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Always the first post.

What will happen if they remove the monument?

if it's up for auction I'll buy it right now, not shitposting.


Blotting out a bit of history niggers and Jews don't like.

Zero advance notice.

Right-Wing Rapid Response Squads when?

if it doesn't happen now then never.

Bastards won't stop until we can only learn about our past from ((core history)) books. Are we expecting any showout tonight? Streams?


I thought the Beauregard monument was next. Damn.

We may be able to sue in Federal court to get them back. We did it with the Liberty Place monument in 1989 - the one the took down (again) a couple weeks ago.

There's a group of us locals headed out there tonight.

Now that this statue is coming down, blacks will finally become productive members of society :^)

Got any livestreams?

give 'em hell from someone on the other side of dixie

OP here.

Canuckfag, but I understand the inherent importance of this fight. They've been agitating for the removal of Sir Isaac Brock's monument near Niagara Falls. I'll chain myself to the thing if I must.

Godspeed to you, and stay frosty.

Be armed. Remember, NOLA is open carry w/o permit.

The only way to save these kinds of monuments in these niggertowns is for the state legislature to pass a law protecting historical monuments. Alabama and North Carolina have already done this, there may be others.

Who fucking cares?

Nobody is going to do anything to stop it, so its not even worth covering - just one more entry in the long list of White American culture and history being destroyed as our demographics shift and we become a minority in the lands our ancestors conquered, because most of their descendants are more interested in two men who fuck each other up the shit hole being allowed to get married.

If they try to take it down, kill them.

Dr. Duke browses Holla Forums. Kek!

They won't do fucking shit. They never do.

Your apathy is yours. Don't project it onto the rest of us. The normies will always be lemmings, that doesn't matter. We need to save our culture, no one else will.

Don't forget that public opinion was against "gay" marriage in most states and it was 5 unelected lawyers who made it legal.

There's also the option of defending it physically too, you know.

Fucking waste of a get. Gas yourself, you defeatist.


the first ive seen of this..?

Southern nationalists have done a lot to counter the erasure of history. But the odds have always been long because the patriots are outnumbered, particularly in the big cities. Despite the cucking of the "Patriot movement" groups last Sunday, many Southern nationalists did muster to oppose the destruction.

I've been digging and I can't find confirmation of Dr. Duke's statement. If one of y'all gets out there, give us an update on what's up.

First the Stars and Bars now this…? just erasing history and symbols of patriotism and a proud heritage People better take start protecting and fighting for these things

Indeed. I don't mean to play the alarmist as OP, but it's best to put out a eye-catching title and hope that it's nothing than to let this slide past our notice and have a loss on our hands.

Do we *really* want to lose to faggots like this?

Exactly. Also, in the pics Dr. Duke shared it's barriers and news trucks, but no cranes or shit like that. It could just be a planned protest with the news there to cover it.

I called WGNO and they have no idea what's going on out there - but they could be deflecting to prevent people from showing up to stop the process.

David, the referring to your diploma mill doctorate all the time kind of gives you away.


It's funny because I've never seen anyone refer to him as Dr. except for himself

I do it; but only because he's a love doctor.

It will go into (((someone)))'s white fetish pile, like things that quietly disappear usually do.

So it wasn't real because it's from a Ukrainian university? Think for a moment. This attitude that only the Ivies, Ivy-wannabes, or universities in Western Europe are real higher ed institutions just empowers the Judeo-Left that co-opted most of the established, older schools.

That's probably because he got his doctorate after becoming famous.

go steal it right now.


Fuck nigger landrieu for making me side with David duke . The carrot top of the kkk


You forgot your "ASHES AND ECHOES", faggot.

I'm 12 hours away lad.

December 17, 2015
Lee Circle battle moves to court: Federal lawsuit filed to halt monuments removal in New Orleans

White people will cease to exist. It's been an honor, gentlemen.

How about no

I think niggers are a symbol of slavery and should be removed.

Every monument the left tears down is going to be twice as big and twice as beautiful when this war is over.

At least they're not outright destroying it. Still at this stage there will be political kikery to try to indefinably be held in the warehouse


Or they destroy it when it's out of sight and people are distracted by other stuff.
Never trust them.

