Black student group at UC Santa Cruz threatens more campus takeovers if additional demands not met
Ayo fuk dat shit, it ain't enuff.
And of course the yid Chancellor is more than happy to be compliant in the great niggering of American education.
The group promised that, if their demands are not met, UC Santa Cruz will “force [them] to have to take what [they] know to be in [their] best interest to Reclaim.” I'm going do dispense with the pleasantries. ALL FUCKING NIGGERS MUST HANG GAS THE KIKES. RACE WAR NOW
So a shortage of housing and not feeling like you belong in your massive crowd of nigger activists are huge problems that the college has to foot the bill for?
Jeremiah Taylor
Chain the doors shut and burn the building to the ground. easy peasy
Hudson Phillips
>>9896529 Thanks cianigger
Oliver Butler
Everything is like a parody these days.
Lincoln Butler
in more enlightened times they would find their education at the end of a rope.
Isaac Parker
I suppose the university could give them lots more gibs. . .
. . . or they could impose a freshman literacy test and solve half the problem right there.
Juan Myers
standards is racist n shiiieeet
Brody Mitchell
sheeeeeiiit das raycis
Christopher Green
Tests are racist.
Andrew Johnson
More nigger cry babies. Niggers are the whiniest babies ever they either cry or throw a temper tantrum this is why everyone else treats them like children.
Ian Bailey
Asher Brooks
thats culturally bias , and you know it
great time to be alive, i was worried '17 would be a 08' or worse '15
Liam Stewart
whats wrong with 2008 fam?
Angel Lopez
Iz haz degree yo. i wantz to be lektrickal engine ear.
Angel Green
Nathaniel Sanchez
Why not both
Nicholas Miller
Time to kill all the niggers. Fuck deportation, kill them.
Asher Watson
Niggers at school wtf ? oh yea affirmative action.Subhumans are so fucking dumb we have to give them free rides in education and everything else.Time to go back to africa niggers then you can see how worthless you are when not propped up by a society that white men built.
Justin Miller
Liam Morgan
This is why there must be no capitulation. Any and all capitulation always leads to more demands for capitulation which will in turn be capitulated on even easier than the first time. And this is why centrism is bullshit. All centrists are spineless cowards who always call for capitulation to the demands of the other side. And this is what inevitably will be begotten from the civic nationalist bullshit. And its not even ultimately because of the 'based niggers, based jews' bullshit that they preach. I mean that is a very huge factor but the more important factor at least for the time being is this idea that there is a middle ground at all. Even the idea that this is a "nationalist vs globalist struggle". Globalism is just a rebranding of communism. Its a smart one too because "well aren't you part of the globe, goy?" But ultimately, for right now, I believe the most important thing for us to strive for is to 1) take away their chosen label and firmly reapply the 'tainted' label which more adequately describes them, bolshevists. 2) make great endeavors to associate communist iconography with evil; make good goys experience the same unwelcome feelings they feel when they see a swastika every time they see communist symbols 3) Shill everywhere and call these fucks communist scum instead of liberal, libcuck, libshit, democrat or any other such label. Communists, thats what they are and thats what they must be called.
We need more polarization, much much more. We need to destroy the middle ground, you are either with us or you are a communist sympathizer. And once we achieve this.. I have a feeling the kikes will show themselves in such a light that there will be no denying the jewish problem.
Isaiah Collins
good post
Tyler Davis
Jews are trying to prepare for this coming eventuality by coopting the Right, same as they always do, by infiltration and building cronyistic networks of pretension. In order for the Right to truly be a 'Right', it must actively seek out Jews who attempt to larp as white people of a conservative nature.
Most importantly, they realize that the media is sacrificing its credibility to push the program of polarization forward. More than ever before, they don't want to be publicly associated with their media systems, since the blowback could expose them tooooo, toooo much. Holla Forums could do a lot just by continually pointing out (everywhere, and every opportunity) the truth - that to call it the Jewish media is not an exaggeration, it's where we find ourselves now.
The meme the (((media))) needs to be spread everywhere, far 'n wide. They advertise what they are most afraid of, their weak points, and they have widely advertised this. The (((media))): it's what you've watched, heard, and read today.
Josiah Fisher
wew, we just witnessed the death of that university boys, donations and outside funding are going to stop and freshman enrollment is going to drop like a stone, I give it 6 months before we start seeing articles about how the school had to lay off workers and close down dorms to make up the loss of revenue. That trend of firings and closures will continue creating a snowball effect until that university is completely irrelevant. just like Mizzou
Adrian Young
I go to this university. The Jewish situation here is out of control. I can only take solace in the fact that most people are silent because they don't care/are getting progressively more annoyed with niggadry. It was pretty much just a day off from class for the rest of us because nobody gave enough of a shit to fight through campus.
