Why is it wrong for smart people to exploit the stupid?

Why is it wrong for smart people to exploit the stupid?

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Because it's sinful. Read the Bible ok?

Because a moral man requires a brutal subjectivity, or god.

Maybe you aren't so smart if you resort to parasitism?

one look at reality will tell you this is false

nothing because morals are a spook, but you are in the wrong to imply we live under said system today

make an argument on why should the smart exploit the stupid now

Since everyone else is responding.
The wealth of your parents doesn't determine your intelligence.

Why is it wrong for the poor to rob the rich?


Your parents are more likely to be wealthy if they're more intelligent. You're also more likely to inherit intelligence from your parents.

Judging by your posts your parents are poor as shit.



but that's demonstably wrong



Directing of labor is labor.

It would be a much safer society with more efficient labor. We should also make it so the low IQ underclass don't breed as much.

Owning property and workers isn't labor.

Holla Forums please, enough is enough

Because they are less help when exploited.

What will defend you better, an army of slaves or a volunteer army who have absolute loyalty to you because you have provided them with all the joys of life?

The best fighters are already dead, providing doesn't give absolute loyalty.

You can't wriggle your way around morality and end up with the same conclusions.

wow thats like totally profound.

No wait, a corpse can't defend you in any way whatsoever besides a meat shield.

Believe me, read ANY book on military tactics. An army runs on its ability to function as a coherent unit, which means a strong chain of command and mutual trust, this can only be achieved through relationships that are not exploitative.

If you are constantly fucking everyone over, you are giving them motive to fuck you and they will.

You don't just sit back on your ass and collect. You have to manage everything.

Without effective leadership they won't achieve much.

There's nothing wrong with it, just as there's nothing wrong to accept the challenge and try to kill these "smart" people.

That's literally what people do. They have other people to do the managing for them.

And even if they did manage it, that means they are entitled to the benefits of their own labour, not the surplus value they extract from the workers because they "own" something.

The most fierce, effective and deadly warriors were those that already accepted their deaths.

All the joys of life only give less reason to accept that.

who says they're smart ?

wow that's some piping hot ideology

Why is it wrong for stupid people from hanging the smart guys from lampposts?

I think that the answer to the problem of the army gaining will be solved by more and more automation, to the point where a sufficiently small cadre of loyal officers could suppress dissent good enough for resource extraction to go on with only minor disturbances.

Op has proven he's dumb, can he explain us why shouldn't we exploit him?

thats invalid

Sure it is.


Society would collapse



Can those workers manage the resources themselves? Can you give me something that isn't some "MUH FEELS" "MUH POOR KEEDZ" dialog?