Buzz Aldrin to NASA: Retire the International Space Station ASAP to Reach Mars

Mindlessly copy/pasted from article:

If NASA and its partner agencies are serious about putting boots on Mars in the near future, they should pull the plug on the International Space Station (ISS) at the earliest opportunity, Buzz Aldrin said.

"We must retire the ISS as soon as possible," the former Apollo 11 moonwalker said Tuesday (May 9) during a presentation at the 2017 Humans to Mars conference in Washington, D.C. "We simply cannot afford $3.5 billion a year of that cost."

Instead, Aldrin said, NASA should continue to hand over activities in low Earth orbit (LEO) to private industry partners. Indeed, the space agency has been encouraging that move by awarding contracts to companies such as SpaceX, Orbital ATK and Boeing to ferry cargo and crew to and from the ISS. [Buzz Aldrin's Visions for Mars (Video)]

Bigelow Aerospace, Axiom Space or other companies should build and operate LEO space stations that are independent of the ISS, he added. Ideally, the first of these commercial outposts would share key orbital parameters with the station that China plans to have up and running by the early 2020s, to encourage cooperation with the Chinese, Aldrin said.

Establishing private outposts in LEO is just the first step in Aldrin's plan for Mars colonization, which depends heavily on "cyclers" — spacecraft that move continuously between two cosmic destinations, efficiently delivering people and cargo back and forth.

"The foundation of human transportation is the cycler," the 87-year-old former astronaut said. "Very rugged, so it'll last 30 years or so; no external moving parts."

Step two involves the international spaceflight community coming together to build cyclers that ply cislunar space, taking people on trips to the moon and back. Such spacecraft, and the activities they enable, would allow the construction of a crewed lunar base, where humanity could learn and test the techniques required for Mars colonization, such as how to manufacture propellant from local resources, Aldrin said.

Then would come Earth-Mars cyclers, which Aldrin described as "an evolutionary development" of the prior cyclers.

Aldrin foresees these various cycler iterations enabling a crewed mission to a near-Earth asteroid by 2020 and a Venus flyby by 2024. If all goes well, the first future Mars settlers could launch in the early 2030s, he said.

And they will be settlers, not just visitors, if Aldrin's vision comes to pass.

"Let's be certain that we've developed a sustainable plan to stay on Mars," he said. "No flags and footprints this time."

The ISS is currently funded through 2024, and officials of NASA, the Russian federal space agency and other partners have floated the possibility of extending the $100 billion outpost's life through 2028. NASA officials have repeatedly said that the ISS is a key part of the agency's "Journey to Mars" vision, which aims to get astronauts to the vicinity of the Red Planet sometime in the 2030s.


Other urls found in this thread: Meade Bioeffects_of_Selected_Non-Lethal_Weapons.pdf

We got bigger fucking issues to deal with than to be concerned with Mars. I'm at that point where we should put him and Stephen Hawkings on a rocket ship with coordinates to hit Mars like a fucking missile.

Both remind me of your baby boomer cucks who just continue to flee and flee. Now they want to do it on a galactic scale. Fuck off. You're stuck with us.



Space isn't for you goy.

Isn't the ISS living on borrowed time anyway? Seem to recall a few years back that it was supposed to be fully deserviced some time around 2015.

The ISS is American-funded welfare to Russian rocket scientists, to keep them employed and occupied in Russia so that they don't all sell their services to other nations like Iran and North Korea.

So we should get rid of the Earth space station because it costs too much money to supply it and build a Mars surface colony instead so we can supply astronauts from 10000+ times farther away. Great argument, "Buzz"

I am so fucking sick of hearing about Mars when it comes to space exploration. What the fuck are humans going to do on Mars that probes and rovers can't? Analyze some rocks and soil a bit faster (thought more expensively and in a more challenging mission) than the rovers? Fuck off. Stop this waste of time/money and increase unmanned exploration of the Solar system. Land something on Europa. Get orbiters around Uranus and Neptune. Send probes to the other dwarf planets like Eris and Sedna. Mars is one of the least interesting places in the Solar system but it's all anyone talks about.

Sage for not being Holla Forums related.

nigger or just retarded?
yeah, because landing on the mars will immediately lead to some fucking cowboy bebop shit
just like after we landed on the moon
oh wait…

That's because it's the only feasible planet to attempt a colony on at the moment. If we can't even accomplish that then how the fuck are we going to colonize Jupiter's moons or whatever the fuck you're suggesting? We have to start somewhere. The moon could be it too but it's even deader than Mars and would actually make more sense if a Moon colony was orbital and not on the ground given the surface conditions.

How the fuck is this not Holla Forums related? Buzz is talking about pulling funding for the ISS so we can attempt to compete with other nations' space programs. Is this not political?

Being a multiplanetary species is critical to our existance.

Imagine a doomsday event (meteorite, solar flare) happening to Earth. It would be nice to have a colony on Mars.

wouldnt you colonize the moon first?

Like what? Rolling around in the dirt with and having arguments with savages over patches of desert? Those distractions will NEVER END. We must pursue our destiny and reach the stars.

I don't want my ancestors stuck on this fucking rock. Space travel is top priority, above all else, with the sole exception of preserving the existence of the European people.

This'd be a great scenario for us

Wouldn't be the first time.

There IS no escape, the battle happens here, on our home world.

That moon conspiracy nut is going to die before a man sets foot on Mars.

Reminder that NASA gets 5 million dollars from taxpayers each fucking day.

Aldrin is only 87, he could easily live to 100+ and still be active, mentally and physically.
There are 20 year olds here who will be in the ground or a wheelchair before him.

Reminder that NASA should just be part of defense spending and not its own separate entity.

Bit harsh, he may be a Masonic son of a bitch but he has been to the Moon. I wouldn't call him a nut, he knows how to create media hype is all.

Nah. NASA has never been to space and as far as I've digged I figured no one has.

Dubs says NASA is a massive tax fraud

I never understood how the red-pilled community shifted into believing NASA, along with the rest of the kosher neo-clown shift

You can't even do basic math, you dumb nigger.

Me neither, the idea of spaceflight and trillions of planets sounds all cool but it is nothing more than a fairy tale to poison the goy mind while stealing their money.
Every theory and explanation they make for shit is always a lie and contradicts everything.
Those Flat Earth faggots might sound retarded but I understand why they don't even believe the earth is round and rather get conclusions by observing shit on the ground they live on.

Really? Research how much they steal nowadays

Yeah, really. They don't get 5 million a day, they get 50 million. Basic arithmetic, retard.


You mean 50million a day? Last time I've check it was 5.

I also recommend to every NASA believing faggot to watch this


I agree, which is why we should end all aid to Israel.

I am sorry that I have to break it to you in this way but Wernher von Braun is a total fraud.

NASA is nothing but a program to trick civilian scientists into doing military R&D. Which is why it's so fucking terrible at actual exploration. That's just a smokescreen for its actual purpose.

Well, I get what he's saying, but anyone can just say "It costs money, so don't do it." Does He actually have any kind of expertise or merit in this field? I've been to Italy, that doesn't make me a historian of the Roman Empire, I just rode a plane there and back. Is this just another "celebrity telling us what to do" article?

