The Daily Caller: "Welcome To Weimerica"


Other urls found in this thread: Chia/[Mantak_Chia,_Michael_Winn]_Taoist_Secrets_of_Love(


Weimera is going mainstream, boys. Soon, the normies will finally understand what kind of a degenerate place Weimar Germany was, and why the NSDAP rose to power.

I have nothing to say other than holy fucking shit, and checked.
tucker carlson is redpilled, his previous haunt pushes out some very vaguely fascist stuff

Btw, the guy who wrote this is from Social Matter, which leans towards paleoconservatism, but occasionally names the Jew.

Didn't read it all because I need to sleep, but, what worries me is that the sheep might see this and think, "D-Does that mean, like, Hitler'n'stuff is gonna come if this keeps up? HITLER BAD. BAD HITLER. NO GOOD. WE GOTTA SLACKEN JUST ENOUGH TO PREVENT PUBLIC DISDAIN FOR THIS BULLSHIT."

Neolibs and neocons always double down, no matter how much they fuck up. Let's just hope there are enough normalfags out that can still be saved.


That's just it dude - they can't really slacken it any further without it going so horribly wrong that Hitler sounds like a reasonable fella.
Anyone have the image of comment section from that Bill Nye shit? It was rife with people horrified by what they were witnessing, and calling for a return to something lost.

I think there is a resurgence of anti-Hitlerism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be nationalistic. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the multicultural societies they once were in the last century. Hitler is going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a nationalist mode and Hitler will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.


Daily Reminder

tbh we will only need rural America to win this and we've got that to some extent through meme culture which has REALLY picked up speed and is floating uphill.

Russia will be neutral and

beautiful post user


I can't wait to march on Jew York.

I'm gonna tear that fucking fishing line they've got around the city off the poles and flog the kikes with it as they're driven from the city.

Man when I read up and look at the pictures of what Berlin was like in Weimar before Hitler it actually gives me hope. Never has degeneracy been so rampant and hopefully never again but if it did something can still do something about it.

Also on an somewhat related note >>>/nofap/ is the single best thing that has ever happened in my life. It's hard for the first couple months but if you power through it it's like fucking magic man I just. Saved the shit out of me. I never felt more alive. Free yourselves from the stupid sexy jew goys. It's the real deal.

big surprise

Hedonism for the bourgeois progressives. I don't go to Starbucks or even drink coffee. I work my ass off for no reason other than a sliver of hope things get better. Every day I come closer to jumping in front of a train, but what stops me is I would be ruining the day for hundreds if not thousands of others just like me.

I want them to dive off the deep end into the redpill, not just return to the 50's.
And here's the comment section. I understand exactly what you mean.
Night, user.

If Adolf could clean up Berlin, its hardly LARP to suggest we might one day be marching upon Jew York.

hello, TRShill.

Top kek user, bravo.

Kek, here's your (you), you earned it.
For real though, this zeitgeist is legit. I'm confident I'm not alone when I say I've been feeling it more and more. The synchronicity of things has been leading this way for a while. It was inevitable that memeing this hard would lead to this eventually but it's still so surreal to watch it unfold.


Cant wait user

Holy fuck I just realized we need to make spectre posting a thing. Imagine if it spread as far as the navy seal copy pasta and every normie who looked it up on know your meme found the fucking barbara spectre quote.

That reminds me, lol.

No angelic females allowed, or something?

Great summary, lots of memetic potential. The education system's official line regarding Weimar is basically "it sucked," with some focus on hyperinflation and demoralization to explain how Hitler came to prominence. There's no kneejerk rejection there, and that's VERY important. Pairing Weimar and America/Western Europe lets people connect the dots in ways that don't trip the laser beam matrix that would sound the wrong think alarm. This is a very important angle to be considered when trying to reach out to others, and one that isn't handled well here because it gets unfairly lumped in with PRfagging.

This is not an issue of bad optics, this is an issue of reaching the heart of every American. You can't use symbols that trigger a conditioned reflex for normalfags. Nor should you. You can use the Third Reich for guidance, but you should not try to cargo cult their existence. They were uniquely designed and shaped to awaken a German superorganism, a people united under its shared heritage of memes and genes. If you wish for such a system in America, you can't just clone Hitler. You must use American values, symbols, culture, history, and leaders. Not only do these not trigger alarms in the heads of normalfags, they appeal to them in the same way that the NSDAP was like a beam of light into the dark sewage of Weimar Germany.

My advice is to find the symbols. The phrase "America First" really comes to mind here as a great example; it rejects pathological altruism in favor of will to power in the language of American exceptionalism. Different appearances, similar principles, equal effectiveness. Dig through history to find examples of great achievements and triumph of American might or values. Remind people that these have been buried under the muck of Weimerica, and that through sheer effort can be recovered and built upon to reach new heights.

I looked through the comments and couldnt find any "antisemetic" ones, even among the deleted.

Odd that they'd use that as their reason to lock it.



NOW that is a movie/comic I would dig. Almost like LaLa Land where the chick has the flashback of what could have been at the end where she sees Ryan Goslen playing the piano at his club.

I went from arguing with leftists to arguing with family and friends due to their increasing leftist mind virus infections. We are ALL getting more radicalized. Over a six month period I got emails from Tripadvisor, Netflix, my local indy movie theater, Chamber of Commerce, etc telling me that Refugees need OUR help/ and or Trump must be stopped.

Grown men in drag using women's bathrooms and major corporations are pressuring local and state governments to allow it? American tax dollars paying for illegal spics to attend college? Importing Somalians into Idaho??????????????

I want at least 3 Hitlers to end this gay earth at this point.

Very true. Trump was called an obnoxious clown, and a big bad meanie for his antics all during the election, but he was plucking the right strings to rile up Americans.

We're not full Weimar Republic yet.
We're getting close, but not quite yet.


The Goyim will know for sure.

Damn, that last part, right in the feels, we really do live in a sick society.

been a long time since I capped a post and made some OC in it's honor.

I am now richer for having read your post. Enjoy

that video

It's why they wanted to change value statements, high status is given to minorities and degenerates to acclimate us to engineered decline.

IronMarch: Overtone window? No goyims, the overtone window is just bullshit! Stop trying to convert great numbers of normies away from liberalism! We should aim at making people go directly from liberalism and cuckservatism to National-Socialism with slogans like gas the kikes, race war now!

So how did Hitler get elected, MGTOW shills? -)

Brown Shirts nigger. Veterans of WWI and displaced young men who did not want to join actual Weimar fuckboy gangs.
We are at the advent of the Road Wars and Street Fights, in two years we will be tossing bricks through kike windows

Hahaha, nice post.

Well, he flew under the radar nicely.

Woman in last pic should wear a skirt.

He didn't. Hindenburg made him chancellor after the Reichstag burnt down in 1933. They got not more than 40% at the 1932 elections (the NSDAP was the biggest party at the general and federal elections, but Hindenburg won the presidental one).
Also Hitler didn't campaign to take away the vote from women, they campaigned with extended social programs and against both capitalism and communism.

"Return to the 1950s, goyims!"

"But they had family values!"


I have long said the Jews will pervert the United States of America until it has zero legitimacy worldwide and every nation on the planet will abandon us or want us destroyed and it will have been the Jews behind the scenes doing it all along, hell it's what the Jews have always done, and why they have been kicked out of so many countries
When I was a kid I remember if there was a disaster anywhere in the world it was US aid first to arrive. Now? no fucking way. We are the disaster.

