Scotland finally trying to uncuck itself
Scotland finally trying to uncuck itself
Cool, it's nice to have a little Scot heritage.
Fun fact: I was in Scotland for a week and came back just yesterday.
Gorgeous country, good food and the Scots are legit some of the nicest, friendliest, most down to earth people I've ever met (complete opposite from the English) and I've travelled all over the world.
I plan on returning, that's for sure.
Can start by learning to speak English.
About time they got on that.
where the fuck were you at? I am surrounded by socialists where I am from
Before I saw voting patterns I always figured scots were right wing. I hate how commies hijacked celtic nationalism
If you live outside of scotland for a few years you will understand
Lovely to see, let's hope they grow from strength to strength.
The state banned the last group in England that tried to resist jewish power leaving all the jewish financed counter-jihad kosher nationalists we see promoted in the media and alt-media.
I know, speaking as an Englishman, that lived for short periods in Jockland, they're made of sterner stuff in the land of Haggis
I mean right now it's literally just a webpage and a couple of vids, but who knows, maybe in a few years they can do something.
Is anyone here Scottish? Can you tell me how things are on the ground? How nationalistic (true nationalism obviously) are the Scottish people? Are they open to nationalism? Are they more in favor of the placid globalist "nationalism" of the independence party or are they willing to work together with English and Irish nationalists to protect their heritage and lands?
NA are still going really, they are just not as public. think their new name is omega systems or some shit.
I see they mention the SDL, is this anything to do with the jewish Defence League created EDL of England?
I notice they do not so much as mention zionism on their website, not one word, I'll wait for anyone who knows more about Scottish Dawn to explain before passing judgement.
they dislike (((them))) dont worry about it, they have just started up so they went to a few protest with the SDL.
I toured the Highlands for most of the time. Also did an excursion on the Isle of Skye, ate some great fish and chips in Portree and hiked at the top of the Old Man of Storr which was great.
the Scottish people are quite nationalistic a lot are commies though
they do community work, they volunteer at an animal shelter awhile ago, they also do activities like hiking and camping
My spidy sense tells me that this is an NA spin-off group.
HagiSS is that you?
We shouldn't trust the scottish dawn. They're no different from the alt-kike. They're just civic nationalists. They're all cucks and should be opposed as strongly as the alt right. Never support cucks.
No, its not. i mostly lurk but felt like i needed to share this.
We should not support people who don't talk about the kikes. They talk about the kikes even less than the alt right. Yet you want to support them? Go back to reddit cuck. No one here should support cucks who don't talk about the kikes. They're controlled opposition.
They are white nationalists you pleb
So this is the new shilling tactic? SAD!
Go back to reheating old Syrian attack copypasta.
Yeah. So do the alt right. But you should never support the alt kike or these cucks. They're just controlled opposition like the alt kike
How ridiculous that you would trust people less brave about naming the kikes than the alt kike.
They don't appear to be anything like the alt-kike or any of the other counter-jihad jewish controlled opposition, however we've just been witness to the most orchestrated multifaceted control of our nationalist boards across the West with non stop cheering for neocon kikes of every jew controlled party in the West.
So until Scottish Dawn show themselves to be in that league they should be given the benefit of the doubt until then.
If we can pretend Gert Wilders is /ourguy/ as we were forced to endure on Holla Forums, when he was an isreali Mossad agent, then we can give Scottish Dawn some leeway, unless they too turn out the same stuff as the jews push here.
I sort of agreed with your initial post, until you shown your kike colours by defending trumps attack on Syria.
Now I'm even more cautious if (((anons))) like you are backing them.
Hagiss was the ex-leader of NA in Scotland before the proscription. Highly likely that this is his doing. If this is, then holy fuck it will be a fun ride.
You mean a symbolic bombing of an evacuated airfield with no casualties?
No I mean Trump bombing Syrian air defences at Al-Shayrat Airbase in Homs using the excuse of the Mossad-MIT chemical weapons false flag attack, Trumps military offensive targeted an air defense system integral to safeguarding Syrian sovereignty .
This attack facilitated the isreali raids on Syria last week
Now fuck off and leave this thread for other anons to enquire and learn about Scottish Dawn, whether or not they are legit, or if they're backed by kikes like you.
that place is tainted by jews, or at least it was 800 years ago.