I can easily see some antifa turds breaking in and trashing these monuments. Fucking sad.

There are also plans to rename the streets. I think the Mayor suggested "Tricentennial Circle" for Lee Circle since NOLA's about to celebrate its 300th anniversary. I find this incredibly retarded because it's going to be 3-4 generations before people stop calling it Lee Circle.

It's Lee Circle. Tourist asks, "Where's the WW2 museum?" The answer is to take the St. Charles streetcar to Lee Circle. It'll always be Lee Circle. Dumbasses.

First french churches, now murican statues, what is next?

I'm just surprised they're not naming it after MLK, that fucking nigger subversive, like so many other roads.

I'm sure Jefferson Davis blvd will become something stupidly niggerish like Harriet Tubman Freeway (free-way … get it?).

This whole fucking city should just be renamed "Uncle Tomville". Fuck these niggers.

We all suspected that already.

A Final Solution to the White Question. This is a battle of survival, don't be deceived. Just like a serial killer might kill a pet before killing the person, the ones who're after us will destroy our culture and sense of belonging before they go after what they really want. "Zimbabwe" is our future if we don't succeed. I wonder what the shitskins will end up calling America if they take over? It will definitely be an ugly name.



I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Bridgeport isn't New Orleans.

Oh shit, my bad. That's NOLA.


Huh, I didn't know David Duke was FBI.

Lots of gets in this thread. Interesting.

Country-wide constitutional carry when?

>>WWII technology
Pretty shameful user, pretty shameful post.

To be fair MLK wasn't that bad, he wanted what was best for his race which is fine. They just carried his torch and lit the movement on fire.

To clarify, the ship for niggers to be humanized is fucking gone, but it's still a fact that american niggers are much more civilized than their original stock.

Soon as we have some serious 2nd Amendment Senators.

He was supported by communists looking to push wedges where they could. The civil rights movement was filled with the taint of communists.

MLK was a commie and hypocrite, but his jewish handlers were much worse.

GTFO cuck.


god damnit, meant for

I think you may be confusing MLK with Malcolm X.

Yeah lets go with that.

You need to watch this and see why you're getting so many replies telling you why you're wrong.

No, he's just your typical cuckhead who thinks that because he browses /r/the_donald he's welcome on Holla Forums


Good, fuck you conservatives.

NOLA even got theyselves a priest.

Satan trips speak the truth


Midnight local time

It'll be another couple hours.

You guys really are just waiting with baited breath to call out anyone even when the topic isn't remotely related aren't you?

It's a she-boon recording the stream. Not sure yet what her intentions are.

She's been around a while. Think of her as a trained chimp.

Does even look like the white guy was expecting it.
Niggers sure are cowardly fighters.

What I want to know is what happens when the trucks roll in at midnight. Will they just shout slogans or will they protect the monument?

Unless you're scared of drum circles there's nothing to fear from the lefties here

Police ordered to stand down.

it's not that i'm scared, i just can't get away from my job

Time for antifa to get run over again


amen to that

Huge if true

Now is the time! Kill kill kill!

All dat body fat. Don't need guns, just barrel over them skinny mother fuckers across Canal.

If they do the right wingers should open fire. BETTER DEAD THAN RED

What stream is everybody watching?

Even nogs are out here standing with Confederate flags protesting in favor of this statue. If you're not from the south you don't get it. This is our President.


Thanks for posting, never seen this.

Niggers fight like cowards.

Fat bitch be packin'

checked and thanks

Post pics, not that I don't believe you (I do) but for meme purposes

Every "Confederate" nigger I've ever encountered had ulterior motives to get close to White girls.


Why are Southerners and Midwesterners so disgusting? If someone looked like that in Southern California they'd be bullied to suicide.

Lotta fried food and laid back days.



Local poster here. Word from the police is if Antifa crosses the street their "fair game"

They're** fuck

Oh shit … zombie apocalypse has started!

Idk there's a lot of fatty foods here too but the only obese people are Mexicans.

Their accents are gross, too.

Confeds have guns
Antifa has tambourines

I wonder who would win this fight.

You fellas gonna be out here for a bit? I'm probably gonna come back out for a bit closer to midnight when the time window for removal opens.

