I have browsed Holla Forums for years, starting in 2013, i believed that i had discovered the truth...

I have browsed Holla Forums for years, starting in 2013, i believed that i had discovered the truth. I believed that Blacks were bad people, that Jews may be bad people, a whole lot of bad negative stuff about people and the world. And it really ruined me, and to those of you who are young the only truth you should follow is your conscience, and it will lead and guide you, not these "viewpoints", if you follow your conscience, your life will become right and just like what you really want. What you really want is an upright life, these Ideologies will not deliver that, they will only deliver you destruction like the people of the 20th century.

I have read Gottfried Feders Manifesto, Goebbels views on Christianity and the Vandals, Inside The Third Reich by Albert Speer, the Greatest Story Never Told, Myth of the Twentieth Century, etc etc, the Black Sun.

But Let me tell you the truth first:
You can find peace and happiness without infringing upon the rights of others. Your happiness and success is your responsibility, and nobody can take away who you really are inside. And you can be at peace now despite what others think and do. The truth is we are all really alike and life is life, we eat and sleep and occasionally do something really fun, but these ideologies promise something which is not there, you dont end up living in this Utopia, it just becomes a mess of dead bodies and Conflict.

You people here have the power to start conflict, i want you to know that you are not a victim but an active aggressor targeting people you have never met, and i want to ask you if thats what you really wanted to do when you were born, and you may not think it but this is a dangerous game and real lives are at stake in the future, you are in the exact place that people prior to WW1 WW2 were at, angry and upset and wanting to do something really dumb.
The Truth about National Socialism or any Ideology

National Socialism claims to say that Good and Upright behavior comes from good breeds of humans, and to achieve the perfect world we have to breed better humans and annihalate the lesser ones.

But the truth is perfection is multi faceted, every being flourishes in his certain environment and flounders in another. And all beings have the potential to be perfect and good in their own way within them, wether they turn out to be is based on they themselves, not their genetics.

Hitlers racial dream is a bastardization of humans into barbie dolls, would you want to be valued based on what type of flesh you have? He didnt care about who you were, it was what you were on the outside, he was killing inferiors while "praising" women who obeyed beauty standards, the only reason they were not in the camps is because they were born a certain way, because they were considered german.
Do you understand how insane this man was? And before you say the holocaust never happened, which i have proof of,what did also happen is millions of people were neglected in Camps and also placed there, literally treated like dogs and beaten, is that the type of world you vision for the future?

Instead of encouraging the goodness in people to come out he wanted to breed us like animals and be proud of it, and to stomp over the weaker people. He had no friends because he was foul inside, he was never able to form intimate bonds with people because of this view he had of people.

There was no utopia, those who were not sent to die on the battlefields were working in factories like we do today.

Other urls found in this thread:


The war didnt have to happen, Hitler could have eventually expanded Germanys borders through diplomacy, Hitler could have lived out his life ruling a peaceful country while also stomping out prostitution and drugs and crime and helping the environment which he did do which is good.
But he didnt, he was a madman because he just wanted this fantastical vision of a Warrior country which was the king of all other countries, he said himself he didnt care about others except Germany and didnt care what they did, he had no thought of other beings outside Germany and in the end turned out not of Germans either, decreeing that all German utilites be wiped out prior to the invasion of Germany so that the enemy would reap only ashes. He was an asshole.

The Holocaust
1800s: German Philosophers popularize Germany as a militant Nation, Eugenics ideas start popping up.
Zionists betrayed Germany by bringing America into WW1 for Palestine

Hitler is brought up in a militant Mindset thanks to earlier philosophers, he popularizes the idea Germany was Betrayed by the Jews during WW1 because of Palestine.
Very few officials knew of the Holocaust, only the high ups and separate secret branches,
Human flesh burns really well due to the fat on it.
Zyklon is not a delousing agent, it is a toxic gas.
Albert speer admitted in his memoirs of using prisoners for labor, even though prisoners were often killed by working them to death.
Proof of holocaust:


Let me end off with a series of Facts
1. Hitler started the war.
2. Hitler ended the non-agression pact between Germany and Russia.
There literally never was any boogeyman, the war was Hitlers Choice and chose like a rat to break peace treaties.

I hope you will consider following your conscience instead of letting these beliefs ruin your life, like they did mine, people are not ragdolls to be controlled and manipulated and killed off.

The truth is inside you.

