Ben Shapiro minion Elliot Hamilton says Europeans are "inherently anti-Semitic"


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Same guy.

Well at least the people who are replacing the population of Europe aren't anti-Semitic or anyt-…

Wait a minute.

Sage since it seems like pointless e-celeb shit.

Source vid: vimeo.com/126347089

Obviously. They've been at war for hundreds of years.


Let's hope he's right. I have yet to witness someone saying "I'm fed up with those kikes" in real life.

He has a very autistic cadence.
Not sure why jews are so proud of being semites. Their main cultural exports are pedorasty and aspergers syndrome.

quelle surprise

It's all about lying to your face to keep up the victim status.
Just like the roller holocauster, the giant electric chair, the 25cm of wood up the ass.

All that jews do is tell lie upon lie upon lie upon lie… And all of this with a straight face. They'll never tell you the truth, because the truth has always been against their interests.

does he mean in the same ways as jews are inherently destructive and evil?

Gas the kikes already youtu.be/9XVCOMctVJQ

I don't know user
They usually have that shit eating jewish grin while they lie at you
Whenever I see it my hackles rise

The jew cries out as he strikes you.

Jews are in inherently anti-Gentile and anti-European

Jews are inherently antigentitic. Read the Talmud.

Antigentite and antigentitic need to be memed on social media.

Jews follow a 1900 year old religion called Talmudic Judaism that is filled with antigentile hatred written by racist Rabbis.


They may just be mentally defectives, one relative of mine is a compulsive liar, you cant tell if he is believing his own truths or he knows he is lying to you, and usually its a mix of both, something similar happens with psychopathy. The real problem is he is very beloved by normalfags because they believe his lies and he is "charismatic", if they knew him better they would be horrorized, he may have jewish genes.
This traits can be an evolutionary advantage: if everyone is honest and you are an skillful liar, there are plenty opportunities for you to gain advantage, when this people reach a certain % of the total population, society collapses or another shoah.

Jews are inherently loxist/anti-white.

Combine these into one photo to showcase the hypocrisy

Well he's not wrong. That's like whining about white blood cells.

You think?

I hear this one a lot, especially in the Breitbart comments.

There was once a time when non-antisemitic Europeans existed.
For some reason they no longer exist. There must be some evolutionary biological explanation.

Looks like quote-mining to me, fam.

The Jews are driven to their hatred of whites by their neurotic paranoia.

I honestly don't think many of us would even be on here had the Jewish plan to destroy us not become so blatantly obvious. Most people really wouldn't care that they were in power if they weren't trying to use it to destroy us.


Antigentilic rolls off the tongue a lot better.

A kike big mouth on shitter deserves a thread? I don't think so. I think when someone shuts his filthy Jew mouth then a thread is warranted.