Benefit of the doubt? You sound like an alt kike shill. We should oppose anyone who refuses to name the kikes. That's a sure sign that they're controlled opposition.
you do realise they are a Scottish group right if they put that shit on their website they would be shut down. you no nothing of this country and what its like. these people are against them, only time will prove this
Really though, everyone else in the world manages to speak English coherently, even shitskins, yet scots and irish speak nonsense.
That's good to hear. But are they open to Scottish Dawn? How are they doing as far as the economy is concerned?
Also, most importantly, what are the PEOPLE's feelings towards the EU? During the referendum, a sickening amount of Scots voted for the (((EU))). Why is this? Is it just their leaders or is it something wrong with the people?
I said I'll give them the benefit of doubt until I learn more.
I hadn't even heard of them until 10 minutes ago.
I've been calling out the alt-kike since day one, jew compromised Trump, Wilders and Le Pen also, though most comments on here critical of any of the aforementioned gets deleted once the kikes mass report them.
Then in my next post you'll see I respond to someone posting this
This gave me some pause for thought and now I'm a little more cautious about them.
The lack of mentioning zionism, the politically correct way to oppose international jewry in the legal sense, is what concerns me.
Postings like the one I mentioned above makes me cautious about backing them just yet.
I like the Scots, and have many friends formed over the years, they have more gumption about them then my English friends who all would happily allow jews to steal all their money and their daughters just so long as the English get to fight another war defending isreal for zog.
Depressingly this is the only conclusion I have come to from my 40 years of living in England.
So they are afraid to stick their necks out. If they are afraid to name the kike, then all they are is civic nationalists. No better than the alt kike.
a lot of people want to stay in the EU unfortunately. Are they open to SD? well most of them properly won't be, it is quite a left wing country. But saying that a lot of people in my generation are turning to the right
That's good. These controlled opposition cucks are no different from Le Pen. They're probably friendly with the alt right just like identity evropa.
it's not about being afraid it's about not getting the group banned. look what happened to NA fps. and they are white nationalists, not civic. this isn't America mate,
some cunt got arrested for saying unpleasant things about the refugees, NatSocs here need to be careful.
So I have gathered. This must change. It is encouraging that in the recent French election 30% of the people chose the EU skeptic. This is a very good trend.
What pisses me off the most is just how left wing so many people in Ireland and Scotland are. WTF is wrong with you people? The Irish are some of the most nationalistic people I have known and yet my Irish friends tell me that the majority of Irish youth are communists. And it seems that only the English voted for Brexit. In America, the working class is mostly right wing. Scottish nationalist parties must focus on alleviating the burden upon the working class so as to wrest them away from the socialists. In addition, we need to focus on getting Scottish youth interested in nationalism. In your opinion, are Scottish youth capable of supporting nationalism as many of the generation X-ers in America are turning towards nationalism?
You dont know what the term civic nationalist is.
This last election was won by old people. The youth in burgerland are overwhelmingly brown and left wing.
Civnat is basically a hair away from being communist from the get go.
You think I care about non-White gene-ers? No. the only ones important to us politically right now are Whites ones. And they're embracing nationalism. Or such is my understanding.
But if you insist that this is not true, explain to me what our options are if they aren't. If the youth won't embrace nationalism, our cause is lost.
Yes, i believe they are. a lot of people I know including me were left wing once but a lot of us went to the right after we saw what was going on with the migrant crisis. take this with a grain of salt though. only time will tell. a lot of scots from both sides of the political spectrum vote SNP because a lot of them believe in independence also the SNP put up this phoney nationalism which causes a lot of nationalists to vote for them
Good. This thread has got my hopes up. I'm a great admirer of Golden Dawn and want movements like it replicated everywhere. Also their emblem is the same as the National Alliance.
Golden Dawn is the closest thing to a pure NatSoc party with any hopes of power right now. They name the Jew…
And that's why they are so violently prosecuted.
The shooting of that stupid Greek commie rapper happened in 2013, the trial started in 2015, and the majority of the party is still sitting in jail-cells.
I hope they're writing about their struggle.
wait when was this, can i get a link of some sort?
First link I can find, google-fu the rest yourself:
Yeah that's why they just recently reclassified fucking air rifles as firearms and are constantly, endlessly the ones pushing your shit country to have even more gun laws than it already has.
You guys are sad cuckolds. I wish you were still what you used to be.