Is this photo suppose to represent what it feels like when you need glasses to see, but forget them at home?

Hurry up, man.

Working on it. Had to put the children to bed.

They shut down the streetcars? Haven't seen one go by in a while.

Why don't you stream?

Probably due to the fact that Southerners and Midwesterners aren't limp wristed faggots like our friends in Southern California who kill themselves over "bullying"

Read the live chat on this JewTube stream LMFAO

Brah who are you? I'm the guy in the Sonnenrad shirt

(checked) break their motherfucking jaws anons

what's with the font?

Ah man, I saw you out there earlier. Nice shirt

I'm on my way, but I think they shut down the street cars like they did for Sunday's shit. Lookin' for a cab.

Yes they are. They're "storing" it until they can sell it for scrap without anybody noticing.

Guess she didn't learn from Scarsella's mistake.

Phonefagging I'm at work and I'm a girl why's everyone dissing my font all the time

Looks like the she-boon didn't bring a portable charger. Fail.

Open carry guns AND open carry liquor. Fuckin' love my city.

Show us your dick.

Studies have shown that adopting nigger slang unironically may suggest you are at risk of mudsharking. Seek professional help in the form of a BWC.

I'm single too many degenerate male feminists here

Whatever, lets see your tits.

Go back to /k/, faggot.

dick or gtfo faggot

Lefty cunt here trying to purify us with sage LMAO

Look for me man. Black Sonnenrad shirt

Ask her what's being slid.

Freedom of religion, nigga

Let's not try and let this attentionwhore tranny derail the thread, guys.

Kek. I've burned sage last hour and I only want to gas the kikes even more.

begone witch!


Most Holla Forums trannys are just LARPers. I've never seen a real one post.

It's amazing that journalists never seem to know who antifa is

No but here's my tits I had to sneak into the breakroom

Fuck you faggot I've never touched a nigger I've been with one guy and that's it and I'd never even think about anyone except a white man that's fucking sick dude

I was in Gainesville a couple weeks ago and the Sheriff didn't know, in spite of multiple cops being posted there.

You know they can arrest her for that? Because it's lighting a fire in public no shit

2/10 for making me respond

Word is black panthers are casing the block

sorry, im not into hairy cunts

Cops have been ordered to stand down.


Trips confirm: We have to find the Blutfahne!

Probably looking for a liquor store to knock off.

Shills actively work to normalize transexuals by LARPing as them and dumping porn of them on boards where that is allowed.
All transsexuals are mentally ill, people who LARP as them even more so, no matter the paycheck.
Don't give it (You)'s.

Fucking antifa

you're a lying, derailing whore.

muh based nigga going off
*I hate niggers*


it's almost midnight
when are they doing things?

make sure you have eyes from behind the front lines with cameras and live feeds


Well, you're fat.

Whoever is running the live chat on the stream is a cuck faggot. Start dropping redpills about the kikes and they banned me Kek

Her smoke violates the NAP. Shoot her with a TOW missile.



Anyone else noticing a lot of strange postings on this board as of late? It appears as "newfag" mistakes and such but seems to be occurring in greater frequency in most top threads. Also unexpected rebound replying and awkward use common terms.

Someone needs to find the feed he's streaming and host it themselves. I would, but I have no idea how and I'd need a youtube account.

Goddamned hippies.

Satan is both right and wrong here. On the one hand, the Jews definitely scheme to erase our heritage and make us a disoriented people. We're far easier to control when we aren't proud of heroes like based Andrew Jackson or victories like the battle of Khartoum. We make better production-consumption-production units when all of our decisions are motivated by the need for money and the ambition to earn more money, rather than personal honor and racial glory.

On the other hand, shit like this redpills millions to what's happening. Just 20 years ago – shit, five years ago – it was hard as hell to convince a smug white vagina that organized efforts are underway to erase us and set us up for the coup de grace. Now, all we have to do is point to things like the removal of the Jefferson Davis statue and the South Carolina flag.