When did jews stop saying "America will never become non-white"?


No, in 1965, Robert Kennedy still said "it will not change the ethnic mix of our society".
And it didn't until (((certain people))) did in the 70's.

"Do you really think the US gov will allow non-White immigrants in the next decade?!? Hahaha! Most non-whites and us jews are Americans just like you, we must stay united, ebil Russians and Chinese attacking us is what you should worry about!"

I have noticed that normies, the ones that believe in racial equality and all that, freaks out if you point out the stats on White replacement. They´ll try to claim that we are very far from that point, that Whites are still a clear majority and so on.

Blond girls are seen as dumb, for some reason.

Blonde is attractive, so lots of vapid cunts bleach their hair to look blonde. So out of blonde people, you have those who are naturally blonde, who are likely somewhat more intelligent than average, and those who bleach their hair, who are likely somewhat less intelligent than average. Since blonde hair is relatively rare, and tends to occur mainly in certain populations like north europeans, the latter group will be more prevalent in most regions.

Also merchants.

could be implying her hair was dyed that color, or the ditzy blond stereotype.

We're almost there user.

Third one was meant to be this.

#Weimeracrats Time to get this tag going.

Create Weimar problems, receive Weimar solutions.

stop posting that shit, at least spoiler. kys.

That was Ted Kennedy, I think, the sponsor of the immigration reform bill that has flooded us with shitskins.


Hehe, this wasn't just Germany, my damn you should have seen the shit my grandfather had. Now he never spoke of anything, but before the war he was active, during the prohibition and the violence was out of control. Streetfights, gun fights.

We need to keep pushing the anti-degenerate sentiment and point out who caused it. This will break people out of their left-right paradigm since Democrats promote it and Republicans fail to prevent it.

A new independent right will rise out of this.

Curiously, the JIDF arrived on that article and made a Disqus post one hour after this thread was made.

Just FYI, I counted in the comments:
Word is getting out.


Never off yourself user; be the last to die. Preferably in an orgy of violence and death at a leftist dingus pit.


Keep fighting for the future even if it seems dim and too far away.
A lot of us are stuck in that pit. Holla Forums helps a lot. You're my brothers.
This article is a great sign for us since it's on a more normalfag site so a lot more people are starting to get exposed to truths about the Weimar Republic and can start understanding.


The beauty of using the Weimar comparison is there’s no valid/acceptable reason to shut it down. Calling it anti-semitic is admitting they were part of it. Denying research into ww2 would also deny muh holocaust victim credits and encourage us to look deeper.

Holla Forums shitposting is in our genes

Here's the Hitler version, and a cleaned up original version because the original used a stupid, hard to read font.

forgot to crop the text




But how will it work? Normalfags will not get the joke right?


I may never meet any of you. I may never get to go hunting with you, or drink with you, or kill jews with you, or burn books with you, but I love you. Each and every one of you glorious bastards will always have a special place in my heart.
Eu te Amo


it's national socialist, you parasite


God damn it I want to save those doggos.

So, in regards to this thread, weimar republic is going to be a new talking point for me. I will fearlessly draw comparison to our modern shit show society. I'll let the Hitler conclusion spell it self.

I can feel it. I've been feeling it. We are going to bring the holohoax question to the big table, this decade. I'm very pumped.

Yer damn right. We DO need multiple 'Hitlers' this time around.

Sieg Heil

So how does this work for the normalfags?

Spectreposting has a lot of meme potential and it's so versatile that it almost hurts to point out how obvious it is. Let me give you 3 examples to start with:

1. Using her face akin to le happy merchant.
I also get to point out that since the US election merchant posting is down significantly.

2. Turn her words used from the last Gex video into a slogan
With spectre in particular you can make her most famous quote a slogan and tagline and combine it with news of muslim and jewish attacks and policy changes. One-two combo of making jews and muslims inseparable semite threats.

3. Normalfags eat up pop culture references
Play with her name. Spectre is used interchangeably with specters aka ghosts. The last james bond movie sucked but it was about a shadowy organization afflicting their changes and infiltrating government agencies. Can use meme formats to have normalfag-appealing comics as easy as a 3-panel format. The jokes write themselves.
Panel 1: normalfag watching james bond movie Spectre
Panel 2: normalfag saying, "That would never happen…"
Panel 3: normalfag horrified as he's shown jews being jews in government and the punchline is naming Spectre followed with the gex clip.

The jokes and potential is there. Are you a bad enough goy to do it?

It doesn’t work. They see “conservatives” and instantly want the opposite.

Once pedos start fighting for rights, holding marches/rallies, etc. That's when we can get normal folk to join us.

they did that in the 70s and 80s when it was avant garde to be a pedophile, even the communist founder of the gay rights movement, Harry Hay, was marching in Nambla attire in the 80s (pic related).

I miss Hitler.

Are there any of these going on today? I wonder how people would react if a good lad decided to 'spray' one of those parades.


It's a bad (((stereotype))) made to make great people seem dumb.

No, no…lets all be based semites.


Is there one of these in the reverse order but made for the communist manifesto or something like that?

At this point I'm not even surprised


First thing I did when I read that was copy/paste it to a notepad file so I can post it fucking everywhere

This thread got me thinking. What the fuck ever happened to the way people dress? I understand how t shirt and basketball shorts could be seen as everyday attire with CY+2 worldviews; but what's the reason for the degradation of dress and clothing? Even shitter countries you see people wearing sweatpants and nike shoes.

I am honored, sir.

I like that.

How i wish to become a SS officer and remove this degeneracy from this world.

I see what you did there.


Nationalist civil war soon? Franco will rise from the grave.

just a side effect of the decline of western civilization

Holy fucking shit. Isn't daily caller Tucker Carlson's news site? How many people does this reach?

Yes, and the fags had their own "night of the long pedobears" to excuse them. There was much kvetching.

The same reason people love to dye their hair retarded colors and use retarded haircuts.

In Toronto there was an unauthorized pizza party which lead to a backlash, but like (((Stonewall))) they leveraged it. Politically, though, pizza was strictly off the menu.

And now we lump it all together and we get…
Could use a source on >>9896765's second pic though.

economics. it essentially becomes paper umbrellas if left unchecked.

The best way to go about this is make a few yourself and post them. If they are funny people will reuse them. If they are shit people will edit or make better ones.

Ngram viewer charts books based on language, not country, so the second graph dealing with Jewish population in the USA isn't really relevant.

What may be a cohencidence is that the phrase "dumb blonde" began appearing following the NSDAP taking power.

Nevar Forget Anti-Racist Hitler

Dubs confirm. Bumping with OC.
We probably should make a thread for OC, and the Spectre Posting can go in there.

3 Hitlers will greet us
3 Hitlers will lead us
3 Hitlers will save us


Man, I love Antiracist Hitler. He looks so comfy in his hawaiian shirts.

Fucking strange. I woke up this morning knowing that I would be happy. I didn't know why but now I do.

No, we're past Weimar. The thing about Weimar is that the cities were equally as full of degeneracy as they are now, but AFAIK the degeneracy was only in the big cities. The common folk still made up the vast majority of the country and hated that shit. But today? Degeneracy affects all layers of society. Sure, it's much worse in the cities, but you see it infecting the other places too.

Furthermore, germany didn't ALSO have the massive demographic problem we have.


user, you are a glorious bastard. And I will forever more post this screenshot to help spread our ideals and force the hands of our enemies. Please consume your tendies with extra smug today, for you have transcended into legend.

Hitler WASN'T elected, dumbass.

