Church shooter Dylan Roof picked death over autism label


For the record, I do not support or endorse this autistic fuckstain, nor do I condone his crimes. But he might be onto something in his analysis of being labeled autistic.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off, cuck.

He's absolutely right about psychiatry, it's jewish mind control to the core and it does discredit his crime - muh mental illness is the greatest weapon these kikes have after demographics.

Fucker should have at the very least gone and shot up some gang banging coons. Women and Children first is just a meme.

This, the medicines they give out ruin people too.
polite sage for doublefagging

He did more than you, faggot. Every dead nigger is a blessing. Also, he killed a gun grabbing politician.

nits breed lice user, and he got a senator and probably accelerated RAHOWA because they've been erasing confederate history ever since

It's not medicine, it's tranquilizers that make even more volatile than anything mental illness can do.

True, I'm just saying the execution was lacking.

He shot up a bunch of niggers, what more can you ask for? If every white man in America went out and killed at least five niggers, our problems would be over.

Then what the fuck are you doing here kike making thread

He made the far right look bad with his choice of target.

Soon. Also this At least if he shot up some street coons, he would have been removing degeneracy as well as niggers.

Kill yourself. Niggers rape white women in America every hour. Roof did nothing wrong.

All niggers are degenerate. There are no good blacks.

He targeted BLM activists and a state senator, these were not "innocent" niggers. His only mistake was not killing more due to a friend ratting on him. If he targeted street niggers he would have made less of an impact, and still gotten the same charges

Some are more degenerate than others. They're all going to have to die, but might as well kill the ones doing the raping first.

Checked, fair enough.



you need your head examined. the only good nigger is a dead nigger. put I see your point, he should have shot up a nigger sorority. that would have been a fucking hoot

he actually saw the move they were trying to make with him.
by branding him as autist it would affect us, the ones who are also enemies of the zog. of course they wanted tho brand him as one of us, hell I bet they would even give him a 50 macdonalds happy meals inside jail if they got him to say "pepe" while doing a evil grimace.

Holy shit Dylan was a great man, he resisted in the action of defiance.

kek, good idea, next user who goes on a shooting spree should do that. Get 'em while their young.

wtf is your ideal of victory.

That would mean even more frustrated niggers going to gangrape whites. For every bitch you have to kill a male too.

keep in mind I abhor violence, but, black males kill black males, decrease the mouthy nigger bitch breeders and it'll sort itself out.

He's better than most shooters because he got a senator, but he's still a disappointment because he went after niggers and not their (((handlers))).

anons itt are talking about what would happen if every white man killed a few niggers, when it would take a tiny fraction killing prominent jews and traitorous whites to solve the problem.


Jews are puppet masters, without their golems, they have no power.

niggers are a bigger threat to the genepool than you can imagine.

also is not usual for one person to be able to find jews unguarded

Damn man….
He might just be a fucking hero.
A bowl cut hero



How the fuck would it? He'd just be imprisoned in a mental hospital and pumped full of drugs - fate worse than death by far. Fucking braindead alt-kike

There are far fewer puppet masters than there are golems. They are emboldened at the moment, but they would back off the second they realized there are consequences for their actions.

"African american" niggers are certainly a problem but their threat pales in comparison to the hordes of immigrants from south america, the middle east, and africa, which must be shut out if we are to have any hope of saving white nations.

If you can plan a shooting on a church to catch a black senator, you can plan a shooting to catch a kike.

What? I am certainly not saying that

What Im saying is saying he was kike-cucked would have saved him from the DP.

He said fuck that instead. Very smart

What the fuck are you reading nigger?

Your posts, no wonder I can't make sense of them, you're some reddit spacing faggot.

What the actual fuck does this mean? getting "kike-cucked" would be worse than either anal rape or death. What's worse? Getting assraped in jail or getting chemically raped in a mental hospital? fucking alt-kike idiot.

Anyone have any good Dylan Roof/Drive images?


Did Roof host his photographs anywhere? I remember seeing that he had a camera.

South Americans are better than Africans. At least South Americans can build societies, even if they are blood filled hellscapes.

the more I learn about this young man the more it whelms me with white pride. he's a fucking rockstar

I don't like that he sees kikes as white, but everything else is fine.
He wasn't redpilled on yids at all.

He was probably playing dumb.

Dylann Roof did literally nothing wrong.


Those niggers aren't South Americans, they never were. I'm talking about the Aztecs and the Mayans.

good point

This has to be bantz.



keep making an enemie out of argentina.

We've always been pretty opposed to shitskins, it's not really a new thing. Have you considered vacating the planet, you brown parasite?


You should actually read about Argentina's history. Faggot. It's an exact mirror of the US's future. Got rich off of selective European immigration, then fell on its own sword by invited every mestizos in sight into the country.

Argentina is exactly what's coming to us.

Slow down, nigger. You and I are not part of any 'us'.

There's a good chance you're in the United States if you post on Holla Forums.

Anyhow, Argentina was literally a white country.

Long Live the Roof

vid related

irrelevant unless you're a spic. I don't want any nonwhites in my lands.

who's the guy in the bottom left

His arrest

pol is not a board of action, it is a board of peace.


user… I…
No. Kikes would just send more. They have to take out the kikes or hijack a b52 and nuke Jerusalem

Dylann Roof’s Reasonable Manifesto

or could be SPLC proof verbiage. use your head


of course as a ignorant blowhard that you sure you will try to stand out


no thank you.

If only he had found Holla Forums before going over the edge. He'd have a WAY higher final score

by the way Holla Forums, I bet you didn't know this, but Vaarg was right, once you prove yourself women will start flocking towards you.

this is something I found on tumblr.

imagine the enemy, SPLC, as someone smarter than yourself and then ask, what would i do if i were the SPLC that could put me in jail or destroy my life? They should always be playing catch-up to your move three years ago

sorry dude, but pol is all about discouraging each other from doing anything.

. . . haphazardly

My lad Dylann is a good lad he found out the truth on black on White crimes and did what he thought was right. We used to hang these niggers.

well loosen lips sink ships and there is nothing gained in bragging.

but I know by instinct no one on Holla Forums do anything. because we don't talk about it even if we tried we would be clumsy and too improvised to do anything right.

but at least FBI doesn't attack out website as much as it could


in reading his manifesto he is more intelligent than the photos of him reveal and I had thought up until tonight. in photos he appears to be brain dead. he gave "it" a great deal of thought and really felt like his back was to the wall. law enforcement seems only to serve up a weekly paycheck to all of those involved in the criminal justice system yet accomplices little than swelling incarceration rates. law enforcement may take the trash off the street daily but are they improving anyones quality of life anywhere?

also kek about the filename

Jews are very skittish. They would make it the biggest deal of all time but half of them would flee to Israel if there was a second round a few days later.

Indeed stop talking and start doing.

Fixed that for you. The reason we have such stupid laws, such as sending kids to jail and making them register as sex offenders for taking nude selfies, is the same as the reason our factories are in Mexico and out bombs are in Afghanistan: Jews.

Fifty years ago, we lived in a fairly high-trust society. My mother was born in the '40s, and she once told me a story about a white stranger reaching out from the window of his truck and grabbing her by the hand at an intersection when she was about four years old. It startled her, but he let go and told her not to stick her arm out of car windows. My grandmother leaned out her window and thanked the man for what he did. Can any of you repulsive neckbeards imagine what would happen to you now if you reached out of a car and touched somebody else's little girl? Is there an outcome of that that doesn't involve a cop kneeling on your spine? And even if you're not beaten to death by the mob, can you imagine the girl's mother thanking you?

The reason for this is simple: Jews kicked open the door, and now America has a bunch of spic and sandnigger child-rapists. So now we all have to be treated like potential pedos, which has the fun side effect of eroding our communities and making the dollar-Jew and the media-kike much more influential, since our "community" is now whatever filth is on the Talmudvision.

We are likewise made to walk through metal detectors at public events and public buildings, as if we were niggers who might chimp out with a stolen gun and shoot a judge for sentencing our dindu kid. We are forced out of making adult jokes and references in the office, on pain of firing and prosecution, because apparently none of us can be trusted to know where the line is between harmless fun and criminal harassment. Grown men without children are wise to just avoid places where kids play, lest some busybody call the cops on a suspected pedo. This also has the fun side effect of almost entirely removing young men from contact with children, where they might be an example to the boys and a harmless crush for the girls. . . Nope! They all have to be treated as if they might be that spic who kept the girl in his basement for 20 years.

The other problem is equality. A long as we're pretending to be equals with the wildlife, we can't pass a law that requires niggers and muds to take off their shoes at the airport, but wave the whites through. We can't herd the spics away from kids they're sizing up at the playground, or make them pass a breathalyzer before driving, without imposing the same onerous rules on ourselves. This is because, according to the Jews, there's no difference between races and whites are exactly as likely to sell crack as niggers. We are exactly as likely to molest kids as some faggot Mexican. We are exactly as likely to drive a Truck of Peace through a crowd as Muammar Abdullah al-Blowjabi.

Until we slay these twin evils, multiculturalism and equality, both spread by the Jews, we will all live as if we're on parole. Enjoy the day a Jewish propagandist or lawyer sends the cops to get you for sitting next to an unattended little girl at the park.

So, if I'm understanding this post correctly, now would be a good time to buy stock in Zyklon B manufacturing companies.

Every white man can't kill 5 niggers. To kill all niggers in the USA it would only take groups of three white men to kill one nigger per group.


tattoos on a woman is not as degenerate as watching anime for a grown man.

I'm sure it was the jews too

yeah no one will. RWDS is not even an idea since Trump won.

Now you've done it.



The goon fears the LoGH.

Do you even know where you are, goon?

Dylann Roof is a better man than all of us. We're more sick for having done nothing while this system destroys us. This is a system that facilitates the rape of our women, no scratch that, the rape of our children and lets the perpetrators off as if they have done nothing wrong. And we do nothing while our women and children are being raped.

None of us are in a position to pass judgment on Dylann Roof.

looks like trashy shit.

