Moon Man your not scheduled to eclipse the sun until 2024. By then it the muzzies will have initiated the great nuclear jihad.

Jesus Christ this nigger can't even properly direct his shitposts.

This nigga ain't woke.


OP's missing father



Figured it out. Newfag here testing the waters obviously.

That shit was legendary

Yes legit racist memes give the fucking kikes and zionist power to sway the masses. Lets not fuck around about that.

(((echo chamber))) kys

can you just go die? like, take something, anything, and just go kill yourself with it.

As one human being to another.. well you're not actually human, but if you're capable for one second to be human. let it be when you're killing yourself.


Yes Masta Imma go kill myself in the name of Allah.

Guess yall like africa so much you want it to be everywhere


These threads are getting more and more lazy. Much like the aforementioned "woke niggas".

Good thing once the whites are gone you will start killing each other starving and dying. Then the chinks will enslave the rest of you while they dont give a fuck about how muh oppressed you feel like whites would

The fact that you talk about 'diversity hires' tells me you're just a shitposting faggot.


Yeah I was expecting a bit more self awareness from these poltards especially seeing that this was a shitpost.

Guess this is just another echo chamber. Got some laughs though. You guys keep supporting the zionist progressive power structure.

I've been dating black women exclusively for the past 20 years now. I especially enjoy when they tell me how it's nice to be dating someone dependable and intelligent. Every time I cuck a nigger man I cum buckets.

Enjoy the AIDs faggot.

Seeing as they recently found the nigging-link, I'm not worried about what you apes come up with while subtracting bananas.

So you expect us to pretent that we love niggers and totally dont want to deport them to Africa?

So you are an illiterate nigger.

There is an eclipse in August.

Guess so. Do something about it faggot?

sage, hide and report niggerthreads you fucking newfags


sage for faggotry:the thread


forgot my sage


Ohh shit the Sun done goofed! Operation nuclear jihad must happen before the eclipse or else Moon Man will kill us all.

Kek! Moon Man was what brought me here. Whitetopia was 🔥

Have you noticed how racist niggers are against non-black monkeys.

To be fair not everyone gets the eclipse. This year the totality is going across the US. Should be a lot of panic in the ghettos.



get the fuck out you fucking niggerlovers


Naw you don't gotta pretend that you don't hate niggers. You probably do that shit already in real life. Stop being a fake ass bitch and unleash the hate.


It keeps falling off my plate, cocksucker.

Oh, like you? Go back to africa you larper

learn your place shitskin

>implying niggers plant anything without slavery to force them to

That's ebonics for cum. Rape is recreation.

Oh boy, I can't wait to see
A black wind chime on every tree

R8 my poetry in this shit thread guise

Its not that I hate them in general, I hate them being in white countries whining about white supremacy. Europe is not that nigger infested yet luckily, but roaches, gypsies and arabs. But the enemy are the liberal shithead traitors who let them in.

Also, dey weed.

Be very careful user, that's a dangerous fucking game you're playing