Spacetravel = more jewish bullshit

Nothing has and nothing will ever get much farther than 50,000 feet from the surface. It isn't possible.

You guys ever notice that rockets start to turn sideways as they ascend? Why is that? Shouldn't they be going up? It is because ever single one that has ever been launched has been intentionally crashed into an empty part of the ocean a couple minutes later. Nobody sees it because it is so far away which allows the kikes to push the narrative that it went into space. More shekles go into ((their)) bank acount and another rocket is built. Rinse and repeat.

It's fucking sad ANYBODY falls for this obvious bull.

What do they pay per post for this kind of well-poisoning?

This is a great idea and all but it will not turn out in our favor. We all know that the United States is a farce controlled by Internationalist Jews. Therefore, NASA too is a farce controlled by Internationalist Jews. NASA's purpose for going to Mars will not be to secure an existence for the white race (which is the only thing that matters at this point in time).

Live there and build a civilization.


Satellites don't exist! You heard it here first guys. GPS is a scam and only knows where you are because you have a tiny jew following you around and reporting your location to the grand conspiracy headquarters.

Reminds me of that card from the Illuminati game related to flat earth fags, that they werent right but know that something was up.

All this Mars talk is about is putting on a show for idiots like and . It's about establishing a narrative to excuse hoarding money. It's not possible and there is nothing there. It is just one of ten thousand dots in the night sky we happened to name. Then we told so many stories about it, modern numales have actually come to believe it is somewhere you can go.

Have you seen how many cell towers there are? Your goyphone finding your location is simple triangulation between the nearest couple towers.

Have fun, Moshe. I know you will

Nigger how fast do you think EM radiation travels? The first video broadcast any alien will ever see from our planet is Hitler setting off the Olympics betting that the signal could be put back together well enough given these aliens have excellent compute times for reconstruction.

Why do you think Aliens don't contact us?

ZERO surprise the firestarter media flat earth kikes decided to show up at the same time.


Someone's never played Kerbal Space Program.

Because antifa won on their world. Or in reality they don't exist.

As for the rest of your post, it doesn't matter how fast EM radiation goes. Where is it going? Every shred of information about space comes from ((central information sources)) so like everything else they say it is probably all made up to push some kind of money grubbing scheme. Just look at who the majority shareholders are of the major companies in the space industry and all will become clear.

Oh shit…

Fuck off firestarter shill.


Fuck off Sinead.

Kill yourself firestarter shill.

Fuck off to wherever you came from.

This is the most pathetic forced meme I've ever seen.

We're going to have space colonies and there's nothing you niggers can do about it.

Oh wow, you sure showed me

Kill yourself.

Try again shill

muh dick

You know you can point a laser at the moon and get a return signal because astronauts left mirrors there to measure the exact distance rght?

Go watch a video on orbital mechanics. People can't even keep pizzagate secret and you think millions of engineers, astronauts, scientists, and assorted support personnel have been lying for over 50 years?

Prove that those aren't just made up. You can't. QED
t. expert

t. big guy Holla Forums space expert


Are you a nigger? You don't think white people can go to the moon?

look at all the craters on mars…. pretty sure it happens there way more often

would we age slower on mars ??

hate to break it to you but they can't get to mars …. its just the firmament up there…. space exploration is just a robbery though its completely 100% fabricated

the earth is quite obviously flat, no one has seen the ball earth ever because it doesnt exist… those videos from the ISS are so obviously faked its hilariously pathetic

they probably could, because it's a lot closer than they say it is. about equal distance as the sun and the same size. they probably already have shit built up there. rich kikes go up there and hit golf balls down to earth

Put effort into your b8, m8.

Seriously, I just went out with my shitty little telescope as a kid and got this pic of the full moon

Here's the thing about the moon. Every time you add mass to it, you alter the tides on Earth. That could be catastrophic.

Its less that and more like the fact Mars is actually more livable than the Moon despite being further from the Sun. For one thing microgravity is actually fairly damaging to the human body, another thing is the moon barely has any gravity to block solar radiation. Granted, Mars doesn't have much atmosphere either but it is much thicker than the moons. Considering Martian gravity is very similar to Earth and the Equator is a cozy 70 degrees F and Mars sounds like a fairly okay place to live

If NASA faked all of the "ball Earth" footage, why did they make this footage of UFOs in orbit? They tried to brush them off as "shooting stars" at the time (meteorites don't shoot from the Earth into space, though…), and now their shitty explanation is that they are "ice crystals from the waste tank dump" (doesn't explain acceleration/deceleration/turning, though…).

Time stamp link of embed: https://

translation: reallocate ISS propagandists to manufacture mars footage.

Any space exploration done using rocket technology is a scam, a black hole money pit for secret projects, as well as "we're making progress as a species!" bread and circus for the masses.

The US government has reverse engineered anti-gravity craft. Just remember that any time you hear about spending money on anything space related. It's all a scam and a show.

Seriously, the Roswell crash was real. After that, the US government started shooting down tons of UFOs using high powered radar. They've had reverse engineered craft for decades.

Do you believe USA grows and shrinks drastically? That's what NASA shows.


Aliens its part of UFO PSYOPS to cover for electrostatic craft, and dismiss bubbles seen in "space walk" pools as muh aliens.

muh dust spec faggotry is gay. pic retarded. And the imaginations go wild!


You're wrong (or just lying): I've encountered the greys face to face multiple times. So have millions of other humans.

UFOs are a well documented phenomenon (even before Tesla's time), as is the Roswell crash and the US government's cover up of the incident. Guess what? The Roswell ship was a Trojan Horse: We used the technology to build the Internet and our current computer tech, and the ayy lmaos have used it to study us for nefarious purposes. We have exposed our hearts and souls online, and now they are using this information to control and subvert us.

To any anons who have not taken the real ayy pill yet, the above will sound like lunacy, and you probably see my bickering with the Flat Earth cuck as two fools arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. However, I implore you to watch the embedded video. It's a talk given by a man name Richard Thieme at Defcon. He recently published a book called 'UFOS and Government: A Historical Analysis', the only book on the subject of UFOs that is included in university libraries (because of its scholarly merit – it consists only of documents obtained from the US government via FOIA).

Aliens are real (more than one species is harassing Earth), they're hostile, and the US government has known about this since the late 1940s and has hidden it from the public. The shadow government/Jews reverse engineered the technology and are hiding it from us for reasons of power and control.

Also, Flat Earth cuck, if you don't believe the Earth is a sphere, why don't you project your astral body and fly up there and see for yourself? We live on a planet, and there are many, many planets in this universe. NASA is indeed a front, but you haven't answered my question as to why they would bother creating "fake" footage from the Discovery shuttle missions is the 90s that includes UFO footage they have been trying to sweep under the rug for over a decade now.

Science fiction is fun when understood as harmless entertainment, dangerous if you actually believe in that shit

shit. this link is not coming up for me right now. Here's an

You're being willfully ignorant. USAF admitted to making "unidentified objects" with flying craft using holographic technology for PSYOPs. It's right there in the link.

It was a page archived from the USAF admitting to having holographic technology, pic related is from that page.