This. Even rural Ohio has furries and communists.

And when you're online, FLAME THE JEW

I completely agree, and I think it's already started with the Trump movement. The people fighting antifa are wearing captain america inspired outfits and waving the red white and blue. But yeah throwing around nazi shit is never going to work in america and you're right that it has nothing to do with our upbringing. Neo-Patriotism will work, Neo-Nazism will fail.

It's also really telling that the leftist scum basically think the american flag or anything patriotic is racist. What we need is more america first, more patriotism, more freedom of the individual and we need to focus the hate and pain and despair towards the (((communist))) menace just like in the glory days of America that we all yearn for.

Fun Fact:
That horrible part of Germany Goebbells rolled into to clean up is now it's old self again, and is the home of that Sodomite who has had so many cock injections his dick can be fucked, who is seen in two shock value .webms posted on the chans.

Yes he was retard. Communists blew shit up and Hitler was elected to gas commie faggots.

Oh you cheeky fucker.

I don't know why I'm rising to the bait, but there's a chance you're just an ordinary imbecile.

Hitler's party won enough votes to secure a plurality in 1933. Under a parliamentary system, that gave Hitler the right to form a government. President von Hindenburg invited him to do just that in January. About 18 months later, when the President died, Hitler put on a referendum to merge the two offices and make himself head of state. The people voted "Ja" by a wide margin.

Now you're getting filtered, Dunning-Kruger-user

This poster gets it.

We all want the kikes permanently "solved," and we want a white-as-snow nation to save the Earth and colonize space. Whether we like it or not, putting on black boots and jamming windmills up people's noses just consigns us to the daytime talk freakshow. We want results, not attention.

How much do you want it to shift, Anons?

Personally I think wizards circle-jerking over the 1950s and traditional gender roles is very much sad.

I would rather want the Turner Diaries happen 4 real. Eugenics rules making sure only Whites with better genes got to have many children and these children would go to youth organizations teaching them National-Socialism, not stay at home mothers, to create the toughest and most fanatical generation in history (even more than the Hitlerjugends).
Widspread use of "ludovic" treament for re-education purposes and use of implants for the cucks that are allowed to survive and so on.

I say, shift it all the fucking way!

The difference is (((they))) lacked the ability to spread this information to those rural place, to subvert the younger people of in those areas. The Talmud vision is primitive in comparison to what we're dealing with now.
Now that every member of Gen Z has been convinced they need a cell phone, and a tablet, and a computer in order to be a normal, functioning member of society, they have a way to completely soak their minds with Jewry.
That's what makes Holla Forums so necessary, we use the same medium as they've come to take all of their information. The only way to save them is to continue pumping out memetics.

Spectre posting is the way of the future.

Agreed. And it's why I absolutely detest the people that say "hurr durr Holla Forums doesn't 'do anything because you don't go to le epin Pool Parties xD'"
No, we operate online. The internet is the town square of the modern era.It's so incredibly important to dominate the internet, as we've been doing. This is how we reach an exponentially larger and larger network of impressionable young people. Think about it. This is the first generation to be brought up while Holla Forums has been around having an impact. The internet is not just useless bullshit. We need to own this space.

My nose detector is off the charts. Who made that fucking video?

If we're to make any progress, we'll need to turn normalfaggots against the anti-racist, liberal left and social elite, and engrain it. We need to get it in their heads that "Muh horseshoe theory" is for fence-sitting pussies, and encourage them to get on our side.



That video is dripping in sarcasm you insufferable autist.

No because there are no attractive commies.

The worst part about all this is that America's too mongrelized to support ethnonationalism, or any meaningful nationalism.

Wish I knew.

That's not the impression I got to be honest.

Clothes have an deep internal and external signaling component among normalfags. If you do not respect the external you dress down as much as humanly possible since the external is not worth the extra wealth invested in acquiring and up keeping an 'respectable' wardrobe. This is mirrored by those with deep internal emotional issues whom stop caring about their appearance and become slovenly looking rejects. Another external component is acceptance signaling as part of a tribal group of some type, all humans desire to be acknowledged as some part of an in-group and a key component is the uniform upon which you wield your display. Upon a time things like jocks, nerds, preppy, country, blue collar, yuppy, goths, nigger shit, spic dress and such all delineated which tribe subgroup you desired to be part of.

With the undermining and collapse of any semblance of any tribalism in white society there is an corresponding dress uniform change. Upperscale dress in slacks, hats, buttondowns or fitted suits were easy to degrade. Namely they were expensive and unwieldy in the modern world, little reason to work so fucking hard on external dress in such a way when we began focusing so much on efficiency and such. Relics of a bygone age when men would spend extra time making something perfect was directly reflected in their dress, old blue collar workers were considered artisans once they had mastered their work and took great pride in perfecting their crafts on every project. This personal pride pused thru society and percolated upwards forcing the elites to take as much crafted pride in their own outward displays of social standing least they be mocked and rejected by the culture itself. With the unfettered death of the core of society the collapse of such was in the cards and inevitable even independent of the jew mechanizations. If you look back into history you can see the same issues in the final stages of nations, cultures, civilizations and empires.

But all is not lost. The rise of the new white culture has already sprouted new growth which will focus and guide the new system which grows out of the carcass of this dying beast. Note the rise of man beards stylized upon the images of special forces and contractors, all strong, virile and bloodied white males with confidence. Strong sturdy boots, blue jeans or military style cargo pants, loose but non discript tshirts, the proliferation of caps often with milspec or hunting motifs. Subtle queues are in play. And we will not return to the days of old. Utilitarianism and practicality seem to be the guiding focus for the rising tide of this culture clash in its birthing stages. Once this system crashes the illusion in outward displays of clothes will be ignored or attacked due to the influence of this systems use of lies buried in such displays is what my guess will be. Strong men, large of arms, stiff of back and dangerous of eye will be the calling mark of the next ages men in cultural uniform. Eventually it will setting down as those whom survive what come age and die out, and the young emulate the clothes their betters wore and add stylizations to enhance what they perceived as the source of outward power projection in society. Much the way the NS used their fitted uniforms to mimic an earlier perceived power uniform, to such a great effect many of us here still look kindly on their works of attire.


It's why "Drain the Swamp" is so effective; it's perfectly vivid in its description of D.C. You can smell their putrid corruption when you say it.

It helps that DC was originally a literal swamp.

you cheeky son of a bitch

Holy shit, is this woman Jewish or something?

Calling it now: that Hitler is going to be one of us.


All I wanted was to be a veterinarian.But they took that from me…

It's sarcastic. It's obviously somebody putting on a jewy artsy faggot voice.

I watched this before I found Holla Forums. The message was pretty clear, but it wasn't until I came here that I realized he was quote-flipping Barbara Specter. Truly, I have a whole new appreciation for Anti-Racist Hitler now.

No, you're just retarded.

I kept putting off clicking this stupid fucking video, but look at these comments. It gives me hope.

Forgot to mention, it's "A Day in the Life of Nazi Dad".

More likely, you're just autistic.

(1) strikes again

I always like to remember that Hitler wasn't some member of the aristocracy. He wasn't a successful member of the elite. He was just some random guy who got gassed during WW1, failed out of art school in Vienna, got arrested after a failed putsch, and decided to write a book. He truly was just a normal everyday guy who ended up rising to greatness. It's important to remember this because it could mean any of us could be the next Hitler.

Why do kikes want to depict neo-skinheads as a National socialists? Is this like trying to scare young people to turn away from Nationalism, much like that show called scared straight to keep children out of gangs?

