South Africa thread

We haven't had one of these threads in a while. I know some Boers and Afrikaners pop in here every now and then, so it'd be nice if they could comment on the situation vis-à-vis the confiscation of farm land by the ANC govt.

The attached tweets are a reminder of how the average black in SA thinks of whites. Notice the use of the word "comrade?"

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm personally from Durban user so I know full well what these kaffers are capable of. I wish the west would give asylum to all white Saffers.


youtube african parliament

I think at this point the best option is to agitate for blacks to kill whites in SA, so shit hits the fan. Most of them have evacuation plans already prepared so they should be fine.

We have tbreads about SA all the time. If you check the catalog, you would see this.

The whites would fight back but they know that the ZOG will bomb the shit out of them and fund violent niggers with guns and munitions.
The only whites who wouldn't be on board are the jews and liberals in places like cape town

Bump for extreme justice.

I wonder who came up with that. Not a bad idea, but I doubt a nigger would come up with that.

Didn't the Boers roam around for like a hundred years before they even met an African? Besides, the Bantus aren't 'indigenous'.

That's some pretty degenerate shit, user.

Yeah whites start physically removing niggers in SA. US invades because muh genocide, never again, white people are the real racists. Whites in SA get Eisenhower summer camp, this all happening under Trump would be a terrible timeline.

Yeah it'd be pretty terrible if whites in SA revolted but they'll have to take and hold something or they won't survive, the gibme nigger will take everything you may give to him and then stop asking while he takes more.

Why? It would seem that encouraging people to remain virgins would be the opposite of degenerate.

I am here everyday I just don't state it.

Do you have any contingency plans in place?
Or are you just going to lay down when all of it goes down?

Once the chimps fail to keep the power and water running, nature will take its course once again.

Shit ton of weapons and a good network of friends. Perhaps crossing the border and going to Namibia to regroup. Our money means nothing so going overseas isn't an option. Living in a predominantly white town with limited access points and a airport.

It will and it will either be glorious for us or an absolute massacre.

As long as you see the storm coming, you can plan for it. Start planning for the collapse ASAP, it's historically inevitable at this point. Either bail for another country or stock up and fortify for the long haul.

Somewhere in between those options. Our money is shit, very very rough conversions, but minimum wage student jobs are like $1.50 - $2.50 an hour. A pack of 25 bullets for my guns is like $35-$55.

A rigged out bakkie is expensive as well, but everybody around you is a least a little prepared for SHTF situation. I have a plan but I am not posting it outright on the internet.

It's very good you have a plan in place.
Remember: Amateurs think tactics, Professionals think logistics.
Are you a boer? What is the racial climate like in everyday life as a white in SA? Is it as bad as we believe it is here on Holla Forums?
How easy is it to obtain weapons?
Are you able to obtain any more than just firearms?

Will keep in mind. Thanks if it was a understated compliment.

I am a boer seun, I am not a farmer though. Lots of physical farmer friends. As for the racial climate. It is very confusing, we live in very large bubbles with extreme violence taken place with the most vulnerable whites and the middle class/rich whites living for the most part in white suburbs with very high quality of living. Whites live in "first world" suburbs while niggers live on the outskirts in townships. City centers are nightmares though.

Yes and no. People do get effected by crime and violence but it's the people who are isolated financially and physically, like farmers in the middle of nowhere. So the news articles you see about extreme violence is true, but it's not the reality of the everyday white South African.

I hope this makes sense, I am tired and translating.

Not that hard really. Be 21 years old, be patient and wait. No automatic rifles though and ammo restrictions to 200 rounds, the ammo restriction is hard to enforce and is rarely enforced though.

Chemicals are easy enough to obtain, what you do with your knowledge is up to you. A private citizen can purchase a armoured vehicle as long as it is not specifically for military use and with the right paper work.

No rocket launchers, automatic firearms etc is allowed though. Semi-automatic and sniper rifles are perfectly legal.

Sniper rifles are exactly what you want. Them and a clear field of vision.

You need to establish defense networks with your farmers. They need to have armed guards on the property 100% of the time.

Theoretically lets say people are doing this. The system will be theoretically based on the ossewabrandwag and the kommandos :')

(((The Economist))) put out an article praising mandela yesterday, their tweet stream got nicely shitted up.

