Get a high paying job, goy

People like Varg are right I think. Muh big salary and suburban house is for actual idiots.
You're much better rewarded by living further out of town on cheap land, growing your own food, raising chickens, spending time cooking, and maybe having a part-time job that doesn't pay you enough for the government to tax you ($18200 in Australia). Anything more than this is basically slaving for the government and banks.

The government can't tax the work you do on your garden and livestock. They can't tax the work you do servicing your own vehicle. They can't tax your home-cooked meal. The more you can do for yourself, the less you're feeding the government. They want everyone - especially women - to run all of their activities through the economy. Don't cook, buy that take out or restaurant meal. Don't clean, hire someone to do it. Don't look after your own kids, send them to daycare.

Do you guys agree with this or do you think it's better to try and chase the good job and white picket fence?

Other urls found in this thread:'t_throw_the_baby_out_with_the_bathwater

Absolutely correct user.

Oh, also, don't take out huge student loans. It's a fucking racket preying on naive, vulnerable people. Live frugal, try to stay out of any debt if possible.

Yeah I forgot to mention that as well. Save for some practical courses on things like horticulture/automotive repair/carpentry everything of importance can be learnt for the price of a book or internet connection.


No I meant to gain skills to be self-sufficient, not to find a job. Just go and fucking stack shelves or some shit.

My plan is to make a decent salary for like 10 years and then innawoods with waifu.

Don't chase the white picket fence, but you really should try for a decent salary for like 10 years and accumulate a savings. Money is power and options. Without money you have no power, and few options.
Don't spend on dumb shit.

Law student here. The worst single lecture of my life was the first day of federal income tax. This bitch literally satus down and started asking us how much we should NOT tax individuals. By the time it got to "should we allow individuals to NOT be taxed on the things they do for themselves, such as paint their own houses?" I knew it was fugged. A kike familiar trying to brainwash as late in the game as law school and the robots just ate it up to keep themselves afloat.


trade skills are generally learned by paid apprentices

Ya got me guess I'll just delete this thread m80.

I absolutely agree. But money is power. And the less power the people who know about the ones doing bad shit around, the less they can influence the ones below them.

You need to work to pay your shit. But there's something called being financially responsible, which leads to >>9896853; use your savings to fuck the government over and just live your way. The only way to archieve this is understand the following:

A = B - C

Where B is your monthly income, C is your expenses and A is your monthly net income. A needs to be as big as possible, so you can do your own stuff, be it making a savings account to pursue the woodsman dream, open up a business or do whatever. Don't live in a huge house, don't change cars ever year, don't buy overpriced crap, and A gets easier and easier to be on the positive side.

All investments on yourself, body, spirit and mind, deduct from C, but are something which can positively impact B, so these should be treated differently than luxury expenses.

PURSUE a decent salary, pursue non-economically taxing hobbies (VIDEOGAMES ARE PERFECT FOR THIS BECAUSE YOU SHARPEN YOUR MIND WHILE AT THE SAME TIME EXPENDING VERY LITTLE TO ENTERTAIN YOURSELF; just don't be a fucking neckbeard basement dweller and don't forget to eat well and workout).

So, yes, OP, you don't have to have a huge salary to be financially responsible. It just happens that those with more money tend to be more financially responsible.

t. user who spent $10k on european history videogame developing, still with savings to live on my own in comfy apartment

Is this roughly the same in America? Asking as someone who wants a mostly DIY lifestyle.

t. video game peddler

Anything in excess will start to slowly kill you, user. That includes vidya. Pursue healthy habits and play as something to occupy your mind occasionally and it's fine. Any physical sport is also pretty good, but I'd say that working out is much more important than any sport.

Also this, lost four hours of my day last night edging and messaging women on hookup websites and I woke up feeling awful. I feel less sharp.

Hitler dubs means you should stop doing this.
Kek has spoken.

Well how desperate for pussy are you? If you haven't had sex for a while, and you're a healthy man with normal sex drives it shouldn't be something too out of the ordinary after a week or two of a dry-spell. It's something of a problem if you're relying on that as your sole method of finding sex.

Just rubber up and be aware that those methods ensure that

It's not easy user, I'm fighting a demon of poor impulse control. If it's not porn it will be gambling, if it's not gambling I'll be on my ass all day on Holla Forums.

The repeating digits try to wake me up but I always wind up falling back asleep.

Desperate I'm not so sure about, I've talked to couples who want MFMs and I'd be the third guy, but then I'd find out they have kids and become immediately uncomfortable and back out. Something about couples with kids opting to engage in sexual degeneracy puts me off, whereas I'm just a single man wanting to get laid.

But when it's people who have kids choosing to engage in this behavior? I don't know man, I wouldn't do that if I were married with children. Perhaps underneath all of this impulsion there's still a moral compass in me that's grown rather dusty.

polite sage for offtopic reply

But what about reproducing for the sake of our race? This sounds like MGTOW which doesn't help us.

I like you. Please stay around.

So buying paint, which is VAT taxed, and then proceeding to do labor that is for my own purpose, the government still has a right to tax me? Are they saying that even though i paid myself no wage; the government still wants minimum wage to be allotted for the time i spent painting my own house.

If this is the case, then holy shit, we need to revolt already.

Skills are held by trade skill organization. Over the decades they have let in fewer and fewer people to not be able to become certified. This allows them to ask higher prices for official mandated projects. This also increases the black market where they all dodge taxes on projects. You are the same as the OECD, idiots who just spout if everyone got back into trades all would be well. No it wouldn't. The efficiency and the products have allowed for there to be less work required. For example, solder copper pipes after pipes for every corner, or just run PEX tubing within 10 minutes with crimping on both ends.

You're much better rewarded by living further out of town on cheap land, growing your own food, raising chickens, spending time cooking, and maybe having a part-time job that doesn't pay you enough for the government to tax you
Read the OP faggot. University and College is a Jewish certificate

I almost did but they sent the Orientation letter to my old address last December without me knowing about it and I've been waiting since last November to start. So I didn't get the job. Feels fucking bad man.

If you are going to get an education, learn how to be a utilities worker. During the race war, cut power/water to the ghettos and restore water/power to the white towns.

get on it lads it's already begun

Depends on what you are enrolling to, because ironically, the most jewish college degree you can get, Business Administration, is actually guaranteed to get you a medium-level income in a few years, and starts your career so goddamn easily because every company needs BA for everything.

Same here, but hopefully less than 10 years. Any burgers out there worked in the roughnecking world working on land rigs or offshore ones? I've heard good things about it (excellent pay, and I like the 7 days on and 7 days off bit), and lots of bad things (tons of drug use, pretty dangerous).

What is property tax.

You're paying that anyway.

I'm fairly sure that was my point

You'll find something you like to do in place of it all. Realize that civilization wasn't given to us so we can jerk off and squander it. Hitler is watching you masturbate faggot.

I was referring to burgerland but the principle is the same. A greedy jew sees everything as theirs, thus everything you do for yourself is something you've really done for them and you just don't know it yet. I don't think painting your own house is actually taxed on income in USA, but it damn sure can be added to the value of your house if they want to appraise it for property taxes. Which are a other giant scam. I paid a "garage fee" in Arlington a while back. Because I had a car, and had the audacity to park it in my own apartment complex. It's pure shittery but it happens more every year.

Learn a trade or skill that you can make money off of. Make sure it is one you can do on your own at some point or where you will make enough money to retire early. Spend your money on things that can be resold. Buy used/refurbished for things that depreciate. Always be willing to sell off properties and belongings, especially when you don't need them anymore.

First step in the redpill is realizing the spiritual damage caused by the jew and then actually improving yourself with this new knowledge, actually taking action.

Probably the worst thing about current Holla Forums is its negativity, where it's an endless posting of all the horrible shit going on and not enough about how to make yourself and your immediate surroundings better. If all you do is come on here, it's no wonder you've sunk into the pit.

Hi user. I'll be starting 1L in a few months myself. Don't professors intentionally craft discussions and exams to illicit strong emotional reactions? Being able to entertain an idea that you do not like while remaining calm and impartial is an important skill for lawyers.

Back to the topic. Just because a 50% tax (or more) is unreasonable doesn't mean that we should do away entirely with taxation. It also doesn't mean that we should avoid anything that will be taxed, whether it be income or the purchase of goods. Our government is, currently, using taxation in a questionable way. The income taxes are too high for some, and too low for others. And the actual use of our tax dollars is also in question.

Our infrastructure has developed to a point that doing away entirely with taxes will likely pose serious problems in its maintenance. And our country needs a military, which almost makes it impossible to do away with taxes. The alternative would be that our military be funded by donations. And think about what might happen if our military (which is intended to protect our country) was being funded largely by a massive corporation.

Taxes are not an ideal solution, but they might be the best one we have.

Also, if we prohibited interest on loans there would be no incentive for lenders to loan out money. A world without loans is so far removed from our own that it is difficult to accurately predict what would happen to our economy under those conditions. Loans and interest are not necessarily bad on their own. Irresponsible lending and unreasonably high interest rates are.

Living in the city per month:
- $950 rent
- $340 on food
- $100 pet food
- $251 health insurance
- $60 car insurance
- $200~ gasoline average
- $80~ electricity average
- $62~ water average
- $98 cable/internet
- $45 smartphone bill
Total: $2186 per month in a studio apartment.

Living in a luxury RV per month:
- $240 on food [buying deals]
- $80 on cat food [buying deals]
- $251 health insurance
- $70 car insurance
- $200~ gasoline average Changed my commute to work to roam around.
- $20 on propane
- $60 internet through smartphone bundle
- $12~ water average
Total: $933 per month in a RV.

* Excluding emergency expenditures.

The boomers seem to be on to something then, living in a large RV seems to be more gratifying and opening to new experiences in life, while exploring the country compared to falling for this wage cucking taxed up the asshole lifestyle. I could actually live as a digital nomad life with my digital work.

Where do you park your rv?
What happens if/when you want a family?
How do you make money if you don't do online work?
I currently work service industry and make, if I'm lucky, about 800 burger coupons a month.

forgot to mention, these are genuine questions polite sage

OP I think people should do whats going to make them happy. You are right that not everyone needs a big salary and living in the suburbs to be happy. The only reason to do that is if you just can't live without those suburban conveniences. I think its a lazy way to live personally.

One can definitely save more if they grew their food/ chickens, lived on a small plot of country land, had solar-panels, wife to take care of kids. That's will do a whole lot for you because I was kind of raised that way. But you still need money because kids cost a lot (country schools can be very low tier) and maintaining all that yourself is time consuming as fuck. We had a HUGE garden that was over an acre for food and it takes a lot of time to maintain that. Crops usually have a set time of the year when they are harvested so its not like you can year that food exclusively. Its not like walking into a grocery store.

-strawberries are a spring plant
-Peppers are mid-late summer
-pumpkins are a fall plant
-Apples & Cherries grow in north USA
-Oranges & Lemons grow in south USA

What you don't use, you can jar. Also takes energy. This was and is a lot easier with extended family living in the house. Someone to watch the kids while others tended to the house or the garden. People don't have that now. I would say instead of building wealth to live in the burbs, try thinking of a business that you can run, own, and operate mostly passively. Our great-grandparents used to live like that but they gave it away.

You can get seed packets for >$1 at stores. You can also grow perennials (live longer than one year) like berries (I found them wild roadside in a rural area all summer and made it into jam that lasted two people for 6 months), asparagus, and fruit/nut trees. There's also lots of perennial vegetables, but they're not the carrots and lettuce that you are used to. Sunchokes, sea kale, and walking onions come to mind.

Lots of RV parking is free all over the country, but those costs don't factor in LARGE movements with the RV, this would increase the cost.

As a family you can live in a RV and it would require homeschooling children, but i don't currently plan too, i can't meet women who are even worth a damn in this hell hole and believe me i've tried for years.

You can make easily earn 1200 a month from (((Amazon))) just promoting shit products to the materialists. For example, trying to sell people pressure washers and having some inkling of SEO with some basic Wordpress understanding can net you 2k to 5k a month, just requires sustained effort for 6 to 9 months before it start paying off royally. Do this during the evening when your off work. Typing a article a week starts compounding. Just set up a wordpress site and start typing. 70% of US economy is materialistic consumption.

I do lead generation for Quinstreet, i make 6 to low end of 7 figures a year, i used to do the whole amazon cancer but there's a end to it. For example i used to do SSD selling, major site i eventually sold.

The discussion is implying the government should actually tax you when you paint your own house, like it was sales tax or something like that. Ontop of property tax.

The only reason I tolerate being a NEET is because of the personal work and self-study I have been doing since I ended college, and the incredible fruits I've reapt as a result.

Given where we are in our economic cycle (winter) the worse time to "goy out and get a job" is now. Deflation/ Printing/ Hyperinflation is a decade away. Anything you earn you should spend or re-invest in something like gold/silver or crypto currencies. I wouldn't get into rental properties at this point, even if you have the cash to buy outright. The price of real estate in all western nations is dramatically inflated.

If you are part of a middle-class family, now is the time to protect your family's assets for the long term, conserve them, not attempt to accrue more, and certainly not time to go into debt:
- Guns
- Precious Metals (Silver is best)
- Crypto-currencies (maybe)
- Reinforce house (doors, windows, roof)
- Guns + Ammo
- Skills

Payments and Interest paid on your mortgage are deductible from the taxes you were crying about. You're not avoiding paying money to the banks by renting, you're just paying a middleman that pays a mortgage on an even more expensive multi-family unit. Unless you were born into money, goodluck avoiding this system.

