The UK is knifing hell

The UK is knifing hell

Grow up to a poor single mother and you'll be stuck in a shitty enriched ghetto where chavs, niggers and pakis knife each other for "muh pride".

In many aspects living in the UK these days is worse than the third world, where crime among impoverished people really isn't all that high or that severe. (i.e. Thailand)

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Britain is dead.

Accidental sage.

and this is a problem, because?

Because they are doing it in a country they should have never been in.

It's like America only without guns

OK, that's is true

The real problem is, who are the (((fuckers))) who let them in?
Obvious answer

UK is the New Jersey of Europe.

I was born to a single mother and grew up in an area where shitskins outnumbered whites.

I didn't get knifed but got robbed, beaten up etc.

Fucking sandniggers and their pajamas.


You British pussies had better reclaim your country. Dehumanize yourselves and face bloodshed

Well thank christ you've outlawed firearms, defending yourself at all with anything, most knives we see how well that works and recently the scotniggers even managed to get air rifles added to that list.

You're fucking pathetic. You used to rule the fucking world and now you're this. I have two revolvers made in your country, an Enfield No. 2 and a Webley MKIV. Two of the finest guns I own. Your government would throw your worthless hides in jail for ten years for having them they trust you so much, but there was a time where you could make beautiful things.

When you spend 30 minutes screaming:
Because you don't belong here
Go home to Africa and the problems over
Fucking black fuckers ruined my country

What did the guy throw?


Who fucking cares.

Thais are Asian though, we're stuck with wogs.

It's bad but not as bad as you'd think since generally the races are segregated.

Also this tbh, they mostly do it to themselves to other minority ethnic groups

Brexit was a good start. And every time we actually try and make a move you faggots denounce us because we're not LARPing as neo-Nazis and shouting obscenities at old people, because apparently that's what you have to do to be a true redpilled group.

see pic related


Yeah, sure, you can also own guns in japan, right ?

What is important to understand is that this type of behaviour becomes worse generation on generation. There are many factors involved and it varies wildly between races/ cultures but the trend is almost universal. Things are getting worse, not better and this is by design. There is a furious effort to ensure that any societal cohesion is smashed in the United Kingdom.

You have for example third gen Caribbean’s running around London thinking they are from Compton, forming shitty little gangs, selling small quantities of narcotics and stabbing each other and claiming some pie in the sky million to one shot at being a famous rapper is their only possible way out. They have been deliberately infected with the “struggle and oppression” meme that ensured that African Americans stayed rolling around in the dirt.

Yet when you look at their parents often times they are functional people that integrated to a fair extent, they maintain friends with natives rather than claiming to be kept down by them and certainly don’t go around stabbing each other. They held/hold normal jobs and the extend of their dreams extended to something reasonable like a season ticket for West Ham.

this tbh

I'm from the UK and every generation becomes intolerably worse. Yet our government always blames it on poverty even though you see these cunts drive around in BMW's, merc's, etc (((on finance))). I'm fa gen X'er and it all started with my generation. While I have a good job in engineering, the blacks and pakis I see occasionally I went to school with still sell a bit of weed and make nigger babble vids on youtube like they were 15.


We're in a situation where these people don't have any negative repercussions for their actions. They can rape, destroy, stab, etc whomever they want, and the liberal media will cover it up for them.

Imagine if you could run around beating muslims all day, and the media would either not cover it or pretend you're a muslim who was hurting another muslim. This is what it's like for them. Why would they not behave this way? They have no reason to behave, and misbehaving is encouraged.

What's going to happen? The police, who are terrified of being called racist and being accused of "racial profiling", who won't do anything. In some situations you have places where the police are afraid to go and they have no control. There's no reason for these people to not do this. The government is encouraging it and creating an environment where there's nothing bad going to happen if you do these things.

Even then it's not like jail is going to scare these people. If anything it's a networking opportunity to meet other criminals.

Oh, wow, look at all those .22's, really gonna do some damage with that!

How many of the guns in that picture do you own personally?

