Overwatch Thread

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I needed a caption for the picture

respond to this post with "battle tags" and other relevant information such as preferred roles or what mode(s) you wish to play.
im too much of a pussy to put mine up here.

How's comp? Will I be bullied for playing Zenyatta?

Yes, horribly. But only because everyone is actually trying to win at the game.

Most of the time anyway…
I've had a guy playing Tolbjorne in KotH and only changed to something different at the end of the last round when we were 1-2. And we lost.

I've also had a Payload in madagascard where I was pushing with Reinhart for a long while until a Mei kept fucking with me and nobody was dying on the otherside in a chokepoint. I pick Zarya to counter the Mei and cause some damage and I'm flamed in the end for that. "Should have kept with Reinhart, we lost because of that". Nevermind the genji and the reaper that weren't killing anyone…

I've also had a Pistol Mercy. I kept pushing the payload as far as I could as Reinhart and never got a single heal from her. Had 2 soldiers on my team and yet not one ever stood behind my shield.

I've also had a guy called Hispanio62 playing on Assault, Dorado. He picked Reaper for defense. And for attack. And always charged from the front or was nowhere to be seen.
For some reason, he was rank 50 and called everyone shit since we were 43-45. I don't think ranks are very accurate yet…

Other than that, I've also had a few rounds in places like Temple of Anubis that are really fucking tense. There's always people everywhere, all over the place, but they know their role really fucking well and do competentely at it. And if I manage to do anything at all it's because I can see my team also doing their job. Fucking Mercy is God tier and nobody ever dies when she's on our team.

cool beans fellas, zarya a shit

Comp's awfull for the first matches.

I dunno exactly why that happens, but the first 15 matches or so (including the qualifying ones) are awfull.
You get a bit of everything:

And then you get the straight oposite (often on the enemy team) like a pair of pharas completely shitting on your widow and the rest of your team, or a reaper that ults 8 times in a match and shit that makes your eyes pop out.

Expect frustration for a few matches. After that, for some reason, shit improves. Not that win a lot from there on, it's still 50%, but on those first 15? I lost 12.

Shills finally realized that something isn't right and get desperate.

Oh in case it wasn't clear:
AFTER those 15 matches, the game is better.
Thought, I'm not really happy with how ranked is working
Lost 3 ranks yesterday, won one back today and then I got a little bit towards the next.
Rank 43 for now. Started at 47 after qualiffying matches which is remarkable since I lost 8 of those.

I don't get Mercy's appeal. She looks so boring.

The amount you gain and lose depends on relative difference between you and the enemy. A pair of evenly matched teams rank-wise will have about average gain/loss.
If a group's average is 33 and go up against a team that's 77 and somehow wins, they'll gain a shitload of points and the other team will lose a shitload more than normal.

So I'm unable to play properly because of regular RTT spikes and it's just frustrating so far. It really drains the fun out of most matches.

Yeah, I know that's how ELO shit usually works.
Just seemed like I lost a lot in a 47 vs 47 match at the time and then won a tiny bit on a 45 vs 45 match for some reason.

Still, I ain't gonna complain. I think 45 is pretty good to me. People aren't amazing pro's that one shot you from across the map, but they aren't complete retards. I think I can stay in the 40-50 bracket for a while and practice here without being too easy or too hard.

any of you encounter cheaters? ive seen an enemy lucio use his ult like 3 times in a minute

What's RTT? I saw that metric up there but never understood what it was.

Also: how do I train Widow?
We often needed it when people pulled the "double phara" new-meta, but I suck ass with it.

That ain't cheating. Remember that Healers received ult charge when they heal someone.
If you team is popping damage but making no kills, you're just "feeding" them.

I've seen a mercy pull 3 diferent rez on one minute. But Lucio is suposed to be much slower than that, so I dunno.
Maybe they had 2 Lucious? Some people are starting to do that, it's pretty fun.

Pretty much just keep practicing. There's nothing enemies can really do against hitscan aside from set up a barrier or Genji's deflect so the biggest thing that determines how good you are at Widow is just how good you are at clicking on heads.

Speaking of, forgot to mention that if you suck ass at Widow, Soldier 76 is a pretty good counter too.

couldnt be, even a mercy has 30 seconds between ults if shes constantly healing.
it was one lucio, im not quick to call shenanigans. this was ult, wipe our team, ult again when i tried to pick him off.

As far as I understand it, it's the round trip time of the network packets. If you get a high value, you're going to get some very annoying and chaotic lags.

Well, I've seen some odd shit, but Luciou cheaters? That's original at least.
I heard about some Widow aimbot at launch, some 200-300 accounts banned (lol pay another 40 bucks) and then nothing.

I haven't seen any cheaters personally. Hope it stays that way.

Looks like someone here doesn't play supports.
You can get an ult in seconds
as long as there's a tank doing actual tanking

I want to vomit now user, fuck you.

Support with excellent repositioning tools, also her pistol does a lot of damage in the right hands.

Level *1 (101) go as fast as level 1, like how prestige works in cod games?

Characters like Zenyatta and D.Va are in need of a buff, moreso Zenyatta. The only time his altfire is useful is if you know someone's gonna come around the corner and you can headshot him. While charging you can't send out any healing or discord orbs, and you need to maintain line of sight for whoever you place orbs on. While ulting, you can't place any discord orbs or attack anyone.

You get a neat star under your profile.
It's for your effort.

This ôt to help you keep the vomit down

the entire reason i dont like to play lucio is because his ult takes so long to charge. i could see that if his entire team were being shot at the whole time, but they fed us our asses without taking a scratch because of the lucio ult.

i feel like zenyatta is playable at least, dva? good for the defense matrix, but other than that is just a flying ult powerup.

But you start getting cases fast again, right?

You know what I want for Zeny?:

So you could put one orb on one guy and be a mercy, or spread your orbs on the enemy team and… be an AOE mercy.
Kinda. Hence why lowering the effects, so you have to chose.
Would need a way to recall orbs though.
Low initial damage, gets higher as you lay down orbs (like Zarya)
Low initial shields (100shields +25 HP) and then you get +25 shield per healing orb (up to 250 HP)

I could see Zeny working like this.

Yeah you do.
You get them even faster if you drop a fat load of cash on the e-shop :^)

Alright lets do this.
Which Overwatch girl would you choose?
Couldn't choose from Tracer, Widowmaker, and D.va, so i chose all three.

Fucking degenerates

So is Zarya any good or am I better off playing the other tanks to get my vanguard fix? I haven't touched her because she looks like a cotton candy addict on steroids

Dva is really good in like two places, first point of Kings Row and first point of Volskaya and both because you can get up and around the left sides where nobody ever looks to get in peoples backs and charge up a fast ult to clear the point. Outside of that strat on those two maps yeah basically everything she does someone else does better.