We need to get a Golden Dawn style organization going in America. We need nationalist organizations everywhere else of course, but I am of course selfish and want what they have in my country. But also, America is such an imperialistic monstrocity that even if Golden Dawn took power legally in Greece, America would come in and start bombing Greeks in the name of (((democracy)))and (((human rights))). So while I want only the best for Europeans, I think it is absolutely vital that we overthrow the Zionists in America first. Or at least hamstring (((NATO))) so you can have some breathing room without being bombed into dust the moment you suggest tackling international finance.
We need to shape up in America. I am always pointing out to people here the stark contrast between European nationalist movements and American ones. These two photos may be extreme cases but they underlie a worrisome trend that I am sure we all understand. Most American nationalist organizations are more concerned with larping as neo-nazis than in doing even a single thing for our people. Not a damn thing. Golden Dawn hosts food drives and drives out foreigners who attack Greeks. And what are American "nationalists" doing? Running around shirtless covered in tattoos flying a stupid flag and screaming at people! They're disgusting freaks. Who on earth would want to join them? No one. But seeing the NRM people walk around projecting strength and dignity makes me wish I could go over there and join them.
We need to get that happening here and everywhere.
The Scots are not cuckolds, it is their government run by Jews and traitors. The People of Britain are cowed into submission by a psychotic police state and an evil media machine. Americans are no better. We are just lucky enough to be the heirs to a tradition of obeying "da constitution" much to the consternation of the Jews.
I think Pat Buchanan had it right, (he never said the exact words but you can gather it if you pay attention), but he said national socialism could never work in America because it is a foreign way of doing things.
In America, our salvation will come through paleo-conservatism.
To win we have to chip away at the GOP and take it over from the inside.
I think the French deliberately try not to learn English. They can't be that retarded.
Indeed. Swastikas will not save our race. Policies and power will. If it comes down to choosing between wearing a 70 year old German flag vs securing the existence of our race, I hope that we choose the latter. That is the only thing that matters. Whites will never take power in America by calling ourselves national socialists. We will take power by calling ourselves "Americanist Freedomist Constitutiontarians" or whatever it is people want to hear. Who on earth cares what we call ourselves? We should be more focused on what it is we are fighting for and winning.
Right, just as Hitler would've never been fuhrer of Germany had he donned a powdered wig and a Gadsen Flag.
Wish he would have gotten away with it. I'd be ruling you faggots with a fair but iron fist.
Assuming you're White, I'd gladly be ruled over by you even if you were an incompetent buffoon than by a psychotic Semitic tribe of desert thieves and swindlers bent upon destroying everything they touch. Not saying you are. Just saying that almost anything is preferable to rule by a rootless minority.
In two years, I plan on infiltrating and commandeering a small charity organization and then using it as a platform for an American Golden Dawn. It will be obvious when it happens for people who pay attention. I hope people here will recognize it and contribute if or when it happens.
If things go well, I hope to become a sort of White poor relief force and recruitment. Hopefully, as American becomes increasingly polarized and as the government steals from White families to give to non-Whites, we will become a parallel society helpful to be a part of because we can deliver services to White people but that will depend upon my competence as a leader and the energy of the people I who are a part of such an organization.
The ones I've known plain refuse to learn or at least speak English. Great if they want to keep their own language, more power to them. Now, if only they would stop lecturing others on how inferior notFrench is as a language.
Dude, scots and irish claim to be speaking English while speaking their gibberish, it's embarrassing, cringe worthy.
Just walked past a car adorned with tranny and antifa stickers here in Dundee.
Thinking of joining sd in the next few months once I've got my financial situation sorted out. This country's going to shit
What is your opinion of things on the ground? Is there hope for Scotland?
So your last name if Blood huh? Shouldn't be too hard to dox you now…
Until I learned that Scottish Dawn existed, I honestly didn't think there was any hope. The only folk I'd talked to who seemed to care about their country were older folk in pubs, numbed by decades of cigarettes and alcohol.
From what I've seen folks in their early 20s like me are either completely sheltered and insulated from the world by schools and unis or they're scraping by on the dole, and have been for as long as they can remember. Either way both camps usually have an active distain for their country
Agreed. We have our own symbols. No need to simulate foreign runic drab.
Not about symbols you tardo its about a workable american political process.
Yes, this will surely save Scotland!
Can you yanks fuck off and leave us to sort our own shit out please?
I am from Angus mate, you are not alone, just remember that. There are fascists here.
Funny how a certain contingent on Holla Forums accuses anyone trying to take real, concrete action as being guilty of larping
Be more concerned of shitskin rapegangs, I think they're causing you a teensy bit more harm than shitposters 4,000 miles away
better get to it.