Say what you want about niggers but western countries were way better when they behaved. Back before they were introduced to (((rap music))) and (((crack cocaine))), they were mostly productive members of society. At worst, they didn't bother whites as much. Is it worth trying to redpill them on what's been done to their culture and morals and see if the golem can be turned on its creator?

Semantics: The Most Jewish of Arguments

>Members of the public may own sporting rifles and shotguns, subject to licensing, but handguns were effectively banned after the Dunblane school massacre in 1996 with the exception of Northern Ireland.
>Self-loading (also known as semi-automatic) or pump-action rifles are only permitted in .22 rimfire calibre.
>"Long-barrelled revolvers" and "long-barrelled pistols" meeting specified criteria are not classified as small, and hence prohibited, firearms; it is legal, with a Firearm Certificate, to possess them. The barrel must be at least 30 cm (12 in) long, and the firearm at least 60 cm (24 in) long, which can be achieved by having a permanently attached extension to the grip or butt of the firearm.
>Long-barrelled single-shot firearms of any calibre, and semi-automatic pistols of .22 rimfire calibres, are permitted with FAC.

FAC again… The fuck?

>Under Home Office guidelines, Firearm Certificates are only issued if a person has legitimate sporting, collecting, or work-related reasons for ownership.
Since 1968, self-defence has not been considered a valid reason to own a firearm.

>two referees of verifiable good character who have known the applicant for at least two years (and who may themselves be interviewed and/or investigated as part of the certification)
>an inspection of the premises and cabinet where firearms will be kept
>Only when all these stages have been satisfactorily completed will a licence be issued, which must be renewed every 5 years.

And so I never have to worry about making that sort of post again…

What the FUCK is a manual action AK?

It’s a propaganda angle that is discussed here often but never acted upon, I don’t know why. Perhaps because it is such a powerful payload, people fear handling such memetic weaponry. If one were to successfully educate Africans on how they have been subverted into a state of misery, criminality and hopelessness and by whom it could be huge. They lack the impulse control of Europeans, if they got angry then they would just take vengeance without consideration.


One that has been converted to bolt action.

Better question: How the FUCK are you going to justify your manual action AK as sporting, collecting or work-related.


People shoot them at rifle ranges (which comes under sporting) but because of all the work that needs doing on them to make them legal there aren’t many about and when they do pop up they tend to be expensive because of the hours put into them.

checked, but I've never in my life heard of a bolt action AK.

That, and what's even the point if they'll send you to federal fuck-me-in-the-ass prison for defending yourself anyway?

This shit is insane. It's also why I have more hope for America than I do for western europe, despite us being far worse off demographically-speaking. Because at least we have a fighting spirit and we still have guns to fight with. What the fuck are the euros going to do when shit gets bad enough?

That's not going to cut it m80, and you damn well know it.

Yes, yes it is.
The very notion that self-defense is not a legitimate purpose for owning a firearm - a device whose greatest attribute is offsetting the inherent advantage of physical ability which certain groups, say, old folks, women and children, lack in martial contexts - tells you all you need to know as to the sanity of the people who allow themselves to be ruled so.

Well why would have, no one is going to perform the conversion unless they have to. Like I say, it's a very limited market but some people want them.

I know so because my freind was able to own one on his license without issue. The firearms inspector was perfectly satisfied with it’s legality.

That second image man… I almost feel bad for them…

Then I remember Dresden.

Checked for sure thing lad, and ur da' works at fookin' Nintendo, eh?

So lets see, you can own shity bolt actions, shotguns with up to 3 shells of capacity if my memory is correct, "Assault Rifles" which are fucked up because they removed the pistol and you have to cicle it manualy (not even think about repairing that gun goy), a oversized pistol that would be considered a sbr in burgerland.
Quite a temible arsenal.
Even my shitty southern american shithole has better gun laws than that.


It is worse that that, user. Self-defense law’s in the United Kingdom are some of the worst in the world. The official advice given by the Government is to die and wait for the police to come and help you. All non-lethal self-defense tools are banned; pepper spray and stun guns are classed as firearms and will get you a 10 year mandatory custodial sentence (and that is just for possession). Using a blunt self-defense rod (the type they sell on key rings) will get you charged on an assault with a deadly weapon charge if you defend yourself with it.