Why does this degenerate filth appropriate a culture he has no real understanding of or he would have never tattooed himself [other then a SS number]. Why does he wear a beany on with a Totenkopf?

ich spuck auf den ratte

>tfw public speaking skill
>tfw have money to fund a movement
>tfw have insider knowledge
>tfw blonde hair blue eyed 1/4 jew
>can't start a movement because the movement would be tainted from the start
>would have to find the next Hitler and secretly back him
>tfw resigned to the fact I'll probably have to do a suicide attack just to become honorary
Why am I here? Just to suffer?

To redeem your bloodline in death?

over 100,000 men of part jewish descent just like YOU fought in hitlers armies, many of them had high ranking positions, dont feel bad, you can serve, just dont be the top dog, you can still advise and so long as you believe in national socialism and the decrees of Hitler you can contribute just as much as you like.

I'm personally getting real sick of the all jews are cancer, but considering what the Zionist did; how can you really blame us for not trusting any single one of you Jews?

Hitler didn't kill any jews nor did he want to kill Jews, they would have all been exterminated wherever they were found and not even put on trains, let alone detained in concentration camps for months/years. He wanted them out of Europe and no longer meddling in European Affairs. The Haavara agreement was to create Israel, within what was then mostly northern Palestine. Palestine objected to some of those terms but was open to discussions, a financial stimulus package to help the Palestinians and the Jews build up their land was also implied. But eventually the nazi's would retract support and let them sort themselves out. The war made it impossible. After the war the Zionist lied through their teeth and upon those lies their State was created.

Hitler lost because he wasn't cruel enough. His refusal to fight in an undignified way forever cements the integrity and strength of the German people but at the same came at a terrible cost. While Germany never sunk to Weimar conditions again it still shouldered the awful ZOG burden and the post-war cruelty. If I could press a button to kill every jew on Earth including myself I would. It's the only option.

Never ever trust 1/4 or even 1/8 jews either. You get guys like me every one in 100 mischlings, maybe. It's worth it to lose a guy like me and gas the extra 99 just be sure. My 23andMe was less than 12.5% Jew but I've seen dudes who are less than me and still reek of kike. Total Orthodox freaks that you'd think are 90%+. A wire must've gotten crossed in my brain or something. You gotta gas us all.

Just as well, they want to make it seem like it's just an edgy phase that, if they do become a part of, they'll eventually grow out of it.

Bald wird die Glocke sie anrufen, und nur sie können antworten.

All I wanted was to play my video games. Now I'm identifying and naming the jew and doing what I can.

You are telling me to not even trust a 1/4th jew, like yourself let alone 1/8th. Those 1/16th jews are just cultural identity being maximized, much like you see with the race mixed children who come and visit us. Their self identity has been destroyed by their own mother and Father. Any retard can grow long side burns and a big beard and dress ultra orthodox and take up their customs and beliefs. But yes, my basal stance is refuse to give a inch towards Jewry. The world would indeed be a better place without the Jewish elements, their drive destroys and subjugates others.

Die zeit wird es lehren!

Kek speaks through this post. Your sacrifice will not be in vain though I will enjoy butchering every last one of you down to the child

I made a normie friendly version. That could be used:

I think there is a surge of anti-Trump sentiment, because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be nationalistic. And I think he is going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the multicultural societies they once were in the last century. Trump is going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a nationalist mode and Trump will be resented because of his leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.

Too big file - stupid file size nonsense.

Last part 3.

Nice trips
Feels weird as fuck, never thought I'd become a fashy reactionary goy but the US has become so disgusting and degenerate it's hard not to feel rage all the time

This reads like my own internal dialogue. Agree so much with this; society is slipping further and further from glory, yet no one seems to care.

Excellent posts.

Was just thinking, maybe the line 'Europe has not yet learned how to be nationalistic' should be 'Europe has not yet learned how to be nationalistic again. For an emphasis that they lost something special.

The best hope you have is to pledge your life as Ostruppen and die on the field of battle in the name of Western Civilization, taking as many of your kind along with you.

Quiet around here with that talk, you'll spark a flame war.

Never use this terminology ever again.

Its just some random bimbo-ification pic in reverse order + meine kampf

adding blond hair and whore costumes is just typical of that fetish

That never works.

Slightly modified both versions:

I think there is a resurgence of anti-Hitlerism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be nationalistic again. And I think Holla Forums is going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the multicultural societies they once were in the last century. Hitler is going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a nationalist mode and Holla Forums will be resented because of its leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.

I think there is a surge of anti-Trump sentiment, because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be nationalistic again. And I think he is going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the multicultural societies they once were in the last century. Trump is going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a nationalist mode and Trump will be resented because of his leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.

seems like a shitty fetish tbh

Literally more popular among women than men. Look at "bimbos" on tumblr, where supposed "smart" but ugly women fantasize what it would be like to be stupid but desired by men. Pretty standard example of women wanting to live a simple, submissive life.

LIsten he is ok but he is not redpilled. He loves jews and was an establishment hack forever.

On the contrary, I don't think it has to do with actual bimbos or female expression so much as it has to do with a Male, the viewer, seeing a sexually average or uninterested woman becoming sexually interested/capable.

Because the transformation doesn't occur to the user until they are actively looking at it- it also implies that the female has become aroused by the viewer

You feel it too, don't you?

The before pics are hotter, tbh.
Sluts are disgusting.

Become a double agent.

Don't talk to me or my fashy reationary wife's goyling or me again

Need to dress up like Bill the Butcher and the Natives

I never understood this fetish. What man wants a retarded ugly plastic barbie? The one on the left is far more attractive.

Great Uncle was in the Galician SS division to the "unbearable shame" of the kike side of the family. I guess it took a few generations for his phenotype to resurface. Hilariously enough the Ukrainian Ostruppen were the only SS Division actually cruel enough to kill kikes, and it was mostly disguised as "executing Soviet spies". So it's literally in my blood to be a turncoat for my Euro genes.

…what's the difference?

hello gomrade leds tage bag donbass ::DD



Thank you, user.


No, but seriouslyit's nice to meet another one of our fellow countrymen.

Is Azov/Right Sector actually on the up and up? I'm considering joining but I don't know if the "JEW COMMANDER!" stuff is true.

Good to see you too.


pardon my autism, but I saved this screencap if le azov is kikke shill comes

Hi Stefan

Nice. They taking foreign volunteers still then? Also what's the lowdown on Right-Sector/Azov? Are one of them technically bandits but the others just don't arrest them?

As long as you're white, you're alright. Right Sektor is a nationalist group while Azov is a military battalion. Keep in mind though that the PM is a kike so be weary of him.

No matter who we are, we are in this together. Rest assured that we are all going to achieve what we want as well as what fate determines for us.

Stay strong, my brothers.

What if you're a filthy burger and don't speak Ukrainian?

Today a jewish holliday? No D&C shills yet for you user, congrats.

I don't trust turncoats, period. I say cast away you're non-Euro heritage wholesale and free your children from the jewish bloodcurse****


Don't trust me, just send me on suicide missions. If I come back great, if not, I actually get a headstone instead of unmarked mass grave. There's no losing for a pro-white trying to redeem themselves. Either I succeed or there's one less kike. Win/win.

Well learn Ukrainian then.
Just remember that your primary enemy is separatists. They are Russian speaking and are being funded by kikes to further weaken the country. The Crimean situation has died down, but still sore.

Lack of pride in one's self and lack of pride in one's community.