Let's find out which one is best.

Best tank available now, try farming for her URSS uniform best skin and will make her look like a russian soldier.

how about loli pharah

also, mercy is best girl

Protip bro, she's a harrasser / assassin
She "tanks" by keeping the other team distracted
Your job is to have 4 people trying to stop you from taking out their sniper again while the rest of your team pushes the payload.

Shit game.

Why are you eating my medicine?

Yea, the have needs a 5 v 5 moba mode

What the fuck am I looking at??


So, in Competitive udner my name theres sometimes a blank purple bar and at others a golden insignia with a white background.
Does anybody knows what each means?

With a shop where you can use the gold you make by steamrolling the enemy into more items to help you steam roll even harder.

And get Todd to make the modding tools for this game. Todd said he would.

Nope. Also got that insignia myself and I have no idea what it means.

whatever. the only time she could take 4 people to shut down is if your team were all winston.
genji is the better dva.

Why did they remove the sticked thread?

I think the white gold thing is for players that are in the top 500. Don't know for sure though since I haven't touched ranked since I did my placement matches.

"It means you're in the top 500 players on the ranked"

Wow. I was top 500? That can't be right.

I literally did that 4 times in the first section of gebralter in one game yesterday, you just need to get good specifically, you need to learn how to survive outside the mech better, it's actually the second most important part of playing d.va after learning your routs/engagement ranges

Definitely not. I'm a fucking terrible player and I have it too.


Wait, what the fuck.

Why? What's competitive about a 6v4?

maybe your enemies should get good. shes the easiest hero in the game to kill

Mark decided that it was okay to remove the containment thread.

If you look a little lower in that tweet the Overwatch twitter account says there's currently a bug that it's displaying incorrectly. So players outside the 500 might have it too.

You're supposed to be queuing with a team in competitive, if someone leaves it's treated like a sportsball player walkingout the stadium.

No idea. At least you can leave. Still counts as a loss, but your rank is not affected.

Is that based on playing against her or playing as her, because I'm pretty sure in your case it's the latter


Shes used for attacking the first objective. Best defence buster. Afterwards its really up to you to switch out to another tank (not DVA) or not.

On payload maps Reinhardt is preferred since he can sit on the payload the best.

I own the game and i like the idea of a cycled thread as anons dont need to make a new thread every 300 posts

That is one thing OW did right that i really enjoy myself. In LoL and most other games when your team have leavers you not only are forced to play unless your team lose (or win but that is rare to win 4vs5 and lower) You get lose but you dont lose rating so Blizzard did one thing right here

You mean most assfaggots

Dont TF2 and CS:GO do the same?

I am 100% certain you can join a tf2 game in progress, and I can't think of another fps cs:go where you can't.

you told me you were able to bypass and even distract 4 people as dva to assassinate widowmaker.
it doesnt take 4 people to thwart anyone unless they have the sloppiest team comp and the absolute least awareness. a competent widowmaker on her own should be able to handle herself against an equally skilled dva.
you might be good, but you were playing against idiots. if you think dva is actually good i think you would make a better genji.

/ck/ would be the best board if it wasn't filled with women and therefore naturally bitchy.


Who dat?

The point wasn't that they couldn't do it without 4 people, the point was that 4 people came (well, 3 plus the Widow) they did beat me (my next actually, I got away most of those times without it), but while they were there, my team pushes the payload across the checkpoint.

Now I will say, you should probably switch to someone else for the last push, because there's no real way to get behind them. But a D.Va and a Reaper of equal skill are an even match at reaper's preferred range. The only character I'd say you'd have a problem with would be roadhog. Some others like rein or mei require a different approach then the other's but you will at the very least be able to occupy their attention. Also with Defense matrix she can tank a bunch of ultimate without taking damage.



Faggots and gays not applied allowed

I also want to start a D.Va folder, normal and gremlin
MEKA ass is fine too


The stupidity in this game sometimes I fucking swear.

how do you not question their skill at that point?

So do comp have 60 tick or still 20?

If you mean about the team, getting away isn't that hard outside the mech, and I was in a good place to do it too. They're coördination was not the best, but the individual players seemed to be on the same level as me.
If you mean the reaper, that's just how the numbers and my experience seem to work out.

The thing is, when you play d.va, there is no shame in running, in your mech or outside of it. The only shame is not having accomplished something before you did it.

Can we have a cycling containment thread again? It made it much easier to filter all memewatch posts.

To be fair D.Va's shield is pretty shit. I wish they at least let you fire back while using it.

You could just filter this thread, dumbass.

It is shit, but we were on the fucking Egypt level. The two secs she gets would have been enough for us to get past the Bastion on the raised platform.

her shield is the least shit thing about her.

On the bright side, her shield protects you from things barriers won't

Yes, but with the rate that these niggas are posting I would need to hide a thread everyday instead of the one that never 404s.

Yeah but it's useless against Mei's freeze ray, and D.Va is a prime target for Meis because D.Va already gets a movement speed debuff when firing, so adding the freeze ray movement debuff hurts more, and if you stay around too long you end up getting frozen and having to eject.

Oh boo hoo you poor thing

You could fly away. Mei in general is a nuisance towards Reinhardt, Winston, and D.Va.

Go back to being a normalfag and post on leddit.

Nah, I'm gonna play video games, unlike you shitposter

why are you on Holla Forums then? farmville?

Yes, I'm not le reel gaymer xD.

Don't forget to buy lots of skins goyim!

You forgot your downvote. Take mine.

Pharah is the best waifu. Prove me wrong.

Thanks fam

Hey anons, I'll be your friend and play overwatch with you, just give me a key and we'll play asap :^)

fellatio first

Silly user, I can't do that over the internet

Post timestamped asshole with something inserted

Not with that attitude.

You faggot never heard of the filter, have you?
Slap "overwatch" in there and you never see an overwatch thread there.
I did it with Fallout 4, and nowdays I only see Todd's ugly mug when someone posts it on other threads.

Lrn2chan faggot.

Sent ;)

I think you might be too casual for Overwatch, friend.

why dont you show him how its done

So I took every frame where you can clearly see the other overwatch fellas in the recall video, and uploaded them here

Any here you guys find interesting?

I do anal.
Fellatio is for faggots.

A lot of them look like generic background characters. Except for the last one that looks like something out of SMT.

Fuck off, overwatch.

a whole lot of them have this very similar blue or silver shoulder pad thing going. i cant imagine those in particular are intended to be playable characters.
i wonder how many of these are early concepts, big red guy looks somewhat similar to reinhardt, with the horn on his helmet and visor.