Begrudgingly the Government will allow you within reason to fight back if you are attacked but in doing so you are taking a gamble, yes you may save your own life but depending on how it goes in court you may spend some of that life in prison (many of which are run by Islamic gangs).

One really insane piece of self-defense legislation is that in official Government material they advice women who are being attacked to stab their attackers in the eyes with their keys (as a last resort). They won’t allow pepper spray which 999/1000 will cause no long-term damage but they WILL allow you to stab someone in the eyeball with a key (you will still probably get locked up for it however).

Reeeeeeeeeeeeee I am telling the truth, lad.

At this point is better to own illegal firearms on that shithole that bothering with shitty legal ones.
If or when a collapse comes, those with guns will be 1000% better than those poor gunless cucks.


We used to throw them in the camp fire as crackers. They ain't lethal haha.


Im laughting at you, im argentine and i own a british revolver that britbongs will never get, unless they live on man, north ireland or get one from black market.

dog bless america

This is pathetic.

Honestly if I was a Britbong at this point I would go full on outlaw. What do you have to lose? Your freedom? Your life? Seems like you've already lost the former and the latter could be taken from you at any moment.

Even before rap music and the crack Niggers were miles behind Whites. Complete with being way more represented in violent crime.

I do not know what, if anything, can be done to preserve a species that some judicious observers believe to be driven by a largely subconscious, but irresistible, death-wish. In 1914, although we had the Jews on our backs, we were indubitably the dominant race on earth; we are now a despised and degraded species of anthropoids on whom all other species, including the very lowest and most brutish, joyously feed. When I see that our people are either too doltish to perceive their degradation or too craven to care, I am close to despair. Even a few decades ago, I should not have believed it possible that here in the United States Aryans would willingly see their children hauled to "schools" to be defiled by enforced association with savages and to be robbed, beaten, raped, and mutilated by the animals. Even today, I am almost incredulous when I hear chiefs of police on the radio urging the white rabbits to minimize the chances that they will be mauled or killed by the savages whom they tax themselves to nourish and whom they subsidize to breed faster: in the jungles that were once our large cities, the cringing white inhabitants are told they should not venture out of doors after dark, should walk only in the middle of sidewalks so that Congoids are less likely to pounce on them from doorways or from automobiles in the street, and must not show themselves in large areas of their own cities. Are creatures that accept such degradation capable of survival or even fit to live? Is it only that they have been
enslaved by foul superstitions, or have their brains been so clotted by centuries of systematic poisoning that they have been rendered permanently and irremediably imbecile?

- From, THE JEWISH STRATEGY, Rvilo P. Oliver


Sure about that?

You got ripped the fuck off.


What meme is this?

They should do it for shekels, right?

This is untrue. There are a lot, and I mean A LOT of problems in the UK. You are allowed to defend yourself however. You are allowed to use lethal force if you think your life is at risk.

A huge public example of this was the killing of that nigger drug-dealer a few years back that caused the "London Riots". The nigger had an illegal gun on him and thus was shot and the police man was legally justified to do so. Now it's true that in any jewish society the law will always be that the most expensive lawyer makes the law, but technically Britain has decent self-defense laws. Just like with the US though; if you end up killing a jew, or the nigger who you took out had family who leaked it to the media, who then got a kikestarter to pay for a high-up kike lawyer; then you're going to get fucked. That has nothing to do with the actual laws of the land though.

… And yes, I realise this is fucking horrific considering that we are the nation who pretty much created common law. Such is the fate of all who made the mistake of trusting the jew however, and so none of you Western bros can criticise us on this point as you're in the exact same shit position.



WELFARE. No drug in the world will make blacks act worse than a government safety net that allows people to develop their most useless tendencies.


Shit son, you're in for a short tale. See the Puukko is a traditional mongol Finnish knife and they killed a retarded amount of communist with them in the winter war. Hell they knife one another for shits and giggles and have been doing so for the last forever.

