We have been priming the pump for years for a right wing revolution, its coming. Consider the following:
prr i.org/research/white-working-class-attitudes-economy-trade-immigration-election-donald-trump/
We have been priming the pump for years for a right wing revolution, its coming. Consider the following:
prr i.org/research/white-working-class-attitudes-economy-trade-immigration-election-donald-trump/
Other urls found in this thread:
So they're perfectly primed for an American NSDAP. Excellent.
Here is the kicker …..
We already have the white working youth, which is the only group we ever needed anyway, they just don't know it yet.
The White Working Class and Authoritarianism
I wish I could live in your guy's world.
As long as we don't get long knived, then things are looking up.
fucking evangelicals
Did you read the thread fag
They white working class young just have not been red pilled enough yet, but the older generation has (but they still don't like Hitler).
We just need to accelerate that process in the minds of the youth.
(((They))) will not stop us.
The next generation of the far-right shall become more powerful than either of us!
In times of universal deceit, the truth is an extremist position.
Are you implying conservative here means neocon? Or traditionalist? Is NSDAP compatible with traditional values?
I love the truth.
"Conservative" has been twisted to mean "neocon" or what many Holla Forumsacks call "cuckservatives". The negative connotation plus the association with neocucks is why I refuse to refer to myself as "conservative". When people ask, I tell them I am a nationalist.
Yes exactly, they are "ring wing" republicans but they grew up in the Bush years so they are not Neo Cons, they are leaning Libertarian, but that is only because they are not red - pilled on degeneracy yet and how it destroys society.
That is our job, red - pilling them on degeneracy.
I'd say the SJW phenomenon has redpilled quite a few.
the main thing will be broken homes and single parents, the next generation will reject liberals once they see what has been done to them on purpose
tbh I don't think the Democrats needed any help dying given how disconnected from reality they have become.
I think you're both right. I came from a broken home, but that did not redpill me, because my relationship with my father was still strong. He visited 3-5 days a week, and we ended up very similar. His own degenerate behavior helped redpill me on race, but not on family. Libertarianism helped me hate SJWs, and when I made the first dive into 4/b/ all those years ago, I started being exposed to Holla Forums propaganda. The migration happened, and within months I was redpilled on everything but the Jews and the holohoax, and it was just a matter of time and exposure that I become redpilled on that.
they have no where to go but fully down the rabbit hole and into Dante's 9th circle tbh
A lot of working class white's fathers were democrats from the union days. In addition to the evidence showing working class whites favor authoritarianism, I would argue they are more "anti-democrat" than "pro-republican". They desperate for an alternative, which is whatTrump was able to tap into for his own success. That thirst for an alternative hasn't been quenched. You get someone to come out even more extreme and most importantly even more willing to speak truthfully and whites will rally behind them.
Coming from a dysfunctional family hastened the process but what really affected me was wondering why it took 2+ decades to see a normal, healthy and functioning family. I understood there was something sick with the world but I had not yet grasped the why.
that seems extremely common
the hardcore liberals all come from healthy functional upper middle class suburban families
far-right come from majority working class broken homes
our dreams are rooted in realistic aspirations because we know the limits of society and how fallible people are
Well if they are really from healthy and functional families that would preclude them from being leftists. Going forwards, there really needs to be some countermeasure for raising awareness of the racial type. Sure, commuting, working and going to school with subhumans is a quick wake up call but that's not effective or healthy. How many Germans and French will have to be assaulted, murdered and raped before people have enough?
Liberal hippy and controlling soccer moms definitely hastened the liberal insanity. That and the instable homesteads of either non existant fathers, or the inability for parents to assert dominance, order, and consequences for their actions when said brat does something wrong. But the hilarious bit is that many of these libs/brats are mutilating themselves and deciding not to go along with having children like their controlling soccer moms have. This is part of because of how undesirable they are in their decision to fail as a woman, but also their choices. Either way, their culture, their memes, die with them. The ones carrying on the family system will be those with conservative and right wing ideologies. Not only will those families be passing on their genes, but also the culture/memes.
But there are a shit ton of factors going in that has created this mess no thanks to jews. First you have the (((psyche medication))) used to make children and young adults compliant and dead inside, then they are indoctrinate with liberal marxist ideologies that carry on into college. Next in groups like SJW that target and go after teens and weak willed young adults in order to convert them to this cult of absolutes. Then you also have the work force in which mundane wage-slave jobs are set up in a way that purposely over stresses the employees out. By underpaying them, it forces them to go out of their way to find more jobs and essentially overwork themselves to death, all the while being treated like shit like in the case of Wal-mart treating its employees. From that, these people that are overworked and stressed have their spirits battered and broken. Their spines non existent. And coming home is their "safe space" to unwind from it all. From there, they tune in to the electric jew, or tune into kikebook (which is its own liberal cesspool echochamber), or what have you. Many of the liberal messages coax the viewer into immediately acting without forethought. And with a mentally exhausted and spiritually broken american, they're more inclined to go along with it. It's carefully convoluted in such a way to prevent the average american from taking the time to think and ponder. It's always act now, do this now, react in this way. The average lib and wageslave normie is conditioned into following received commands without question, thought, or pondering.