USAF claims to be able to project 3D images. Application of tech was for PSYOPs, to mislead / distract low-tech opponents, and also to cloak ships.

I believe them because we now have the beginning of such tech in the commercial sector, which has been trying to come out for decades, but was suppressed until kikestarter allowed crowdfunding.

Furthermore, you can use projectors and lasers to create images on clouds. In daylight you use a dark cloud and brighten the whole thing with a projector, then put slides / images in front of it. This has been seen all over the place:

Do that with a "UFO", especially at night, and just project the bright image. It's this water projection tech we've seen since the 50's.

I'm sure military has scaled up this commercially available "hologram" and 3D projection technology. They admit they have such capabilities.

That's where those UFO lights come from that move around "too fast" to be standard craft. UFO hunters are like cats chasing a laser pointer, "It's so fast! It can't be of this world!"

If you think about it, you would have to have something to confuse the public / russians / chinese, for when you do your real craft tests. The spots of light in the sky confuse / mask capabilities of the real UFOs, such as this last pic related "flying saucer" hover craft which was made in coordination with Canada.

I've provided cold hard evidence of real tech you can witness for yourself.

"muh UFOs" I just told you, electrostatic craft are not fake, but they're not Muh Aliens either.

"Aliens" is propaganda. We have no evidence of that shit. We've got cold hard evidence of "lights in the sky" and secret aircraft. That's all.

Have another video from CES making 3D images in the air with lasers.

Video embedded
In the UK a TV show was set up where they found the most gullible drone goys through a careful selection process in identifying the most easily gulled goys and faked an entire space mission for 10 days, having them sat in a 4D hydraulic cinema for the entire time.

The series was a hoax at the expense of its contestants, who were told they were being trained as cosmonauts at a Russian military base before undergoing a five-day trip into low earth orbit. In reality, the entire series was filmed in Suffolk, and the contestants did not leave the ground. The series was accompanied by a behind-the-scenes sister show Space Cadets: The Satellite Show, with interviews and phone-ins.

*Event lasted 5 days, TV series spread over 10 days

UFOs exist, it's a proven fact, and the abduction phenomenon has been well documented for decades now. I've embedded two videos in this thread: One that shows video footage recorded from NASA's Discovery shuttle missions in the 90s that reveals hundreds of UFOs in orbit around Earth (you can watch them leave and enter the atmosphere, start/stop, make sharp turns etc.), and the other video is a presentation that is based on hard documents obtained from the US government.

Here is a link to Thieme's slides from the Defcon talk (and attached is a screenshot from them): https: //

Can your puny little mind handle the truth?

No it really has never been proven
Yup solvent sniffing remote country bumpkin poorly educated farmers have given some amazing testimonies of some dream/hallucination they had.
You are right in that there is a lot of documented cases of unwell people making these claims, like they do with reptilians, unicorns, big foot etc.
Yet still no actual proof of any of this shit.


Well, that got taken down too. Here's an example:

We have tons of video evidence of UFOs, TONS, dating even back to during WW2. We also have eye witness testimony from many high ranking government officials. We also have historical evidence: government documents. How about you read this book (attached image) and then write us an article debunking the hundreds of US government documents that reveal how they learned about and covered up the UFO phenomenon?

I don't doubt they have that technology now. But the UFO phenomenon has been documented for hundreds of years, reaching a crescendo during and after WW2. Did the USAF use holograms to fake all of the UFOs seen by WW2 fighter pilots (on both sides of the war?). The answer is no, they did not (if they had that technology in WW2, they would have used it against the axis).

Aliens are real, and I'm not happy about this. You are all laughing at me for sharing the fact that I am an abductee, but I am not laughing about it. My abduction experiences were horrifying and I'm not at all happy about them or think it's "cool science fiction". No one has anything to gain by saying they are an abductee, but I don't care anymore because I think we are in grave danger. I think the hostile ETs have subverted the US deep state.

I can project a movie with actors in it. Dose not mean they people acting are not real.

I know right? Ayy lmaos. It seems like a dumb meme, but it's true.

The problem is that we have been conditioned by CIA propaganda since we were born to think anyone who says they've seen a UFO or thinks aliens are here is a lunatic, and this too is documented. The National Enquirer is run by the CIA, for example, and was in fact initially created to discredit the UFO phenomenon.

Our minds have been inundated with campy "history channel documentaries" about people who saw a UFO or think they were abducted, or about for example the Roswell crash. That media is very carefully created to discredit the notion of alien visitation to our planet, as well as discredit those who say they have had an experience. It's pure disinformation.

Consider how you once believed the holohoax, we've been similarly conditioned to reject the idea of UFOs and alien visitation as preposterous. Think about how you feel when you try to talk to a normie about the holohoax. That's exactly how I feel talking to people about the fact of alien visitation to our planet, and even to most anons.

I'm really sick of this, because understanding the fact that there is an extraterrestrial presence exhibiting influence on us and our planet could be crucial to us defeating the Jews. The Jews cut some kind of deal with some of the ETs in the 1950s (look up Majestic 12 – Rockefeller was one of the original members), and they are the ones who decided to hide it from us (knowledge is power).

I mean just think of the implications with regards to the space industry, it basically proves the whole thing is a sham (but we do have rocket tech for putting satellites into orbit – and by the way you can observe satellites with the naked eye, or a telescope, Flat Earth cucks). Knowing that the government has reverse engineered anti-gravity craft makes any news about traveling to Mars immediately irrelevant, and you know it's a lie. Look how many anons are wasting their breath in this thread talking about the possibilities of colonizing Mars using ancient rocket technology. So much wasted time and mental effort.

Lies are like curses, and the truth will set you free. Unfortunately, the truth is very dark, and integrating it in a healthy way takes a lot of time and energy. Realizing we are not "alone" in the universe, and are in fact in a state of war with non-human entities, is a huge contextual shift. It begins to make more sense when you realize the alien agenda is being pushed by the United Nations (look up 'Agenda 21'/'Agenda 2030' – anti-human environmental communist bullshit that serve to protect the planet from us useless humans).

The funny thing is that the Flat Earth cucks spamming NASA videos at me in this thread don't seem to realize that the revelations I'm giving here vindicate their beliefs that NASA is a total fraud. I don't disagree with you there, but now you know exactly what kind of a fraud they are. They aren't hiding the shape of our planet, they're hiding the fact that our technology is far more advanced that they make it appear to be, as well as the physical presence of extra-terrestrials on and around the Earth. NASA also serves as a huge money black hole, money that is used to do things like build deep underground military bases (many of these bases are not declassified, by the way, look it up).

Go to any public school in the world in the last 20 years and ask the students if they believe in aliens, the majority will put their hands up in agreement, after decades of CIA brainwashing it is no longer taboo or crazy to believe in aliens.
That is the result of the decades of CIA mindfuckery, not what you claim.

The only problem sci-fi addicts have is that there is literally no proof whatsoever of aliens life making any contact with humans outside of their own delusions, hallucinations and dream-states.

UFO = Unidentified Flying Object. That means any shit you see in the sky that the government gives you no official explanation for.

Unknown flying shit does not mean muh aliens exist.