Just a thing to add. Most white South Africans, even city boys are clued up on bushcraft, hunting, firearms and fighting. It's almost a cultural thing South Africans love complaining, fighting (verbally or physically), the outdoors and competition.

You will need those attributes to take your country back.

Arm up. Create networks that don't rely on the state. Have more children.

This is a big problem for us. Birth control is a huge fucking problem for the western world and should be thrown into the depths of hell.

Thank you very much for conversing. In only the past few months I have taken an interest in SA and Rhodesia, because of their unique circumstances, so it is nice to be able to speak to an average South African white.
Here's some more questions if you wish:
Are there any military installations or armories near you? Very capable equipment can be procured at these sights.
Do you own any military field manuals (FM)? These books can be of great help to you and your group. American military field manuals are a common read among the militia here.
Also, check out Ron Reid Daly's book "Top Secret War" about the Selous Scouts in Rhodesia. Though it may not directly correlate to your situation, you could learn a bit of local history.
Also know your country's infrastructure system. Airports, Seaports, power plants, pipelines, mines, electrical stations, key bridges, etc. should all be economic factors your group should be planning to secure, as it will increase the factors of your survival and triumph by a magnitude.

Arm yourselves and go nigger hunting, you whiny little bitches. Your ancestors took that land by force, WHY DON'T YOU!?

One word: Burgerland.
You want another Balkan bombing scenario?

No problem. Wouldn't say I am average but I don't mean it in a special snowflake way

Yes. All I am willing to say about it though.

No I do not and militias are banned. I have a couple of very close friends who's fathers where SF in the old South African army and almost all older males was in the army with the border war.

Will do


I am going to sleep though will check the thread again tomorrow morning

Fuck off CIA nigger. International intervention is much more of a problem than the local populace. People are not riled up because most people still have very high standard of living, it is changing though.

By the way, if you can record any of the violence on cameras of any kind, do so, and upload it everywhere. Best Gore, Liveleak, everywhere you can. Post it to Reddit, but not on any of the political forums - instead, post it to /r/watchpeopledie and similar shit. Post it to Facebook church groups.

One thing I love about being South African, its a all for one mentality. A bunch of negros think they are going to beat up a white guy? Expect every white male who sees it to come in swinging, not standing by recording the video on his phone.

Lots of CCTV and dash cam violence videos though.



I thought this happened in New Zealand.

Fucking disgusting that that poor kid has to go to school with those things.

I am shilling for the Boers here in Germany for a while now, and even pretty redpilled people are totally ignorant about their case. I think their mindset is somehow
Even in alternative media you read absolutely nothing about SA. We must work harder on this one.

Essential channels (same guy involved):

And always remember.
The jew is the most cowardly creature on earth!

15:20 if all you want is a laugh about reality and don't care about all these videos.
Watch that at least.

Why do nigs always start fights then try to leave once the other person gives them the fight they wanted and get their asses beat?

Scavenger mentality. They only attack in packs and only prey on the weak. The moment there is a hint of resistance and especially counter-attack, they flee. Evolutionary psychology and all that. Whites worked in groups with designated roles to overwhelm prey far stronger than them (mammoths, sabertooth tigers), while niggers roamed in ragtag gangs, only seeking opportunities with 100% success.

Also, when in a fistfight against a nog, do not hit them in the head - go for the stomach, the solar plexus and the neck. Their skulls are far thicker (literally) than ours, which makes knocking them out harder.

Also, a question to our Afrikaner user: when shit hits the fan, how hard would it be for a foreign (White) volunteer with military experience to join you? Would there be much mistrust and problems with the language barrier? Afrikaners are not big on English, afaik.

Like the literal other thread about niggers in south africa, you stupid nigger?

Every Holla Forumsack or white South African should be following this guys' channels.
His book is pretty good, too.

careful user, talking about books will get you banned around here.

Don't forget who did this to South Africa.


Wait what? How would they even enforce that? Is that per weapon or in all? Are you allowed handguns/revolvers/carry/that sort of thing? Self defense laws okay or britcuck-tier?

