Can I still go into communist heaven if I create an OC based on this?
(1 bump = yes; 1 sage = no)
Can I still go into communist heaven if I create an OC based on this?
(1 bump = yes; 1 sage = no)
Other urls found in this thread:
no. some things shouldn't be made fun of
bump because there is no communist heaven
how about some decent morals and giving the victims the dignity they deserve?
Shit, I thought I was bad
Fuck off Rebel
You have a point, my bad
ETA 10 minutes
encountered kdenlive bug
I can't laugh at kids getting their limbs blown off, but I don't need to appeal to some other bullshit to do it.
I regret nothing.
laughter and tears
nothing is better than having both
that's awful tbh
Care to expand your opinion?
Fuck off faggot.
Really though? If this is real and you're not some Holla Forums autist, and instead are that stupid that you think this could help the communist movement in any way… well, I hope I never have to work with you in any socialist organization, you are disgusting.
Exactly this. We are leftists. We should be empathetic towards the suffering of the children and against wars. Making funny out of this is disgusting. Anyways, I used to be a regular in the dubtrack room, but it just became too unpleasant. the room has next to nothing to do with leftypol, I think it's mostly run by Holla Forums users who want to troll leftists. I don't know why we allow this thread. One of the regulars in the room is named pepezefrog. no suprise, he identifies with pepe, but the anti-social edgy kind. always tries to act like a toughguy, it's kind of sad the extent of his delusion. now he might be a Holla Forumstard, but what's worse is that he's a literal cuckold. I don't mean that as an insult, everyone has kinks, but he's always bringing it up. One time there was EXTREMELY light banter going on, and he just loses it and flies off the handle: 'cuck this, cuck that', he starts rattling off the elaborate fantasies he has about 'chad' and jocks in highschool. I'm guessing he thinks the absurd spiel he is giving feels damaging, because that's what he's vulnerable to, but all of us are just confused. every day he says something about cuckolding, and it is never related to the discussion. just out of no where "cuck, cuck, cuck" we were all telling him to calm down, but he didn't wouldn't going. eventually I guess he realized how much he was embarressing himself, and his cuck insults weren't having the desired effect, so he ragequit, but the whole situation left a bad taste in my mouth. I hardly go there anymore.
Are you using linux?
How the fuck do you video edit on linux?
pls help.
sudo apt-get install kdenlive
use gimp for graphics
use audacity for audio (rarely needed)
use firefox "youtube downloader" plugin to DL vids
use chrome "flash downloader" for everything else flash based
An intro:
how to compositing in kdenlive (the "effect" you'll use most of the time):
2 hours and you got this.
when rendering (making your project into a final .webm file) use pic related and text related for small size:
vcodec=libvpx-vp9 vb=0 crf=%quality acodec=libvorbis ac=2 ab=%audiobitrate+'k' pass=2 speed=2 tile-columns=6 frame-parallel=1 auto-alt-ref=1 lag-in-frames=25
1. DO NOT USE MP4/x264. encoding x264 is much fucking harder to encode properly than webm/VP8. If you can't encode a webm properly, then I guarantee that you can't encode x264 properly. x264 has dozens of quality settings that you probably have set all wrong. Also x264 is supported by less browsers because x264 has bullshit licensing.
2. crop the fucking black border
4. set the fucking resolution to 360p. 360p means that the resolution fits inside a 640x360 box, either the width is 640 and the height is less than 360 or the the width is less than 640 and the height is 360 or the width is 640 and the height is 360. 640x_ or _x360 or 640x360
5. Reduce the bitrate of the audio before fucking with the bitrate of the video. Set the audio to 2channel 64kbps vorbis.
6. If you want to reduce the bitrate of the video track, increase the CRF setting. HIGHER CRF means lower bitrate, LOWER CRF means higher bitrate. I REPEAT, DO NOT FUCK WITH THE RESOLUTION.
6. DO NOT REDUCE THE CRF TO THE EXTENT THAT THERE ARE NOTICEABLE ARTIFACTS. an acceptable webm CRF is probably somewhere between 30 to 45.
7. If you can't make the webm fit into 8mb while following rules 1-6, your webm is too fucking long.
8. If you are some kind of encoding wizard, you might be able to reduce the video bitrate using a denoising or blur filter.
that youtube tutorial is ancient as fuck, but you already know how to use youtube
Thank you for sharing you knowledge comrade
I hope to actually be able to do useful propaganda some day.
Oh, and save often. Not joking. Save every 1-2 minutes.
There's no need for equivalency here. There's plenty of ways to talk about capitalism's role in the syrian civil war. There is an authentic tragedy of the 21st century. It actually disgusts me that you'd put this together for the sake of edginess or contrarianism. And that doesn't happen often.
when the moralists pop up
So on top of being economically illiterate you also can't take edgy banter because of your shitty sense of humor.
holy fucking shit
what the fuck man
this is old school Holla Forums stuff
this needs to be uploaded on yt
lost it at the end
Not gonna lie, the end made me chuckle. 9/10
No, that's sickening, what sorta person would do sucha terrible thing?
ok Ginjeet.
Aw shit nigga.
Would laugh my ass off and go to hell again.
10/10 that ending
You mind if I upload this to my empty communism-only channel?
sure, but use the hd version:
(firefox youtube downloader plugin)
thanks fam, will credit.
credit leftypol
Currently dumping all the funny webms i have, so sit tight.
Marx, Engels and Lenin consoling her, made me laugh my ass off.
the ending just made me lost my fucking shit.
You will end up in Holla Forums heaven instead.
That ending really did it
How much can be exploited into memes this? Also, what are my video-editing options on win?
Your best video editing option on windows is installing linux and using open source software for video editing.
use wine or torrent these:
Video editing on Linux is fucking horrible and you know it.
Being a slave to proprietary software is worse in my judgement. Being a communist is hard. So?
funny ,isn't it?
well, is it?