That was inspiring. There is still hope.
Godspeed, user!
If NA had the numbers they claimed, they could've taken violent actiona nd brought London to a standstill a few well placed pipe bombs and by using the tactics discussed here in the civil war threads. Instead they chose to LARP as jerries, piss on disabled children, get locked in luggage holds, and go on pointless marches which only discredited our cause with their poor behaviour.
Go fuck yourself tbh
This is just a dumb argument. You yanks constantly demonstrate how retarded you are when it comes to foreign stuff, and I want you to either educate yourselves or stop. There's nothing stopping me from doing stuff irl to help my country.
What about you? Doing anything that isn't just LARPing and scaring off potential voters?
that guy looks smug as shit
From the 9fag Memestone thread
You ever seen the modern celtic pagans? They're a bunch of LGBT loving kiked out faggots.
I visited /asatru/ some time back, and they noticed it too.
They're essentially just a different flavour of Wiccan trash.
Finally glad to see a Scottish group take a stand against the slow destruction of Scotland by it's corrupted government and the citizens that are pozzed. Liking what they have said on their site If legitimate, but only time will tell. Still, I hope they continue to gain support and traction in saving the country, and if possible, support them. May the gods watch over them.
It saddens me to see as someone aspiring to learn more about Celtic culture and religion. You think it'd be a great way to help redpill those interested in it, but as you mentioned;
I believe Wiccan "Culture", liberal neo-druids, and (((our usual adversaries))) are mostly to blame for that (the Romans killing the druids and Christian monks changing the legends, gods and goddesses, and stories to fit the Christian faith (though it still preserved the stories in a way regardless) didn't help either). Wicca itself is not even a real religion, being created by Gerald Gardner in the 50's(something I think modern Wiccans probably don't like having brought up. A feminist religion created by a man?) that heavily borrows/leeches off multiple Pagan religions (mostly Celtic, since Wicca started in England), pretending and lying that it's been around for as long as said pagan cultures have been around, and gives those curious about pagan cultures the wrong idea of what Celtic and other Pagan cultures were really like.
Neo-druids and Celtic Reconstructionalists are just as bad, claiming that they are trying to restore the ancient ways and practice them, but they will denounce and vilify you should you speak of the more "racist" side of the religion and how it taught the true Celts to protect and care their own against foreign invaders, especially when threatened by them (ironic considering the ones in those groups that do have claim to having Celtic ancestry would not have been alive today had their ancestors not been territorial and protective of their communities).
As for (((them))), they have found ways of making the Pagan cultures, religions, and teachings less legitimate and more appealing to libshits, leftists, progressives, and pawns via movies, videogames, and other forms of media they control (while possibly hiding/removing factual information on the cultures) so as to give those who want some sort of spiritual guidance and to break away from Christianity (or to spite their parents as it usually goes), but they ignore, deny, and reject the fact that these cultures are based on conservative/nationalistic values and not meant to be the degenerate filth that they usually partake in (not to say that our ancestors didn't celebrate or have festivities, but it wasn't the constant debauchery as these retards believe it is).
Should more groups arise that wish to restore, practice, and bring back Celtic and other Pagan religions in a non-degenerate way, it may have a chance, but they will have a hell of a time dealing with the pawns and their bullshit. In the end, I think the more conservative and nationalistic group would succeed, as the libshit side wouldn't be able to handle living like that for long (they're already hypocrites anyways, considering the trash and sometimes destruction they normally leave in the places they gather when returning to their comfy lives in the cities, and do little to nothing to help the nature around them despite preaching how we're not doing enough).
Apologies for the long post. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of this
Civic Nationalism in Scotland is something different to Civic nationalism in fucking South Africa, mongo.
Scotland is around 55-60% Scottish.
The remainder is mainly Irish (Scotch-Irish is a thing) and other British, with a small minority of others (who all have Scottish accents, which is the opposite of England)
Anything other than Civic will fail, since Scotland mainly has white immigrants from a country right next to it.
you're wasting your breath arguing with someone who picked Pakis over Poles. tbh I was tremendously disappointed you didn't vote for it. But after some opinion polls here said people would prefer a divided island rather than pay tax, I can understand the retards you are battling.
Still and all. Stay strong Scot user. Alba gu bràth.
I'm English m8.
And all my Scot side is Irish-Scot.
Yeah, to give you an idea, that country is pretty much 100% white and they're stuck on the IRA.