I agree, such a cool guy, too.
And he took the reddest of the pills.
Actually being long and good friends with kikes until they showed their true faces.









I'm doing a talk in (((college))) about this. I appreciate the redpills and once again I am spurred on by what I see.




This is the end game, lads… This is what the Jew wants to see to every white person. They want us dead, bred out, erradicated, disgraced, destroyed!

We must not let this happen!

Unless one's lived out in country his whole life I think we all knew jews growing up, saw prominent jews in the public spotlight and put all the pieces together using the help of those giving us the redpill on the JQ.

May they all fucking die. A boer se hard brand lank! What do you wish to talk about? The kaffirs are a bunch of fucking communists. Their women are servants who are kind to whites, the men are pathetic cowards who attack the weak in packs. The Zimbabweans are good, white loving folk who are murdered in the townships because the local kaffir is a reprobate to society. They are worse than animals. They are fucking UN backed communists. Anybody who said apartheid was bad knows fuck all about South Africa and its history. I hope to God that we can retake a bastion or a last stand when the SHTF but we have too many fucking brainwashed libshits in ivory castles who don't give a fuck about their fellow whites. The middle class is rapidly declining across the whites. Blacks have the money and are replacing the middle class… being paid to do jobs which they are not qualified for and getting by on the cucks who keep this country going in exchange for a couple of mil or a house in camp's bay. The traitors and SJW's who fled to Aus/UK/US after 94 can go fuck themselves. They have zero respect and should not call themselves South Africans. Mandela was a fucking CT (communist terrorist) and they drilled holes in his coffin so the worms could kotz. He died a communist and never accepted Jesus Christ as the media said. The whites have no power and people such as Whitey Basson, De Beers, etc, and the jew puppets do fuck all about it because they lack unity and compassion. AKA they have no balls. They have no balls and that is the very reason they are so powerful. Ja-broers so to say. The country is going to shit and your post is everyday life. I'm so fucking sick of it but its fucking normal and we've grown accustomed to it. So what? Just learn from us and stop this shit happening to your own countries because i'm watching the news and you stupid fuckers are headed down the same road. We don't even hide our power levels outside the workplace. We are not even racist, we know the difference between a humanless kaffir and a hard working black gentleman from zim or a local who will be stoned to death or killed for talking or befriending a white man. We also have no time for the jive talking oreo cookies like trevor noah and race mixing fucks who visit the suburbs. Most of us will abandon all hope for coalburners (mostly jewesses btw) and she will turn into a degenerate bitch who will be raped and killed. I have no sympathy for those who lack a soul. I am not a racist, i do not wish death upon the poor black mother and her starving baby because she is getting fucked over by her own people. I pity them. But we have no, no tolerance for those who align themselves with the stupidity which transgresses all humanity and empathy. There is no soul in these things. They are in every sense, a ghoul as that famous russian greentext suggests.


I went to school with an user, his stepmother was raped by a broken beer bottle and they gangraped his pregnant sister without condoms. They've got aids and they have no fucking soul! The hotnots are just as bad, they're niggers but only more sly and you find more of them in the cape. Think of a Brazillian Favela and you have a cape coloured. Having a gun makes you a target, not having a gun makes you a dead man. Get raped and die of aids, or be killed or cucked by the government for trying to protect your family. My cousin was shot dead last year. When I presented everything to Holla Forums they mocked me and aligned themselves with the niggers that they themselves are. Only lurked there to get both sides of the story. But since 2007, Holla Forums has been a place for people to fully understand our story and as an user, have always found comfort in a place that shares the same ideals, beliefs and empathy that makes us human. You are all brothers to the user and may God Bless you all. I know how many of you would join the fight when things kick into gear. God knows, many of your Vietnam vets helped us in Rhodesia and SWA under Koevoet. You're a gem… All of you. Just please save your own countries… Before it's too late and you end up like Mel Gibson in Mad Max 1 because that is literally what things are like in the non-metropole areas. Can elaborate but I do not think it's worth glorifying the violence or getting me more drunk and angry than what i'm already am.

Guy on the right is a jew.

