Bumping this because it didnt gain enough traction last time. We possible found a west Coast distrib
Other urls found in this thread:
Storage container
All locations are within minutes of catholic charities and international adoption centers.
have many children targeted bus ads.
Sign dulled out at a location that does not accept customers.
Holy fuck, these faggots really do go for the symbology, don’t they? What’s important now is getting and maintaining a record of every company, no matter how small, that CHANGED their logos after the reveal of Pizzagate (and related legitimate FBI documents).
practice is in building next to pedo Anchorage Cops. Which also shares building with crematorium.
Market nearly every month at local elementary school.
But that's the Gracie Jiu Jitsu logo
What about this group of shell companies? Are there any familiar names in the bunch?
there was a map of them ill try and find.
Holy shit, didn't one of the Gracies rape a toddler and then get violently raped himself in prison?
this guy was at one of their more hidden locations i think.
Been digging on J. Jeon. On the BBB Site it lists 2 managers, 'Joshua J. Jeon' and 'Kim' which I assume is Joshua's wife.
When you search the alaska court records you get this:
You have lots of members of the same 2 families suing a group of koreans and businesses including Kim Jeon
I'm positive if we track down the plaintiffs and ask them about Kim Jeon they'll have something to tell us about them. Here are the plaintiffs in pic related
Great work
bump lists Jessica hass as a relative of jackie and teresa weece.
Looks like they are now located in mountain home, id and morton, wa. Can't find faceberg profiles or non-paid access to contact info.
WTF source dude
Daryell Dickson Meneses Xavier, a Gracie Barra competitor and jiu-jitsu instructor, is facing charges in Brazil of abusing, killing, and possibly raping his 1 year old stepson.
Google it nigger. I did, and yeah a Jiu Jitsu instructor from the Gracie organization did do that. But he was not a member of the Gracie family who founded the organization and decided to use that logo.
I wonder if they are all pedos though, quite a coincidence the logo otherwise.
I Just found a landline number for Teresa D Weece, who is presumably the same as the teresa weece listed on the lawsuit listed above. Pic attached. If someone were to call her from a burner and politely ask if she would be interested in talking about their lawsuit in alaska from 1992 against Kim Jeon, I would bet she might be able to shed some light if it's the same jeon family that owns/manages glacier dental, and whether the personal injury claim relates to the dental business at all. my opsec setup isn't good enough to do this ATM
you my friend are one of Gods angels. You need to be in the FBI.
4chan is deleting these threads like fucking crazy RN. 10 threads deleted in like 5 minutes.
Its near the top on Voat, this won't go away. Wouldn't it be nice if there were trustworthy people in the FBI to send this shit to so there could actually be busts instead of just publicly outing these scumbags so they stop selling children to the Saudis?
people asking about missing photos. You can find them all on their facebook but here's one.
Ya and they think posting black guys fucking white girls on the chans will make us submit because psychologically thats how their minds work when really all the taunting is just ensuring that when one of those greasy SJW's heads are beside our boot there will be no mercy shown.
Virtual tour of their office at 2421 E Tudor Rd #101, Ste 101, Anchorage, AK 99507
confused bold with spoiler
10 hour dental appointment??????? HMMMMMM
And just like that, the second you think Pizzagate's over and done with, we stumble onto this hornet's nest.
I noticed the shape of the G right away. This isn't a fucking coincidence anymore. It boils my blood when people still don't think it's weird how so many businesses connected to the same individuals have the same logo which just so happens to be a well-known pedophilic emblem.
oh shit i got a catholic charities building in my town. are they traffickers?
It'd be nice to get a smoking gun one of these days.
Yeah, they traffic both ways. They bring in shitloads of rapefugees too.
I live in Anchorage, good to see other bro's on here.
Anything I can do to help?
Can you get a clearer photo of the nose?
Get dox, really. Find out the names of all the staff who work there and start building up a database to see who's connected to who.
Set up a high quality game camera in a discreet location or use a telephoto lens and get pictures. Be discreet but make sure at least two people know where you are at all times or they'll fucking disappear you. If you have a buddy IRL and one remotely, set up check-in times. On this mission, you get to bring friends.
Good to see you bro. I'd set up a camera at a nearby location if possible. Beware tundra niggers. I'd come back up but the economy is a fucking trainwreck and the state is spilling its spaghetti over it. Goddamn I miss home :(
I used to live in Anchorage. I was born in and grew up there. I never heard much of Glacier Dental, nor do I recall ever seeing a sign for them. They do appear to be legit and at least endorsed by the state, as they accept Denali KidCare. What I find interesting is the lack of Injuns/Eskimos there considering they cater to low income/state gibs. Anchorage north of downtown and near is fucking loaded with them, and they spill over the bowl and other areas too. It got really bad in 2009 when there was an extra bonus with the PFD that a lot of villages used to move to Anchorage for easier gibs.
Why this is odd in particular to me is the sex crime rate. AK is very high per capita for sex crimes, and it's almost entirely eskimos and injuns raping each other. This would definitely create a lot of opportunity for children to snatch and fetuses to harvest, but I honestly haven't heard of much. That and the fact that the ones up there literally take after niggers in every way possible. Tons of opportunity. Perhaps it's just being hidden in plain sight like everything else? Or maybe it blew up after that rebate? I wouldn't know as I was living in other places by then.
I can help with some pretty good info about Anchorage. I still have connections. Probably not as fresh and good as what e20212 can give but I'll help with what I can.
Bump for Kek and destroying Pedos
Let them swing from trees!
Bumpity bump OP
can this get a sticky? Investigation threads are always interesting. Bump.
Buy a tracker and place it on the storage container
The sign is backward. Landlords do that when an occupant leaves and they don't have a blank to fill the slot so birds and weather don't damage the interior of the sign (where lights go). A reversed sign like that is very common.
The occupant didnt leave tho.
Yeah, that completely standard shipping container with no ventilation whatsoever is "perfect for shipping children across the world."
Get the fuck out of here you moron.
For what? It's obviously just static on-site storage.
Have you ever seen a shipping container that actually gets used? Hint: it doesn't have pristine factory paint.
Yet the photograph shows none.
So who is lying, the "user" or the picture?
Dentist office is perfect for a pedo front business. I don't think any abductions would take place in or around the office; this would be an intel gathering operation.
Patients give you their address
Small talk with pedo dentist - "I only have a mom and she works a lot"
Dentist orders sedatives legally through his business and hands them to middle-man-pedo along with a list of potential targets and personal info.
I trust the guy who took the picture I'm not the one who did.
but yeah i'll ask him to take a photo of the ventilation holes.
So he saw ventilation holes and decided to photograph the side with none?
Better do that yeah.
he didnt want to get out of his car.
It is good to be a skeptic, but you can't blame random user for not wanting to trespass on private property that may or may not be being used by federal bodies to traffic children internationally.
Because it's near a police station and a crematorium?
The owner has a Youtube channel fwiw.
I don't blame him for exercising caution. The original pizzagate threads looked this batshit insane too. If I was a betting man, I would bet against this place being an actual pedo-ring. But that doesn't mean I would not exercise extreme caution if I was actually on the ground.
Can you explain what the evidence is, other than the dentist visiting schools and being physically located near other municipal services?
And having a shipping container on the premises.
I don't see serial killer art, pseudo-cp "art" or kids in proto-bondage like the pizzagate shit. You'll have to be more convincing.
In general, if threads are getting deleted it's because something is up
very good points
Uh, don't dentists visit schools everywhere? I remember being visited by ones in school and given free oral health supplies .
No… and it's very common for many businesses to use them as outside storage rooms instead of building permanent structures.
No, again, very common.
Why does a city need more than one mcdonalds or starbucks and sort of close together? To distribute demand.
Pro-tip: children get dental work done at higher rates than adults mostly because poor people and getting benefits from the government.
Why the fuck are you "pro-tipping" me you Reddit spacing fucktard?
I have been skeptic in every single post here.
god damn you're retarded
explain the crematorium.
Its just coincidence and circumstantial. The evidence could go both ways.
These threads are regularly being scrubbed. That's pretty telling.
Guys this is a big ask but im banned on pretty much every platform. Can you get this thread to the half chans if you have some IPs to spare?
What's the point, it keeps getting 404d
h ttp:// archive of post as of
…just to be safe
#Dentalgate when?
wait a better one, #colgate
4chan wont let me post the link, says its spam
just do a Drumpf is finished thread so it goes undetected and then do a general bread about it.
Yeah I noticed that too. Wikipedia says the rune means "Ride" or also "Journey"…
you cant post the link just start the thread and then post the photos later.
Drumpf is finished.
He'll be impeached within the week
Okay guys this thread is for the glacier dental threads that have been 404ed all day. get in here. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe
this is what you should post. and post a photo of trump that shareblue would think it posted.
k i did it
Ow shit, here we go again!
niice. told you it would get past mods. Did you post it on voat too?
I think I got shadowbanned
says it was removed
bump your thread real quick. just to keep it going.
Pull the teeth at the dentist office, burn the bodies at the crematorium.
New Lead: Glacier Dental Alaska (self.PedoGate)
submitted 25 minutes ago * by turnipsaway
New Pizzagate Lead (self.conspiracy)
submitted 16 minutes ago by turnipsaway
Account got shadowbanned it seems as well.
Now comey got his ass handed to him, it's time to hand the pedo's.
Some shady shit going on at this not dental office.
can i link this thread w/o the post being removed?
you have to do it like 8ch dot net
restaurants don't even have close to this many reviews
old thread b4 404.
My appointment started at 3pm and i didn't leave until almost 1 in the morning! They INSISTED on doing work I didn't want done until i gave in. At one point I started crying and telling them to call my fiance to pick me up, so they INSISTED I let them put me under so i wouldn't feel anything. I woke up that morning in my bed with blood all over my face and no clue what happened. Turned out, they didn't even let me wake up from anesthesia before having my fiance take me home. THEY DIDN'T EVEN GIVE ME GAUZE! I strongly recommend you find a better dentist to go to.
All of my proxies are banned on 4chan. Make several of these drumpf is finished threads GUISE. This is on fire m8s
Keep looking, Anons.
user's I've missed you so very much. Go get em, you will all be remembered as heroes.
Bump, looks promising
that guy should kill himself …
urls aren't hyperlinked anymore dont need to break
no, his punishment must be more severe
evil laugh turned coughing fit
thx for that
Glacier Dental is owned by the same guy who owns BTY Dental, its CEO. The public isn't supposed to know because he has a bit of a monopoly on dental offices here. I forget his name but it shouldn't be hard to find. (((South Korean))) guy. Hires mostly women and Asians. They're super cult-y, they make their employees read slimy self help and jewy business books. Can tell more later but it's almost midnight and I work tomorrow.
name a sport more gay than rolling around on the floor in pyjamas.
and they teach kids
Very alarming
This is one of the threads they're sliding.
Yeah I noticed this about an hour ago.
Report it and ask for a sticky. The mods aren't that incompetent, they'll know what you want.
wtf lol is this normal practice for a dentist?
Contact agencies?
The Gracie Traingle logo comes from the bjj move called "triangle". It's a choke with your legs, where your legs make a triangle shape.
