There's so much I want to say right now, but I'll try and keep it as short as I can.
It seems like there's a biological alarm bell ringing in everyone's head right now. If you're anywhere near a city, your brain is screaming for you to get out. Everyone has this occasional desire to move out to the countryside, grow their own food, live in a large house with all the people they love and care about. It's my belief that this stems from our hardwired tribalistic nature. We are not a species of millions. We are tribes of a few hundred. Your brain is literally only capable of caring about 200 to 250 people at a time. This idea that we exist as a global species and that we're all supposed to love each other and get along peacefully because we're all the same is a fucking (((MYTH)))
A few months ago I started a thread about homesteading and it went amazingly well, but one of the chucklefucks who runs this board decided to anchor that thread. In spite of this, we went to 750 posts and a second thread, and we were gearing up to set up a board or move our discussion elsewhere, and then the fucking hack happened and derailed everything. Luckily I saved both threads
Homestead Thread 1 -
Homestead Thread 2 -
There's a of great info and discussions in that thread. Do read them.
The system we're living in now is not built to last. The cost of living keeps getting higher as cities spread out across the states like cancerous growths, and even with Trump in office, there's still so very much wrong with colleges and education in general. Housing has not gotten any better and home loans only exist, much like college loans, to keep you trapped under a lifetime of debt, which they try to entice you into by making so many things rely on your credit score. The millenials/Gen Y/GenZ whatever the fuck they are may be a bunch of whiny entitled hipsters, but there is some truth to the idea that people can't afford to own homes or buy cars or exist as responsible adults who get to go out and start families and populate the nation with beautiful white children.
So.. We need to get the fuck out of this system. The white picket fence American Dream is dead and gone. It's something predicated entirely upon the condition that you submit to the agenda of people who want you dead or destitute or both.
Start saving money and plan to get the fuck out.
Need entertainment? Don't buy new vidya and consoles. Go to the share threads on Holla Forums and pirate everything, download the entire romset for every old console up to PS1, you now have enough games to last you the rest of your life.
Need shit like plates and cleaning supplies and personal hygiene products? Go to a fucking dollar store. They sell the same shit as a Walgreens, but for a fucking dollar.
Is there an aldi in your neighborhood? Shop there. Everything is cheaper, tastes just a good, produce is sourced from local farms, little to no High Fructose Corn Syrup. If you don't have an Aldi, find the next closest thing. Find the place that sells off-brand everything. You don't need any fucking (((brands))) on your dinner table.
Go to a fucking thrift store or flea market at some point. You'll be amazed at what you can find for cheap.
Watch less TV. If you can help it, cut TV out of your life entirely. Stop paying fucking comcast for TV. Instead, go on youtube and look up hobby channels that will teach you woodworking and electronics and how to change your fucking oil.
Your goal should be to eliminate as much reliance on the system of bullshit that rules your life until you can break out there with other anons and build societies and towns that aren't run by kike economics and government regulations.