I don't know why they chose to take over Kerr Hall. I'm a senior and I have never once had to go to Kerr Hall for any reason. Not one class, or advising department, or club, or ammenity, or anything. I frankly have no idea what normally goes on in there.
Bentley Ramirez
Of course, I wasn't suggesting that we should in any way back off naming the jew. But we also need to strive towards associating anything, and anyone, that isnt actively against communism is sympathetic to communism.
For instance… "Creeping Fascism" There's no such fucking thing. But there is Creeping Communism and if I needed to describe the past 100 years to a pleb in two words that is what I would use, Creeping Communism.
And, more importantly, once one is aware of how much of a serious problem communism is… The jewish question is only a hop, skip and a jump away. In my experience that is one of the best avenues to take to redpill someone on the kikes. Actually I would go so far as to say it is the best way to redpill plebs on the kikes because it is the one method with which I have had the most success irl, by far.
I mean fuck.. Hitler didn't rise to power by standing on a soap box screaming about the kikes. He rose to power by screaming bloody murder about communism, that there can be no capitulation when dealing with communism, and only after that did he start speaking of the connection of the communism and the subversiveness of the kikes.
Grayson Bennett
Nah. The end of august "new enrollment is down 40%".
Zachary Richardson
At my college the head of the Jewish Student Union is also the head editor of the school paper. Holla Forums is always right.
Wyatt Morris
I can only hope you study something useful and get hired quickly enough before having that name on your resume is a taint.
Evan Lewis
graduated last year, kerr hall is for faculty only I believe. maybe for some grad student activities as well
Jacob Young
For sure. Trump could grant every nigger in America free post-secondary education, and that STILL wouldn't be nuff fo' dem. cuz we were kangz and dey made uz slabesnsheeit. Seriously, if you gave them that education, they'd demand free cars and housing next for all blacks.
Samuel Gray
Nigger out.
Oliver Morales
huh, it's like a mini South Africa situation.
Ryan Jones
Ayo you don't be understandin' dat deez tests is institutionalized racism n shit nahmsayin so ooga booga give me dem reparations n white women aight
Justin Jones
Why does the jew bow to the nigger? Why does he not simply destroy him?
The part kikes always carefully omit from the golem myth is the golem turns against it's creator at the end. The Rabbi always ends up getting crushed or thrown in a river by it or whatever.
Brody Lewis
Exactly. And that is the theme of this cleverly made cartoon.
Xavier Evans
How can 3 people take over a campus?
Christopher Cox
Because it'd be racist if they weren't allowed to control what the white man built.
Joseph Turner
fresh footage
Nolan Evans
Jaxon Diaz
learning how to hate niggers all over again
Luke Walker
What are they going to demand, Holla Forums?
James Brown
hippies brainwashing niggers to ape the 60s so they can relive their youth. meanwhile the country is rushing towards south african levels of instability and race relations.
the left has no serious intellectuals left, the population is primed for another hitler. a generation of dissatisfied neet white men has been artificially created so that a leader from their ranks can matriculate, use the technology of the internet to propel himself to international stardom (hitler first used radio then television), gather a cultic following of diehard loyalists, and use it to transition to a political platform. eventually wresting power through democracy of all things and elevating himself as imperator and tyrant for life, then begin war.
the hitler figure is the messianic inversion, he is reincarnated periodically to create mass human sacrifice, burning the dead vegetation to clear the path for new growth. you need ww3 before you can have mars colony, since you need to destroy the nation state and ethnic identity and replace it with star trek secular humanism. you needed ww2 to create the baby boomer generation and necessary conditions for globalisation, you cannot become a citizen of the world until you serve as a slave first. you needed ww1 to create hitlers generation of broken men disillusioned by classical ideas and interested in creating their own world. napoleon is another example, you can keep going back in history and these figures that are propped up always fit the same general outline, in fact they consciously shape themselves after each other, understanding their unique role within civilisation (savior, destroyer, redeemed tragic hero).
that's because the aliens which rule the world are using a standardised model of population and technological expansion through limited intervention. soft power. don't believe me? just stay awake for 36+ hours and you will begin contacting them directly, positioned on the periphery of human perception, watching and whispering since before language.
Carter Rivera
You also got me. You started off strong with the South Africa comparison but then the whole messianic reincarnation of Hitler kinda tips most folks off. The aliens are just superfluous, you can shill without them unless the new tactic is to sounds reasonable and then say something psychotic like flat earth or lizard people.
Jack Sanders
free menthols and a designated crack-smoking area.
