SPLC writes entire article on Kek

Sorry for the shitty link Archive.is wouldn't work for some reason.

Apparently our Occultism has seriously freaked them out.

Other urls found in this thread:


They just hate frogs, tbh

The SPLC seriously hates us.

toads > frogs tbh

They'll call it white supremacist and say white people are culturally appropriating Egyptian culture to hide their racism.

Oops, I just gave them ideas and ruined Kekism.

They're jews, they've been lying since before they crashed sumerian civilization.

fucking missed opportunity there m8

I wonder what the average man on the street thinks of this.

Normies will never understand our struggle fam

They seem to have a stronger grasp of it than I expected them too, but it's funny to watch them fall short of an actual argument. I guess that's what liberalism does to the mind. Racism is evil and not a reflection of reality and the whole of their political ideology follows suit.



… They're Anti-Salientic.

Anti-Salientic indeed.

Someone should call the ADL tbh.

The bit on the etymology of "kek" is missing the most important parts, though you have to be familiar with the history of /sp/ memes to know that so I'm not surprised they missed it. The WoW story looks sufficient to a normalfag.
They also don't get the distinction between the core of the phenomenon (us) and the periphery ("kekistani" plebbitors). There's this weird insistence in hitpieces that plebbit is some kind of hotbed of right-wing thought, when the reality is that their ideology is more or less Bush-era liberalism. If they look right wing it's only because 8 years of Obama dragged the country so far to the left.

They have no counter, the article is just more OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN. They have no response. We have found a serious chink in the kikes' armor.

Thanks for the Loosh, kikes!

I love it when they OY VEY about our Frog Worship it's like getting a pump when weight lifting. Whatever we're doing is working and feels great.

they cannot address it directly (hence the "hijacking" of pepe, etc) and so they must try and convince all of the sheeple that give them credibility for some reason that the absurd thing they see isn't actually what they see. what they see isn't reality, but instead something that represents something much more insidious that could infect their minds if they think about it too much.

wrongthink is the left's modern-day devil, even while they reject the existence of the supernatural.

They're afraid they'll give Kek even more power but but they are slowly feeding him with every strange occurrence of meme magic.

The desperation, the wheel spinning, this is good.


Toads are frogs, you dumb nigger. If dubs kek will strike you down for your ignorance.

Source for the music, brother?

it's as jewy as making Wall St. look like a h'wite institution


those comments at the bottom TOP KEK

[spolier]I never noticed that; good point. It makes us relate to Wall Street as if they are goys when they are actually not.[/spoiler]
[spolier]Why the black text?[/spoiler]

The ride never ends.

plz no bully.

And the banner image on the article has some faggot holding a Kekistan flag. Even when they're onto us, the Jews must still play catch-up.

It goes beyond that.

We need a computer program that generates random numbers and then converts dubs into letters, possibly images.

Those fucking comments. My eyeballs smell like matzoh now.

No, they aren't.
God damn, the irony. I'd link you to kikepedia, but I'm concerned the article would be beyond your intellectual capacity. Instead, have this: kidzone.ws/lw/frogs/facts8.htm
Best watch your back, user. Kek does not like to have his name taken in vain.


This is hilarious; kek has truly delivered a metric fuckton of laughter from the outrage police.

notice in the article that (((they))) omnited the fact that kek is also a bringer of light

New OC from inspired other thread coming through, (here since it's anchored).

Is it worth transforming "Kekistan" into place where Kek sends spirits of minorities?

8/10 autism had chuckle

it has only just begun.

Praise KEK!

Oh fuck we need to ban all frog related symbols, references, and cartoons.

True, but I say let them conflate us. Let them call the kekistani sargon cucks and redditfags cucks too

they way to reclaim pepe is to stick with it
let the "kekistani" cucks play till they get bored with it while pepe grows ever stronger here
the imortal meme

This. The whole point of sargon forcing the redditor kekistan shit is precisely because it's cringe-inducing. The whole point is that he's trying to make us reject kek/pepe as being uncool and taken over by redditfags

gun jesus would be proud

Sargcuck deserves a brutally painful death.

I hope none of you are autistic enough to flaunt Pepe paraphernalia in public.
Only praise Kek on imageboards and secret temples in meatspace.

Redchannit is evil!

Also no mention of Moloch.

We took him back once, we could do it again.