Lastly Holla Forums claims to support the truth no matter what, and as i was one of you for many years i wonder to see how your behavior will be in this thread.


This is going to be fun.

yeah whatever dude

There is but one truth and that is Hitler did nothing wrong.

Not only is that an inconsistency (if you actually had been one of us for many years you'd already know how we would react) it outs you as an obvious kike shill. Reported.


Not when you faggots ruined an entire continent with people that are genetically inferior and constantly drive the quality of live down for the natives. Say what you want about the JewSA, that shithole was founded by masons that decided they hated the king and sold themselves to the kikes.

Absolutely. The society you freaks created alienated the natives of Europe and now we will do anything to drive you out.

Its simple, Hitler did nothing wrong youtu.be/9XVCOMctVJQ

Nice try, Kikeberg. We're comin' for ya.



There will inevitably be the reply that the holocaust was created to "cover up" this great political revival.

Let me ask you what exactly is being hidden from the public view about the third reich? What is so amazing that you want to be there? Is it the uniforms? Because they were just designed by a guy named Hugo Boss. We have Hitlers environmentalism efforts but you guys seem to be opposed to that in some strange hybrid of conservatism.

I understand you want to preserve the White Race and which is why you are attracted to Hitler, perhaps you could isolate this desire from Hitler because i dont think you all want to annihalte yourself in another global war which is what hitler did.

Theres nobody steamrolling you dude, its all in your head



You just gave yourself away again.

Preservation of natural beauty for the benefit of those yet to be born. It isn't Green energy shilling which impoverishes the nation, you fucking shill.


I cannot have a discussion with you all if you are so rude, calm down i am not attacking you.

"traditional wisdom" or whatever you think that you have is useless in the face of jew lies, and also in the emerging weird trends that do not make sense in the frame of evolution (like 60% obesity/overweightness and rising)

Since we are evolved, there are no such things as souls and we are interconnected through many variables, from oxygen (good luck achieving inner happiness from second hand smoke and lung cancer faget) to polluting the environment with hazardous waste (leaded gasoline anyone?) To your food being handled by filthy kikes and turned into cancer causing shit.

The real way to get happiness is to restore the organism to its most stable levels, and for that to happen all the kikes, slimes and niggers need to go. Then all the crypto lefty kikes should be lined up against the wall and shot up. Then, maybe then we can make a natsoc approved EU with proper laws for health, sports and other standards for community that makes us happy.

You guys are wrong, people like me are the moral vanguard these days that shit all in your soul and we fucking hate your guts.

OP these nu-pol fags are beyond saving. When the war actually comes they will be burned alive by the righteous ones.


Namefags will also face the rope.

Don't worry shill-kun, we'll gas you first

This isn't a discussion you stupid doublespeaking vermin. This is me telling you that soon you will be hunted down and all the half-assed posting in the world cannot stop that now.

commies will get the rope too, Holla Forums.

There's nothing to discuss. This place values natural law above your petty sentimentality. Nature rules and nature abhors equality to the point it does not exist. Niggers are inferior specimens that should not live along side whites and Jews are parasites who cannot live in a land of their own. Israel takes in billions of foreign aid to defend itself from hostile neighbors it pissed off by squatting in a land they were rightfully ejected from over 2000 years ago. Now get the fuck outta here.

We can go about achieving our desires in this world in a morally right way.

Is this one of those UC shilling class students?


you sound like a fag lol.

you do not get to define what is moral and what is good, we do and we do not need or want you.

as a matter of fact, all of your words are completely irrelevant. I would rather follow someone who made pic related that to give you even one second of my serious heart to you. Kill yourself fagget

You seem to believe that nature is violent and agressive, but i am part of nature and i am friendly and nice. Nature is what you make of it, and it is not an excuse to live life against who you really are!


I am just reminding you of your roots

what roots? The desire to remove jew are my roots.

You are not part of nature, you go against nature in every sense of the word. In-group preference is an instinct that you betray.

Sure thing, I'll just go on with my life and let Jews do exactly what you're telling me not to do.

Well, not really.

((They)) are scared.
And they sent you, as sacrifice.
Here, where you will be forever.

This is your brain on critical theory.

You werent born believing its good to kill people

This is the future you chose.

I am a part of nature, human beings are just as beautiful as animals if not more beautiful because they have the ability to be altruistic.

actually I was, we are part of the animal kingdom you know. In certain circumstances, the desire to kill can blossom quite well. When in defense of what is good, it blossoms the best more or less.