What the fuck? Are all the Brits retarded? How is such a situation even remotely acceptable? I can stroll through a fucking gypsy street no problem at 2am and the worst thing to be afraid of in an alleyway is a smelly bum asking for change. Not even young girls are afraid of being out after dark on their own, and this is a slav country.

Paris is under martial law for a whole year or so. Do you think anyone gives a fuck?

Welcome to the UK / Germany / Sweden

That's why I moved to 3rd world countries and 2nd world countries (Thailand, China) so I could finally live in peace.

If you're poor in western europoor countries and live in the wrong areas you better bring a knife with you all the time and be prepared to fight 1 vs 5.

Only the upper middle class can afford to isolate themselves with a car and apartments in safer areas.

Vid related



Do you really think you have any self-defense laws at all?

By law you can do all of these things assuming it is self-defense and you are allowed to use lethal force if you fear for your own life. In practice potentially not, but the same is true of all kike-infiltrated nations; the acttual law is decided in the jew-run court - but as it is written you are allowed to protect your property and kill in self-defense.

The idiotic examples thrown about like the people defending their farm were examples of jews using loopholes to get them in trouble. Technically you can only use lethal force if you fear for your life - jews will then make ridiculous arguments like "clearly they only wanted to rape your wife, they didn't actually intend to murder you - that is why they only tied you up", and the imbeciles then admit that they weren't in mortal danger, and then technically it is against the law to use legal force as they admitted they were not in danger of their lives - and thus in the eyes of the law it is the same as stabbing someone in a pub because they insulted you.

Yes it's retarded as fuck and a complete denial of justice, but it happens in the US and all over Europe too. The fact remains though that the law is not as pozzed as you lot make out; its the jewish lawyers who manipulate it who are the true cancer. … That said the law is still pretty retarded, and a lot are flat out pozzed. Just in this particular scenario you are wrong.

That's the thing. If someone is coming at you with a baseball bat or tries to break into your house it's a good enough reason to fear for your life and you are allowed to shoot him.

In bongistan "fearing for you life" means you're in the process of being decapitated.

I know the kind of self defense laws you speak of, my country has similar ones. Essentially, you have to prove you used "appropriate force", meaning that if a nigger beats you bloody, and you kill him, you will go to prison because he "only" beat you up, but you killed him, which is unappropriate amount of force. The judge will also consider if you were armed or knew any martial arts, and if you did, will consider it a negative thing, as it means you had an advantage. I recall the case over here when a rapist tried to get a nurse, and the nurse killed him with a scalpel (I think she stabbed the heart?). She was declared innocent in the end, but the judge still spend a long time considering it, since her medical knowledge would imply she knew she was going to kill him, and should merely had aimed to disable him.

These aren't self defense laws; these are a joke.

Only sleeping, hard times create great men. It's gonna be fun, just be ready and do not mix with their women.

Huh, I never knew what Finnish women looked like.

Or the case of a dude setting a trap at his summer house, a loaded crossbow aimed at the door, since it got robbed in the past. Well, it worked, and the crossbow killed the burglar after he forced his way past the door. And so the guy went to prison for murder.

This, although it CAN be used to actually defend justice. Its all about how you frame the argument, and jews/jew-cops know the words that they are using. If they want to defend the nigger they will do everything they can to get you to admit that he wasn't try to kill you, and then try to re-frame what happpened.

This again depends how it goes down in court. They will make the argument that the man 'knew' that his house was going to be invaded, and that he had committed 'pre-meditated murder'. They will skip over anything about how breaking into the house is a crime, or at best say that if he suspected someone was going to commit a crime it was his duty to report it to the authorities, not exact 'vigilante justice'. Of course he probably did contact the police but if he has not paid for a high-up enough kike lawyer, then that won't matter. If he has then he'll get off because they'll focus on the fact that - obviously, he had not forced the man to go into the trap, and that the other man had broken the law to put himself in that dangerous position.