I know what I'm talking about here. I used to be one of those post-racial faggots. The removal of the SC Confederate flag was a major pill for me. It obviously served no purpose; it didn't resurrect the dead church niggers. Why bother? I thought. Then I saw the smug satisfaction on the Yankee niggers' faces. SC niggers didn't seem to care much one way or the other, but the Jews were beaming with what passes for happiness among their wretched breed. It was as if (((they))) had pushed /us/ measurably closer to that wonderful day when they can send their colored slaves to load us into rollercoasters and shoot us into ovens at last.

I grew up. Now I see my race in danger – my family in danger. It shouldn't matter whether the burglar is at the front gate or crawling through the window. Once you are sure of his plans, shoot to kill.



Just seeing this lard makes me want to clap

People like this give us all a bad name

Nice Anticom hat.

The world will be unmade.

Meant to reply to but same difference

Think of it like facing the final boss in a jrpg.

Liberty Place monument was only the first form and basically a warm-up. Next up they have to go through Jeff Davis, then Beauregard and lastly the final, ultimate One-Winged Angel form known as Robert E. Lee.

The mods in the chat are huge faggots.

Tonight seems like a bust.

The monument isn't coming down until sometime after midnight. Right now people are just biding time but that's when the action will kick off.

Hopefully some especially devoted patriot will chain himself to Jeff Davis and won't let the Mayor get his slimy jew hands on him.

Far from it, simply lack of interest in a tear-soaked circle-jerk over the half-hearted resistance to the destruction of historical monuments.

EXACTLY. And nobody did a fucking thing.

Comfy men do not go to war for ideas.

Its an endeavor that shall see no fruits. Opposition to the destruction meant nothing - not that it wasn't meaningful, I suppose, but it had no effect, never had any chance of having an effect - they were going to cuck because they wanted to cuck. They want it dead and gone so they can rule the mestizo horde (that's what they think in their minds, at least).

This is the original streamer's faceberg account if anyone else is able to host a stream. The current streamer keeps promoting his shitty patreon and banning shitgoodposters.

There was an article talking about that alt-right faggot in the segmentata fighting with a bunch of confederatefags at the monument. Looks like the guy was pissed because the confederates are making the 'movement' look bad.
I don't anyone is surprised by the fact that the alt-right is going full gamergate and trying to virtue signal by getting the statue taken down because of muh racism.

These people are so dramatic.


This black lady on the live stream is saying that blacks want this stuff, even if it represents slavery. Her reasoning, believe it or not, is that history should be preserved, regardless of politics and that if you just start selectively erasing or changing history, then you don't have an accurate record of what happened, which to many people is more important than white-washing history.

Big surprise there.

How do these people get from protest to protest? Soros busses? I live in California and Berkeley was too far, how do they make it to the South?

Quick question: why don't Trump & Sessions solve this?

Stickman and segmentata-chan keep leaping around the country like wild frog. Either they have superpowers/magic, or they're being paid by (((someone))) to show up.

They cant' If they tried anything then some federal judge in Hawaii would put the kibosh on it immediately.

How do you propose they solve a state rights issue?


Yeah it's really suspicious.

get an injunction (just like the injunctions against his travel bans), state intent to declare the monuments as federal memorials

lol jefferson davis wanted to free them. at least abe lincoln had the decency to want them sent back.

Has anyone considered tracking his movement and guessing how much money he's spending to travel? Maybe we could uncover something?

Really gets your noggin a joggin.

hey cool, i made that image.
just saying

What do you want a fucking medal?

To be fair, would you want to wear a cali hoodie?

Two important questions:
What can Holla Forums do about it?
Why should anyone care?

I doubt there is anything that can be done online that would prevent the statue from coming down, and the people who are in a position to do something about it aren't. There are way to prevent it from coming down. Be imaginative. If the statue isn't valuable enough for people in the area to risk anything for it then why should anyone care?
Go protect it or shut up.
Go protect it or shut up.

People keep thinking that at some point the left will be persuaded or at the very least start treating people fairly. They won't, so if you want to keep that statue go do something. If it's not worth risking your reputation, job, or life then why should anyone care?

NOLA pepes confirm, there used to be a bar nearby called Dixie Tavern. Passed by the other week and now it's not called that no more.

yes, a big gold medal with a giant dick on it, shooting swastika emblazoned nuclear missiles at the star of david.