In my city we had "fiery UFOs" drifting over down town. It made the news for days. Turned out, it had been Chinese New Years and people lit off those flaming flying lantern things, then didn't say shit because it was a fire hazard.

Thousands of people seeing Unknown Flying Shit does not mean aliens exist.

Ancient technology was more advanced than academic historians admit. Ancient flying machines could have existed. This does not mean Extra Terrestrial Aliens exist. There are isolated tribes who think sky gods exist and gift them presents for praying when our cargo planes drop humanitarian aide. If an ancient Aryan flying machine flew over and some semites, Mayans, Incas, Chinese, etc. wrote it down, that doesn't mean aliens exist. They also "documented" that Muhammad flew to heaven on a winged horse. So fucking what?

I have seen a lot of weird shit, and even experienced energy weaponry: Meade Bioeffects_of_Selected_Non-Lethal_Weapons.pdf
I've seen nothing that I could not explain as terrestrial craft and human technology.

And as for the group delusion of alien abduction: I had several "alien encounters" when I was a kid. Before abduction, they froze me with a beam and terrified me. I could barely mutter "help" while I was trying to scream at the top of my lungs. I saw the Grey alien walk right up to me, I could hear it in my mind. I couldn't move to pull the covers over my head, so I shut my eyes and felt myself floating. Then I blanked out in fear. I woke back up in my bed, after what few like a few minutes had passed. I don't know how much time passed that first time. The next time I made a point to look at the clock. Only 2 minutes passed. At first I thought maybe they reset the clocks, then I thought maybe they froze time, or time moved differently. Only one time did I see the inside of a ship, surrounded by grays and weird lizard aliens that had beaks for eyes and feathers where their mouths should be. I saw a black goo like substance that flowed all around the walls like it was alive, and it tried to get inside me.

Guess what it was? Sleep Paralysis: Dreaming while you're awake. My body was sleeping, I had my eyes open and I was immobilized because the brain prevents movement while sleeping. It felt like a weight on my chest, because of the shallow breathing that sleeping induces. The hallucinatory being was just a dream I could see in my vision for a few minutes. The hyper-vigilance state of the Amygdala is active in such events and causes the feeling of "something watching" an intruder. I passed out in fright, as goats and rabbits due when too much danger is sensed. There was no alien. I dreamed I saw a lot of the shit that I watched on Unsolved Mysteries and The X-Files, enhanced by my own dreams. Sometimes I would slip back into the dreams, that's when I saw the ship.

Sleep paralysis is the cause of the Night Mare – An evil witch / mare who sits on your chest and sucks your energy out, sometimes associated with wet dreams, as the subject may wake prematurely while ejaculating and still paralyzed and dreaming, thus giving rise to the succubus myth. Thus the word "Nightmare" is born. This was documented in ancient times, all over the world. It does not prove there is really a witch that sits on people's chests and paralyzes them while sucking away their life energy.

In addition to aliens I also saw angels and demons at my bedside, and ghosts, etc. It's all just dreams. Lots of people have these same hallucinations. I learned to just wait them out, until my body regains motor control, and the dream goes away. To treat sleep paralysis eat better, take vitamins, sleep on a regular schedule.

My point is that: We have no hard evidence that extra-terrestrial aliens exist. Stop deluding yourself. I posted proof of UFOs. Here's an article that discusses the declassified flying saucer:

This doesn't mean aliens exist.

I think I have standing to say this, as someone who has had many encounters including "alien abductions": Extra Terrestrial Aliens Do Not Exist.

Stop being a dumbass.

So in your books: Video evidence is not proof, eye witness testimony is not proof, government documents are not proof. Gotcha.

All of those things are admissible as evidence in a court of law.

Let me guess, you think the CIA is covertly brainwashing us to believe aliens are real so they can fake a war with aliens as part of the plan for global enslavement? Your mind is caught in a false dichotomy, it's possible that both could be true: Aliens are real, and they could use reverse engineered craft to simulate an invasion that needs to be repelled. I'm not saying that this is what is going on (I really don't know), but one does not logically preclude the other.

Why don't you just go ahead and call me an anti-semite while you're at it?

For fucks sake, you're the one who is claiming the planet we live on is some kind of infinite plane, and that somehow the hiding of this knowledge is what gives the Jews control over our minds.

I know what sleep paralysis is, I can induce astral projection. There is a big difference between natural sleep paralysis and sleep paralysis induced by an alien abduction. They are not the same at all. You can induce paralysis intentionally (or have it happen spontaneously) and have a wonderful experience that is not fraught with terror of any kind, and if you like you can pop out of your body and have a look around (there are many books written about this, I recommend 'Journeys out of the Body' by Robert Monroe).

You sir, are an abductee. You're in denial because of how traumatic the experience's were; you and millions of other human beings. It's a lot easier to deal with the idea of a bad dream than it is to accept that you had your free will violated by ayy lmaos. Join the fucking club.

No, it doesn't mean that, but that evidence coupled with eye witness testimony from well respected government officials around the world, along with government documents detailing alien contact and technology retrieval, does. The Roswell crash is out of the bag now, why don't you go and do some research? Ignorance is a choice in this age.

Stop being a pussy and accept you are an abductee. (Embed is Bud Hopkins, he helped a lot of young children move past their abduction experiences.)

How big was the aliens dick?


Emded is a film of UFOs flying over the white house in 1952. Fighter jets were scrambled.

Here's Canada's former defense minister Paul Hellyer testifying that UFOs are real: https://

Here's a video of Mexican border patrol airplanes seeing UFOs on infrared (it apparently happens all the time): https://

Do you have any idea how many dying old men have begun spilling the beans? https://

ITT, anons claim to have been abducted by aliens, they cite this as absolute undeniable proof for us to believe.

That's an amazing embed, like Disney's fantasia in glorious technicolour.
Looks legit

Gee, that's not propaganda at all! Come the fuck on, mate.

Again, lights in the sky, thermally visible because derp, air craft and laser light shows are thermal.

Prove they're not propagandists. You think dying old men don't have families that govs could go after as a threat to keep dying old men quiet? How do you think pedogate works?

"UFOs are REAL!" does not mean aliens are real. Many people who see top secret craft in the military are not cleared to know anything about them other than to STFU.

We have no proof that aliens exist. We have no proof that anyone even goes to outer space. All we have is propaganda and speculation that suggests this is the case based on now declassified secret aircraft and some laser light shows / projections.

Here is a vid of an electrostatic ionocraft, like the one seen flying around in my back yard.

It's a well documented (including government documents) incident, there were hundreds of witnesses:

Is that the only evidence I gave? It's not (and I don't consider it evidence as such, just a heartfelt testimony from one user to another). I've given tons of videos of UFOs, videos of eyewitness testimony (government officials around the globe), and a recently published history book about UFOs that is included in university libraries (the only book on the subject that has that distinction).

Pretty disappointed in you, anons. For people who have broken much of the Jews' conditioning, somehow when presented with all of this evidence you bury your heads in the sand.

Nelson Rockefeller was part of Majestic 12, the group Eisenhower formed and tasked with dealing with the UFO "problem" (this is also documented). The Jews are involved, now will you investigate?

What has the ISS actually produced of note over the last 10 years or so? Never bothered to check what they were pissing money up the wall on.