Fucking capped. Thank you for your wisdom oldfag.

Get out please.

In many parts of Europe we still can trust strangers like that. It's something you think is completely normal until suddenly there are too many foreigners around.

I dont blame him

Does anyone know if this image is accurate?

Then you're a nigger-loving faggot. Dylann Roof is the only victim, victim of a kiked up society and shabbos goy Boomers who forced suidical diversity upon us all.

fucking niggers i hate them so much

US movies and art are so kiked-up and degenerate I don't blame anons for turning to another country for entertainment - though I do perhaps blame us as men for not doing anything to stop the complete demoralization of our own country. An absorption in anime and vidya is a symptom and not the cause of that sickness.

Behind every tatted up thot is a man who didn't raise her, a man who didn't stop her, and a kike who encouraged her. It's the thot triangle.

Shooting up a bunch of Jews.

There's much worse than autism, if you don't kiss their asses over whatever diagnosis you get, they WILL turn you into a paranoid schizo, send you to 'secret' or not above board wards where you're treated as subhuman until you crack and are remouldable.


He got arrested, that's what's wrong.

Can't blame him nigger crime is so vile senseless and infuriating and those "based negroes" at the church who dindu nuffin according to the cucks were enabling it with their activism and political engagement

Niggers are more of a direct threat and danger to me than any Russian I have ever met. I'm not talking Russian gangsters, just normal Russian guys, their mindset, I envy them in a way, none of this PC bullshit and they'd be quick to go fist to heads with niggers but only in defense. White American guys get their asses kicked or would talk and talk to the point of embarrassment.

Spics ran niggers out of South Central LA and Compton. How? Drove by in the middle of the night and opened up on their houses with AK47's and fought them every encounter. That says a lot of where Whites are going wrong….. to much to lose, and yet losing it all. Spics…. everything to gain, and gaining it all, that has been the mindset and the difference.

Roof got arrested because he let his friend know what he was going to do, so his friend turned him in. That was one of the mistakes Roof made. If you are going to lone wolf, don't tell anyone first

He acted. What makes the "far" right look bad is doing fucking nothing and bending over for the Jew. They're never going to write positive articles about us, user, but if we start going after our enemies and don't stop, the reward for that is their kike version of history isn't the one that will be mistaken for a truthful account. Victory creates its own retroactive PR. If we win, Roof will be remembered as a hero in the struggle against the subhuman menace.

So once again instead of repeating just that part of the killing. He was a namefaggot and wanted to be infamous. FUck him hes a cunt with no strategy. Klling women and children only works when there is open declared war. Doing it before hand undercuts any ability to foster sympathy from like minded individuals.
In short he was seeking fame and did the act with no thought of how much more he could have accomplished had he used some strategy and thought about the future. Instead he is a blackpilled namefag.

ANd pick your targets better. That way you can do just more than one. HE is still a blackpilled namefag.

Spouting words you don't know the meaning too doesn't make it look like you're form here.

That will never happen. HE will always be a blackpilled namefag. He was ignorant and really thought he was accomplishing something when all he will ever be is just some whitey who killed a bunch of darkies.


Don't blame him for the fact that you refuse to stand up and represent what you believe we stand for. Our values will only be represented by those who act, not those who sit around paralyzed with fear over what others will think. If only a retard will stand and fight for your cause, then your representative is a retard and you're a coward. That's how it works.

Your (1) really makes it look your not from here. Anything to add to the thread or are you just going to be a cuckchan faggot who calls me a shill and posts once? PRove to me that dylann roof didn't throw his life away for something that ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING. The only people who will ever sympathize with him are people here.
He did nothing to bring more people to the NATSOC movement. In fact this type of shit is what galvanizes the niggers and commies.

To achieve victory, you must at the very least believe victory is possible. If you don't, this is all just pointless masturbation.

I'm director of diversity and inclusion at a Jewish summer camp for underprivileged youths and i cant take it anymore

SO what have you done lately? WHen was the last time you went on a nigger or kike liquidation spree? Never right? That is what I thought. He is no better then the niggers. He just did something that is on our political spectrum.

This I can agree with. Victory must be part of the belief structure of NATSOC. However how does this action fit in with victory? He killed a couple of low level niggers. Explain how this makes NATSOC victorious? IF he had went and killed real niggers who have power and then went and killed some banking kikes I could agree with his actions. Otherwise I really don't see what was accomplished here except infighting among ourselves.

He probably had other targets. A senator is not bad, however he should have gone for kikes. Judging by his manifesto he started to take the redpill, and had this reaction. He did not take enough though as he still thought kikes were White. He might have been able to get a higher score if police weren't ready for him as soon as he left the church. I agree with what Roof said about autism, as Roof probably knows what they were trying to do. The politicians and media wanted to claim this was because of autism in order to push for gun control for autists


Fuck off alt-kike PRcuck.

pick one.

Your post says a lot about you. report.


Oh shit better undo that one then, you look quite the fool now that I have 2 posts.
Well I mean calling you a shill and posting twice seems like a plan. But then there's little I can say that hasn't been said already, not that you'd read the thread prior.
Nice Freudian capitalization buddy, you got a mind too focused on PR. How did he accomplish nothing? By definition he accomplished something as he killed several niggers and a gun-grabbing senator. He may have "galvanized niggers and commies" but that in turn galvanized whites as it turned the slow boil into a hot fire, which can't be ignored.
The PR faggot just can't help himself.

He actually did quite a bit. Dylan Roof created a circumstance in which white people saw the world around them for what it was. The response to Dylan Roof from Jews, Niggers and the left was one of outright disdain for white people. And that caused plenty of white folk to realize that the "equality and fairness" they'd espoused for so long were not reciprocated. That every time they said "not all Muslims" that the Muslims weren't going to do the same for them. It was a big wake-up call for a huge number of normalfags that racial divides exist even if you ignore them.

State senator. ANd he was a NONAME don't try to build up his shitty target choice. ANd I didn't start the PR bullshit others did. Well if you are white and act like a nigger then are you really superior to niggers? I don't think so and I would think most here would agree. THey will go into the gassings the same as the nigs and kikes and other subhumans.

Whats funny is the obvious talking points every roof supporter has developed. Muh gun grabbing senator. State senator in SOuth carolina gun grabbing has no future.
How many people do you talk to on a daily basis? Every single white person I know either has never given him a thought or thinks he was a piece of shit. So tell me again how he galvanized white? YOur anecdotal evidence against mine? Just one big circle jerk again with this faggot. He doesn't deserve our time. I don't care about PR I care about action that actually accomplishes further movement for NATSOC. LIke I said all he did was kill low level niggers and the one state senator is there any proof Roof knew he was there? OR was it just a lucky hit? Im off to work

I don't talk about those things.
Attrition is victory. We "lost" one man (not really lost, we could conceivably bust him out), they lost 9. That's a pretty good ratio considering we already outnumber them significantly.

There'll be a time soon when someone spergs out and stabs Mccain or Graham or something, and you fucking faggots will still be going "YEAH BUT HE DIDN'T GET A KIKE, WHAT A RETARD".

It really depends what you mean by anime. Moeshit and the like is degenerate I agree, real Anime from the 80s and 90s isn't. Legend of Galactic Heroes falls in the second category.

Well of course, your co-workers are being paid to say the same stuff you are doofus.
Well the fact that whites are demonstrably galvanizing as racial tensions reach all-time highs seems to indicate I'm onto something.
In future, try to avoid doing that, it's a dead giveaway.
Wow I will admit I admire that you work 2 shilling jobs. You do put in the hours.

Hello FBI

Maybe you should change your post next time to copy paste it into every single thread about this kid.

Stopped reading there


zyklon B was a mistake. Keeping the kikes healthy by killing their lice merely perpetuated their existence.

I've been at war with myself my whole life. There was something wrong with me. I'm 1/8 Jeiwsh, and that jew part is fucking pedophile. I cut it off to free myself, as we should cut out their influence on our beautiful planet.
They fucked up, and YHWH let them know, smashing their tower of babel, their intrusion on his realms. They were given a chance to save themselves, but they killed him, and now they work with more pedophile, rapist satanists to destroy the last shred of decency left. They can't even say his name anymore.
The jewish faith should be dead. Those left broke faith with their god. Niggers are not really the problem, just move them, they hardly seem to care unless someone is feeding them a script.

so yeah, not Zyklon B. A surgical nuclear strike, on the heart of their faith

less once the niggers don't have the gibs they turn on one another and the problem takes care of itself. The smart niggers leave the pack looking for sympathetic whites etc. Those are the niggers that need to be eradicated because they won't eradicate themselves.


OP is a faggot. Roof did nothing wrong.

you don't know that. His manifesto is out there. People read it. They wouldn't have before.

have you read the Roof Manifesto?

ever planted moss seeds? so tiny you can hardly see them.

maybe you're the FBI, ever thought of that?

My problem with Roof is that he totally wasted his life on the pointless killing of old nigger church ladies. Hypothetically speaking, if I were going to throw away my life by committing murders, I'd want those deaths to be significant. Some old church ladies is the exact opposite of that.

It's like stepping on a few cockroaches instead of cleaning the kitchen and vacuuming up the crumbs and food that attract the roaches and make them multiply. 9 blacks means nothing. Hell, they weren't even of reproductive age, so it's not even like he slightly curbed the nigger population.

If I were to commit murders, I'd go after high level people that matter. I'd target some rich kikes in the news media or in hollywood or in the political lobbying industry who push cultural marxism and immigration. Killing just one of these people would make a hell of a lot more of an impact. Not that I'm saying I would do such a thing. FBI pls, I'm just speaking hypothetically

Pick one

I think he did it hoping that blacks would retaliate against whites in similar fashion and start a back and forth leading to an actual race war.

Niggers are not the main issue. Obviously they're shit, but it's the kikes who are causing all our ills. If someone lets their untamed dog roam freely throughout the neighborhood and the dog bites/mauls someone, who do you blame? Do you blame the dog itself, or do you blame the owner?