Without those two things, why would one opt to wear expensive and comparatively uncomfortable clothing?

I though that volunteers and mercenaries were severely curtailed after some treaties, Minks I or II I think. How does one even get in contact with the azov recruiters?

Through military I believe. They don't seem like the people to accept any newbies or moderates though. Go through Ukrainian Volunteer Battalion. They'll accept you.

Keep and mind too I'm not a huge expert on this, ask some other holols about info.

Nice work user. The potential power these images have are huge.

Thanks. I don't think I'll be able to join in time though. Work and fitness are still long and low. Best of luck, I'll keep searching for info.

Thanks user, make your ancestors proud!

Yeah I think I might get in contact…how good does your Ukrainian have to be?

This hits home.

Girl I had the most major crush on in high school turned out to be a leftist fuck. The entire internal belief system corroded her beauty externally. Modern leftism metastasizes like a cancer.

Now that I'm physically strong and have my shit together, she's more into me than I into her. It's depressing shit.


hell. i'm part kike. I'm not happy about it, and hope that the dilution hasn't spoiled me too much. I got the IQ, not the greed or the lies. When the time comes, i know which side i'm fighting on.

hard question, but are you a pedo? not necessarily have you acted, but are you wired that way?

I think there is a surge of anti-Trump sentiment, because at this point in time the world has not yet learned how to be nationalistic again. And I think he is going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. the world is not going to be the multicultural society it once was in the last century. Trump is going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for the world to make. We are now going into a nationalist mode and Trump will be resented because of his leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, the world will not survive.

i don't understand the Ukraine anymore.
NWO backed maidan, fighting over odessa's non-gmo corn, Russia doing the right thing, but where do Right Sektor and Azov fit in siding with the kikes?

I need to get on this. It's fucking hard though. They got to me early, when I was 13, I think. Such an ingrained habit at this point.

It saps you of your soul. Always remember to preserve your precious bodily fluids.

Not at all. Opposite reaction actually, I think even under 18 is kind of fucked up. I understand like a 25 year old maybe marrying a 17 year old but below that it creeps me out. I have a very strong paternal instinct and harming children (especially sexually) is a crime of the highest order to me, maybe, no definitely above being a race traitor.

That being said non-white children are not human to me (including jews) and are subject to execution. I would still shoot a squadmate for raping one though.

Hitler triumvirate confirmed! Let's hope nothing bad happens along the way like with Caesar's…

Is Dr. Strangelove redpilled?

Thanks dude.

In order to join Azov you have to rescind whatever citizenship(s) you have because they're recognized as part of the UA through some militia act to keep the Cossacks/Russians from throwing them in the ditch when they surrendered.

Ripper was redpilled. They really did sap us and turn a lot of guys into cucks.


Nice edit. Copied, saved, and memed.

While you might be part kike, if you embrace the side of your white heritage and culture, and work to earn your place with our people, I personally have no ill will against you.
Although, I understand it's hard to prove yourself consistently on an anonymous board.

It's already started happening, and it's only going to accelerate from here.

Fucking kek. Saved.

I sense Jewry afoot…

I thought 23andMe always mixed in some jew to just about everyone. have you tried to see if the results match up?

Yeah I did my due-diligence. The poison blood is in there. Like I said, I gotta go to make sure. No coddling. I'll help with the happening until I'm found out and then I'll my bullet like a man.

eat my, fug

unfair pick because the girl on the left has a monkey nose

Good times breed weak men

If it says ashkenazi, then it might have been due to large amount of mixing of jewish-germanic and jewish-slavic kind. Genes overlap and their sample population is probably not pure. I know that they always skew the results when they can to show that you're a kike, even if you are not. I bet it probably says 2% sephardic for purely mediterrean anons sometimes.

i havent worn anything but solid color black and white t shirts, button ups, and jeans in years and people tell me its strange that i dress like that a normal fucking person all the time

They just released a new feature Aryan as fuck

All I wear are basketball shorts and t shirts. Formal dress is faggy hipster garbage and passes as good somehow. People wearing pajama pants to walmart.. ect. I always judge people on their dress it tells a lot about them; I find it hard to take people seriously on topics like politics when they wear fucking pajama pants or don't keep their beard.. The quality of people has dwindled significantly.

Weird I feel the same way about people who wear basketball shorts and t shirts.

Dressing for comfort and utility is one thing and I would never look down on a man in work boots, dirty jeans and a t-shirt. But 'basketball shorts' is up there with pajama pants and is pretty niggerly. It's all about time, place and setting. I even try to look put together and decent when going grocery shopping on the weekend. Because I'm not a nigger and value looking respectable.

Like wearing a 3 piece suit during a casual setting? Yeah that's some fedora tipping shit. I hope you don't mean a proper fitting collared shirt and slacks. That's not hipster garbage that's dressing your economic class.

Polite sage for off topic.

Don't know why posting, but I feel like it fits with the thread, I listen to pic realted, un-ironically, all the time. And I have downloaded all of them. I plan to eventually learn Latin, German and French, maybe after I take the bar I can get back to learning German.

To add to my post, I want to learn languages so I can read things that are always lied about, and originally written in those languages, Hebrew would be a great one to learn, along with Arabic. I don't want to learn Spanish because, fuck them.

He beat up a faggot with a couple of his mates once and got the faggot arrested for the privilege.
I agree though, he ain't exactly redpilled, he is certainly entertaining and none of his guns have pointed within 90degres of us yet though.

Nigger you sound like a fucking slob.

There's not much to be read in Spanish afaik aside from maybe stuff about the Civil War or the Reconquista but I don't think there's any dearth of translations. Spics don't write or if they do they do it in English so nothing coming out of mexico. You'd be surprised how many mexicans who speak spanish can't write or read it.

On the west coast that's standard attire because it's hot and there's a strong beach/athletic culture.

i imagine he is a fucking nigger

Sorry you two guys don't like what I can throw on. I'm not gonna try to justify it or whatever, but I didn't expect such a faggy reaction from you honestly. What do you expect? There isn't a set fashion you can wear. There's no set Holla Forums attire so stop trying to sound like I should know what to put on.

Nice contribution to the thread. Sorry I don't have a job that requires me sweating in boots and jeans. I actually get to wear athletic gear at my job so no wonder it's the only clothes that I have.

Ok dude, let's see what you dress like then. It's funny I reveal what I wear and the critical faggots post vague responses like "i dress nice in public". I look really good in shorts and a t shirt. I don't wear them on my ass and I'm not an overweight faggot. Polite sage for being triggered as fuck.

Actually I believe there's a pic I saw long ago on cuckchan showing Holla Forums approved clothes.

Except you are.

It's faggy to expect National Socialists to be well kept, well dressed, and well presented?

For you to not dress like an untermensch.

You are correct, there is no set fashion or Holla Forums attire. That's because it's left up to your own good judgement as to how you want to present yourself as a white man.

Alright, so wear some khaki shorts and a nice short sleeved linen collared shirt then? There is zero need to look like a nigger, spic, nor slob just because the temperature is high.

You have some things to work through young man.


Bwahahahaha, pics related is what I wore to a first date today minus the pattern on the shorts because I couldn't find a pic of the plain blue ones I wore. These are my nice casual clothes, too. Obviously I wear a polo, dress shoes, and slacks at work but when I'm just dicking around there's no need to dress like that.

Of course I forgot my fucking pics

Sure Commiefornia. Whatever you need to tell yourself. Enjoy the perpetual adolescence. Toke up man, enjoy the sun. Sleeves are for squares amiright? I bet your date dug that totally rockin' palm screened tanktop.

