Anyone scared that they're going to make Goofy Goobergator references?
Anyone scared that they're going to make Goofy Goobergator references?
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Post the image.
You know the one.
I doubt any of the children could pick up the reference, nor most of the parents.
I never actually watched the first movie, what is it even about?
The moral of the story is self-acceptance, mostly, and it pays homage to a whole bunch of games through cameo appearances and thematics.
about old arcade gaems without a single black guy in the movie, its kinda cool sci fi cartoon..
It's Toy Story but with Vidya characters instead of toys. It's actually really good.
Gotcha covered
Classic arcade game villain escapes from its machine and goes into other video games including a modern space marine shooter and candy crush. Some real video game characters appear here and there.
Scared of GG references? Shit I'm expecting it.
I don't want to see neither BenisGate or GayGrumps, user.
I don't care about Disney any more.
you just know that pewdiepie or markiplier or some other popular youtuber is going to be in it
then again, isn't Polaris owned by Disney?
Hopefully. Their salt is far better than SJW salt.
I hate to see it go, but I would have been slightly okay if it were to make way for Star Wars land. Not this.
the goblin gamblers will be the main villain
You forgot about the 100% pure cancer that is:
I'm actually scared of references of these assholes. (Except for Markiplier though, he's a good man though I'm not fond of his humor).
I'm okay with a Jontron cameo though.
I remember some user posted that this was going to be related to mobile games. Anybody has the screenshot?
Imagine it.
Ralph is getting censored because of his loose belt on pants which makes bloggers think that he's a child molester.
Please fucking kill yourselves
I'm hoping it's kind of a satire against them and they incorporate this deleted world into the sequel.
I thought I heard somewhere that ToT in Disneyland was being torn down, though. Unless that was also a dubious source.
Ha, I remember that they put skrillex in the first movie.
For, like, a millisecond, iirc
I've heard that Mario is going to have a huge role in this movie.
I've heard Sonic is going to die in this movie
i heard that megaman is gonna have a rich doppelganger.
I heard the villian is the elite hacker Anonymous.
I heard Todd is the ancient god in the movie.
Can't argue that. I met Markiplier at a con once though, he's a pretty swell dude. His videos are shit and cringey, he knows his audience. But he's a pretty cheery dude to be around. He's a pretty friendly dude
Even if memes everywhere are a given, i just hope it will be good, even if "not as good as the first one" good.
Anyway this time a Mario cameo is 100% sure, but who else could they throw in it?
I bet on generic mmorpg guy, generic soldier guy, inklings and generic medieval/fantasy warrior.
I can hope it'll be good, but if it's not, I hope it's hilariously bad.
They're going to bring in indie game heroes as part of the main cast a la Lego Movie.
Imagine Shantae, Quote and Curly Brace, Super Meat Boy, Shovel Knight and Sans who knows all about going Turbo
What a time to be alive.
This image is so fucking retarded I don't even know how he saw it like this.
Well Honest Trailers already made a GG reference in the one they on the first movie.
inb4 Social Justice Warriors fuck it up
Fuck, why? I liked retro arcade themes. Doing "digital" games feels like it is going to ruin the entire feel.
cant fucking wait for the salt
Sort of
it will be like this
"Girls characters in video games aren't as good as the men racers"
Girl ends up being the best at the end
"I guess boys and girls are equal in video games :^)"
It's a fucking PornHub reference in a Disney Film.
Halfcuck please, nothing is better than SJW salt.
Everything needs to be ruined don't you know?
Its supposed to be a parody of StubHub.
The fuck is Stubhub?
Porn of Stubs?
Are you retarded or something?
It's a popular website to buy tickets for sports or concerts.
Fuck, that might actually redeem this just a little, if it turns out to be utter shit.
Too bad it probably won't happen either way, on account of her signature attire from the waist up being pretty much just a bra, a few strips of cloth and some jewelry.
Never fucking heard of it.
No, just wanted to make the joke.
But if it's like said, then it's only natural.
I don't buy tickets for sports and shit.
you got proof that this one in particular is?
Sweet jesus
Of course I wanna flex with my horse friend! I just love sucking horse dick! ;-) I love goat dick more though! xD
I like the game and I'm not about to say "First of all all TUMBLRTALE CUCKS SUCK ON GOAT DICK" copypasta, I just want it to stay out of this movie and just die already.
Biting rhetoric, I love it
Oh I agree, I was mostly joking
I'd rather this game stay far out of the limelight, more shitposting is not what it needs
To be fair, Sonic was already in Wreck it Ralph and he sets the bar for cancerous fandoms.