Christian Brooks
Black fragility
Julian Flores
You can show a lemming a Jew that calls out Jewish behavior but they'll say "that's just one Jew."
Meaning, they need to see the pattern of deception themselves.
The issue with this logic is, if the group is deceiving you generally, who are you going to believe if not the Jew, about the deceptions? If the whistleblowers tell you the deceptions are the very things you cite as evidence of they're not lying and you only believe it on faith.
Generally they will say in their personal experience there's been no lying. No indication of inhumanity.
At this point, you want to believe they're not inhuman, but they just told you they're no better than a Jew.
Jordan Flores
obviously not since they got what they want. complaining to Jews and surrendering all fighting spirit to special jew pleading is a strength, goyim :^)
Josiah Sullivan
Can liberals ever actually tell people why diversity is a good thing?
Does anybody know their answer for this question?
Julian Wright
For anybody who doesn't read this, the last bit is here: Sounds like a plan to me!
Nicholas Davis
No, because that idea is part of what can be seen as nothing other than a belief system. It is true because you believe it to be true. The external truth value does not weigh in to it.
Carter Stewart
Damn, doesn't that circular reasoning ever hurt their weak brain? Trick question, I know.
Andrew Myers
they believe it to be true because their favorite personality cults say it on TV and the TV concocts intimidation against those who do wrong think. . so there is no matter for whether it's true, only whether it benefits them to believe it
Justin Lewis
Kevin Taylor
An entertaining read, I'll give it that. Reminded me of David Icke, starts out normal and then suddenly twists it all to Aliens/Lizards.
Jackson Sanders
"For once you pay the Dane-geld…"
This is a good thing in the long run, I think. The more colleges lose their status and become mere gibs dispensers, the less faith the public puts in the degrees they issue.
Isaiah James
Basically the Jews didn't like it. Harvard is full of kikes, the largest ethnic/racial group on that campus.
they never expected their golem to turn on them.
Jayden Phillips
you need that shit, normies don't believe the truth, they need sugar and fairy tales to swallow it. if jews are confirmed aliens meddling in human affairs, maybe not so bad.
Juan Roberts
Is being a electrician good?
Jonathan Nelson
I heard it as "because we have to accept people with different viewpoints
Matthew Jenkins
"Let them eat Bananas".
Christian Martin
Nicholas Sullivan
What white person would ever go to one of these niggered liberal shithole schools? I went to a small private college with 1400 students. I think there was one nigger.
Lincoln Morris
Adrian Jenkins
They know themselves it's not a good thing, they use it as a weapon to destroy white people and know it only benefits them.
Eli Gutierrez
Empathy. Though that's wearing thin because niggers are being seen as exploiting empathy more and more these days.
Nathaniel Carter
Also in the past there was a "consequentialist" approach to this ethically. Basically, the consequences of having a divided world were greater than the consequences of having a united world.
But they never took into account the consequences of the procedure to mix the races. That had bigger consequences than segregation in the end.
Charles Sullivan
lel. This is one of my favorite cases of liberal mental gymnastics
Joseph Edwards
Depends. The Jews in my area seem to be more skeptical of diversity. This shit is mainly pushed by feminists and marxists.
Jeremiah Fisher
It's like they have the biggest insecurity of all races.
Carson Powell
So you're saying it's the jews.
Evan Morris
I guess they're not really mutually exclusive are they..
Bentley Anderson
It's rare to find someone who can provide actual reasoning for it. The best one I've heard is: diversity of population leads to diversity of thought, which provides a larger toolbox of human resources to pull from. After all, if different people are better suited to different tasks, then having access each sort of person would allow you to deal with a wider array of problems than if you were restricted to a single variety of person.
Unfortunately, this reasoning doesn't run parallel with their talk about egalitarianism. If all people are equal and fundamentally interchangeable, then there aren't different sorts of people and no benefit to having variety. Additionally, by taking a pro-diversity view of human resources, you're confronted with the problem of ensuring that a) new sorts of people can form and b) old sorts of people continue to reproduce. This ultimately demands segregation, colonization, and a slew of other policies they deem fascist in order to prevent those different sorts of people from homogenizing, thereby removing the benefit of diversity.
Jackson Evans
That's only half of it, user. Kikes are also at the tippy-top of finance. They always play/lead both sides to sow division in the goyim.
Noah Bailey
Which is why ((they)) will make sure it doesn't appear to be one until it's too late
Jordan Butler
John Morris
Because they get to try different types of food.
Elijah Roberts
It's pretty sad when the greatest African mind turns out to be a parody Afro-ninja played by Spawn, and knowing that these grievance dindus are too stupid to realize that.
Levi Sullivan
Would be a shame if they started similar movements in all universities.