Then what's up there? And what's on the other side of that?

Prove that they are.

But why don't you take a closer look at Paul Hellyer then, the former Canadian defense minister. He has spent the last years of his life blowing the whistle not only on the UFO phenomenon and how the Canadian government kept it secret, but also on how the Jews control the world via the banking system (he wrote a book called 'The Money Mafia'). Do you think if he was a propagandist for the Jews he would be warning us about usury?

See this Canadian UFO (3rd pic related)

Built while your Canadian defense minister was serving. Derp.

My point is that "aliens" is clearly an admitted PSYOP to distract and deflect attention from man made aircraft. If your source is a government official then I'm calling PSYOPs on that shit, since they lie about everything else.

Here's a vid where Ronald Regan admits it would be great for the New World Order if there were an alien threat.

NWO shills shilling for aliens? Gee, you don't say.

So you won't accept goverment documents or testimony of government officials, nor will you accept testimony and research from non-goverment employed citizens. Who does that leave?

All that you are saying is that nothing will convince you unless an ayy lmao takes aboard a ship itself. Oh wait, that probably did happen to you as you admit to an abduction experience by the greys above, but you write it off as a "bad dream". Funny how millions of other humans have had the exact same "bad dream" as you, quite a coincidence.

Reagan took office in 1981, well after the time the aliens subverted the US government. How about you listen to Eisenhower here in the embed warn about the power falling into the hands of the military industrial complex? The man is talking about the beginnings of the US deep state/shadow government that is in control of the alien technology.

I'm out of here, enjoy being cucked by the Jewish Flat Earth meme.

The only thing we know for a fact is that NASA and our government is lying about pretty much everything.
What they are lying about and to what limit and extent of that is unknown.
Yet that is all we actually know.

That $19B just issued to NASA, I sure hope it brings us lots of wonderful Hollywood movies of hazy landscapes that could just as easily been filmed in Greenland or Death Valley

This thread got retard really fast. GG, Flat earth and ayy lmao fags.

Not forgetting retards that actually believe a solitary word NASA says

Be that as it may, psychosis is very real. I've talked with a bipolar patient during one of his manic episodes. He was absolutely convinced that the day before he had accidentally shot down a satellite with a death ray that had fired from his mind. It was interesting to hear how this story evolved over the next few days when the antipsychotics started to work. Eventually it seemed that perhaps he had seen the sun flashing off an airplane. No prompting of possible explanations, but rather simply asking him about what he thought happened a few days ago.

Don't even get me started on the schizos and their psychotic "experiences" and memories. The common trope of hyper-religious ideas in schizophrenia is fascinating as well.

A robbery? Does anybody on here know English anymore?

Fuck off we space Impurium soon.

Itt: shills and cucks who don't know about space exploration.

NASA started to die after 1969. It wasn't that we couldnt get beyond the moon, or the Soviets had given up. It was because ((Civil rights)) took over, and the space program became a waste of money. Furthermore, money that could have gone to fund more research and missions instead went to welfare.
Things really went downhill in the 80s, when it was more important to send a black woman into space than it was to develop a moon base or build our own large space station. There's an interesting theory that star trek was used to bring diversity into space.
Tldr: niggers ruined space.

How would black people prevent us from achieving a Landing on the Moon? Especially considering that the technology the lying NASA org claimed took them to the Moon in 1969 has been exponentially exceeded since to the tune of 6,000,000.
Yet we don't have the capabilities and haven't in the last 40 years.


We don't do things because they are easy, you fucking shill.

yes it does
depending on the altitude at which you take the picture
because spherical topology
you moron

So why are the continents completely different sizes in relation to all the other NASA images

if you're too stupid to understand aperture, perspective and the basics of 3d geometry, you shouldn't try to make believe that h8chan is as dumb as a flatearther to scare people away from coming here
have you found how to delete the (you) in the screenshots you take to prove your bosses you deserve your 0.02$hekel$ ?

No again you're writing as though you understand but evidently you don't.

Of course different satellites at different heights will make the sizes differ from one to another satellite in a different part of space..
However a picture of the Earth taken from the same satellite will have every continent in perspective in relation to that particular satellites distance.
Your argument is over different images over years against different satellite images, that has nothing to do with what is being said.

Yet every image NASA shown us shows the continents in different sizes in relation to all the other continents, that cannot be explained by stating the particular satellite image was a different distance a few years later, that has nothing to do with the images showing different continent sizes picture to picture.

We're talking about each image NASA shows us year to year has differing continent sizes in relation to all the other continents.
For one example, if the USA is shown as being 3/4s of the globe size one year and half the size the next, it shows that one of those two images is false.

You simply do not understand anything.

i have a GPS independant of my cellphone. it works in the mountains where cellphones stop working. i've also been using GPS since the late 90s when cellphone towers were not nearly as common as they are today.

the entire flat earth truther thing is a game of devils advocate. i argue points to normies about flat earth all the time that they cant answer. i point out that they repeat what they heard without any of their own knowledge, and insult those that argue against it.
just like global warming and vaccines "wow only retards think that!" "ok, but did you know X? can you explain Y?" "no…." "but youre willing to defend that with such conviction and hold animosity towards anyone who doesnt agree… you might want to think about that"

most normies cant even answer why pictures of earth from space show a "blue marble" even though the earth is an oblong spheroid and not a sphere.

go stick your head in a pig's asshole and masturbate his prostate with your tongue while a genetically engineered hybrid of a sewer rat and an orthodox rabbi rams a space- rocket dildo in your ass and chews on your genitals

I think the original was better

There are aliums all right, but the individuals piloting those UFO crafts are speaking German, and are based out of Antarctica. The 1952 UFO "invasion" of Washington was a proportional response to the US invasion of Neuschwabenland in 1947. Who knows what has happened since the US, USSR and GB nuked Antarctica together in 1958.

does anyone remember that strange UFO that was believed to be a secret development that floated without any kind of engine? i remember it was very odd shaped and had writing on it. someone leaked a research manual about it and what the "lettering" meant and how it had an effect on its propulsion.
the photos of it were shot in broad daylight and were crystal clear.

it wasnt evidence of an alien craft, but it was evidence that government officials had technology they didnt understand and were hiring people to help figure out how to use it as if they just found this technology or obtained it from an unknown origin. im trying to find pictures of it but i dont even know how to begin to search.

i found this. they show pictures from the "manual" without context. basically in response to these pictures being released released pictures they had of some document with very similar parts.
some guy that worked as a contractor said he was asked to help figure out the lettering and never saw the aircraft, while the manual contained pictures of similar looking aircrafts but nothing direct.

I appreciate the ayyposters because if there is something there or ever might be it's good to have eyes on it and not dismiss the notion entirely. That said, it's already difficult to interact with people without revealing my powerlevel and I don't know how much more crazy I can sound.

i just look at the stuff with an open mind. you dont have to start sperging about ufos to say "oh yea… isnt that weird?"

i take this approach to everything in public and people dont typically dismiss me. and i am never in "good company". i take the stance that "i dont really believe that but i think its interesting, its like a truth based science fiction"
though i cant hide my power level easily when it comes to israel, hitler, and the jews… so i tend to avoid the subject.

