ITT: fishing for ninis

ITT: fishing for ninis

Other urls found in this thread:

I made a post that is till saying Posted..
it's been doing that for like 6 minutes now.

You make it sound as if im a type of fish

Niggers and Mexicans
-tsuchi, every single day

we'll, i was enjoying a bailey jay thread but he pulled a short haired grill thread out so thats something.
Sans that plenty of pound town historics.

Local news is superior to anything else.

like how does that not make you happy?

oh now it went

That's because this website is shit



I forgot trannies too


I see.

Could you explain that entire second part please?

scum of the earth*

Weren't they building a new one as to excuse not doing anything with this?


It failed because the lead developer was too busy trying to score meth in the Philippines instead of working on it, that he was paid a few thousand to do.

Don't say that
They're angels trapped in a man's body


Yes but of course that went nowhere cause the people that run this board are useless

he had plenty of threads of women being fucked hard

hey casper, pete is unimpressed, pete heard the voice.... he is pissed... as in drunk


I guess we can't expect none fucked up people to run this site I guess.

oh yeah I remember that beta being horrible


oh .//.

fukken kek to your faggot gods


There is also a downtime board that never gets used or something like that

Makes welma wet?

I hate canker sores

mmn maybe

wrong screenshot, shit

Ghosts are 2015, this is year of the wizard

Previous season,
this arena

oh shit I've never seen this.
I'l read it

I think in downtime everyone just complains at each other on steam

Then take some off.

What word filter?

I hate niggers, Mexicans, and trannies.

The lenko meme face

Read the comments, too.

Good thing I'm italian.

This sounds like something I ought explore... Wanta scoot to go further???

dun dun dun

That battletag name though

In time

If they are working on something they need to hurry the fuck up


I'm still super confused.

You make me sad.

You're Mexican.


I'm not really called Jimi Habanero

Do you play hearthstone a lot?

pete want u

Its still neat


I'm at part 2 and jesus christ what is wrong with these people

true, although tbh when has this not been shakey at least

You should rest you have been posting a lot today

Shoulda done this year's ago tbh



can I see~?

Yeah, it's so cringeworthy to read.
Just how fucking asperger's the parties involved are and the druggie dude's inability to leave the house.

My eyes are tired and my back hurts BUT I WILL NEVER SURRENDER

true, but they're morons

I care about everyone very much


good joke

I know

I'm scared to switch it >_<

I stopped reading at "pizza and King of the Hill" tbh

Sleep now, live another day, eat something good and post again tmrw. You won this battle but the war will continue when you wake up!


you read me like a book v.v


because you are always naked

welma, did we miss a link>?

Considering you are an eExtention of me.,..... ye

Wasn't that like the opening sentence?

My masks are useless over the internet...

You should find another community for me to infest

please cutie~?

sooon, you know I am always looking out for us.

It sucks that the defender of free speech is an autistic cripple with horrible connections.

Those comments are savage lmao

he better just fix the running errors and leave it at that. hell I'd even love having auto run gifs back.

i dont wannaa..

It was lol

I will try in a bit. Having dinner atm

He's not going to do anything cause he's a lazy shitter

He got his wheelchair stolen when he was mugged in NYC, too.

Lazy turd.


okey, enjoy your meal♥

what makes you wet baby?

the hot breath on your groin.... the stroke and strike of your cheek????

requesting exclusive welma (you)s

I can't read.


Does that mean you need private "tutoring"?

licks are inbound


I can't think of any alternatives though

hey its erin, looks like there more behind that story

That could be a fun roleplay :3c


I'm sure there are plenty

-kisses you- you're the best. This place is boring as hell

What time is it in your part of the world?

Why do you say that, love?


literally enemies with elma now

Because I want to hurt you tenderly.


02:36 in the night

i am THE teacher

I'm e-licked now ^~^


w o w


i'd lik welma free o charge

oh god

I licked my sister's face once.


Probably not, no.

It has to be as cheesy as possible, including a token schoolgirl.



was it hot?

I hope to not see the next drama episode

Time for the pleated skirt and zettai ryouiki.

Oh wow lol
I didn't really expect a Chan dedicated to frozen would last long anyway

post more cold war ass


Yeah I guess, chans come an go quick as hell

Mizore is perfection

D-did I s-stutter~?

I enjoyed it.

She seemed confused at first but then realized that's like the only form of affection I've given her lol

Z.R. equipped!

Just like this one shoulda

I find the term "brozen" disturbing

I think every chan is born and molded in failure though. It seems impossible to get a good imageboard site even though the things required sound easy.

I'm a good person and I do not deserve to be hurt in any way

Oh that's not late at all
You can stay up

You're taking way too much credit...'

Putting bro at the beginning of any word is fucking retarded

define good

then did she shudder and revel you sekrits?