Sorry I just assumed.
Well that's much much harder then. I really have no idea how you can solve that mess.
Considering the reaction BBC had to Macron winning, which is probably the worst possible result for Brexit, I don't know how much hope there really is.
Sorry England bro… have a bunch of kids I guess.
Overpopulation, really. There's 60 million people crammed into half an island.
An excellent book I would recommend. It's a little large, but it's got maps that cover the Roman invasion of Scotland, a chronology of Scotland's history, starting at the Ice Age, a list of of all of Scotland's Kings, etc.
I agree with what you're saying. Look at the "DUDE HITLER DIDN'T LIKE THE OCCULT DUDE C'MON BRO HITLER HATED /FRINGE/" thread, if it's still up. Everything in what he says encourages them to live a healthy life, listen to elders, protect your country, and with all mystery religions, search for the truth. But (((they))) wish to destroy those ancient teachings.
I cannot help but to think of that heap of garbage Antifa left at that shooting range in Phoenix, Arizona.
Actually, /fringe/ is kind of lacking in many areas, you see a lot of that… How do I describe it, it's that "ugh, like, really? I can't even, I just can't right now. I'm literally shaking" type of person there, you can feel it in the way they type.
You're an absolute retard
Not sure if it'll keep my original ID, but the user you replied to
Much obliged for the book recommendation! I could definitely use a book like this!
Couldn't agree more. The future generations (even the current ones) need to learn why these morals are the foundation on what our communities and societies should be based upon, and not be thrown away in the pursuit of ones own selfish gain, lest we continue to be dealing with what society has become today if not worse in the future. The pursuit of the objective truths of the world should be one of if not our main goal in helping improve ourselves.
Funny you should mention that and /fringe/. One conspiracy theory I would like to see proven real or not real is the one where old/ancient libraries (even the Vatican itself) containing our lost and/or original history (perhaps even lost written records of our people's cultures and religions as well), history (((they))) wish to keep hidden, and those in positions of power are doing their damnedest to prevent us from ever gaining access to said knowledge. If true, it would be something worth trying to bring to the public to help prove the lies that have been told to the masses. To learn of our true past, would be of great help to us in the present and help guide us to a better future. Provided if any of it is true, but something I'd be also interested in seeing whether or not it is true.
Polite sage for off-topic
Do they have a website or anything? According to (((huffington post))) they've splintered into different groups and Omega Systems is one of them, however I don't really get the logic in splintering, unless they just turned into regional groups?
Is this the Scottish branch of the American Vantards? It looks it.
Just the same logo
You're thinking of the National Alliance, I'm talking about American Vanguard, a kosher, homo-erotic TRS-offshoot that was co-founded by Ghoul the tranny-fucker.
The websites/language used are identical, as is the private whois provider
Ah, I see. This new group looks like a Scottish version of NA, and they were absolutely not kosher.
The websites do look similar, but you have to take into account that most groups nowadays have very similar aesthetics. I can't find any mention of a connection with American Vanguard. And again, Blood and Soil is a very popular term in our circles.
Good observation, but I don't agree.
I've checked into this a little more, both the websites are wordpress, which is probably why they have the same provider
This is another National Action Spinnoff. I predict we will see a lot of these post proscription
No problem. There's another book, "How the Scots Invented the Modern World", but I haven't read it so I wont say whether it's good or bad. I've heard it praised, but it could be "WE WUZ KANGZ"-tier.
Couldn't help but be reminded of this scene. It's so well executed. If you haven't seen it, he's a Government official who's putting away a tracking device found in a group of students who had been abducted by aliens. They claimed they had never seen anything like it, but when he stores it, there's many others like it.
I remember an user from another thread mentioned something about a secret Vatican library, but I don't remember much else. It certainly sounds plausible. Since I started going on Holla Forums a few years back, I'm not really surprised by anything. Except when Slate named the Jew a few days ago. That was great.
Omega Systems is NOT NA. That's a fucking autistic LARP group run by an ex NA member booted for being a fucking total narcissist and has perhaps 2 members.
t. ex NA member
Kike shill fuck off. No one believes your lies.
What we can do is roll our eyes when people bring up the NSM and ask us to disavow, or prostrate ourselves attempting to claim not to be them. Conservatism throwing people out for not cucking has got to be one of the most cancerous things about it.
What is Omega Systems, I've had a read and it seems like it's the London branch of based NA tbh and some of them have my email
hello GCHQ pls go