We must remind everyone that Kekistan is a White ethnostate

Seems like some of our memes have taken off. Few days later SPLC has finally recognized the true nature of Kekistan, in it's true Aryan essence. Some are claiming that Kekistan can be a place for everyone, not just Europeans. We need to drive out the filthy blood out of our promised land.

Hail victory! Slava!

From article:

Best part:

Archive: web.archive.org/web/20170510205912/https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2017/05/08/what-kek-explaining-alt-right-‘deity’-behind-their-‘meme-magic’

Fuck off faggot


Back to cuckchan.

Vid related: Sargon pretending Kekistan is some diversity cuckland, and that Kekistan is designed to muck us.

See vid related and you will understand what's going on here.

Don’t care.

Fuck off sarcuck.


Read again, faggot. It's from the article.

I'm not gonna judge since I'm no expert, but it looks like a lame reddit-tier meme not worth claiming

In the end sargoy of cuckad will inevitably fail to appropriate Pepe as he won't be albe to stand the heat the meme can emit. Remember pee pee poo poo? Eventually Pepe will "do" something fucked up enough that when it gets picked up by social media etc. the libs will jump ship.


That's what I'm trying to do here. It didn't happen by itself.

People here are underestimating the situation. It's just as bad as the last time.

Don't appropriate it, it will weight us down IMO. Don't associate it with extremism either, since they're comfortable with entry level edgy jokes.

Associate kekistanis with NAMBLA pedos or some similar rotten eggs.

you don't belong here

Fuck your gay meme.
A pure white nation is a good idea, but not in the incarnation of "Kekistan", made by some faggot with no worth.

Why should he? What good does it do us to cede the Kekistan meme to leftists and civic nationalists? Should we cede them Pepe next?

Cede it? They made it you dumbfuck. You can't cede something that was never yours. Holla Forums has never had anything to do with that Kekistan cancer.

The newest newfag I have ever seen in my life. Either that or the best bait I have seen in a long time. Reported.

Cede, you mouthbreather? Sargon invented it. It was a cuck meme from the very beginning and will forever be that because of it's retarded sandnigger country name.

Kekistan is lame–LAME. It's like a badly made Guy Fawkes mask made meme.

Like I said: make a bunch of image macros and comics about Kekistani core NAMBLA values. Rub that shit all over them and you will hobble it. Don't try top convince us to adopt this stink, people won't go along with it.


Kekistanis are heretics. Lord Kek wants their death.

they're cargo cult tier

To everyone saying
It's objectively shit meme, but that's not the issue with kekistan. I tried being subtle but I guess some of you faggots just can't bother to read. "Kekistan" is appropriating Kek and by extension Pepe. I even posted videos here:

If you don't care for the idea, good for you but it will escalate. I've done my part.

Pepe didn't originate from here either. Not only that, but kekistan thing is taking pepe by proxy.

That's actually not that bad of an idea.

I swear it feels like most people are just intentionally contrarian now.

TBH he probably can't stand the heat but he is planning on this blowing up in the media cause like other shitty forced memes they get no traction unless they get spammed endlessly. People were actually interviewing him and his faggy cronies 6 months ago but they've all been treading water since then instead of building something out of that fame. Now they are figuring they can be the kosher guides through the actual interesting and relevant parts of the internet. Sage these faggy threads.

PS Associate Sargoy's liberalism with libertinism. Make image macros with his face and his "quotes" embracing "boy love" and NAMBLA, with the kekistani flag in the background.

The second image in the OP is an okay disinfo. Actually adopting faggistanism would be a tremendous mistake, at least to my judgement.

I don't want to adopt it. I want to take it away and then let it die like all other memes that were shit.

Did we create Pepe? No. He belongs to us ONLY because we enforce that ourselves.

As for it being lame, explain to me why Pepe is not lame.

The meme of pepe was created by us. We don't want Kekistan. If you do, maybe you should fuck off back to reddit.

I don't think you get it. The whole reason Sarcuck started pushing this kekistan bullshit was because he was purposefully trying to ruin kek/pepe for us. The fact that it annoys us and makes us cringe is his entire goddamn point. You don't "win" this battle by shaking your fist and yelling at it. You win by doubling down and reclaiming kekistan by making it have a more "sinister" meaning.

What you wrote is exactly what I want to do. I get it.

So you want us to completely cede every meme you don't like to civic nationalists and leftists.

That is very suspicious.

Sargoy and his fagglets are Internet savvy enough to not buckle under association with radicalism, making this is not a good material for a larger scale campaign. The flag itself is obviously a spoof of a Nazi banner.

I'm not gonna stop you, but I advise against it and implore that you consider the NAMBLA route.

That's that word again. Strawmans aren't welcome and won't make you any friends.

This. Fuck pedostani shills.

Yes. You are surrendering. Turning belly up. Being a faggot.

Instead of taking the initiative, you are telling real White nationalists to surrender a meme to Leftists to use against us. Again, very suspicious.

We did not create Pepe. We took him and made him our own. Doubtless you were shilling against Pepe back in the beginning.

Makes sense. The issue I have with nambla is that it would have to be so intense for them to back off that it would probably ruin Kek/pepe with it. Not sure how would you pull it off tbh.

Again nigger?

This is why we need to directly meme the ruination of sargoy and his faggy sycophants themselves. Or just dox them or something.

Sargon's been doxed before, didn't really do anything.