Get the feels out and get ready to cry boys. I'm sorry for spamming on this thread but the apathy has surpassed humanity and to get caught up in life is too much. Cognitive dissonance has become the way of life because it is incomprehensible to understand the mental state of first worlders who are destroying their own country. I want all readers to know that the famous vote to allow the ANC in was flawed and rigged by international played and it was not what the community wanted. I have never travelled but I imagine the whole of SA being that of Chicago and Detroit. I would welcome any red-pilled US or Canadian, Aussie citizen to come visit. You will have the time of your life and live in a lot of comfort. You will live like a king and recieve 5 star service. You will not see the other side of the coin because you have to understand that, being a part of only 10% of the total population, we all swarm and flock to certain areas. So you will see us in communities or cities. But if you are out in "injun country" you will see the true realities. If you step away from the "township tours" or decide to settle here, you will quickly become aware of self-defense/home-defense and the importance of it. You will also see things which will break your heart. This crosses ethnicity as well…. They are not human. They do it to their own as well. Norway, Sweden, Belgium, UK, USA, all put sanctions on us and gave food-aid to the CT's in the war. I hope you realise that. The USA supported us originally but flipped on us. Ironically, before handing it over to the Africans, they disbanded all our nuclear armaments which are now buried deep under copperton soil. Take a drive from the cape to mahikeng (renamed) and see what happens when you hand over a first world nation to a bunch of zombies. My heart fucking cries out and it falls on deaf ears while knowing that my brothers in this world are oblivious to the doom that awaits them. We live, we die, life goes on. Things could get worse, but things just…. are. It is what it is. The point i'm trying to make is that you are open and aware to the change that is occurring in your countries. The same tricks are being used, but yet the population is actually supporting it and what is most alarming is that the majority is open to it. The SJW movement is rearing its ugly head, here too…. Afrikaans universities, for example are private but are being forced to change language policies in order to accommodate blacks who do not even hail from such areas. It's a fucking comedy which is 50x worse than watching a john oliver show. Only, it's real. You must also be aware that many blacks fought alongside us against the ANC communists, many gave up their lives to defend us. Which is why I say that you should always retain your humanity and not stoop to their level. I do not have much respect for musimane and his white bitch. But I would support the DA over FF+ simply because you need to support the strongest opposition in order to make a dent. I doubt there is any salvation though but you have to bytvas and live your life. You have to assess each situation and keep your head on a swivel.


Extra viewing. Bumping for nostalgia.

2nd video.

Now I know most of you will not connect the dots, but it was this very conflict which led to the nation of Zimbabwe being formed, as well as the communists taking power. You see, militarily we won the war. But the international community fucked us economically. The nats were also traitors and corrupted but overall, the fight was won and the loss was based on non other than (((politics))). I understand the whole dying for israel meme is true, but I honestly feel so much sadness for US and European soldiers dying places like Afghanistan because they are so oblivious to the fucking truth. We were an experiment which is currently being impemented globally. I hope that all of you will always treasure life in all its forms - animals and humans alike. Be kind to one another, but be a man when you need to be. The world is too full or people who are intentional hedonists. I believe in Jesus Christ as my saviour, and yet I hate organised religions and supposed "christians" as they themselves are cucked to the max. Do not look at labels, rather look at characters and free yourself from the chains that force you into living a life. Remember, you are not a slave. Break free from the mindset and never stop seeking the truth. God Bless you all who read this. Regardless of your backgrounds and thank you for taking an interest in those of us who agree on the current situation. All I have is my word, some may argue it, some may exaggerate it, all I can say is that it is what it is and an user's word is only as good as his word.



Use the info, look at the videos I've just posted and source it as cultural references. Also source the comments made as proof. If you're using qualitative sources, your uni would have a hard time debunking real life experiences. But you will most likely be called in for some or other bullshit reason. Just cover all your basis.

I appreciate your posts, user.
I've heard a lot of bad things about the DA, though. That white bitch you refer to is infact a jewess. It's kiked to the core, m8. I'm not South African or anything but this is what I've read.

It's really easy to write about. I just wrote a paper myself for class. When you have Malema talking about how it's not time to kill every white person [spoiler]yet[/spoiler/ it's hard to dispute.

Not surprised. Don't pay attention to local politics and only vote when I can tbqh. Where do you hail from?

