Newsweek Writer Wishes Death and Illness on Relatives of Republican Lawmakers
'I want them to be tortured'
Kurt wants you dead
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Kurt deserves a seizure.
unhinged kike faggot
wishing harm on others is very un-Christian! I pray for his soul.
throwback thursday
Jews are the best haters there have ever been.
The best part, and I think this sleazy kike knows as much, Trump's plan specifically keeps the part about pre-existing conditions being covered.
he has a point (not a "GOPer") regarding empathy and consequence… Though kind of a bully for wanting misfortune
What happened to that user that gave him a seizure?
I'm a Nat Soc largely because I've seen so much suffering and misfortune. Uncle Adolf was the same.
Sage because that kike is completely irrelevant unless one of you fags can send him more .gifs
Nothing good. Git gud at 7 proxies anons.
That's just fair, I want him dead too
he needs to lay off the twitter
he tweets so fucking much I had to stretch may 5th into 5 fucking pics
he deleted those tweets though
If they have any, and they do, it no longer becomes evidence. Go for it FBI :^)
Isn't this grounds for firing from Newsweek? We should barrage them with this and demand it. Who would want to be associated with a writer wishing pain upon millions?
Kurt can kill himself
Southernfags eat watermelon daily. Fuck off Kurt Kikenwald
that doesn't work on leftists, he won't get fired unless he says nigger
From this day forth, I shall refer to kindling as "Eichenwald".
You mean it's probably still pending in court? Or are you talking out your ass again
wants people to die because muh fake statements about healthcare
Don't be stupid. He's a jew. He could call for genocide and never be fired.
i wonder if these death wish tweets will be used against him in that case
Uh he paid a kid for child porn and didn't get fired lmao akshually he won a pulitzer
crazy gypsie lost his marbles
Kurt is welcome to come over here and fucking try.
Seems like he has a pre-existing condition. Aren't Jews much more prevalent to mental illnesses?
Do weaponized animated gifs still work, or was he faking it the entire time?
im suprised he doesn't get a constant stream of those on a daily basis
Over 20+ (Eichenwald claims 90) people on Twitter had visits from the FBI over the gifs
I hope a literal worm is eating his brain right now. Btw he's getting eviscerated by normies on facebook.
Being in court up against jews is not a good situation to find yourself in user.
Not a single one of them had the brains to use minimal opsec? I'm gonna guess it was all normies using their real names on the faceberg linked to their twatter
I bet none of you have the balls to tweet him an animated gif that says "pre-existing condition" in bright seizure inducing letters.
Toss a swastika in there somewhere for bonus points.
t. FBI
Make such a .gif and I will
Wow what a faggot, I wouldn't wish this upon anyone since it happened to me (incurable disease though)
kek please let this happen
Good, government should stay the fuck out of medicine as a whole. I hope faggots that can't take their health into their own hands and rely on (((modern medicine))) for anything other than antibiotics and surgery dies. They deserve it.
pic related
Probably faking
that pic unironically made my vision flicker.
I've never used twatter before, someone clarify these 2 things before I send shit
By kek's will, Kurt will be next on the stumping list.
Come on!
Time to nut up or shut up.
Another one
I don't have proper Op-sec in place, so if someone would tweet this for me, it'd be extremely appreciated.
You can legally use the third picrelated and he can't do shit
God bless user
The left wants you impoverished, suffering and ultimately dead, while they think it's funny to enact policies to attain this goal. Their war on poverty has created the most government dependencies buffoons ever and they got nowhere with their supposed war.
This kike just showed you his true colors. Every human thinks like this on a similar emotional level, hiding ones power level in the current climate is a hard thing to do. Never let emotions get the best of you, one day we'll be executing filth like this at mass.
And another. I worked really hard on this one. For Kurt.
You are the superior gif maker. Still waiting for 53f8a6 to deliver
I hope he gets a seizure just for that. Also I hope his next matzo is soggy.
apparently not…
Typical psychotic mentally ill kike
I think I might have epilepsy. Watching these don't make me have a fit or anything but I feel kind of dizzy and weird and start getting tunnel vision.
What a delusional fucking kike.
Kurt Eichenwald here. I just had a seizure. You've been reported to the FBI. You thought you could get away with doing that shit to me over the internet? Think again, fucker.
This guy deserves another seizure
How much do I sue for goys?
send him dem gifs i suppose. make sure you are protected.. dem 7 proxies might come in handy. but make the dood die already
t. fbi
Isn't this the guy who $15k for a bunch of videos of a 13yr old boy jacking off as part of an "investigation" into the child porn/sex industry? How is he still employed?
Try using a fucking burner account and practice better opsec when you do this. Nobody will be responsible.
Protip: Make sure your epilepsy GIFs look like normal pictures on the surface.
The US should nationalise the media and send a headline to every cellphone with these kinds of message, I'd assure you the left would die in months.
Are you retarded?