Sad. It's probably called the John Podesta Pizza Plaza now.

The is actually a forgotten law on the books which deemed CSA veterans legally equivalent to USA veterans, which Trump could use to stop this desecration of Confederate memorials and monuments.

http ://

What is more likely to happen is more state-level protections of Confederate memorials like mentioned .I'm clueless as to why the Republican LA legislature didn't move to prevent this NOLA action. They had to know this was coming.

Pretending to be newfags is a very old shill tactic

There's a video with chapman talking about getting a video viral at a Berkeley battle. But when he got famous he said he never really was into computers. He also seems well positioned and groomed.

found your problem

Other Republican legislatures have done so, that's my point.

The LA legislature must be much more cucked than the others for some unknown reason. Maybe it's pressure from the tourism industry, New Orleans being more than a destination for Southern heritage.

This is a white nationalist message board. Anytime kikes try to shove their cultural marxist garbage down our throats and tear down symbols to white people to erect formless, meaningless degenerate art, white people around the world should stay informed as to the latest treachery of the jew.

A nationalist in France or Germany might not be able to do anything to stop a statue being torn down in the American South, just as we could do nothing to stop the Hitler's house from being demolished in Austria or Cecil Rhodes' statue from being torn down in South Africa. Nonetheless, we have a shared plight and if anti-white actions are occurring in one nation it won't be long before it comes to ours.

The fact that you have zero sympathy for the century-old monument to a white man being torn down indicates that you're not from around here. And you're probably a kike. Either learn to respect the white race, or fucking gas yourself.

I respect Trump, I voted for him, and I think Gorsuch is an excellent SCOTUS nominee and justifies Trump's election even if he accomplishes nothing else the rest of his term.

Nonetheless, let's not be delusional. Trump is a billionaire from NYC. He doesn't give a shit about Confederate monuments in New Orleans, and couldn't intervene in such a local affair even if he wanted to.

Precedent is never a promise. The confederate = evil racist scum meme that is planted in children's minds at school has been bearing fruit. It is becoming an increasingly suicidal move for career politicians to oppose efforts such as these. Think of the headlines.

Zero sympathy for people who do nothing, and I've probably been here longer than a self-righteous little shit like you. I bet you're under 23.


It's now 1:30 am local time. Can any anons on the ground give an update?

sage is nice, fuck off

Good idea!

They've added more barricades and completely closed the roads around the statue. Jeff Davis is still on his pedestal but it's only a matter of when, not if, he comes down tonight. I'll give him another 30 minutes.

Nothing, white people will just roll over and forget about it.

Kill yourself defeatist shill. You don't think white people are waking up? Four years ago, when it was Romney vs Obama, the thought that a Presidential candidate could run on a platform of building a border wall, deporting millions of spics and banning all muslim immigration was unthinkable. Obviously America is not a natsoc white ethnostate yet but the progress we've made it outstanding and the future only looks brighter. The more that jews push this blatant cultural marxism in our face, it will simply open up more white people's eyes.

That GMA guy got really triggered when people joked about gassing bagels.

Is it Happening Time yet?

Nope. No cranes yet and the monument is still in place

they're tearing down the statue of my ancestor. just more rage for the fire. no respect for history or opposing views. the propagandized drones don't know what world they are creating but I have no sympathy for their choices. they'll get theirs in spades. RIP Jefferson

There was a bomb threat about 30 min to an hour ago and they had to send K9 units to search both the right-wingers and antifa sides. This seems to have delayed the inevitable somewhat.

Don't worry even ungrateful niggers will have a place in wildlife conservation one day.

It must be nearly dawn. Is the statue safe?

Towing the vehicles of the pro-monument protestors now. Increased police presence.

The crane just arrived.

Well fucking block it. Upload pics of the workers. Do something.

This. Is anyone there to do something.

The crane operators are wearing masks and the DOT numbers have been removed.

Do any of you have molotovs? Throw molotovs at the crane if you do.

No thanks, officer. Holla Forums is a board of peace.

At least get video of the statue being taken down. If you can't stop it we can at least use a video for propaganda purposes to move normalfags further right

Let me guess, FBI and all of that right? Meanwhile, antifa talks about killing you on a daily basis and they walk free.