Also, thanks for taking an interest. Don't listen to the bullshitters who whore for attention but don't reciprocate in their actions. But everything you've said doesn't surprise me. It's a matter of finding the lesser of evils. Although Zille shot herself in the foot when she said colonialism did good. Why politicians need social media is beyond me and just fuels the whole point of the fact that we are living with a bunch of idiots and that there are no boundaries.

Being an American it's such an unexplainable feeling I have for southern Africa. I was never alive during Rhodesia's existence nor was I alive for white-rule in SA. Still, though, I have these strong feelings for places I've never been and that I've never been alive for. Having been to some east African countries on vacation as a child before my redpilling I got a feel for some of the dynamics going on in the dark continent that bypassed the liberal pro-nigger brainwashing from school. I'm a history guy so enough digging led me to right conclusions; also to discover the similarities with what's going on with the rest of the west.
I swear sometimes I feel like I was a Rhodesian in a past life or something.


You're on the right track user. There's something that binds us all together. Something which was stolen from us and turned against us by the media. You're good user. You're on the right track. Never ever stop questioning and keep inquiring as you learn more. Never apologise for who you are. Thanks for taking an interest and God Bless.

niggers are a fucking disease just like jews and all non whites period.All whites should be polarized on this fact and refuse jew narratives outright considering they are sandnigger asian hybrids.These shitskins will always hate us because we are better than them in every way so they should all fucking die.Rid humanity of the non white plague.


I think this is a good opportunity to red pill people Merkels immigration policy is about destroying the European race and not about 'tolerance'. She doesn't give a shit about the white South African refugees.

Bump because relevant thread

There were some very sparse populations of bushniggers when the whites arrived. The west african bantu niggers proper indeed only arrived when whites had long established themselves.

Yesterday, after reading this thread, I decided to go on plebbit and check out its South Africa section. I was deeply disgusted. I know it's plebbit, but the amount of self-loathing cucks I saw there left me dumbfounded. One is cheering on Boer genocide, the other virtue signals about having married a chimp, the third preaches equality and praises nigs, the fourth celebrates "South African Jewish culture".
Is that entire place crammed with Cape Town libshits and kikes? I assume that normal Afrikaners have their own means of communication, away from cucked mediums like plebbit.


Another stupid bump, does any user have that longass screencap of that story of the Russian businessman learning about everyday life for whites in Joburg? The one with "ghouls" living like locusts in skyscrapers.

As you command, Captain Trips.

And being "liberated" for Zogbots after?
South Africa was inhabited, these niggers came later



Can someone tell me if the whites of Johannesburg have degenerated into vicious, untrusting brigands? My coworker told me that his friend went there and said that the whites were just as bad as the niggers (although he also mentioned that he never went to the nigger side of the city).

Found this amazing YouTube channel of a South African that devastates the Jews in every video and also sometimes drives around South Africa and makes video of things like white squatter camps.

Learned a ton about white African history too, especially Rhodesia where the guy grew up.

New Molyneux

Does he name the Jew in this? If not he can die in a fire.

Ramatholdi said he'd testify about Eskom and Zuma using state powers to force the sale of a coal mine to their pajeet buddies the G*ptas.

team white/african crisis channel and his new one which I forgot are all top tier.

Checked and agreed.

I plan download all of his videos for archival purposes and maybe transcribe some of them. The guy's manner of speaking is hypnotic, and his humor is hilarious: "If you knew how much money flowed through South Africa, you would fall on your back."

Is there a fund account for the white Africans that I can my money in?

Yes, check out the Suidlanders (South Landers): https://

They are 100% legitimate, and the largest SA white defense group. They need money for medical supplies, officially speaking of course. Guns and ammunition, big time. Simon Roche is their leader, I believe.

Check this out, blacks recently raided a white squatter camp and killed some children, cut down the power line poles, and lit things on fire: https://



Thank mate.

Jesus Christ. Stay safe user.

Is this real? I knew it was bad, but I didn't think it was Fallout tier.

Yes, it is.

Law and Disorder in Johannesburg

At around 25:40 they enter a hijacked building.

Does anybody know if any of these South African Boer/Farmer/White groups have webistes you can donate to?