I would've much rather he shot up a synagogue at the very least. Or some news media kikes. The point is to make these people fear for what they do. That subverting the goyim will have consequences.

maybe I don't spam threads with the exact same post encouraging people to go on shooting sprees


Entertainment is part of the problem. I recently got rid of my entire 15 year collection of movies and tv shows. It's all bullshit meant to keep you inactive, or distract you from thinking upon your own life. There's more than enough happening in this world to keep one fully engaged without needing pass time watching people pretend to do things that never happened. To hell with entertainment. Life itself is already entertaining, and the rewards for really living are greater than you'll ever experience from even the most masterfully crafted story.

The utility of cinema is to provide direction for our ambitions, and at some point you have to stop spectating , and start doing. An ambition to be entertained is useless.

Didn't he shoot a fucking state Senator?
That's a bit better than some dope-nogs who are going to kill each other anyway.

Get a load of this PR cuck

You mean if every white man in America went out and killed 5 Jews

Whatever people think about Roof, he helped defend us by not claiming autism which they would have used as another push for taking away guns.
He also personally hated the jewish pharmaceuticals and psychologists even though he thought of them as white, which would have been the main driving factor in his decision to not become a drugged zombie for the rest of his life.

He chose to die a free-thinking man.

That is worth some respect.

I've kind of viewed him as taking part in the coming race war he just started a little earlier than everyone else.

Im slowly realizing this. Ive loved my shitty b movies, love old classics before all movies were jewish propaganda, and stuff like that. I figured it was way better than watching cape shit, and (((hollywood))) movies, but its still a waste of time.
So is anime. Its disheartening to see anime pushed on all boards non stop. Obsessing over little girl cartoons is degeneracy, period.
Its taken me a long time to be able to say that, I thought the anime thing was fine because everything in the US is jewish, but no, its not ok.
Just like it took me a long time to realize Roof isnt even a bad guy, hes playing a bad guy to try to save white people. I hated that he didnt shoot up a bunch of obnoxious niggers at duh cluuub and chose a church instead, but he knew even whites would hate him for this. He wants a race war that will inevitably happen anyway. Just think. A race war WILL happen at some point, either when whites are cornered and the whole world is like South Africa, or a lot sooner..

Please race war soon and we will free Roof.

Thanks for pointing out degeneracy. Though I don't care what is tattooed, even if a woman has the 1st chapter of Mein Kampf written on her body, it's still degenerate and trashy as fuck. Will also look like absolute shit when she gets older if done in a place with so much fat content (e.g. tits).

Anyone else get mcveigh oklahoaxa bombings vibe from this whole thing?

Dylan roof was a false flag. Stop talking about this faggot on here.

yes. he planned to kill, and succeeded in killing a race baiting jessie jackson type figure that was a state senator.
the fact that people in general, on the news, and even on this site of all places bothers me. the news just made it seem like he shot some old black people in a church, but instead he was targeting politically connected blacks and a fucking senator.

i dont even understand the news suppressing this fact. is it better for (((the narrative))) that a white guy killed random people? i would think a white guy stopping a black man trying to get ahead would help (((their))) cause.

whats happening? and why are so many people on Holla Forums blind to this fact as well?

The meme magic is growing too powerful.

Roof did nothing wrong.

With the continuous existence of shills, and newfriends, there are those who still believe in the (((mainstream))) narrative.

Dylann Roof killed Senator Clementa C. Pinckney, whose family is knee deep in muh civil rights, and proposed measures to get rid of the confederate flag. His manifesto and the timeframe (>>9895076) is essential in understanding why he went over the edge and understandably killed the niggers.

This. Gorillas are actually fascinating creatures if they live in the wilderness. But if you let them live in your house, they will destroy your interior, shit on your carpet and maybe even rip you in pieces.

yeah, you can fuck right off, kike

Mind blown: I had not heard that one before.




fucking off yourself tattoocuck

maybe the tits were good, however.
The girl to which said tits are attached, she has issues, not the kind YOU can ever hope to solve.

wow, what an ineffective shill post. how much are they paying you for this?

Shut up kike

wheres the best place to get nuggets up in da club?

the kekistani people will rise. praise niggers



He doesn't have a white man's nose. He literally has a happy merchant nose. Just because you are blonde and blue eyed don't mean you can't be a jew. That's what I was illustrating.


that isnt a jewish nose. that is definitely a white mans nose even though its kinda big. its almost upturned. and the bridge is slightly concave.

thats the opposite of a hook. he also doesnt have jewish hair, skin, eyes, or bone structure.

he never stated that he was aryan, he said he was white. hes a "heinz 57" american mutt.

For the record, I support and endorse this autistic hero, and I condone his acts

People assaulting those critical of DSR forget we have a common enemy: the international Jew. Never forget that Slavery in America was a Jewish institution. Never forget that (((they))) insinuate racial d&c to keep us from going after (((them))).

Oh look. A nigger. What a surprise.

That's angering, of course I had no idea bout the little girl being shot as no media outlet outside of the county it happened in seemed to have carried it. Typical kikery keeping the black on white violence muted.


Nice sperg.

He wrote psychology, not psychiatry.
Obviously just parroting something he heard elsewhere and got confused about the terms.

Well, psychology is bullshit. But psychiatry even moreso, since it's the application of bullshit psychology to shove kids full of drugs that they don't need, that don't work, and that have bad side effects.

kys nigger lover

He's beyond autism, almost pure potato.

>Dylann Roof killed State Senator Clementa C. Pinckney

nigger, are you serious?

Do you realize that McCain and Graham aren't state senators? They are US Senators, not State Senators.

Really sizzles my cashews
Bet you didn't know that chodemonkey has made it so that all soupniggers are outed immediately

They also push for racial unity to mud everyone up. The only "based" blacks are the ones that know this. "Based" blacks are black nationalists, who hate us and want to kill us as well.

thats not a small deal though. they have a large amount of power within their state. within dylann's state. look up what that specific senator's agenda was. dylann made a difference in his state.

is that murder directly linked to dylann in some way? or was it just the general revelation that it was 4 niggers that commited that crime that pushed him over the edge.


You're right. I didn't know a BLM state senator was involved. But still, if you're going to commit to planning out a murder, there are much better higher-up targets to go after.

For fucks sake, imagine if this kid shot up CNN headquarters, or went after Soros or his son Alexander. What if he went after the kikes in charge of the ADL or SPLC? What if he went after the neocohens like bill Krystol or Paul Wolfowitz? What if he went after any of the assortment of jewish marxists in academia like Dershowitz, Chomsky, etc etc etc? (Again, not that I condone any of these actions, FBI, I'm just speaking hypothetically)

Instead he went after a dime-a-dozen nigger crying about POH-LEESE BRUTALITEH. It's better than no-names, but it's still quite far down the ladder.

based blacks are nationalists, but the ones that want to kill us are not based, since the wanting to kill us is based off of them believing lies and muh racism.

based black are nationalists that want to marry and live with other blacks, and want whites to marry and live with other whites. i have no problem with the japanse that want to live in an island and preserve their culture. im envious of peoples that are allowed to do this.
but the second you start saying that my peopel cant live like that? then we have a problem.

Don't let memes just be dreams user.

Exactly, the attack was very potato.

its state level government that was helping blacks avoid getting arrested for commiting crimes and trying to make the confederate flag illegal. as someone who works in local politics in nogland, these types of politicians are not dime-a-dozen.

higher ups are very difficult to reach. i agree they'd be more beneficial to us. but there would be a much bigger chance of complete failure. its not like he was some trained mercenary. he was just some kid with a few 1000s in disposable $.

killing one of the soros was very potato because he could have gone after one of the rothschilds.

he was just some suburban kid.



Meant to add 'fixed that for you'

oh. righto m8.

Fucks Given…

That vid is hysterical

i didnt say they existed.

read his manifesto 'I have great respect for Asian races'

This is one of the most interesting aspects of the case by far, I wonder why the media didn't focus on it?

Getting labeled autistic is certainly one of the worst things that can happen to a young man. No one will ever believe that your problems have an external etiology which could therefore be solved by changing the environment. It's never that your teachers are jealous fuckwits, it's never that your student peers are retarded navel-gazing mouthbreathers, it's never that the administration and (((school psychologist))) has it in for you, it's never that your parents are horrendously neglectful, it's never that there are legitimate problems in society and you're just too honest to not say something, no it's always that you're just autistic.

The utter desperation and futility of Roof's crime makes perfect sense given the autism label. All his life, no one listened to him, so he forced them to. I don't think Roof is necessarily all that racist, it just happened to be an external outlet for the decades of purposeful abuse the system dished out on him. I even suspect the (((psychiatric system))) and (((law enforcement))) goaded him into expressing his rage this way, rather than another. He might've gone after the people in the institutions who actually did this to him, not some dumb church ladies who are only here because of the same kikes in the first place.

Dylan Roof was simply too good and pure for this world. He needed someone on his side, not FBIniggers exploiting him to push a narrative.


You're one of them types that think any but your own kind are lower than animals, ain't ya?

Whoops, didn't mean to sage.

The ballz on Roof are hueg

have you read what he wrote about jews.
he thinks they're white (or most of them are white)

5 jews actually. Then removing kikongo is easy as breathing.

This. His only mistake is his bowl cut choice of hair.
Based bowl cut hero

My only gripe with Roof is that he couldn't kill every fucking nigger alive.

Fuck me for the double, here's a bonus niggerhate. Don't relax around blacks.

To solve the problem you have to get rid of the mind poison Whites have, cuckstianity, leaving the indoctrinated not just defenseless against jewing but active participants in their own genocide. Replaced with natural healthy ethnic identity, traditions and race awareness would be vastly harder to fall prey to nonsense like "White guilt," letting shitskins flood in, letting jews in, everyone god's children/the same, etc. Whites could be surrounded by nasties and wouldn't succumb.

So he didn't want to kike his way out of personal responsibility? Need more like him.