Basically in all jew-law countries; they pick and choose what they believe and argue for. Everything is about loop-holes, and they can and will omit anything that goes against their story - either by out-right not allowing a witness to talk, or simply saying it is irrelevant (even if it clearly is not).

As has been said by others above, it is all about proving intention and whether or not your response was appropriate. I would wager the same is true in your country, unless you are from the Phillipines or something.


We will have to kill so many traitors. River of blood indeed.

Thing is real Britain is in the predominately white countryside. Burgers post things of the degenerate cities, which unfortunately have been taken by rats.
I mean Britain wouldnt be any worse off if they gassed nearly all major cities to leave everything intact for a reintegration of real brits.

Nah. Lethal response is appropriate in any kind of aggression.

If I recall correctly, in america you're allowed to kill anyone who sets foot on your property illegally, including random people who walk on your lawn to ask for directions.

Does anyone know where one can acquire projectile tools on the Irregular market?

I am disgusted by the trend of 'gurus' who are just scum who figured out they're idiots for being impulsive. They're literally famous because they have poor judgement control. Why are they role models?

Russel Brand comes to mind.

Ever notice how gun legislation is always pushed right before mass immigration begins in earnest?

Kill yourself.
Britain will never die. They've been trying for THOUSANDS of years. VIVA EUROPA!

Befriend irregular projectile-toolsmith or projectile-toolstore owners. That way you won't finance some darker skinned gentlemens social club either.

wtf did I just watch? 4 guys sitting in a car all shooting each other? what kind of chav shit is that?

It's amazing a day goes by without a school shooting. I'm pretty jelly but at the same time - sweet fucking lord - no wonder they spend so much time and effort trying to make everbody think and believe the same thing. That situation is begging for endless small scale skirmishes all over the place.

Britain had also been culturally enriched for thousands of years. You had Celts get enriched by romans, then by germans, then by the french, and now Abdul and Ali will add their "heritage" into what forms Britain. It's not that Britain itself would die – the country will likely continue to exist, but it's people will no longer be english, just like you're no longer celtic. It'll be some amalgamation between the current English and the Pakistani. In that regard, history will only repeat itself once again for the british, this time with a culture far more foreign than the previous ones.

That is, assuming things continue the same way they did up until now.

Seeing that your presumption has no representation in statistics you should probably rethink how you approach the topic.

White people don't go around shooting white people without reason. The only places in america that have gun crime problems are majority nigger. If you gave every person in the UK a gun you would see mass crime. Not because of some desire to murder over even the slightest of banter, but because of your racial demographics.

I don't know how you managed to even make it here without already knowing this shit. Lurk moar Ahmad, this is cuckchan-tier shit-posting.

Yeah, you can have things. You can't do *shit* with them, but you can have them, in a safe, and do nothing with them but fire at bullseyes and the like ten small animals you guys have there.

You can't, you know, carry any of them (and the ones you can carry are all illegal). You have to register every single one of them. You have to ask a cop for permission every single time I know you don't necessarily have to do that every time for double barrels and the like. I'm talking about guns that don't fire fucking birdshot and could actually kill something. And as I stated, if you defend yourself with one of said guns, which you can basically only do at home, you're still guaranteed to go to jail for the rest of your lives.

Now. I do realise you could be Straya which can at least own handguns, but have the same problem you have where you can't do dick diddly with them and where pump action shotguns are illegal for no reason but saying that you're tied with the other saddest, most cuckolded country on earth isn't really a victory now is it?

t. /k/fag from Texas, suck my cock

I got here because seek out honesty. You're belief that whites don't ever fuck over other whites is fucking retarded. There's bigger problems right now so it's less obvious, but if there weren't bigger problems saying things like you just said would make you look as blind as your average tumblr cock holster.

Stop overreacting. If that's what you got from my post then I don't even know how to talk to you.

Nigs don't have the foresight to chimp out at a school and nig-heavy schools have metal detectors. There are no days that go by without nigs nigging out on each other though. Chicago just hit, what, 400 reported gun deaths so far this year?