They are not pedos. They are probably one of the best examples of how to raise strong and healthy children.
Isn't that Ben Fishbein?
No user it comes from the G for Gracie.
Nice find OP.
Been wanting to post pic related for a while on voat or here.. figured here is best. Rudimentary searches came up with nothing.
I dislike them enough for their anti consumer bullshit to bother
By that logic, freestyle wrestling is even more gay, since you're basically rolling with tight singlets.
sage for off topic
It looks like the mods of voat and this place got the message to shut it down. Meaning push this fake shit with zero evidence to discredit the investigators. Mods are pedo enablers and whores for Epstein. MasonJim and CuckMonkey following orders from their masters. You faked it pretty well with the perma sticky but this outed you.
Yes anons, go after every pediatric dentistry office, expose them all!!!!!
You know chinks smuggle people in shipping containers all the time, right? Are you 12? In the 90s that was a big deal for a while, chinks getting caught putting dozens of people in those things and shipping them to the US. Yes, some people would die in there because they would put too many in each container, you know, because chinks.
Oy vey! Those noses! Shut it down!
Could this also be why dentists have such a high (((suicide))) rate?
They aren't really pajamas. They are about the thickest cloth you could ask for. I took BJJ for a semester in college and never felt even the slightest bit of sexual tension, even when I was up against women.
Regular clothing is more sexual than those outfits. Might as well be wearing gambesons.
Anons we need to dive deep into this shit
Dentist's office would also be one of the few ways they could legally get access to large quantities of sedatives without causing any suspicion. Most of the recorded cases of kid snatching in the past have been through organizations that care for kids that won't be missed. Orphanages, foster care, troubled youth homes. We have to remember that the people we are dealing with are trafficking children on an industrial level. Not every front group that's involved will be snatching kids directly, most will just be a small part of the supply chain. Connect the dots. Look for institutions that would have a large supply of kids that would not be missed and check if they all happen to have a dentists office nearby that's part of this group to source sedatives from.
Do we have any info on that? If so link me
This feels like veiled advertising.
I'm working on something big in another part of the country related to PedoGate. I can't talk about much. But I know that CACs (Children Advocacy Centers) are deeply involved in this kind of stuff.
I did an overlay search of where the Children Advocacy Centers are, and were the Glacier Dental offices are. They are all pretty close to one another. …… Also, they are near an airport and university. I've found in my investigation of where I am from and other places, that they are often leads too.
Also, I forgot to say, …. you should investigate the Command structure of these CACs, …. the higher the official, the more likely they are to be a Pedophile, a Jew, …. or an ethnic minority with mob ties (Italians with known Sicilian names that match up with famous mobsters.)
Arrows of light, user. Arrows of light.
This is one of them, …. any place with the name "Children's Alliance" and the regional name will have pedobear symbology. These are places that will frame underclass families of sexual abuse that can't afford lawyers. They are made up of Social Workers that pretend that Police are "too scary" for children to be interviewed by, so they get a bunch of corrupt women involved in pedophile families to doctor evidence that will be used in family court after the allegations were made. They entice the children with promises that they will give them what ever they write down on a paper before a camera interview (a Xbox, a Wii U, etc) and then they interview the kid on tape with leading questions. …. Because family court doesn't have juries, they can turn them into Kangaroo courts real quick. Defendants are not allowed to confront their accusers, because the DAs twist the rape shield laws in both the family court and the criminal courts that the family will have to go through. It's a total racket. Lot of them are not pedos, but people in for it for the money. …. Think Kids For Cash scandal.
Ben Fischbein
What do you guys think of this video?
It has a picture of trump next to epstein in it.
The timing surely has nothing to do with Comey's dismissal, Goy :^)
Shipping containers are purchased and used on many private properties in Alaska for personal use. People usually store shit in them but sometimes they actually live and sleep in them after modifying them to handle the task. Go across the Turnagain arm and look in the boonies or just Palmer/Wasilla and they are literally all over the place. It's not far-fetched to see them every now and again in Anchorage. Granted they could use it for nefarious purposes but the fact it's there means very little to me. For all we know someone is just using it for storage because they have no room inside. They are cheap for what they are and stand up to the elements, which in AK makes them popular for those who have a place for them.
Some good insights.
Funeral homes are popping up all over the damn place as boomers start to kick the bucket en masse.
Interesting. Next time I go up I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures. Or I can get a friend to do the same.
I think the video has nothing to do with the topic, and you're trying to distract a pedophile investigation you sick fuck.
nice try Will Arnett
Keep doing what you're doing, I'm just worried.
how the fuck did he even get to that conclusion? he's stirring shit with russia to distract the public from the world war he's trying to start? with who?
what the fuck is this guy even talking about
this just screams slide
hello summerfriend
What use could a dentist possibly have for a giant shipping container other than pizza delivery?
I just read through this whole thread and I'm still confused. What the duck is going on? Are there any reports of children missing in the area?
I fucking noticed that pretty quickly too. It's damned near transparent that they are purposefully using the triangle spiral.
Ease up on the publicity and the visibility of these things. The worst thing we could do is let them know another "pizzagate" is in the works and give them the time to scour records and get rid of the evidence.
In Spanish, the adjectives go after the noun.
multicultural fisting
I'm sure they already browse these sites. We're all on lists.
What are they going to do, stab me?
Also, I'm not really getting it. Why exactly do we think this is a pedo organization? Maybe i'm just tired and the wheels in my mind aren't turning properly but i'm not seeing it.
My appointment started at 3pm and i didn't leave until almost 1 in the morning! They INSISTED on doing work I didn't want done until i gave in. At one point I started crying and telling them… more »
Business Response:
Hi Jessica! We are sorry to hear that you did not enjoy your experience with us. Our concept, while different from other offices, is designed to benefit our patients. We have found that the majority of our patients prefer to have as much of their treatment completed in one visit. This especially helps for those who cannot take time from work to continually come in to the dentist to have work done, which is why, as a professional courtesy, we are willing to stay beyond our normal business hours. However, it is not ideal for everyone, as you have stated. On another note, we do apologize if you did not want to complete your treatment and felt pushed into it, as that is never our intent. Our intent and purpose is simple - to help our patients by providing necessary care for their oral health. We look for the best ways to ease some of the fears our patients experience, IV sedation included. If you would like to discuss your experience further, please feel free to call us to speak with a member of our management team, we would be happy to listen to your concerns and find any ways to resolve them. Thank you for your feedback!
All of the other reviews mention someone named Dr.Cha. All of them talk about how quickly they were able to get in. Weird, right? Such a populated area, so many people going. Yet how could they possibly be getting people in so quickly? It should take a few weeks to a month.
Where the fuck are the Alaskans. Get your Neckbeards over there and swab some DNA on that storage container. Call the number on le proyecto fe and get an appointment at the door.
Does the FBI/CIA still do MKultra? The reviews are really weird. All of the 5 star ones talk about one day walkins. Then there are a few one star reviews saying that they were tortured in essence by the staff.
lurker here.
Pls forgive me going off topic but everytime I post it gets pruned. This child abuse/sacrifice is related to Moloch, right? Who defeats Moloch? All I can find is modern Kek.
Is there anything else?
It is not unreasonable tho.
Last year i had to go to about 6 1hour sessions to fix my teeth. Wish they could have done it in one day.
It's far more sophisticated these days.
tbh they could just be astroturfing reviews to appear like a legit business. They have more reviews as a low income dental office in Anchorage, Alaska than most popular restaurants in the large north east metro area that I live in.
you're not asking the right questions. Maybe you should be asking if David ever had a Star? The moloch worshipers live among us and parade (((their))) demonic symbols in plain sight.
I lived in anchorage for 5 years and can tell you I never seen so much pedo shit anywhere Anchorage is capital one for that kind of shit and was disconcerting as it was everywhere and I was like oh these bitches got to die ..locals cautioned me that that was how it was up there further enraging me a few things taken into consideration 1 native alaskans fuck em soon as they bleed and make them suck until then thats a fact its nasty made me want to start going conan but it is them ..this leaves a huge hole for pedos extorting a fucked up culture ti natives its not a big deal to pimp out their children yet that isn't how a Master Race rolls so initially I was like oh this fucker is gonna die he tried to pimp his 9 yr old on me for booze …had to separate myself from them and that guy wound up dead nevertheless Alaska is the best place if you are a based white 5 min out your in total wilderness no niggers,jews,politics only survival mode though in the city same jew smut running rampant only their they have an in for their degen because of native culture hence why they sideline promote islam anything degenerate they are forgiven for because they think they are chosen do no wrong against gentiles no matter how sick and depraved …Locals in AK lol lot of wide open space for your body never to be found ….bear bait Won't lie though highest per capita of serial killers (all whites) and chomos mostly all natives its their culture bunch of inbred fucks thousands of years of it tbh and they flock to anchorage and traffic ppl from there.
Bear in mind that "Kim" is a family name in Korea.
Thus "Kim" is probably a Korean, not a woman named "Kimberly."
that wilderness though its conveniently deadly
More like Jew Jitsu
bump this wtf
they beLIEve in a a fairy tale proven wrong over and over again their symbols lol means nothing!! what would be cooler is burning a pedo on a cross and vid that shit burned alive from the feet up and that expediency translating as a threat to jews WE KNOW FUCKERS SO BRACE YOURSELVES THE REAL HOLOCAUST IS COMING AND YOU DESERVE IT EVERY MAN WOMAN CHILD OF YOU RATS!!
We need to get this scrubbing to keep happening. Need to keep them on the run. Need to keep making them have to run and hide. Need to keep nagging.
I really hope there are police or agents or whatever who have info that will make it exceedingly difficult for these people to hide. Otherwise I fear they'll be able to hide and will never face execution.
Oh shit I live right next door from one of those dental places. I've never seen anyone go in or out when I went to work though, might be an inactive one.
Anyway I guess I'll look a bit closer t
your jew culture will be pissed on and dumped to oblivion by your archenemy whites the actual chosen if chosen is a thing we made this world you are just trying to subvert it as it clear in gods image is the White man not some ugly shitskin jew as Whites create you parasite and destroy whats better than you just like you have trained niggers to do bbb ut they better than us in every way yea we have to kill them not realizing the master race gone you shitskins have no soap box to stand on anymore and degenerate into societies of sewage without whites to give you all your clean water and pay taxes jews imposed to put you through college just to come out of it still a stupid nigger waster of resource
Gather the men
Check'd and Kek'd
In that order
Read the rest of the evidence you dickwad
Oh ye of little faith.
Hope you get socked by a nigger.
New halfpol thread about Glacier and the like.
h ttp://
Drop by for the bigger audience, if you like
Link breaks automatic now?
who ultimately defeats Moloch? Biblically/mythologically/in vid games, whatever…point me in the right direction
can you get like 10 of those threads up? 4chan completely missed this yesterday and they need to dive in.
Pretty sure they bump locked the thread. Hiroshima is terrified of another comet style attention strike.
wanna help me put together an interactive map of all the pedophile symbols and their locations?? and link them to 4chan Holla Forums threds etc… i could use a team of helpers.
ive started with glacier dental. We can add the Los angeles cops and all counties etc… besta pizza you name it here's the link.