Get out.
Okay now hold up, how do you filter an user
I'm going to shut down your hopes right there.
Mainstream media still doesn't know about Cave Story.
Undertale however…
Mainstream doesn't know or care about GG either so I don't know why everyone is so upset.
We'll more than likely see a Tracer or Nathan Drake cameo or pic related since that's the sort of thing normalfags think of when video games are brought up.
A guy with self-esteem issues goes out to try to prove himself and then his plot is hijacked so that he can be the beta orbiter to this disgusting jewloli
It's a kart game, not a Bejeweled clone.
Great, another shitty movie that could've been done without video games shoehorned in, terrible world-building, and a little cunt with a scratchy, raspy Sarah Silverman voice meant as pedo b8 and it'll still get praise from normalfags and you stupid fucks
Pretty much this . The first movie wasn't even good, and aside from Ralph and Calhoun, the majority of the cast line (not counting the game cameos) are grating.
Calhoun was utter shit except for Dynamite Gal, the only thing she did if she was in the same room as another character was to show them up to show that she's a strong independent wymyn who don't need no man.
A Touhou.
Sadly true, and I will retract my statement of Calhoun being mildly tolerable.
Lord Hater plz go and stay go.
Remember the plan about gradually pushing Undertale as the go to artistic game? This is the first time you'll see it happen in a movie.
Why did they ruin the first movie with pic related?
No, you go.
Donkey Kong lives in a dump and his whole life is getting his ass kicked by Mario, because they're all actors in the game. But everyone in his world hates him for playing the "bad guy." So he decides to try to better himself and find a more fulfilling job, but then they say that this will make the game not work, so it will be unplugged and all the characters in it will be homeless. So he goes and helps some glitched loli from a kart racer also better her spot in life by becoming a legit character instead of a half finished glitch, and this is okay because it turns out she was actually the princess/star of the game all along but the bad guy hid it from everybody, so she's just going back to her destiny. But Donkey Kong is destined to live in the dump and be hated by everyone forever, and he's a bad person for ever trying to better his situation. The end.
You forgot the part at the end where everyone realizes how much they need Ralph for their game to be functional and start to appreciate him as their friend. They even build him an actual house to live in.
But at the end of the movie he clearly gets along with the other characters and stops living in the dump.
That was on purpose though, she was literally made to be stronk womyn. I mean, genderswap her and you get an edgelord, it's not like there's an agenda behind it on how men are edgelords, it's just an edgelord. Not to mention she was also made to represent how edgy some adult fps for adult gamer like myself are, and also as a parallel to Felix being the Mr. Nice Guy.
That's why in the end they build him an house and everyone is way more friendlier, it's a passive-aggressive behavior! You nailed it user!
I would ream that kike
But he's still bad for trying too change anything. He's just lucky that they changed regardless. You shouldn't try to better yourself. You should just hope others stop hating you for having a shitty life.
Yeah no she's feminist stronk womyn. Game stronk womyn are either playful or dominatrixy, they don't punch a guy every scene they show up in to prove their cred
pls no
The moral of the movie was learning to use your natural talents to better yourself rather than trying to be something you're not, this was also shown with Vanellope using her glitching abilities to race better than others and get ahead in the competition
This is why autists shouldn't be allowed to watch movies
Don't worry about it user, of course GamerGate will be referenced.
Hotwheels will be the villain and Mark will be the dumb villain sidekick
Its going to he just like that emoji movie. Everybody will be paying Disney for ad space and Disney will be promoting its own shit. People will pay to let their kids be marketed to and to basicallt watch a hour and a half ad.
They changed because they realized how important Ralph is for the game (and for them too), it wasn't luck. Are you mentally ill?
That's the point user. She's like a parody of stronk edgy womyn. That's the point.
Not to mention she punched like one guy and when Felix asked her to hit him she didn't want to do it. she even said how Felix was a nice guy and didn't want to hurt him, feminist stronk womyn would've charged rallying #killallmen
But even if they didn't change, Ralph still would have been bad for trying to better his situation. That's the fucked up part.
Shit, Holla Forums. Get it together.
Id like to start out by saying, that i think all you people who play tumblrtale suck a big fat goat dick.
now, to move on
I think TUMBLRCUCKS are pathetic. all they do is sit around with their big lips and collect welfare. and if they're not doing that, theyre robbing, raping, stealing, murdering, or in jail. So id like to give a big fuck you to all you tumblrites out there. By the way, im not really racist, i have a tumblrite NIGGER in my family tree. Hes been hanging there about 55 american dollars (badumdum!)