Praise St. Roof

If he did, they would have zombified him with drugs while leading a charge against autists and other spergs having guns and of course (((psychologists))) would be all too happy to give out diagnoses like that.


I know. I was simply drawing attention to the differences in white men and kikes.

When he is executed, we should all honor that day.

this is where people think user

It really is strange how the media is so adamant about demonizing autism. I'm no expert on the subject, but from what I understand, autists and spergs (as in, actual autists and spergs) are totally harmless, and violent behavior doesn't fit their MO. It's like they're trying to conflate psychopathy and autism. Another example of this would be Sandy Hoax, where Lanza is allegedly a turbo-autist who snapped and shot up his old elementary school. What's their reasoning behind this? What's their end game for trying to demonize autists?

And of course, like you said, they also try to pull this circular reasoning bullshit where anyone who commits violence no matter the cause is mentally ill by its very definition.

The sort of drugs they put people on is more likely any cause of them flipping out. Some of those absolutely wreck people.

he didn't kill any children you worthless drama queen, and he should have. Seems he found a great many like minded individuals here, and you're not one of them moralfag

Oh yes, absolutely. SSRIs have black box warnings about suicidal ideation, but at the same time, they've gone to great lengths to hide and obfuscate the fact that there's a link between SSRI use and increased HOMICIDAL ideation too.

A true son of the South.

He capped several BLM donors.


The only who can legitimately criticize him is Anders Behring Breivik because he has a higher score.

Everyone sitting on Holla Forums needs to go out and get the highscore than you can talk shit about Dylan.

Cowardly pacifists who shitpost all day and scream 'it was irony' and whatever else make us look fucking bad. Nobody takes a wimp seriously. You know why Islam is winning? They are fucking alpha suicide bombers.

Man up and you'll realize you can actually be a racist shit-talker even IRL and get away with it

Breivik is a masonic kike-lover who murdered more white children than anything else. Roof shits on him.

He butchered a bunch of 20-something year old commies. Get fucked, kike.

He killed leftist shits that would have tried to ruin his country.

You always kill traitors before the enemy, friendo.

Fuck off back to your lodges, freemanlets.

have you read his manifesto? he explains why he did the church, he said "I AM ALONE IN THIS"
he lacked planning, logistic, support, finances, he knew all of this and said "I MUST DO SOMETHING

think of the resources used when a Seal team moves on a target, cruise missiles, over sat intelligence, electronics, the logistics involved, the assets already in place, the indoctrination of personal involved to the Jew/US agenda

Roof even once he was caught and sitting in a jail cell told the system to fuck off with their mental exams. His manifesto MAKES SENSE why he acted.

Being White is not sacred in itself. What you can do as a White can be sacred. There are many, many undesirables in our population that should die, and the traitors and their children on that island was a start.

Better dead than sped

go get high score pussy


When I first saw this vid I ended up slashing myself up not long after actually. I should have sent his pics in his email he mentioned, the alienmode thing.>>9894813

Go out and find a nigger church to shoot up boy, or shut your pie hole.

No, fuck off you disgusting cuckold. All niggers are the enemy, especially the ones you love to suck off. Dylann did literally nothing wrong, although he was an idiot from a strategic perspective.

eat shit

Boo hoo. "They wuz good bois n gurls they go to church an have they lives togetha". Fuck off.

This is the biggest load of shit. After Anders Breivik support for immigration went down. Stop with the PR fagging because it's the most useless concept and has NEVER worked.

Yes I read it, and yes I understand why he did it. But I still think he could have picked better targets. The jews are the true root of our problems. The niggers and shitskins are just a manifestation of the poison they bring.

That's because a SEAL team is going up against a target that knows he's being hunted. The groups I've mentioned think themselves invincible. They walk around not even thinking about the possibility that any random person on the street would try to kill them. I absolutely do think he could have pulled it off, even alone.

Children are not set in their ways. Not even adult bluepills of good racial stock are lost to us entirely, we convert them all the time. There is no justification for what Breivik did in its entirety, at best he did some good and some bad - while using his actions as a platform to spout kosher bullshit like the masonic puppet he is.

They were over 20 you shill

You need to look closer, poisoned minds with self hating defeating self harm ideology that not only allows jews and shitskins to attack but act to destroy themselves. cuckstianity removes defenses from being jewed, where as healthy natural ethnic identity and awareness would recognize what's in front of them and not succumb, submit, go along with, let in, etc., wouldn't wither in the face of jews, muds, etc. Ethnic identity and racial awareness is like the can't invade America from a gun behind every blade of grass for the mind which translate to action in the physical world.

we must build the church of st. roof

Masons are kike-subservient oven-stuffing unfit to call themselves European.

That's not actually true. The majority were in their teens. And before you point out how this chart says average age of 20, remember how outliers work on means. Look at the breakdown by age group.
I have mixed feelings about Breivik. For one, read his manifesto. He was an israelcuck who was doing it to "fight antisemitism". Secondly, most of those kids were not actually part of liberal youth organization. Literally anyone in Norway can go on those camping trips. If anything, I see it as a way that breivik punished the liberal adult party members by saying "there are consequences to your actions, and I will target your children". Sort of like some old biblical shit where you'd punish your enemy by killing their son or whatever.


Well it's certainly a place to draw inspiration from if you're a fucking kike or a cryptokike, isn't it?

Autism has 23 IQ points as SD, so many geniuses are "autists".
Autism is the masterrace.


Can't stand the truth, can't debate the facts.

It's actually something done in ancient times all over the place. Kidnap the other kingdom's first born son and threaten to kill him if they ever attack your land. Not just the bible. You get my point though.

Breivik linked himself with the Masons and Israel so that the mainstream media couldn't use him to impute ethnic nationalism.

Everything he did and said was calculated for its effect. He planned for nearly a decade before acting.

Fair enough. I'm not sure if that's actually true, but it's definitely a possibility.
Like I said, I have mixed feelings on it. I don't agree with killing white children, but his actions did seem to have a net positive effect in terms of making people question immigration in his country.

The rate of high functioning autists is drastically small compared to those who are literal retards. Autism does more harm than good, especially at the rate its growing.

Two things, he didn't go after the parent traitors in power, particular jews who orchestrated the invasion where he was at, didn't try to stay uncaught for as long as possible to continue carrying out his war, got insta caught after taking out rather low value/delayed value targets.


He also car-bombed the offices of the Prime Minister and the department of Justice. People assumed this was a diversion, but we don't actually know his intent. Given the legality of the other attack he may have actually planned to kill these people as well. This is likely if he was using the McVeigh bombing as his model, without understanding it was a professional false flag.

sorry. "leathality" not "legality"


Gas yourself Satan Kike


need more hate on blacks pls

Not to beat the horse to death, but because he wrote these things he was never associated with cultural conservatives, traditionalists, Norwegian nationalists, white nationalism, antisemitism, or any of our ideologies. The other political opponents of Islam in Norway never fell under a cloud of suspicion or suffered a crackdown because of his actions.

His attacks had a practical motivation: to cripple the political power of liberalism in his country. This is not what Jews want. They would also never, ever want terrorism associated with support for Israel. Or gay politics. It's almost like he was doing the exact opposite of what you'd expect from a Jewish pawn.

I could almost kind of empathize if he went after some drug dealers or some gang members. Niggers really do destroy everything they touch. He went after elderly churchgoing negroes working to rise above their baser instincts. Dylan Roof is a worthless coward. He could have made a difference but instead he killed the grandparents raising the niglets. Now we're just gonna have more fullblown niggers in a few years.

I try.

Will do.






This. Dylan Roof did nothing wrong.




You're doing gods work user



Neither do I… BUT, he did actually target an antiwhite piece of shit. So it wasnt like he chose a random target of innocent niggers. Why he threw his life away for one target though I don't understand. Id imagine that if I ever found myself with nothing to lose it would be quite the fireworks display.




He shot up a nigger church instead of a synagogue.

Not from around here are you?


Just because niggers go to church does not mean they shouldn't be exterminated along with all other non whites.This is a case of wasted potential he could have done far more damage had he planned better and learned maybe joined the military for a while to learn how its done.I still think he is a hero bcuz kill all niggers duh.Just could have picked better targets.He really needed a mentor and some structure and would have been a asset for rahowa yet instead he was isolated and sunk into depression watching what is happening to fellow whites.I don't condone what he did and not because he killed niggers as that is completely understandable when you become unhinged and say fuck these shitskins.He could have used more self control and educated himself and prepared better.

What the fuck is this nonsense?

You're a coward, and Roof is a hero.

He cut the head off leadership for liberal activists, BLM, and a shitlib state senator. And he sent a message to the niggers that we are tired of their shit. He chose and planned well.


What's your kill count?


night… it was a political meeting
he specifically targeted the senator. he was not collateral damage.

he killed a race baiting liberal state senator.


6 gorllion


Link not found. MGTOW caught bullshitting again.








I never once said anything about PR. My criticism is that he could've picked some high level kikes to kill.

And I never said he wasn't brave. It takes a hell of a lot of courage to do what he did. But with that in mind, he could've "spent" his courage doing something even better.


That's a partial list user. There were many there in their 20's, and even some old crusty commies he whacked. Breivik did good.



Yea I am aware so I will be more specific He should have killed jews,niggers ain't shit.So again he attacked a symptom not the actual disease.



killing a few random jews wont do anything to hurt them, it'll only help them.

Thats an obvious shill.. his reply to you made zero fucking sense.

Why can´t YOU reject autism, user?

Tfw no gf.


This is all I've got along these lines. Official dump theme song included for your listening pleasure. Niggers have no place on this planet.

I was going to put that in quotes but I didnt because I wrongly assumed Holla Forums would understand what I was saying. I was obviously wrong. I was not saying that there are any innocent niggers, and i was certainly not saying that those niggers were innocent.

Jesus Christ why's he have such a retarded haircut. Aesthetics matter.

he didnt say random jews. He said that roof should have applied his intel gathering, planning, and execution to better targets like jews are undeniably subversive.

