Imagine if Steve-o got a sex change, as a joke. Haha

Imagine if Steve-o got a sex change, as a joke. Haha

Steve-a haha



Did anyone party as hard as he did in the Don't Try This at Home tapes? He makes Motley Crue look like teetotallers.

does being retarded hurt


By any interpretation of the word it's really not.

he drank a beer with his ass. how is that not cool?

it's gay as shit

Butt chugging is the only way to intake alcohol

Wildboyz was a pretty fun show though.

it's the gayest way to intake alcohol

Holla Forums is a 18+ only imageboard

Ya'll need to watch wildboyz. SteveO is a fucking bad ass as is chris pontius. They fucking snort coke and sneak up on african wild life and sharks and shit. Johnny Knoxville is NOTHING compared to those guys

I miss the 90's. Back then, we had shitty cameras and retards doing stupid shit to attract fans. Now we have jewtube.

Guess I'll post some of the wildboyz shit since I'm rewatching it now.



so now we have good cameras and retards doing stupid shit?

sounds like an improvement

Vertical filming still makes the videos look like shit

Wee man being blown away was better fuck you.

They're all fucked up.

what the hell. I thought Pontius was a vegan pacifist

So the guys are a little awkward off camera. At least they still get along after all these years.

Time has not been kind, he looks like shit.

I'd say he looks pretty good considering the stuff he's been through


he might not seem cool now but he and his friends were cool af in my teens

Only the real edgemasters watched Dirty Sanchez.

well, some of them do

Just viva my bam up.

how many of these stunt performers where there back then? Some of it was funny and edgy but some of it was just edgy.

I'm an earth rocker

I liked when they would include Tony Hawk.