Now on to SJWTALE cucks. they are like a mixture of tumblrcucks and bunnies. they also sit around and collect welfare, but they have a different method. They all reproduce at an amazing rate, and then the welfare collection moves on into the next generation. They really all should be lined up and shot, with their goy clothes and their nigger skeleton flags. And, like tumblrcucks, they go out robbing, raping, mugging, stealing, murdering, and end up in jail.
Jews. Hitler was right. They are nothing but money grubbing little fucks. like that guy toby fox, look at him. He makes a pointless game, sells a million some copies, AND THAT ISNT ENOUGH. now he has to make a movie too. That movie is going to suck, just like him, and just like all his fans. Hes a self centered piece of shit, just like every other jew ive met. And whats this deal with jews whining about the holocaust?!?! they gotta make movies, books, whatever. Its all about money with them. they cant spend their own money and get on a public access channel and whine about it, no they gotta set up a holocaust memorial, bug that faggot jew steven spielberg to make a movie that sold out, and a bunch of other shit. fuck jews.
Undertalefags. Well, Undertalefags are their own category. It seems they just dont get it. WE DONT CARE THAT YOU LIKE TUMBLRTALE! GET OUT OF MY Holla Forums! I know if i had kids i wouldnt want em to be seein a bunch of cum guzzlin tumblrtales walkin down the street with their womanly manhood dangling around screamin we want tumblrtale discussion….
All they do is fuck like bunnies and spread the tumblrcuck virus. I hope they kill themselves off soon.
Tumblrtales are out to ruin the economy. Look at em with their piece of shit meme games. Why do they have to evade our economy? I mean, i dont see anything wrong with them sellin shit over here, but they practically SHOVE IT DOWN OUR THROATS! and YOU FUCKERS keep buying the shit. I say we send a couple more sage-bombs over there, take care of their tumblr asses.
Goat molesters make me sick, but they keep popping up! Whats this world coming to when these guys can peddle their goatkiddy porn over the internet! ITS SICK! All those goatkiddy porn fuckers should be castrated with plastic forks and burned at the stake.
Tumblrtales. God i fucking hate Tumblrtales. LEAVE ME ALONE! All they do is whine about how people are going to go to hell and try and convert people! GET A LIFE! god damn sexually dysfunctional little fucks! You should all be burned at the stake like you did to the pagans! I fucking hate you all!
i feel alot better after doing this. And im not going to hide behind a fake email address and name. email me, i dont give a fuck. all you losers are pathetic. go out and get a fucking life, quit sittin around masturbating to goats behind your computer screen you little scrawny fucks. Im so drunk right now i dont give a fuck if you fags fuckin email me. Hell, i'll give you my fucking fone number too while im at it, feel free to call me, or are you afraid to? afraid i might humiliate you over the phone? 717 867 1292, if its busy 717 867 1679, ask for FUCK OFF TUMBLRTALE, i'll be waiting for all your calls.
oh, and one more thing.
Cuck-it Fuck
Yeah, thats right you fuck, i hate you too.
clearly mexican
Maybe you're confusing what everyone thought Ralph was doing (going Turbo) with what he was actually doing (win a medal). Yes, everyone was worried because the movie literally show what happens when a character leaves a game, not to mention when they try to overtake another one. That's why they were trying to stop him, but it doesn't mean you can't try to better your life, but it means you can't do it at the expense of everyone else.
Not to mention that the whole "nicelanders hates Ralph" thing was because he never actually interacted with them (or with anyone else really), that's also why Felix was the only one who cared about him (or at least never really hated him) and why other "bad guys" accepted their role much faster than him.
You know, I don't know why anyone hasn't made an edit of Master Blaster with Hotwheels and Mark.
killing yourself will better us
It also explains the quality of some of the more recent games he's worked on.
I love when the newfags verify when they are new, it just brings a tear to the tip of my penis.
That screen cap was made in the thread that it it was taking its content from, the post got a lot more replys and it got an original drawing to go along with it.
Chances are it was saved by a ledditer who wanted ebin upboats or whatever the fuck they do over there. Just because of that newfags believe that we shouald just drop a whole sect of our culture because someone else besides us enjoys/profits off of it. I wish that all normalfag cancer cancer would just leave our culture alone, but we all know thats not going to happen why gimp an entire portion of our culture (our screenshot collages) I can understand releaseing our memes from our ownership when they go normalfag and become way too cancerous to maintainbut not something like this, an entire format can not be off limits, thats just too far. TL;DR Ignore him, normalfags steal our shit, its not okay, its not cool, we all wish they would stop but there is legitimately nothing we can do, dont let their actions dictate what you do. Sage for blog post.
neither do I
No, it has cameos of characters and then the entire movie is nothing but candy puns and nothing whatsoever to do with video games after that.