To fight the Jew, you must kill the Jew that lives inside you. Conquer your inner Jew, or the external Jew conquers you.

user, I've been gardening for food sense I can remember. I do prefer it. With out foraging in the wilderness– these things take time (pic related).

Its a good plan but its not without cost. I don't wanna discourage people from saving money. Or expecting that it will take time.

As an example: My folks just recently bought many acres of land in the country and are building a house. They have to clear all the brush and trees off the land because it was wilderness. Its taking them time because they are short on money. They still have to work around their day jobs.

I've heard platinum is the new metallic belle of the ball, or was that just a meme?


The vast majority of world platinum production comes from South Africa. Given their political instability, it might not be a bad investment.

I hadn't even thought about it, but I think I'll do some research today. I just sold off most of my stock portfolio and I'm looking for something to dump the cash into.

I work offshore on rigs as a paramedic. Make 90% of what the guys roughnecking make and I work 10% as hard. I always throw how much I make in Holla Forums's face whenever I argue with them and they inevitably concede to not having a job.

I'm a black pilled faggot so I've just decided to embrace my comfy NEET life while studying about survival. I'm hoping to muster enough courage to leave my house and start hiking/camping soon in preparation for society to completely collapse.

When I move houses I'll start investing in survivalist gear and things.

If you can afford to build wealth in a tax-advantageous way using LLCs and moving money around, having renters pay off mortgages, writing off losses, owning and operating your own business instead of working for a kike, you too can be a rich and successful white like me. But then again, I want to be the natsoc Koch Bros one day, and I can't do that from an RV in the Poconos surrounded by meth addicts.

Im finishing Mech eng and im thinking about not joining the workforce at all. That's how bad it is.

I don't know. What I do know is that an excellent time to buy silver is now. Price dropped 30% since the high's of November. Silver is a far better metal than Gold today for several reasons:

- 30% of the world's silver is used in electronics
- Since the 1960's, more than 60 technological applications for silver have been discovered (electronics, batteries and medicine being 3 big ones). Silver is, apparently, equal or better than gold for electrical conductivity.
- Unlike gold, there are few dedicated silver mines. 75% of the world's silver is produced as a bi-product of copper or iron mining
- You can get around 70 times more silver than gold ounces for the same price. The more of a thing you have, the more you benefit when the price goes up.
- There are almost no large stockpiles of silver in the world's various bank and government vaults, meaning that in the case of a price spike, there won't be massive dumping into the world market, unlike gold, where 80% of the world's gold is sitting in vaults waiting to be sold at a high.
- Both gold and silver markets are completely manipulated. 600 times the amount of paper gold is traded around the world, to keep the price down artificially. Banks and governments don't want people putting capital into gold or silver. They want it in mortgages, debt bonds and stocks. That, and the demand for cheap silver from electronics companies means international banks are colluding to right the markets (DeutschBank and UBS have both been caught and are being sued as we speak)
- The above means the real value of these metals is several hundred times what they are selling for today.
- When governments inevitably start printing money down the line to keep funding the welfare state and keep buying paper assets to draw out the inevitable death of our financial system, or just to keep the rapefugees satiated so they don't pillage our major cities, the excess value created will be soaked up by gold and silver.

Don't be so blackpilled. You have one of the best possible undergraduate degrees someone can have leaving college. Get out of college debt asap if you have any.

This. If you want to be renaissance-man capable of higher echelons of power you need to work towards it. Furthermore you need to triumph over others in your quest to do so. It's cool to be an early 1900's lemming with 10 kids and an isolated farm but if you dream of actually affecting change, not just contributing as little as possible to ZOG, you need to accumulate resources and find ways to parasitically integrate yourself into the ZOG system where resources are siphoned off to your goals, to the detriment of the current social/economic system. Commie faggots already figured that out but have no industriousness, whereas a guy like Gottfried Feder encapsulates the rise from businessman to NatSoc Ubermensch.

You're trying to improve the jewish-owned "State", not your own people.

Contribute as little to the goverment and take as much from it as possible and build white communities, thats the way to combat this kikery. Also if possible scam other groups as much as you can and take goverment/military positions.

right oh, Ive been both scenarios: the business owner and the 'off the grid life'. The business owner could be either at any time– but I've been a lot of people cash in their 401 & retirement for the latter and have not much left for an emergency. I would rather be a business owner that owns a country home no where near an RV camp.

I'm also down with this shit. If you are not making your nation great then you are a burden. Too many people down with for letting things slip and passing the buck and all the while the rest in the nation is circling the drain. Anons can move away and move away but it will eventually find you and your kids if you have them.

Don't NEET. You don't need to NEET in order to go off the grid, and it's actually not a good way to do it.
Learn a trade of some kind. If you want to go most primitive, learn carpentry.
Being able to build shit is pretty fucking important if you're going to innawoods, and you can make some comfy cash if you need it.

i'm in the same position but graduated Comp eng exactly 1 year ago. It seems like all the software ever needed was already developed 20-30 years ago so now all the jobs are either help-desk IT or work for some faggoty "start up" where you tweak code for some marketing demographics bullshit if you're lucky.

I'm all for learning things. But I border on agoraphobia and have been a shut-in for 6 years straight now. We're way to far down the rabbit hole at this point.

Would say learn 2 trades. One you can do as a young man and one as an old man. I have a brother who is a carpenter and now he wishes he wasn't because after you pass your 30s, it gets really tough on the body. Bodies age.

Soon enough Wyoming and North Dakota will be crawling with Somalians, they'll need to be dealt with eventually. They aren't going home anyway but by force so if you have to march them either into the plane or into the grave at bayonet point, that's what it is going to take. You can't go off in the woods to evade the niggers and kikes, they'll be sent to you by Express Mail once a single kike owns a skiing cabin near you.

Already there, 5 years experience with water, no education needed.

Ya you're going to have to deal with that. Start slow but start going outside more, even if it's for 10 minutes runs in the woods or something.

Ya carpentry will beat the shit out of your body over time.

easiest way to brick a water supply?

Every time I see a thread by OP identifying as mudskin wanting to know where are the best country places in the US to live… Anons think the country is safe. but it won't always be that way. Looking at Europe 2.0 if good men don't start acting hard as fuck about shit. Thanks previous generations & politicians! Thanks for passing the buck!

All the construction workers/manual laborers I know (and that's a lot cause I'm the only one in the fam that isn't) say they wish they had learned plumbing OR welding. I'm told bother are like rolling in gold.

I do agree with OP in that we live in a society were the 99%ers (for lack of a better term) are basically tax and interest slaves. Banks own us.

Use cash or your bank / debit card. Do not rack up excessive debt - especially credit card debt. You'll be crushed by interest on your card payments. If you don't have a safety net like savings or rich parents, you may get stuck in a debt spiral for years. Also never accept debt consolidation offers - they'll charge you an even larger interest rate in doing so.

In order to enrich yourself, you cannot be indebted to people taxing you for owing money. Free yourselves from the usury of the Jews, and instead accumulate wealth.

Don't forget silver has practical uses for its owner: you can sterilize water with it.

Quick and temporary: Find pic related in ground near most street corners, take a wrench and turn (you may need a long valve tool if your water mains are too deep) If you fill the valve box with concrete to the top afterwards they will have to replace it all.

Long and Permanent: Shut off only one end of valve and pump concrete into nearest fire hydrant at least +100 psi. Clean everything up after and they will have to replace the whole section after a week of figuring out wtf happened.

Yes it does pay well, if you are willing to work at least 12hr shifts, not to mention the skill ceiling is very high for the well paying jobs. The physical tax on your body is bad, probably the absolute worst trade for it, but if you can do light fab/sheet metal it's quite comfy. Fuck structural steel work, pipe welding pays well, but like I said, extremely difficult to get into and takes years of practical and theoretical knowledge. Wish I got into something like excavation, sitting in a comfy CAT machine digging holes and listening to music.

Here's a thought for you: Taxes are the only way you can get folks to use and trade for a currency, because they'll all need to pay them thus creating demand. Otherwise those dollars and cents are worthless metal and paper.

How about a discussion of Local Currencies and the Worgl Experiment?
Tl;DR a town issues it's own currency way before Hitler shows up, becomes extremely prosperous and panicks the Jew after it becomes popular so much that it's banned!

This is a good thread. Myself, I've invested in a camper, and a truck so that I can pick up and go whenever I need to. The camper has electrical hook ups, solar panels, and propane for energy, and is livable in temps of -50. It's very small, so it's easy to park just about anywhere. I lived in it for a year, so it's paid for itself many times over now.

The truck I still need to do some work on to bring up to full health, but it's a vehicle with very common, and easy to replace parts. Don't go for unique vehicles to express your individuality. Always get the most common type of transport that is most useful to you, so it can cannibalize cheaply, and serve you longer. With my truck dragging my camper instead of having one rest on the bed I'm able to use the truck to do truck things. Very good if you fancy yourself a tradesman, because you will need to haul things. If you have a fantasy about buying land so you can build your home, you'll need a truck to transport materials (if you want to avoid higher taxes, don't build any permanent structures on your land; just live in the camper, or build a bigger camper).

All that said, I agree with others here who promote competing in the world as it is, and overthrowing the corrupt powers. Everything I mentioned above is just about security. It's not the end goal. You should always strive to improve. If you can gain higher position in society, do it. Running away won't propel the white race to even greater heights. Mere survival only puts us on the same level as 5th world tribes waving sticks around.

Pic related.

I have a brother that learned while doing automotive work. People like him and are willing to let him take a jab at things. user would be surprised at the opportunities that crop up in life when you are well liked by others.

There are so many good trades out there. Wood working can be profitable if one were to own their own business and sell it online. Have you seen the price for a custom desk or cabinet set? I know I know.. "but there's perfectly cheap IKEA for people out there". But they're not your target audience.

Not quite the same level, but you can make $20 - $30 and hour delivering chinese food and listening to music. Find a funky enough place and they probably won't even put you on the books. Just be sure you're only wearing out a shitbox with good fuel economy, so you come out ahead.

This is actually the most important lesson any of us can learn. I highly recommend to those most awkward among us watching Real Social Dynamics videos on youtube. They've gone far beyond just teaching people how to get laid. They'll teach you how to unlock charisma that will help you in all of life's arenas.


People think that stuff is shit but it isn't. The worst thing you can do in life is give up and stop working on yourself. Even when you think things are great because everything is temporary. So too can your autism be for the low low price of dedication. You do anything long enough and you will get good at it. How to Win Friends and Influence People is free online. I know folks who swear by it that were much more award than I have ever been.

Money is power in the capitalistic state. You want power, you need power.

Put half in your savings.

Plus, you're gonna lose 2% per year because of inflation anyways. The bank business doesn't make their money off that 5% (well sort of, but that's not the full story), they make it off the fractional reserve lending system. Got $1,000 in the bank? They're lending out $10,000 because only 10% of that money needs to be liquid and available to the bank.

That allows them to create those mortgages at 5%. $9,000 of mortgage at 5% means they profit $450 off of your DEPOSIT AT THE BANK.

People honestly buy custom wood furniture for those price? I have always wanted to work with wood.

What would you suggest then, put the money in a mattress? Trade in sea shells? I'm being facetious here but really. Have you ever a Urika moment on that?

What kind of shit city do you live in user? When I was in LA, my rent was more than your total expenses.

Also you'll never get laid if you live in a rv.

Yes, people actually do. Woodworking is a good job, but as other anons mentioned previously, it'll take a toll on your body once you hit 40+.

The jewiest of jew cities next to Jew York.
It must've been hell.

Haha oh wow, that's going in The Book, thanks.

Has anyone ever actually done this?

O id be just a hobby. I can see myself making a few costume wood furniture a year in my spare time. Just never thought I'd make any money from it.

My dad does it as a hobby. Started buying all these wood working magazines and studying the blueprints for small stuff at first like boxes. Then he got a lathe. That's when shit got real.

I don't know if its really that bad. Lot of old men do wood working. Lot of old Amish people too. If you do it all by hand maybe but there are a lot of need tools these days that will do a lot of the strength worth.

Look up "Danish Modern Furniture". It's complicated woodworking and demands quality wood for it's construction, but holy fuck the markup is incredible. Change your name to like "Bjornsen" or something for maximum brand memetics.

Remember: The big Oceans, Greenland, South America and the North Pole is rock composition wise largely not surveyed. England is tunneling under the North Sea, to mine Potash under the sea to create fertilizer. There is also Antartica, which through international treaties is off limits but could potentially be mined for the greater good, such a silver and rare earths for electronics. Also the trash dump sites we have now will become valuable in the future. Though we won't see such drastic measures in this Millennium - 1000years.

Lots of resources will be left other then oil as we have passed peak age.

The Security Council will intervene in SA, this i know for a fact. Gold, rare earths are to valuable and the illegal mining is already doing its damage.

Don't get me wrong, investing in metals is always a good choice as the FIAT currency will continue to decline, but even metals will drop in value when a depression hits and might take several decades before the purchasing power in the newly created fiat is there in order to profit from your investment. Keeping savings other then having a personal emergency fund on you, not in a bank is always a good option. Investing in gold for your IRA is far more lucrative then actually buying in some ponzi scheme while some fund manager steals your money by investing his jewish kike friends failing real estate bubble and you lose your pension because of their shit decision aka 2008.

I lived midwest, you naming LA which has been a milking rental cow since the early 70s is no surprise since it's all overpriced cancer. Getting laid isn't my problem lad, early 20s woman practically line up to give it away to a 32 year old guy with his shit in order.

Crack the investing books, tbh. You can pay cash for a house and avoid the Jew completely. But if you can invest that money profitably for more than the interest on the mortgage costs, then you'll be better off doing that than paying cash on the house.

