"The capitalist knows that all commodities, however scurvy they may look, or however badly they may smell...

"The capitalist knows that all commodities, however scurvy they may look, or however badly they may smell, are in faith and in truth money, inwardly circumcised Jews, and what is more, a wonderful means whereby out of money to make more money."

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


what was that?

A time period spanning from the year 1800 up until the year 1900


Shouldn't that be 1800-1899 or 1801-1900?

fucking semites

Completely wrong. We are currently in the 21st century, not the 20th.

It includes the year 1800, but not the year 1900. If I had to write this out mathematically it would be [1800, 1900)

Inwardly or outwardly circumcised?

what did he mean by this???

Exactly the very premise of this thread. Hopefully someone will have an answer. Two pages later I'm seeing more Jew hatred from him. I'm reporting Marx to the ADL immediately. Hopefully he will be arrested and kicked out of Germany where he lives.

I just love how leftypol can turn any thread into any random topic. Anyways, I used to be a regular in the dubtrack room, but it just became too unpleasant. the room has next to nothing to do with leftypol, I think it's mostly run by Holla Forums users who want to troll leftists. I don't know why we allow this thread. One of the regulars in the room is named pepezefrog. no suprise, he identifies with pepe, but the anti-social edgy kind. always tries to act like a toughguy, it's kind of sad the extent of his delusion. now he might be a Holla Forumstard, but what's worse is that he's a literal cuckold. I don't mean that as an insult, everyone has kinks, but he's always bringing it up. One time there was EXTREMELY light banter going on, and he just loses it and flies off the handle: 'cuck this, cuck that', he starts rattling off the elaborate fantasies he has about 'chad' and jocks in highschool. I'm guessing he thinks the absurd spiel he is giving feels damaging, because that's what he's vulnerable to, but all of us are just confused. every day he says something about cuckolding, and it is never related to the discussion. just out of no where "cuck, cuck, cuck" we were all telling him to calm down, but he didn't wouldn't going. eventually I guess he realized how much he was embarressing himself, and his cuck insults weren't having the desired effect, so he ragequit, but the whole situation left a bad taste in my mouth. I hardly go there anymore.


He means exactly what it states; no matter the product, it's all bank for a capitalist. Money comes before morals or taste.

If you think it's some sort of anti Jewish talk, then you need to calm your nerves and realise not every mention of the word Jew is in the context of evil, untrustworthy, or a sneaky banker, just like Holla Forums would lead you to believe. The 'inwardly circumcised Jew' relates to a commodity being more than just its outward appearance or use - it is money at it's core - just like a Jew is Jewish not just because he is circumcised, but it is as if he is circumcised on the inside, too. It's a bit of colourful writing, deal with it.


REALLY makes you go hmmmm…

Why use Jews? Because Marx is fond of the generalisation that Jews deal with money.

Quite the contrary: the 19th century include the year 1900, but not the year 1800.

And if you had to write this out mathematically it would be: ]1800;1900]

In a paragraph where Marx describes a mischievous character who sells $40 worth of wine from one person and obtains $50 worth of corn from another - "The sum of the values in circulation can clearly not be augmented by any change in their distribution, any more than the quantity of the precious metals in a country by a Jew selling a Queen Ann's farthing for a guinea"

Hmmm… really makes u think.

If what you say is true, then the way to write it mathematically is (1800, 1900]. [] means inclusion whereas () doesn't.

Haha, fucking nerd.

what the fuck is your problem nigger

He copy pasted that text from somewhere else on here. I don't know what he's doing.

No. [ and ] both mean inclusion and exclusion.

In [A;B] both A and B are included.

In ]A;B[ both A and B are excluded.

In [A;B[ A is included while B is excluded.

In ]A;B]. A is excluded while B is included.

( and ) are a completely different thing. They are used to define the priority order in a sequence of operations.

Crap, I forgot to sage.

Where the fuck did you go to school? Nigeria? In the USA we use interval notation where I'm right and you're wrong.

France. And here, I'd be right and you'd be wrong. I didn't know that, that's quite disturbing.

Not really. He had a thing for generalising Jews as dealers of money, so did most people at the time. If he hated Jews and wanted them to be destroyed he would have said so, rather than "working men of all countries unite". Marx was Jewish by Holla Forums standards, anyway.

Do you just word search Marxist texts looking for the word 'Jew' in desperate hope of some controversy? Bit sad.

No, I'm just reading Capital for the first time and found those quotes on pages 77 & 79 or something

What the fuck? What does that mean? How is it possible to "identify" with meme frog?