/k/fag from above here. I live in a 70 percent plus white area. I don't have a single neighbor that isn't packing heat constantly. I am packing heat constantly. In the region I live in there are more guns than there are people. Know how many murders we've had in the past twenty years?

One. It was by a nigger. Ten years ago. In a county that's 0.02 percent nigger. I'm not even shitting you my man.

The rest of us don't do that shit. The other 29 percent of the population of my area are spics and they don't even do that shit unless they're in mexico or a big city, which this is neither. Guns don't make you act like a nigger. Being a nigger does. No matter how many of them they are, any amount again, seriously maybe ten within three hundred miles, and one STILL managed to gun a bartender down for no reason in the middle of the night back in 2007 will result in violence. The rest doesn't matter.

I really hate being a brit sometimes.

hope you Brits are getting a hold of ghost gunners. every real Brit needs one

Not the user you replied to, but that's essentially what you said. Why would there be constant skirmishes or school shootings? Do you think people have some kind of a death wish? That the moment they get a gun in their hand, they forget that the other dude will shoot back, or that even if they down him, they'll go to prison? Or that most people aren't psychos that have a desire to go out and kill if only they had the means to do so?

I'm 2nd gen brit of irish decent. Being white doesn't make everyone friends, freind.

That'st the story of every ethinic group in world history you uneducated pleb

and I really hate brits sometimes

I have a hard time feeling sorry for brits sometimes tbh. Such a wide white underclass that acts barely better than niggers.

The difference is all those groups were neanderthal admixture and high IQ. Pakis sexually obsessed violent trash with dominant haplotypes that will overight the aryan traits of the native British. Britain will become a shithole
like every other country that has ceased to be sufficiently white.

I think I was more talking in reference to the turbo-high-stress contemporary society coupled with the fault lines appearing all over the place - but you're right - I should have provided more context - and I should have known that surface readers may have got triggered as fuck by what I said. I do however, understand where you're coming from, and as I said, am jelly.

Personally I'd love to live somewhere where guns are as free to buy, to be used responsibly by autonomous and developed adults. I do not live in a place that generates that sort of adult however If you're going to think for yourself around here you damn well better know all the answers to all the questions that are coming your way - so the idea of just anyone being able to go into a shop and buy a gun with cash is pretty funny.

With respect user, I think you are deluding yourself. I have seen some fruity posts on Holla Forums over my years but yours is more upsetting than enraging.

I stated that Britain’s self defense laws were so restrictive that it is preferable for many to simply allow themselves to be victimised and keep their fingers crossed they don’t die. I stated that using any sort of weaponry was outlawed and most of which get you long minimum sentences.

How do you recant my argument? But using an example of AN ARMED POLICE OFFICER being allowed to use his weapon when he had a gun pointed at his head by a perp.

Ok sure, so if you become a police officer, then become an armed officer, have a gun pointed at you and then spend years in courts defending your action, get your name dragged through the dirt, you might be allowed to defend your life. Yeah you sure proved me wrong!

Oh I ensure you, it is no meme. Pekka drinks and fight with knifes, sometimes he just fight with them. Ask 1 million Soviet soldiers or his neighbors.

I didn't say they would all be friends, I said they wouldn't immediatelly go and kill others. If I gave your neighbours guns, would they immediatelly set out on a warpath?

Nice try, faggot – brits are renowned for being mixed mongrels

I know and said as much. It probably won't be just Paki's either – there are many shitholes sending their trash to Britain, so it probably won't even get a unified culture. It'll be some shitfest mix of all the various middle eastern cultures, likely leading to something akin to tribalism if this shit gets too bad. Pakis against Somalians against Iraqis and so on

Yeah, a lot of the 'working' class have degenerated into absolute trash. They have no jobs, unless you count selling drugs, and when they're not selling them they're doing them. Thankfully I live in a fairly nice part of town and I don't have to deal with chavs on a day to day basis anymore. It's unfortunate you have to deal with the worst of our folk.

So pretty much one of those rapefugee tent cities in Germany with raging tribal wars about who muh dicked whose cousin 24/7.