What'll I need?
did you see the site?
I need all the locations and images of places that have the pedophile symbols around the world.
drop them here: [email protected]/* */
Well lets list some things which drive their commonly known worship.
From the commonalities the carthagenians were either a major jewish state at the time, or the Jews were the remnants of the carthagenian elites whom fled before it was destroyed and changed their name to hide from being hunted down. We might need to look into ancient Carthaginian(or Phoenician) myths, specifically those about volcano's, perhaps we can figure something out there. Didn't the phonecians get ass blasted by an volcano under their feet on some med island at some point and have to flee, giving rise to states like carthage?
fine create a thread here dont care lel. if you got a better way let me know otherwise ill build it myself. you can post them to vote as well.
I'll write down. You hear me sometime. If it's good enough.
Here's a fine example of a hero. Compiling a database so when and if the time comes we can have a clear path. You are all doing Gods work, and I commend you.
If the time comes I would gladly sign up to be cannon fodder to make the world as it should, a peaceful, loving, but vengeful and wrathful society.
I commend you all, this place is way better than half chan, although you are probably controlled by the eternal jew but on another level.
send me (((discord))) invite link
One sec m8 im compiling rn.
can tell you 100% lived in anchorage its a hot spot for 2 things Serial Killers …and pedophiles. really a turn off when that place is 100% fuck all jew shit living off the land no need electricity ouch or dependency on anything tr8 off the grid ready ….I lived there and will be going back for freedom from rats taxing least taxed state is AK and the best state for summer omg you lower 48 ers have no idea
ever jump into resurrection bay cold waters its a murky green try to swim across it you will drown yet looks so inviting just like the kankakee river
Alaska nigger tried to warn you for city out side of that fuck them the fish and game really never need to eat asshole you go it yet can you go full fuck society with native women up north
we live in ala ska bitch lol ways to survive is our forte yet you yap trap like a punk need a hard male dick going up in it Alaska bitch please
Surgery probably and they encourage the parent to leave while their child gets drilled.
bump becuz wtf
And they did what? Vaginal pain would linger, no? You cant draw blood that way right?
You do not belong here. It is time to stop posting.
relax calm down and know FUCK YOU WHORE !!!! ;) you lived their ? living their now I cant be at your bullshit in 15 min yet I am the guy that fixxing shit uhhh handy man death to me
can fix anything handy man supreme keep act like bitch the shut your water in middle of winter
I can fix anything bitch
Whites are going to kill you quit bucking it is not something you can stop they more you bitch cry about all the shit we give you not being enough we are fed up and no longer want you shitstains around us you un appreciate subhumans
you have any idea nigger how life will be without whites LMAO yet we put you through school and you still come up with gibme hence why all your kind should die [email protected]/* */ you nworthless nigger!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember to filter and report bots, they always show up in pizzagate related threads. This means we are onto something
These posts feel strange. Ominous even?
dont forget the fact that this could potentially be a false flag
You are uncovering CIA black ops, bud. You'd better cover your asses.
The entire pedogate network exists as a secret society that thinks its better than us, and all the victims are brainwashed. What exactly do you think is going to happen? At best they will shut down and you've marked yourself for life.
Maybe you picked up shell companies for some criminal organization, but more than likely are owned by CIA assets who will deny any involvement with the govt and end up dead anyway.
relax i know the guy who took the photos.
we don't know the guy and we don't know you
then they need to get better at hiding. this is ridiculous. and were all protected by everybody upstairs
i have the guys facebook not gonna share it on here
I'm just playing devils advocate and wish you the best, just stay safe I'm pretty sure these are all govt owned companies we stumble across, especially when you trace the shell corporations and where the funding comes from. You should share this with if you havent already… theres a lot of tard schizos there but some good detectives
Its an inverted sign, the face (acrylic) is flipped over when the business wants to stop advertising. Its cheaper than unscrewing the whole thing from the wall and storing it.
t. worked briefly in sign industry.
Is Marc Rich related to Seth Rich?
>Even some subhuman beans experience enough animal revulsion to pedophilia to do this.
I mean, not that it takes a big reason for the hues to irl gorespam, but still…
this site just shows reviews from google, so totall legit; more legit - owner replies!
I was wondering where the Pedo Gate Threads went. Mods please sticky?
One more reason for them to hate the Roman Salute.
Today I was watching some MKUltra things and I found an allegedly leaked MKUltra film that has the Kim Nobel paintings. Might be something to look into.
This is the actual "leaked" video without the intro/outro and watermark. Note that the "ConspiracyChannel" released the video three years ago, long before any of this happened.
This is already a sticky lad, has been for several hours
This is actually extremely common. I've been to multiple gun stores that do that, except they have a buzzer, CCTV, and a remote electronic lock.
Alaska is based AF yet a hot spot for pedo shit up the tiers tbh if I was going to move again would go back to Alaska to the valley or knik arm area yet in anchorage city shit is out of control I curbed it in my area when I was there they just moved somewhere else and was top busy working to chase them around ….Spenard is still popping for that pedo prosti shit lucky I didnt life there while in anchorage ppl would have dissappeared
That was like a shitty youtube poop larping as an imagined brainwashing video
Must not have been such a great teacher then :^)
dont alaska talk unless you actually lived there jew
My aryan not blu eyes GREEN and recessive rare tier like the red hair ….I am white moar than you red tint in pubic hair yet blonde at birth …Explain my green eyes not some blue eyes although all my mate so fare been blue eyes I am green my offspring green by a blue eyed swed total blonde yet I was blonde as a babe yet the green eyes (rare) was not from irish ?BLONDE GREEN EYE (RARE) than blue ???
6'5 all blonde green eyed offpring with blue eyed swede mother green eyes blonde seems divergent from blonde blue Blonde green eyes with a blonde blue eyes mate ?
rbh I am glad I am not blue eyes kinda boring and love the color green and have reddish hair pubs lol explain it niggers
still blonde just not blue eyes green instead
ahahaha I am royalty back to Egyptian days as no shitskin ugly mud could ever be in control
Impressive quints brother.
U// say nothing concrete and for get I live there rat and know so give your salt little bitch nigger
drinking it
4 wisdom teeth can be removed in an hour under anesthetic. more than an hour and i have no idea what they are doing , certainly not dentistry.
I thought it was the mercury they worked with but this could also be a factor.
Must be something real important we just found for the kikes to spaz out this hard. Bump.
Holy shit nigger
These people need to fry.
I'm not a shill. Look at the evidence, there's nothing here. Pizzagate/pedogate is real; this Glacier Dental shit is disinfo. Don't fall for it. OP is the shill
The star seems to be more of an esoteric symbol.
I hope we're not mixing pedo symbols with actual religious esoteric symbols.
For a start those triangles look like an infinite loop of triangles. Surely that might be the real symbolism.
If it were, however, a male or female symbol (mars/venus) and they had that weird double symbol, then that would be suspicious. But the triangle (if memory serves correct it's either a symbol for the trinity or the constellation of orion) may be more esoteric than an actual pedo symbol.
Remember, this is LA. Home to many esoteric Christians and Jews. Esotericism =/= pedophilic rituals but I but some of the stupider or crazier people that learn about the method do indeed do this act of depravity. That's probably how sacrifices in ancient religions originated. The fools and the crazed learned something too dangerous for them to control.
Both pizzagate and this are just us loosely digging on possibilities. BUT, they do always eventually lead to some real actual dodgy shit. There was definitely something horrific discovered in the pizzagate threads, but nothing that seemed to be directly connected to where we started.
Makes me almost think Clinton was doing the Comet Pizza shit to get us to dig.
One thing to look for is where they have similar or the same signs on the two locations.
That directly connects the two locations and makes what is suggested in this thread more probable.
What they didn't count on is us actually getting more pissed off by it. You can't break those that already see hell.
We're the sort that gets a niggle, then feeds it 3x as much back.
It's certainly possible, but I don't buy that Alefantis is innocent. He's got way too much shady shit surrounding him. I think Hillary & the elites got caught with their hands in the cookie jar and are trying to cover their tracks. Trying to discredit Pizzagate would be the easiest way to do that. We're dealing with masters of propaganda; they're gonna throw everything at us that they can. However, I do think people have a tendency to focus on Comet Ping Pong and not the bigger picture.
Recommended reading for anyone digging into the elite: Propaganda, by Edward Bernays
Learn to recognize when you're being played, guys
People forget the types of behaiviour pagans used to accept. Before Christianity, there was a lot of pedophilia, sodomy and all of the other vices.
It was degenerate for good reason. Then again, the greek pagans and romans started to crack down on it (in particular - plato) before Christianity took hold so obviously they saw the issues with it before christianity drove a stake into it.
I have noticed a lot of sliding on 4chan today though. Somethings up.
I've noticed it too over the last few days….here, 4chan, voat. Voat is being DDoSed at the moment; it's been up and down all morning. There's something bigger going on here. I think this disinfo is part of a larger campaign to cover something up. Have there been any new leads discovered over the last few days? I'm combing through posts now trying to find something, but Voat keeps going down.
Perhaps we should dig into the meaning of the symbols, maybe that'll inspire a lead.
I found six facebook matches for Jessica Russell in Alaska. Somebody should try sending DMs to these people and ask about Glacier dental
He had triangular symbols of protection actually.
Does anyone know the esoteric meaning of the "infinite triangle"?
I see many other symbols similar to it (in particular the eye of providence or the Illuminati symbol)
But it also resembles the norweigian Valknut
>Scholars have proposed a variety of explanations for the symbol, sometimes associating it with the god Odin, and it has been compared to the three-horned symbol found on the 9th-century Snoldelev Stone, with which it may be related
This page is the most interesting interpretation for triangular symbols:
The Thaumaturgic Triangle/Circle
>the triangle represents Solomon's symbol of protection, as well as a sign of the four classic elements (see pic)
>the taus are "sacred gates/openings," so it is said that the triple tau makes a temple, particularly the Temple of Jerusalem (H and T initials from Templum Hierosolyma). The circle represents the universe and "the ethereal state, the soul." The triangle represents spiritual/divine manifestations [used by Royal Arch Masons]
The sedatives are key if this is really a thing.
Read up about sodium pentathol, what it does, when it was invented etc. It would be perfect if you wanted to rape kids and then hand them back to their unsuspecting parents.
What memories you do have are vague like an old dream you still recall. You are open to suggestion and will tell whoever whatever. If you have any sexual deviances or hangups you are probably going to talk about them.
I had some particularly bad wisdom teeth and they gave me pent or a similar drug. You feel everything but you don't remember the pain, I know this because my gf said you could hear me screaming in the waiting room, she wanted to come and check on me and some people had to go out.
Months later I remember telling the guy who came in to remove them "fuck me you're big for a Paki", he had huge biceps, and he put his knee on my chest to hold me in the chair whilst ripping my impacted teeth out sideways.
Had he wanted to rape me there would have been nothing I could have done about it.
A circle with a triangle, hexagram or other symbol is actually the seal of solomon.