You don't need to reveal your power level to call that sort of bullshit out. If your family has anything resembling a head on their shoulders it's easy to get the point across that it was in the best interests of the victorious parties to make the Nazis seem more evil than they were. To support this you can always bring up the easily verifiable hoaxes like the lampshades. I personally have had a good handful of these conversations with my family. Though admittedly my father may be low hanging fruit on that end. He taught me from a young age that Stalin was demonstrably worse than Hitler. He's the type of guy that thinks all dictatorships are basically the same thing though.

Don't tell them, just nudge the ISS on its way and start sending resupplies.

Holy shit you are dumb. Anyone spreading that first picture should kill themselves. All it shows is the Earth at different distances. Try holding up a soccer ball and looking at it from far away then bring it really closer to your face and see how the pentagons towards the edges start disappearing yet the ball still appears perfectly round.

Not expecting flat earth retards to be smart enough to comprehend this one either though.

i do bring it up, but i dont try to "get into it" because i have a lack of self control. if i start explaining lampshades… i will quickly start talking about the gas chambers. and then theres no turning back

Nope. It shows that the continents aren't consistent size relative to the globe they claim to be on.

No matter what distance you are from a soccer ball the shapes on it are the same percentage of the size of the total ball. The black parts don't suddenly take up the whole ball just because you get closer to the ball, moron.

When you rotate the USA to the center of the ball it should be the biggest. That's how 3D math works, but in those images it shows USA being smallest when its int the center of the frame. Go on google earth and rotate the planet, you will not be able to create an image of the whole earth where the USA takes up so much of the frame like some of those NASA images – that's because those are not pictures of a whole globe. It's a partial picture of the ground cut into a circle. The other images are CGI.

Here's a video of how astronauts make fake pictures of the earth by taking a partial picture through a round window.

Here, have a bonus image from NASA's 2014 Astronomy Picture of the Day:
Which they then photoshopped an aurora onto and tried to pass it off as an image from Hubble in 2016.
Overlay reveals you don't even have to rotate or scale the images to get them to match up pixel by pixel. Jupiter's clouds didn't change in 2 years? Come on man, it's just propaganda.

Forgot the link:

Reported. Kill yourself.



Debate me faggot, or prove that you have no valid argument.

Did I say anywhere that psychosis is not a real thing? But of course that's not what you meant, you are accusing me of insanity. A very Jewish trick, indeed.

It's a faggot thing to say in a discussion like this, because of course I can't prove via the Internet that I'm of perfectly sound mind (and nor can you, for that matter). You're not even adding to the discussion, just seeding a post that other anons desperate to avoid a paradigm shift can cling to like a life raft.

From my point of view, you are a bluepilled normie, the same way we both see normies who believe the Holohoax.

I puked out several hours worth of evidence above. Unlike you, I've spent time searching for the truth. After I became redpilled on the Holohoax, I became ravenous for more truth. The truth is out there you fucking faggot, just start digging. Ayy lmao / UFO stuff is a tough slog, though, because of how much bullshit there is out there (I've never seen any good evidence Hitler had UFO technology, for example). I doubt you've even taken the time to analyze the evidence that's out there. If it's not true, why not analyze it and tell us how it's false? The same way that I looked into the Flat Earth rubbish and came to the conclusion that they are wrong (and I can hold a conversation with someone about why, though I didn't bother to in this thread because frankly I don't give a fuck about Flat Earth cucks, they can kill themselves tbh).

Is it really that much of a stretch that ayy lmaos exist? Most of our history has been destroyed by the Jews, you know. The Jews have been hiding the ayy lmao tech and presence since the beginning.


Reported. Kill yourself.


Have to check these digits. DeNiro decreed a cuck by KEK, Clint Eastwood and son superior.

That's fucking retarded, we should use the ISS as the staging platform for missions headed further out. This would of course take expanding it massively and in the end there would be very little of the original ISS left but having an orbital station is extremely valuable in terms of cutting costs of future missions, especially if we move on to ion or EM drives that are only practical outside the atmosphere and the bulk of our gravity well. Hell we could send solar sails and landing pods up to the ISS and reach mars from there on a reasonable enough timeframe for only the fuel to actually get to the ISS, assuming it's a one way trip.

holy fuck (checked) the truth revealed eat your heart out race mixer scum


I would love it if they all left. It would be the best thing for the planet. Even better than getting rid of niggers are nigger enablers.

Did you fail Algebra 2 faggot?

What's interesting to me is that he is so obsessed about Mars. We all know that he is a highest level Freemason and that he'll pass away in aprox 10 years, so why the obsession?

Just asking, but could it be that there are some archeological artifacts that point out that humans come from a lost civ from mars?
I don't buy it.

SO whats the end game of the Masons here?

Checking you from another thread.

Checked. Racemixers BTFO.



Aldrin is 87. All of our top Nazi Engineers are dead. We're not going to Mars in his lifetime.

← found the jew. Mfw current year and you still believe NASA is legit.

That's it! Be a good Goy and continue believing the US Government / NASA fraud / Jewish way of frauding millions of Americans out of hard earned tax money for "muh space exploration" . Too many science FICTION films have programmed your subconscious mind into rejecting the age old truth of the firmament and the flat earth. No God, everything came from nothing accidentally through a non theory that cannot be observed or demonstrated, but yet is taught as a universally accepted truth. All life that you observe now comes from other life, but inorganic rocks spawned all the vegetation and humans and animals completely randomly and by accident with no purpose or rhythm or reason. Your just a meaningless mistake who doesn't count. Just keep feeding us your money, Goy. Blindly believe what we tell you and don't ask questions. Now go to the store, choose some gmo processed foods with corn syrup and e numbers and msg and drink some acidic drain cleaner that we call soft drinks and watch our propaganda programming.

I remain unconvinced. The evidence just isn't there, and the one released by NASA is dodgy at best.

That's correct, or at least all the evidence points to that being the case.

Be aware that "FE is a psy-op" is in itself a conspiracy theory.

I'm sure they told you this. Have you verified it for yourself?

Nobody can go to the moon, for the simple reason it's not a physical, material body.

Be aware that many of the debunking sites have been debunked themselves.

This is true…

… but this part is bullshit. "UFOs" (in the ayyl sense) are not physical objects and cannoit be shot down.

No doubt about that. They aren't flesh-and-blood aliens, though.

There are many worlds - does not mean they are planets in the astronomical sense.

If you're an accomplished projecter you know quite well that your background assumptions shape your experience. There are people who projected into a concave spherical Earth, imagine that.

Agree, but they aren't aliens in the bilogical, flesh-and-blood sense. They are akin to "interdimensional being", i.e. what a Christian might call demons.

That's not the point, of course there were and are many abductions. The differentiation between the demon, the ayyl and the secret-ops hypothesis, that's the problem.

The epitome of the concept "unreliable evidence". Whatever your other opinions, never trust NASA. A masonic op from top to bottom.

That's not the point; the point isn't that all those things have been observed. The point is why and based on what evidence did you jump to the biological alien hypothesis? That is the question, not the evidence of sightings and abductions in themselves.