A lot of them look like slightly different versions of charecters in the game. Less refined versions. As the other poster said, I heavily suspect they just reused rejected concept art for a ton of them. (Considering some of them look extremely similar to other ones, like two of them look the exact same if I recall, just one had glasses)

this guy looks cool. was probably a male concept of Pharah

I think most of them are just grunts

either way, i do hope we get a few more characters like soldier, who are comfortable in most situations while having a utility option, in his case the heal.
all too often i feel like im not doing everything i can unless i pick soldier, because i need to bring damage and im almost never satisfied with our healer.
maybe some kind of futuristic cop with a riot shield who can function as reinhardt-lite in a pinch.

yeah him, he looks like riot cop material. just look at that scowl, hes fucking had it with these hoodlums

i wanna make eyebrows chick grunt

Pharmercy confirmed as canon

oh, that may be it.
i mean, i have won all of my competitive matches thus far (3) but theres no way i could be anywhere near the top 500.

Honestly not surprising. Has similar properties to gambling and thus easy to sucker lots of people into playing continually.
God I hate what TF2 and MW did to shooters in general.

This robot

and the 5th guy look like possible characters.

Also, in that imgur picture, the 2 robots are clearly drawn by a different artist with different technics as well. Which is a bit weird and might mean that either them or everyone else isn't a possible character.

There's 2 guys there that might be Doomfist which would be cool. I want a big Luchador Offensive hero that's all melee and wrekcing shit.

Your parents need to have the bees and the birds talk with you.

You don't lose money everytime you play, you don't have the possibility of winning money based on odds either. (with the exception of tournaments)
There isn't even a crate system that requires keys to unlock, the actual gambling part (and if you buy crates, you're an idiot)

Wrong thread, maybe?

its a tumblr-influenced world where shit like dragons and stuff happens
im sure they can make a story about it

But I don't care about levels or boxes, I just play the game

No you don't get magical lesiban shitbabies, you gigantic faggot. Phara's group had plenty of people with similar suits to her. You can see as much in the comics. Also it's pretty not tumblr-inspired. Otherwise characters like zarya wouldn't be as famous as they are.

Gambling doesn't have to involve money you faggot. Money is just the easiest tool for it.
Customization is now a prize for random chance instead of letting players dick around with full layout. Again, not blaming Overwatch for this. It's a symptom not the cause. Doesn't mean it's not shit for perpetuating the symptom though.
My fault. Was thinking of ability cooldowns in shooters, or abilities in general in shooters. Kind of see them as similar cancer. Cancer for multiple reasons
Also have a thing against class based shooters too which just makesall this a bigger clusterfuck.

But nothing is wagered at all.

Overwatch is a shit gane with a cancerous community, yes, that means you.
You faggots make me miss Undertale threads on how cancerous you all are.

Honestly not surprising. Has similar properties to gambling and thus easy to sucker lots of people into playing continually.

God I hate what Blood and Duke Nukem did to shooters in general.


Nothing is being wagered, though.

Honestly not surprising. Has similar properties to gambling and thus easy to sucker lots of people into playing continually.

God I hate what Dune and C&C did to RTS in general.

You casuals enjoying pretending you have a decent shooter while blizz rapes the cash out of you?

Honestly not surprising. Has similar properties to gambling and thus easy to sucker lots of people into playing continually.

God I hate what Mario and Sonic did to Plataformers in general.


That explains Skyrim and the "strong norse wymin", I guess…

I mean, you could have said "in a world where medical science has advanced so much, fertilization in vitro from stem cells works and they can get a baby without a man" but ranting about tumblr is a lot more fun than boring old science, I guess.

Here we go again! It has to involve the loss or gain of somethig with an inherent value to it. Money, your house, your car, work hours, your harem or wife.
You don't lose nor win anything with an inherent value when you play Overwatch, regardless of outcome. Stop making up definitions for words that suit your ranting.

That are not affected by levels at all. How you went from one to the other doesn't make any sense unless you're talking shit about stuff you haven't even bothered to look into.
Whenever I want to shitpost about something, I do my homework first so I can't be called out on it, user. Put some effort, okay?

It doesn't promote anything at all, the game has been released recently there's still some balancing to tune out. Most characters feel quite balanced when you learn to play with them.
And what does this even mean? Grasping at straws, are we?

So you don't like this genre and you decided the game is bad because you don't like it?
Cause I don't like driving games either but I'm not gonna say they are shit either.
You sound a lot like some fag that can't understand or appreciate teamwork, the biggest focus in class based shooters. It's not a game made for you and not liking it doesn't make you a fag. Saying it's a bad game because you don't like this kind of games is what does it.

Is this the brand new meme from cuckchan?

It only, these cancerous faggots dont even belong in this board

Honestly not surprising. Has similar properties to gambling and thus easy to sucker lots of people into playing continually.

God I hate what Myst and Sierra did to adventure games in general.


Honestly not surprising. Has similar properties to gambling and thus easy to sucker lots of people into playing continually.
God I hate what Wing Commander and Decent did to 3D arcade space fighter sims in general.

I don't know how to feel about this.

what a fine case of ass-flustering you have there


Honestly not surprising. Has similar properties to gambling and thus easy to sucker lots of people into playing continually.

God I hate what Freecell and Solitaire did to card games in general.



Are you two retarded or something?

They're from the "We hate all games, fuck you" group.
Of course they are.

You guys are a cute couple, but how do you stay so close when one of you is (28) and the other only (11)?

Where the fuck do you think you are?

Normalfag pls go


congrats on that epic skin Holla Forumsro!

Honestly not surprising. Has similar properties to gambling and thus easy to sucker lots of people into playing continually.

God I hate what Mario Party and Mario Kart did to Yoshi-formers in general.


Honestly not surprising. Has similar properties to gambling and thus easy to sucker lots of people into playing continually.
God I hate what Shin Megami Tensei and insect collecting did to the monster collecting RPG franchise



Now *that's* epic

You really got your point across with your tumblr gif of your fav hipster cartoon


Shit was fine 6 hours ago, so I blame americans.

i got 2 legendaries for my least played class, widowmaker. and jack shit for anyone i give a damn about except tracers punk skin which is terrible.

its just a plataformer, not a "relationship with a black woman" simulator

The biggest shitposter on the board is some Portuguese kid though


Get off my continent retard, people like you is why we're currently being raped by muslims

Eh, I want to know the guy.
I'm portuguese too. I already tried to get him to tell me where he lives, but hadn't had much luck.
I hope he didn't spend his 2 50$ bills. He's gonna buy me overwatch boxes with them.


Aw sorry about your bad luck with your unepic skin rolls my blizzbro :(


No, people like me calmly tell other people why dumping millions of foreigneirs without paying attention to them afterwars is a bad idea.

People like you go out butt naked, screaming "FUCK MUSLIMS" and then wonder why noone listens to you.

The world needs more MEKA lewds.