>The hexagram or "Star of David", which became a symbol of Judaism in the modern period and was placed on the flag of Israel in 1948, has its origins in 14th-century depictions of the Seal of Solomon. In 1354, King of Bohemia Charles IV prescribed for the Jews of Prague a red flag with both David's shield and Solomon's seal, while the red flag with which the Jews met King Matthias of Hungary in the 15th century showed two pentagrams with two golden stars.[7]
But I only skimmed the article on the star of david and this is what I found:
>Seven names of angels precede the mezuzah: Michael, Gabriel, etc. …Tetragrammaton protect you! And likewise the sign, called the "Shield of David", is placed beside the name of each angel.[64]
lmao honestly this freaks me out the most; being sedated and saying something racist or sexist
>The name 'Shield of David' was used by at least the 11th century as a title of the God of Israel, independent of the use of the symbol. The phrase occurs independently as a Divine title in the Siddur, the traditional Jewish prayer book, where it poetically refers to the Divine protection of ancient King David and the anticipated restoration of his dynastic house, perhaps based on Psalm 18, which is attributed to David, and in which God is compared to a shield (v. 31 and v. 36). The term occurs at the end of the "Samkhaynu/Gladden us" blessing, which is recited after the reading of the Haftara portion on Saturday and holidays.[63]
All your desperation to tell people "don't look at this" just raises an even bigger flag.
This is interesting:
>The Star of David at least since the 20th century remains associated with the number seven and thus with the Menorah, and popular accounts[unreliable source?] associate it with the six directions of space plus the center (under the influence of the description of space found in the Sefer Yetsira: Up, Down, East, West, South, North, and Center), or the Six Sefirot of the Male (Zeir Anpin) united with the Seventh Sefirot of the Female (Nukva).[21] Some say that one triangle represents the ruling tribe of Judah and the other the former ruling tribe of Benjamin. It is also seen as a dalet and yud, the two letters assigned to Judah. There are 12 Vav, or "men," representing the 12 tribes or patriarchs of Israel.
Wasn't 12 an important number in Christian teachings? Like the number of the apostles?
Also, wasn't that connected to something in egyptian myths and magic?
I hope people see where I'm going to this.
If we're looking for a reason or a motive for this behavior (other than mere pedophilia) then this is the direction we should look into.
I've always heard rumours about fucked up rituals in this world.
I'll just try to make my point here:
I think this triangle symbolism is no mere tool, it's symbolism goes far deeper.
Better that than telling them everytime you see excrement you have to ejaculate on it or something worse….
Son you have no idea, but if you keep looking you will find it, then shit gets really wild.
Oh mate I'm only scratching the surface. But already my "spidey senses" are tingling.
I once told my dad and uncle what I dug into. My uncle once told me "I was a brave man" because clearly he knew the rumours and had the same "spidey senses" about this shit too.
A lot of people know something horrible lurks the streets. Only those with perception that is..
If you could put it into as few words. Define what I might expect
What if these children are mere tools for something more religious or "magical"?
Point in circle might infer the reason for a triangle within a triangle, but I will also point out that the point is not connected to the outer circle, unlike our triangle symbols.
I'm starting to see why there was a thread on "gnostics" and "gnosis" earlier this week.
Except that there are eight. Fucking jews and their milhouse of numbers.
So then let's spin that around and look at it another way. Imagine I'm an avid researcher and I have been investigating Pizzagate since day 1. Now imagine I've noticed a push of disinfo across all major Pizzagate discussion boards. Would my warning to other researchers not look exactly the same? Stop looking at the fact that I'm saying it's disinfo and do the research yourself then.
1. The G only halfway resembles the pedo triangle. It more resembles a mountain, which makes sense considering the name of the company.
2. There is only one bad review for Glacier Dental, and while it is weird, it doesn't scream pedophilia or trafficking to me.
3. It's within close range of a crematorium. As are all the other businesses near every other crematorium in the world.
4. It has dental chairs. It's a dental office. I don't think that needs much explaining.
5. There's a storage container by the building. Maybe it's being used for……
6. This same shit was posted a few weeks or a month ago. Nothing came if it, and no new info was included with any of the new posts.
7. There were four or five posts about this made to Voat within a matter of hours. Same on 4chan. OP has yet to add any additional info or make their case.
Give me one shred of legit evidence that shows this place is involved in something sinister and I'll be open to looking at it. But right now, it looks like a push of disinformation designed to make us chase false leads. Then the MSM can go hey, those crazy Pizzagate people are targeting innocent businesses again, except this time they'll be right.
Actually they ended up saying there was 7 later in that article.
Was odd.
What's the 8th?
As I said earlier, check if the posts on the doors of the clinic match up with other clinics, churches, etc. Look at what is written, the font, how they're displayed, etc.
Chances are, it might be proof they're related.
I understand. I've prepared myself for some of the worst possibilities.
Why waste time on a false lead though? Thats exactly what they want us to do. If you want to do that, go right ahead. I'm pursuing my own leads at the moment.
You either know it or you don't. Just look at an eight pointed diagram for a while.
You might think you have
There are enough (((coincidences))) that it bears further investigation. That doesn't mean people have to scream off the rooftops about this place, just that it requires a closer look. Your "nothing to see here" approach screams of shill.
Looked up the meaning for "symbol within a symbol" - found this.
>The “Point within a Circle” is, in and of itself, a symbol-within-a-symbol – a visual symbolic representation linking our past to our present.
Had an interesting point on the "philosopher's stone"
>The legend and acquisition of the stone are as diverse and unique as most legends. The legend of the stone first began in the late 1500’s by an italian alchemist. The stone was said to be able to transmute base metals into gold. Legends also state that the stone can only be acquired by the truly pure and divine. Those that possess the stone can grind it up into an elixir that will provide perpetual youth. However one must still imbibe food and drink or risk their stomach shrinking. The Elixir Vitae as it is known will keep one from needing drink or water as well. It is understandable how one would spend their life attempting to acquire the stone. Especially since it can grant riches and eternal youth.
>The Rosicrucians were a group of mystics of which it is said also possessed the Philosopher’s Stone. […] However truth be told the alchemical secrets of lead into gold were actually metaphor for ascending a spiritual conscious. The philospher’s stone being the quintessential state of enlightenment.
Not directly related to what we're looking add, but good "food for thought" for what we might be seeing. Emphasis on the might in conjunction and with regard to confirmation bias, etc.
I did feel like I kinda knew what you meant.
We're not professionals, it's kinda interesting seeing where this leads. In my head it's an adventure!
If you say so. Again, not a shill, just trying to help out. Sad we've had to become so skeptical that anyone who expresses a different viewpoint is a shill, but I get it.
Get the fuck out.
>linked to the soul (of the deceased) in search of reincarnation
Anyone pointed this out?
Because that sorta ties in with the symbols I posted earlier.
When has that ever happened? The best we'll get is some Alaskafag posting a 3000 word essay about when he's going to visit, for how long is he going to stay, his outfit and that whoever gets dubs first decides what he writes on a piece of paper and slides under their door.
Doing anything other than walking around requires manpower and funding; if they spot and find you as a threat you better have a weapon ready because "someone" can just walk calmly towards you, keep you busy by asking you questions and before you know it you're either dead or black bagged.
But he's not a shill and there's nothing to see here.
Again, he's not a shill but I'm sure he doesn't need you to remember that he's not a shill :^).
Filter the cuck so he ends up blatantly talking to himself or another shill and they get b&.
I was trying to see how much of a script they're given
I'm not sure why, but I get this feeling this is connected to something called a zār ritual
The way I thought about it, it's like they're trying to trap spirits within these kids. But this is obviously a very "out there" theory :^)
I'd hate for it to "stick in the back of your mind"
Obviously that ritual is only one of many similar rituals. But it proves that people still think about "possession" and "exorcism" in this way.
Can someone explain to me why this is stickied?
i've been through this thread several times and I don't see anything too damning? All just looks like a bunch of larping to me.
might need a quick rundown
I think this post is very underrated.
user, I think that's grasping at straws. Bears are often connected to childcare. They're toys for children.
Wasn't there a connection between that "Albany Racism Case" and how one of the lawyers attacking the children for hate speech got off a pedo for "lack of evidence"?
I wonder who helped the kids produce their testimony..
Lol, wow, you guys are gullible as fuck. Quick to call me a shill, but not one of you has offered a rebuttal to my points. What is there to see here? The "evidence" (if you can even call it that) here is thin as fuck, but I'm the shill? Lol, got it.
Whining about Holla Forums wasting its time by having curiosity while not providing more important alternatives to be focused on.
Yeah take a look at this shill
Pointing out that this is disinfo doesn't require me to point to another topic. You're calling me a shill but still no one is addressing the points I made about Glacier Dental. Can I not disagree without being a shill?
calls us all shills and tries to discredit. without debunking.
can we please get a legitimate connection here between the shell companies. THERES mountains of circumstantial evidence that points to this place being a kiddie fucker center.
They're trying to kabosh on voat. What's wrong with shining the light on the roaches every once in a while? Theyre saying were destroying innocent businesses. Well, why do you have a symbol that is in conjunction with pedophilia? Why have all this circumstantial evidence and crematorium next door to your place etc…
Can we please just get a solid lead on paper with the shell companies so we can put a full blitz on this place.
Also THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH HAVING A COMPANY THAT CLOSELY RESEMBLES A PEDO LOGO TO BE UNDER THE "RADAR". It's so obvious how they try to shut even the slightest bit of a breakthrough or research down. If there is another solid lead be my guest and delete this thread but there is not.
They are located within a city that has more adoption agencies than most and are an eighth to a quarter of the size of an avvergage metropolitan area. How bout that for some abnormality. Why don't you guys who do real research get in here and add glacier Dental to your list of leads/sketch places to look into.
What's the harm in that? no one is asking you to go vigilante like the CIA did to take the attention off of Comet were just asking you to keep a close watch on an organization with a mountain of circumstantial evidence. That's it. It's too bad half chan banned this because they really would have been on this.
I also know the guy who took the photos. he was just concerned like any other citizen who sees these pedophile symbols that recently have been noticed and decided to get a case.
Glacier was brought up months ago on and gained zero traction because it was posted while that site got hacked and everyone had left. I didnt even know was around or where you all went. Glad i found it and it got some traction now Glacier is on everyones radar like it fucking should. Sketchy asss place.
Would you get in trouble if you did? Your goal is to save everyone's time right? Disprove allegations of being a shill by providing alternatives
I knew this felt familiar. Good post, user.
Lol, okay guys. I obviously can't get you to entertain the idea that someone could call something disinfo without being a shill. I've pointed out what makes this post disinfo. It's not even the pedophile symbol; its CLOSE, yes, but we can't just jump on anything resembling a pedo symbol. Anyway, I tried to get a reasonable response besides "you're a shill", but no one has been able to dispute what I specifically pointed out previously in regards to this post. So I give. Eventually someone will figure it out.
It is more than that, dental offices are an all around win for a hypothetical group trying to traffic children and acquire eternal youth. You have a place that children already associate with torture which makes their stories easier to discredit, a full rig for cleaning up body fluids and the expectation of such, the sedatives, the ability to avoid dental records, a large enough capital flow to easily launder money, and children's teeth are a stem cell goldmine.