Muh History!

It will be these 'chavs' that save the white race. Don't fucking doubt it for a second.

The video might be better explained if you take into context the driver (on the left side of the car) is an uber driver.

It seems pretty obvious to me. The two guys in the back of the car lured an uber driver to a pre-determined spot with intent to rob him. The guy on the sidewalk was their accomplice. Then that guy from the back goes to try and intimidate the driver, who pulls a gun and makes them all run away. The last guy in the rear wasn't fast enough and got shot, or at least it looks like it.

Chavs and their equivalent number in [insert country] always have been and and always will be the muscle for any political force. But there needs to be a political force they can provide the muscle for, and those don't originate among the chavs. Without the officers to recruit and lead them, they'll either just keep on engaging in petty thuggery, or get enlisted by someone else.

Hitler and Mussolini had gangs of working class men fighting on their side, but they were both learned men. So no, chavs will not save us, but we can use the chavs to save everyone.

No they won't, not on their own at least. I think they can be redeemed but only under strong leadership. They have been given no reason to change, they are content with their hedonistic lifestyles, many of them have also bought into black culture and see no issue with ours diminishing. If they can be mobilised in support of our cause then they would be welcome but as it stands I think it would take a massive, nation changing event to shake them out of their current mindsets.

HAHAHAHA bolt-action AR/AK oh britcucks

post the one with the bicycle tire

Violent crime is NOT more prevalent in the UK than America.
This is a persistent myth which needs to be addressed. The reason for British statistics being elevated is due to the extremely broad definition of "violent crime" in the UK.
Saying a rude word to someone in the street is classed as a violent crime in Britain whereas it is protected speech in America and not even recorded as a criminal act.
Same deal with "rape" in Sweden. If a Swedish woman changes her mind after the fact, or your condom breaks, you're a rapist.

Dream on.

It isn't.
It isn't.

And also the holocaust happened.

Norway has the same cucked legal definitions of rape but is nowhere near the "rape capitol of the world" levels of Sweden in recorded rapes. It's due to the fact that Sweden has such a higher level of shitskins. Period.

Homicide rate in America is about 5 per 100,000.
It is less than 1 per 100,000 in Britain.
This whole "knife crime" is the Kike doing what the Kike does best, using loaded words in the media and leaving the sheeple to draw the picture on their own.
Most "knife crime" is simple possession, which increases each year because the laws on what knives you can carry become more restrictive and heavily enforced per year.

nah fam

Nah, it's bullshit.
Separate the real rapes, i.e forcible sex by a stranger, from the fake rapes, i.e "date rape", "I was drunk and don't remember", "he didn't use a condom", "he didn't ask for affirmative consent every 20 seconds" and the rate is still lower than the USA.

It isn't yet

Gas yourself, cancer.

Nah fam, nah.

What has fake stats about Muslims got to do with fake stats about rape and violence?
the answer is nothing, but that doesn't stop you playing the TRS shill tactic if 'out-grouping' by implying I support Islam

aint happening fam

Threads like this show the effectiveness of feminist legal definitions and that even men who consider themselves "red pilled" and "right-wing" happily accept that a man who visits a hooker is a "rapist", a man who forgets to keep asking for consent while having sex is a "rapist", a woman who regrets sex after having too much to drink is a "rape victim" and so on.
Literally nothing to see here.

Gas yourself TRShill.

Also don't think that your Kike game goes unnoticed.
No, the problem is racial and always has been.

great job defending your religion of piss famalam

top kek

Then why is Norway nowhere near Sweden when they in the statistics when they have the same cucked laws and culture? You're just ignoring my point and regurgitating reddit-level arguments.

No shit it's a swedecuck shilling in order to make his country's rape epidemic seem as small as his testosterone levels.

Maybe tomorrow we'll see him ignoring "per capita" when he says that America, the country with a population of 300m has more rape than Sweden, pop 11m

Jesus, I think that's actually worse than Detroit.