Let me put it another way. You have 100k. You can pay all cash for that house and avoid the 5% interest. But what if you knew an investment vehicle that got you more than 5% profit? Put your money there instead and carry the mortgage. For instance, you would be better off carrying the mortgage and investing that 100k in index funds in the stock market for an average return of 8%. So your money is working for you to the tune of 8%-5%=3% net profit.

You may disagree with the numbers but the point remains. Put your money where it works the hardest. And if you're really allergic to the bankers, you can explore crowdfunded investing, and become a debtor to average joes like you and me.

Whenever I bring it up people dismiss it as controlling, and manipulative, but they don't realize that their way of interacting with others is repulsive, and often seen as exactly the controlling, manipulative behavior they accuse the successful of. Learning the logic of social interaction allows you to give people what they want, and if you truly believe in morality, then there's no danger of you manipulating others to their detriment.

Besides, you can't be socially skilled without being honest, so if you have a moral compass, you won't be able to turn your logical understanding of social dynamics into a weapon unless you believe the other party deserves it. It's the true expression of individual character that people value in one another. We need more people of a moral mind able to socialize skillfully.

It truly is a damn fine hobby and a lucrative one. My grandfather was a machinist and when he retired he went into woodwork. I still use some of the furniture he made and it's better than anything I could buy at Walmart or Ikea or wherever.

As a final note, your money earns you about .5% interest sitting in the bank. Yep, that's shit. Only keep the bare minimum you need in there to pay your monthly bills. You're then free to put your extra money in a place where it's fairly easily convertible to liquid cash. Precious metals, bitcoins, stocks, etc. And once you build a bigger pile, consider real estate (be aware your money will get locked up for a while). Do your homework!

The best ROI I have ever seen for someone wanting to increase their money is staring a profitable business. I know what you mean though. I was briefly considering Vanguard Index funds (if I recall). Nothing to get rich on but it would have beat inflation.

I've seen that a lot. Mostly when I try to explain it to younger/ mid-twenties guys (past that they either figured it out or given up) that society operates out of what I call "jimmies". Jimmies are emotions and they consider it to hold authenticity. If you can't connect to people on a level they find authentic– they will think the worst of you. A lot of shut-ins find this difficult to grasp because they want the interaction to A. be over quickly or B. revolve around their interests. That's not going to work. Its give and take (notice the give comes before the take). Start a conversation with "Good morning!" and you will most lily get a good morning back. Its really not complicated if you try to get how society operates.

My dad made me a desk from Brazilian cherry and its going to outlive my kids' kids if I have them.

Hear, hear. Investing money in your business is always a smart idea. Ad placements can cost a pretty penny, but if they drive traffic to your door then they are growing your business. The only reason I didn't mention it was it's kind of a "wild card" which doesn't really have a % return. But it can yield the highest returns, because you're taking risks and putting in work.

The lessons user has to learn about social interaction will challenge him to the core. A book I found useful was Models: Attract Women Through Honesty. But as with any book about socializing, take care to only integrate what works with your nature.

Knowledge is worth more than money. For instance, did you know you can use road salt at 0.05/c per pound to make a phase change material? In combination with proper insulation (can be done with log cabin style and mud, or many other ways), orientation of the house, and proper ventilation, you can create a passive house that doesn't require hardly any heating and stays cool during the summer. A passive house built by a general contractor can run $250,000+.

Yes you will need money to buy some land, but in a lot of the USA you can get decent but remote land for a few k and acre. A few anons with the proper knowledge working together could easily create a self sufficient community with less than 100k.

The problem with saving up money to become independent is you become dependent on that money. If you run out of money, or money becomes worthless, such as after a solar flare, nuclear war, or financial crisis, you are stuck with a huge amount of knowledge and experience in how to make money that doesn't actually get you anything.

I have been visiting various types of communes/communities in the US to gain a deeper understanding of what motivates and inspires them. People who use money to build their community don't have the knowledge, skills, or experience to maintain their property, grow their own food, manage their sewage systems, generate their own electricity. They often end up even contracting out the snow plowing! If your idea of saving up money is to retire to the countryside while still being completely dependent on the Jewed financial system, then go ahead and work a salaried job for 10 years. Otherwise it's a waste of time, unless you're working at a position where you are gaining the knowledge and skills to help a community be self sufficient.

You reminded me of the various peer to peer lending programs you can join. Basically, you put several sets of $25 each on different loans with different amount of risk, and then you get money back when the people pay their loans off. Does anyone know if this stuff is a good idea?

Which is why they tax your property ownership. You can't own a self sufficient farm without a lot of money on reserve unless you plan on losing everything after a few years and stacking shelf isn't going to cut it.

Depends on what state you are in, the user starting a community in Tennessee says the property tax is ridiculously low, like less than $100/year.

The fuck they can't. It's called 'property tax' in most states.

But they can sure as fuck force you to pay insurance for it, so that 'part time job' had better cover at least that.

No, but they can tell you that rain that falls from the sky is the property of the state and collecting it, especially for use growing your filthy vegetables and watering your filthy livestock, is theft, goy. Some states do this.

Despite all the potential pitfalls, moving to the country and supplementing your income with a partly off-grid lifestyle is probably the best option. Just know your area.

I actually read two blog posts about P2P lending a couple months ago:

ht tps://
ht tps://

The verdict? Not as juicy as when it first started (just like you no longer get incentives to sign up for Uber), but still a solid concept. Could end up taking a chunk out of the banks as well.

Yes. Thems the keywords.

The problem with saving up money to become independent is you become dependent on that money. If you run out of money, or money becomes worthless, such as after a solar flare, nuclear war, or financial crisis, you are stuck with a huge amount of knowledge and experience in how to make money that doesn't actually get you anything.
Great point.

Kill the parasite Jew inside of you. Awaken your inner Hitler!

hi FBI kike

Yes a lot of the south is like that. I'm from MS and I can tell you the cheapest land will be that way because you need to clear the land of wilderness. All the plots I've ever looked at that were really cheap needed to be cleared and that costs money.

I've known a lot of people that think that way and took the plunge to move away to the country. and rid themselves of society as much as possible. Lot of them are preppers. Lot of them are bad with money and savings. They really hate money. But money can be a tool to get you out of your situation if you know how to use it. I would never recommend doing that 100% if you can't afford it.

For some people, its a stepping stone. Its like baby steps to being independent.

ironically I applied to be a cop recently so I could get NFA exemptions

Boi you guys sure stress yourselves out over things you can't do anything about

Nice one FBI


Really activates my almonds

RIP user, re rolling for your sake

Fair point, don't know why the fuck I laughed at the almond thing, thanks tho, I haven't laughed in a while

There is always room to improve one's conditions & situations.

/R/ I P

Fair enough I guess

Unless you're ashes & echoes nigger.

What does this even mean?

I will one day categorize his autism. I must know what makes him tick. He's the perfect shill, I must know how to harness his autistic power for my own gain.


He posts pictures of his nigger hovel asking for people to come kill him because he doesn't want to kill himself.


I've never gotten him to post his hovel, was it like the Shrek guy on Holla Forums that lives in a cave under the Polish guy's house?


Does anyone have a screen cap? I kind of wanna see that.

It was a little shack in the middle of niggertown, Georgia, I think.

Why doesn't he just SWAT himself or go for the high score?

Ahh yes.. Niggertown, Georgia. Who could forget.

it happened on .pl when this place got hacked
and his dumb ass got all his shit deleted from there for being a giant faggot

Still around, user? How did you get into it? Do you have to have prior training in the medical field?

No, but you will have a mobile rape dungeon.

Well, Now we know how important it is to Save that shit. Sounds like he was a White Whale of trolls… or black whale. not sure.

A paramedic certification in your state is usually 2-2.5 years of school. You can do it on the cheap at a junior college. Apply for any oil and gas job in the meantime. I was already working for Shell doing pipeline maintenance so when I got my paramedic cert I already had a ton of EMT/First Aid/OffShore Rollover Drill/etc certifications as well. And with already being with the company searching internal job postings was easier. I can also stay offshore longer than the roughnecks and do more hours, though I don't like to work 16 hour shifts because it degrades my response time and mental acuity.

This movement is never gonna go anywhere if we dont get some money… even Hitler wouldent have succeded without money for his political project

How did Hitler acquire dosh anyways? Was it a stroke of his political genius that he latched onto a movement filled with wealthy nationalists? Or did his public speaking acumen attract those types of men after he became party leader?

I really appreciate it, user. Thank you. I wouldn't have thought of the medic avenue. Since in the meantime I would want to do floorman work on a rig team, do you know anything about that? True about the over abundance of drug use and danger? Any insights there?

Speaking was his strength. He used it to his avail. I also think he was lucky. Most of us are just average. If you wanna do well in life, you use your strengths but use them on things that make money. Get how much you need and get out.

It's dangerous as fuck, the average IQ is like 95, the pay is great and it'll destroy your body. Offshore rig jobs are also more of a technical gig than a "derrick hand" roughneck gig. The pipes are wider in diameter in a modern rig and the brunt of the work is done by equipment operators or robots. That being said there are still roughneck jobs out there, and the pay is great, but you're working 85 hours a week whenever you're offshore. If you're not strong you're fucked. Better to figure out a job that's incidental to rig work so you can make offshore bucks but not get your foot crushed by a 50 foot tall section of pipe.

Absolutely true, took 2 years to get paid to learn how to make six figures, college is for retards and niggers.

I have a cousin that works on an offshore rig. He's jacked in the muscles department and makes good money. Started working there when he was like 20 or something. Younger brother tried to get on working at the rig and passed an interview. Had to come right back because he had horrible sea sickness and barfed the whole way there and back.

I have a cousin that works on an offshore rig. He's jacked in the muscles department and makes good money. Started working there when he was like 20 or something. Younger brother tried to get on working at the rig and passed an interview. Had to come right back because he had horrible sea sickness and barfed the whole way there and back.

Why does my computer do this to me and make me look like a retard.

You just never know how you're gonna handle it. I used to climb bridges in NYC for fun and photography so I was never weirded out by the ocean or large heights on a mechanical structure, but some guys are just instinctively wired for it. It must be an inner-ear balance thing. And it's Holla Forums's shit servers that doublepost not you.

Make sure you fly in a helicopter a few times and go out on a boat even if it's just a whale watching tour to make sure it's right for you.

I think I knew it would end that way for him. We'd taken boat tours at sea as kids and I recall him turning green in the face then. Must be an inner ear thing. Hes fine though. Doing car restoration and body work. My cousin has already bought a house in cash though. Kids and the whole 9 yards.

Thanks, user. I'm strong and lived on a farm my whole life, but not looking to get maimed, nor do I particularly like the company of low IQ folks, even if they're more honest than intellectual snobs, if you know what I mean.

The medic route you're talking about is pretty inspiring to me. Helping people is in my makeup.

Yeah it's easily 10 grand a month starting. Once you start supervising and get some years under your belt you might be making 120k a year working 6 months offshore. Also good for building a knowledge of the petroleum infrastructure of the U.S. so you can use it for uh…whatever. KALI YUGA

It's a good gig. I plan on going to medical school soon but because all the jew schools that are worth going to cost a shitload I'm slaving away on a giant hunk of steel offshore to pay for it since I'm not a veteran and Uncle Sam won't pay for my college NEETbux.

Helping people is a good thing to do, it's in European blood and is a career well suited to an intelligent, compassionate man. Also the medical skills will help during the Race War.

Everything you are saying sound true as far as I know it. And correct me if I'm wrong… is that money taxed differently?

Well, soon we'll all either be applying or hiring for Right WIng Death Squads - so this isn't too far fetched.

Meme responsibly. I know that at the Prepper Group I joined to find sweet private free shooting ranges I had to list my "skills". My background in Radio/Electronics/Avionics repair, CRYPTO and lack of tattoos put me in an inner circle I wasn't expecting. The essentially wooed me with free food, ammo and connections. Feels good to have an inside track and private business card to plumbers/electricians/mechanics/ranchers/lawyers/cops/machinists/gun dealers and retired shitlords praying for a race war.

Make money like the wealthy: capital gains and interest free offshore trusts.

Try 4.5% or more. The government lies about the inflation rate because all of their entitlement spending is indexed to inflation and they want to keep those costs down. Don't forget that inflation is taxation. Your purchasing power is reduced in order to increase the purchasing power of the government and the kikes. That is, in effect, taxation.

5 second search

Also interest free loans from the ECB and Federal Reserve help. Then those interest free loans go into capex for (((startups))), the kike "entrepreneurs" farm a bunch of whites for work, datamine normalfags, then everything takes a big loss, it gets written off and the dollar gets devalued a little bit more but the kikes don't care because they just get another free loan and make a new IPO. Fuck the shareholders lololol

9% inflation

Nah Uncle Sam still fucks you in the mouth for every dollar since it's an American company and an American rig. You could also start your own charity that helps white people and give all your income to it. As long you actually use that money for charitable stuff it's not illegal. I donate all the money that would usually go to taxes to my charity, get dental and medical appointments for rural whites I know and like to help out. I also give money to Himmler's daughter's SS veterans charity When you're making 60k+ a year you can do creative things with your money that's legal and moral for the cause.

Just remember, if the house ever loses they just print more money and shrink your winnings. The only way to win is to burn their bank to the fucking ground then strangle the kikes with their own intestines.

The BoJ is blackmailed to fuck. The Japs almost took over the world then they got the rug yanked out from under them. Sure fucking sucks for them but do you really want a Japanese taskmaster asshole boss you just calls you roundeye anyway? Hardly better than a kike. The nips think it's GOOD to have 80 hour workweeks, the fucking morons. All so their boss can afford half-nip half korean hookers in between his wife and mistress. Meanwhile Tokyo tap water has radioactive elements. Poor dumb bastards.