Earliest review is Apr 25, 2017, oldest is Feb 18, 2011. Oldest goybook post is February 20, 2012. They are hiring.
2421 E. Tudor Road, Suite #101
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
3606 Rhone Circle
Anchorage, AK 99507
"August 25, 2016 ·
You are invited to our new location – opening soon! The new Glacier Dental one-stop dental practice is being built at 3606 Rhone Circle. It’s still under construction. We hope you will join us for the impending Grand Opening."
1569 Bragaw St. Suite 101
Anchorage, AK 99508
"September 10, 2016 ·
Glacier Dental has a big surprise. We are opening a brand new location at: 1569 Bragaw St. next week! And we cannot wait to show it off!"
Monday: 8AM – 8PM
Tuesday: 8AM – 8PM
Wednesday: 8AM – 8PM
Thursday: 8AM – 8PM
Friday: 8AM – 5PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
I couldn't really find anything serious on their jewbook and the staff pictures are casual shit that have a single asian male (the doctor) and women.
Doesn't really make sense for a clinic located in Alaska's ghettos to open 2 more clinics on August and then September. Kudos to the retarded OP phoneposting shit from a discord and the other cuck using a phone camera with a digital zoom.
After failing to provide a more productive topic that needs to be focused on you are now whining. What thread would you be in if this thread didn't exist, whats the wasted potential?
On cuckchan's Holla Forums you would be instabanned for writing his name and posting in a thread.
Not looked at this before, but thought should check to verify your claim so you're not questioning your sanity in the same way pizzagate could when noticing visible connections reaching across America, yet no one else mentioned them meaning it was likely all in the head. Don't want to be like a liberal who sees Russian spies on every corner.
Similar to when researching Shia Labeouf during /hwndu/ to see if it was some sort of psyop, and noticing not only the obvious connections to pedowood, but also deep state and organised crime, not to mention a secret sibling who also happens to be married to a dentist. Yet with all the autism concentrated on it no one else mentioned it, again making it likely it was all in the head.
From only a brief look there was one image that looked like the FBI symbols, it's on the Alki facebook page couldn't get it to archive properly, where Hanbit Chi, who had previously been registered at Glacier, works. But at what point is a spiral just a spiral? not sure myself. Sometimes think it'd be good to be part of the IC to have some better understanding.
Anyway for those with toothache in Alaska here are some contacts
'We look for the best ways to ease some of the fears our patients experience, IV sedation included. ' Uhh… how common is that??? 'cause that would make me scared as ****.
2421 E. Tudor Road, Suite #101
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
3606 Rhone Circle
Anchorage, AK 99507
Keep plugging guise.
1569 Bragaw St. Suite 101
Anchorage, AK 99508
23 hours ago, didn't even post the discord link
That claim was all the proof we needed.
The only evidence you can provide is a super secret larping discord's screenshots that you took using your fucking phone 😂
Uhhhhhhhhhh guys waht the fuvkkkkk. Don't tell me this is not meant
So I was in Oak Brook Illinois and saw this building for an insurance company.
Interesting logo, don't you think?
> Domains By Proxy, LLC was found in ~12,696,839 other domains
Shady fuck like comet pizza using Orleans aws
Apache, godaddy, cpanel -should be easy to hack
*ireland aws
Let's goooo bois. Will add to the map.
AMCORRO CORP is associated with ~8 other domaIns
NS1.HOSTMONSTER.COM (has 480,795 domains)
NS2.HOSTMONSTER.COM (has 480,795 domains)
Reverse NS
IP Address
Gods work boi
has whois protection
why would a dentist office need whois protection?
nameserver is
its a corporate webdesign company
i wonder if they've designed any other websites for other pedo's
MANNNN TOo bad halfchan wasn't here helping us out.
Great work m8
more info on
uses wordpress
all plugins and themes are out of date
1 possible remote code execution vuln
1 sql injection vuln
could be sensitive data on the site
if anyone gets a shell open on the server there might even be client data on who owns the site and their doxx if saved on the server
That's not a literal brainwashing video itself, but all the scenes depict either material used in brainwashing or the side effects of brainwashing e.g. that segment with Britney Spears. Brings back a lot of memories. Also fucking spooky for it to get all those 9's.
"Pedophilia" is mostly disinfo. The majority of people interested in this shit are motivated by far baser things such as money and power more than sexuality. Pedophilia is associated with these symbols because 1) a lot of occult rituals involve the harm of innocents and 2) pedophilia is one of the more prominent side effects of participating in/being victimized by occult ritual abuse. They will use pedos to do their dirty work, but they care more about the product a mind control slave than the pedophilia per se.
This. Also look into hospitals known for serving children especially, such as St. Jude's and the Children's Hospital network. I've had "heart surgery" twice. Each time I specifically asked the doctors if I could get pictures, but they always refused. They would also give me a teddy bear as a gift. I would look into the UCLA hospitals, they are already known for participating in MK-ULTRA and I can personally verify they are still involved in that.
Dentistry is only part. They literally have virtually complete control over the medical system. Obamacare was just a backdoor for the government to give itself access to everyone's medical records a high frequency of major surgeries early in life is a HUGE red flag for mind control. Consider that a favorite technique of trauma-based conditioning is to essentially keep the person awake and in a state of utter panic for WEEKS at a time, using drugs and various forms of stimuli so that they will not die.
All I know is, each time I've had "surgery," right after I have horrible nightmares about being forced to endure an eternity of endless suffering without even the possibility of suicide. I also remember the doctors talking to me after surgery, asking me weird questions about remembering anything "from the surgery" and really making a point that "I don't need to worry about what I remember, sometimes children just remember things that never really happened."
GREAT FUCKING WORK m8. lemme know if you can get in to the db bruh
Programming that makes an alter believe it literally has no face, and therefore cannot express emotion, is a very standard element of mind control programming.
The crown is one of the chakras and an important part of the body for the purposes of neurolinguistic programming. Different parts of the body will be associated with specific triggers. Also notice his shirt says 'support ANCHORage.' Hypnotic triggers accessed through physical touch are called 'anchors.'
Love is a codeword for LSD. LSD is used in modern forms of mind control programming derived from MK-ULTRA, often to implant programming which makes it more difficult to access those memories crucial to restoring traumatized memories. LSD is reputably a substance that can be very helpful for accessing those memories and taking control from the alters created during programming.
Numerologically, would translate to something like "you're on the right track to a new beginning/divinity." This is based on the angelic numerological system, for repeating digits there tends to be overlap between different numerological systems.
First, a 'G' is associated with the freemasons, who are all about 'Greatness.' The 'R' has a particular shape that I have been seeing everywhere, I'll get to that last. In the middle of the name is 'lacie,' as in lace. Lace is a standard element of sex kitten programming, as it is soft and sensuous.
The 'R' looks like an incomplete 'twin peaks,' which represents the way in which a magician lives "between two worlds," e.g. the world of normies and the world of magic. The world of magic is behind the curtain, so to speak. That the twin peaks are incomplete suggests the dentistry is a transition towards achieving that state. You can also compare the twin peaks symbolism to the 'W' in the "CROWNED IN A DAY" text.
Because incorporating that symbolism into the victim's conscious memory is an integral part of the abuse. Without that, they would be liable to suspect their strange memory of that symbol, without a conscious memory to "explain away" where they got the idea from, came from somewhere they don't consciously remember. For every torture performed under induced anterograde amnesia, it must be accompanied by a similar conscious memory to "explain away" the subconscious imprint of the memory in that person's mind.
Conclusion: Glacier Dental is absolutely involved in mind control.
FBI is that you? great fucking work
I fou and illuminati outpost. Clear as day you cant even take images off of the website they have that sheeit on lockdown.
Disabled kids center frun by the vatican with the illuminati dagger through the heart symbol PLASTERED as the LOGO ALL OVER ON THE FRONT PAGE
REEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee keep digging boisssssssssssssss
And they fucking taunted everyone with the pedo boy lover swirl on Christmas.
So one essential element to mind control programming is that the programmers need to maintain contact with their slaves. Using trauma-based conditioning/hypnosis, they can have a victim develop subconscious alters who will reflexively react to observed triggers they have been sensitized to without the front consciousness realizing that is what is happening. Imagine you hear a rooster crow, and then you suddenly get an urge to fight with your spouse. Stuff like that. When the symbols/signs are injected in rapid sequence, especially in conjunction with more specific codes can trigger more specific programming.
Many times, the slave will even be programmed to actively seek out those stimuli. A religious person will be open to accepting "communications from angels," who they imagine are messengers of God but are just their programmer making sure they notice those signs I've been seeing 444 everywhere lately. Things such as horoscopes and numerology are used as ways for programmers to communicate specific codes to their victims, which will reflexively trigger the desired behavior.
For all I know angels really do exist. Satanists will pervert literally anything. They will even manipulate people through their charity and kindness. St. Thomas Aquinas was an early version of this kind of "angelic programming" and he was used to further elaborate the metaphysics/mythology of angels for their own programming purposes.
The dagger piercing the heart represents mind control. In Egyptian anatomy the heart represents the mind/soul. Mind control programming works by intentionally fracturing the mind and then using trauma-based conditioning to train the amnesic-separated parts of mind into separate behaviors. This makes it possible for the individual to, for example, be an earnest supporter of Marxism all while having a "patriotic" alter unknown even to themselves that will pass on everything they learn about actual Marxists to the government. McCarthy didn't even know this was really going on but he had to be stomped just because he was getting too close to the truth. His list of communists was mostly a list of mind control slaves working as moles in the communist movement.
Finally those of you who have been following along must be asking "What exactly does this have to do with dentistry?" Well, consider how essential touch is to mind control programming. There are certain kinds of "touch" that a person is unlikely to ever intentionally inflict on themselves, touch which is either extremely painful or simply bizarre. Certain kinds of programming might be triggered by, for example:
1) piercing the eye with a needle e.g. Lasik surgery
2) injecting with radioactive isotopes [spoiler]look up Technetium-99m
3) a specific emotional trauma a spouse cheating on you
4) a specific oral nerve being damaged which a dentist would have a "legitimate" reason to do
In other words, Glacier Dentistry is not merely associated with mind control. It not only happens to serve a clientele of children stolen from around the world, nor does it merely happen to operate in an area rife with mind control operations. It is directly involved with the programming of mind control victims.
You are all literally looking at pictures of mind control victims. With Anchorage as a nexus of these operations virtually every major city is an occult center you can bet there are other dentistry operations that cater to special needs.
probably not useful at all but i counted the locations of these doctors
kongiat ratanatharathorn-| 9 locations [email protected]/* */ & 1 not shared by other doctors
hanbit chi—————| 9 locations [email protected]/* */ & 1 not shared by other doctors
blake sessions———–| 8 locations [email protected]/* */
saman K. manesh———-| 8 locations [email protected]/* */
jethro cha—————| 8 locations [email protected]/* */
yoodong moon————-| 7 locations [email protected]/* */ & 2 locations not shared by other doctors
dong wu brian han——–| 7 locations [email protected]/* */
joshua jaekeang jeon—–| 7 locations [email protected]/* */
email wot
*at glacier
I think i understand Glacier dental now. It explains why i never see any parents in the photos with the kids. They kill the parents then capture and sell their kids. Just get a count on how many kids have 0 parents attending fairview elementary. FInd the ORPHANS.