You make a compelling argument, Satan.
Heil'd. Spirits are made so fragile, and conditions so strenuous, when feelings of belonging, of community, bound by race or ethnicity, are lost. People are made most empty when the part of them that longs for a tribe is refused it's greatest desire. Say what you will about Christianity, but at least the hardcore traditional ones maintain a sense of community. That's the reason why religion and ethnic ties are so important to maintaining a nation. If I have no tribe, why should I care? In our minds, each of these people are outsiders, and we don't empathize strongly with outsiders. We no longer care. We become materialistic and vapid. Life becomes searching for the biggest friends list on kikebook, discussing new propaganda on the electric jew, and overtime. Not overtime because you care about the company, and the positive externalities it may bring to your country and people, but so you can consume more.
A nation becomes rot when the people lose their sense of community.
Bump because fuck the shills.
20% of working class whites are Democrat even though that party has a palpable hatred for them I don't know how anybody could not notice that.
Tradition. A lot of working class whites in my home state are democrats, even though we're a guaranteed red state every election year, and only one blue cunt has ever made it out of our state to do anything somewhat substantial.
If you can guess what state I'm from based on that information, you get a prize.
West Virginia
Close. Very close. I have cousins in West Virginia. Like my hot redhead cousin who I know I shouldn't want to fuck, but I do
Kikes are sliding. This must be seen.
Cousin fucking is legit in many states. Also there's nothing wrong with it so long as your parents weren't cousins.
user, how the fuck in your mind is "likely to identify with the Republican party" a sign of winning? There is zero difference between the Republican and Democrat party
Yea but the demographics change with more nigers and spics means that even strong conservative whites won't have any power.
Welcome to neo/pol/ where the chess game is popping and the jews are always based!
consider suicide, that shit doesn't even have the same beats.
We need a pro-gentile revolution against the Jews
We would be the Jedi, the Jews would be an empire
Makes about as much sense as this board supporting Trump when he's so pro Israel.
More like the Jews are always dropping
No we are even.
Who cares about Israel? Even Hitler wanted Israel to exist.
Must be nice not having to pay any taxes.
Honestly, it's kind of irrelevant at this point, we have enough American icons like Andrew Jackson, Pat Buchanan, Steve Bannon, Trump? that we don't need to defend a German leader from 100 years ago.
Total foreign aid is: $43.10 billion a year and Israel is a little less than $3 billion.
Of which foreign aid is only 0.8% of government spending… so while I hate sending the kikes a single penny, we send Africa more money a year.
I knew things were bad but god damn this board really has become reddit.
As much as anyone on this board hates jews, the problem isnt a singular jew, its the international jewry. Listen to uncle Adolf's speeches, watch TGSNT, read Mein Kampf. Thinking that Hitler wanted to exterminate all jews on sight is libtard brainwash tier thinking.
The idea that brings us all together to this Mongolian basket weaving IRC is the idea of NATIONAL SOCIALISM, a deep sense of NATIONALISM, love for your people and culture. We arent anti-semetic, anti-muslim or anti-whatever, we just want these shitskins,hook noses and weak links to get the fuck out of our countries, fuck off back to their third world shithole and stop subverting/interfering with OUR WAY OF LIFE.
Why send aid to either?
They don't deserve my tax dollars the fucking greedy kikes
Oh fabulous, I guess they just fall under the laundry list of dregs that get a portion of my pay check each week.
What makes matters worse: look at all the dual citizen Israeli-Americans there are, especially in both houses of Congress.
It's awful.
Not surprising really. Any younger White that holds even the smallest of traditional values have seen conservatives cuck on everything. They've seen them fold on abortion dont' really care about this, fuck niglets. They've seen them fold on fags, and instead try to have a "big tent" for them. They've seen them fold on illegal immigration, and instead support open borders and now a American Replacement Act.
They are prime for a third position that actually opposes degeneracy and supports their interests.
I hate to blackpill but iirc in the 18-29 year old age bracket white people are already a minority
All kikes need to be gased.
Its cause of shit like this. Kids today grow up without a lot of the racism their parents saw and segregation. They can't understand why now the system is racist against whites now. And most of these kids are white. Who didn't see this coming? Also nogs havent gotten better with the institutional bias for them, so now we know for sure them their race is garbage. Doesn't matter if we stomp on them or boost them up they nig out every time.