You'd think having Holla Forums unlisted on google would cut down on the summerfags.
kid probably can't even cross link
Just asked for it in the draw thread, hopefully someone picks it up so I can shit post "Who Run Holla Forums?"
Disney died when Walt died. It has been run by kikes ever since.
Wrong. He actually does prove himself and saved the day.
Embed related.
We're listed again, which is a real shame. Maybe if we just flag it for DMCA violations, it'll disappear.
nigger please leave
Huh, did that happen when /hebe/ was purged?
No. But considering that we're a 3,000 person board usually Summer shouldn't even be phasing us. I blame shit like /r/Holla Forums and outsider sources dedicated to stealing our content and are responsible for a lot of subversion.
You got the artist name of the third pic?
So piracy is immoral because it's theft?
Wouldn't be surprised although loli still does its job
So what characters do you guys want to get in? Probably I want Doomguy and Master Chief to be in the movie so that they can have a decent rematch.
You wouldn't download a meme would you
Kill all liberals.
But 8channel is best channel.
No, it is Lubhub as in LoveHub.
I love that scene.
This is Disney's movies division; not Marvel comics. They actually expect to make money off of this.
True Salt Revival
Yeah bro, your are totally right dude. You are clearly a normalfag[1], so let me explain it in terms you might understand[2], imagine there is a person who you don't know, you have never seen him before, he has either some revolutionary piece of technology that allows him to be completely invisible, and/or he just has your house, your friends houses and all of your and their possession wiretapped and bugged with cameras. He records you and your bros absolutely sweet funny neat experiences bro[3], all your hilarious jokes, and then he goes on to sell them and/or pawn them off as his own, now imagine for years and years this doesn't effect you cause either you don't know about it, you don't care or you are young and its so insignificant cause more and more new better jokes and experiences keep coming up out of nowhere every single day its a fast paced "wild west" of new experiences, in jokes and fun. Until eventually it does begin to effect you, the government begins to regulate the kinds of jokes you can and cant make and the experiences you can and cant have, it starts wearing you and your friends relationship thin, you guys are older now there is less experiences and jokes you guys can make you guys have pretty much done everything in one way or the other and all that is left is to do it all again in slightly different ways, if not in the exact same way[4], its not the same, it loses its charm new experiences are nice but they are few and far between and yet in high demand by the audiences of this guys who takes credit for all of your experiences and benefits from them[5], seeing this person who is walking around with all this money that is rightfully yours[6], all this fame and recognition[7], he is a world renown comedian[8] and his acts are using 100% of your jokes and experiences and no other content at all whatsoever[9]. And one day as he is doing maintenance and upgrades on his invisibility suit and all of the wire tapping devices and cameras in your house, you confront him as he is helping him self to some food and drink right out of your fridge, he says that you are not entitled to your private experiences or privacy or your in jokes, your house is a public place and its a free country and he has the right to benefit/profit/and gain fame off of your life and its nuances, its not your secret club, and then he says what does it matter, what difference does it make and he adds its not like you can even do anything about it any way[10]. What do you say. What can you possibly say to that.[11] inb4 false equivalences If ever I have wanted a post to be posted on a content stealing site or for it to become a copy pasta its not___ this one it would be an edited up fixed version of this one that is not so clearly written by a drunk depressed jaded guy.
[1] trufax.com
[2] I am implying you are fucking retarded. And are low effort baiting.
[3] that was hard to write.
[4] Boston Salt Party? Did somebody say snape kills dumbledore? I will admit it has a better name though. That is not enough to keep quality innovative experiences evolving in a positive way.
[5] In case you are completely dense this is in reference to the extreme booming market demand for chan content, {minus the filler/lower and medium quality posts(they only take the highest and lowest quality posts generally the small easily digestible ones that have a punch line or some sort of memorable aspect.)/and most importantly the elitism that is necessary to keep the cancer out,} that has emerged in recent years, and its only growing by the day.
[6] There are so many examples of this happening, if I need to go into detail you are clearly to new for this website, its pretty much implied.
[7] There are so many examples of this happening, if I need to go into detail you are clearly to new for this website, its pretty much implied.
