Connecticut and NOLA rally livestream
SHit might go down, so let's get kamphy gents.
Connecticut and NOLA rally livestream
SHit might go down, so let's get kamphy gents.
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Stream is from Connecticut right now.
SO here's the chimpout "justification" from Connecticut:
Negron sounds like an evil orc commander in LOTR or some shit.
so everyone in this thread gets rangebans? :^)
really though hope shit goes down tonight.
top kek
I've literally never heard the term, Doug
the sunglasses?
What kills me the most is the little subtitle begging for gibsmedats as they go along. Wonder how long till they get a good blood lust going.
Who, what, and why?
Going by the chat they're protesting some nignog who got shot for attempted carjacking and murder. You know typical nigger shit.
This cant be real
Oh there we go they're chanting now at the cars. Pretty soon they'll try and stop them if I know these guys.
Ok, so typical dundu lootmas then.
A car thief tried to murder a police officer but was unsuccessful. I think he is some sort of hero to these people or something. I guess they really hate the police.
Yup they just need to round up the numbers for it. Think they're getting to good recruitment spots.
I thought this would be a Trump rally…
Like they give a shit they're just along for the ride hoping it turns into a riot so they can steal shit in the chaos. Like always.
Also for fuck's sake OP. You don't need to break links like a retard anymore, a wordfilter's in place that automatically does it without adding retarded characters you have to delete.
I don’t understand their looting habits. They often only make out with things like basic groceries, why would someone risk multiple years in prison for a jar of pickles and some corn based snack foods? Really boggles my noggin.
You mean the boston thing? that's for the 13th.
retarded niggers everywhere
Oh that's the kids shit they get those for eating on the run most of the time. After that they start to go for high dollar shit if the cops haven't arrived yet.
Huh looks like they're congesting traffic hope for mexican doorbells. God this is retarded they don't even seem to really care about what they're doing it's obvious what's going down
Thanks for the tip, guy.
Where is the Greedy Jewish Landlord guy when you need him.
Fucks sake can anyone translate this fuckah I can't do gangbustah except CJ YOU BUSTAH here.
How are newfags supposed to learn you dumb cunt?
I see. So some sneakier ones let pawns test the waters and then sneak in and do the safe. Makes sense. I still can't understand why the pawn-tier ones loot snack foods. You could earn many times that many snack foods by collecting aluminum cans instead of rioting. No risk of prison.
There is no word filter either, faggot. You have to place double asterisk on either side. youfuckinglarpingbitch.fag
What is he trying to communicate? He is clearly upset but why?
links auto break now
What's the general level of nigger fuckery?
Lurk for two years before posting you newfaggot larping little bitch
It seems a very strange bunch. Someone is angry about the amount of money he spends on chicken wings at Chinese owned businesses.
No, they don't
Lurking for 22 consecutive months faggot
I didn't even have to do anything and the asshurt is fucking marvelous hahaha
SO how long you been here, 23?
Dude they're niggers they don't do work they do GIBSMEDAT and club you with a pipe.
Is that a dude, woman or nonbinary on the megaphone?
What the fuck am I even watching?
the nigger can't have personal responsibility.
Are you retarded?
People like you faggots from cuckchan are why triple digit IQ anons are flocking to and**
I'm not from America; I don't understand how it works. It baffles me that someone would risk years in prison for a bag of potato chips. I understand you might be familiar with this type of behaviour but if you step away from it for a moment and think about it you must admit, it is totally insane.
damn, getting rustled over a site function isnt good for your health user
If they have such strong in-group preference why doesn’t he open a chicken shop of his own? He claims he alone spends $1000 a year on wings, if this is a typical example of consumer behaviour in this area then he could become very wealthy.
I was born here faggot. Kill yourself
It's bretty gud for mein though!
Oh, you're hard, dude. hahah
You're average african-american, aslo called the basketball american is normally born into low income housing for the sole purpose of being a welfare ticket by lazy neglectful mothers. It breeds an enviroment of violence and banditry as the norm when events like this start it's basically a shopping spree to them. All you gotta do is outrun the otha niggah running with shit he stole too and you get it free!
And trust me we all know it's fucking insane but that's how thug life is. They feel like everyone that ain't them is actively oppressing them despite the fact they do it to themselves.
Sub-humans are not human. They are a different species. Niggers really are a different species. They are even more separated from us mentally than you could even begin to suspect when looking at them. Abos seem to be even further removed from our species. What they call races are actually species. Think of it like that and it makes sense why they are so damned alien to our eyes.
don't talk about meguca you dumbass we don't need more people
They cannot think that far ahead. Stupid nigger isn't a meme. All we need is capital and market and a hard work ethic.
The Smart Water isn't working.
Man looks like it's winding down because they're too stupid to cause a proper chimp out. This shit sucks I wanted to see them burn something like the monkeys they are and get clips to post with!
Nah m8, your shitty goon exodus board deserves a swarm.
Nigger I just want to post about current anime in a board that isn't garbage.
What a mess. In some ways it seems preferable to the behaviour of the Saracens (which are the scorn my land) as it seems to be predictable but in some ways it is worse as there is seemingly no way to tackle such inherent behavior.