Oops, too many redpills, looks like the shills abandoned their slide thread. Get fucked, kikes.

We're not gooks user, we can give tax dollars to the Emperor Of Japan and have him re-instate the Imperial Dynasty AFTER we defuckulate our country first.

The nips are alright but you never want them in charge of anything except drawing cute girls. Trust me on that. Roof koreans are good buddies too but again, never fucking put them in charge of anything. Small penis syndrome or something man, but they just turn into massive assholes.

How will gooks ever recover?

You know my lil brother too? Damn I'm pretty sure he knows every shady asshole these days. I told him not to get caught up with that pawn shop but he never listened to me any ways.

Yeah effective inflation is much higher.

Lord knows. I've been thinking about ways I can affect some rural towns in my home state and make it ok for decent white people to have kids again. I know I'll have to be a business owner and create jobs so I can make sure they get a living wage. One step at a time. the south will rise again

Hopefully by learning that there's more to life than 80 hour workweeks and forcefeeding each other booze.

Mostly correct. The one exception is if you have the right kind of autism to get a Computer Science degree. It's so lucrative that even with the taxes and the student loan payments, you're flying pretty high on the hog. I speak from experience on that. I marveled that anybody with a 5 digit income would greatly struggle, though, with a loan payment schedule and all the costs related to "white picket fence" living (car, house payments, courting women, all the various types of insurance, taxes).

I really can't recommend Computer Science highly enough. Programming is fun as hell, I go to work in a t-shirt and jeans, I show up at 10:00AM, I take 1 hour lunches, and even though I'm working for "the man" I'm acquiring a skillset that will enable me to start my own company at some point.

Well they already wear Western-clothing and do western things, just to an autistic level. Maybe we can influence them into not working to death anymore.

It'd require a massive cultural shift from the top down. If you got their talk shows to discuss the benefits of sane work weeks all the old aunts would probably bitch enough to change things entirely in a couple months.

right, but the point of a trade is you learn something practical while earning money. I'm not talking about making millions, I'm talking about getting help for this guy to break out of his cycle of NEETdom. Knowledge can get you stuff for cheap, but you're not building a house with your bare hands, no money and zero materials.

Seconding Real Social Dynamics

Tyler/Owen may be a kike who doesn't care about protecting society in the long-term but his lectures are well worth it. One of the influential people who helped change my life.

Absolutely. I see this even in the tech field, which I specifically entered to get away from this dynamic which I saw at retail and entry level jobs. But normie managers are everywhere, and this is how they operate.

He worked his way up to the leadership of an organization that regularly went out and beat the teeth out of communists. Commie bashing would have been pretty lucrative in a country verging on collapse. The party also smuggled goods into the country as part of their fundraising efforts. Goods that the German people had trouble buying could be purchased from the party. This also put them on good terms with the local people and probably contributed to Goebel's campaign to re-take Berlin.

Too often overlooked truth. My dads currently building a house on a new plot of l;and in the country and he can do almost every thing himself. But he can't make the materials appear out of thin air. Still have to rent a bulldozer to level a foundation.

user, one last question. If being a floorman is quite dangerous and filled with 95 IQ mongs, correlation there? =^) what would be some other auxiliary jobs surrounding that while potentially going to get a paramedic certification?

Same user, I have no debt and several thousand saved but I have no interest at all being a goy slave for some company. Seeing all those fat boomers at my internship whose life has revolved around their job for decades makes me sick. I want to go off grid and be self-sufficient or at least NEET it up in a city and keep improving myself.

Yeah lots. Cook, electrician, deckhand (12 hours of paintscraping and bitch work every day), helicopter maintenance, computer/IT work, even office paperwork processing jobs on the rig. There's lots to do, the trick is CERTIFICATIONS! Get as many first-aid, helicopter roll-over, offshore-medicine, seamanship, etc certifications as possible. A young, motivated guy who shows up with his TWIC card (very important) and a bunch of certs with no experience will likely be hired. They like to see a man ready to ship out even if he's a greenhorn.

Duly noted. "Patriotic Contraband" will surely be a booming market soon in Weimerica.

There is a catch. You have to live a cool life along with this financial philosophy because going full NEET/Dick Proenneke is pussy repellent.

There are also no women, who shave their armpits, who would put up with an ounce of this if they're going to have kids. That part time ski instructor gig is got to go when she wants babies. She's going to want a three-bedroom two-bath in the suburbs with a minivan.

Elaborate/source me?

Information systems, computer science, artificial intellgience all give you a great skillset to actually employ. I can go to work in jogging jeans, take long breaks, browse pol and even play a few games of league of legends if nothing is going on (I've had months where I did actual work only 3 hours a day). My employer is quite relaxed, the salary is great and the company is doing very well and my position is fairly secure. (I studied information systems by the way).

The best thing is it doesn't even really feel like working when you're working. You're just searching continously for solutions to problems you're facing.

But it does indeed take a certain type of person to this type of work. The notion anyone can work in IT and programm lel is a lie, Because you also have days where nothing is working, deadlines seem to be impossible to be made and you're basically having a 13-14 hour day that just destroys you if done multiple times in the same week.

And what countries or states do you anons live in? Because this seems awfully unlikely outside of Jew York and Commiefornia in the states. How many years of experience have you had so far?

You can also kike in other different ways such as giving out a loan that needs to be paid back in a total of 100 years… as is the case with Greece. 100 years ago ww1 was going on, so will Greece ever pay back that loan? No.

The worst thing is that countries also finance themselves with constructions like this. So if a small thing goes wrong, not just one country is in trouble but a lot of bordering countries as well.

Netherlands. There's a permanent shortage over here of people working in IT, it's the only sector in this country that has a job security that's better than pre 2008.

The salaries could be a fair bit higher though imo. But I really can't complain, functions with comparative salaries require much more work.

Working for 4 years now, so eh experience is not that much.

Well be shitposting into our 90s

Endless debt, and if anyone ever starts to dig themselves out of debt, you devalue the currency.

I'm sorry that is jew tier pizzagate front money

You know what's really Jewish? SpaceX having facilities in California which has extreme costs of living, and not keeping everything down in Florida where they launch the rockets.and the Costs of living is cheap.

Why do tech companies need to be stationed in CA and not some place cheap?

I got into cybermancy because it's the only interesting invention in the last 2 centuries and people's overreliance on it naturally makes it a high-priority skill.

I couldn't give a fuck about how many sheckles it makes but I know that Computers, electrical engineering, and mechanics are the 3 most important survival skills in the urban age.

If you arent a retard you get a mortgage on a decent house with the goal of doing minor repairs and renovations and selling it within 5 years for a little bit of a profit. And then roll that profit into another property near the same price but with more money to put down. Yea you are getting jewed but if you arent an idiot you can turn it in your favor.

t. bought a house with 6k down, value went up 80k in 3 years. And am in the process of getting rid of it to buy some rural land outright

Property taxes.

And? What ya gonna do about that? Bitching about property taxes is lolberg tier.

You can get foreclosed stuff really cheap. Basic shit like pipes, which you can fix yourself, and mold.

Bathroom mold they'll try to say seeped into the walls and shit when it didn't, bleach that shit and save yourself 10K and laugh when insurance inspection says there is no trace of mold and they were full of shit.

^Shit like that will make retards not want to buy the home. you can effectively at least double the value of the property by investing 5K of your own labor or 15K of someone else's. That's been my experience anyway in New England.

You can't be a substance farmer with property taxes.

Not gonna spoonfeed you, most "how to make money" with internet marketing, which is also a way to earn money, tells you what to do. This is how Amazon dominates the retail space and destroys local mom and pops, so they have a finger in promoting IM.

Keyword: best sewing machine
Competing with Authority site
Competing with other similar review websites.

For example if your some gamer dude, instead of focusing on 1 product such as a gaming mouse. Focus on all gamer gear and slowly start to branch out, the problem with tech is that you have to update allot due to new gear coming out.

This is from a list of 2009 ish list, some of these are going to be dead.

That's just what it is, you talk about the same product in order to create a authority profile that will rank high in jewgle. You will make several thousands a month with this shit but it's mindless cancer so you either learn to scale it up by outsourcing content creators to the third world or you will lose motivation. Most people will burn out and and the overwhelming majority will not take action after being told how to get out of poverty.

You can find out if it's behind the drywall by sanding. If it's just the surface layer because the previous owners are disgusting then you're probably okay. If you have a pipe or roof leak then you're going to have to tear fucking everything out, because those leaks are nasty, and if it's IN the wood or drywall that has to get completely cut out, and good luck if it's a load bearing beam.
Concrete is porous so if it's in any cinder blocks in the house those need to be replaced as well, some poured concrete can be sandblasted too iirc.

Thanks, user. I appreciate it.


depends on how lucrative a substance

No. I wouldnt recommend that AT ALL. You buy a foreclosed house at auction you wind up saddled with all liens on the property. Which can amount to a decade of back taxes, unpaid loans, etc. You could very easily get fucked very badly with that shit.

I bought a decent house, near a city that I gambled would have an influx of tech jobs, that was built in the 80's and was very liveable but needed tlc.. Shit like new paint, new floors.. Nothing I couldnt do myself over a long period of time. And the property value went up 16 times what I put into it.

yes you can be a subsistence farmer with property taxes. Property taxes out in rural areas amounts to fucking pennies. I live on the edge of the suburbs and my taxes are ~1500 a year. Whoopdeefuckingdoo. Yea I'd rather not pay that but there is no way that I cant grow my own food and figure out some way to make 1500 dollars over the course of a year. Fuck I could build wooden chairs in my free time and hock them at a flea market and make enough $.

If a small amount of money, once a year, is stopping you from subsisting then you are either lazy or stupid, or both.

I'm gonna shitpost at a hitlerian level tho

You obviously don't pay property taxes in a high-rate county.
Parts of the northeast corridor you're paying upwards of $20k USD a year.

I just want a nice comfy home and to do interesting, useful work independently.

Instead, I'm working a boring job at a desk to pay my student loans and renting an overpriced apartment in bland urban sprawl.

the hell are you namefagging for, knock it off.

Some older screenshots of a Amazon website promoting a product and earning commissions sales. And a Amazon selling private label drop ship product i had from China before Trumps election. I no longer do Amazon.

I know the board is shit.. but go check out /polk/ theres a very interesting thread with anons that seem to actually be putting plan to action on that front.

Yea.. And like I said if you cant manage to subsist and pay property taxes you are either stupid, lazy or both. If you want to live a good life but refuse to move from the northeast, you are stupid

Which goes with what I've said before. Bitching about property taxes is lolberg tier. Just like bitching about how bad the northeast is but refusing to leave cuz… reasons is lolberg tier.

Oh yes, I've had my fair share of panicked wee hours huddled over the debugger, because some dipshit broke the code before a 2am deployment. It's like being a digital fireman, sometimes.

You're not wrong. I'm in socal, but I've worked all over the country, including Louisiana, Washington state, and Massachusetts. You can poke around technical job offerings on to check a specific area. Tech jobs are everywhere these days, but socal is definitely the epicenter.

I have almost 10 years experience in the field at this point, and I have recruiters and CTO's contacting me literally every week for jobs from all over.

lel. Yeah you're right, and as weev is always saying, the future robot wars will require a lot of programmers, so it's important for our people that we continually outpace the chinks and elite pajeets in technical perspicacity.

Yah nah ur a cunt.

if we all did this, the jews would win
you have to play the game like trump if you want to win
but if you're not going to play, do this

Enjoy living in the north east ya commie yankee fuck.

False-flagging kike detected.
Dixie will be free.

I'll never give an inch to the niggers. My family came here from Germany in the 1600s. I won't give these goddam niggers one iota of ground. The Northeast belongs to the WHITE MAN!

Whose shilling?


Sounds like youd have to lie to review all that stuff. But otoh, I couldnjust scrape chans and find decent shit about everything you just listed. Would be funny to see shitposting turn into a marketing career. Would have tindknate a lot to causes notmtonwamt to neck myself from residual guilt.

It's not lieing, you can give a none biased opinion. That's not it. The issue is you need constant new content to stay ranked in search engines, related to that product.

Well it's simple really, work 10 to 20 hrs a MONTH maintaining some shitty review site making a few thousand a month, compared to working 40 hrs a WEEK in a shitty job you hate making 8 bucks a hour not able to afford basic necessities. Which do you choose?

Could you explain this to me in more detail? I'm not catching your meaning.

That interesting because I know when the time comes, its going to be a struggle to do it alone while fighting for just the people you want in the society America has developed into.

Mooching off the system and using it for your own benefit is the best idea. Asians do this shit all of the time in Canada, even if they make more than enough money to support themselves. Richard Spencer, think of his politics what you will, gets subsidies from the government for the farm lands that his family owns. If you actually want to do rallies and stuff, it helps to have free money.

Living in suburbia isn't a dumb idea though if you actually have a job that is useful and doesn't allow you to live off grid. Like maybe you're a professional, a scientist, a tradesman, or you do something else useful that demands 40+ hours per week of thinking. If you're a cubicle drone, then maybe innawoods is a better option.

Contrary to what Varg believes, if every White man just went into hiding, we would have no purchasing power and we would be worse off. Civilization does not just collapse "inevitably," Mr. Vikernes; it is always a parasite that destroys it.

>Because you also have days where nothing is working, deadlines seem to be impossible to be made and you're basically having a 13-14 hour day that just destroys you if done multiple times in the same week.

Programmers I know working in major cities are working this daily for sometimes months straight with no end… Its call a "death march". No mention of the other issues working in tech (pajeet take overs). There are a lot of factors. Are you programming? Is it full stack, back end, front end, server side, embedded systems? Product or service? These will determine how much of a fun time you will have.