I could only make it 15 minutes through it, do depressing. I just want Whites to Unite worldwide from Western Russia to the Coast of France, from the south of Italy to the north of Sweden. Just to purge all non-whites from White lands, and restore order worldwide as we once did.

Check this poster out.

You might want to take a look at Norman Lowell and his ideas if you haven't. Personally I want the same thing… a global order that would unite all of us but still protect the national identities.

Thank You user, didn't see that, will defintently be looking into them and more than likely sending some money their way, every dollar counts.

Will look into him, and check out your video, favorited a site on him for future looking into.

I can't stand the "who is whiter" thread that shits on other White peoples with a culture and language that has done more for the world than other entire races which seem to always be ongoing. A confederacy of White nations to dominate the world is what we need more than anything.

I'll just leave this here.

if you fucking live in South Africa, you need to FUCKING SAVE YOURSELF AND ESCAPE

A recent documentary, with English subtitles:

Probably because they inevitably turn out to be started by Sinead Mccarthy in order to promote her shitty "documentary" which is actually just random Dutch history web pages narrated over stock footage and passed off as "original research."
Sure it is, take any sentence she says in the video, enter it into Google and you will find the page it was plagiarised from.

Why are you so asshurt about a film user?
I don't know the year of this video clip.

Fuck off KIKE. The black communist government just declared that they are seizing all white farm land and businesses by the end of the summer. Mass genocide and civil war is about to erupt.

Gas yourself you degenerate faggot.

The Boers know, shut it down!

After watching this, It's pretty depressing but I have to ask where he got some of the statistics

Stefan at one point mentions that the death rate is equivalent to a solider in the vietnam war. I know that there is little record of this in South African records but I would really like some way to confirm this in a statistic that I can post around to back up my arguments.

hi sinead

Anti-slide bump

Interesting. Why does Hobson call the small Jews in SA "Peruvians", though?
t. Peruvian

Is this true?

I wish I'd know who the fuck blocks political videos by country. Fuck youtube.


Probably babby's first aiming/trigger discipline class. Still, saffas do have camps where they train kids as young as 12 to shoot, fight and otherwise defend themselves.

is she a kike or just ugly? can't tell with those glasses

Hi there, shill-o.

If one were to get a one way ticket to jnb in search of a place to settle down before taking place in the happening, where would one start? How hard is it for a foreigner to get a gun out there and start purging?

I travel a lot for my work all over the world, Africa included. Africa is by far the most infuriating. Everything takes longer and niggers are very hard to work with. After my first trip I understood why slave owners used whips and other means of violence to control them. Worst trip was to Congo during Ebola-chans reign of love. It was supposed to take four days, but I ended up spending 55 days (I fucking counted them, got loads of money though) at a fucking mining site middle of nowhere in horrible heat and humidity worrying about Ebola, becoming insane from boredom and getting frustrated because we didn't have the necessary shit for the first fifty days.

On the plus side being stranded in tropical hellhole because of nigger laziness and incompetence redpilled our very bluepilled translator girl though.

I hope Gen Z starts Scramble for Africa 2: Electric Boogaloo, now with complete genocide!

https:// en.

I salute you user.

I don't know how we fight back against the destruction of our identity.

we are being dissolved with intent. A death of 1000 cuts. and the majority gladly follow like cattle to slaughter.

fucking shit

you bumped this thread for a week. What are you trying to accomplish?

We're trying to 14 words you fucking KIKE.

Gas yourself.

You're the only one who brought up the eceleb, Shlomo.

apparently you can't into IDs, and after posting yt videos rather than text or webms, gushed over someone I'll assume is an eceleb
For multiple reasons, you don't fit in. Whether you are sinead or not, you are an obvious shill.



Is there a reason all whites haven't fled SA yet? are they trapped?

These fucking shitskins would have nothing without Whites.

Come to perth mate


Weirdly enough, not all whites are rich. Unless you have an international banking cabal funding your movement, it's hard to flee a country when you make just enough money to live.

soo glad to find out there's finally something i can do for the Whites in SA, just need some more money myself and i can donate, any idea on the timeframe before any serious happenings? i could really fuck myself over right now by sending money when i can wait until later, the jew controls my finances well.