Jesus your collection is huge.

who said they had to be a few random jews could have been some high profile kike shit stain along with collateral with a clear message we know its them causing all the bullshit black white left right and on and on it goes while they sit on the sidelines laughing if you get what I am saying.Killing some nigger politician and some other random nigger helps the jew moar than if he had taken out a fucking kike and then explained the why being they are the cause of it all instead the jew sits back and blows ebil white male out of their asses all over their kike media.

He could just be stupid. There are a lot of low IQ people on Holla Forums.
many are nonwhites


Based FKMTposter

I stand corrected.

Why not both?

There is really no making sense to you. I get it all the time in talking to people. The reason and logic is right there before them and then to conditioning interferes with that ability.
I often get this, or have in the past in discussing Korean history, current affairs and how one relates to the other. In times past, in Korean if a man was found guilty of a crime. His family was punished, wife & children to 3 generations, as well as his/their servants and slaves. People in western countries get all up in arms and act with outrage at this. Never ever taking into account clan thinking, how a group of humans function to achieve goals. Everyone involved, to 3 generations were criminal co-conspirators in the criminal enterprise. It could not function with out numerous people involved. Relaying message, committing acts of deception, committing criminal acts to further the conspiracy. You're just cucked, block everyone in this thread that tells you this but it's obvious to others. You do nothing but impune others, that's worse than doing nothing and keeping your mouth shut or your fingers idle. I've read stories how the Christian templar knights of Poland or Kiev or Rus thought God would save them in their righteous cause against the Mongols and didn't understand up until the moment of their death it was all about killing, and that was what the Mongols did with ruthless efficiency. Read about how wave after wave of heavy horse calvary were out-maneuvered, harried to exhaustion and then killed one by one by tiny bowmen on ponies from greater distances that the christian knights could counter. Your the type that will now spout Geneva convention bullshit violations of the rules of war, etc.

fuck off chink

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Dam, this user has a fucking arsenal.

bots malfunctioning while talking to each other def shitskin tier.


cuckservatives not welcome

You must be really old.

FBI is a bad meme that keeps us from taking IRL direct action against the system. There's a reason our more radical anons join other organizations. Holla Forums is a mass volunteer propaganda arm, and we can encourage our members to /fit/ and /k/ up, but we're not the place to organize. We're the internet hate machine, the umman manda of the twenty first century, we are a board of peace. This we do the most important work here, the psychological warfare, the recruiting, the endless cataloguing of the sins of our enemies and the treason of our leaders.
By way of memetics do we make war. The time is not yet to abandon the hate machine, we have yet to achieve critical mass, but every Holla Forumsack should be prepared to kill for his race. If any of us have an opportunity to take out an enemy we should take it. And we should prepare for when we will have to fight with lead and steel instead of meme and reason.
Each of us began a journey the minute we set foot here. A journey of self improvement for the betterment of our race. The destination is being the new hitler. Only one of us will make it that far but each step of the journey we take improves all of our chances in the coming struggle.
So it is true Holla Forums keeps its members from doing dangerous things like Roof did. But it the reason is clear. Dilan Roof was uninitiated into the knowledge of the kikes. Had he been he would have shot up a synagogue with a kike senator instead of some ultimately inconsequential annoyances.
I suppose I'll conclude my incoherent ramblings with this;
Holla Forums keeps us together and keeps us relatively sane. The only reason it is allowed to exist is because if it were taken down we would all be forced to act irl. For most that would be irl shitposting like the day of the meme. But there would be a hundred mirderers with all the knowledge of what targets matter. In essence Holla Forums is a containment board not to keep us from the wider internet, but rather it is a containment board keeping millions of oy vey anti semites from acting in real life.


blacks are literally tearing down our history and culture across the South, besides they portray anyone right of Lindsey Graham as a Nazi.

does anyone really gives a shit what (((moderates))) and commies think about us?


Dylan Roof didn't have autism, nor did he only have 80 IQ. It's jewish slander.

Me on the other hand, taking time making this? Yeah I might be on the spectrum.

Reading his manifesto, I see him as a lone wanderer, ahead of his time, recognizing the slow death white people are facing, and the misery that will come. Perhaps a tragedy, or catastrophy on epic proportion must happen, starvation kicking in, making white people hungry and angry, altough Canada & Sweden are both destroying their own system, in hopes to implement Marxism slave regime filling it up with millions of chinks & muslims content being miserable lower slave caste. So maybe not even a collapse can save us.

We still have the odds and majority on our side, the evils being commited could easily be nipped at the slightly evolving buds, but we dont have a single politician except Trump on our side, how could this have happened? There should atleast be one I tend to imagine.

just go to sleep. state senators are hardly dime-a-dozen and your point matters only to you. YEs, he could shuda woulda assassinated the rothschild's in their beds, but what he did do is act within his own sphere of understanding, reach and influence.

what stands out in all those pictures is that the murder's faces show no remorse, they are just sorry for themselves. It is like some aspect of human empathy is missing.

Bowl-cut is the haircut of demigods

Grass wasn't placed by kikes to kill you, you fucking retard.

The niggers who shot people at gas stations out of the trunk of a car had more sense than potato, they knew enough to avoid getting caught for as long as possible.

Fucking brilliant user

Jesus Christ on a crutch.

people show some balls and support him, write his ass,
Dylann Roof
USP Terrre Haute
US Penitentiary
P.O. Box 33
Terre Haute, IN 47808

Roof's a bit of an idiot due to not recognizing that the issue is the jews but I do respect his convictions nonetheless.

That's not even the worst of it. Look at the smug ones or the ones visibly enjoying the negative attention. Niggers aren't empty vessels devoid of empathy, they're overflowing wells of malice. When you think of

We may disagree on the effectiveness of Dylann Roof as a force for Holla Forums's ultimate goals, but if anyone has the audacity to suggest he's wrong to have been so overcome with a need to try and draw attention to the plight of the victims of this senseless nigger violence in any way he thought he could - they can fuck right off back to their cuck shed. With that, I submit this .webm and once again declare that Dylann Roof did literally nothing wrong.

Fucking what a spastic outburst
This is why we need to fucking just gun these people down or point them at nigra churches

also someone give this autust a haircut that doesnt scream: Autist

NICE PLY TRYING TO BE NOT sit down fbi nigger you are pol now faggot

Absolutely not.

In dealing with people i have grown to appreciate animals far more than humans. I've interacted with birds more intelligent than your average normie.

He meant niggers are lower than dogs, especially the 9 Dylann put in the ground.

embrace reality and yea it hurts ;)

Normalfags aren't people; you were dealing with cattle.

Don't you mean "Goyim"?


I honestly like how many people are chastising this guy for saying that Dylan Roof made the far right look bad, but the same people will shit themselves at the thought of taking another life in general.

Like I seriously don't get you people. You can talk a lot of shit, but so far, Dylan Roof is one of the few whites that has done the very thing that you probably dream of every day, which is the cold blooded massacre of every black in sight, whether they be man, woman, or child.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with many of Holla Forums's beliefs, but deep down on some level, you literally MUST agree with this poster, otherwise there'd have already been dozens of dylan Roofs.

I mean, just think, do you really think that Hitler wanted his supporters to go out and physically remove the Jews right when he was trying to gain support? No, he bided his time and waited until he got popular enough to crack down on them. Too soon and he would've been labeled a monster(earlier) for what he did, and his support would've died before he could've even had a chance.

See, even though we're unpopular with a segment of the population, the election with Trump pretty much proves that more of our beliefs are becoming slowly unscrutinized. Act like monsters later, not now, but I don't have to tell you lot that since you won't do what Dylan Roof did, as you lack the proper sized nutsack for that.

And for god's sakes, if you do have the balls for it, at least go into the armpits in the ghetto to go rambo. The guy shot up people who weren't involved with the gangster shit that niggers are usually into.

seth rich embraced and it hurt fking hero realized lefty and righty part of the same jew lie lol mugged robbed but nothing was taken lol they are evil make no false assumption thinking these ppl won't kill you over lunch and a martini Yet we start hitting back they can't handle it cry run check their bank accounts of corrupt stolen money to re assure themselves they are safe when tbh ppl all ppl get pissed they are all toast.Whites are getting pissed so allow that to grow ahahahaaa but but you the banker the lawyer spewing jew shit then whites say NO! weasel around still NO louder but we own the shekels the land NO SCR


Whites are your enemy you label us through mtv as not cool lol catering to shitskins that did not build they very foundation for israel or you anti white bullshit WE KNOW JEW not only do we know all your tricks are outdated Whites are better than you jew always have been as you living amongst us as a parasite that belongs in the desert or china your putrid lineage

You present us with a false choice between mimicking Dylann's actions exactly or not supporting them at all, and then attaching 'acting like monsters' to Dylann's actions, a total genocide of niggers in our nation at the very least would be entirely justified given the current culture of preying on us - they are the monsters in that equation. Dylann wasn't the die-hard Holla Forums type, he was just a smart guy that sympathized with Holla Forums, his way isn't necessarily going to be our way even if our interests align because our strengths and our methods may not agree on a path of action. Attacking the problem from every angle is not the worst idea if everyone is suited for attacking it differently, and Dylann is less shadow manipulator and more front line actor while Holla Forums tends to do the inverse.

Shut up beaner youre worse an u know it

one day we say NO jew and you niggers you brought with you WE WHITE MEN WILL EXTERMINATE YOU ALL MAKE YOU WISH FOR A HITLER HOLOCAUST!!Complete fucking lie yet you jews only cry for gain truth or not you will lie about something completely proven opposite of your narrative then confronted with facts go frenetic shoah and cry and play stupid like you don't know how much you are lying


matter of fact why you jew fucks come here unless for punishment it realy must suck being born one of you shit stains and knowing your entire religion is a lie you aren't chosen Whites are as they created the nice cushy world you live in not you your bloodline Whites yet keep us out of collage cuz a jew wants to keep minds better than them out of collage so flood it with nepotism jews and minority or rats that fit the jew narrative irrespective of actual furtherance of progress

The anti-white Left never, ever denounces its violent factions. They either celebrate them or pretend they've never head of them.