Got a chuckle out of me.

lame and unepic

smart and epic win



Why, WHY in the love of THE IRIS aren't there more MEKA lewds?
I just realized a few matches ago that I love the MEKA itself, not D.va.

D.va can fuck off, I get sad and disapointed everytime I gotta eject, because I'm back to being some retarded manlet chink.
Gimme dat metal booty, gimme the CLANG.

Video games are inherently casual timesinks, you massive retard

Yeah, Portugal is an interesting country.
But the shitposter is from the Isles, Açores IIRC, so there's a very good chance his family tree doesn't fork.

Im sorry, not all of us play casual trash user.

My gigaton nigga! I strongly believe DVa would have been better if she were an AI installed in the suit instead of some GURL GAMER that does nothing but make shitty vidya quips.


Enjoy your literal cancer faggot

Post some ZoE clang already you nigger

All I have on this computer are those meka images, and a link to /clang/, sadly.

(35) and climbing, and each more informative and useful than the last

Sure 7ea, keep shilling your shitty game

oh, its that furry that haunts robot threads

All video games are casual trash.

The what now?

I'm going to need context on this one.

Lmao, that's for niggers that come from Moroccos.
Small towns have no crime, and still have plenty of nice places to live. Especially if live a few km away from the town itself.

Your argument basically boils down to "Well, my Dad is stronger than yours"!
Come on man, that's 3rd grade bullshit.

Either post better games, or accept that you are a casual who just hates games.

The ones you like to play maybe

maybe you should get off this board and do some cardio/weight training if you can't even fight off a weak muslim. casuals, i swear to god …

Anyone else get extreme rubber banding on consoles? Everyone in the match will freeze sometimes for 1-2 seconds. It's hilariously bad. And they're only 20 tick right? Kek



Your fucking time. This isn't about something redundant like rl equivalent. It's to wager your time with the chance of a customization. You are not garaunteed that item regardless of skill but pure fucking luck. And than there is no garauntee it will be for your waifu
Not everyone falls for this shit but there are a fuck ton of casuals (most player base) suckered by this reward mechanic. Heaven forbid the player base stays for the gameplay instead of the "oh, shiney" mechanic.

Only thing I have against consoles is when console players come play PC.
Toblerone was nerfed there because surprise, gamepad < turret.
Before the nerf, Torb was so good, he was viable in attack.

Now we get some retards trying to pull that shit on the PC, and wonder why their turret never gets past lvl 2.

As for your question, happens on PC too. No idea why. My connection is just fine, but every 30 or 40 minutes, the latency jumps to 700 for a couple of seconds. Some serverside shit I assume. It's not frequent enough to piss me off.

I have a question myself: does D.va fire multiple pellets or is it just visual effects? I know that Reaper does, but D.va suffers heavily from it since the base damage is already low as shit, and there's even damage drop off on top of it.
You take two steps away from her and she's shooting paper cuts at you.

When I was a kid, I was pretty small and weak.
When you're small and weak, you learn to rely on your environment. The 3 guys that jump you for shits and giggles never expect you to run around a shack and come out the other way with a steel pipe in your hands.

Or just hit their legs. No idea why but noone ever expects a blow to the legs.


you're wagering your time to shitpost on a chan

You say that like it's a problem.
I give props to Todd and EA for instance, the same way I praised Kotick.
They know how to sucker money from retards.
Same with streamers, youtube e-celebs and what not. They have their market, and they milk it well and dry.

i know too many people who lose interest in shit that theyre actually decent at really fast because it doesnt have some kind of persistent rewards.
it absolutely butt baffles me


Thank you for your support
Dont forget to buy Crash and Spiderman

Man I was scared shitless. All I counted on back then is that the 3 guys were more afraid of the steel pipe than me. I mentioned I had to be smart because even with a pipe, all I'd do is give one a few bruises before they turned me to pulp.
But since noone of them wanted to be the bruised guy, they ran.

Sometimes, fear is the only thing you have user.



That man is a fucking genious.
How many of you could make an 80$ game bundled with plastic shit, force people to buy more plastic shit if they want multiplayer and then re-sell it next year with even MORE plastic shit that is the same as before, but the previous one doesn't work?
I know someone who bought every guitar hero man. He has 8 plastic guitars lying around. 6 of them don't work anymore.
And when I showed him Frets on Fire, the faggot nearly broke down crying.

Praise Bobby Kotick, Lord of the Shekel.
I still wouldn't buy his games, lol. Never did, never will.

I routinely buy four to five consoles games at a time at full price digitally. Usually two a month. I bought a second PS4 so I didn't have to carry it between rooms when I'm in the mood for a certain decor.

So you're wagering time spent playing the game normally anyway?

Are you retarded by chance?

user, if you're rich you should be spending your money on better things than multiple consoles and games for them.

Why not buy a 2500$ jpg from Star Citizen?

What the hell user.

Not that rich. Only 525k anually.
I never liked space flight games. I love Star Control 2 though.


I main bastion in ranked on all maps and game types.

Cool. The likelyhood of players that actually know how to deal with bastion is a lot higher in ranked games so it doesn't really affect much.

Is Bastion another console only style problem?

I'm finding bastion one of the weakest picks in the game. How do you do well with him?

i wish he were a bit more than a 1 trick pony, i really love shooting lots of bullets

i imagine hes easier to deal with, thanks to the turn speed cap. ive heard stories about dva killing him

Not really, but for newer players bastion's huge damage output in turret mode can cause problems. Though consoleshitters probably have more problems with him in general.

Same. I really like the idea of "Killbot that wants to be peaceful, but is still pretty damn good at killing things", but I feel like a shitter whenever I use him.

well to function well the enemy has to be brain dead or you need a god damn reinhardt babysitting him. and as people are learning the game there seem to be less and less people willing to do that kind of thing.
at least, i never run in to bastion/reinhardt/mercy like i used to all the time. but even thats not too hard to deal with if you consider that its 3 players.

Yeah. And a well-placed riptire can deal with that easily. It's annoying, sure, but not impossible.

I already told you that if you ask daddy to buy it for you its still as cancerous.

This whole thread is amazing


To main Bastion is to willingly suffer
He is outclassed by everyone in ranked and his niche has been shaven into obscurity and insult. Outrageous is he who main Bastion.

god speed birds nest

Oh hai Mark

I am far more powerful and elusive than this

Talk shit, get hit nigga.
Also Symmetra just wins games, holy fuck.

Wait, there are people on Holla Forums that ACTUALLY plays this shit? I thought taht the cyclical was all about shitposting and thus ignored it altogether.

What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

Is this fullchan or halfchan? Am I in a new reddit? Fuck my browser says 8ch but this doesn't look like Holla Forums at fucking all.