I'll stay for 13 minutes more.
I wanna go to the town tomorrow.


No, if I remember correctly it escalated into whipping eachother with Twizzlers.

Shouldn't you be in school?

I way born this way... you didn't create me...

those kinda things.

In a couple of months.

as planned.....
can I lay with your nips?

Song, anybody?

you dont give that vibe

If you are gentle. They're extremely sensitive today.

Not broski

Lol scoots, sorry.
What does he want?

Yeah that one's OK

i know of a site that has all of that

Just lay back.... and let a scoot do his thing....

A bit late, he is asleep, he wanteeda skype or chat of the tiny

which site?

Already ahead of you, baka. I'm in bed~


then who is that eating you?

It does not have the last two points.

Sorry, when he wakes up, give him this


That's right, it better be ok

he wont understand.

i giving you head baby

what makes the admins or owner sketchy?
i mean it has rules but if you're not stupid you can easily not break them. most people don't need to even look at the rules and they will never get banned

God this thread is so shit
Good bye

And then like a white blouse tied up to expose your stomach.
But this is a porno and people dress that way obvs.


just kinda surprised is all
what did she taste like?

you're right

ky nezi

no bully scoots

That sounds nice^^


Imouto-face I guess. lol

why so hostile? I'm never mean to you, love~

when does it come in?


group tuna pasta

k bye


tomorrow somehow

that's before the range of dates it gave me

was supposed to be like friday through monday

time to sleep
ni ni

I don't remember the details but that Hiroyuki guy was involved in saving and selling ip addresses. also some guy Jim Watkins did some sketchy stuff. And there was significant admin abuse reported.
That was like the big reason people came here in the first place.

iunno though, maybe it's improved now but there was bad shit going on.

weird. my stuff always early too tho
no comaplinin tho

just sucks cuz I planned everything to come at the same time and now they gonna tease me with 99% of the parts like 3 days early

also sorry I was clingy/annoying last night I was fucked up from lack of sleep

it means. lets fugg?

I mean Hiroyuki did do some bad shit on 2ch but that's in the past! :)
as for 4chan people moving to Holla Forums as a whole, that was because of the gamergate shit and it was leading to irl harassment as people were straight up doxing others and posting it in thread(which is against the rules)
all of that drama was overall bad for the site anyway you could have brought up something better tbh

as for animu people moving here, avataring is against the rules and most everyone here does that.

well i mean you can put some things together kind of and have it where it's gonna be

i didn't mind it

come over

gimme yo digits and imma come

mmhm, I'll put PSU in...and...uh.....

You'll dox me ;~;

hdd? wait what case did you get? i dont have the link anymore


im grim????



mwah mwah


being so tasty tho

Maybe it's my new lotion^^

nice vents
nice slots

n-nice face

does it rub it on the skin, or it gets the hose again.

and also I didn't even pick the parts, my friend did that builds computers for his job

Post your hose~

good night fuckers


oh.. wow

Beaast Coast

its funny cuz I already have welm's digits~


baka oniichan

brb gonna get sum milk

do I have your snapchat?

Good morning.

I don't have snapchat.

I asked for their help because my original build was way too expensive and I wasn't sure how to lower the cost

too expensive? coulda got something a lot cheaper then gone for that in a couple months if you really wanted it tbh

ahhh youre making me wanna buy parts now tho


night cants

it's not that I can't afford it it's just that I don't want to be paying for performance/parts that I don't need.

spending money wastefully triggers me

Hey Cummy-drops.

pls no

your name makes me not want to talk to you tbh :///
too lewd

cucking yourself is a nono

What do you expect with a name like that?

I don't want to talk to you anyway

It doesn't say cummy

why have a $500 gpu when I'll never need performance higher than a $210 gpu



what gpu do you have? and really I won't. my gpu that died had like a fifth of the power of the $210 one I ordered, and it was good enough to play just about any game with medium settings

hello here i am

a 630 GT lmfao
idk how it hasn't died on me yet

Hai Revy


It does say cum drops.

wait no it's a 640

like gumdrops but made of cum


I wasn't aware that you consume cum like it was candy.

holy heck that's lewd

NVIDIA GeForce GT 630

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960

why are you saying I need a better card?

Yes you do :o

I was saying I did badly the other day to you. why would you compare my card to yours exactly? like jeez i know i need a better one

not sure what that means

I'm just saying why do you think I need a better gpu if yours isn't that powerful

have you had a really good gpu in the past or something? I'm just wondering why you think the GTX 960 won't be powerful enough

seems like it'll be fine to me

offer ends may 5th

don't say heck
you'll remind me of wish

Offer ends on cinco de mayo?

how drunk are you gonna get

Did you do good?
You cant get through life just being a pretty face

I don't drink

I hope you get your filling.

i'm still working

need one. i should read what i say before i hit send lol
it's not a competition lol
if anything it would have made sense to compare the 960 to the 980
im a good goy and i'm gonna wait for the 1080 maybe‏

Is that bad?

ty clocky

I hope you enjoyed my barrage of snaps, bebo

god knows I sure as hell didn't

I dont wanna interrupt you then ~

that's good

I didn't know that

I'm just saying what experience/knowledge makes you think the GTX 960 won't be good enough ;_;

I just was wondering why you think it won't be powerful enough

I'm only 19

i'm secretly not working

I do?