Nothing ruins it. Pepe shoved a giant centipede into a baby wojak's rectum. He's the teflon meme.

Maybe it just didn't get to the right people.

The funny thing about these shills is they present no argument against taking over this meme beyond "Don't do it goy! It's bad"
Literally. That is their only argument. It is the exact same spiel that they use on White normies "Don't do it Goy! That's racist!"
It is a very, very Jewish mode of arguing. No rational, no logic. Just "Don't do it goy! It's (insert bad word)!"

Right. But how would you even go about it? The entire thing about WN route is that it had some credibility. And they won't back up with that, although they did get extremely butthurt when Spencer retweeted the thing. Vid related.

There's no good argument FOR taking over this meme. In fact meme theory already says its shit and should be abandoned since it has to be forced this hard.

Sargon is honestly just embarrassing himself. He's a fat fence sitting cuckold nearing his mid-life, and thinks he's some intellectual juggernaut and master troll because he can debate the lowest hanging fruit around and posts his collection of interracial cuckold porn at any "nazis" that tweet him arguments he can't refute. "His" kekistan shit is just embarrassing and flat out unoriginal. The flag was made by an user, the song was dug up by user, kek/pepe is an user meme, the whole "joke" is a rip-off of the church of the flying spaghetti monster, which i seem to recall was associated with old-Holla Forums.

Benny G. should draw a cartoon about all these washed out losers desperately clinging to user's coat tail. Does he still do requests?

The argument is that it's Kekistan. If it was somethingelse-stan I don't think anyone would care.

It is forced, but enough people like it to participate. When random people go out with the flag out of their own volition, I'm not sure if you can call it "forced" anymore. Ironically, I suppose most of them are cuckchanners which don't know what's going on exactly.


There's hardly anything more to it. Just produce enough of it and have enough puppet accounts wherever these twits get their exposure. Rally some anons to help you when you prototyped the subversion and made some content and start shitposting.

What are you doing wasting your time talking to a shill. Go bugchase, proudboy keistani, shalom akbar. Bazonga.

Is it still cuck porn if you're a nigger yourself?

Nobody cares now nigger.

Get your shit together.

Like this?

Their memes are awful.


Why would you interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake? This sort of shit is exactly what he wants, so he can point to evil right wing neo-nazi alt-kikers harassing and slandering him, and cry victim. No-one but Sargon and his retarded followers like this cringy forced meme. Allowing him to make a fool out of himself and reveal himself to the masses as the intellectual manchild he is will do far more damage to him than we could.

What do you mean? It was made by one of his twitter friends, a true kekistani.

Insert a gun into your mouth and pull trigger till you can't anymore. Fuck off with your stan kikery

Almost. Try using more cringe-inducing language, like "boy love", "love at every age", "the right of children to choose their lovers" etc. Avoid too much profanity.

Basically take BAMN's endorsement of pedophilia and paste it onto good ol S'goy.

Also, you need to link his liberalism with it. Libertine approach to consent and carnality.

I'm sure there is plenty of soundbites we could take out of context. I'll get looking.

He's confirmed to lurk here. He's probably in this very thread, because he's just that self-centered of a cunt. This is the most obvious entry-level baiting attempt, and you're falling for it. Don't give him attention or relevance, he is beneath us.

I was just meditating on another approach.

In his video, Sargon read virtually the whole article, but skipped Anglin part (not without reason though, his lines were most hilarious ones). For example, Anglin said:

For our purposes, Kekistan could be the underworld where Kek stores the spirits of shitskins and cucks. Every time a minority dies, one could say that it was claimed by Kek, and sent off to burn in Kekistan.

It triggers leftists, anti-Whites, and Jews. It mocks SJWs. And most importantly, if we do not take control of it, it will be used against us.

Yep these are him.

We must remind everyone that OP is a faggot

It triggers no one.
How? Also we don't give a shit about low hanging fruit anymore unlike the faggy skeptic community which has sounded like a broken record for fucking months now.
It has no staying power and it's too arcane for normies to get into. Just because 5 highschoolers wore pedostan flags to protests cause they were to chickenshit to go full 14/88 doesn't mean this meme has any legs. If it did you faggots wouldn't have to keep making these threads. Youtube shekels are running low I guess.

Normies are majority of people actually getting into it m80. I know they think otherwise but it is so.

So 4 out of the 5 people into this are normies? No one cares.

As long as The_Cuckold keeps pushing Kek into the minds of millions of people daily this meme will not die. Boomers and midlife crisis rednecks think it's 'cool' now. Fuck them Fuck Sargon and fuck Kek.
its time to grow up anons, and check dubs like real men without pushing 'le free kekistan' cuckchan tier faggotry

I'll drop some mad shit tomorrow, amazing stuff crystallizing in my mind. Got to sleep on it.

Back to wherever you came from along with OP faggot


Honestly I could get behind this. It deflects their efforts nicely.

Turn kekistan into a hellscape for those punished by kek.

This is good too. I also noticed how Sargon obfuscates the point of kek and pretends like he's the one who made kek in general, rather than just promoting the kekistan bit.

Go read the SPLC's take on this
Do you ever venture out of Holla Forums? The point of the Kekistan minority meme is mocking the "welcome oppressed refugee" meme.
So is a frog but that never stopped us from using it as a symbol. There are threads right now dedicated to turning the anarcho socialist flag into a "hate" symbol. Are you shilling against this too?
That's funny because people going full 1488 are wearing this flag.