You guys should be fucking ashamed of playing this piece of shit on Holla Forums of all places, if you really need this "guilty pleasure" go to fucking reddit where you can discuss with other shiteaters about shit.

Fuck it, I'm back to Darkest Dungeon.



user, you have shit taste, get over it.
It's okay to eat shit if you know that you're eating shit, don't deny it.

It's not, and many early shit games are better than any modern Blizzard game. How the fuck did you decide to give them money user? How do you sleep at night?

But I am having fun right now user.

Rather than paying for shit that could be runny or solid, depending on how well the devs do? And dankest meme was early access.

got to love Holla Forums. People come into threads to shitpost it up about games they don't play just so they can look cool for hating it.

/topv/ if you all ever want to escape the shitposting and hivemind.

Fuck off.

Uninstalled this piece of shit. Regretting my purchase. Fuck my life.


I don't know what you expected.

Some game as fun and lasting as TF2. The juice was fully squeezed out of OW after just 35 hours.

user, I have bad news for you.
I didn't buy the game I'm trying it out and see if I buy it before the 4th of this month.

The game is finished and is quite solid.

Unlike overshit, I mean, how the fuck can you play with that tickrate and hitboxes? One thing is about taste (even if you have shit taste) and another thing paying for games that are awful that fuck people over, and to top it all, it's fucking Blizzard.

The game was fucking made to be free to play, it even has microtransactions you niggers, the only decent thing of this shitfest are the porn that came out of it and it's not even good

Tell me what you expected, why you bought it and if you had social pressure to buy it, because I bet that's the main thing for these faggots to buy it: m-muh social life.

Made it some time ago. I only mention it when shitposters stream into any particular thread. They've been on Overwatch ever since the cyclical.

Blizzard seems a bit more dedicated into it by adding modes and shit. And fuck, if the likes of Diablo 2 is still being played by people in the seasonal ladders I don't expect this to go anywhere any time soon.

What microtransactions?


And i mainly play solo. Maybe that's the problem. The solo experience in OW is really bad comared to TF2.




Well we both have something in common; my copy of overwatch is the result of a friend's habit of pushing me onto the tracks of oncoming hype trains. I haven't paid a cent for it, as well. Playing with the shit is easy when it's everyone that suffers with you. You just adapt to it, same as you'd adapt to a game having an inverted axis for camera controls.


What's your damage?


Is this game worth 40 bucks? How is the map selection/balance/community right now?

most heros feel pretty balanced
community is what you expect from every online game ever post 2007
maps are all breddy good with the exception of 1 or two that will punish bad plays hard

BTW, how's the competitive matching going?

I'm finding it not as one-sided when I win or lose as I did in the normal play.

I have had the opposite experience. I went 7 wins 3 losses and each one was a shutout

Ive had a lot of close games but some absolute push overs also
Zaryas are fucking destroying any game with her ult and havent had a single genji on my team and only had 2 hanzos on attack and both were actually useful

It doesn't have pubs that go full retard nearly as often, so it's already a win in my book. Only played a few, won two, lost one, one ended with a team ragequitting.

Just 2 healed a comp game as mercy. Let lucio do most of the bulk healing and played a aggressively instead. Ended the match (won) with half his healing and 20 blaster kills.

I'm not really sure if it was a good strategy or not, but I spent a lot of that time harassing their tracer.

Competitive seems the same as normal, just with longer matches and more salt.


2 healer is really fucking strong and seeing it a lot
especially with a zarya

i've put a good chunk of time into this game so far, and its not treally worth it unless you bring friends

but if you bring some buddies expect some quality fucking bantz and fun

Why do people have selective blindness around Mercies? I'm the only one ever trying to kill them. Invariably, any time an enemy Mercy is down, my team actually fucking proceeds on the point. It's that simple.
Why does it seem that it's my job and only my job to kill the enemy Mercy?

What happened to the cycling goblin thread? I liked that better, so I don't have to filter all the time as I don't keep persistent cookies. Please make a cycling thread.

it takes half a second to hide a thread you silly little baby

mercy are always such easy targets because none know how to fucking shift around
unlike me when I get someone trying to fuck with me I'm shifting off cooldown

I always love just getting behind them with symmetra and doing in mercy and lucios

mercy, lucio, zarya, reinhardt. The other two changed a lot but we were lacking damage for most of the defense.

I not only shift, but I also fight back. There's a good chance you will either die or end up with extremely low health if you go for me solo.

normally a reaper also

yep, I whip out my gun often and switch between all of my healing damage and shooting

I basically always go for squishy support or snipers when I play genji/tracer.

dual zarya is borderline broken tbh

Zarya and Roadhog is fun. There's always some little shit that escapes your black hole, and roadhog can pull them back in. Also he's super beefy and can heal, so the barrier is useful for giving him, an already frontline tank, the few seconds needed to recover.

5 soldiers and a mercy is also broken

my rank finally.

but can one Mercy handle 5 soldiers at the same time?



>stuck with level 25 and just isn't good

Grinding this out is horrible.

You competitive cucks disgust me, children walking to the lion`s mouth and anxious to get there

All I want is a team that kills the Mercy first, doesn't try to destroy a Reinhardt's shield by shooting at it, and knows that there's a point that you have to defend or attack. Is that so much to ask?

I'm fairly certain there is no vote-kicking in this.

Why do you talk about what you don't know? How could you type that, but not look up how competitive even works?

did you miss the csgo thread or some shit?

I eat tracers as Mercy, I feel like I'm the only one who actually kills them.

To be fair, his shield is easy to hit and only has so much health. Reinhardt has to stop blocking eventually.
It works best if the player spamming them is using a hero with high non-crit damage like Junkrat, Pharah, or Bastion, though.

The cancer is real
Get out of my Holla Forums

>my Holla Forums
you don't run shit, you're just throwing a tantrum cuz you don't know how to hide threads

aspie detected

oh hey, its the same faggot from the cyclical threads.

You're the cancer killing this site, by the way.

But the one who actually owns Holla Forums bought the game

i'm surprised that jew would spend money

has anyone played with him? is he shit?

its sad we need "containment threads" for people who want to discuss VIDEO GAMES.

this place needs to be called /vGG/ and fucking scrapped for a new Holla Forums.


This game gameplay is streamlined shit with no real depth
A hollow fusion between TF2 and DOTA that take the superficial design aspect of both game and leave the good pits that give these games the depth they have

This dumped down fusion is not the fruit of some experimental brave groundbreaking devs but from a careful business and marketing department that want to hit the biggest market with one game after they field with "Heros of the storm "

The real design narrative is to get as much players as Possible
From gameplay to character design etc..

And one of the thing that they need to sacrifice is good deap gameplay so they don't scare off newcomers with giving high skill players too much of a skill gap

Overall a 5/10 game that add nothing new to the table

i can analyses for you what is the real good pits of MOBAs and TF2 but my weak english is something that makes it a little bit hard
and sorry for my bad English

yeah whatever.
Its fun for what it is.