"Peaceful" academics and activists for the Left support BLM and remain silent about the Weathermen, even though they don't engage in violence themselves.

It's a winning strategy. One we must now employ.

This guy
is correct.

white power piss on jews its very simple and necessary

jews with all illusionary money games are nothing but niggers and are stupid so no surprise end result will be a White army with foot on jew subversive neck you aint weaseling your way out of the guillotine you deserve rodent .


no one is suggesting that motor vehicles be converted to mobile sniper platforms, that's just ridiculous and I seriously doubt most ppl could make a 200-400 yard sniper shot effectively anyway at a human target. Lee Boyd Malvo, also known as John Lee Malvo, was an underage follower nigger and John Allen Muhammad was a decorated US Army veteran with substantial US Army weapons training. The beltway snipers wanted to kill white men, pregnant white women, and white police officers.

Jews were not actually engaging in murderous criminal rampages against Germans. Their methods are more subtle, financial crimes a sexual perversion of society at large. Niggers are engaged in white genocide.

they seem to be able to play capture the flag and force liberal kikes to the hinterlands on the far side of the planet, All in all, not a bad days work.

You are either deliberately missing the point or beyond shit reading comprehension.

I know, it's a toss up isn't

b but my interest rates goy ….don't care die kike ….but but the social justice anti white minority …Nah thats some dumb shit you stupid shitskin…but what about gender ppl can't tell one way or the other what they are….they will find out quick fucking with this pissed off white male matter of fact see one today I stepped up with a impressive white male body the coward looked away buying grocery by herse1f and looked down at eye contact granted she was a less than but me I am Thor incarnate wasn't even a sec eyes met she looked down bow down like all jews because of my psychic Aryan strong slap you so hard you will be listening to 80

whatever you say

Are you drunk, autistic, or shitposting?

fought my whole life bigger units yet always win stupid niggers lol
I hut em all through school they call me the crazt white boy ZI was just being me taking no nog shit

This I can agree with this is a solid argument

What if someone liquidates these twat ZOG faggots it will long be celebrated by all. There is no mistaking if you go after a career US senator. I just feel like anons suck ROof's cock while he seems like an intelligent person if you read his manifesto (besides his kikes are white shit) his actions just seemed way too impulsive and not something that the forefathers of NATSOC would have approved of. I guess these are different times and we are dealing with a weimar like times so perhaps violence is needed. I still think he could have done much better I don't care if people call me alt kike or a goon or a pr cuck.

does it matter say how you feel nigger might find out

It's like the "moderate" muslims cheer on suicide bombers. We're the moderates and Dylan was the suicide bomber.

gas yourself nu/pol/ faggot

Roof did nothing wrong. Black churches are cancer.

PR matters.

Tell that to goyimgate

that's kike talk for compromise. suck gas.

What's the situation here? Looks like some bullied white guy broke a glass over a nigs head. He didn't hit him hard enough, he's still standing.

guess things have changed the rich kids was scared of niggers I beat their asses and had no respect for them at all all through elem mid nd high school didn't give a fuck nigger acted like one I was there to show it how good whites can fight low iq losers
turned into boxing same evander holynigger the same spic gave him his moves trained me then so many times getting knocked out yet learning how to hit hard as fuck while D canvasing looking for weakness to give that power punch so hard nigger on his ass like a roach

You can spot the /r/the_donald cucks when they get butthurt about him killing godly niggers. They have no idea who he actually took out.


Anyone got a link to his manifesto?

Beaners are superior to niggers. This is a fact.

White nationalism isn't bad PR. Chaotic violence is.

There you go.

boxing gym I trained at some of those cartel peel skin shits happened right up they street matter a t went had a burrito to be a dgaf white at spots like that …..its all good keep letting the third world destroy your first world lifestyle you rats will cry for shitskins until they effect you then you will act like you did nothing wrong NO >>>> I REMEMBER and ppl have way better memory that me grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Am I going crazy seeing this guy's posts? Nobody seems to have responded to him but he's on multiple threads and already made 21 posts on this one alone. The hell is going on?


mestizos couldn't box me period neither could a nigger kinda redundant but yea put you on you ass no matter your color was my thing


well it can learn at least

I heard it was a snapple bottle. Not sure if that's acurate. It was a bottle. The best part to me is the nigger saying "I know you did not just…..". yes nigger, he just did. White savagery is a beautiful thing, it needs to be nurtured early and often.

wew? I am just getting started faggot sit back and chilax have a scotch I go postal with common sense ;)

It can.

thread related he a hero though misguided should have had a good natsoc on and should be his side showing him no niggers are worth killing when its the jews being bitches wasted potential even targeting a nigger that isn't natsoc we know better lik getting an infection because of a bullet hole in your shit then toss it off like a piece of shrap need to sit in ya because of …not going there at least you aint a nigger instead put up your life for them to be shitstains and drain your society to absolutely nothing your enrichment nasty racemixer peices of shit

I literally hate you and everything you are to stupid to grow a pair and be …DIE S.D>SCUM


When will you PR cucks learn?




Gotta make the right choices though.

Consider which is easier to demonize as a target:

With a bit more planning and effort, dude might have come out more-viable as an anti-hero. But, of course, this:

It was personal, perhaps, so I understand.

Oh, FYI: The image is accurate. I know, because I made it.

When you step on the insects, it makes the red flowers bloom, and that's ""beautiful""

This. They are so fucking obvious now

You cut off your dick?

Holla Forums is about honesty in journalism. :^)

I can only hope to be fraction of the man this kid was. You faggots should follow his example(not literally, FBI), and take action. One I finish school I know I will.


then go back to cuckchan you fucking cuck

never gonna make it, he could have picked a better target but oh well.

He's a lazy sociopath, cruel, and stunningly ineffective. There's about one thousand ways in which he could have pursued the goals outlined in his manifesto. Take a look at the vicious niggers in the infographics plastered all over this thread: Dylan killed NONE of these thug-class niggers. He walked into a church and shot up a bunch of grandmas. Think about that, you piss jar encircled sycophants.

ok. do it. take out a high value target and come back here and post about it. you won't. we know it. hence this isn't even incitement.

autism is a lot like being free of social illusions and dishonesty, but you don't have to be autistic to be awake.

If that is true, that's deep.

really starting to think some people are being paid to be in this thread

thanks for this dump. Have you seen louis theroux's 'law and disorder in johannesburg'?
a solution for the US might be to ban negroes from owning guns.

I get the feeling that some genetic difference means that most negroids feel like this all the time

OP is a faggot.
Vid related.

remarkably little follow up coverage, no names, no news follow up. Dollars to doughnuts the shorter kid is Jewish.

Nice scapegoat, kike.


I'm glad that I got context to that video after these years. It's good to know that there are women who can stay faithful and fight alongside their men.

He has more conviction than you, sholmo.
Filled with an overwhelming pain for his racial kinsmen that had fallen to negros, he got off his ass and did something, he killed a BLM supporting senator.

You're filled with an overwhelming malice towards white people, and all you can do is sit on your ass and collect pennies from Israel.

This would have been the worst possible target for him to chose. Much more risky and less payoff, like squashing cockroaches that hold their guns sideways. Although I admit he could have chosen a better target, I commend him for acting.

I teach white people how to program computers so we actually have a chance in the coming robot wars, what the fuck do you do?

Dylan is the white warrior equivalent of melting ants with a magnifying glass, and I don't give a shit if the nigger was a state senator, he ALSO shot up a bunch of bystanders with no remorse. He's fucking sick, I wouldn't feel safe around the little 'sperg psycho, even though I'm a goddamn viking.

he is lookin forward to his daily consumption of baby penis

Oh please schlomo, a real viking would have been comfortable around other vikings that smashed the skulls of children, raped women, slaughtered priests and burned wholesale parishioners in the church alive…. and your saying Vikings were queasy about bystanders? You live in a moralfag revisionist fantasyland inside your own mind.

Sorry for double posting, but I just want to say that I wasn't implying he should have shot up hood rats, I'm just pointing out that if niggerhunting if your game, a church is like shooting a caged deer. Really dishonorable. He could have done something productive rather than destructive, but he chose to go nigger-tier, which is ironic. Maybe a bit LARPy considering his worship of Rhodesian guerrilla nationalists.

I was referring to my genetic inheritance, the red beard and the green eyes. I wouldn't shake the faggot's hand and I wouldn't let my children anywhere near him. He's a white nigger. Oh and the future wars will be fought with computer code, not bronze swords, you anachronistic dumb fuck.

I hope this is b8 m8

They were black, what is your point? If you let a few bystanders get in the way of a senator (An anti-white member of ZOG), how do you expect to achieve victory?

You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, shlomo

I can smell your piss jars from here, miserable NEET masturbating faggot.

They weren't in the way, he was going for a high score.


Which means, future slaughter of whites.
This AN HERO is a capybara

Nigger's life is worth less than an ant's. Nothing dishonorable about exterminating parasites.

Vikings had blond hair and blue eyes only. You're not a viking, you're a faggot.

Doesn't make you a viking.

Pffft what the fuck are you talking about? Why do you keep reference the future haX0r wars? You can't hack away the jews with anything other than an axe. This isn't the matrix boi.

Are you serious? You're worried about "honor" when the white race is being conquered? At the moment we are on the losing side, only when we are close the victory will we worry ourselves with moral bleating, especially here of all places! Pathetic, people like you are the reason this race is going extinct.

So? Why are you so concerned about some dead niggers?

you may also want to try killing them with kindness vs a well placed 5.56 round through the cranium.

Might want to fact check yourself on that, my swarthy friend.

Yesterday's scifi is today's current technology, user.

How so?

This is a shill, notice how he doesn't respond to your arguments and goads you with b8. Stay on topic comrades

filtered btw

I responded to your bronze-age larping, you stupid faggot. Teaching whites how to program is more productive than shooting up low IQ niggers who are simply following jewish NAACP propaganda.