Farmers are the most subsidized cancer in the western world there is. It's the only industry they partially tried to protect from opening the countries up to free trade treaty (((globalism))). The only reason they "subsidize" farmers while taxing them up the ass, is that they are afraid the system fails and there is no food for anyone in the west which would mean these politicians would all get lynched.

Your saying work with Marxian socialism, in other words feed the cancer kike system. I rather dodge taxes like a mofo while being self sufficient. Going NEET means you are subject to governmental Force, one thing is certain, governments change opinions. We see this in Venezuela where welfare takers who did nothing for decades were suddenly forced to go work in the fields 50 hrs a weeks under the threat of a gun to plow, sow and harvest the food to feed the rest of the parasites who are also dependant on the socialist cancer for certain aspects of their life.


I just wish I could hear him more clearly through the "music"

What you describe as far as buying land and such is exactly what the "American Dream" I was taught about by my parents is. This dream is acquired often by a lot of hard work. A lot of time and money saved through a good work ethic and pride in said work.

Don't fall for the neet bucks meme. Those losers are just crypto niggers.

That a suburban home and big salary is for actual idiots does not make primitivist scum like Varg right.

Anarcho-primitivism is laughable but so is the concept of wasting your life working hard only to grow weak from the lack of regular exercice and blow all that money on useless stuff and/or some woman staying in the home.

If I made a lot of money, it would go into helping the cause of National-Socialism, helping other Whites get ready for when SHTF and so on.

I say fuck the Murican dream, only the Iron Dream.

None of those guys care about politics, or world history, but they've gone all in on their passions, so they have a lot to offer.

It is not because it requires a lot of work and time that it isn´t a waste and that there aren´t better things to do.

Neets just do nothing usefull, tho.

your video had a song that said stick a dildo in your fish food.

do you feel retarded yet? rap is for sub 90iq folks. its jibberish and nonsense. most of the industry is run created and propagated by greasy jews.


.t Electromagnetics, you know, the real EE degree.

I know that feel.

The only software engineering that makes any money these days is time wasting shit like social media apps and games. Everything useful was finished ages ago and now it just needs to be maintained.

kek. spoken like a true socialist
If you made a lot of money, you'd have a different brain. Current-you has no idea what rich-you would do with that money. Hint: rich-you will never actualize until you become a bit more pragmatically self-interested

Clausfarre143 got it.

Could you be any less subtle?

What should I learn? Where to start? What can I do at home?

install gentoo

I won't argue kikes and ideology with you, I'll just point out that while the socialist plans what he will do with his future imaginary money, I, the capitalist, make hefty donations from my large paycheck to worthy causes on a regular basis.


Oh that's just my VPN rotating. I've made several other posts as ID # c1d171

Sorry for double post ;)

Hitler remarks in "Mein Kampf" about men needing to satisfy their self interest in order to produce. He believed in harnessing greed just as much as Ayn Rand.

I'd prefer a communist any day over a self-interested greedy capitalist prick who profits off other people's misery. At least they want to help other people. Modern capitalism destroyed the west, not communism. You sound like a conservative.


Not saying that having money is bad, but I don't trust anything that kikess or her objectivist followers have to say.

satisfying one's self interest is not the same as greed. It also should not be done at the expense of the white race.

Capitalism is win/win. Communism the one where a dictator profits off the misery of his slaves.

They're the same thing, retard. There's nothing free market about western economies right now, or for the last several decades.

It is.

Maybe that's what Kike Rand taught you.


I've never read any Rand.

You're in bad company around here, it's called National Socialism for a reason. International bankers isn't just a synonym for kike, it refers to all capitalists jewish or not.

I don't want kids. I don't want to get married. I will do both of those things because I want to help my race.

How is that greed?

Because you want it.


Now I'm positive we're talking about some jewish psychology shit.

Glad to see you're able to follow basic logic. Don't reject reality just because it doesn't give you warm fuzzies.

Which countries do you consider "capitalist" right now?

That's not self-interest, that's tribal-interest. The point stands. Further, I'm highly skeptical that your family unit will be cohesive if you genuinely don't want a wife and kids. A woman who doesn't feel loved will stray.

It's Kantian duty ethics.

Essentially, if you want to do it anyways and do it it's nothing special, you get something out of it. If you don't want to do it but do it anyways because it's the right thing to do then it's a decision made for morally good reasons.

America is the head of ZOG and one of the major seats of world finance.

A word that refers to every human action means nothing.

Thank you for providing an actual explanation. I haven't read Kant yet.

It tells you why a human acts: profit.

Ehh… sorry to disagree, capitalist-bro. But altruism is the opposite of self-interest, and it definitely exists. Altruism is a major problem in the white mentality; it's the main avenue by which the kikes fuck us over.

Kant is the absolute champion of Altruism; congrats on being fully kiked.

Go for it. Then read Rand's rebuttal.


Kek. Nope. There is no act done outside of consideration for oneself.

America is nowhere near capitalist, which is defined as having a free-market economy.

You and your kind need to gas yourself.

As a Sysadmin and HR for my current contracted companies, I hate you niggers the most.

No upkeep, useless unless an emergency comes about, no daily routine, no responsibility. If nothing's burning down, nothing is done.

I have fired 11 of you niggers in my company for 8 months now. One was literally playing Battlefield 2 on the Deployment server.

The ethical paradigm which you are referring to is "Ethics of care" and its feminist horseshit. Try again.


I'm not reading any links, especially to feminist horseshit. If you can't argue your position then gas yourself.

I'm not going to put forward a counter-argument for an argument you never made. You simply stated the conclusion of a well-known ethical paradigm, which I linked the wikipedia to (which is far more than you did).

No problem, I have only read passages from my college philosophical ethics class so it's not like I'm an expert but I recognized the argument.

Altruism is what made us great. It gets abused by the Enemy but it's vital to a healthy nation.

How is it circular? Ex: I'm feeling lazy today but I go shovel snow for the elderly lady who lives next to me anyways because I know it helps her a lot. That's a good decision. I get nothing out of it personally but I did it out of a sense of duty to my neighbor who can't do it for herself.

I was like you several years ago. "B-but true capitalism has never been tried!" Realize that unchecked materialism that capitalism promotes is harmful to the spiritual and mental health of a nation.

Maybe I should have my statement in the form of a question. So, if you don't feel like taking your boyfriend's dick, but you do it out of consideration for the future of your relationship, how is that not just greed over a longer timeline?

Crony capitalism; these institutions rely on a reciprocal relationship with the state which prevents start-ups from challenging the fat cats.
Capitalism was largely implemented in the late 19th century in the United States, and it resulted in a highly prosperous, and highly virtuous society.

You literally stated your conclusion as one of your premises. That is the definition of circular logic:

That is definitely self-interest/greed. But you've moved the goalpost from you're incredibly broad statement about altruism not existing (!) to a very intimate, specific scenario.

Nigger destroying AI when?


You did it for the reward of feeling good about something. You people way over complicate shit.

Give me a scenario in which it definitely exists then. I've asked for this example for decades, and never got an answer that couldn't be explained by self interest.

Crony capitalism is capitalism. Capitalism without corruption has never existed.

I stated it poorly, I was only trying to simplify it from the pure philosophical points into everyday language. See my snow shoveling example.

If all you wanted was a little dopamine rush there's far easier ways than shoveling snow so there's obviously another factor at work than just "feeling good".

Wrong. The recipient of the help exists within his circle of influence (neighbor) and therefore results in self-interested feedback in the form of positive reputation. Virtue signaling is a lazy form of this (and also why an anonymous message board is superior to garbage dumps like reddit).

White people subsidizing poverty by sending food and money to Africa, which is far outside of their sphere of influence and results in no positive feedback unto themselves.

Ha, did that for 5 years. Got paid cash and was a laid back as fuck place to work. Free food to boot. Those Chinese people are literally aliens. Were nice people up until they gave me tons of shit for this bunk delivery to a literal retard who gave me 100% wrong directions 10 miles away which took me 2 hours to get there and back to the restaurant. Fucker didn't even want it when I got to him. They blamed me for all of it. Walked out on them the next day. Wish I wouldn't have. It was a lot of fun working there and I enjoyed it.


William Luther Pierce on the issue of White Altruism.

You know people have been exchanging goods and services for millennia before capitalism became a thing right? Your lolbertarian paradise doesn't require capitalism.

You're leaving out the positive feeling get from acting accordance with your beliefs. Don't downplay the importance of the whole act to you just to win the argument.

So he feels good about positive reputation too. Thanks for strengthening my statement even further.

Again, they're acting in accordance with their beliefs, and giving themselves gold stars for effort. Obvious self interest.

Ironically, you just described the most basic form of capitalism… kek.

user, what do you do when more than one person is offering the good you are looking to trade for? Competition arises even in the most primitive system of goods exchange. Mutual benefit as a prerequisite of trade guarantees this.

It's a good gig.

That is capitalism. Capitalism wasn't invented, it was named.

Altruism has no "too" it's JUST the feel good part.

Besides CS, Statistics is another area where the demand exceeds the supply at the moment. You can either go for a Master's and work as a statistician, or learn SAS/R and do programming for the statisticians. Some places may be hiring on a bachelor's level for statisticians, though Master's level is much more common, as rigorous training in stats is uncommon on the undergraduate level.

In stats, though there are clusters in CA, Boston, DC, Seattle, there's plenty of work in places like NC/FL/TX, and most medium-to-large-size cities in the country.

I'm a programmer and I wish all computers in the world would just fucking die already.

So many healthy people trapped by them.

Oh, I see, we're operating with different definitions. If you consider good emotions to not be profit then obviously we'll never make sense to each other. I'd argue that good emotions are the only profit there is.

Good point, in fact, I remember reading that actuaries report the highest level of job satisfaction. Great pay, too. You don't need a CS degree to be a programmer, that's for sure. But you'll probably get zoned in on one or two particular tools. A good CS education allows you to float between industries and pickup new languages and frameworks rather quickly.

Most disagreements reduce down to a difference in semantics. Glad we solved that issue, good day, user.

Every shekel you legally earn is taxed where I live

You and your digits.

Don't gas yourself just yet.

This tbh desu senpai

your advice may be ok for the US, but in the UK if you didn't buy a house before 2013 you will be far worse of than those who did.
the housing bubble just won't pop, they won't allow it, and everyone who did not get in before prices went nuts is now literally a class below those who did.
mostly talking about london, but everywhere else is catching up too.

He's a Canadian refugee. Still entertaining.

You are turning your work into money. If you aren't making anywhere near minimum wage, then it is worthwhile to run a sole proprietorship doing menial jobs for others. You will make more money and have more free time. You can pay all your taxes and setup everything for your business online in most states. Cash-basis accounting can be done yourself, and there is software to help with that.

I could buy a decent house for that much. Isn't that the goal of working? To afford a house? I have to have a house anyway, why don't I just forgo college and buy two houses with the money I would have spent on it? Or I can work all that time I would have spent going to school by taking a second part time job, and over the course of four years I'd have enough to buy 3-4 houses. Or one awesome house and a 200k car. I'd be making profit with the time instead of spending during it.

I don't get it. How is college a sound economic investment to anyone unless they're certain it's required for their desired career field? Keep in mind most people don't use their degrees, why would you waste 2-4 years and all that money you could have bought a house with? I wouldn't​ take the plunge unless I had a job lined up for certain.

There's got to be a better way. I've looked at the buying land and building my own house option. If you have low standards it's fine. For like 75k total I can live out in the middle of nowhere (close enough to town) in a small cinderblock house with a tin roof. But what will my quality of life be? No more dining at awesome restaurants, no more plans to buy cool guns and a dirt bike, no nice car, no cell phone, no internet service. I've come to the conclusion that yes, we do enslave ourselves to some extent, but we're afforded modern amenities that our forebears couldn't have dreamed of. Your goal should be to maximize the enjoyment you get out of life. I don't mean hedonistic degenerate shit, I mean seeking reasonable happiness. Whether that's travelling, providing for a family, being able to afford cool things to tinker with, etc. You have to find out what your balance is, what are you willing to sacrifice for what you want? Do you want it all? You're going to slave away at doctor school for 6 years, have massive debt, pray you get a job, work your ass off, then maybe in 10 years you'll be set after wasting most your youth studying and working. Or you can put in minimal effort, save up 50k, buy a small parcel out in nowhere and try to make it work. I've opted to go in between. Work part time and live on the outskirts, being able to afford a reasonable amount of modern amenities.

Getaload athis goy!

If you are making anywhere near minimum wage. People who already have a high salary are better off staying in their job and investing or doing things on the side.

Self employment taxes. You still have to file your taxes at the end of the year. It is possible to just pay them then, but there is a good chance you will be hit with penalties. If you did not already know, the IRS assesses how much you owe on its own. Unless you have been exclusively getting cash under the table, you are going to get their attention.

While I wouldn't recommend against actuarial work to those who have interest, I've read that insurance companies ran a publicity campaign about actuarial work over the last decade or two because of the past shortage of actuaries, and that there are now larger numbers of people preparing for it in college, and more competition on the entry level (though still probably less competition than many fields). In comparison, I get the feeling that statistics is having greater trouble recruiting, both because few students are interested in it (also the field of biostatistics, which is in the process of academically splitting from stats, is relatively unknown to students), and because academic stats departments tend to have less funding than math or CS departments and are smaller in size, producing fewer graduates.
Here are a few threads on an actuarial discussion board discussing these topics.

staying low so gov/jews can't tax you NIGGER STOP WITH yoUR BULLSHIT RIGHT THERE jews put a cap on white prosperity and FUCK THAT!!! you stupid nigger.