Why would normalfags care about some statue? If the locals don't care, most other whites probably won't. And those that do care are to pussy to do anything about it, so it doesn't matter.

Fucking pussies. At least get some eggs and make a mess of things.

Cast the first stone then, tough guy.

*too pussy
If nobody is there to fight and defend the statue, why show up at all?

Its not my history getting destroyed, since I'm not southern. But do something like this if you don't want to do anything of consequence. Or will the FBI come arrest you for littering too?

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.

This is just sad.

Then why aren't you doing something about it?


You've gotta be kiddin' me…

Because I live on the east coast, and I have no connection to "southern" heritage. It's none of my business. I'm white, but the statue is meaningless to me. I know why they're taking it down, and I know why people want to keep it up. I tend to side with the people who want to keep the statue because the only reason the niggers want it to come down is because it's a white guy, but I'm not going to be mad about it. Why should I get emotionally invested in something halfway across the country if the people who live there can't muster up opposition to the march of progress? I also don't care about Sweden. If they continue to allow themselves to get raped by their politicians and mudshits then why should I care? France? They got the leader they deserved. I'm out of care for people who sit around and let bad things happen to people, places, and objects that they tell others are important to them. If the statue is that important then save it, and I mean actually save it and not just show up with some signs to trigger some leftists. Organize something and save the statue. Buy it. Buy land. Display it. Steal it. Run naked past the cops as a distraction and have someone chain themselves to the damn thing. Go after the people who are taking it down. Anything other than an empty gesture that's only used to signal to others that you're the one who is really on right side of history. You can tell how important something is to a person by how much risk they take when defending it.

The outrage game is old and ineffective. Do or do not.

it would be extremely painful


We distopia now.

The locals care, we are doing what we can to bring attention to this. We fought it in (((court))) for two years.


If it wasn't for Virginia, you faggots would have no Constitution and a Federalist aristocracy to felate.

You would also have no example of what it's like for the Federal Government to go full on SJW and declare war on half of itself. Don't think that the Civil War was unavoidable. It was.

Taking down Jefferson Davis' statue is not as racially motivated as it is for erasing the overstepping by Lincoln and the brave men who stood up - slaves or no slaves.

I don't think you know anything. New Orleans is not the "South" and they have proven time and again to lack leadership in the face of powerful governmental forces.  Jackson had to literally whip them into shape to defend themselves from the British. Had he not been there, the populace would have rolled over and taken it up the ass.  Now, in the face of reminders of past mistakes (mainly on the Union side) being erased, they are complicit yet again. It's sad. The only people willing to stand up are kikes like David Duke and "muh stars and bars" hillbillies from Mobile and Bogalusa. I find myself siding with these people when I really don't want to, but they're on the right side in this case.

New Orleans' current mayor is Mitch Landrieu - brother of Mary Landrieu, former Louisiana Senator. Their father, Moon Landrieu, was the last white mayor before Mitch was elected. This is a politically connected family and are doing the bidding of forces outside of New Orleans. Blacks in New Orleans are not offended by these statues.

It is time for the citizenry of New Orleans to grow a pair and put a stop to this bullshit.

It's no coincidence that the Liberty Monument was taken first. It was removed once before in 1993. It commemorates an post-Civil War rebellion against faggot Carpet Baggers from the North. Post war rebellion erased. Check. Next is Jefferson Davis - President of the Confederacy. Amazing leader and full of amazing ideas make the Federal Government work for the States and strengthen the Union. Removed last night. Check.  Next on the hit list are 2 generals. They will remove Lee last because Lee Circle is literally a landmark in New Orleans and no one except out of town cucks and niggers are ashamed of it. If the bastards get their way and remove the Lee statue, people will still call it Lee Circle and mock whatever nigger statue is placed there.I predict they will not succeed in removing Lee. By then NOLA normies will have woken up.

In the past couple of years, they tore down the Robert E. Lee theater in Lakeview. The theater is on a street called Robert E. Lee. I hear they want to rename it. Good fucking luck.  These efforts will wake up the typical New Orleanian and there will be hell to pay.

so you dixie faggots were all talk let them take down your heritage monuments , SAD!