ZED Annihilation The Destruction of European Jews 8of8 Lest We Forget HDTV… [eztv]
ZED Annihilation The Destruction of European Jews 7of8 Autopsy of a Mass… [eztv]
ZED Annihilation The Destruction of European Jews 6of8 The Survivors HDTV… [eztv]
ZED Annihilation The Destruction of European Jews 5of8 The Final Solution… [eztv]
ZED Annihilation The Destruction of European Jews 4of8 In the Face of Death… [eztv]
ZED Annihilation The Destruction of European Jews 2of8 The Trap HDTV x264… [eztv
ZED Annihilation The Destruction of European Jews 1of8 The End of Illusions… [eztv]

fucking kikes devote more time to their holohoax and fail to understand that by doing so they lose more and more credibility everyday

I don't know if you're from the states or not, but violent school fights haven't been considered newsworthy over here for decades.

Exactly. This is how the winning political movements play.

Someone could set off a tactical nuke in Malmo to kill a million niggers for Nordic Nationalism. I'll never say a bad word against it.

i'm bumping this with cap, because fuck yes. Let him know he reached people. I'm going to send him something to read


you have no idea

we are the intellectual elite, not the moderates. I doubt any of us are moderate after being on /polx for any amount of time.

Just being annoying, but I think that it is incorrect to consider all niggers as a whole. Evolution has occurred, it always will, and there will be many niggers and halfbreeds that have escaped the deficit DNA their ancestors were cursed with. It is evident in their intelligence, conservatism and speech patterns. It would be better to have them on our sides, traitors to their own race, rather than enriching the tactics of the enemy.

of course, and the rest. I can't help my DNA, but i can certainly prevent any potential harm I might have caused. Neutering solved the problem completely, so I think it should be brought in as a consequence of people who commit pedophile offenses.

read thread, get informed or fuck off

least i did something about it, what's your excuse?

you've spent too long behind a screen. It always ends with violence. personal, face to face, brutal, dirty, desperate violence. Although, yes, tiny swarms of self organising suicide drones would be fun to follow with a flying cam

when whites fight, the world burns, niggers don't even know what's coming.


not sure if FBI or actualy paying respects to St. Roof


Yes, we are.

Fuck off back to Reddit, cuck.

Well, good for you. I just think that it's more likely that your perversions were caused by a porn addiction. Porn is destroying the white race via perversion of procreative energies much more than any other kike initiative or some random Mississippi nigger state senator. Listen, we've all stepped at least one foot into the abyss. The least we can do is be honest about it.

always best to assume FBI

you know jack shit, user. I didn't encounter porn until long after I was aware of my issue.

Really smart.

People aren't born pedophilic. Something fucked you up. For most people its porn, for others its molestation. I don't know or care about you individually, I'm just concerned about the massive wave of white degenerates, and I can see from years as a computer technician that everybody is fapping to some pretty hardcore shit.

I used to think that, but then I don't think anything bad happened to me. Maybe there is some genetic fuck up that goes with the jewish DNA - hence their getting lips on their cocks before they can even sit up. At any rate, my experience proved to me that the degenerates that don't fight it are just weak. I wanted to have kids - not spend my life avoiding them due to risk, so i did the needful.

The hardcore shit i've seen these days (always accidentally or for other reasons, i don't have any fap, obviously) is fucking vile. I'm glad that wasn't around when i was young, to normalise what is a perversion. another reason Islam and their Kike masters need to be expunged.


On a side note, if we ever did send anything, would it be accepted if it has no return address? Or if it goes to some random address, that isn't mine?

Even I can tell you're not from around here, and I think the kid was a fucking retard; if he killed someone who might've been a problem good for him but most likely he didn't do shit but incense most of the fucking country against white people. Maybe he should've gone after these fucks OUTSIDE the church so it at least didn't look as bad? Call it muh PR, but anyone with a conscience can see that's a fucking disgusting thing to do, regardless of who's being shot.
Holla Forumsacks who support this type of retardation are the same autistic fucks who don't know how to keep spaghetti in their pockets in public; you won't redpill someone by bashing them over the head with your 14/88 tattoos and your American Vanguard bumper stickers.

There's an entire non-kiked branch of psychology called Cognitive Behavior Therapy which addresses sexual perversions, including pedophilia. Sexuality is mutable, and while its a lot easier to become perverted than to normalize, its not impossible. Check it out, user.

Sorry old-oldfag, I've been here for years. This isn't 2004 anymore. We're not all NEETs permavirgins.
While I agree with your characterization of the gleeful unempathetic autists, I think a white man has more potential than throwing his life away 1-to-1 on some nigger senator. That's a terrible force-multiplication factor. What Dylan did was EASY and extremely cowardly. I will shit on him and everybody who glorifies him every time a Dylan thread pops up in the catalog. And when the fuck was 14/88 larping? I said people should be productive, not go romper-stomping.

you're just trying to discredit the entire thread and those who've commented here you self mutilating freak. pre-emptive genital removal??? wtf

thanks for the laugh cucklord commander

as if that wasn't happening prior to Roof painting the pews red

How do we know he actually gets letters? Can we send him books to read?

Every Nigger, Spic, Slant, and Kike wants the white race gone, you dumb fuck. They want to fuck white women and kill white men, that's what they desire on a subconscious level and often on a conscious level, you dumb fucking cuck. Either wake up to reality and fight, or get ready for the end of your race.

See link in If you follow rules, he'll receive the books/letters you send.




I wonder what type of book he'd like.

I'm thinking since in his court diary he wrote that a lot of his favorite movies were anime films, mainly Satoshi Kon and Ghibli stuff, we could send him some manga.

Anyone think that Roof would enjoy The Stranger by Albert Camus? I'm thinking of sending him that since it might help bring him to peace with his execution along with some manga for escapism. His favorite anime movies are Spirited Away, Millennium Actress, Totoro, and Ponyo. What type of manga should I send him?

instead of harassing and gloating on a white that went HAM you should consider killing your self jew

For all you people complaining about 'muh pr' faggots hear me out.

If this guy had shot up a drug den full of gangbangers and drug dealers as opposed to a church with women and muh keeds, how much support do you think he would have got and thus more people on our side? Obviously the media would have spun it hard that the dead cunts dindu nuffin, but that rhetoric is running pretty thin among a lot of the population and more people would side with us.

We are fighting a culture war and need numbers.

What the fuck are you talking about? I'm trying to figure out what sort of books I could send him that he would enjoy? Should I send him Stoic philosophy? Epictetus?


"DEATH BEFORE AUTISM!" said no Holla Forumsack ever.

so? without the jews, the other races cease to be threats as well, and there's far less jews, and each jew is significantly more dangerous than any mudshits, so they should be priority #1

pics or it didn't happen

Spotted the cuck.


The Stranger is a very good book and very poignant. The killing of the Arab was indicative of the same sort of conflict: whites were being replaced in French Algeria.

Dunno if it would be a great book for him without that explanation. Camus doesn't give the reader an explanation of the historical context.

The jury’s sentencing decision effectively capped Mr. Roof’s federal trial for the killings on June 17, 2015, the Wednesday when he showed up in Emanuel’s fellowship hall and was offered a seat for Bible study by the Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney. Mr. Roof sat quietly, his head hung low, for about 40 minutes while the group considered the Gospel of Mark’s account of the Parable of the Sower.

Then, with the parishioners’ eyes clenched for a benediction, Mr. Roof brandished the .45-caliber semiautomatic handgun he had smuggled into the church in a waist pouch. First taking aim at Mr. Pinckney, a state senator and the youngest African-American elected to South Carolina’s legislature, he began to fire seven magazines of hollow-point rounds.

The reverberation of gunfire and clinking of skittering shell casings subsided only after more than 70 shots. Each victim was hit repeatedly, with the eldest, Susie Jackson, an 87-year-old grandmother and church matriarch, struck at least 10 times.

During the brief siege, the youngest victim, Tywanza Sanders, 26, pleaded with Mr. Roof not to kill. “You blacks are killing white people on the streets everyday and raping white women everyday,” Mr. Roof said during the rampage, according to the jailhouse manifesto written within seven weeks of his arrest.

Before leaving the church, Mr. Roof told one of three survivors, Polly Sheppard, that he was sparing her so she could “tell the story.” He stepped over one minister’s bleeding body on his way out a side door, Glock pistol at his side. The killer said later that he had expected to find officers waiting for him and had saved ammunition to take his own life.

What a rockstar. His balls are huge.

Sounds kind of autistic tbh.

I think he's smart enough to grasp the subtext. But I don't just want to send him that, I also want to send him something purely enjoyable. I can't think of anything, though.

Do we know if Roof had been prescribed anything? I know there are certain anti-convulsants such as valproex which are reputed to give impetus to homicidal ideation. A lot of drugs have "side effects" which I think are meant to help be that push to get people to compromise themselves, such as Wellbutrin will stimulate erotomania.

Curiously, those side effects are discussed less in the literature, by doctors, or even the media. Runs off to do research

So supposedly Roof was taking suboxone, a low dose opioid given to help wean opiate addicts off their addiction. Frankly, that could mean anything. An opiate addiction can be a red flag for uncharacteric aggression, and could potentially stimulate homicidal ideation. I have found reports of it stimulating suicidal ideation, so it is perfectly plausible for suboxone to be a catalyst of violence, especially if he were being purposefully manipulated by FBIniggers. It's even possible that suboxone had been used before to work as a hypnotic trigger to stimulate this precise behavior.

His entire courtroom behavior is very similar to that of delta mind control victims i.e. serial killers. Representing himself makes perfect sense if, as a mind control victim, he could reasonably expect that his "defense" would have not really defended him, his insistence on the death penalty if he's a mind control victim I can hardly blame him for wanting to die, but it also indicates he has secrets others don't want to get out, his pointlessly futile violence against old black ladies. Literally "he was a mind control victim being used to push a narrative" is far more evidenced than just "he was a genocidal autist psycho." People don't end up like that on accident.