Stop trying to greentext my response. You aren't going to get a response out of me with weak arguments. Show me what a well dressed and well presented poor working class looks like and then we will talk. Admit it faggot; there isn't a culturally unifying attire for whites; you sound like a lonewolf individualist who only cares for their own representation. I don't care if you think I dress lazy. Real people in real life don't give two shits nobody is sitting around saying "wow look at that fag nigger in sports attire". You guys are the ones I look to for advice and you give shit tier responses telling me to figure shit out for myself when we are drowning in a sea of jew clothing.

Oh I forgot I'm a faggot slob. Let me just exit the thread so I don't detract from the grace of your presence.

Do you live in the northeast or something? Sleeves are for squares. I bet you wear boat shoes and dress like Richard Spencer. My most attractive feature is my body, you've been lifting right? I'm like 2x the size of the guy in the shirt pic and same bf%. If I'm on a date in midday and it's not a fancy restaurant or something I'm going to show off. She was definitely mirin too, I caught her looking at my arms several times during the meal.

Think you're taking this a bit too seriously.

Wew laddie no need to get emotional. Just pick some well fitting shorts that don't have a fucking elastic band for a waist and a nice lightweight shirt with a collar and you'll be on your way to not dressing like a goddamned teenager.

You Commiefornia fags really are the worst. All those spics shitting in your drinking water has rotted your brains.

But whence cometh the three Hitlers?
Doth such Hitlers spring forth from old Albion, Columbia, and Terra Nullius?

Pipe down noodle boy and go buy some button downs like a nerd from the 50s. Regional differences are a thing anyways so while I might look like a douchebag wherever you live you would stick out like a sore thumb here (and probably pass out from the heat).

It's me.

I like this. Going to use it on my employees.

You're not wrong NoSleevesBecauseMassiveBicepsAnon. I'd never be caught dead in Commiefornia though so I'm not worried. Stay Gold, Ponyboy.

New York


I am the original user who wished for 3 Hitlers too. It's happening!

Glad you like it, it just popped into my head randomly kek. Stay classy user and G'night

You know those poor dogs are getting corn holed

According to that site my brother is some kind of slavic jew, myself am an Asuka. I nearly passed out laughing at it.

you're on the money user.

Comapre the (military) operator uniform and its polar opposite the hipster uniform. It would seem the hipster is trying to mimic the operator to appear powerful in the eyes of women, its truly ironic as hipsters are pathetically weak of body and will compared to the operator.
lets not forget tattoos which seem to be very common now (now that tattoos are virtually painless compared to traditional methods)

Aus poster here, its alot hotter here in summer and basket ball shorts are fine around the house, if you step outside you put on proper fuckin shorts mate.
Never dress like a nigger because youre a commiefornian cunt

Hitler wasn't a normal person, he was truly extraordinary, he did however come from an ordinary background. this means a Hitler can spring from a large number of places. I don't think one of us will be the next Hitler, it will be someone who is a bit further downstream in the meme flow, some one normies can relate to.

ok woah, think of what Germany achieved at peak given starting size. What is the 4th Reich going to do?

get a rubber band and start stretching it, it will feel like it will stretch for ever, and then it just snaps. Germany in the 1930's was just like that rubber band.

Just noticed one of the comments in that third pic would make a hell of a meme:
Better a White Supremacist than a White Submissivist
maybe reworked into a question;
White Supremacy or White submission?
with two pics, one of antifa getting beat and the second of antifa holding some cucky sign.
The submission angle is really quite powerful, no man wants his masculinity challenged, so lets challenge it and take the power out of the lefts slogan.

Go home TRS

Well afer the predominantly Jewish bolsheviks had forced the Ukraine in starvation 3 times starving 6 million people (the real 6 million) and death marched thousands into the snow after disappearing them, you'd hardly be surprised that the Ukrainian SS would know the enemy and be angry and dehumanized enough to do such a thing.

strange fact most the most reputedly murderous camps were on the border with the soviet territories. The soviet territories spread murderous rumors about what the Germans would do to peasants who might think of escaping the Soviet union. these rumors were based on the existing soviet gulag camps where tens of millions of Russians died in horrible ways.

white submission
white supremacy
its your choice.
given that cultural marxism preaches moral relativity, no one really cares what you chose, either. If you like to be a slave, submit. if you want a say in your life, then stand up and make sure you have it.
if you let someone make the choice for you, them you've submitted to their will. I've heard that went well in rhodesia

Everything really was much better in the 50s.

It's real.

loyalty day is may 1st, the communist may day.
wtf is this to compete with commies or to collude with them?

Why do you have that 3rd image saved on your computer anyway? I saw it in another thread that was some faggot shit.

Marine Le Pen and FN just got 35% of the vote. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a part of the french government burnt down leading to sweeping reforms favoring FN.

it's actually me, guys :^)

maybe its me?
dubs confirm?

It depends on the social occasion, there are generally rules for what one should wear to some special occasions. Always own a suit and keep it ready to use at short notice. A white collared shirt for said suit is required.

just make sure you clothes are clean and not ripped or tatty and as long at they meet the required dress standard you should be fine.

Kek, failed.
Maybe it's 3 hitlers like how that user posted?
Maybe I'm still one? :^)

I'm sure Barron is one of the 3 Hitlers. Possibly all 3 are around his age?

There is no other meaningful nationalism but ethno nationalism.

Yes that's exactly why.

The Spectre rises


Both of those sites are owned by (((them)))

I can confirm that even though you can get people slightly aware of Jewish control and Israeli shiftiness, you still can't convince people that Hitler was anything but an authoritarian genocidal asshole. Americans don't want to goosestep. We're built around rebellion here. I think espousing anti-globalization should be foremost. Fuck the UN, EU. Base a nationalism around the original limited government idea, cut the hated bureaucracy.

we already know one.
but i'll be heading up the religous branch

*once i have learnt to spell

if they succeed in demographic winter, there literally cannot be a 'comeback' to the old times

i wish people would pound this, and endlessly..

Non-ethnic nationalism is subversion.

sorry Mussolini…

Despite double checking, i think it is important to allow ethnic variation. Great Britain is a conglomerate of white races and neanderthal offspring, for example…

The ethnic variation is already is place, there is no need to further it and blur the lines between sub-categories of Europeans.

No no, one of the Hitlers will be me

that's fine. Heil. I will, however, still be guiding the spiritual side of the endeavour. That's non negotiable. I started long ago

This piece was written by a known neoreactionary (NRx) writer who also writes on
What now Holla Forums?

I think I'll join you.

Socialmatter is Mencius Moldbug followers.

I have long thought about this.

If everyone but trash dresses with pride the degenerate is easily spotted. When everyone wears drags the pedophiles, the niggers and other plagues have an easier time blending in.

But it's not just that, it's part of the destruction of the soul and the will of the people. It's like modern art, everything has the same goal, to devalue work, tidiness and order.

But what does it mean?

Jewish History Month: where awareness is raised of the often-overlooked influence of the Jew in history.

I have tried this before and had mixed results. On one hand some people would agree that we have to put America first but on the other hand they associate immigration with Americas greatness, I have tried all kinds of things and I can't seem to get the idea of "whites only" to sink in with people.

capped for posterity


It's like if ((they)) took or made up a nationalist speech, vaguely replaced some words and were the original version.