Maybe I'm just too spergy, but traveling never felt like something people should expect or even want except for specific instances of visiting friends or family. Everyone I know complains about everything that they experience on vacations except amenities that you can get anywhere if you're willing to cough up the money.

It feels like uninteresting people go to different places just to say they've done it to people that aren't even interested. The one exception is to visit where your people were from, which at this point just makes me angry. Blacks always say that they feel as though they 'belong' when visiting Africa, I just get pissed and mildly nauseous seeing what Ipswich and London look like (I'm American).

College really is a scam, they try to shut you down despite academic promise with vague rulings on what you can or can't say in classes you would actually enjoy. I just don't get why people would do something if they aren't going to benefit from, be psychologically conditioned, and just becoming unhappy. I love literature and language and was in a position to take classes on them because they could be in my budget but was met with a real life Holla Forums greentext in classes that have nothing to do with politics except by analysis of the author.

Sorry for the blogpost, it's just that my rapidly diminishing naivety and love of the wonder I feel when viewing the culture that is my birthright only leaves me disappointed because the people that hold the keys to that path hate what our people have created. No one wants us to expand and journey in the realm of thought because they're scared we might find something. We're only shown limitations then told we're of a shallow civilization. They point to Wall Street as claim that our culture is a fucking brothel. I'm no artist or composer, but imagine how many of our youth had the potential for greatness and only saw perversion, pretension, and scorn and chose to shun that path.

This whole epoch is a fucking crime.

you can cry and whine post w/e fact is JEWS MUST BE ELIMINATED or you will continuously be enslaved by their anti white dictates …um NO

word salad to a natsoc not withholding you POS kys

What for ?
Look at any actual self-made man and you won't find a lot of college graduate.

I am a Europoor and I want to leave this terrible continent. Should I study Computer Science/Informatics or is it a meme?

It is best to live life in way that you will enjoy in its entirety.

If you want to avoid all of that and work towards being successful, then learn the importance of loyalty. The elites I've known often have few people they can trust or talk to. Think about if you were wealthy within a couple years. How many people would you know that you could trust? For most people, not many. Just being someone who won't stab them in the back and screw them over goes a long way.


Do you LOVE programming? If yes you should.

Get a high paying job, but work under the table for bitcoins and report nothing.

Fuck taxes and fuck debt.

If you're not in the three sigma IQ club this won't work

For those who want to get into CS and programming, you can start with the CS50 course, and then SCIP (the book and the MIT course). After that, pick whatever language you want and start learning it by reading a book on it for beginners and doing the exercises.
I was also told and are good websites.

I wonder how many Uncle Ted they created.

Yeah, that reason was a political compromise in exchange for electoral success. National "Socialism" has zero to do with your subversive jewish economic concept known as socialism. So you can fuck off back to >>>Holla Forums any time.

making a profit is not greed you silly cunt
what are you, a commie?
making excessive profit by price gouging or shady deals or exploiting is greed
you must eat maintenance calories to survive
if you don't you die
that is not greed
greed is eating excessively to satisfy greedy cravings even after you are full

just read a book niggers

So we must follow the example of the Mursi tribe and utterly destroy the value of our houses so that they are unprofitable to the parasites. Leave trash everywhere, spray paint a horse cock on the side of the house, crack the driveway, paint the house an ugly colour and let it peel, raise rabbits and chickens on every nice patch of lawn and use a propane tank with the word "NIGGER" painted across the side as the mailbox.

Self checked

I agree. some of us can do more for ourselves alone then working under some idiot that claims they know how to run a business. Automation is getting easier and easier by the day too, so if you didn't want to spend all your time manually recording files and accounting theres that.

Man this thread really took a slide. come back to all this meaningless name calling and a lot of other forms of logic that don't get fully explained.

Traveling in Asia is what woke me up from my racial slumber and that people make the place.

I think what user is trying to say is that he hasn't given up on life.. and the struggle is real. when the going gets tough the tough get going.

There are a lot of good talks people can have about Asia in comparison to the rest of the world. I mean specifically surrounding economics. Its mind boggling to see all the work the government there is doing and has to do to keep things how they are.

I taught myself Python for work, then went through undergrad level algorithms and data structures because that shit is fun.

I'm at a loss for what to do now, though. I have no interest in webdev, which is what everyone seems to do.

I'm doing some exercises in C++ (which is how I originally learned to code, way back when), but I have no real need for it. I don't have any projects to work on.


You could maybe get into research. Search for professors / labs that are looking for assistant researchers / interns and ask for a part time gig. Or get into freelance and work for non-profits while building your portfolio until you can find a better job.

I don't have a portfolio or anything. I don't see how I could convince anyone that I can do real, professional work.

Well start building one then. That's how you convince people, they take a look at your portfolio. Put the projects you did in there.

Sure. Now I just need to come up with interesting projects to work on.

This is great advice, thanks user. I doubt most of the manchildren in this thread realise this.

Farms also come with the benefit of having good reason to purchase farming equipment and materials. It would be good to have some nationalists in the farming industry.

I love the contradictory thinking and wilful ignorance here.
God, the naivety.
Women worth having children withREQUIRE that job, that salary, that expensive housewill cost you a hell of a lot more than $300k for a decent home in Britain.
If you wish to "live like Varg" then you must accept that you are probably never going to find a wife or have children, in all probability you won't even get a passable girlfriend to relieve yourself into.
What everyone fucking ignores about Varg is that he is a CONVICTED MURDERER of great notoriety in Norway. He received mountains of mail from young women dripping at the gash for his violent bad boy rep. He is a chad with the bonus of a murder conviction which triggers mega tingles in young women (the name for this sick attraction to killers and other violent criminals is hybristophilia.)
Varg started "dating" his wife WHEN SHE WAS STILL A 14 or 15 year-old SCHOOLGIRL AND HE WAS ALREADY IN HIS MID-30s. Yes, every day she would rush home from school, and still wearing her uniform, write up another love letter.
tl;dr you are NOT going to get a teenage wife to marry, when your assets amount to substistance income and a shack in the woods unless you have some other tingle-generating factor such as national notoriety or a murder conviction.
Try it and see.

Capitalism simply means production of goods via capital. Anyone who has ever used a tool (aka capital) is a capitalist. Free market capitalism, means that capital is owned by individual actors in a market. State capitalism (communism, socialism) means that the state owns the capital. When you plowed a field in Soviet Russia, you were using THEIR plow, not YOUR plow.

A caveman using a rock he found to build something, is free market capitalism. It's the oldest system of production in the world. Now when a gang of other organized cavemen come in, and take his rock, and tell him that he has to use THEIR rock to make things, that's the oldest version of State Capitalism, or enslavement.

Everyone is a capitalist, unless maybe you are an anarcho primitavist who is opposed to all technology. Even then, I'm not sure if your hands are considered capital.

A tax is a mixed model. It's basically the organized cavemen telling the individual caveman that they won't take his rock, or what he makes with his rock, but they will take x% of his profits. Or that they own x% of his capital. You're just enslaved a little bit, for the good of society :^)

Always happy to help out my fellow anons. Working together, sharing information for what is coming, is what makes us strong. Think of it as reverse jewing (Holla Forumsing?)

Only years later did I realize that I'd inadvertently made the right choice by hitting rock bottom in my early 20s, instead of well into my 30s.

I'm going to be in your same spot soon enough user, I'm almost thankful for the shit I've been through early in life. And Doom is a great goddamn game.

Not at the expense of the German nation.

More like

Kike detected!

This is true. The standard innawoods fantasy is going to end up as MGTOW nine times out of ten, to our collective detriment. The spiritual sense of our society, what's right and wrong, what's worth pursuing, all of this needs to be turned upside down before the innawoods fantasy becomes appealing to the average high-quality woman.

Going off-grid is something you do AFTER you've snared a quality woman, not before. Remember this.

I think a lot of people have ended up where you did by accident more than choice and are now very surprised and delighted at the bullets they dodged. Too many people live life on auto-pilot and its killing them because of it. People have to think about the cost of things. I'm not even talking about money. What is the energy investment and time investment needed to achieve a goal. If you can't figure it out, do some research. Few people are living their like 100% uniquely through and through.

Deleting FB was a good move too. No one with an actual life has time to be on that shit.

We need to start a parallel economy that can't be taxed

Kek, just don´t complain about divorce and child support.

Full MGTOW, bro, full MGTOW.

Yeah remember Jeremiah Johnson? You can live in the wilderness for a long time but eventually those nights will get cold and lonely. Humans are social creatures.

Never suggested any of that, kike. Merely stated reality. I've come to the same conclusions as everyone else here about what is best for society, but I did it without a deluded version of human nature. You can't have motivation without personal reward. That doesn't mean the reward can't be aligned with the goals of National Socialism.

The definition of greed is subjective, because you can't quantify as a matter of fact what is excessive self interest, and, as a matter of act, the difference between a little greed and a lot of greed is nil, because all human action is purely self interested. All that matters is whether someone's greed is aligned with your own.


If both people get something positive out of an interaction how can that be bad? If someone makes a profit and the customer is happy ( without being decieved) is that morally a bad thing? I don't think so

What a lot of Holla Forumsacks don't realise is that you need money to do anything. To fund movements, to raise children, to acquire good and services that you can't or don't want to produce yourself.
With money comes power and with that power we can make the world how we see fit.
The only real change comes from the top.

This quite literally doesn't happen, at least not in the US. Maybe in your socialist europoor nation where everything is taxed for MUH FREE HEALFCARE MUH SOCIAL PROGRAMS, but here in the US taxes are nowhere near 50% of your income.


This is true as far as I know. Money is a tool that you can used to change things for the better without disrupting honest hardworking peoples lives negatively. People trade services for goods and other services and money is just a bookmark for those things. When you get into loans and debt that's another story. There is an ecosystem out there that lets people live peaceably if they can avoid certain pitfalls.

Yeah I would agree. Not even when you count petty purchases.

You are a damn fool.

Have you been to California?

*seeing these pics* Why some anons would sees gold diggers, oil drilling and Flip whores as their only chance of reproduction… -)

If that was the case, then it it should be suppressed with an iron fist. Every McMansion should be burned down and Bevery Hill turned into 1937 Nanjing. Thankfully, many of the wealthy through history have known better and have been pro-White and fought against (((them))).

It depend on the bigger picture. Does it harm the White race and its betterment? If not, then it is not bad. If yes, then it is bad and must be brought to an end.

All those who believe shekels comes above the good of the White race are enemies that must be removed from White countries and parachuted over the third-world…

It will only remain so if you remove tens of millions of "citizen" non-Whites from US society in the next decade. Otherwise, Elisabeth Warren becomes President and you´ll get 55% tax, then 77% tax.

You should explain why.

Boomer ideals have only helped the victory of (((cultural-marxism))). The generations that tells Millenials they should get into debts, own their own expensive homes, cars and all that allowed our societies to be subverted and overrune by the third-world hordes.

They and their ways have failed and endangered us, they must thus be disregarded (at best) if we are to survive.

It's kind of bullshit that it took 35+ replies to the OP before someone mentioned this. Don't want to work a wageslave job? Then start a business.

Jobs are for those who can't live without the security or for the lazy/stupid. Unless you started a family at a very young age and the babies need new booties then there is no reason for a young man to not take the risk and start his own venture. Even when working full time you should have the drive and energy to work afterhours on your business until it picks up.

As for the other stuff. Yeah debt is for suckers. The earlier you learn that lesson the easier you can build real wealth. My first redpill was the holohoax. But the real redpill was learning how money, usury and banking works. It changed my life for the better.

Some redpills on money:
The Money Masters (massive history of money):
Money vs Currency (watch all 4 parts):
Creature from Jekyll Island (how the Federal Reserve was formed):
The Causes and Effects of the 2008 Financial Crisis:

All debt works the same. From mortgages and credit cards to the IMF lending some shithole country shekels. It's enslavement.

Life is so much more easy that people think.. I'm not saying it IS easy.. just easier than people imagine when you try. "He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

It helps a lot if you want to be free. Make a chart of your problems and fears and tackle them one by one. Make a chart of your skills, resources, and strengths too.

This is inconceivable to me. I cannot imagine a way that I would be able to start and operate a business.

Try refinishing stuff first to learn, I go out on trash night and pick up slightly fucked up wood furniture to practice with. You can also go to thrift stores, it's very rewarding and not hard to refinish/fix stuff and people think you're a wizard for being able to sand/refinish stuff. Good luck user.

You know that image makes me think.
What music do school shooters actually listen to?
I've always wondered what kind of tunes Dylan Klebold rocked out to.

He charged for NSDAP speeches, some amount like $5, the idea of a paid political speech was novel at the time, and I think we all know that uncle was a great speaker, so people were happy to pay. It's actually a really neat story. I tried for 5 min to find you a lengthy source on the subject, but I failed, my apologies user.

So is doing IT (not programming/compsci) a bad move then?

The question is, how do you make good after SHTF. I know there are a lot of preppers out there but there doesn´t seem to be much business plans once things stabilises.

This boomer mentality is why millions and millions of families have been broken apart by divorce. KYS.

So how did a 1906 farming family have 6 children while a Current Year suburban one have 3 abortions and a dog? -)

This. There are still people that manage to have large families, you just have to be smart and frugal, this guy has 8 kids and I know for a fact that he's not a millionaire. If you don't like Christianity fine, but look at this racially aware guy who managed to have 8 kids(!) on a pretty normal salary.

It quickly becoming a flooded market for no talent/ late to the game people who just make it harder on IT professionals who have skills and have been working in the industry their whole lives.

wat, I think il continue and see if it gets better at the next wage bracket but so far its kinda lackluster.