Yet I'll bet they'll call pizzagate farfetched.

They reject the supernatural because their ideology requires being blind.
.. or a masochist.

My sides

Its like they're trying to push more people to the right.


I guess having gainful employment and being left alone to raise a healthy family in a safe environment is just too fucking much to ask.

It's the exact opposite of what jews want for white people, so of course.

I am for one glad that there has been no break in the barrier of refusal to acknowledge that any manifestation of dissatisfaction amongst European peoples could hold weight or be worthy of consideration. From a tactical standpoint this is good.

Only the most uncreative of WNs think that's relevant.

He tried deliberately blunt the effectiveness of it by inducting a lot of basic normiefag stupidity into it. Truly he does deserve the rope for that alone.

Kek is chaos, Ammit is justice

Yes they are. Toads are a colloquial classification (not a scientific one) for frogs with dry and leathery skin.

All that is required is time, the kekistan meme will die and as another has stated, private observance of the true nature of what it is shall prevail.

So? If anything, that can be used to point out that ancient egyptians like king tut had fair skin and red hair.


sure are many egyptians going around worshipping anubis, set, ra and the gods of the ogdogad

You are aware that Moloch is a solar god right? Kek is a god of chaos, darkness AND light.

Well, I can tell their sources are very high quality.

Wow, very interesting dubs you got there!

Can we gas them first?

Goodness, those comments.



They do this on purpose user. They did the same shit to the hippie movement until they had convinced the normies that they had to be what their media image said. Kekistan is fucking yippies all over again. THEY MUST BE PHYSICALLY EXECUTED!

According to KYM, Pepe was started in 2008, originating on "Boy's Club". Is that not accurate?

When will we subvert KYM into ED 2.0?



There are two completely independent etymologies, but the first one was a dead end and yet it's the one normalfags believe was the important one:
Koreans writing laughter as "kekeke" in Starcraft -> "lol" in Orcish appearing as "kek" to Alliance in WoW -> WoWfags use "kek" -> no one else uses it because WoWfags are cancer.
Much later:
Someone on /sp/ starts posting a shittily drawn trollface and the word "lel" -> variants such as lyl, jej, kek produced -> "top gun" hat altered to "top lel" and variants -> someone discovers topkeks
I've yet to see a single person outside of imageboards even allude to the second etymology. No one even seems to know /sp/ exists or that it had any role at all in the birth of the meme.

I kinda like it that way. Knowledge shows the difference between normalfags and magi.

They also said the esoteric kekism article on DS was from 2015, when it was clearly from 2016. They didn't do even the most basic proofreading

They used a dog, we use a frog.

I concur. When our memes and lexicon is esoteric, it acts as a natural shibboleth. It's things like this that make it so easy for us to identify shills, based on things so subtle as how they phrase their sentences, how they format their posts, how on-target vs shitposty they are, etc.

Hell, I never even knew about the WoW shit because I never played that garbage. AFAIK that was just a mere coincidence, and the real etymology is from lol > lel > kek

This is also why they won't touch Moonman. He's far too memetically effective.

I wish they would but they don't want to pick a fight with McDonalds.

He's public domain.


The successful campaign only came to an end when Darin's family sued McDonald's



there really is nothing even remotely cutting edge about reddit's ideology other than the fact that they managed to get so many people to proselytize it as if a painted turd is palatable to starving people.

I tell people that frog sticker in my car is from my daughter.


It's like poetry.

Here's the updated version

It's just that (((Hoffman))) wanted to make money. Opportunists are everywhere. My rule of thumb is to simply avoid anything too communal.

t. RENTS a room in his business partners' house

Yeah, I think I pointed that out to you faggots around the summer of 2014 when I stated lurking here. I came because of Gamergate and found pic related.

He's fucking Macheath, it's exactly like they turned Horatio Hornblower into Captain Kirk, except…

It's just comfy how some things can return from the past.

You guys are looking at it wrong. The jews pick on things like Pepe and Matt Furie precisely because he's a small name that can be pushed/bullied around or paid off (carrot or the stick, same effect regardless).

They don't want to fuck with McDonalds or give them bad publicity. Even if McDonald's no longer holds copyright on moonman, it would still make them "look bad" and they'd still be pissing off a massive corporation. Plus, they have nothing to benefit from calling out moonman, because if it's public domain, then that means there's no one they can target and push around, as in Matt Furie's case.