Keep waiting for that perfect game.

posting classical art pictures doesn't actually make you smart you know? also no one in this thread ever claimed it was the end all be all of video games and most of us are playing and having a spot of fun. a game doesn't have to change the fucking world to be a spot of fun

grow up my dude

who gives a shit faggot it's a fun game



Orientalist but whatever

I like how this women is looking at the post and that's it
And fuck you here is some Classical art

Fun is an abstract quality

you can't build your argument over " MAN IT IS LE FUN XDDD "
+You can have even more fun playing REAL vidya like E.Y.E , STALKER etc..

k i will try to summarize it for and for my bad English


THE MOVENT SYSTEMS " rocket jumping . bunny hopping , demoknight flying etc…. "

its shit because he is too poor to afford it
it explains his bad english, he is from a third world country that only ever plays free2play games

you gotta stop m8

and if you like E.Y.E why don't you just go post in the thread about it, i'm pretty sure there was one in the catalogue. you would give a lot more to the board by posting about game you like than throwing tantrums in threads about games you don't like

the fact that splinter chans even exist shows that the userbase matters

he owns a board on a website, it'd be nothing without users.

can you people actually try responding with an argument? even if his english is poor he was able to say more than you.

because he's said the same thing everyone already knows. no one here is denying the games flaws but you can enjoy a game despite it's flaws. i play like a 50 fucking games a year its okay for some of them to be simple because i don't have to prove on an anonymous image board how hardcore i am

I did a playthough of E.Y.E and I just didn't find it as great as people said. Am I missing something? It was okay but idk if i'd play through again. Or are you supposed to. I like the skills and shit but the game play felt fucking weird.

This game enough find fun that chances are a this thread is not going to go anytime soon. You could convince me of everything that is wrong with the game but i'm still enjoying it a bit and no one cares about your or my opinion :^)

In all MOBAs this map has survived for a reason you know
The dynamic between the jungle and the 3 lines give the 5 players party a huge amount of choices and consequences for they can't spread their power equity in the map leaving a huge amount of potential surprise attacks , stealth etc…

And for the no """classic"" art fag here is another panting

Honestly not surprising. Has similar properties to gambling and thus easy to sucker lots of people into playing continually.

God I hate what 3D Custom Girl and Artificial Academy did to hentai games in general.

this is the result of floods of autists here.
I'm starting to conjecture that autists really don't experience "fun". As in there is no emotional bit for them with it.

I am starting to piece together that what they might identify as "fun" is actually just a soothing effect they get when most or all their autistic triggers are sedated because of some objective (or likely subjective) standard is met.

Think about it. Think about all the fucks here on Holla Forums who nitpick the tiniest of details and make the most retarded comparisons to decide to hate something without even actually trying it.
Think of those who hate things for some minor little bit here and there that "outrages them on principal" and how fucking crazed they get when someone else dares to disagree or not give a fuck about that one little flub from "perfection". (sort of like SJWs, really, who I think are also a gaggle of autists).

And there you go.

Proof. They don't experience fun. They can't conceive of someone enjoying something even if flawed. They don't understand anybody that could.
If you were to make a paper airplane with these fucks, they wouldn't understand the fun is in flying the fucking thing. They would only understand the soothing satisfaction felt in perfectly folded corners and edges. They care little for the final product's actual purpose or the fun others are having actually FLYING their paper airplanes. And they damn sure wouldn't understand how someone could even dare to try to throw a not exactly perfectly folded airplane.

I started playing EYE and its honestly seemingly full of a whole lot of little technical details which is again, perfect for autists.

I remember a time in Holla Forums, no rather, the chan style board culture in general, where autism was seen as an insult. Where it was a negative trait to have.
Too much acceptance has fucked everything up.

the cancer will go away for a moment now

This non argument will not redeem you purchase and the fact that you support blizzcancer

Have at least some fucking dignity

but you're still here though?

You don't seem to understand. Its not an argument for or against this game.
Its a reason as to why fucks like you actually believe that "fun is a buzzword".

Fun is not a buzzword
Fun is the vary reason i love vidya it is just when get jaded fun becomes harder to get

and dude if you are a causal thats enjoy light gameplay vidya it is ok but at least don't give them your money that is the only thing that i am against

Nah fuck you, you're a cunt.
Blizzard did good by this game.
You're a faggot.
Go play your ultra super technical weaboo games with such deep and intricate storylines and gameplay and fuck off to the furthest depths of the threads who talk about what color pantsu is best for your waifu.

I remember when "I play video games" was a description of what you do with your free time. As a hobby or just for entertainment fun. Not a fucking identity.

You, and the hipsters and "nerd culture" faggots like you have ruined everything I love about video games for the most part.
There is nothing "hardcore" about you.


EYE is the Vice of shooty tooty games
its for people who think they are smarter than every other rooty pooty pointy mooty player

No i hate weeb games they are light on gameplay
I am anti wafiuism
And this non argument will not redeem your support for blizzcancer



I suggest going back to halfchannel or somethingawful
I feel you would fit in more there with the normalfags

Note how the autist now tries to rally the argument back in his favor with the use of commonly accepted terms and coining them as "buzzwords" because I had mentioned buzzword before.

Seriously, go fuck yourself.
Fuck off to a thread about a game you do like. Or at least a game you've actually played.
If they don't exist, then make one.

Otherwise fuck off.

Nobody. NOBODY appreciates you or those like you. You're not saving the community. You're not some vanguard of Holla Forums-culture.

You're cancer. Plain and simple. You're the type of faggoty shit I hoped to get away from when I started using this site. You're the type of faggoty shit I hoped would have left during that 3 months when the site was barely even fucking usable.

You know what? Go to /vgrevolt/.
I hear it will be a nice little hugbox for faggots just like you.

No i was here since the first exodus and i will go no where else

The likes of you are cancer of Holla Forums you don't care about vidya

whatever you say skinwalker

Not too bright are you?



Your post is pure gold fucking saved



why do people compare this game to MOBAs when the only thing they have in common is abilities?
it's almost like they're criticizing a game they never playe- oh.

The only people I see posting this are either completely and utterly assmad at anime because of reasons, or are surreptitiously asking for a smug dump. I'll indulge your overwhelming desire for smug anime sluts.

You are my nigger.


Learn to read
k ?


Explain this shit to me. My friend is 3 ranks lower rank than me, played fewer games than me in ranked, and when we group and win he gets LESS progress than I do.

One would expect that since he's lower rank he would gain faster, and faster still because he's playing against higher rank, and even faster because fewer games = less set-in-stone ELO, but he tends to go up by about half what I do on a win.

oh well that explains everything

so does this

It makes sense.