What are you so pissed about? I said the exact same thing.

this whole thing is hush hush no msm reporting no breitbart story, all in on it

also done after bigger story broke

It's a big statue

There's a story about it prominently on CNN, so you're kinda wrong.

the msm makes or breaks a story, they chose to not cover this story widely

Did the statue die yet or was it a bust?

google is your friend

Fucking niggers in New Orleans.

(just kidding google is a bunch of kikes, just use a non-Jew search engine next time)

Louisiana has been a den for corrupt politics for a very long time. This is all a PR move by Landrieu to set himself up to run for governor, and I have little doubt that he is paying people off to get it done.

Anons underestimating the dirty politics in chocolate city. New Orleans has been a Democrat wasteland for some time now. Getting anything conservative passed in the city is nearly impossible, as well as finding funds for such things.
Hell the police are barely funded as well. The reason they are going along with this is probably because their paychecks are being threatened.

What do you mean "widely"? Yeah, CNN isn't putting it in 72 bold faced Helvetica and screaming in everyone's face about it, but they are covering it.

Yep. It's gone. Nobody did anything to stop it.


220 Walker Road
P.O. Box 100
Belle Chasse, LA 70037
Office: (504)656-8996
Fax: (504)656-8998

And that's why I don't care. Have fun with your distractions.

Maybe if people were not willing to follow orders, (((they))) wouldn't be so powerful?


Foot soldiers are a dime a dozen and all want to make a buck. How much business do you think that guy will lose? Probably none. I'd bet he has a lot of contract jobs with the government.

What's more effective: Go after the Privates that are constantly churned out by the machine, or go after the Colonel that's running the machine?

"Just following orders"

shoo shoo jewfly

No, anyone who works for the Jew gets the axe.

Got any pictures of them? This is the first Brent Buford to come up on bing, and I'm pretty sure this isn't them.

And there will always be someone to follow those orders. Now answer the question:
What's more effective: Go after the Privates that are constantly churned out by the machine, or go after the Colonel that's running the machine?

That mad, huh?

Yeah buddy, keep going after the easily replaced golems. It's super-effective! You want to try answering the question:
What's more effective: Go after the Privates that are constantly churned out by the machine, or go after the Colonel that's running the machine?

I get it. You're pissed because I'm ruining your little fantasy, but tough shit. There will always be an easy target to distract you. That's what they're for. They're a meat shield. If you're content to continuously go after the bait then you're no better than those "just following orders". The only differences is they're getting paid to be a pawn.

Found them!

Are they Jews, or just cucks? I can't tell.

Fuck off, Brent.

good find

Be careful user. FBI could come and probe your anus for wrongthink.

If white workers refused to serve the Jew, the Jew would get nowhere.

Always kill a traitor before and enemy.

just saw this

Could people with twitter accounts start posting this picture in alt-right and southern circles?

Aww, I'm ruing your savior of the white race keyboard warrior fantasy.
Guess what? They're going to get the next contract for the next thing the government wants to tear down, but I'm sure you'll be back here again doing the same shit that has no effect. You just want to feel like you're accomplishing something.

There are ~12,000 Jews in New Orleans and I'm pretty sure none of them run an iron works. Doesn't seem to fit with their usual motif.

Cute kid, though. Shame she's going to grow up in a 68% nigger city.

Are we just supposed to believe that poster? Read the article, their house has a giant Budha statue in it and is designed to look like a bunch of non-white nations mixed together.

Her cuck father probably masturbates to the thought of his daughter being raped by a nigger.


Okay, then who did it?

Honest tweet or just deflection? Why was their company truck there?

Its on her facebook right now. She said they were trying to find out what company got the contract.

But you're not going after both. Time after time it's "we can go after both" and that never happens.
Pawns. All of you. There is an endless supply of traitors. You just want to go after soft targets because you don't want to risk anything. Admit it. You're comfortable playing internet race warrior, and you don't want to upset that comfort.