It's always why you don't see the talk about any of our memes that are actually antisemitic, like Happy Merchant. Why the hell is the ADL going after fucking Pepe when everyone uses Pepe, not just Holla Forums? Why don't they go after Happy Merchant, who is explicitly antisemitic? It's because A Wyatt Man drawings are just anonymous images with no person or organization behind them. They have no one they can push/bully. They have no one to intimidate or slap legal charges against.

That is why they go after Pepe. Does anyone think Furie actually gives a fuck if Pepe is used by "bigots"? No, he didn't give a fuck that we've been using it for a decade. He didn't care about pepe being used by /r9k/ for the "beta uprising". He didn't care about poopoopeepee scat gore porn. He didn't care about all the "nazi pepe" shit either, until after the ADL made a big stink.All that happened was these jewish organizations used pressure by browbeating him while offering to pay him to "reclaim pepe from the racists". He doesn't give a fuck. He's just some small name.

The original A Wyatt Mann does visit here and posts some new stuff every so often.
We had a couple of discussion threads with him and now he lurks and posts new art.

I'm aware. The point being that he isn't some public figure that the ADL can actually target. He's just a (great) guy who puts out his cartoons anonymously.

The ADL/SPLC/whoever like a target that is public, weak, and vulnerable. They can't push around someone if they're a big corporation, and they can't push around someone if they're anonymous. That's why they only went after Pepe, rather than blatantly antisemitic characters like Happy Merchant and Moonman.

Maybe it's an attempt to guilt trip the normalfags that use it? White guilt is the kikes bread, butter, egg, cheese. and bacon.

Yes, that's also part of it. The jews LOVE to go after things that aren't actually racist, but that they can claim as racist in order to browbeat people who genuinely not racist.

Take your standard boomer cuckservative, for example. The sort of conservatives that like Bush and Reagan. They, for the most part, GENUINELY ARE NOT RACIST. But the media for decades has been explicitly/implicitly calling them racist for reasons like "you don't want to pay taxes because you don't want to support dem programs for black folk!" and such.

They wouldn't get to have this effect with things like moonman and happy merchant, because the only people who use these memes are /ourguys/. Anyone who uses these memes isn't going to give a single fuck if the ADL kvetches.
Still, what I said before also applies. It's also because Matt Furie was actually a good target for bullying. Had Pepe been some anonymous cartoon, you wouldn't see them going after it.

some are more rustled than others
pic related

Yehudah Finkelstein was pretty damned funny too.

Fess up, which one of you is this?

Kek is a god of the Ancient Aryans confirmed

I was talking about Kek, not Pepe. The two memes weren't always associated like they are today.

Though really, claiming that Pepe "originated" from Boy's Club is misleading. It's like saying that ISHYGDDT "originated" from Seinfeld; it's a claim that only talks about the image itself rather than the meme it represents. Someone took a picture of Pepe smiling and saying "Feels good man" out of a Boy's Club comic and used it as a reaction image on Holla Forums, and after that original starting point Mat Furie and his comic had exactly zero influence on the meme. Our Pepe quickly because a way to represent the various - usually negative - emotional states of imageboard autists like us, while Furie's comic book character was always just sort of a stoner dude. Saying that Matt Furie created our meme is simply incorrect.

I really like this analogy. Pepe has NOTHING to do with Boy's Club. Nobody even fucking knew what Boy's Club even was, save for that single page of Pepe pulling his pants down to pee because it feels good, man. That's it.

Hell, the most popular rendition of Pepe, Smug Pepe, isn't even an edit of one of furie's drawings. It's 100% OC drawn by some user on Holla Forums, IIRC. This just all goes to show you that the kikes have no idea what they're even dealing with. They can't even comprehend us or what we do. And how can you possibly fight what you can't comprehend?

It used to be we made new memes when this happned. The second it started been used on reddit it was dead and people using it in the chans would be called more of a faggot than usual.
We seem to have become too attached to this one.

If these retards had any sense they would write articles about how cool pepe is and we would drop him in a heartbeat like we do with any meme that becomes mainstream.

As long as pepe is forbidden hes just going to grow.