Drop a temporary email and slowly reveal more PII until you are comfortable. This isn't hard.

That's unfortunate. I'm probably going to study it anyway, but that's good to know. Thanks.

go to and use their free webmail service. You can use "" if you want for the web address

I wish thus were a joke but its a scam some whites pull all their lives. The Mormons are basically white nigger-jews, they have multiple wives who all collect welfare gibs (man takes it) them they build houses that they never finish, like leaving the siding undone or exposed. So for tax purposes they don't have a house and the wife doesn't live in the same "house" as them = less taxes and even more gibs.

Hey no it sounds great. I'm already looking into it for my summer project. Write up a shitload of content then get someone local to make it into website format sounds $$$

I meant that when people spend that amount of money on arts and crafts, like literally no relation to physical value or labor put in, there is a high chance of it being front money for something else. Like, I pay you with money I made off of drugs with cash to your art gallery, you are then going to supply a third guy with loli prostitutes. International+cash+subjective value = rife for abuse potential. Also could be guys rich off of dirty trades who just don't care, but I would suspect foul play as a rule when the price seems off for a given market.

Don't go full Varg unless:
1. You're in a state without a death penalty,
2. Your state allows conjugal visits for all people in prison, and
3. Your plan doesn't hurt our cause and is actually funny as hell.

Might be better to do go to Germany or elsewhere in Europe to remove kebab. Claim that Pepe made you do it.

Ohhhh ok I get you. Yes it could be but I don't think it is. You may not get the above listed prices but I'm sure you could at least get half the price if you have a sweet ass online store. hand made is rarer by the day.

No I don't fucking agree with you, and anyone in this thread who does is a fucking idiot.

Agreed OP, i would like to see a full numerical break down on the average shitizen to see if at the end of say a 30yr mortgage on a typical middleclass dwelling, inner city, of at the end of 30yrs including average food consumption coupled with bills and rates and factoring in the inflation of the cost of living, agains that of the rural lifestyle and the breakdown with low cost living and everything else who would be better off. And then to blow it out the water factor in children into the inner city compared to rural, with the expectation that inner city user forced his kiddly plops to go to private school compared to home schooling. I have no fucking doubt that the rural option would not only after 30 yrs have more money saved but would be healthier and a fuck load smarter than the inner city middleclass average joe.


In general no, but Trump will try to change this; there is a provision in his tax plan that does not require any private citizen to pay taxes on the first $25k (or is it 20? I forget) they make.

US tax code is fucked; marginal tax rates remain high, meaning bonuses, extra income, etc. are taxed at MUCH higher rates, meaning there's an incentive NOT to make additional income because we have a "progressive" tax policy of increasing marginal tax rates as your income goes up. This manifests as factory workers going on strike against being made to work overtime, for example. (This is after several attempts to change the FDR program after WWII, all of which have failed for various reasons, essentially proving oligarchical control of the US; look at how the Reagan tax cuts were scuttled by Bush and his allies. Ironically, it's sometimes not that the fat cat politicians want all the tax revenue for themselves, it's that they don't want their political rivals to look good by giving the people tax cuts! Again with Bush; prevented Reagan from making significant tax cuts, but then allows his son to do so from 2001-2008.) The argument against lowering marginal tax rates because people will save all that money they incentivized to make, decreasing demand, is empirically ludicrous; observe the Kennedy tax cuts in the 60s; people spent MORE after their marginal tax rates were lowered. And and would you look at that, Kennedy was an admirer of Hitler, and was assassinated.

btw someone should write a book on the manipulation of the public via buzzwords like "progressive"; the fact that this same word is used for a basically communist tax policy, and also tied to mainstream "liberal" culture, aka Bernie Sanders supporters calling themselves "progressives…is insidious.

The best way to avoid tax policy like this in the US is to actually know a thing or two about finance (acquire the following things: health savings accounts, several foreign bank accounts each of which you keep just below the maximum amount that will trigger a US tax, money in tax-shelters like classic cars, instruments, etc.) , and to have a job or business that is primarily cash based.

No, everyone in this thread already agreed upon that several normie practices in the economy are fucking over people in the long run. Running to the woods does not help, and wastes someone who could be turning the tide in urban areas. You know, the ones where everyone majoritarly vote democrats and gibsmedat.

Being economically responsible can be done regardless of your place of living; urban or rural.

Perhaps altruism is a pathological drawing of the boundary of identity too widely? This would be a way to save >>9900177's view. Or if you wanted to reject him entirely, base your notion of altruism on an axiomatic belief in the individuation of human egos/souls. The fact that more and more people are taught to disassociate from their physical bodies via Kantian and Cartesian type dualism leads to all kinds of misunderstandings, and is probably the basis for the self-hatred of whites, i.e. not understanding their internal experiences are tied to very specific organisms with a very specific genetic lineage. Ironically, denying the physical body leads to massive overindulgence in pleasures of the flesh like sex, drugs, etc., because of IGNORANCE of their dangers.

Kantianism is fucked because it's another "intermediation" theory of reality, whereby "we" are totally disconnected from the outside world, but have limited awareness of it VIA our "sense", or "sensations", which is then interpreted by our "intuition". The idea leads easily and naturally to a theory of "sense data" where we say there are uninterpreted sense-chunks which we can choose to look at any way we want. But this is false; ironically the thought experiment that convinced me of its falsity is from a jew, wittgenstein (duck rabbit drawing; if it were true that "sense-data" were available to us uninterpreted, we would expect to be able to see the duck-rabbit drawing in a neutral way if we wanted to, but if you've every tried it, it's basically impossible.) Anyone else ever puzzled by how RIGHT modern jewish philosophy seems to be on some issues, Wittgenstein, Putnam, Kripke et al? Seems at odds with how harmful they are as a race as a whole!

Sage for off topic; sorry op, I'm far down the rabbit hole.

Many whites leave cities just to avoid shitskins; we must fix this problem. We need US cities that are a)majority white b)cheap c)not soul sucking unaesthetic apocalyptic hell holes. Recommendations?

If good god fearing men and women can not defend themselves in case of an incident they remove themselves.

Good people should be removing bad people, not themselves.

There's so much I want to say right now, but I'll try and keep it as short as I can.

It seems like there's a biological alarm bell ringing in everyone's head right now. If you're anywhere near a city, your brain is screaming for you to get out. Everyone has this occasional desire to move out to the countryside, grow their own food, live in a large house with all the people they love and care about. It's my belief that this stems from our hardwired tribalistic nature. We are not a species of millions. We are tribes of a few hundred. Your brain is literally only capable of caring about 200 to 250 people at a time. This idea that we exist as a global species and that we're all supposed to love each other and get along peacefully because we're all the same is a fucking (((MYTH)))

A few months ago I started a thread about homesteading and it went amazingly well, but one of the chucklefucks who runs this board decided to anchor that thread. In spite of this, we went to 750 posts and a second thread, and we were gearing up to set up a board or move our discussion elsewhere, and then the fucking hack happened and derailed everything. Luckily I saved both threads
Homestead Thread 1 -
Homestead Thread 2 -
There's a of great info and discussions in that thread. Do read them.

The system we're living in now is not built to last. The cost of living keeps getting higher as cities spread out across the states like cancerous growths, and even with Trump in office, there's still so very much wrong with colleges and education in general. Housing has not gotten any better and home loans only exist, much like college loans, to keep you trapped under a lifetime of debt, which they try to entice you into by making so many things rely on your credit score. The millenials/Gen Y/GenZ whatever the fuck they are may be a bunch of whiny entitled hipsters, but there is some truth to the idea that people can't afford to own homes or buy cars or exist as responsible adults who get to go out and start families and populate the nation with beautiful white children.

So.. We need to get the fuck out of this system. The white picket fence American Dream is dead and gone. It's something predicated entirely upon the condition that you submit to the agenda of people who want you dead or destitute or both.

Start saving money and plan to get the fuck out.
Need entertainment? Don't buy new vidya and consoles. Go to the share threads on Holla Forums and pirate everything, download the entire romset for every old console up to PS1, you now have enough games to last you the rest of your life.
Need shit like plates and cleaning supplies and personal hygiene products? Go to a fucking dollar store. They sell the same shit as a Walgreens, but for a fucking dollar.
Is there an aldi in your neighborhood? Shop there. Everything is cheaper, tastes just a good, produce is sourced from local farms, little to no High Fructose Corn Syrup. If you don't have an Aldi, find the next closest thing. Find the place that sells off-brand everything. You don't need any fucking (((brands))) on your dinner table.
Go to a fucking thrift store or flea market at some point. You'll be amazed at what you can find for cheap.
Watch less TV. If you can help it, cut TV out of your life entirely. Stop paying fucking comcast for TV. Instead, go on youtube and look up hobby channels that will teach you woodworking and electronics and how to change your fucking oil.

Your goal should be to eliminate as much reliance on the system of bullshit that rules your life until you can break out there with other anons and build societies and towns that aren't run by kike economics and government regulations.

I absolutely agree user. My girlfriends parents fucked off to about 1 hour from any major city in BFE small towne. They bought the property for 20k, built it up themselves, and now have a beautiful homestead on half a square mile with chickens and the lot. They rent out their (((house))) back in civ for thousands of dollars a month.

My girlfriend and I moved out there and bought a (((house))) for very cheap. she opened a small service business with extremely minimal start up costs with one other family member and are set to profit around 145k this year.

Meanwhile, all my friends from HS have graduated college and have anywhere between 60-350k in debt, live in major cities where their half of the rent sans utilities is about 1650 a month, and make 50k a year. My best friend told me if he wants to save 10% of his income that he can only spend $30.27/day. LOL

Plus when shit goes to shit in the cities I have nothing between me and my 1 year survival bug out plan.

I think he meant literally "Has anyone ever actually done this?" rather than "Has anyone here ever actually done this?".

Shit this is kinda hard for ex neets who recently entered the workforce. I have been working for 2 years now. But still its kinda hard. Drivers licenses, then you need to find certificates to get higher without studying.

I have been thinking along your lines user but I dont think that you perhaps need a fuckton to get away. A nice car and some tools and one or two months away from civilization, a bunch of how to youtube video's can you could build a cabin in the middle of nowhere.

That is my goal, kinda. The supplemental, of the grid toilet + electricity seems a bit far away.

Also I think we still have at least 5 years before shit starts to collapse heavily.

Pay lifelong rent to your landlord instead, goy.

You're right on principle, but where can you do that? Not in Germony, that's for sure, and US banks have also become very picky.

One of the hardest things to deal with when saving money is food, because so many people build up habits around ordering out or going to fast food places to eat. The cost seems negligible, but it adds up. $10 will allow you to buy bread, cheese, and deli meat to make over a dozen sandwiches for lunch. Or $10 can be two lunches from Subway. Also, give up soda if you can help it. Your body doesn't need that shit anyways.

Food is quite ambiguous to me. Mostly I try to keep fried food to a minimum, at most once a week. But when you look at some places, some local fast food places have prices that are comparable. So going there, for me, once a week does not set me back that much.

I also buy supplements and things from an online store, 1 kilo bag of rice powder for carbs for 3 euro is quite a nice thing. Protein powder then is added, some basic minerals to allow me decrease my amount of specific food eating as well. Like vitamin C pills to avoid buying fruits. They last me a whole month now. And they cost 20 bucks for the high end ones. Then there is zinc and meat.

All very much cheaper in supplement form.

But the non supplements, the normal food is still healthy, additive free, no coke, low sugar, not too high on the glycemic index most of the time.

I dont even really have cheat meals anymore.

to add to that: get something like

Life Force® Green Multiple (yea I know it has the trademark R but whatever)

There are many of these kinds of things, it does not mean that one has to eat stupidly though, but it allows you to miss veggies from time to time for example. Or the better high end vitamin C means you dont have to eat fruits. Because fuck fruits, fucking sugar laden shit foods.

I fell for the college loan jew. Is there any way out for me?

If you look at the typical white-collar job, and you calculate the hourly, it's actually shittier than a lot of no-college-needed jobs. Housekeeping can make 20/hr, and I've seen white collar jobs that need 5 years experience going for 18-20. It's also hard to get these jobs; each has dozens of applicants if not hundreds. It's really a damned scam. Only benefit is you get deskwork instead of physical labor. Physical labor jobs don't "keep you in shape", they cause injuries. Find me a guy who worked in bluecollar all his life and doesn't have some sort of crippling injury from it.

What I should have done is never gone to college, should have done something like bartending or /biz/ness. Too late now I guess.

Are you from /biz/? I tried AM but when amajew's image link code didn't work, I pretty much gave up. My niche might be shit anyway. I really, really should work on it. I just have low frustration tolerance. I thought of a new one that would be good and is undercapitalized… I am a great writer, but suck at tech-shit. I'll spend some time working on it more. Thanks for the encouragement. I just really hate coding type stuff. If I can't jewgle it and find a solution, I'm sol. I just need to work on it more I guess.

I've had good experiences daytrading, though. Jewing the jews.

Can I buy virtual silver via stocks as you can with gold (to my understanding)? I don't want to haul around buckets of physical silver.

This. You must be efficient.

P2P lending has been taken over by the big banks already. Most loans get bought out by Big Jew way before the lendee pays much of it off and you get jack shit.

Move out of where you are. I'm about to start a family and I've decided to move out of the sinking ship that is Illinois. Moving to Indiana where there's better schools, a third of property taxes less diversity, cheaper housing, cheaper fuel, etc. it's essentially what Illinois used to be before it got fucked by niggers in Cook County. Location, location, location.

Not really, market capitalism requires as a bare minimum the social concept of property.