That's what happens to people caught up in this who try to speak out. Maybe he really did rape his own child, but more likely they put him on crazy drugs without his knowledge and then made him think he was having sex with someone else all while taping on it. When one descends to these depths, one must always reserve judgment: they WILL make their mind control slaves compromise themselves in order to discredit their potential testimony. You idiots rushing to judgment are still working in the paradigm the Satanists created for you and are therefore an unwitting extension of their abuse. You will never be able to do anything against Satanism if you immediately turn on whoever those same Satanists happen to compromise.
Bullshit. Your own rush to judgment is a good indicator that you are equally susceptible to being compromised. You know how easy it would be? Meet a guy at the bar, enjoy a couple drinks, he slips you some scopolamine and next thing you wake up in your bed thinking you just blacked out from alcohol. Then, about 6 months later some pictures are delivered to you. That's how it happens. You think it couldn't happen to you, and then it does.
It doesn't need to be your alcohol. Maybe they get you through your prescription medication. Maybe they manipulate you through a loved one. Maybe you are even now being made into an unwitting participant using AI to selectively filter replies between partitioned communities of anons. One should always be prepared for immediate appearance to be a truth hiding another.
Find out their education and past work experience. That will give a lot more information.
Check out the angel numbers analysis:
Makes perfect sense for a "dentist" who sees a lot of mind control victims.
This. It's also entirely possible the parents simply have no idea. Dentistry in conjunction with life circumstances [[[they]]] have a lot of control over, e.g. through your job, through your insurance coverage, through their children's school, through daycare, makes it relatively easy for them to drag parents through the proper sequence of events for completing a victim's mind control programming. Since they have nexuses set up in practically every major metropolitan center, practically anywhere the parents move the children will still be victimized without their knowledge or complete comprehension.
yah the brainwashing doesnt make sense for the kids. they wouldn't want their product rekct. the parents gettting rick rolled for 10 hours a La 10 hour dental review makes sense it may take one or 2 times then the parents are fucked. I could be wrong and they use it on the kids as well FUCKKKKKKKK
Don't be afraid to think in layers. It's possible that the children are brought in and receive totally legitimate dental procedures. At the same time, perhaps during something like GATE, the children are sedated, brought to the dental facility, specific dental torture is enacted, and they are back to school and sober by the time the parents show up. If the parents ask about what they learned, they'll have even make sure to teach the children the lesson they would have ordinarily received and brainwash them into thinking they learned it during ordinary class time. So much of what is done to mind control victims is occultation, i.e. specific events or traumas planned so that they will have a conscious memory to make them not realize the feeling has an etiology in something else they did not remember.
One of these occulting traumas I can remember uses the "Ring around the rosy" nursery rhyme. The exoteric version has children falling down at the end, while in the esoteric the actual trauma some of the children made to play will actually be killed. This will be done in a way so that the child believes it is the actual nursery ritual itself that causes the children to die, and that e.g. they have secret magical powers.
[spoiler]They will impose the programming in a way so that even if a victim "wakes up" they will be given a false escape. That's what the Matrix trilogy is really about - Neo could still manipulate reality around him "outside the Matrix" because he was, in reality, still inside the Matrix.[/spoiler[
>[email protected]/* */
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Can we link any of these domains to companies we already know are sketchy
Like besta pizza and besta world group etc??? Also going to check into the orphan situation at fairview. Although by the time the kids become orphans they are probably shipped out to kebab land.
Also can we get check and see if there are any missing parents in Alaska. Is there a database people can check.
WHM login https://
client login https://
note these are just other domains on the same shared server, if you know anyone or can get access via these domains you could likely escalate privs
Reverse IP results for
There are 134 domains hosted on this server.
The complete listing of these is below:
Domain Last Resolved Date 2017-05-04 2017-05-08 2017-05-04 2017-05-08 2017-05-04 2017-05-12 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-08 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-05-04 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-05-12 2017-05-08 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-05-12 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-05-06 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-04-09 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-05-12 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-05-06 2017-05-06 2017-05-06 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-05-08 2017-05-08 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-05-08 2017-03-27 2017-05-06 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-05-12 2017-03-27 2017-05-12 2017-05-08 2017-03-27 2017-05-06 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-05-12 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-01-23 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27 2017-03-27
likely all related, under same hosting account. we need to check all domains on this server for content
the dentists site is a good attack vector as well
checked nice find
they all share the same nameserver to
so it looks like they registered the name with godaddy and then hosted their site with the same company/web designer's server (
Great fuvking work lots of dental site customers.
just need someone with the knowhow/opsec/and balls to try and get into that server
uhhhh what's that on her shirt…
go daddy hosts millions of domains, why are there so many dental related sites on this one server?
also, "lex" ?
anyway i'm sperg'ing out, but we should dump all domains on this server
it's not uncommon for companies to target drs for sites, like http://
but they're all under the same hosting account (way cheaper that way)
this is also ripe for some social engineering on the company that looks like it might be doing sites or managing these site, get some name number or info fr
om a simple phone call
What do you need?
any of the sites on that server could be wordpress or some shitty app with a vuln
Also great fycking work all of you
full server dump, files, databases
Wp had a universal login page at /wp-admin
But this one has an extra layer
note from above
WHM login https://
client login https://
Can you get in? My balls seem to have rapidly shrunk lol haha
You could also try Bruting one of their many other sites
Anti Zionist king Dawson did his own research on pizza gate and drops many many names and articles. I haven't seen this posted anywhere so im doing it.
You only get one shot on glacier b4 it alerts admin. Damn really fucking tight security for a dental company that takes no money online. They have a security company listed starts with a W gonna look into it to see if they do security for big companies
Word fence. They do about 60 dollar security. Hmmm crack able?
Apologies if repost but do you guys think the weird triangle symbol is just a representation of the star of david?
http:/ / seems to have all their shit on that server. They or their customers might be easier social engineer for passwords. MIght also get on with them as a client, get a client and cpanel login. might even be able to ask for shell access if this place uses as a vps. get shell access on that box and you should be golden
jews do love raping children
If we could solidly link these symbols to already existing symbols that are attached to certain groups it would be pretty good ammo.
Expiration Date 29-oct-2017
Registrant Name Justin Bard
Registrant Organization SearchBar Marketing
prob using for seo
Crossroads, Home & Garden Shows By Show Technology, Plantmix Asphalt Industry of Kentucky, Sage, Trainer Joe's Health & Weight Loss, A-OK Roofing & Exteriors LLC, The Banery: Cakes, Coffees and Confections, Truly Nolen Pest Control (Lexington, KY), Smoke & Spirits, Yates Event Center, ADA Heating and Air, Professional Rehabilitation Associates, PSC, Water By Faith, Birkman Interiors, New Circle Circular, Suicide Prevention Consortium of Kentucky, The Wooden Straw, Moore Custom Flooring LLC, Plastic Surgeons of Lexington, Pelycon Technologies, The Barre: A Fitness Boutique, JMC Communities, W&R Rentals, Mark G. Enderle, CPA, Thoroughbred Antique Gallery, Simply Clean Carpet Care LLC, Timber Woodworks Custom Furniture and Decor, Matt Rzepka Golf Classic, Kelly Sturgill-Cornett - Movement Mortgage, Cameo Glass, Darren Knight, Lexington Legends, Treever Cattle Company, Nick Landers, Digital Marketing Consultant, Vintage Industrial, John Deere, Old World Timber, Army Surplus Warehouse, Kentucky Kydex, LLC, Polka Dots & Rosebuds Interiors, Inscribed, Lexington ReUse Center, Zipie, Chubbies, Workman Bins, Inc., Planet Salon, Louisville Mortgage Broker, Loan Officer Daniel Shults, Men's Health, Renfroe Family Dental, True Blue Pools LLC, Audiology Associates, Auxilium Solutions, Erskine Plumbing, City Ventures, Centro, Epic Boats, Rob McGeorge, Partner / New York Life, New Haven Homes, LLC, B&A Marine & Performance, Netcomm, Herban Market, Manchester Music Hall, Mtn. & Co., Buddha Lounge, Shabby Chic Salon, Linda L Lewis - Realtor, Coca-Cola, Kentucky Apparel, Truck Bed & Trailer Sales, LLC, Brandon Simpson, Trautner Landscaping, Lexington Comic & Toy Con, NuHealth, Farmer's Jewelry, Brusters Ice Cream Lexington, East 4th, Ageless Medical Weight Loss and Medspa, Outlaw Custom Cycles, Colorectal Surgical and Gastroenterology Associates, Schroeder Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, Kentucky Orthopedic Associates, A Friend Design LLC., Celia Ann Events LLC, Anderson & Rodgers Construction, Rider Racing, LLC, A&M Vapes Inc., Noel Auctioneers & Marketing Group, Integrity Commercial Cleaning, ESPN UK, Gettinger Photography, Beckley Harvesting Inc., Schroeders Grain Farm, Lexington Athletic Club, Dot & Bo, KentuckyBranded, studio blue + interior design, inc., Gents Original Ginger Ale, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices de Movellan Properties, Center Ridge, Sunrise Bakery, Frederick Harvesting, Niemeyer Family Farms, Rainmaker Advertising, Hurt, Deckard & May, PLLC, Walgamuth Painting, Fisher's Baby Boutique, Westlake Harvesting, Ryan Hilliard - Realtor, Swim Assets, Jamie Cox Realtor - United Real Estate Lexington, Backwater Outfitters Lexington, KY Premier Tackle Store, David Bryant Law, PLLC, Alexandra Pallos, Mary Kay Independent Sales Director, Craftsmen Contractors, The Bourbon Social, Kentucky State Police, Lex Effect, Central Equipment Company, Como, Oak Hill Gardens Outdoor Event Space, The College Project, Mandina's Custom Cabinets Anderson - 530-365-8108, Bring Back The Kentucky Thoroughblades, Dales Carpet and Design, Anthany Beatty For Mayor, Proof Fitness, Republic Bank, Red Boots Marketing, Printlex, DelCotto Law Group PLLC, 5R Construction Inc., 2 Dudes Moving, Athlete Baseball, Dwayne The Rock Johnson, RedTag.Digital, Cardinal Automotive, I Love Disney, Fayette County Public Schools, embry's, Stonehaven Mortgage, Kentucky Art and Furnishings, Reliant Careers LLC, Lex Fun 4 Kids, Sticks Fencing, Blossom, KnightHorst Shredding LLC, Done In Sixty Seconds, LLC, Southcreek Management Company, Jordan Blair Racing, Integrity Painting and Remodeling, B & C Industries Inc, FOX 56 Lexington, Class 101, H2 Promotions, The Referrals Group, Yahoo Sports, Morton James, 3 Bears Chalet, Rocky Top Furniture & Railing, Lexington Mortgage Company, Doug Smith Designs and Events, Harville and DeBow Orthodontics, Taylormade Insurance Group, Jeffrey Bartlett Clothiers, Lee Boone Design, The Bourbon Barrel Project on Town Branch, Creative Touch Floral Design & Gifts, LLC, Sembol Systems, Legacy All Sports- HIT Athletic Training, Gymnastics, Cheer, Dance and Camp, Frontier Nursing University, BigEye Photography, Fine Lines LLC
Clean, simple and packed with as much information as I've ever seen. This man is on point.