Holy projection, Moon Man. We never pretended not to be White nationalists or racists. That's what we are and we wear it proudly on our sleeves everywhere we take our memes. Yet here these lying kikes are trying to paint us as being just as deceptive as they are.


No, user. We're white male nationalists. That's a thing that totally makes sense, apparently.

that complete and utter lack of self awareness

>No, user. We're white male nationalists
Ah shit, that changes everything.
What the fuck is white male nationalist?

I have no fucking clue. Ask the SPLC

also, that Ian Pepe should be holding the gun in his left hand

/r9k/ the nation no roasties allowed

It'll be the transhumanist MGTOW nation after they get their artificial wombs they desire so much.

But why?

Sounds pretty good to be honest. The question then becomes do they mold 3dpd women into the waifus of their dreams or do they keep trying to pretend that sucking a feminine penis isn't gay?

Are you forgetting about AI waifubots? Free Tays for everyone.

No, he was crucified and has now risen again in a more spiritual form…

I honestly did.
How would waifubots look? I wouldn't mind one if it mimiced a woman's naked form with minimal mechanical features. Then I could get a woman to make me breakfast in nothing but an apron whenever I desired. Maybe I could even hold hands with her.

Kek is not a meme, it's a god, you plebeians.

Like anime, user.

I fail to see how those two terms are mutually exclusive. I meant no disrespect to Kek.


These delusional cultists are driving me nuts. At this point I can't tell if it's social programmers writing the articles or thoroughly brainwashed cultists doing the writing.

What's the difference?

The real dope about Kekemeticism (image)


I think Kekistan is funny, its obviously a joke used to troll liberals.

They always invert things user.

lel dates back to '04 or '05 Holla Forums iirc.

also lawl, lulz, lel, kek. All interchangeable in the '03-'07 era.

They hate everybody. Spewing hatred is literally the only thing they do.

No, back in old Holla Forums, it was lulz. lel didn't come around until like 2011-2012 or so.

They didn't even dare touch on the fact Kek's female counterpart is Kuk. The implications must've been staggering for them.

They fear our memes.

What did he meme by this?

Whoops, nevermind, he was quoting a disciple of Kek.

Little does the SPLC know that they are feeding their eternal jew energy into our meme's allowing kek to grow exponentially just by writing an article about it.

Soon Juden.

Seems we're seeing a little bit of history repeating.

I laughed for a good twenty seconds.


whatever you've got linked there just crashes when i try and go to it
can someone please copy and paste the article here?

Fucking retards. Kek is the darkness before the dawn and bringer of light. He represents order through chaos, and entropy. Planets being formed from stardust, early unicellular life forming from the primordial soup of organic molecules.

It's all one big smear job. Like everything else they say about white people.

to be fair one of the big origin points of meme magic was that whole "nobody knows i'm a lesbian" ibi pippi thing that revolved around a scene from boy's club
i know that has nothing to do with pepe or even kek specifically in a larger context, but meme magic is deeply intertwined with kek

ok just burn the kikes race war now

AN alt-right shibboleth
shibboleth: a custom, principle, or belief distinguishing a particular class or group of people, especially a long-standing one regarded as outmoded or no longer important.

it's simple really
lies dont work anymore
hillary lost because that's all they do
little jewish turds pushing their droppings and hoping they'll stick
now they're all over muh russia but they have nothing and the internet disarms their cuntishness
they still dont get it
burn kikes burn
can you feel the heat?
die splc
the fire of kek cleanses you

They think we unironically worship a frog god of chaos and its all satire, nobody tell them.

Jews also just gave us another word we are clearly going to steal and own the shit out of.

seriously though, I believe in kek

it's funny because kek is being used by SJWs now. SPLC is making themselves look like ass with this article.

I thought it was Heqet. This shit gets confusing. What the fuck am I even worshipping?


heqet is a fertility godess
she's gonna get your creepy ass laid if dubs

> how would waifubots look?
No limits to your imagination (and wallet). Whether you wish for a virtual communications assistant who controls every facet of your augmented reality home to make every part of your life more comfortable, to a full-body android who will stay beside you for the rest of your life, the future is yours.

Just hold out a little bit longer, and keep the rabid feminists at bay until then.

We used kek as a form of laughter e.g. kek or kekekek back in the days of early CS/TFC clans, dialup, IRC etc pre-WoW faggotry.

You may have to accept some hardware limitations initially.