How do we maintain American hegemony over the world in a Communist/leftist state?
How do we maintain American hegemony over the world in a Communist/leftist state?
we dont
AmeriKKKA will become One Big Gulag in communisms.
pick one
guyz, I want to beleib that there is a better system other than what we have today. But face it; if we don't deliver death and instability around the globe, then someone will just do it to us.
you reap what you sow
its treason then nigga
im not
Same way as we do now.
Socialists like Gloria la Riva who call for an abolition of the American empire are incredibly short-sighted. A transition to socialism would justify our presence abroad.
If America is communist we sure do
Brilliant idea, comrade
Whom presence abroad? You, personally, you are present abroad? No? Then who?
this is an American site, mijo
That wasn't my point. All the Americans aren't present abroad. Concretely, who does this "presence" consist in?
service members armed to the teeth
how does this changes anything?
So a bourgeois army. How are they supposed to remain abroad during a revolution. If the USA become a DotP, the bourgeois army must be disbanded.
No, we just shift management. The men are still there, as are the weapons and ammo.
So you don't think we need to demolish the bourgeois states?