I have browsed Holla Forums for years, starting in 2013, i believed that i had discovered the truth. I believed that Blacks were bad people, that Jews may be bad people, a whole lot of bad negative stuff about people and the world. And it really ruined me, and to those of you who are young the only truth you should follow is your conscience, and it will lead and guide you, not these "viewpoints", if you follow your conscience, your life will become right and just like what you really want. What you really want is an upright life, these Ideologies will not deliver that, they will only deliver you destruction like the people of the 20th century.
I have read Gottfried Feders Manifesto, Goebbels views on Christianity and the Vandals, Inside The Third Reich by Albert Speer, the Greatest Story Never Told, Myth of the Twentieth Century, etc etc, the Black Sun.
But Let me tell you the truth first:
You can find peace and happiness without infringing upon the rights of others. Your happiness and success is your responsibility, and nobody can take away who you really are inside. And you can be at peace now despite what others think and do. The truth is we are all really alike and life is life, we eat and sleep and occasionally do something really fun, but these ideologies promise something which is not there, you dont end up living in this Utopia, it just becomes a mess of dead bodies and Conflict.
You people here have the power to start conflict, i want you to know that you are not a victim but an active aggressor targeting people you have never met, and i want to ask you if thats what you really wanted to do when you were born, and you may not think it but this is a dangerous game and real lives are at stake in the future, you are in the exact place that people prior to WW1 WW2 were at, angry and upset and wanting to do something really dumb.
The Truth about National Socialism or any Ideology
National Socialism claims to say that Good and Upright behavior comes from good breeds of humans, and to achieve the perfect world we have to breed better humans and annihalate the lesser ones.
But the truth is perfection is multi faceted, every being flourishes in his certain environment and flounders in another. And all beings have the potential to be perfect and good in their own way within them, wether they turn out to be is based on they themselves, not their genetics.
Hitlers racial dream is a bastardization of humans into barbie dolls, would you want to be valued based on what type of flesh you have? He didnt care about who you were, it was what you were on the outside, he was killing inferiors while "praising" women who obeyed beauty standards, the only reason they were not in the camps is because they were born a certain way, because they were considered german.
Do you understand how insane this man was? And before you say the holocaust never happened, which i have proof of,what did also happen is millions of people were neglected in Camps and also placed there, literally treated like dogs and beaten, is that the type of world you vision for the future?
Instead of encouraging the goodness in people to come out he wanted to breed us like animals and be proud of it, and to stomp over the weaker people. He had no friends because he was foul inside, he was never able to form intimate bonds with people because of this view he had of people.
There was no utopia, those who were not sent to die on the battlefields were working in factories like we do today.