In caveman days you picked up a rock and used it. You put it down when you were done, someone else might use it. The concept of property being a stable constant (it's Trogg's rock, regardless of if he's using it or not) requires a slightly more complex society.

In some ways she can be seen as one possible 'path' to redpilled. She, at the very least, tries to smash the slave morality that has led us to collective suicide.

On the other hand her actual ideology is basically an abstractionist meme. Human beings do not exist outside of the social context they were born in. Individualism is just another Jewish abstraction. No man will charge into battle to save his people for rational self-interest, and no society that is incapable of defending itself can survive.

imo Rand is literally insane and her only good point is the one she makes about slave morality.

working around roughnecks is good for you. It will toughen you up a bit in the same way that being in jail or a homeless shelter will. Not saying that dangerous situations are great or are the only way of experiencing "real life" - but they are good ways of turning you from a neetsoc into a man that isn't afraid of anything.

ok . ill start im getting fit 'im getting better at my job i quit driving to work i ride a bike i only eat food i prepare myself. i started getting into hobbies that our constuctive i dont drink or use drugs i cut back on high fructose corn syrup i drink more water i watch less tv and Pol has helped me Realize that im not the only one out there with a sense of impending doom for western civilization any one else got positive things to say about the future there future ?

in b4 at least im not a NIGGER

Even bad ass Siberian soldier man goes home for Christmas to fuck his wife.



Yeah, you do that all by hand with an axe instead of renting equipment used in modern land clearing but the only thing you will be able to do afterwards is retire.

Yes they have but… that can be said about a lot of things "man has been doing (x) since the dawn of time" it doesn't mean he can't do it better with a tractor. Man has been using Oxen to till the land to sew crops for thousands of years. Then the Lord gave man a tractor… its a lot more efficient and safe for working the land.
FYI your caps lock is on.

the government already made living in a luxury rv in the United States illegal.

sooner or later they will make any kind of vehicle dwelling illegal because they want to force everyone into the slave system.

were all niggers to them, we just don't know it.

Yeah I mean you could work for a small firm that takes on IT contracts, might have better pay and be more fulfilling. You then have the option to partner up / start your own IT firm and that's where the big bucks are. Would you rather work for a kike or for yourself? That's what my company's IT guy does.

1. You’re a total faggot.
2. You know nothing.
3. lol stumps exist retard.

Not by themselves.

No one man has ever cleared more than 1/5th - 1/2 an acre by himself.

How do you handle your outsourcing m8? Just post an ad on some job website? Thanks for the advice man, something like this is what I need to get into - passive income that allows me freedom from wagecuckery and gives me a nice little launching pad to more profitable ventures. It gets so goddamn tiring hearing everyone in my life who I'm supposed to listen to constantly harp on me and try to induce guilt for not getting a shitty 9-5 drone job, or going to college Funny thing is, I actually want to go to gollege but my plan is to either van it up or rent a shitty apartment, blend in as a student, and crash the courses I want at Ivy League schools. Fuck going into debt for those scammers. Scam the Scammers.

I can't even comprehend a british girl wanting to live rurally and Brits have a stick up their ass about not being seen as 'low class' so i'm not surprised you think this. You'd be more likely to find a Swedish woman wanting to live innawoods honestly.

ITT:Autists complain about being unable to pass a simple interview

pretty good thread

rid yourself of debt and disengage the system. dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

if you're on the east coast it's next to impossible to grow most fruit and nut trees without dedicated and prodigious application of pesticide and fungicide.

go for disease resistant varieties if you do.

imo these are best for growing on the east coast:

apple, pear, plum, peach are always trouble due to fireblight, bacterial canker, rot, and oriental fruit moth. the weather is shit for growing orchards on the east coast.

possibly cider apples would work better than regular apples. i may try this in the future.

this is the original tennessee user reporting in, everything is going as planned and the first meetup went great.

come to /tennessee/

Plenty of lefty chicks do user, the problem is they are lefty chicks and therefore see no contradiction between prepping for bad shit and virtue signalling.

forgot the obligatory hitler video

it's late or I would type more, the project's still going, we have the site picked and inspected, we have botanists/farmers, carpenters, metalworkers, computer specialists, and others on the staff. I keep thinking to make another thread but I got caught in the IP-range ban along with my vpn forever, and I didn't have the time, between my family, and setting things up, to actually post it. /tennessee/ is the board, I made it, I'm the BO of the board, I'm the one getting the land, and have been trying to pull the few folks clinging to the ship on "that other board"'s bunker thread over to my board for the project

I'm putting my heart and soul into this, for myself, for my family, for my volk- I was doing this anyways, and serendipity drew me into the original thread- I need help and I have no excuse to not at least attempt to help my fellow volk. We have the potential to do something great- and we're wasting it- we have no fucking excuse to do otherwise.

I guess serendipity drove me to have yet another sleepless night, for the same reasons- hopefully I can "save" a few more by bringing them into the fold, as I don't see anything else like this out there- I looked for YEARS.

read the threads, and read /tennessee/, I'm the one known as dixieanon. If you wonder why tennessee, it's all there

bull-fucking-shit, I've cleared out 2 acres in a season before, I guess it's the stubborn, Aryan genes that can do it- although I'm not above using a tractor.

I was young and did it for the exercise, it makes one /fit/ to do work like that, if you're smart enough to buy good tools and sharpen them


Entrepreneur business user here too.

To accomplish our goals we must ascend and rise above. We must be at the top of our game.

We must acquire money and power to make any difference. There is a Shit storm Coming.

Look into forming Closed LLC's in Wyoming. That is your best bet.

You can still make alot of money on amazon FBA. IF you have no investment money, look into Amazon Merch. If you don't like the Amazon Jew, start a service or consulting firm. Plan on being broke as shit for 2 years. Avoid college loans-that shit will never go away. Credit card debt disappears in 7 years. You can outplay the kike on credit.

Drive an older vehicle. Save on insurance. NO car payment. Early 90's subaru forestor, or outback are great.

Furthermore, we must start meeting like minded people in the real world. Does anyone know of any clubs or organizations that want to fight towards our goals? I am looking into the Sons of the Revolution.

None that I trust with my money and time… Sorry to say. I trust people but not so much organizations. I've thought about it enough to decide that.

tfw it's ~$800 where I live yes, yearly.
Spare some feels for a polack Holla Forumsack.

I'm not interested in living a life away from Jewish perversion. I am interested in living at the heart of it. This is a culture war, and I intend to fight for my side. National Socialists simply have no money and few reputable academics. We need more of those, not more people raising chickens.

Running innawoods is like hiding behind a concrete wall while the Jew shoots at you.
Raising money, becoming a respected intellectual, and being active in politics is like ripping the gun out of the Jews hand and shooting him in the head.

Breddy solid advice, I personally wouldn't join a group called the Sons of the Revolution though. Sounds kinda lame/larp-y tbh, I think if a group was really smart they wouldn't choose a name like that. It would be far more subtle, respectable to the public, and would fall gently on normie ears.

I've heard rumors of a group called the Diamond Dogs I know I went on about names, but this isn't necessarily a "public" group that are apparently a group of artists, musicians - creative people basically. From what I've heard they plan to induce a mass happening/red-pilling through some sort of magnum opus of creative work that will stun the world. Apparently they have scouts and look for recruits. Yes I know Diamond Dogs is a David Bowie album. If the rumors are true though, it's certainly an interesting thought. The arts have been desecrated by jews for far too long now, talent is so scarce now - would be nice to know there are still Michelangelo's and Van Gogh's running around out there.


And I got a job that's better with no degree at all.

Systems architect for a company that's cleared a billion dollars; work from home; pretty much best buddies with most of the top execs due to saving their asses with various crunches and crises; been explicitly told they can't fire me, plus I'm negotiating for an owership position where I'll get a cut of the net profits.

Plus I work from home and go into the office about twice a year.
It's not about the degree–unless you want to be a doctor or lawyer, or some other job which legally requires it–it's about brains and dedication and patience.

I know that probably just came off like bragging, but my point is that even in comp sci, a degree is relatively useless. It's just one way to get the skills and connections you need, but even an ex-poorfag who grew up borderline starving can get a decent job if he's got the chops and the dedication to search until he finds an opportunity that has real growth potential.

without our altruism we wouldnt be able to be successful with national socialism. the altruism that helped make nazi germany great is the same altruism that is being abused and manipulated by our enemies today. maybe i'm misinterpreting your point, but you cannot have good without the possibility of bad

The sons of the revolution is a organization that has been around for over 100 years.

You must prove to be a descendant of a revolutionary war fighter to join. I think they swear an oath to the constitution. From what i gather they mostly study genealogy

I can understand this- we do need this- but we also need lots and lots of white children, yesterday- we need a safe haven, and an income source that is separate from the jews- if we're selling wild-simulated ginseng directly to the chinks, we only have to deal with the slant-eyed jews instead of the large-nosed merchants, although we need everyone to be as united as possible- I'm going innawoods and going full Neo-Spartan- I have kids and I insist on raising them in that manner, going full agoge with the exception of doing it myself.

Become as the spartans- come to /tennessee

Plenty of positive things user! Good music, good food, good friends, mountains, memes.

not a wasted life^

I may not get a good job, but these dubs will get me into the Ivy League

I can't move to TN user. In a few years I'm gunna have to move back home to MS. I have A similar plan but not I stress similar… Not looking for another Wako.

Oh PS..
I'm lurking your board though. Cheers!

maybe you can use your salary from a high paying job to get out. as much as you can get out without being rubyridged.

Is this true?

I can help you, I have deep knowledge of the mississippi delta, it's nig infested but still has rich soil. I'm picking TN because it's where I can afford, but we need "allies" everywhere- feel free to email me- botanists on top of botanists here

I think the critical thing to mention, to avoid the ruby ridge/waco scenario, is to make sure we're friendly with the local populace, including the police, absolutely break no laws and use the magic of the internet to record things as such (1984 camera nightmare of my own creation is better than getting doggo and son and wife shot), and have sophisticated surveillance, we'll need it anyways so hippies or mountain folk don't steal our ginseng, so it'll be a tax write off- why not have LP/OPs and a shift schedule for security if we have possibly millions of dollars of ginseng, and the limit on liability for theft is something like 150 bucks, but castle doctrine + stand your ground?? This means that if the cops fuck up, try to sneak up and go over the mandatory concertina fence, as opposed to announcing themselves with a warrant that can only be had at suspicion of breaking the law when we literally have nothing to hide; and we merc the cops that are breaking the law- the precedent is that they were in the wrong and we get off- we need legal defense money but other than that, we're safe.

TL;DR, to avoid a ruby ridge, be open as fuck about the entire thing, save money for lawyers, and make it literally impossible for them to just sneak up and fuck with us without dire consequences.

Neo-spartans, we have no excuse to not agoge our sons and constantly practice long-range shooting as a hobby, PT ourselves until we become as hard as our ancestors, and make ourselves a valuable, patriotic, perhaps intimidating, but welcoming, part of our community- we have no fucking excuse not to.

I've decided to quit porn and take back control of my life. Thank you lads, I won't let you down.

How are you supposed to pursue that life if you don't make money first?

Good job: depends on whether you'd actually like doing it.
Suburban house: fuck no.

I feel like I'm pretty well off. I have a good stable, decently paid job with a future. However, even I've did the math and realize that with inflation the way it is, there's not much hope for any of us in our twilight years (assuming we even make it that far).
In the span of my own short life, I've witnessed prices triple. Assuming they triple again by the time I """""retire"""""" any savings/TSP/401K/etc will not be enough to cover my living expenses, unless I live like a pauper for the entirety of my life (maybe). The only chance I see is living in some third world shithole where the cost of living isn't retarded, but that's a piss poor solution to the problem. We need to do something about inflation, or we will end up another Wiemar.

Yeah IDK whats up with the fuckin' delta and Nig-nogs but there they are. Oh you are going after ginseng.. I heard it was a mountainous growing plant and that the US has an IL native variety.. hmm. Interesting. I was thinking of growing some lucrative things but not that and not in MS.

It is shit. You just don't realize it yet. You don't even understand the purpose of the book. The Dale Carnegie who wrote that book wasn't the same Dale Carnegie who owned Carnegie Steel and was one of the most successful people of the 19th century. No, it is the Dale Carnegie who used the name to convince people he knew what he was talking about. He was good at convincing people to buy his shitty book.

Do you want to be a great leader? Then cut through the bullshit and read about history's great leaders, especially the ones who were hated. Pay attention to those who achieved their goals. It will take you further than reading some self-help book.

First, The book is free online. Its meant to be a 101 type book for people on building social skills.
Second, I really love history and I grew up in a house that focused heavily on history. I do encourage people to read history because history teaches you what the fuck is going on. Nothing is new under the sun. But while Hannibal's Battle of the Rhône Crossing may teach you what tenacity and elephants are good for, It doesn't teach you how to build basic relationships if you are young with crippling introversion. People who are great leaders are not just great thinkers. They are people who have sway with other people.

If you start growing your food as much as possible, having lots of children that do the same, inviting as many people to do the same as possible, and make it a cultural thing- what the fuck would retirement (((money))) mean if you have everything you could possibly want, to eat, drink, wear, and live in?

something about the plant making your test go crazy high, while increasing the size of your nuts like clomid or something, and making your dingus get so hard it makes it wider over time, makes chinks go crazy. Would be interesting to experiment with, kek
Yeah, it isn't only IL native, all up and down the appalachians.

seriously email me, click on my "name" or whatever, I'd say more but opsec, anything you want to do I can consult and I know all the soil types in the state like the back of my hand, as well as greenhouse growing everything for profit… damn I wish I could say more.