Bro waht the actual fuck fuvking GReaT work man.
Fucking GReAT work man what the FUckkkkk
Trauma like 9-11 and the constant bullshit events we are glued to. Car crash T.V.
They stay in contact with us using (((their))) media. They use N.L.P. and standard hypnosis techniques. One thing means something else in your subconcious; they use music and the powerful videos that go along with them to make you repeat it to yourself recreating the images in your mind.
Easiest to see in the mega produced Katy Perry videos. It's easy to see she is an MK, a monarch. Russell "33rd Degree kabalist" Brand was her handler, but it got too obvious, too many people picked up on it.
My best guess is they are trying to trigger mass suicide. Possibly an end of days belief among christians. A big version of Waco.
So aside from the big G (that looks like a big glacier mountain and not even remotely like the pedoboy symbol) is there any evidence to this? Like ANY? They are advertising to children and their G looks like a triangle. Somehow this means the manage to steal children away from parents who don't even mind? Someone explain this to me. There must be some actual information
Because if not I'm going back on spending my valuable free time on trying to win elections in m country and organising with like-minded people in real life.
Don't get me wrong if there IS any evidence something fishy is going on I'll jump on this. It just looks to me like clever coopting of autism in here by (((someone)))
160 posts in still not any evidence or any fish thing aside from a container and a triangled G
Ah ok it is a coopting thread. Have fun talking to yourself a feds!
So you are literally a godspeedpr inductions tier? Who stickied this shit
No. Do you need anything but ?
There isn't. The fact that my post got replaced by our retarded OP's rambling is pure coincidence.
basically "Sorry bro can't have a post that says
on the front page 😂😂😂"
After the #pizzagate debacle, one thing has always - and will to the moment it happens - bother me.
Concrete action instead of being a keyboard warrior.
Yep just a matter of time until a deranged gunman enters the facility to shoot up their computers.
Fuck you faggot gtfo
Please share more about your MK Ultra programming. Any idea why it was done to you? Did they intend to use you for something, and you didn't quite "turn out" or something?
Dubs of truth
The symbols aren't just inside jokes. They elites believe they're imbued with power. So, they can't simply remove them, anymore than a church could remove crosses and still be a church - the churchgoers believe the cross has literal power. They have to display it.
When a business is identified, they abandon it at the same time they remove the symbols. Or they might abandon it and leave the symbols. But I promise you, they don't just ignore the fact that they've been discovered. They don't keep doing business as usual.
Find out who the landlord is
There's companies that store mobile servers inside storage containers like that (image related). My guess is they're storing private servers in there. Possibly child porn or private comms.
If someone could LEGALLY gain access to the networks near the storage unit, I wonder what kind of traffic and devices they would find?
Kind of weird that a guy from Kentucky would own a alaskan dental office's site.
See: ==2==
What the fuck is a dental company doing at a school event? Seems dodgy as fuck, is this normal in the states?
criminally underrated
Not normally.
Wtf. AKanon, Any power to that unit?
Hi goon.
Yeah, we know. And we're coming for you.
OP is an outside agent provocateur raising a false alarm to discredit legitimate stories and findings.
Tell me moar??
there's no way a startup fucking dentist office could store that sheeit. AND there's no reason to fucking hold their dental equipment out there in it. In business you buy all equipment and install it right away. It's a process. After you finish remodeling the inside. You ship in all your goods there's no need to fucking store that sheeit. Also, you can bring everything inside. that place was big enough to unload dental chairs lights equipment etc…
I'm afraid I've turned out really well, actually. At some point in my programming someone inserted an alter that would help me to wake up following a specific trigger. That trigger was to forgive certain actors who have been, to put it bluntly, terrorizing me with the full CIAnigger package, if you will. Literally once I did that, the meaning of my memories started to flood back. I cannot be sure that this might not just be another trick, a kind of false escape. I know what Jesus did and exactly how he did it, and I know I could also do it easily - I get messages from "my angels" all the time telling me as much.
Long story short, the bloodlines are divided and fighting between each other. Certain families want to exploit humanity to the fullest and induce a system of social control unparalleled in known human history using VR in combination with mind control on EVERYONE. Right now probably only 2-3% of the population Western nations are victims. Which is still many times more than most people suspect. Others who have been coerced into going along with this are doing what they can to stop this from happening.
I'm caught somewhere in the middle of this. Basically, if I wanted to I could be the Valki, the Second Coming of Christ, something like that. These people sincerely believe in those prophecies because they know that they are just magic - they say something will happen and then they make sure it happens according to script. I have the power to interpret prophecies and dreams, mostly because they implanted a lot of occult knowledge which I then think I came up with on my own. I could show you side-by-side comparisons of my writings next to Miguel Serrano's and document how my ideas trace his own perfectly. As in, I don't have a mystical connection to Serrano, I'm just a Thulean and they used his material as part of my programming.
Sage for personal blogpost. I'll say this though: as far as these investigations go, you could pick virtually any well-known medical institution and you will find evidence that it is used as part of programming and experimentation.
I'll throw a lead for you guys though: you should check out the Keck School of Medicine. It's affiliated with the Children's Hospital Los Angeles and the Saban SaTan duh Research Institute which focuses on childhood
Also, I hope you guys realize that children with cancer don't often actually have cancer, they're just being subjected to intensive medical-based trauma as part of their programming. Hence the involvement of places such as St. Jude's which I can personally confirm has mind control programmers working for it. For the most part, these people operate in plain daylight, safeguarded by the credulity of the masses from being exposed.
how could someone legally gain access to one of these storage units with data? what would they need? the storage container might be hooked into the building could they just plug in to the firewall etc…
So I came across something interesting that some anons might want to look into. There was this youth pastor in southwest PA that I knew about that got quietly fired. Rumor was he was diddling kids. He goes and starts up his own church like one town over. I was around and didn't know about this stuff at the time and people would randomly come in and accuse him of being a pedo. From what I can gather it all crashed and burned because he got caught cheating on his wife with some young grill. I've been internet stalking this dude for a while just because of all the crazy shit that went down. In one of the pictures on kikebook the guy is wearing a jiu jitsu shirt with that very familiar triangle spiral pedo design. I pulled up the jui jitsu school and it looks like they've made the logo less obvious, but there was still this pic of their old one. Turns out their local jui jitsu school is linked up with Gracie Jui Jitsu Academy which has the pedo logo and is a global organization.
I think this is the local branch in PA
And here is the global organization it's linked to
So we have a business flashing the pedo logo connected to a guy widely rumored in the local area of being a pedo. Some anons might want to dig into this jui jitsu school.
BJJ guy here. You're looking in the wrong place man. Gracie Jiu Jitsu is a massive organization with hundreds upon hundreds of schools, so you're gonna get a few bad apples here and there. Their local Jiu Jitsu school is linked up with the Gracie Jiu Jitsu academy because you need an organization to "sponsor" your school, if that makes sense to you guys. Ribeiro is one, Ascension I think is another, the name is something like that.
In other words, if they don't, they can't promote guys to black belt, they need a high level black belt to do so. Those black belts all come from the same lineage of instructors, either from a Gracie, Garcia, Ribeiro, or, if they're newer, could be from a world champ. (Eddie Bravos' 10th Planet for example, who, is a FAT conspiracy theorist himself, dude's a flat earther for christ sake).
I'll start getting suspicious if you guys can give a lot more examples. However, keep in mind, MMA has a lot higher influx of woman abusers and guys with mommy issues than a lot of sports. In turn, they leak into the BJJ community and you get what you have here. The triangle has been used for Gracie Jiu Jitsu since its' inception, other schools just change up the triangle a bit to stand out.
The domestic violence gig is pretty much cornered by the Illuminati. They use mandatory domestic violence programs to instill in their misfiring delta mind control victims that "it's all your fault, she didn't do anything to trigger you." You know the stereotypical "you're making me do this" that a violent partner says? It's because, deep down they ARE being made to do those things, but because they're not aware of their background they attribute to their woman, who is just an intermediary to control them.
If, as you say, there are more examples of domestic violence in MMA, is a red flag that many delta programmed assassins are being recycled through that and similar programs.
Or you'd realize as soon as you walk into an MMA gym everyone there is batshit crazy?
You have to be at least a little crazy to want to have a blood and guts war every 3 months as your job, and get your ass beat every day to train for it.
Not to mention, there's a shit ton of Gracie gyms that are already pushing out the flat earth/pizza gate narrative, they're the least establishment like group in the world. Again, if you tried out BJJ, you'd realize that.
new bread:
more new bread:
even more bread:
You say marked yourself for life as if its a bad thing.
Anyone in alaska willing to check this storage container out for possible heat exhaust from servers?
Where are you Alaskans at?
Should be easy to get power turned off.
They suck wtf was that Busch league shit
yeah they all died except the glacier dental one.
That butterfly logo is because the hospital hired a shitty marketing firm to rebrand. It's what their poor designers and executive marketing team thought was on par with a strong yet whimsical company brand; though, it ended up being a cheap microsoft ripoff and is one step away from using comic sans in the text. Nobody responsible for this being approved should have a job.
You're barking up the wrong tree with their hospital.
t. drawfag
OP why do you keep bumping a sticky? And stop linking to cuckchan
If there is relevant info post it here so it doesn't get deleted
i bump to motivate people. brain gets distracted. you should know that CIA.
Everything you just said only serves to corroborate. They control the NFL and MLB as well, so they can rig games and skim money off stupid gamblers.
My claim that the Children's Hospital network and UCLA hospital system are involved is based on lived experience. As in, I literally remember the mind control programming being done to me there. The butterfly logo should be seen as a red flag by anons.
And yes, Microsoft is involved in this shit. That should be flaming obvious.
Maybe he's some noble kung fu warrior who got set up by the illuminati with magic daterape drugs.
…Or maybe beaners have a predilection for raping small children.
It's a mystery :^)
I was thinking the same thing because.. while lurking on voat the other day (which to me consists of: trying to use what the shills say or don't say as a way to find true narrative to PG) and i saw there was a thread on glacier dental that got blatantly insta-"scrubbed." all day long there were threads about the infamous scrubbing so much so to create a FALSE streisand effect? AKA drawing attention to a false narrative or lead to later be proven as false to discredit PGers and further trick anyone on the fence. theres just so much shilling everywhere its hard to believe if this is a purposely constructed false lead. wtf to even think about any of these anymore.
get a warrant:^)
or a few /k/ommandos with shotguns and a power drill
And cameras. Just five seconds of footage showing computer servers in an unexpected place would be golden. Get on this CIA, I know you're in this thread, if any of you aren't niggers this is your shit to do. I need material to cast spells.
Probably it's both. There's a decent admixture of Jew in beaner blood, so it makes sense they'd have a taste for kiddies. Either way you're an idiot playing into the hands of Satanists if you will discard any person that those same Satanists accuse. Satan is called the accuser for a reason.