Honestly, this is one of the better angles I've read on this topic. The parallels between Weimar Germany and the US are terrifyingly prominent, and they have been for a while. Noticing these similarities did a lot to open my eyes to what's going on in the world today. Trying to reason out a solution to these problems ultimately led me to ideas and policies that are better described as either libertarian or fascistic in nature. The successes and failures of past civilizations speak volumes about what we're going through right now: we need some people who are too down on their luck or too blessed by their gods to care about the risks associated with heroism. People who are willing to kill and to die for the well-being of the nation.

I think there is a surge of anti-Trump sentiment, because at this point in time the US has not yet learned how to be nationalistic. And I think he is going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. The US is not going to be the multicultural society it once was in the last century. Trump is going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for the US to make. They are now going into a nationalist mode and Trump will be resented because of his leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, the US will not survive.


Confirmed west coast faggot douchebag.


You are never going to meme that shit Schlomo, give it up. They called themselves nazis all the time. Goebbels even wrote the fucking book dude: Der Nazi-Sozi

Shame, I'm actually interested in knowing how much of my DNA is Celtic vs Anglo-Saxon

Fuck you leatherman.


Born just in time for Hitler 2.0. This time my nation will fight on the right side of the war. Trump is the Golden Lion Emperor who will lead us to remove kike and purge degeneracy. We will enter a new golden age of prosperity, but between here and there are streets of blood.

I myself have a quarter non-white however I never did identify with it and the only reason I ever questioned my whiteness is when I think of post-victory and what will become of me for it. There is no doubt that it is the spirit of europe that I wish to survive and reach the stars. For that is the only destiny that could save us in the longest run, an interstellar society with relativistic impact weapons for any that fall to the chaos that is degeneracy.

Simple. They will appear where we need them most to save the white race. A Hitler to save America, a Hitler to save the Fatherlands(Europe), and a Hitler to save Australia. From the unification of the Hitler Triumvirate the world will be taken for the white race. The Jews will be struck down for the final time.


I'm not so sure the generic furfag picture fits in exactly the same category as the deeper degenerates.

We get it anons, you dress up in a 3-piece suit and tie even when going to the beach on a 100 degree day. Stop circlejerking and virtue signaling like a faggot over casual clothing.


Nothing "blackpills" me more than seeing Holla Forums rush to the defense and cry for the loss of every "good nigger" every time something like Roof or that FB livestream shooter happens, only to see that the only decent militant advocacy i've read in a long time comes from a self-admitted kike.

My hope is it embarrasses full-Europeans into going "wow what a fucking faggot I must be to have to have the fucking MISCHLING tell me that all kikes need to be gassed"

In the same way they paint southerns as uneducated racist inbred until people visit and find out otherwise. The last thing they want is a well educated, mannered, groomed white speaking to other whites about race.

Let's get this shoah on the road.

A bit of a catch 22. If WN were to succeed in taking over the country (legal or by force) it would then become a rebel country in possession of nukes. (((They))) would push that narrative worldwide and instruct Russia & China to attack en masse to regain control for the good of the planet. Similar to how Germany was forced to fight on multiple fronts leading to its demise. Do nothing and we're fucked anyways.

There has to be a middle ground. Enough of a nusense to regain our place and power but not enough to warrant a world wide attack.

They will launch every nuke in their arsenal while they hide in their underground bunkers before they let that happen.

what did she mean by this?

What is there interpret user?

holy fuck you sound like a loser

Hnnnnnnnng. Why didn't this woman reproduce and have a dozen children raised properly?

start the movement anyway with people you can trust
make sure you're the one in charge of it and that it doesn't get co-opted

Cheeky sod…

user, you have waaaaaay to much fucked up shit stored on your computer for it to be merely for "scientific purposes"

I think there is a resurgence of anti-bane posting because at this point in time reddit has not yet learned how to rise the fire. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. reddit is not going to be the uninitiated societies they once were in the last site update. Bane is going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for reddit to make. They are now going into a rising fire mode and bane will be resented because of his leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, reddit will not survive.

Just use it for any fucking thing, and the rest will come by itself.

There really is no need for the "I think" part, i think is redundant and sounds less confident than a simple "There is"

Avoid "I anything" really because no one cares about you or what your opinions are you'll persuade more people if you make them read your propaganda in their own voice and not someone being lectured too.

also from Tlön, Uqbar, and Orbis Tertius.


This video is required watching. I'ts also very normie-friendly for those who wonder "why would Germans WANT to be ruled by 'evil Nazis?"

Because she's the product of a different era. Were the best of white femininity was evicted from the home, forced into the workplace, and told they would never be fulfilled without a career.

The illusion is shattering, but for many it is too late.

That worked out so well the first time.

good stuff. too bad it didn't name the jew.

one of the things that really stuck out to me watching TGNST is that Hitler didn't like dirty jokes, and it got me to thinking about his history witnessing the rise and cleansing of the Weimar Republic. Then it hit me: I know perhaps one clean joke.

How much does dirty humor affect us? We're already bombarded from every direction with every kind of degeneracy and perversion, and dirty jokes keep sex and genitalia on our minds in every conversation, in every setting. how much could we, how much could I, change the social environment by removing this from my speech? Self-censorship not for the sake of virtue-signalling, but for the sake of cleanliness of mind?

We are more like Rome than Weimerica, but he got you teenagers to click on the unsourced article anyway.

Reminder that the greatness in embed related was created after the Weimar Republic was squashed out.


I think there is a resurgence of anti-Hitlerism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be nationalistic. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place.
Europe is not going to be the multicultural societies they once were in the last century. Hitler is going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make.
They are now going into a nationalist mode and Hitler will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.

I know they intended this cover to look menacing and evil, but it just looks awesome to me unironically.

They just write the memes themselves.


The user who made the richfag thread was right, brothers. If we are to wrestle control of our government like Hitler did after the Weimar catastrophe, we must do so by obtaining as much knowledge as we possibly can. The Jews will not win against an army of intellectuals, and they sure as hell won't break their losing streak against us.

Social Matter is NRX

i was 8 i think the first time i started to be exposed to online porn, whats been said on the board, about how you fall further and further to increasingly depraved porn, its true.
bestiality was kick of mine at a point or two, only in film, but it was still on the mind.
im a month clean now, and nothing is saved on the computer.

working out helps, so does reading.

charts need to line up on a similar timeframe or normalfags will discredit the similar trend by calling out the different timescales. good compilation otherwise

You know that user was you faggot. It was a mediocre thread with nothing more than
without highlighting why you thought it was worth it.

You must not know much about Rome

See, this is why you never give up hope.
Anyone have that image about how Goebbels felt before Hitler came to power? The one where he sees no point in life.

Add to this the fact that Germany invaded Poland after the polish Bolsheviks managed to kill 60k Germans in the Dantzig corridor between 1918 and 1939 or went on a rampage in Bromberg and killed 5000 Germans in one day of 1939.

"Polish atrocities against Germany that led to the German defensive Invasion in 1939 were many. ….On one day alone - Polish Jews, under the protection of the Polish Army, attack a small German town and viciously kill 5500 Germans. Polish Jews were confident they would win against Germany and went on a rampage of ' Blood Lust ' that was unmatched. Groups of Bolsheviks attacked from Ponz, Lotz and Warsaw approached the town and started killing the farmers on the outskirts. Children were nailed to barns, women were raped and hacked to death with axes, men were executed where they stood. Bolshevik leaders of the Ponz, Warsaw and Lodz Jewish groups."


ukrainefag reporting in, if I had the money I would like to go back to homecountry and kill all those fucking faggot gangsters and politicians

Wasn't me, asshole.
Oh, and by the way, if you wonder why we don't get much done IRL, it's because cretins like you choose to willingly attack other Holla Forumsacks instead of hearing them out. Only a soul as dejected as yours could interpret a call to self-improvement as shilling.