How? 120 damage direct hits almost guaranteed, boost to get out of range of their weapons, and knockback to get them off the point or away from you if they get close, she's probably the best attacker for dealing with tanks.

zarya shits on pharah, and roadhog will just pull you out of the sky. put zarya and roadhog on a team and theyll just build full charge off of your rockets and put you down.

Zarya can't even hit Pharah most of the time, she has to come close. Pharah is actually good for finishing off Zarya. Roadhog is OK against Pharah

Real problem though is she just doesn't have enough damage to deal with all of them, especially with winston/reinhardt barriers. Junkrat does a lot better against that, and Reaper is by far the strongest anti-tank.

pharahs borderline never get me when I play zarya and they often fly low enough to get their assholes ravaged by my particle beam

idk what you're on but anyone who thinks zarya actually has ANY COUNTERS is shit at zarya

she's actually 100% without counters ngl

Has anyone made a dank meme image of Pharah saying "JUST" yet?

She's a pretty squishy sniper target tbh.

why would she?


You've never seen a Pharah pop her ult and only be able to scream "JUST!" before she's dropped like a fly?


But user, no Mercy ever drops her healing stick when a Tracer pops in.

widowmakers never get me, hanzos i dont have any trouble with

lol this game sucks XD

user who rightfully bitched about Queen Dindu here

Finally decided to play her in one game just to prove that she's outrageously overpowered to the point that even I could do well as her with 0 experience

Jesus fucking Christ this is embarassing. All I did was click in the general direction of their team

why you!

Id say she is probably the strongest character right now and pretty much the center of any team

i wonder if "yall niggaz" will ever learn to not indulge shitposters

Apparently blizzard can't spell "enemy"

i feel a lot of that has to do with her relatively unrestricted movement. reaper has mobility, but its very clumsy while soldier and tracer have no ups.
still, i never felt like she was particularly difficult to handle, even paired with a competent mercy.

I mean it's to be expected since I main her and can into projectile weapons but people who don't play her are generally incapable of understanding how to counter her. A competent Widowmaker or Hanzo completely shits on me if we don't have a harasser of some sort, so she's not as overpowered as you think.

where were you niggers in the gw2 threads? you had to buy that game and you could buy a lot more than just a random chance at cosmetics with money. where were you in literally any fighting game thread ever? people get jewed over with DLC about as hard as cod kids if not harder there and they like it. how come you don't shit up every other thread? there's a planetside 2 thread on the first page right now. you can actually buy power in that game. there's a mobile game thread as well. you won't migrate tho, cause you're a fucking hypocrite and a liar. it's not about
it's just about blizzard and you and i both know it. at least be honest and just spam
throughout the whole thread instead of trying to mask your cancer with some dumb excuses.

did anyone on the opposing team pick sniper or soldier? most heroes can be really strong if they don't get counter picked in some way

Phara can be easily picked out from the skies by a dad 76. She´s slow and exposed when flying and he has a fucking hit scan weapon.

You yourself said that you just played one game with her. Try playing phara against an experienced team with a good soldier, and you will realize that she´s not overpowered at all.

The only thing I have trouble with is using her ult without getting shot down.

be smarter with it

Prioritize snipers with it and flank around before popping it. The final stretch of Gibraltar is an ideal Pharah sneak ult.

I tried that once, but it's not as effective as you'd expect. He has damage falloff on his gun and the distance at which pharah usually hangs around makes your gun a peashooter.
I suppose it can be a bit better if you manage to get closer, but still not gonna beat her if she sees you first.

I'd even try Widowmaker but the current meta seems to be 2 pharahs using cover and each other against snipers. I can't stop one while the other is attacking me and vice versa.

So far I've had better luck as Mei or Roadhog, waiting for her fuel to runout and meeting them on the ground.
Or even just Toble-her-ass with my hot long spiky rivet.

I've noticed that a very important part of playing Pharah is flanking. You never should go by the front and start shooting rockets at them, instead go around and fly above and behind the enemy team. This confuses them as fuck when rockets start showering from behind, breaks their concentration and their defenses.
Reinharts will turn to face you and expose themselves to your team.

You do this and you can pull ultis very easily. It's all about giving yourself some extra time to unload more missiles and if they take time to react, that's extra missiles you're gonna drop.
Every Pharah I've seen successfully use a Ulti did it behind my team.

That's gonna happen 80% of the time.
What you want to do is make sure at least a good portion of your ulti comes out at least.

To do that, it's very important to peek out of cover and look at the enemy team. Where are they, were are they looking at, points of entry.
If you can positing yourself on their backs, or to the side, shift out of cover and quickly deploy it.

Consider that they will have to turn their backs on your team (you better do it only when your team is charging) and search for you, like a McCree.
Unlike McCree however, your ulti is already dishing out the pain.

If by some miracle you survive using the ulti, better seek cover ASAP, cause they'll be pissed as fuck.

What does this mean? (Ranked)
I'm still in placement matches

It means you're one of the top 500 best players but there's a bug where it shows for people it shouldn't

aight yeah, im definitely not top 500

thats not winner talk

Do you guys think we'll see smurfing and people buying their way into 90+ rank?

Years ago when I played LoL, most people I saw in Platinum were there because they paid 100 bucks for an actual good player to carry them there. That shit made Gold/Diamond the only ladder worth playing since at least 80% of the people were there because they were actually good players.

i dont see why that wouldnt be the case

thats right, im pure 100 % loser

Never plated LoL but does the ranks reset every 2 months like Overwatch? I can't imagine someone would be autistic enough to spend $100 every couple months to get their ranks higher. Though I'm sure there will be someone.

They would do it for the persistent rewards, like the top500 spray/icon shit. Of course if one can buy their way into the top 500 at all something is horribly wrong with the playerbase.

I dont think Overwatch is played for the seriousness or competitiveness in the same was as assfaggots, its more of a 'fun' game in the eyes of the media.

ah shit posting errors are back?
someone is going to do it to fulfill a fantasy in their head where dva will show them her pussy o a private webcam if they make it in to a certain rank. then they will sell the video for a meager sum and ruin her career. the whole thing is blamed on gamergate

Yeah I had quotation marks (") on seriousness and competitiveness and I had to remove them to let me post

would you a genji

You are so full of yourself it's disgusting.

Yes, I am mad

Life is suffering

Zarya would be a far more tolerable character if she didn't have tumblr hair or edgy commie clothes as her only costume choices.

That and having an ult callout that didn't sound so fucking close to English.

I'm going for the torbnustir indeed.

Apparently the faggots have hijacked her and turned her into a gay icon.


You have the Siberian Front skin that makes her look like something out of Lost Planet.
And the Industrial Skin ain't so bad. I think it actually accentuates her muscles since there's less crap around her.