Well the bottom 20% of the population are retarded so the numbers add up.
If whitepillers are to be believed and if it comes down to it, there is historical precedent for minorities violently cleansing the majority. White people don't do the ethnic cleansing thing easily, but apparently we're the best at it when we got pushed into that corner. The jews at college never fail to remind us of that after all.
So we're republicans now?
I'm gone 10 hours and the shills hit this thread hard.
Feels good when Holla Forums gets BTFO. so really, feels good every day
They're primed for a totally new party that doesn't carry the baggage of the NSDAP. holohoax exposure will not be publicly acceptable during our lifetimes, and neither will advocacy of genocide. You'll need to remove the swastika if you want to sell people on it.
I'm not so sure. Now that the last of the "survivors" are dying off, they can't keep it relevant forever. It's natural that the further back in time an event is, the less emotional weight it carries. For the same reason that nobody cares about any of the (real) genocides that happened 100s of years ago.
Hell, look at how we mock the holocaust. The very fact that we take it so unceremoniously is a sign of its waning influence over us. Sure, right now it's confined to the internet, but the internet is the new frontier. It's the equivalent to those kikes and marxists and their communist rallies on college campuses in the 60s. Our influence is spreading far faster that I would have ever thought even a few years ago. I think that we'll end up gassing the kikes within our lifetimes, honestly. Kike history follows a pattern, and it generally takes about a century before they get bolder and bolder to the point where everyone is sick of their shit and curbstomps them again, then the cycle continues.
All the OP is saying is that younger white americans, especially working class ones, are now gravitating right. The republicuck party is pozzed but a lot of these people dont know about the jewry and still think that the republican is the defacto white people party. I'm seeing white goybook normies actually starting to embrace white identity, and many are slowly reaching Holla Forums levels. If we keep it up, we can redpill white people faster than ever before.
w lad
The holocaust didn't happen, but it should've. What's so hard to comprehend about this?
The holocaust didn't happen, but is should have.
Liberals aren't breeding anymore and temperament and predilections to certain political positions are very much inheritable, the 2010 US survey and Europoll 2011 both found that 93%+ of individuals had the same political and religious affiliation as their parents once they were older than 25. Indicating some form of heritable trait is being passed on.
White Democrats in America now have a birthrate of 0.9, blacks have a birthrate of 1.4, jews are even worse at 0.8, and spics sit at 1.6. White republicans are between 2.6 and 2.9 depending on whose numbers you use.
If we stopped all immigration to the United States today by 2050 only 20% of individuals in the US will be descended from habitual Democrat voters or self described liberals and only 7% will be black.
And mudslime birthrates are dropping like stone even in Shitstainistan.
Jews are also dying by inches. independent.co.uk
Those Roman and Greek Christian converts that took over old Roman Empire? That's what conservative whites are prospectmagazine.co.uk
Just look at Rhodesia for instance. HEAVILY outnumbered, very little in ways of international aid, and they still gave the nogs a hell of a blow on the way out.
meant for
But ultimately they still lost, that's not a great example.
Very shortsighted way of thinking. The RSF were outnumbered by enormous margins, the entire world (except SA, for a time) sanctioned the fuck out of them and crippled their ability to operate effectively, and the nigger guerillas they were fighting had the benefit of being able to recruit and organize in all the surrounding dindu countries.
Yes, they ultimately lost. But that's not the fucking point. The point is that it takes a HELL OF A DISADVANTAGE against the white faction for shitskins to even be able to hold a candle to our might.
No user. They have proven over and over thruout history they cannot stop themselves even if they wanted to. Israel was their last chance to prove they could stop invading and subverting our nations over and over and fucking over for thousands of years.
no fucking more user. hitler was a lot of things, but he can be wrong. And it is wrong to want to live and let live when it comes to jews. they have refused that offer by every conceivable metric of measurement. they will never stop, they are incapable of not hating us and desiring to subjugate or destroy us. there is no longer any reason to hope for an equitable peace together on this earth. they laid out the challenge, we cannot let them scurry away yet again. our future depends on this.
South Africa and Rhodesia literally only lost because the leadership in both countries promised the average whites that the new black leaders would be nice to them
In 10 years our movement will be big, I remember the early days of the 911 truth movement, we are circa 2004-2006 right now. By 2016 we had Trump talking about it on the stage at the RNC.
we need a strong leader who is willing to enforce the rules.
I hesitate to look to the 911-truth movement for guidance.
but its going to
Shabbos Goy Trump didn't talk about anything besides saying Muslims were dancing and not Jews.
No one here thinks we are actually going to vote our way out of this.
Just 4 years before that we were still tin foil.
Well, maybe you should do the same for the Holohoax.