This is now a rare merchant thread.

Kikes are not people

In the animal kingdom animals avoid fighting because they understand it often leads to their destruction, why dont you?

user, your dream is also a " bastardization of humans," not into barbie dolls maybe, but into carebears. Strife, killing, and war are every bit as much a part of us as compassion, charity, and brotherly love. Eliminating these things would make us less human, not more. They're negative in a lot of ways, sure, but they're not all bad - conflict and violence are the appropriate response to a lot of things, and they've motivated a lot of innovation and cleared away calcified and tyrannical systems.

Like all things, the key is balance. We need both cooperation and conflict. Right now, the official narrative coming from all authorities and all media pushes a saccharine, out-of-balance vision of cooperation. In Genghis Khan's Mongolia, maybe your message would be a useful corrective. Today, here? It's another snowball in an avalanche that will sweep away our civilization and our people.


wat, you are totally retarded. What do you think that our closest in blood animals do? The chimps? They have tribes and even the ability to count the battle strength of other members and engage in territory wars. There are many species who just kill to survive too. Some even kill because they are afraid. Its quite a natural thing really.

Altruism is either contribution to the commons or it's a mental illness.

Nu-pol are one of the most blupilled cliques I've known in the sense that they don't know what happened to the nazis after the war. Justice will always prevail.

You have to be one of those liberal art students doing this for a class project. You actually believe nature believes in your false god of equality, and everything is about peace

Animals fight and kill for their kind.

Kikes must be superior to cockasians since they run everything.

"People you've never met". Oldest lie ever told

I can see your nose from here Rabbi.


Your memes aren't gonna save you from the rope. :-)

Shitskin spotted

Kikes are a skilled parasite, but they only destroy.

In this topic post info-graphics to redpill ShareBlue.

you lie

Eat shit pacifist cuck. How did the "Aloha Vibe" work out for the native islanders before we made it a state and sold their land to the Japs?


You know what I hate most? This air of arrogance that these kikes have. They come here, expecting us to somehow respect them and their authority fallacy. They think that simply if they will themselves enough with this toxic language that they have, the people will fall in line.

Kek, it has long not worked for me anymore, I dont even remember the last time it did, but the stench of ignorance is so infuriating. That a person can act and be like that. And that outside there may actually be lower people like that still who fall for it.

This air of arrogance and the word usage was reserved for those of higher standing, and not meant to be copied by parasites like OP.

I have to go to bed and you guys have alot of tough points, and theres still alot to be figured out as far as keeping races diverse, but i guess i just want to say theres always a right way of doing things and i think we should always choose the right way because i dont think anyone wants to kill anybody, we all just want our happiness and we panic and feel we need to do this and that to survive.

Take of the thread what you will, but i will not back down from the fact the Third Reich was not a good government, they were bad people.

I think you should be banned and you should be forced to lurk moar, your quality as a person is shit and you are the shit person yourself, reported.

Are you, now?

Pic related is Cerapterus pilipennis, an ant nest beetle. He seems awfully nice and friendly. He smells right, he "talks" to the ants with antenna-taps, just like they communicate with each other. He makes a pleasant sound that resembles the sounds a queen ant makes. He has the ability to spray defensive chemicals like a bombardier beetle, but he never uses it against the ants. So he enters the nest and lives with them, and it's all very peaceful and lovely. Of course, he feeds on the ants' eggs and young, and sometimes the adult ants.

Maybe you're not a social parasite, Mr. Namefag. But social parasites exist. The fact that you present yourself as nice and friendly does not make you a friend.

Here's a nice wallpaper.


This is a lie.

I have learned never to take anyone seriously that begins there post with "…been browsing Holla Forums since…" It is almost always a sign that they are lying.

This is worth going through point by point. Holla Forums will probably hate me cause i've never really been gas the kikes race war now.

My first criticism is:
many on Holla Forums are rabid dogs, as are the majority of muslims. You cannot ask people to follow morally relative values and expect a happy and harmonious society to prosper. Better advice would be to actively develop oneself into a stronger, more mature being. Only then can any discussion of conscience follow.

Absolutely agree. Improving and remaking oneself for the better is why life is worth living. Remember: the modern age, for all its decadence and liberal reign that you so hate is still a far better place to live than most other places throughout all time in history.

Absolutely disagree. Quite the opposite actually. Human beings are so different that any attempts at integration into a "multicultural society" will lead to a completely schizophrenic governance as we see today. I meet many many people who take pride in never elevating themselves above their current situation. I can not even begin to understand why they are this way. Culture or genetics, it's irrelevant I just know my words of advice will be wasted on them. And different races do have different attitudes towards life. There is no mistaking this.

Yes, but conflict is not always a bad thing. One can hardly say the American revolution was non violent yet it birthed the most powerful nation on Earth. I really think Holla Forums should start looking more to the founding fathers for inspiration instead of the Nazis.

For the rest of your post I think you are pretty correct. The only thing I would point out, which is admittedly tangential, is that given a choice between NatSoc and communism i would take the former 100% because at least the belief in the greatness of the individual is present.

My question to you is: how do we rally people to non extreme ideologies? any thoughts?

I've never seen a poloo get so triggered and out of arguments! Best thread ever.


Yes it is what you make of it, and under any other circumstances it would be ideal. I would love to live in a world where I could invite travelers (strangers) for fika during summer but that is not where we are heading regardless if you try to make a personal effort. Everyone locks their home and look to themselves and in 10-15 years everyone will ask themselves "how did we end up here, we were nice and friendly all the time". Keep your head above water.

Morality is a social construct.

I havent posted in a while because everything seemed to go so well, I even managed to land a 40 hours job. This board and the culture havent regressed for many months now without serious shitposting on my side kek, but its nice to feel needed from time to time again when the lefties return. Something feels good about being angry all the time at them.

but its still a shit thread and these people should get banned.

and a racial construct and is thus exactly my point. It makes no sense to try and form some all encompassing morality to govern everyone.


Life is a contest. Your preaching of passivity is blatant subversion to anyone who understands this.

Well i think people believe in these Ideologies because something in their life isnt working right, maybe theyre poor or they are having trouble with addiction, so i think if people are happy and have what they need its not very likely these extreme ideologies will thrive, they will just remain on the fringes like Holla Forums.

If more people were to get poor and or disfunctional then it would be able to spread, that is what is so scary about Holla Forums it is a tarantula which is waiting for its time to escape the cage.

If you really have been on Holla Forums for years as you claim. Your development is extremely slow and your intellectual abilities are lacking.

Dummy confirmed


I am what you would call an ultra fascist and I do lots of sports, eat healthily, have a normal job, no crime. Compared to the "extremes" who are promiscuous, have unstable partners, smoke weed, are overweight/obese, are on anti depressants etc.

You guys are the ones with the extreme ideology.


I thought you were going to bed? Just can't help yourself?

Its normal to do all those things though, thats what normal people do, its not as if believing in Fascism causes people to become this amazing person. Thats just proper upbringing user.



You are wrong, on average 60% of most nations are now obese/overweight. Thats the "normal" for you. What do you think that fascism advocates for? Thats right, physical prowess and sports. Most who do that are right wing, those in the military and the police forces. Those who lift weights are right wing as well.

The rest who are not, are left wing and they are part of the ones who are fat and depressed. Who are part of those 1/10 of the population who are on anti depressants.

The lefties are also more promiscuous and thus have less stable families than right wingers as you can see in pic related.

Fascism leads to goodness, to saving one self. Leftism only leads to death.

Satisfaction, and fulfillment in life come from playing hard, not spectating.

This is what you posted.

This was the response.

You're just projecting your own shit to make yourself feel better.

Are you a moron who can't see the logical error here, or a slimy sophist who hopes others won't?

Wow well that hurt, i may not be the smartest guy in the Library but ive chosen to do a complete 180 in my belief system because these NatSoc ideas just dont sit right with my morality, theres something about them that when i believe them my heart goes to me: When you believe this stuff you are denying who you really are.

I talk to countless black people every week and i feel like an ass for believing this stuff in my mind when i talk to them, i should either not talk to black people at all or abandon this stuff.

and what do you do about bd people, hug them?
Our bodies are a good example. billions of individual cells all getting along together.
But one alien breeches that skin?
yeah, our immune systems don't take prisoners, they nuke them.
May the demons that guard your borders be strong, so you faggots can be all peace and love inside

The latter. Also notice how he said he wants to go to bed, and is still here.

Get over yourself.

I don't want your world, we can make our own. And we don't need and I don't need your help.

You don't know who or what we are. Judging by your posts, however, you sound like an evolutionary deadend.

Why would the truth ruin you? Viewpoints aren't the truth, there are many ways with which you can use truth to your advantage and make something out of it. What you probably thought was that Holla Forums expected of you to "kill niggers and Jews", while the reality was that you could express it in a number of ways only you and "your conscience" (which you cannot control, as it seems, because you're also enslaved into seeing only viewpoints) could control. For example, why weren't you for Africans, Israelis, Asians etc. leaving European lands and repatriating their ancestors' ones, bringing with them the knowledge they had with themselves acquired from European men? The only force needed here was the invisible force of persuasion, NOT conflict and NOT death.

Define young?

I was an idealist like that a lot of years before Holla Forums came about. I still am, with the difference that my idealism has a purpose now. My life is on a good path, the best there ever was in fact.

Apparently human beings don't…?

Even if they're infringing on mine? Even if they're willing to destroy what I hold most dear?

Sure it is.

That's exactly what we've been saying here. People all over the world, especially those in very high government positions in our countries, seem to believe otherwise though. They believe that literally everyone coming over to live in Europe is not only sustainable, but also a "moral imperative" and "humanity's destiny". Damn wrong, don't you think?

Genetics control a portion of this success, one way or another, whether you like it or not. To define a person as "bad" solely by their genes is a blind-sided statement, indeed, but it isn't a far-fetched statement to predict what will arise of these genetics and what will happen to us that accept this lowered/higher success as just a "variation of success" and not directly see it for what it is.

It's only foolish for the character of a man not to be defined by their physical existence. The physical existence is the base upon which all co-existing forms within the human rest, e.g. conscience, mind, character etc. My body's strength,my biological sex, my genes, my risk of disease, hell even my disease (if I have any) can't NOT be taken into consideration if one wants a society full of flourishing human beings, that makes progress, upholds its ideals and strives to improve itself. Otherwise, you have all of these mental diseases (that, as per your view, show up as just a "diversity in human success") sponsored inside the feeble brain matter of air-headed intellectuals who place mind over body, who claim all sorts of bizarre and other-worldly things, such as "I wish to be any gender I want" (disregarding biological sex and body), "Healthy at every size" (disregarding biology, risk of disease, and basically all of the positive sciences) etc. who always end up in hating themselves and putting off their problems for others to care for.

His enemies brought it upon themselves, they were preparing this for decades in advance by tearing, bit by bit, what was left of the German people, their minds and their belongings. Extraordinary violence brings extraordinary responses, don't you think? Or do you think that the cancerous elements that plagued upon Germany for centuries would leave Germany to stand on its own legs and rise itself up from the very circumstances its enemies forced it to suffer? If Hitler did start the war, as you claim, why was he not intensively pleading for peace and world disarmament, but also suffered tons of English bombins, all during the first years of the war? Why did Goebbels need to make his "total war" speech so late into the war? That's quite the peaceful resolve for such a war-crazed maniac, eh?

There's so much bullshit here that I could've replied to, but if you actually are what you claim you should know the answer to all of this already.

Nope, that was decided by the Allies. They forced the issue.
Declassified Soviet documents show that he invaded Russia with 17 days to spare before Russia would have done the same. You're also ignoring all the titled aristocrats that were traitors the whole time. They never understood that it was never National Socialism which the world hated, but the German people. Which is why the allies announced who was helping them from within the German government, so that the National Socialists would execute them for treason. That meant when the allies won, they would not need to be diplomatic towards their former helpers because they were dead.
It is clear that you do not understand that it was the German people who were hated either. Please read things written during or before WW1 in Ally countries. They say the same things there and then that people later say about "Nazis".
This matters because it is now ALL WHITE PEOPLE who are in the same position. All whites are now hated simply for being white. Did I want to be hated because of who and what I am? No.
Did the French in Haiti want to be born to be hated for what they were? No, and it didn't stop the blacks from torturing and killing every last white man woman and child there. Then they killed all the octoroons, then the quadroons then all the mulattoes.
You are concerned entirely with the outsider here, and not with yourself or your posterity. You must think multigenerationally, because if you don't then you won't have a people. Why does the outsider get their own undivided attention as well as your own? You are also ignoring birthrates.

I don't even care about the ideology at all. It's simply a fact that they weren't evil but were attacked for what they were and for not having a central banking system. If you've got a way to have a society that is only my subset of white people living within it, without central banking and live in peace with the surrounding peoples and nation-states, I would love to hear it.

See, OP? It's a competition, and those who don't embrace that will perish.

This is just sad.

You're not from here.

Or acknowledge that you were brought up in a very unnatural environment and seem to have trouble adjusting because of it. You could always move back to Europe if you want a third option and escape the fallacy you created.

hahahaha no. You will not survive the coming storm. You don't have the will power.


But what if they pressure down on you and infringe on your rights? Can you achieve that?
No, you can't.

Hitler did one thing wrong. He didn't kill all the Jews.

Why are you even fighting goy? You feel tired dont you? Just let it happen. Just close your eyes and go into the light. Now sleep goy, sleeeeeeep…

This pretty much sums up what OP was getting at.

OP grow the fuck up from your libertarian dillusions

Prove it. Any user here can spot a fellow user, it's obvious you're not, and that your first three posts were pre-written.
I have to wonder what you were doing on this site, and why you decided to save the article picture.

Now you're playing armchair psychologist.

Fuck off and never post your bullshit again

It's always funny watching other spiritual people trying to wrap their heads around this place. I don't believe you've lurked like you claim. If you had you would have already realized how this thread would go. Lurk moar.

By the way 2013 is 10 years late why the fuck are you bragging about that youre not one of us you insidious snake nigger

I bet you thought your nice paragraphs of 'reasonable' and 'fair' alternatives to the mindset espoused on this board would be recirpocated in kind, and some really, really good and also, nice discussion would follow.
It seems you forgot you were actually a fagoot.

Hitler did end the non-aggression treaties, and did start the war by invading Czechoslovakia and Poland. that's the only thing you're right about. I'm not a big fan of Hitler, I don't think he was a particularly good leader for germany and Strasser would have been much more preferable. But the kikes still need to be gassed along with all the other untermenschen.

When I see Kike Shill nonsense like that I know I'm on the right path & now that I have been exposed to Hitler my life has improved dramatically.

Sorry Kike's you lose this time, get in the oven ASAP!

Nice troll, but i will bite

I never studied english, i started to learn english on Holla Forums in the begins using some program, lurking and sometimes google translate but avoiding use some word until i stopped using this and post more and more around 2013

I become redpilled with 15 years around the end of 2007 and middle of 2008, niggers were piece of shit, people irrational, the media cynical, like they had a default narrative and dogma to keep, agenda, i was feeling that everything don't representated how the things really were comparing reality, videos, seeing the behavior of niggers on internet, on videos, seeing how the media tried to trashing exclusive everyone who was white men, they trying to create entertainment and baiting to demoralize and shit in white men for years, while doing their neutral movies and things with white men and white women or white men against white men who will not erase all the racial disgusting movies, scenes of movies and everything made against white. Niggers being piece of shit, violent, the criminals, but opposite world in the media copied from USA media owned by democrats party (But i started to be aware of the media being owned in 95% by democrats party only in begins of 2012 and their lobby in hollywood, jews in hollywood, media, with Michael Jackson, Mel Gibson and some others, but i started to have more disgust of democrats party around 2015 and 2016)

And started to think that everything slowly started to be disgusting, manipulated, sad around 2004 at least in my country.

In the media they (((Coincidence))) started to put black male characters as presidents around 2006 or 2007, pushed the nigger ck meme always with nigger male or white women, and white men being neutral with white women or racially attacked. Had commercials, youtube, scenes of movies, movies, videos, the people were naive in this time but with the years they started to see everything.

The narrative in 2008 was vote for the black, or you're racist, McCain is a nazi buzzword or old sick man, (McCain is know as a piece of shit today, but was praised by media of democrats party for being useful against trump as controled opposition)

Obama trashing Hillary Clinton in 2008 because in this time the narrative was vote for the black.

2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010 were bad, but in middle of 2010 the people started to change a little bit, had a disgusting video in Sweden, cuck shit, and the video of Barbara Spectre about Jews, in september of 2010 i know Holla Forums but i was redpilled, i remember wanting to travel to America in 2008, become skinhead and live drunk in some street, and maybe die in some day, but i stopped wanting to be skinhead and become just political in the middle of 2011

I tried to create escapism for myself in disgusting world, tried to watch animes, and be some otaku or game in 2009 but i don't liked so much, only some animes like Death Note, Code Geass

2011 was good for games around november, but in this year had nigger riots in London and Breivik in Norway, some cool videos on youtube about rodesia, breivik, white countries for everyone, and other sad shit of democrats media and industries, i think started lybia Obama shit but i'm not sure, i don't know when started shit on Syria

2012 Olympics opening game in London were made only with niggers and one random white women with nigger children, the democrats party in year of election for Obama started to make anti-white male videos, movies, cuckoldry, the Tarantino shit movie, and tried to push muh evil white racist cop killed the innocent nigger baby (Trayvon) and tried to push this narrative on CNN and American media, huffington post, everything, had so much cuckold and anti-white male race baiting in these years, and still the same, Zimmerman was innocent and the nigger was really criminal, Obama said that the nigger could be his son, and tried to support race baiting, disgusting chanel of white sell out rape trash tried to demoralize the Romney to vote for Obama with rap based in american cuck porn anti-white male bait invented against white men by the same owned democrats party industries and establshment (In this time befor gawker become bankrupt). Rommney lose for very few votes and had possibility of cheating of votes in 2012 by democrats party, frauds, no identity requirement only in USA for votes. All the biggest media, channels, everything controled by democrats party tried to shill for Obama and called Rommney Nazi buzzword again.

Hello fellow goyim the blogpost
Kill yourself chaim, I heard helium is painless
Right up your street you pussy faggot

2013 started with Snowden spreading that Obama was spying everyone in many countries, and more race baiting, democrats party media started to try to create their narrative of white cops are racists so they started to search for places who had white cops to bringe the race bait, happened ferguson who was really criminal again, but the democrats party media tried to shill for niggers chimpout and give a little bit of excuse to they try to produce riots, crimes, and try to sell this narrative.

2014 was the same thing of the terrorist group and with money of soros, black lives matter, then we had hope with ebola chan, had the thing of Putin in Crimea and Obama shit and Moot killing Holla Forums in november or december of 2014 and trying to hide the gamergate thing

2015 started with the shit of black lives matter, terrorism, riots, crime, and trump happened in july while the media of democrats party were shilling for HIllary Clinton, with jelousy of trump being popular even with the manipulation of the media, they tried to pretend that bernie sanders was a real candidate against hillary clinton, when wikileaks proved that he is not, Hillary Clinton was since the begins choose, Bernie Sanders can't have the number of people of Trump in rallies, but the media tried to pretend that Bernie Sanders was the vote of young people when was not, was just a fake shit to pretend that Hillary Clinton win against anyone

2016 happens, the narrative who started around 2013 and in 2016 was more movies and tv shows with white women feminist against evil white men, white women in the side of poc and white men as villain in character, this because the democrats tried to push the narrative of vote for vagina since they can't manipulate stupid dumb white guilt brainwashed people to vote for Hillary for being black, they tried to change the narrative of Obama for the narrative who they tried to artificially invent to try to elect Hillary Clinton (And in future they attacked Marine Le Pen so the narrative women was bullshit exposed to brainwash useful idiots) terrorism still hapening in 2016, muslim against gay, niggers shoting cops and killing people because democrats party media tried to give any little excuse to niggers kill and chimpout, organized with money of Soros, Obama heavy trying to shill for Hillary Clinton, attacking trump, all the same disgusting rap shit of 2012 in youtube trying to demonize trump and shill for Hillary Clinton, all the media controled by democrats party, websites, produced many fake news against trump while trying to cover up Hillary Clinton shit, know wikileaks too, Trump wins, democrats party chimpout and try to destroy the streets, shit organized by soros, Soros abandon Black lives matter terrorist group since this time, 2017 happens and democrats party still doing hardcore anti-trump propaganda, trying to shill for themselves

Happened Brexit also in 2016 and other terrorist attacks and crimes. Also increasing in Europe while they tried to hide and cover up because the elite are traitor and piece of shit

I forget many things who were turned in memory holes, Sony Leaks in the end of 2014, all the videos and things of Israel against immigrants in their country, sudanese, i think it was around 2011 or 2012

sage goes in all fields

I talk to countless black people every week and i feel like an ass for believing this stuff in my mind when i talk to them, i should either not talk to black people at all or abandon this stuff.
This racehate is a Holla Forums thing, the Nazis werent racist in the form of hating other races and wanting to kill them. They were not even close to the racism of the burgers back then. You dont hate kangoroos for beging different. They wanted every race to live where and how they naturally lived, so let the Africans alone in Africa. Holla Forumss racism is the consequence of not accepting the equality lies and of rejecting this unnatural society.

Fucked the quotation up

Can't decide whether OP is serious or just an user wanting some entertainment.

WEBM related you fucking delusional pussy.

Some people who had merely lived an ordinary steppe life, went out and conquered half of the earth, and achieved prosperity their ancestors could never even had dreamt of, how is this a bad thing?

Happiness is irrelevant. Survival is why we do what we do.

Spotted the jew

No such things exist, it's spook

you fucking jew
they didn't achieve, they stole it
they built NOTHING

Can't we all just get along?


@ OP (in case he is not a luciferian/kike)

What if there exists a force which main priority is to destroy humanity? How pacifict can you be?
Also, carbon monoxide instead of zyklon.

@ OP (in case he is luciferian/kike)

You are being used to destory humankind.

Your entire post reeks of selfishness. Of course ignorance is bliss but it doesn't make it right. We don't do this for ourselves or for our own gratification. Ours is a selfless movement to provide a safe future for white children. We do this at the cost of our own (((happiness))). The blackpill is very real.

Shill posts in my times actually had some imagination.
This shareblue copypasta is just plain bad.


wtf op made me see the light, im a jewish transexual islamic donkey now. i have an illegal mexican immigrant lover named hesus and he rides me into jerusalem every night.

thanks neoliberalism! how tolerant.

It's more than mere survival. Niggers survive. We create all that is glorious.


The Mongols were extremely impressive, no question. But they might have done even better with just a touch more compassion and cooperation. There's a reason the whole thing fell apart in civil war and rebellion in the two or three generations after Genghis rather than lasting for centuries like other empires managed. Admittedly, maybe without that level of brutality and callousness, the poor steppe wanderers wouldn't have had the strength to overthrow the world.

Fuck off, jew.

This seems like a very anti-semetic statement, goy… you know that there are people that cannot survive without the blood of the young on tap. There is no need to be so judgemental, you may eat a cheeseburger and another (((person))) eats a human child, who's to say one is good and the other evil? Oy vey, it's all relative, goyim! Do what is right for you, oy vey!


Your problem is that your perception of the intelligence it takes to earnestly improve yourself is not that high, when there is actually and truly a bar of entry into it.

People who fall below can be 'good people' but it has to be drilled into them, this is why society and social constructs exist and they're not always bad especially in this case (Hell I'd go as far as to say that social constructs are what give us civilisation in the first place, it's the kikes who warp and corrupt our society's that we have to be careful of.)

We should be persistent and dutiful in making our own species stronger because it's the right thing to do, but to meaninglessly waste life because it doesn't fit a 'vision' is detrimental to society. All pieces have to fit, this doesn't mean that we need to put up and shut up about mass migrants, they are not compatible with our society in the first place and will ruin the picture we are trying to put together.

This is why cucks get so anally annihilated about Nazi's, it's not about suppression of speech or homogeneity of society because they themselves have to come to the realisation that the only way for them to succeed is through the same methods except Nazi's are unafraid of truth.
Cucks instead try and unite society through ideology thus taking away the ability of man to think for himself, whereas the Nazi realises this weakens man and instead tried to unite society through common history and heritage.
The cuck silences speech because he fears society will see the glaring flaws in his ideology, the Nazi does it to weaken the great enemy because he knows how the kikes work.
And most of all, the Nazi destroys the cuckold because what he does actually works. The Nazi was the first to establish the working week, the first to make sure pensioners were secure, the first to establish affordable healthcare, the first to establish workers rights and health concerns in the work place and the first to actually cares about nature.
All of this the Nazi did first and much of what the West does today it simply piggybacks off of the progress the Nazi's made.

As for your misguided opinions on what the Nazi's were or did, if you've spend 4 years here then there's really nothing more I can say to convince you.
All I'll say is this: The victors write history, but it's through the cracks in the official story in which you see the glaring truth. If you ever base your confidence in a source of information based on how 'official' or 'popular' it is then you're setting yourself up for a loss. Anyone who's smart enough to find the truth knows to focus less on aesthetics and more on reasoning and evidence and there's already more than enough to disprove half of what you've lazily posted there.

Clarification on this: we don't define what is moral or good either. NATURE DOES. It's just that we seem to be the only ones who understand this and work within the laws of nature.