Nah. Believe it or not, they prefer Junkrat for that stuff instead of Tumbr: the character. Which is ironic since they prefer the mentally unstable character to represent trans people instead of the strong and hard working strong wymin.

There's a lot more gay stuff of Zyara on tumblr than there is tranny Junkrat.

It's Zarya. I have no idea how people make that mistake. Zyara is closer to Zyere, and that brings some bad NeverWinter Nights 2 vibes.

Why mad?
You did a great job, you should be happy.
The big "Defeat" screen has less meaning to me than my contribution to the team.

It doesn't matter if we lose or we win, if I end the match with 3 or more gold medals, I'm happy.
You should look at what you actually did though. A reaper with gold medal in objective time means you're either an awfull reaper, or your team is even more awfull than you.

Not really true. If your up there killing their tanks on the point it doesn't matter that you aren't ambushing anything, especially since you are living long enough to do the job apparently.

it was in my placement matches and pared loss 4 on a loosing streak.

On a positive note, I just hit level 30, got a golden drop wich was 500 shekles, and bought Siberian Front Zarya with it so I can finally stand playing her.
The "In Russia, game plays you" line aswell.

Sorry Mercy, you'll have to wait.

i WISH she shot a rainbow beam.
burning things with all the colors is almost as cool as lightning
how the hell were gaylords allowed to claim that, again?


Yeah, there's a few exceptions, but I mainly meant if you're pushing the payload, or holding the objective instead of you know, your own tanks that are not made of paper.

I prefer the line "I must break you".
It's not only a great line from a great movie, it's also pretty good if you bind the voice line command to an easy-acess key and spam it everytime you you kill someone.

Oh, I have it on C.

The real fun part is that I'm working in medical and among other things sent out the consulcation fees.

I use "I'll send you my consultation fee" when someone spams for healing and I'm nowhere near them.

Even better: When they're on the other side of a hallway with an angry bastion on it.
No fucker, I will not fly infront of a minigun.
tfw most of my kills as Mercy are bastions, followed by random faggots I staffwhip

Mei's "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry" also makes for a great spam.

that happens way too often.
good for you on sticking with reinhardt, but i dont have the patience for that shit. ill give it a shot but then i find that even though the team might "need" a tank or a support its often better that i play a fear mongering flanker.
its retarded, the exact same scenario you described can play out where i charge in and kill 3 or 4 of them on my own but the team is still standing in the back distracted by some cheeky symmettra

maybe because its normally such a peaceful thing. like watching a monk wipe the floor with some ruffians

I kill Tracers as mercy. I will actually chase THEM. I've also managed to solo-kill roadhogs.

Tracers? nah, too annoying and fast.
I hunt reapers thoug, and won duels vs Dad76 Rarely though. He basicly does the same as a Baster Mercy, just better A WM with bad aim also makes a great target, the korean aderall users however will just own you.

I like the guy. I just wish he spoke german, like Mercy.
They were on point actually, I saw them running back infront of me when I respawned.


no-mercy is the best side arm anyone could ask for in this game. i dont know why more mercies dont pull their gun out and just blast away when they see something their teammates dont.
but im kind of glad they dont, because i hate fighting her and they always have one.

The thing about Tracer is that she will tunnel Mercy. She commits everything to the attack so by the time she realizes she needs to run it's just a short chase to kill her.

Yeah I've won duels with Soldier too, while he was standing on his heal no less. Reaper is no-go though. I'll fight back if I have to, but I don't expect to do 50% to him and even if I do he can shift.

A question of distance. He has shotguns, if he can't get close he can't shoot you

look at this kill joy

Tranny Junkrat is really strange to me because he's everything Tumblr hates.

I feel kinda bad for actually autistic people in this era of every special snowflake claiming autism because they likely can't actually understand why people would lie about it or want to be thought of as autistic.

as someone with aspergers I actually fear telling people about it because, even though I act pretty normal and adjusted, I feel like people would think less of me or treat me more like a child or think it's some sort of disability

it's the fucking worst, I've known some high-functioning autistic people who were legitimate geniuses and some of the coolest niggas ever if you just took the time to get to know them

and fucking tumblr wailords claiming it as theirs with no diagnosis or even basis (other than the fact that their culture is fucking autistic) makes everything worse because that means to the normalfag layman, tumblr SJWism is what autism looks like

Overwatch is a shit game and I feel like dicking around so how do I get a proper soundboard set up so that I can micspam stupid shit like this.

Whoever said that Competitive brought people that actually want to play the game, fuck you.
They ruined my winning streak with their bullshit.
God damn it, I'm so fucking done with that mode.

son of a bitch. why even? i like my bastard bomberman the way he is. he wouldn't even give a shit about gender enough to be a tranny. i guess that's how it is with most people though. i can't imagine how boring of an individual you have to be to decide that your current gender isn't good enough. I mean, instead of doing literally anything else, you're trying to change your gender. it's like you've got nothing to do so you choose to drill a hole through the wall in front of you instead of walking around it and then you lie to yourself and pretend it's fine and the wall is just like it was without the hole.

i hope blizz does pic related.

i spammed music the other day. it's a simple tutorial. youtube.com/watch?v=TmG54AXfVvY

new thread soon

Does anyone else have absurd high lag spikes from time to time? Like a ping around 2000 or something like that. I´m to 100% sure, that it is not on my end, because every other multiplayer game functions without any issues. It´s really weird.

I once had a team on competitive attack who thought that three symmetras and one turd burn were a good composition. Overall i think the level is a bit higher in competitive but from time to time you come across really fucking retarded people.

I've been getting weird lag spikes every now and then since the latest patch. Stuff like jumping from 40ms to 200ms for a few seconds.

That and I've had a suspicious number of Hanzos manage to warp me back to where I was a second ago in order to headshot me.

i dont like this feeling of deja vu

controllers ruin this shit.

former behaviorist here. i worked with autistic kids for years and the tumblrina crowd angers me to no end. not a single one of the kids i worked with wanted to make a big deal, or any deal at all, about their autism. they just wanted to be accepted.

if i could push a button and delete anything in this world, it would be tumblrinas honorable mention to islam and globalists

i take a particular pride in knowing that ive helped a number of autistic kids, some of them pretty severely so, develop enough wherewithal to overcome a number of life's difficulties. i also take a particular schadenfreude seeing the special snowflake generation wile away their advantages bitching and moaning about difficulties they don't truly face. if all goes well, the new rulers of the land in a few years will be a subset of specially adapted autists who use their autism for good and don't take shit from generation snowflake.

but said globalists are one of the reasons you see so many tumblrheads

yeah the two are intertwined. but the globalists are sort of in the process of getting btfo already, and the tumblrina cancer is much more insidious in how it works.


lucky as all hell?