The second user is correct
Teddy was only the junior congressman shabbas goy carrying the water for Javits and Cellar

Nothing substantial for me to add, just want to say I like your laser trip wire metaphor. Many times I've come hamfisted with my persuasion and hit this "matrix".

Reminds me of Thucydides:

>Our mistake has been to distinguish the Mitylenians as we have done: had they been long ago treated like the rest, they never would have so far forgotten themselves, human nature being as surely made arrogant by consideration, as it is awed by firmness.

Read the classics. Literature pre-poz is the biggest red-pill. When you realize all of those writers like Stoddard and Ludovici and co weren't actually loons who filled up their books with I HATE NIGGERS but deeply objective, scientifically minded men.

I wonder what would have happened if the shooters had missed that day. JFK may have been a mess, but he was a damn sight better than "Lame Blow Job" LBJ. I don't let myself think about it anymore, the USA might potentially still be a reasonable country, and that's too sad a thought to bear.

Don't get me started I was in 4th grade when he was shot.
He was my "first" president.
I am glad you said shooters as in plural/many

To the nofap anons, how did you overcome that instinctive feeling of "I need to get this jizz out of me so I can stop fidgeting and start concentrating on something productive?" I feel like I have an addictive personality and this plays into it.

Also did any of you sext with girls? I feel like that's almost as bad as porn in some ways. I had so many perverted femanons on my Skype/Discord, it's depressing how easy it is to get nudes from them if you're a half-way decent looking guy.

And I feel like my dysfunctions were compounded by not just masturbation, but sex with a lot of these types of girls I met up with from the chans. I lost my virginity when I was 21 with a girl in my area from 4chan, and she was just as inured on weird fetishes and porn as I was. That just made things worse and when trying to date more "normal" girls it actually made things difficult because I grew used to doing weird, sadistic, degenerate shit to girls as what's "normal".

I guess my one advantage is that most of my weird stuff involves me being the dominant one, which women seem to like.

Fucking femanons really screwed up my sexuality.

I’ve been fucked over by kike hormones (and a broken home) since I was a kid, so I’ve never had a libido in the first place. Is that how men are supposed to act? I wouldn’t know. I’m not a very emotional person. In the last decade or so, I’ve been working to get my body looking like a male body is supposed to look, but I still haven’t gotten any libido back. Guess that’s just one less thing the kikes will be able to hold over me as I go into a public position to out them.

It's a number of things:

- The weird fetishes (mostly revolving around hurting girls, slapping them around, making them do degrading stuff etc)
- The particular type of girl I like doing this to (nerdy, familiar with imageboards, also perverted).
- The constant masturbation to porn/nudes/sexting when I'm single.
- The fact these all make relationships with comparatively normal women difficult.

You must harness the power of disgust for the flesh and a hatred of women. I can cast hellfire now.

It's an anti white stereotype

That comments section is gold.

Push ups, some quick high reps with light weight - or hit the bench and try and max out, hit the bag in the garage.

Now, I am not a monk, I usually don't go 2 weeks and I have a wife.

BUT, I do work from home, and jerking off - then taking a nap is something for college freshman - when you literally want to fuck something 8 times a day.

The goal is to put that sexual energy towards something that will improve yourself . I am old enough to where I can draw on my past sexual encounters of 40 years and relive that natural, sexual moment in my mind. I even used to use dirty magazines - and my imagination.
I see absolutely no good that can come out of being able to access HD free porn on your phones, whenever and wherever you want, the human male mind was not meant to have 24/7 access to smut.
Even the porn is even more degenerate today, there used to an entire section of INTERRACIAL, now? Nigger dicks and white women on every page - in your face.
When I do watch the occasional electric jew when I am away from my wife, it's always a classic from 1985 and older, where anal is always involved, the women aren't augmented and look like they might actually be enjoying themselves.

There's that fag talk again. Stop speaking and thinking like this, you're virtue signalling to a Reddit crowd and this isn't reddit nigger


I REPEAT, WHERE ANAL IS NOT always involved

He's referring to the image fagit


Glory for Marcus

Article mad some valid points faggot.

Being a society run by women as the men died off in WWI was one of them.

had a few go's of nofap and gym, went up to 5 weeks. my problem is I don't know how to channel the extra energy, get insta-pissed off at the first millisecond of stimulus and risk psychotic breakdowns.
after 7 days I get into impulsive arguments with my bosses, so wired up that my bosses actually back down. feels good but dangerous too.
grew up with an alcoholic mom who spent her evenings watching oprah VHS tapes fucked up on vodka. after dabbling with weed and hollywood movies in my 20's, ideally I aim to be
but shouldn't life be about something more than NOT doing a bunch of stuff?
should I put a gold star on my forehead when I don't leave my room all day long and do nothing? I know I'm exagerating but this is the roadlock I eventually encounter when I go for long periods of temperance. I hardly get any enjoyment or pride out of anything else, all i get is more anger.

Not jacking off leads you to be more aggressive/restless, but you can control it mentally. Find something else that you can force yourself to do with the energy. Start meditating. Learn how to control your emotions better. Chia/[Mantak_Chia,_Michael_Winn]_Taoist_Secrets_of_Love(

Bretty gud book on nofap/semen retention.

Testosterone is one hell of a drug. Lifting 5 days a week is pretty much a necessitiy on nofap or you'll end up doing some stupid shit probably.

It's not just about re-directing that physical energy, it can also be a creative boost.

Do you play sports? Raquetball? Basketball? Tennis? These are outstanding outlets for aggression. Bowling is my personal favorite, bullshit with some friends then see how hard/fast you can hurl the ball in angry mode - then reset, repeat and normalize.

I get more work done when I am literally not jerking off and being tired/lazy. Sometimes I am a little lazy when I get laid the night before - sometimes I feel recharged the next day due to good REMs.

I can't really determine what's going on with you personal situation,but maybe you need a punching bag, run some emergency exit steps at the office. Maybe you need a different job.

Yes, that's part of why you are even at this forum.
It's not necessarily about NO FUN ALLOWED EVER, it's about moderation, it's about realizing what's important - family/friends/race/culture/neighborhood/city/county/state/nation/history/brotherhood and putting that above hedonism and selfishness.

Maybe you should just simply get some pussy. Every white man is an individual and I am not going to demand you never have sex until marriage with a pure virgin and have 12 kids.

I am not advocating some serial one-night stands with mystery meat bar trash with no condoms - but maybe some companionship, some serial monogamy where you KNOW you can't shape that woman into a right wing wife - but can have a meal together, work out and fuck a couple times a week.

I thought that meme from the "manoshere" "Gorilla Mindset Horseshit" "Reddit Redpill" was finally retired.

We aren't Jedi Buddhists. "Mediation" for me is taking a 20 minute drive with no audiobooks/talk radio and being alone with my thoughts. Walking my dog at 5am and mentally planning out my day and listening to the birds.

Or maybe you just need put away childish things and become a man. Go on an adventure, hike the Appalachian trail for a few days inna woods, take a vacation, move to a different take, start a new national socialist party….

thanks for the helpful thoughts

Those are my words too. May we fight side by side to defend West. Shadilay! Sieg Heil, my Bretherns!