[8] Slight exaggeration for the sake of the analogy, but to be literal about it comedians have literally stolen jokes from chans. It happens more often then you think. Not to mention all of the jokes them make based off jokes we have made and the things we caused or created as well as us being the but end of many jokes.
[9] This is in reference to all of the different ways that chan culture and chans in general has been profited off of. There are so, so, so,so many examples of this happening, if I need to go into detail you are clearly to new for this website, I decided to list a small few examples though. Whether it be caturday and the I can haz cheezburger guy from Holla Forums who created a multi million dollar network off of a simple concept of posting cats on saturday except expanded, 100% stolen mind you, to reviving the music career of obscure "one hit wonder" musician (rick astley if you are retarded) because of pure meme/shitpost power alone, to copyrighting the troll face and selling le ebin trolle feac merch even though that guy had no proof he made it and that there is in fact proof he stole it, to rage comic shirts, to the reddit sites dedicated to different aspects of our culture, to 9gag/ifunny/funnyjunk/ect profiting off of straight screenshots of green texts, to the facebook groups that post reaction images, screen caps and green texts, and youtube pages read green texts and creepy pastas, the twitter accounts and vines made entirely of our content. I do not need to go further, you get my point.
[10] This is pretty much the exact argument cross site posters (read normalfags, goons/redditors/4chan kids etc) use, to the t, filled with fallacies, argument holes, logic gaps[12], mental gymnastics
[11] Those periods right there serve the purpose of cementing that this is in fact a rhetorical question and your opinion is not wanted or needed.
[12] The word logic gaps is cool not sure if I just coined it or if it exists already. Nope, its just an under utilized term. Found this cool video youtube.com
I am sitting here reflecting on the shit we have had to endure over the course of our cultures history and I just don't even know what to do anymore all signs point to it being over and vanquished but for so many of us its all that we have, in my opinion chan culture is one of if not straight up the best things to ever come out of the human race, its the purest form of communication, from the most though provoking words a person may ever express to people talking about the homosexuality of being attracted to a "feminine" penis, to a near indecipherable mass of pure shitposting rage to a post proclaiming that the initial though provoking post is to long and that that poster had not read it in its entirety to a reply that builds off of or disputes some of the most though provoking words a person may ever express. Its the most perfect personification of the human condition that can ever exist. Its pure allegory for what humans stand for and how they operate. I have always said, all other sites on the internet have a bunch of morons pretending to be smart while appearing to be pseudo intellectuals, "intellectuals"(notice the quotation marks)and "experts" except chans which have a bunch of intellectuals (full stop, no quotes, no pseudo) pretending to be morons while still appearing to be smarter then all the other websites despite their best efforts to appear otherwise. If you don't know why it is this way its, lurk more, because when everyone is anonymous the only value your post and existance you hold(s), is based solely on its pure merit, not on your "expertise", experience or other identifying factors.
And even if you don't agree with any of that, you can not argue that chan culture is by far the most advanced and complex culture to ever exist by a very very long shot. And even then the amount I have explained this is quite astonishing and depressing at the same time. It just goes to show how disposable it all is if today I can produce this wall of text cause I feel the need to express this toward this opinion and tomorrow I can tell some one who asks the same question or makes the same point to fucking kill him self with no further context as if this never happened.
TL;DR Kill me.
shit, this is gonna be a massacre
Nice autism buddy.
Tell me about Snopes. What's wrong with them?
Saved for future reference. Your drunken autistic rant will not go to waste.
Despite everything, you still managed to make some really damn good points. Good job faggot.
Nigga, I hope they do. If only. I want this source of asshurt to be immortalized in every medium known to man.
If they are so retarded they can't refrain from injecting Twitter slapfights in their creations to score PC points with the in crowd, whatever, man. Do it.
At least we'll get a semblance of Intimidation Game.
Stealing memes isn't immoral or theft.
It's just uncreative.
It's Splooge.
Is there a problem?
Were you just waiting for the right moment to post all of this?
Shigeru Miyamoto is japanese. Fuck you memeing faggots
I feel like this is a copy pasta talking about five nights.
Taking an idea and calling it your own is immoral
hmmmm…. but you can't SAVE in an arcade game…
also >>>/underground/
nice dead board there faggot
me too thanks
I reread that quoted part like 25 times and you have me second guessing my grammar/syntax. Which I have the sneaking suspicion was your master plan. What I was trying to say was: it is impossible to argue that chan culture is not the most advanced culture, cause it is the most advanced culture, I mean come on you got street shitters with blue 6 arms fucking gender nonbinary trannies gods, then you got like all the asian ones that are like all the same some of them have swords with metal folded a bunch and then they kill them selves if they make even the most simple mistake and the rest are so insignificant I don't even remember them (^:
I am glad you enjoyed it. Surprisingly the part where I made some good points was intentional.