AT LEAST YOU BONGS BANNED GUNS, EH? Nothing like us "uncivilized" americans, eh? Virtue signal in hell. Richard the Lionheart is rolling in his grave. Generations spent fighting the mudskins, now you destroy the country in a few decades just inviting them to walk in. You spit on your ancestors.

I've lived in jersey. It's a shithole but nothing like knife-a-chav land. At least jersey has good food and all the whites are closet racists.

Paris got what it deserves. Suits you snobby cheese-huffers right.

GOD DAMN. I thought burgers had it bad with the infantilization of adults.

by your own metric, germany are even greater "mixed mongrels". what's your agenda?

Nah, depends on the state. My state has shitty gun laws, so I have to prove my life was in danger before I shot someone

As a Leaf I am also buttblasted by your Burger ability to buy beer in a corner store .

Right, I'm not sure if you're British or not, but you should probably kill yourself for spreading disonformation.

Whilst many firearms are technically legal, they require a very difficult to obtain permit, which wil be virtually impossible for anyone in a built up area to obtain.

Even if you have the permit, the weapon and ammunition has to be kept in seperate safes in your house, which the police will do random checks on. This would make it prety useless for home defence, even if it was legal to use it for that purpose (which it is not).

Also it's useless in a shit hits the fan scenario, as you'll be on the list of guns to round up.

Nigger violence remains largely constant, the UK just has more niggers now and the population is regressing to it's mean, there is less self-selection a fewer and fewer nigger are recent immigrants.

It's not the same everywhere. Depends on the state. In New Orleans I can buy hard liquor at any corner store, gas station, pharmacy, or even Walmart; 24-7-365. I can also open carry that liquor on the streets (not in the car, though). I can also, also open carry my sidearm without a license.

Feels pretty good.

You can buy beer at corner stores in Newfoundland. It's overpriced though, and Newfoundland is a shit place to live/try to get a job

Funny that they ignore demographic and crime statistics

Where is this? what country


1 in 4 will be raped:

Festival rapes not reported, due to shitskins responsible
Övergreppen på festivalen i Stockholm rapporterades aldrig vidare

Record low for crime due to aggressive deportation in Norway, and reduction of refugees acceptance

The increase in rape tracing immigration and the increase in non-whites goes back further than the change in rape definition.

Every now and then we have years, where there are no white rapists, this has been the norm for decades

Are Chavs a thing anymore? Semi serious, I've been out of Bongistan for a few years and back in my home town. The Chavs seems to have regressed into homeless, begging barely functional trash. I mean they were Chavs, but somehow found a way to fall further. Their position seems to have been replaced by pube bearded Religion of Pedo, Nig Nogs and Syrian Refugees from Iran/Iraq vague yellow place with white girls (the kind with no education, culture or class) to breed neo shitskins.

I've not seen any in half a decade plus but I've not been to any cities with over a million people in it.


Yeah chavs do still exist but they tend to exist outside of cities, in the towns now. The village I'm from had a bunch of council houses to store them, I think even they abandoned the cities when the diversity came.

thanks for that info, looks like a great fixed blade!

That's great if you're an armed police officer but most of us aren't. If I did that I'd be sent to prison.

It's ten bucks per case where I'm at.

Sometimes I pop down to the corner and buy a few bottles of 3 dollar vodka to use for cleaning.


What is the context here? Other that "Sandnigs gonna sandnig" of course.


I think that Dunblane and Hungerford massacres were hoaxes. These two events were used to really tighten the gun laws. The media in the West fake the news all the time. Google 'Crisis Actors' and watch a few videos on YouTube. We are the profane, living on a masonic chessboard.

Missing the joke on the second picture. Is that a car bumper?

Cancelling my flight to UK right now…

It's a good thing UK banned funs and how you need your id to buy plastic knives and forks your child's birthday party, otherwise someone could get really hurt, killed even!

It's a Klingon weapon from Star Trek.

is chain mail banned in Europe? What about maces?
It seems like they need to get medieval

You need to stop posting that last one every time this topic comes up, the UK doesn't use cents.

Brobably a BENIS! :DDD