Did he even really do this by himself? Using one .45 caliber semiautomatic, he fired 70 shots? With the time to reload at least 8 times times, even an old lady could run away from that.

Leaving victims to "tell the story" is very similar to another serial killer shooting I read of one time. It's entirely possible she was a patsy who was in on it, or otherwise meant to only know part so she could give the eyewitness account that only Roof was responsible.

This whole case is fucking bullshit.

i suddenly understand the cure song "stranger".

Still is a hurtful gift, I think, rather than a kind one. Roof planned carefully, and felt. no comparison.

if BS, serving whose agenda?

this nigger is now dead, how, I don't know.

roof killed him…, june 17th 2015


Roof did more than most then, oddly a BLM supporter and a Trump fan.

Very easy for it to be multiple agendas.

1) push the narrative that young white men are violent racists

2) push the narrative that autists are seriously unhinged/vulnerable to manipulation by evil online racists and therefore must have their rights effectively restricted

3) discredit autists in general, who will be most likely to notice something wrong with the normie narrative surrounding Roof

4) advocate for gun control restrictions against those deemed "mentally unfit" e.g. autists

5) kill that senator while making it seem to be just a "random spree shooting"

All of these are possible, and probably being capitalized on by their respective interest groups regardless of the intentions of those who put this into motion. It could even be something ridiculously petty, e.g. Roof's father screwed over a police chief 10 years ago. These people tend to be evil more than smart, which is why they make a point of demonizing those with more intelligence. Nothing makes a cop get mad like realizing you know he's just a thug in a uniform and powerless beyond that.

good man

this thread effectively died once people expressed an interest in sending him mail, or books to read, of money for the commissary.

A very nice summary user. Post 1964-1965 the country fell to pieces and has been on a rapid spiral downward ever since then. As a kid in the mid to late seventies I knew something was very wrong but of course couldn't understand just what the problem was.

Men with long hair staggering around on drugs, the first round of open faggotry being promoted, belligerent niggers everywhere, a trickle of shit colored immigrants suddenly appearing in school.

About 1989-1990 is when I recall society getting much, much coarser and meaner. And unsurprisingly that's about the time ghetto nigger culture began to be glorified in popular media. Being a violent, thieving animal was something to emulate and accept as normal. Shortly after that came the tsunami of illegal aliens and its reward of busted wages, thievery, drug trafficking, wrecked schools and even further public disorder.

We're in very serious trouble right now and the establishment is barely keeping things under control. I'm desperately hoping the younger generations can help un-fuck the situation.

We're lurking and watching most of the time.

He was also young and unemployed. If industrialized nations continue farming unskilled labor out to automated machinery, and we continue the mass importation of unskilled labor from inferior nations, we'll see more Dylan Roofs in our lifetime.

Don't see it happening. I've been thinking of doing white nationalist outreach at cancer wards and treatment clinics in the hopes of rekindling a Walter White phenom, if you've got nothing to lose why not put the peddle to the floor

If the bowl cut sperg had gone into the hood and ethnically cleansed a bunch of outright scum niggers, I'd be sending him 100 every couple of weeks in support.

But he shot some old ass church-going blacks who didn't even have the hope of at least defending themselves. That's no better than niggers playing the knock out game on old women or killing children in drive-bys. Dylann is nigger tier, so fuck him.

He killed an anti-white SENATOR, he killed a gun grabbing nigger Senator!

Fuck off back to reddit, retard.

The only thing Roof did wrong was get caught, you cunt.


Watch the rest of the trial turn into a huge argument over the validity of his autism.



banned hammered yet say again Roof was half cocked and attacked a symptom not the problem instead of jumping off wasting his life for worthless niggers he could have lurked MOAR and killed jews instead of puppet tier negroids.


end your life

nigger jew run politicians they have plenty of replacements you stupid fag dylan was a propaganda victim attacking the wrong group silly fucker niggers aint shit their jew masters that brought them over here in the first place would be a far better target than worthless niggers you fucking tool.KYS JEW!!

Said nobody in history. Good going you edgy faggot. He's such a great hero. Couldn't even go and kill actual niggers. What fucking society are you fighting for?

You're even more pathetic for defending that faggot with this line.

Yeah, look like that nigger got lucky, expect he still shot a bunch of old church ladies. Sorry if I still don't see anything honorable about some psychopath.

And piss off you faggot. This board is the most reddit thing, by people who got scared off by the old chan.

nigger is a nigger weather they go to church or not same as jews their are no good ones yet wasted potential as niggers are dead in a week in collapse Jews are a bit more dug in and have to be rooted out nigs gonna nig yet kill the jew head pieces what does a nigger have without jew media NOTHING but realization they are subhuman.

I noticed. I suppose I'll do the radical thing and write him actually. If I find out anything good I'll start a thread here, cuz I know that there's still a few good guys around here.

Fuck off, nigger. All blacks are niggers.

Guaranteed (YOU) well done

Dylan knows that either he dies in the chair or becomes stuck in a maximum security cell for the rest of his "life"

then you should read The Wisdom of Psychopaths by Kevin Dutton

His whole point was that when niggers go out and kill old ladies and do absolutely heinous shit that no one bats an eye. What he proved was that if a white does the same thing as a nigger then he becomes infamous and no one drops the story of what he did.
Embed: Why Dylann Roof was right.

They're either shills or cucks, they can't be reasoned with. Dylann did literally nothing wrong. The tragedy is that he was born into such a perverse world that he was forced to take such actions.


He should have shot you too, fag.

Can anyone confirm that he can receive and send letters?


I don't support the killing of random blacks. They were brought here against their will, and have lived here for generations. Just give them their own ethnostate under the condition that they institute some eugenics programs to raise their IQ to 100. This is a much better solution to killing all blacks (even the smart and average ones).

You pay for it, or better yet, kill yourself

This. Roof is white trash and killed innocent old women at church. He deserves the rope.

Okay, you pull the trigger and kill millions of innocent people.


He did it to hurt the anti-white establishment. When people are subject to genocide, they can get angry and violent, and while this is a display of bad temper, it should be expected from time to time when those in power are pushing White Genocide.

this is why the country is fucking castrated, by piece of shit cancerous newfags like you, you came from reddit with your cancerous moralfaggotry, this is why there aren't whites rebelling, because every fucking place you go to discuss your frustration a retarded faggot like you appears.

you are the cancer killing this board, the real FBI psyopsing and cucking people into being submissive beta male sheeps, kill yourself you pathetic faggot.

Dylann Roof’s Jail Journal







If its not abrahamitic nonsense morals then its cheap psychoanalysis. As long as it makes the white man look ugly and inferior it is "science".

you know he has no choice right?
you know we don't either right?

Roof has an IQ of 141..

That's heresy, user.

Jesus, he's obviously badly retarded and not very bright. I tried reading his manifesto but then my head exploded.

It wasn't a manifesto and he was in a rush. What did you disagree with?

well, that's a pretty fucking autistic thing to do.

feels bed meng


I read Dylann Roof "manifesto" this week and despite following online communities advocating White pride it was the first time I had read a well articulated argument for white "superiority" over white nationalism.
His argument seems to be that humans on an individual level are incapable of separating their own sense of superiority and self worth from their collective identities thus resulting in conflict both internally or externally depending on where it's situated. Passively living alongside one another as nations will always fail. Better to be explicit and the aggressor than passive and the victim. There has never been a time to my knowledge when the globe was truly dominated by a nationalist order and instead history is made up of people's dominating one another.
The whole concept of "nationalism for all" that the altright advocates through its retoric is utopian drivel that is simply an out growth of effeminate pacifism that that has polluted our culture from the end of the last war.
I've went out my way this last week to find racial allies and non white nationalists and they almost all with only a few exceptions make hatred of whites a key pillar of their idiolegies much like we view Jews. We are a threat. A barrier to their ascension.
The reason the altkikes have been so successful is because their belief in utopianism offers no real challenge to the deluded view(verging on religious zealously​) that all the world's ills can be solved by one single principal.
Sorry for the blog post

I have to agree with you completely.
How do white people go about forming friendships along strictly racial lines with white strangers?


Also, we don't want these people polluting the gene pool of our future generations. Fuck off.

Pseudo-scientific bullshit, directly contradicting millenia of breeding and eugenic experience. GTFO you imbecile.

I agree, makes me sick when worthless trash on Holla Forums talk shit about Roof or Brevik. If you want to criticize them, then DO BETTER. They won't because they are either cowards or kikes,

Surprising insightful, holy fuck.


My power level is so high that I convinced the psychologist that they sent me to that there was nothing wrong with me within 15 minutes of meeting him.
Now that kike teacher who sent me there shits his pants every time he sees me on the streets, I love it.

If he isn't busted out of prison before his due date we will have failed as a movement

No, it's just you two are fucking retards. There is even a solution given from recent counter-terror campaigns conducted by JSOC called F3EA.

1. Capture a low level person in an organization. These people often have the shittest opsec. This can be done by one or two people.

2. """Question""" the person about all other people in the organization, or about other people you learned about through other intelligence (mobile phone captured, email lists, open source, documents). Question them about the target's patterns of life, key geographic locations (like home addresses), and their social networks.

3. Find location of next target higher up in hierarchy. Capture them.

4. Repeat steps (2) and (3) until you capture key personnel and leadership in organization, or work out where they are and perform ambush. Do what you need to do with them.

It might be difficult to find someone high starting from scratch. But this process works. The JSOC task forces killed their way across a bunch of networks like this.

If people here stopped thinking like sandniggers and thinking you need some big, one-time, explosive, public, dramatic event like Breivik and Roof; instead of something stealthy and strategic, you might actually get something done.

People like you need a bullet.

wtf I hate roof now!

No it wouldn't. Only some of those niggers would be jews.

Any of you faggots and Dylan roof is autistic is a fucking kike shill and you're going to get the chamber. the guys are fucking hero for what he did.



That poor girl. She will be avenged one day.