Start investigating the nephilim/alien-hoax line of thinking. You experience was real, but it wasn't being from another planet.

Those things don't contradict each other and are, in fact, quite compatible - as soon as you let go of that infantile notion that planets and biological being like ourselves exist "out there", in "space".

They use him to prepare the world for the staged alien landings. They will say they are from another planet, but don't be deceived. They are literal demons.

Of course not, they have been shown to lie millions of times.

In an ontological quagmire. I'm very cautious these days in drawing conclusions on anything.

Don't be so arrogant. There is lots of evidencde pointing to aliens being a psy-op in itself.

This. Biological aliens could exist, no problem. But for god's sake stop using NASA as a reliable source on anything.

This. Independent of its truth, it's an excellent epistemological mirror.

Grid backdrop is literally for experiments and is used openly in other videos…

I just want you to know that despite any arguments you will ever produce, by continuing on in the "we haven't gone to the moon, because the moon is not a physical body." Thing, you sound insane. It isn't even in the same level of insanity as "the holohoax never happened." Because that at least has a shade of doubt and lies around it. A motive for lying and a profit for lying. I don't think that the US government going "we landed on the moon!" Can be anything worth profiting from that they couldn't just have higher taxes and spend it on more actual black-book spending without ever telling anybody about it.

In full honesty, I can say that all you're accomplishing with this argument is a manner of band wagoning that makes people see anything people who have conspiracy theories in the same light. To say, "well they believe the government's Stamps all have tracking devices, that monitor their conversations, and they think the holocaust never happened." Crediting both to the same level of delusional impossibility. I think even you could see how this is harmful. Even if (I don't think you are) you were right, you arnt really accomplishing anything by talking about it, aside from hurting us here.

I know I'm wasting my time, mostly because you're probably either legit insane and beyond reason, or because you're just trolling for laughs, or you're doing this for sweet shekels, but consider for a moment how people outside your sphere see you, and why they see you that way, and if it would be better or worse for a group interested in liberating the world from The Jews claws.

The thing that we can life is artificial from the git go. A baby engages in regular exercise by moving around and crawling around and playing with toys. An adult sits stationary at a desk all day watching a plastic computer screen and then goes home to sit on the sofa and watch a plastic TV screen. A baby eats wholesome and natural food. An adult eats e numbers, processed foods, gmo foods, fast food, takeaways, junk food. A baby drinks all the time. An adult doesn't drink enough and is dehydrated. A baby takes many naps to rest and recover. An adult gets up at 6am and goes to bed at 11pm with no sleep in the middle and spends 2 to 4 hours commuting. A baby is dependent on a loving community and family. An adult ventures out into an adversarial environment to get fake money to survive in a community where the adult is hated, despised, threatened, in danger, and seen as a price tag or as a threat. A baby breathes naturally using its diaphragm. An adult heaves his lungs up and down and doesn't breathe deeply either. When baby grows baby is programmed with go to school, go to work, and learns to accept the prison of time schedules, rules, regulations and other control mechanisms designed to limit and stop and control. Logical reasonable critical thinking is not taught. So called facts are not questioned because to question them is to get an "f" for not accepting the "teacher's" programming. Which leads to a bad job or no job or a poor station in life. So there is no room for imagination, creativity, independent though, and questioning. The natural sources of mind expansion such as cannabis and mushrooms are made taboo and forbidden because they allow the individual to think in a different way which is incompatible with the narrative. The religions and laws are in place to hold back the potential of man.

It's because the difference between the equatorial radius and the polar radius is only about 13 miles, while the radii themselves are 3,949.903 mi and 3,963.191 mi, meaning there's only a 0.3% difference between them. The human eye cannot tell the difference between a sphere and something that is 0.3% off from being a sphere. Polite sage because everyone discussing this should already know this.

Doesn't he realise and/or care how much faking a manned mission to Mars will cost?

Is there some sort of a additional info about that? I have never read about it.

While I'm generally not in favor of more immigration, allowing a few hundred rocket scientists from Russia to move to the west seems like a good idea. We did it with the German rocket scientists after WWII. Probably wouldn't even need to put them on NASA's payroll. Blue Origin, SpaceX, or one of the legacy rocket companies would likely have space for them.


Fuck right off with your "muh PR" bullshit. I'm in search for the truth, and Holla Forums is one of the few places where things can be openly discussed. As long as you consider anything - anything at all - from NASA reliable, you're still deep in bluepill land.

Just saying, by entertaining this insanity you're as bad as the Tumblr crowd with the "corn rows were used as maps" crowd, and the We Wuz, nazimba king niggers groups. Knowing the difference between Muh Mind control adhesives, "the moon is a hologram", and "races are different" is how you win information wars. Insisting that someone is blue pulled, commie faggot because they go "hey, you sound like someone that thinks glow in the dark cia niggers are after them." Because they think you should focus on more reasonable, and worth while arguments only adds to the showing of "You're delusional and anyone who thinks anything like you is also delusional." I'm not saying don't think it, but filter yourself to places where that kind of discussion is appropriate.


ALL paths must be investigated. Encourage our brothers to find truth. The weird paths can be as valid as the normal ones. You'd be amazed what is hidden in the code of the fringe.

password is

Holla Forumsisalwaysright

Pretty much this. Theres zero reason to waste resources on this when theres enough issues at homes. If you cucks just want to flee from your problems and go start muh white colony on mars, then your problems will never be fixed. Mars is just the jewish appeal to the white mans need to do something great. Its a misdirection so that you dont do the REAL great thing which is going out and making your country white again and glassing over any jewish nations. But keep up those day dreams of a white colony of mars.

You don't think that claiming an entire fucking planet for white children is a useful thing? When we take Mars, we will have a bunker that can reclaim earth should we fail here. Also, imagine the technological gains.

i always look for these threads on Holla Forums to discuss the infinite plane we are living on. its difficult to give up the joopropganda of space wonders(star wars was always my favorite until i realized the empire basically represented white people) we all had as kids but honestly the realization and wonder of an infinite plane is far greater than specs of dust in an expanding void of space bullshit. the earth is flat, lota shills on the topic, Eric Dubay is the best ive seen yet check it out, that and regular people who pick up the topic

FFS, "flat earth" is a meme created to discredit hollow earth.

Way to samefag schlomo. Your attempts at disinfo just give credibility to our cause.

The Earth is fucking round you assholes. We just have no REAL idea what it looks like because NASA is running a literal monopoly on planetary and space information. There could even be other continents on Earth.

The real issue I have is this faggot Buzz Aldrin never went to the moon and he is pretending he ever did. Fuck him. Also STOP PUSHING FLAT EARTH YOU RETARDS.



user, calm down, it's just one schlomo shilling, none of us believe that bullshit. The curvature of the earth is proved to anyone who's ever stood atop a mountain or looked out the window of a plane on a clear day. He's merely trying to discredit our search for the truths of what lies below us, and what is above us.
Why do you say this? I've met astronauts in person and spoke to them benefits of growing up in Florida including Appollo astronauts. They always seemed sincere and honest, though I will say this, they had a wizard's way of implying more than they said. Since my first conversation with one of them as a child, I've known that NASA was keeping major secrets from us, and so was our government as a whole. The only words I specifically remember are this.