I don't have the app anymore then.



i've used a lot of the 900 series cards at friends houses in different games and idk i just like better if it's better
like i said, should compare the two

though you probably won't run games that really need it whereas muh mil sims need to look ultra sexy all the time

Drop everything and talk to me then so we can learn more about each other

oh you're younger than I thought~
you'll be drinking then when you turn 21 yes?

like I said no use in dropping an extra couple hundred on something I'll never need

save myself an extra $300

I'd probably drink now if it was easier to get my hands on.

lol @ people under 21

lol @ people under 21

i'm listening to a conversation i recorded for entertainment purposes
i can't even remember everything we've talked about so far

lol @ people who don't lick their imouto's face

ye i guess so.

at least i'm not old af like u

ha. yes.

you're just barely 2 years younger than me.

lol @ people who can't kickflip

25's not that old.



i can't sports...


A conversation you recorded for entertainment, bae? what's that mean
also we've talked about a ton of stuff
couldn't possibly remember it all yeah?

still younger and i can do things you can't :‏^)

i mean i guess you can rent cars but


i'm 15 and what is this


no i had dinner with some friends and we talked about pop culture

always pegged you for a loner

Are you really trying to brag about being legally allowed but otherwise unable to sleep with minors?

i'm using the phrase "friends" loosely

high school pussy best pussy

You recorded a conversation you and your friends had to listen to again?

that's pretty weird babe

Why!? And what kind of friends are they?

Lenko confirmed for Matthew Mconahey

Do you have the template of that?


i wasn't really meaning that but idc anymore lol

glhf in prison, Jared.

lol what

just imagine


no.. but you can find them easily with google search!

it was a pretty weird conversation

they're my lunch associates

Pls, I'd only hit on the 18 yo's.


Meh, google is overrated.

So coworkers?


yes ;~;

... i can find one for you

I doubt it.
You're already hitting on the 15 year old.

university students

why you would wanna have sex with an immature 17 year old or younger when you're 21+ is beyond me

Because pedophiles.

Did they know you were doing it or did you hide it or...
Just seems kinda odd, sweetie
but it seems interesting still

Its okay, maybe i'll find it later or something.
I need sleep.

Revy how many of your lunch associates have you let fuck you?

And who would that be?



this spicy chicken gonna kill me m8 its too good

why? i thought you liked her?

some people are afraid of age and want to feel like they're young still
oh and some others like that inexperienced shit because weirdits cute tho

Put some ranch or you know who's cummies on them. kek

I do
but she's not here

and i need to get to work.. let's switch place, i want to sleep more ;_;

I flirt with a 16 year old at work on the daily.

To be fair, she thought I was only 18. Not that that makes it less bad or creepy lol

no we normally have conversations about pop culture that go absolutely everywhere so we collectively decided to record it and i had my phone



ya dude brb gonna go drive north over the mountain

gone but not forgotten

that makes it more imo

What are you working with?

f i r e d


as likely as boo fucking you right?

Get me some souvenirs.

so sad

She started it.

Oh that makes it a lot less weird
I might have thought you were off your rocker, cutie

omg scary lightning ;~;

something that everyone hated at some point of their live

i hope they have the syrup i want up there. i really dont wanna have to make my own

where has she gone anyway?

doesn't mean you have to do it back..




yeah sorry for leaving that out

Define flirting then. Let's nip this in the bud.

And what would that be?

I don't know

Boo you're alright in my book but you can reach HIGH LEVELS OF AUTISM at times.

Why do you Aspergers all over the place so often?


stop that

so you and boo aren't dating?

Which part though?

no i'm not dating right now

I was trying to be cute ;w;

implying that I need someone strong and reliable to hold me and keep me safe~

nah mate it's cool
i shouldve figured you'd fill the better alternative anyway~

alright lenko


send it my way yo

why should i? you were the one who said you were doing it lol. i guess you don't wanna be a killjoy tho so it's all good

are they kill?

i specifically want this but i dont wanna go down south just for it. maybe in june

the ????
and probably the underage girl thing idk

thought you and tsuchi were dating

dude it's okay, just don't start being passive aggressive towards me like you do to everyone else

Pick up cocaine instead. Less habit forming and milder social problems.

nice meme

iiit's a seeeecreeeet~

it's a pretty fantastic conversation to be honest

no we just talk over email sometimes

I'm not wrong you know.