I’m aware of subspecies but not all less intelligent races behave in such a counterproductive way.
I appreciate the fact you ended up back here to show us your double digit IQ and your inability to spoiler.
Go back back to reddit now.
is that from Hot Fuzz?
CTfag here. No one actually gives a shit about what this nigger did because he tried to kill a cop and it's well documented. It's just Soro's paid agitators and stupid niggers being stupid niggers.
Everyone in CT hates the following:
New Haven
New London
They're cities infested with nigger and spic scum that determine every fucking election in this state due to gibs. Check out the electoral maps, not just for President, but for Governor, etc. The state is red except for those areas. It's disgusting that they go and wake up a bunch of niggers, bus them to the polling station, tell them "DA EBIL WHITE REPUBLICANS WANT TO TAKE AWAY ALL THIS FREE SHIT WE'RE GIVING YOU" and they vote the party line for gibs.
I can't fucking wait for Malloy to be tarred and feathered. That stuttering cocksucking piece of trash is ruining this state.
Just look into africa when you have a chance. It's a land of abundance they don't properly use because before white man was dumb enough to civilize them it was basically the high life. They lived in tribes, hit each other to steal things and food was typically just a single hunt or tree away. It made them have a very short sighted mindset to say the least. Hell they didn't even think to invent the wheel or literally anything.
Heck most Holla Forumsacks will point you to south africa for a good example. White people came in, educated the locals and helped them out. Civilization! Then everyone else heard about all this awesome free shit and more food than you could ever imagine and invaded more or less. Then some greedy fat fuck showed up and whipped his fellow african into a blood frenzy saying white devils were taking over and in a bloody coup took control of everything.
Today, the country is a famine striken hell hole he still rules. Everything built up was destroyed by neglect, mismanagement, corruption and plain flat out stupidity as they couldn't figure out how to farm on their own. Last I checked it mostly keeps going off UN relief efforts and most of the food goes to the corrupt elite and their soldiers.
I kinda had that impression. They really seemed unable to get the crowd to do anything. riot dropped anyway and gave sketchy dates on when they were gonna try again. Now the channels on some confederate protest. Not sure if gonna be lulzy or not yet.
The thing that's on the channel now is the removal of the Jefferson Davis monument in New Orleans.
Thanks for your detailed reply.
The family is just trying to cash in on BLM Soro's bux for MUH POHLEEC BROOTALTY when it's the stupid fucking moron's fault for stealing a car and running cops over. It's a non-story because some criminal scum got what they deserved. There is no reason to protest, and the low-energy crowd proved it.
Bridgeport is a hellhole, and acting surprised cops are on the edge 24/7 is like being amazed the sky is blue.
Couple people on the NOLA feed open carrying. God bless Louisiana.
The shills can't help but out themselves. Kampfy is a God to them now.
and you get a subnet ban and you get a subnet ban and you get a subnet ban
and all the initial msm reports said they just "didn't stop"
fucking lol
Don't fucking namedrop Holla Forums dumbasses
Police ordered to stand down in New Orleans.
You aren't from around here. It isn't about need, it's stealing for the sake of stealing. Niggers steal, that's what they do because it's how their brains are wired to think. If they see an opportunity they seize it. It's in their DNA as an instinct. Poverty doesn't create crime, crime creates poverty.
I stopped watching to comment but last I saw some sheboon was ranting about muh institutionalization and about ayo we never be violent to them yo but they always be violent to us. Plainly ignoring the fact that blacks are by far and large the most violent criminals on the planet.
June 17th they are coming to Waterbury. I can't fucking wait.
We got a Trump visit last summer and now maybe our very own soros protest to troll.
Something else I don't get, why not take sacks and bags when they loot? Why just graB with arms and hands?
Late to the show. Link me to the best action?
Their niggers, they're barely capable of primitive tool use.
BLM or one of the other ones tried blocking a busy road in New Haven a few months ago. They got BTFO pretty quickly by a massive state and local police response.
In this case there is a big state police base right in Bridgeport. If the chimpout started getting to much for the city cops there would be massive reinforcements on site in no time.
Africans constitute a subspecies of "Homo sapiens". The greatest difference and rationale to this is that they lack neanderthal genes that each other human group have.
They are from the same species because they can have fertile descendants. That's part of the definition, so there you have it. We need to be consistent with our definitions.
Also, i highly suspect that there are more than 60.000 years of separate evolution between africans and european descendants.
sage because unrelated to the main topic in this thread.
Is this still live? It's like 4AM now
the niggers are just starting to go to sleep
For fuck sakes.
The Jefferson Davis monument came down without a hitch. Outside of shouting slogans and waving signs, nothing happened. No shots fired. No blockade of the trucks/cranes. Nothing.
Guess we don't really care if these monuments are taken down.
Jefferson was a cuck that sold the south to the north. Fuck him.
Theres no winning in a system were these animals are considered equal.
People talk bad about him but Kampfy seems like a good mod.
Heil'd. Only the shills complain because they think mods = leader when mods = people with worst job on internet.
Any chimping going on tonight?
Welcome user. fuckin google it