Has there been any history of reportedly lost children in the regions of their operation?
Alaska has an extremely high rate of missing persons cases.
just asked /k whats up.
Not trying to discredit this at all but you guys need to consider all possibilities when investigating this stuff. This one is a perfect example.
Well, yeah. Because they're a dentistry office, and parents have a vested interest in taking their children to these facilities for obvious reasons.
This is not to say that this place is not engaging in nefarious child trafficking operations–but it is worth considering not to jump right out at every single detail without first considering the rational approach, because many of these pieces of evidence that are provided in these sorts of threads often have very obvious and rational explanations.
The shipping container is a little more troubling, but there are a lot of things to consider, instead of jumping immediately to the accusation that it's being used to haul children to predatory buyers.
The only reason I'm bringing this up is because when investigating human trafficking or child predation circles, assuming ones intent is to spread this information and make it known, then it would be in that persons interest to remain reputable so that it doesn't become a "boy who cried wolf" situation. We want people to be able to take this stuff seriously, and if any group of people gives themselves an Alex Jonestein-esque reputation, the investigations made might be taken less seriously. Opposite of what we want.
I'm not saying outright don't make these claims, I'm just saying make careful that you include your line of reasoning & all the things you believe it could possibly mean, just so that you don't appear to be seeing a child molester behind every blade of grass. Always make it more of an investigation, less of a circus of accusations.
Just something to consider, keep up the good work lads. It always blows my mind that, aside from a collection of good men within the cesspool of US government, the only people passionately concerned with uncovering child sex rings are shitposting nazis on an imageboard. Just two years ago, I would've viewed everyone here as an evil piece of shit. If I visited my old self and told him that in two years, you will know these nazis to be some of the most passionate, concerned, well meaning people in the planet, I think the old me's head would've exploded.
Sage for rambling and non-contribution to the investigaton
fuck off
FUCKING BUMP SHILLS OUT HARD EVEN ON Holla Forums. THERES a few anons that will be monitoring that storage container and setting up cams
Man i have got to move back up to Alaska
Get me a Eskimo loli
But real talk Alaska is best state
Shit scrubbed off voat is either legitimately removed (sometimes) or coverup. I had montauk chronicles scrubbed for 'having no link' - the mod there had never heard of magnet links? Everyone in the thread was grateful for the exposure/link and source and found it fascinating. Dodgy as fuck and reeks of honeypot/controlled opposition.
Tied together lots of the bullshit we were investigating too.
New thread
voat is owned by palantir. nuff said?
bread is dead
Flat Earth shills overtook the flat Earth sage thread
https ://
confirmed vps
oh fuack are you in to their cpanel?
It was created by Atko, and is owned by Justin Chastain also known as PutItOut now, the only thing I can find to back up that clam is a single lone person spamming pizzagate saying that " Voat is ran by a vampire" because "his skin is pale." Do you have any proof for Voat being owned by palantir? Also if so then why link cuckchan which does the same information gathering that you are accusing Voat of doing also the bumping sticky threads reeks of not knowing imageboard culture. However the dentist office does seem highly suspect
because it doesn't matter if they have my data or not. the public will soon be able to read people's dna and information technology will be useless. AND yes palantirs shell purchased voat a few months ago b4 one of voats owners were killed. Peter Thiel admits to buying young blood to feeding himself. YOu really think he doens't take little kid blood? I mean i could be wrong but reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
and i link half chan because they have a big audience and are very smart and can help. They may be slow sometimes. 8ch the autims is off the fucking charts i ask for information and you guys fucking deliver pretty well.
Atko aka Atif Colo just made a thread earlier today, he is not dead. Do you have a source for Voat being bought out by a palantir shell company?
I'm not arguing against that
Just remember to post any and all good info cuckchan finds in this tread as cuckchan tends to delete pizzagate threads often.
Post proof (or even leads) that this man was whistleblowing on the pedo elites or forever be branded a faggot.
i read a thread that said atkos language changed around December or January. I haven't been able to compare his personality in threads so idk for sure but I do know voat was purchased by Dyncorp. One of the top kiddie fuckers and organ harvesters apparently
im probably totally fucking wrong but i jsut remember there were a bunch of dyncorop threads that were connected. Like i said i could be totally fucking wrong.
They had a decent number of dyncorp threads around for a while this year which were revealing, so doubt it.
Can't remember seeing anything about dyncorp owning voat though. It's pretty free there for a forum. Just mods kept infiltrating and shoah'ing Holla Forumsniggers which has now been 'fixed' and back to normal.
Rules are pretty much same as ours.
Holla ForumsPG is over-moderated to the point of being an 'excuse for motives' though which is the real issue. Maybe we start another? Happy to make one that's user and no rules but global.
i built a another version of voat called 5chat. had all the normal subs like the chans. got spooked cuz theyd just come in and kill my ass and take it over just like they did with poole and hiro if it ever got too big
If there is a source you have for Voat being bought out by Dyncorp I will of course concede every point. As far as I can remember that was a SaneGoatISwear alt that posted that one you linked with no sources to back it up. That has happened several times, and if true should be posted in more places than just v/pizzagate as every goat between v/identitarian to v/whatever will be interested in that information due to what that implies. Alas this is distracting from the highly suspect Dentist office and there have been several pizzagate threads before detailing how dentist offices are both useful, and used to traffic children so sage for off topic
Never heard of it, can you post a link, possibly along with the other source I asked for?
With the exception of certain subs with very clear posted rules, for example v/fatpeoplehate. There have been a few rogue goon mods, however in those instances the admins will reluctantly step in if it was a default sub
That would be because they took the same mods from r/pizzagate. After a while they caved in on jewish blood libel, and stopped censoring that. However there has not been a pizzagate thread on the front page for a while, so I agree it is likely they are censoring again
I feel like that was my fault, questioning if this is a false lead on purpose but i have to say maybe im too paranoid but after getting ultra shilled from all angles on voat its hard to know. Too often i see two shills arguing two half truths back and forth so an outsider would look on and instantly assume one of the 2 arguments must be false. or things of that nature. So if this glacier dental thing ( which does look incredibly sketch) turns out to be a true lead, how are there not the same shills here dropping half truths about certain aspects of this case.. i mean we all know the lengths they go to distort things when we get close to something good. This seems like a lock.. so is it TOO obvious? although several locations in the ghetto close by to catholic charities and the like is pretty damning. Couple that with that weird patent i saw on here for the pedo burrito dentist chair and red flags go up. One thing i have been getting weary of is the triangle boy love symbol.. as someone else had mentioned there are only so many ways you can make a decor triangle, and im sure some artists or designers over the years have used a triangle swirl for decorating something and had no idea it was a pedo symbol. But dentistry is the perfect cover for this. WTF IS REALITY anymore.. i feel like every celeb is an mk ULTRA mind control slave, transgender, and all the richest political elite are all pedos/ cannibals AND PEOPLE DONT CARE. everyone who gives a fuck about anything should be here investigating and talking about if this dentist office has a real connection with child trafficking.. but it seems like its just us "alt right conspiracy theorists" which is another great term to get anyone curious to run away from entertaining any of these horrible things going on. People fear of being called intolerant. INTOLERANT is now the biggest insult to these PC promoting slaves.. they don't even know.
yeah ok this lead really does seem solid after looking at the other thread on here. VOAT ruined me lol thinking everyone was shilling always now im hesitating on this shit but do you remember PEGASUS MUSEUM?? i thought that was for sure the nail in the coffin.. then J.A. threatened dude on youtube for making videos about it got his phone number and everything and J.A. said "You cant talk about anything EXCEPT pegasus museum, just dont mention pegasus museum anymore." and then the dude made a vid of that conversation on youtube. So its hard to think pegasus wasn't a false lead especially after it was made known to the whole PG community like that whole conversation was staged…. AND that dude connected to J.A. who was the architect had pics on his site connecting the instagram pic of "the digging tunnels" We pointed out the same brick in both pictures.. wtf ever happened to any of that lead???
I'm still waiting for (((discord))) link
OP is a bit off, however he sounds more like a newfag that stumbled upon something than an user that is trying to false flag. The dentist office is really shady, and past pizzagate threads covered dentist office gas as a way to transport children. Even if it is a regular dentist office despite the sketchy stuff it is not a problem to look into it a bit to find out
Some anons cannot take it and resort to other things like drinking, or drop out of the investigation for a while to collect themselves before investigating further. Others have been investigating some pizzgate related stuff in their own areas and are not ready to release findings yet. And some anons like 34a66c have given their lives for the case
It would take a lot more than that to get anons to run away from a case
I do remember the Pegasus Museum stuff, that is one of the issues with releasing info a little to early, or attaching any identity to the case. They will threaten, or kill you if you expose pedo rings. I am not sure what happened to those J.A. leads, just that collecting evidence and getting a FBI director that will actually investigate shit are top priories. Remember there are actually quite a few cities that have well known underground tunnels
Hey! Faggot! Not all of us are catholic. They're no Christians according to the living word! Unfortunately most align themselves with it but they live a pagan life and that is fact according to the bible. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. All organised religion is anti-christical in its very nature. Do not dispose God and the fallability of man made religion and satanic rituals. They are literal cucks, but followers of Christ they are not..
It's okay you can stop same fagging now OP
>new bread:
Do you home work before you come here shill
Curious how this ended up pinned?
It seems like something with no hard evidence and just a lot of coincidence that need to be stretched out to form a conspiracy.
Dude probably just has an ex that works there and is trying to get revenge, because it was spammed by the same person both chans. If there is really hard evidence I'm missing, feel free to share?
Test theory. Pick random kids dentist office and let's start digging. Do that enough times and we can measure our bias.
Still waiting on shipping container details. Pics. Info on when accessed. Shut off power or get info on who is on power bill or internet. Wifi? Place tape on opening to see if accessed . Maybe duct tape . If so find it on ground and check for prints. Also is there a dumpster to dive or do they use secure trash removal or shredding service?
It does feel like this from the way OP has been trying to garner attention without adding anything new which wouldn't be too difficult consider things like pic related are on their social media or the connections to charity work in Bangladesh and Uganda, or one of their dentists being ex-air force LGBT member. Not that the pic necessarily means anything as they also had a post thanking someone for sending cookies.
This might be worth trying
Did they cart you around from wing to wing? You're fucking nuts.
Why is this shit thread stickied?
woman being mk'd for 10 hours
anyone has screen-shots of those
Logo looks like a hairless vag
There logo does indeed look like a hairless vag. I was bored of this ==SETH RICH== shit and decided to bump this thread.
Note - Rachel M. Business manager (guessing [email protected]/* */ in WHOIS below)
Need social media links and more info on Joshua Jeon and Rachel M. Need info on docs, techs, volunteers, and any local recon on location.
Here's a creepy pic. There's lots of pics on the fakebook page.
Other hosts on shared server as website, http:/ / /?host=
>Registrar URL:
>Registrar Abuse Contact Email: [email protected]/* */
>Domain Status: ok
>Registrant Email: [email protected]/* */
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>URL of the ICANN WHOIS Data Problem Reporting System: