Tfw no quirky gf

tfw no quirky gf

There is a difference between quirky and just dumb.

Luna was the best potterfu

Can't argue with that.


Close but no cigar.


Luna is a dumb nut though. And she is hardly even relevant, go back to wherever you came from.



What was her problem? Phoebe wasn't just weird, she was repulsive for the sake of it. A white christian lady would never behave like that schizo.

>Growing up in (((Jew York)))

She was probably diddled.

She got some disease when a hobo spat into her mouth when she was a kid

Spergy Hermione is mine

She's unironically Jewish

Lisa Kudrow was originally going to be Ros on Frasier, but they recast the role to Peri Gilpin.

more like Spermione


at least it would've been more believable that so many people want to fuck her

Cry more.

If I didn't like her so much, I'd call her a two-bit plot device.




that's not how it works

I know


its fun for a little bit, until hers and/or your insecurities and issues mount to the point that you cant even derive satisfaction from each other anymore. Or even worse, she actually gets bored with you and clings to some other guy to start that cycle over again and she only comes back into your day now and then to drain more life out of you but you don't care because it's literally the only social contact you have outside of your family so you put with it for as long as you can until your crying in the hallway and ur mom comes to see what's wrong, but cant tell if you are crying or laughing because you literally never express any emotions at all and even you dont know but in the end she doesnt hug you or even bother asking more than twice because she's completely checked out and none of this matters anymore because you realize just how pathetic your life really has become, sadly you're too much of a coward to actually end it - and in the ensuring sadness you finally realize how cucks end up as cucks. Failing relationships over and over to the point where you settle for a misshapen abortion of one because at least you'll have someone in your life - but then you snap out of it and realize that even you arent that pathetic so you smile a little and dedicate yourself to improving you so you can actually bang the next clingy girl that latches onto you.

Oh come on. Ros had the female deep voice thing going on.

more like the "not sure if heavy smoker or tranny" thing

I've seen this happen multiple times. They should call those girls nerdhoppers.

they already have a name, and they're called cluster b

that's a stupid name

I know this is a fake story but I would have gotten your reference.