Look at this. You dipshits are even going after the wrong pawns. Fucking hilarious! The woman just came out publicly and said "We will not participate in any aspect of monument removal". The owner of the company just came out on your side and put her business at risk by going against the established outcome and you dumb niggers come up with this:

You're fucking cowards. That's why you go after soft targets, and when it turns out you have the wrong target you try to find an excuse to keep going after them, so you don't have to take any risk going after the puppeteer. White fucking trash. This is why I don't give a shit about you outrage pimps. You don't care about whites. You only care about moralizing and appearing morally righteous.

Human garbage.

piss off kike

What the fuck are you doing?

And who would be the puppeteer, oh wise one?

You're the kike going after a white family that just came out on your side. Admit you were wrong faggot. I dare you. Even on an anonymous board that embarrassment still stings doesn't it?

Calling out the human filth polluting the white gene pool.

I don't know smart guy. Who ordered the removal of the statue? You want to start there?

shoo shoo jew boy

The people of the City of New Orleans. Derp.

Who is their representative? Get smart.

Keep attacking white families because you're too cowardly to go after the real enemy Mr. Keyboard race warrior

Wow, fuck off kike boy.

A white family that removes white monuments is a traitor. There's no getting around that fact, kike,

The City Council and the courts. Do you realize that this is a battle that's been going on since December 2015 - in the local legislative and court system? Or did you think this just happened yesterday? Fucking tourists, man.

It's a 68% nigger city with a nigger city council and nigger judges. What the fuck did you expect? A handful of Confeds were going to waltz in and take over? It ain't that easy.

Fucking loser man. You lost. You had options and you chose to lose.

Apparently they didn't remove it you stupid shit.

Oh but you are the dumb nigger that posted this so you clearly have to double-down:

What tells me a lot about you isthe first thing that came to your mind when seeing that picture of that little white girl was her father masturbating to her getting fucked by a nigger. If you're not a kike your white trash. Both of which get the gas.

Typical east coast liberal. Filtered.

I guess east coast liberals are more pro-white then "muh southern heritage" whites. What's the matter? Did I pop your little bubble of internet "activism".
Amazing. Absolutely amazing. Must suck that one guy can ruin your LARPing that easily.

He's not counting on the fact that since his father was mayor, all New Orleans mayors have faced Federal prosecution.

Why don't we protest to have some MLK bullshit torn down? Just point out that he was a communist and an agitator.

Or how about point out all the "racist" things Abe Lincoln said and get the niggers to tear down their own symbol of emancipation?

More than that.


off topic, but do any of you guys have the video or link to the video of rand paul getting autistic about "illegal immigrants" where he's offended that they were called illegal?

i cant find this video interview ANYWHERE and its driving me fucking crazy.

I'm more surprised by argument man's tweet. The Final Argument when?

He's referring to cuckchan. It's okay for normalfags to refer to 4/pol/ now to signal their edginess because it's just memes. They're not serious. Milo said so. 4/pol/ is the secret club everyone knows about and that everyone is a part of.

Didn't argument man already make a speech where he said something like "there are no arguments left to make"?

Sounds like a final argument to me.

As if that Brony-tier moeshit of yours is any better.

Might as well just leave it to the first post paid shill if that's what you're gonna bring to the table.

Black pussy you say?

Which is good, because it exposes people to 8/pol/ propaganda that's been sent over, without flooding 8/pol/ with normalfag cancer.

I've been seeing an increase in off-topic shitposting and general faggotry in threads. Lots of inane deflections and strange rebuttals, over-reactions and general fuckery. Shills are becoming increasingly more stupid and/or lazier.

So much for Murricans and their guns.

I'm gonna start calling you guys Swedes now.

Where is it now?


The only trash here is the D&C kike shitting up the thread and won't even take his own advice and "do something".
So what is it that you're gonna do boy?

Surprisingly, that is actually not true, jews are very involved in the scrap metal business. It's similar to how they used to be rag pickers, they get something essentially free and then sell it. Scrap metal is worth a lot more today, but most scrap yards were established back when scrap metal had little value decades ago, and a surprising number of scrap yards are owned by jews. Another reason is that most cities/zoning boards are resistant to allowing new scrap yards, so they like to own them because they know they're unlikely to have new competition any time soon, they like the restricted/government protected status of the scrap business.




really faggot