Not yet, and certainly not with that attitude. With a little bit of trimming and cleaning up, I think it could be a nice counter to not your sekrit club cancer.
It depends on what you mean, I meant to post it a significantly earlier, but I was stumbling around my house looking for more booze, and it took me a while to get the editing right. Also it hurts watching offsite cancer erode your culture. I was but my ID changed. Also it occurred to me that since our culture is "secretive" by our nature with how threads disappear forever after they reach post limit and the final page, wouldn't that make those screenshot compilations that we make our word of mouth tales passed down to the generations or our stone tablets or like our cave paintings? That would make all the people who appropriate chan culture, and act as if it was their own (read the entire internet) like the nigglets who claim they were egyptians. We wuz memes n sheit.
This one better have a dark souls / lol so difficult arpg parody.
I don't even know. Can I have what you're having?
It's will be a loss of a wonderful opportunity to show 'internet culture'
I would've never pegged you as a drinker.
Intellectual property doesn't real. That's one thing the lolbergs have right.
That's literally what it is, i don't have the pic but years ago we discussed how archeologists found that like rome or pompeii (i don't remember which, if not both) ruins had walls carved with literal shitposting, not the "ahah that guy is stoopid xd" kind but actual people discussing (usually) anonymously by carving on walls.
Undertale fixed in one picture
might be worth a pirate
user you wouldnt fuck a fish
How would you even get a proper grip on her without holding her by the mouth the whole time?
maybe theres anti lube to make fish less slippery. or you could just let her do the work, she seems full of energy anyways
Pretty sure she hates humans, but then again I never finished Pacifist route because it was fucking boring.
Also, anti-tube is basically sand. So if you wanted to make things rough and unenjoyable in edition to turning her off then you got it.
I honestly wonder what characters their gonna show.
I won't even watch the movie, I'll just look-up a list to see how many I know.
It's good for around the first half, but then it turns into candy land and is no longer vidya until the credits.
Don't make me laugh.
I love all those dumb names people come up with for Seven Buck Chuck.
Nigger learn2paragraph if you want anons to actually read your tucking post
Do you have autism too?
Come on, we all know what they actually meant by "Lub".
Why not, people are actually insane enough to blame Gamergate for Brexit, and Sarah Silverman's a feminist kike.
This is what Marxism does to the mind. Everything ever is all part of the inevitable march toward a singularity of communism, so everything resisting it are the same force.
Is GG going to make America great again too?
Libertarians hate Trump.
And to think all those faggots profiting off chan content could've been easily avoided if moot had added a clause to the 4chan TOS saying that all content created by the users and uploaded to the site is property of 4chan
He did do that but only after realizing like the cuck he is that he could've done what I just described and after all those greedy fucks from the cheezburger chink to the 9gag faggots build their companies on the stolen content, and even still moot tried to come up with something new like canv.as even if it was shit rather than steal someone else's stuff
Point is I rather have a chan owner profiting from the content and those profits going to better servers and less/no ads than a bunch of assholes just stealing it
Did someone say "fish"?
Nobody said fish you fucking faggot
This is one of my favourite images
there are better alternatives than dykefish
Sure. Pull up a chair and grab a shot glass I'll pour you some 140 proof. I am glad you agree. (^:
No jokings here comrade.
Guess you got rused real good, huh? :^)
I totally forgot to add the part where I dramatically mention that its all that would be left after we are gone. Especially cause chans, privacy and anonymity are all dying. I remember that thread ancient roman shitposting. Anonymity is truly where human though and discussion flourishes.
Its not about the formatting its about the message. I just provided you the perfect counter to "not ur sekrit klub" off site cross posting shameless content stealing cancer.
I know, I thought significantly about this and I honestly think it probably would have been for the best if he had. I agree. But we really shouldn't give jim or what ever faggot that runs this fucking shithole any ideas, as it is way way to late to implement this idea now.
I hated the direction the first one went off in at about the midway point. It started strong and fucked off in some random direction really suddenly. I'll probably stream it if I get bored enough, but I don't have high expectations of any movie.
It's going to make half the country and the rest of the cucked world salty as fuck when Trump wins. That's for sure. Especially if we meme it.