Don't worry, i promise not to tell.

yahoo messenger?

i hope not

okay lenko

I never thought about rating the quality of conversations
what would you rate it?


Trust me, I'm an expert on both substances.

of course you are

I'm probably overestimating my actions tbh. I don't know how to flirt. Just glad somebody gives me some sort of attentions irl

Um. Okay.


What the fuck?


it's pretty hard to follow so like it has to be rated on merit

'cause we're friends i think

hey man when you smoke an ounce in a week get back to me.

Stop. Doing. This.

thought you had it out for all the fail traps?

i heard that all the time!

But not from me right?


Stop using proper punctuation?

Why are you so uppity tonight?

he stalks them all

i never said anything about me wanting to actually smoke lol

ya dude i'm a fucking 11/10 pilot too because i've been in dozens of cockpits from takeoff to landing as a kid.

No? There's only like one trap I've ever even gone beyond bored/drunken flirting with.

I'm not! I'm just a complicated man.


It's a sensation you'll never forget, that much I can say without a doubt.


real exciting stuff

well.. secret is secret, it'll take more than that to make me speak!

Well, stop doing that~

Almost as interesting as me right!

A-are you coming onto me?

I wouldn't dream of it.

Fine fine. I'm just gonna go to bed then.

there was one person i said i would ever do coke with and he lives in florida
everybody else who does coke on the reg is kinda shit

as for smoking, i never liked it but who knows

pretty much

He's gonna make you the new Grim.
Prepare your nipples.

Tickling until you spill the beans..


welms show bellybutton~


have a good one!

...that.. is not going to .. work..


Thats confusing as fuck
Explain it some more ~

Why not?

Good. daww


well that's anti-climactic.


Ohh, it definitely will

you're not going to tell me it's the same if it's in dog shit or actual food. are you?

It's still my original one.

Just no.


this is enough of a response, right?

stop ..
what do you want from me ;-;

then you understand what i'm saying then, right?

the poster named coffee, pretty sure he was from florida


how was your day btw? :u

What work? :3

What is it now? :3c


oh, no clue who that is

It was okay I guess.

What's up?

Subtle.. I..

gonna drink that shit anyway lmao


All of these seems like outright cancer.


i ate some cornbread and now I feel chubby ~

I've been overdoing it with the food lately too :/


Gonna try to sleep, toodles~

With like sprite or something right?



I think Ui and I are the only ones from here who know who he is. he was never apart of this threads, he was/is a dj who posted his streams on 4chan all the time back in the day



ReLIFE will be great, the manga is really nice
And Shokugeki S2
And maybe planetarian

guess they were different DJs then

sounds really similar

nini ^^ sleep well~

i kinda really wanna make my own wax with a few guys i know in cali who taught me how to a few years ago
one of em is banned from the internet and it kinda sucks when i wanna talk to him but cant


I need to watch that scene

Pedo alert.

go back to bed!

i will not tell you..

he used to live in a really small house and put all his money towards better hardware to make music. didn't show his face for the first few years, just put a brown bag over his head lmao
when he was gonna stream all night he would give his neighbors a ton of alcohol so that they wouldnt call the cops on him

rip dude


I should probably watch all of it

Probably why so many people like it

Aww, ok

I'm beginning to think all Japs are just child molesters.

Where there's a will there's a way.

yes but what is it from

Hands off the manaka
the manaka is not for touching

only looking

dont worry, you wont miss much. i'm leaving soon too ^^

I found my cute camera i never used, i think i'll record my trip today. it's just a short trip, but who knows what i'll meet on road, right




let them at least shake my hand!

I want subtle to fuck me

You only want to jerk off to people's hands anyways.

only with gloves

...i think he'll forgive you if it's just a one time accidental touch


*Hugs* See ya!

/touches again


someone once told me i should be a porn director lmao wait that was him

ruff lyfe

It's a wonder how you're still alive.

don't fucking smoke you child

it was a lot of fun and we got nothing accomplished

just like dating me


he made a lot of money from it tho. moved out got his own place.

i'll die one day. we all will.

v a p e

That's so sad.

i'm not in the mood for this

should i wear glove, or them?

may he have mercy on you..



Stop that, you're getting it all over me!

good bye

/licks your cheek

And when the time comes let's face it like men.


I actually won a huge online DJ competition

I was gonna start DJing but I couldn't afford equipment back in the day

i'm a functional and happy human being with a social life


Wow. Rude.
See if I ever do anything again.

That is a little bit of a step too far, but only a little bit
They get a lot of pressure internationally to crack down on the pedo stuff

No idea ^^'

Yeah that sounds lovely

die fighting or from old age

remember when we were shit?

rip. he was legit not eating some days and walked to work so he could do it.