Maybe he was referring to seeing how small we are and the vast emptiness and also seeing the Earth from space which we were never evolved to see.

Do you have a PDF?

I do believe astronauts have gone into space. But I believe it's only far enough to still be close enough to earth where there is still a decent amount of matter.

There is an hour long video of a man that stalks and asks all the astronauts to swear on the bible that they went to the moon. He got punched by Buzz Aldrin in the video and kicked in the ass by another astronaut. These people got very nervous and you can tell they are just plain fucking assholes. I will admit that I think using the Bible is pretty fucking lame by the interviewer.

The punch happens in the beginning of this video.

No, he was damn clear that was not what he meant. He implied that it had a clear and tangible effect on you. At the time, I thought he was stating that leaving the earth's field of influence physically changed your consciousness, but I can't say for certain. I do know I was quite shocked by the way he spoke to us, I was maybe 13 and had never been spoken to in that way before and burned it into my memory. I was at MOSI in Tampa. He was not scheduled to talk to us, he simply saw a group of kids and stopped us and talked.

I fucking wish.

He had it coming.

Going to note this for all of these assholes saying the moonlanding was fake. I've led a rough fucking life and met all sorts of people. CIA agents, hitmen, drug dealers big and small, been to Mafia run birthday parties did not expect that one to be real yakuza bodyguards surprisingly nordic LSD chemists, all sorts of wackos and schizos, and military of all sorts. When this man, this astronaut, looked me in the eyes, he had the eyes of a leader and I could not doubt a single word he said. If he had looked me in the eyes and said "I am Julius Caesar, follow me, we march on Hell!" I would've saluted, shouted "Hai
Caesar!" and marched my kiddie ass right behind him without question. probably after shitting myself.
Just felt this needed said.

I believe you user


My only problem with these stories, is that I cannot fathom how the enemy still exists, should these technologies have been achieved. I've been studying the creation of a gravity engine like this for the past six years not that I understood what it was when I began. and with them should come the power to raise whole cities into the air, or crush them deep into the earth. All forms of energy are just variations of polarity within the same force, what our forefathers would had referred to as Vrill. Perhaps the issue has been one of controlling the mechanisms, and perhaps also one of limited resources… though with the power of one, the resources could be gathered, if not more simply transmuted, for the creation of others. I fear I've reached a road block in my studies though, as I neither have the funds to conduct experiments, nor access to more sources to study. If only Hitler would rise up from Avalon and come collect me in a disc of green flame, I could be the engineer that I had originally dreamed to be. Alas, I am but a humble Holla Forumsack, working ever towards a new Reich, rather than serving the old one, one shitpost at a time.

My worst fear is that operation high jump was a success. I just joined this
discord to discuss your research, could be a kewl place to kick around ideas.

another austrian science god, looked to nature for his science

Forgive me, but I won't talk about the finer points of my research. It took me a long time to learn how to keep my mouth shut, I love to talk, and I love to share information, but nothing is worth these technologies falling into the hands of the enemies of our people. The only reason I suspect that the governments of the world do not have them, is due to there being any pretense of freedom in society. If I had them, built, operable… I swear to you, the entire fucking planet would know as I rained death upon the world and conquered it with an iron fist, with absolutely none of the mercy or kindness of Hitler.

They came back after and nuked antarctica. I believe repeatedly in 1958. Low altitude blasts could had melted an ice sheet overtop of any subterranean base constructed, and a high altitude blast for EMP could had been used to wipe out electronics if that was a concern. I wonder if this is the real reason a hole in the ozone layer appeared there of all places.

Somebody has the technology even if in limited form or from models dating to the 40's. Even though there's blueprints for the hardware, the principle behind the operation was never explained in my searches. To me this represents gifted technology, or very censored history. If we could get some goys on this inside to review and release more documents whatever was possible then can be recreated now.

I'm not sure of the thermodynamics, but could a series of nukes really melt a 2 mile ice sheet?

They would of had no way to know how deep the bases were at the time, but they would've nuked whatever they saw regardless, and the resulting melt would had flooded and frozen over any entrances to the surface, as well as irradiating the location for some time. It's plausible that the base could had been all but sealed off for decades, though that does not exclude the possibility of other exits to the sea.
I started my research into this due to interest in the ancient world, mysticism, and recurring dreams. I was seeking some concept of magical power, and in the end I came to the conclusion that there is no separation between the spirit and the physical beyond the obfuscations that we create for ourselves in the manner of cognitive dissonance, attempting to force the accepted views of reality upon nature. Without any doubt, man has risen and fallen, through cataclysm and war, at least three times before the current age. I do not know if we have escaped this rock, and I do not know what awaits us in the stars. I do know that every civilization to bare the sign of the leftward spinning swastika, has tales of us surviving within the earth. The kings within the mounds of the Gaelic peoples, the Agartha of Tibet, the underworlds of the Hopi and all civilizations of south america, and many others tell the same story, if in different pieces. We also have carvings, paintings, and writings of many technologies lost on the arrogance of modern man, and hidden by the kike, and demolished by the mudslime and the communist. If you learn the code of the troubadour and the alchemist and the mystic, and apply yourself to knowledge, these truths become apparent. One of the greatest flaws and curses of the modern academic is specialization, as a specialist can never understand the whole, only a polymath can piece these together.
If you want this technology, help create a place that is safe for us to build it, and I will dedicate myself to this cause so we can create a new Reich, and if Hitler really did retake Hyperborea, then we will meet his descendants on equal footing, and I would like to challenge the motherfuckers on why we're still here, suffering under the yoke of the Zionist, while warriors sleep beneath the ice. I will not wait for Hitler. Our war goes on.

isnt our priority getting rid of space debris and reducing sattelites?

got banned for talking about flat earth…..but would love to hear more about hitler taking the ancient places some more, this topic is both interesting and new to me. also compatible with my realization the earth is fucking flat….


When we lose this man.. I just hope America can get on the right track by then.


I'am 100% sure ThuleanProductions has a copy.

Nice anecdote, but doesn't disprove the mountains of evidence clearly showing the operation(s) to be fake. To be frank, anybody believing that moonlanding shit today, in the age of the internet, is an idiot, the very definition of a bluepill normalfag.

Never trust Masons, you fucking newfag. They are all Masons, without exception.

You might not like FE, but at least be precise in your terminology:

The Earth is round in the FE model as well.

link? What is?

Way to argue like a nigger.

The problem with your claim is that there's no inconsistency of continent sizes in the images you posted.

Every fucking time

Then go to Reddit, bitch.



Nonsensical meme. Any given stereo-graphic projection would have only one great circle route retain its true distance, all others would be warped compared to their true distance making your model inconsistent

That is the point! That is precisely the point. The divergence between the theoretical and the actual, observed distance, specifically the further one goes towards Antarctica. The problem has vexed "south pole" explorers from Cook's time onward. I'm serious, look it up. It's a very common topic among Antarctica buffs.

THAT is not an argument. Most, or at least many, have offline lives, I sure as hell ain't F5-ing every 10 minutes.


Agree, didn't like that one either.

You're wasting your time arguing with a nigger, user.