White girl said the n word and niggers want to find her and…you know

White girl said the n word and niggers want to find her and…you know

A nigger who doxxed her:
Heres her facebook
Sister did that shit and they are really strict on social media send it to the department and they'll 80% kick her out

Also report her here too
unlv. edu/studentconduct/student-conduct

and also to the police

Report this nigger too and the first reply nignog

Good luck brothers, may kek be with us.

And if someone says she deverves what may happen to her (the white girl):

Also kys if you think she is a coalburner without proof

Other urls found in this thread:


at least you can satisfy those degenerate whores attention reddit. Still fuck off and kill yourself faggot.


The fact niggers think it's an absolute requirement to respond to a simple fucking word with violence is the precise reason why they were called niggers to begin with.

They're like fucking toddlers or babies who need to be coddled. Can't call them a little word (which they use all the time & even normalize themselves in songs) or else they lose their shit and act like it's the end of the goddamn world.

How niggers behave in USA

This one is French


Already a thread on this

Catalog cunt.

Holy fuck nigger, you couldnt keep this contained into the thread that is already going? And you feel the need to go make a completely new thread to get attention for yourself? I wouldnt even be surprised if youre that fucking whore this is all about. Kill yourself please

Avoid this common mistake.

senile old cunt,walking into a group of juvenile mountain gorilla.

If she had been younger,she woulda been gang raped first,before being dunked

The blonde isn't dating someone named "sanchez", the latina whore who doxed her does.

Please use 3D facial technology to make fake people saying nigger. I pray to kek.

Thread just maxed out, fags. Continue the Op.

This is not a defense of just a woman, but of the supposed "free speech" in the country against what is viewed as "hatespeech". The sliding and derailment in the last thread made good evidence that (((they))) don't want even one soul to be spared from white guilt and white genocide.

fuck this no-class dumb bitch.
a beautiful woman who lacks discretion is like a fine gold ring in a pigs snout.
white knights incoming.

totally not a coal burner guise

someone text her for nudes


https: //www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/nevada/districts/clark-county-school-district/coronado-high-school-12267/student-body

I see the first slide shill has arrived. Wonder if the mods will do anything about this for free?

checked explain this then, fucking white Knight faggot

wew, k dude.

Shitskins are more likely to ride the bus.
My high school was like 60% white (if not more). But about 80% of the kids on the bus were spics.

Not only that, but mudsharks tend to be given a free pass to use the word nigger. It wouldn't be the first time. She looks like a slut who would open her legs for the football team.

shes a fucking nigger lover. get over it.
she works at
she is sitting on the bus


t. californiafag where our schools are 85%+ bean. fuck this fucking cunt.

this is a based user who knows his shit

Just look at their docile reaction when she says it. They don't perk up and say "AY YO HOL UP" or anything like that. It's like just another nigger saying nigger, because they know she already crossed over to their side.

how's the media going to spin this

"Racist white girl recorded in viral tweet using hateful language, sparks twitter fight between hategroups and peaceful african american advocates, until hategroup withdraws their support when it's discovered she loves niggers"

they prob won't spread this story at all, the victims are too spoiled. The nig in the video surely has a criminal record, and she's a coal burner (how's the media going to spin her sudden loss of support from racist hate groups if she's a vile racist)

ITT: shills from leftypol and cuckholds so god damn self-critical they think literally every woman is a mudshark subhuman without any proof - only conjectures.

The only rational response to this: WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK. Let's all get back to securing an existence for white children and usurping the kikes for their transgressions against europeankind.

we need some martyrs

The girl is a mudshark. She sits by them on the school bus and flirts with them for a living at a nigger hat store.

What "proof" do you need? A pic of a black dick going in her ass? Who's the cuck.

This board has IDs, you know. Samefagging ain't so easy, here.


regardless of whether she's a filthy niggerlover or not, these niggers should be dox'd as they are doxing others for just saying a word

Blackpill's getting pushed hard, these days. This thread and the NOLA one are especially getting the "who cares" quiz. Seems all kampfy wants people doing is advertising and shiposting.

Why are you writing "n word" on pol, faggot.

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You're black, and you're making yourself look like a fucking nigger.

Why did you make another thread to white knight a race mixing slut? Saying "nigger" does not make one a nationalist or a decent woman. All evidence suggests she is a slut.

Time to normalise saying the n-word. No?

only in your mind, Schlomo

There is literally no evidence of this. Fuck off, kike

why did this thread get filled up with people that are black and look like fucking niggers so quickly?

Finally some sanity. An attack on one is an attack on us all. Normalizing this doxxing behaviour by all non whites is the real issue here not the purity of her lifestyle.

Any WN is this thread should agree with that and see this for what it is. An overreaction to marginalize whites across the planet.

A boy on twitter told me that a friend told him she was kicked out of school for this. Unconfirmed. If true, that school should burn to the ground.

Fuck off == kike ==

There is already a thread on this OP but bump for the effort.

I think there might've been a large contraction of "based" negroes sometime during the election season.

Shills maxed it out, to kill discussion. They'll try to do the same with this one, as well.


I want to hear from based bro who was going to marry this girl. I demand play-by-plays

Nigs are gonna nog. Probably the same thing that happened in the last thread will happen here.


8/pol/ is full of nonwhites.

Plenty of evidence of it. She's talking to niggers on a bus, dressed like a slut, talks like a wigger, and the negroes say she always acts like a nigger herself. She's 100% obviously a race mixing whore. Holla Forums will not help.

No, you white knights are just too fucking new to be able to recognize a coal burner. She is clearly one.

Just let them talk to themselves. There is an old saying about not feeding trolls. Talking about white knights– what type of user shows up to a thread to save OP from himself (instead of minding his own business)?


huh, what the hell? According to this, the name is most common in Brazil of all places. No similar results. I assumed the name was a corruption from polish, but I'm not finding anything else. Any BRs have anything to say about this?

You can tell he's a nonwhite of some kind by how butthurt he is over the accusation.

then show it you dirt bag kike.

http:// turtleboysports.com/girls-who-wrote-nier-on-t-shirts-are-basically-having-their-lives-ruined-by-the-internet/

This PC age has to stop. People need to be taught to have thicker skins.

I suggest a new practice:

Operation Nigger Bomb

We make alt accounts and bombard Twitter with *pictures* of the word NIGGER.
Twitter auto-censors your account if you write the word.

It would require a lot of accounts to work, so if anyone has a twitter bot with hundreds of alt accounts, it would help.

mgtow cuck detected. Do you even know where you are?


Notice how the shills don't want people to "react", but "act". It's always "let's", but never "they". They want the board chasing ghosts, and looking behind them.

Bump for posterity.

Something I've noticed about shills is that they are always singularly focused on their goal in a thread. Nothing ever deviates. Whereas legit posters might be responding to different sub-discussions within a thread, get a little shitposty at times, throw in some humor, etc. Not so with shills. Something to notice. Think there's a shill? Look through the post history and see if their comments are all completely targeted and humorless.

Also, ask shills what their thoughts are redpilled topics. Ask them what they think about the holocaust, for example. A shill won't respond, because in order to keep up their appearance, they'd need to know that the holocaust is fake and regurgitate redpills that aren't outlined in their standard operating procedures. Or just ask them about anything else. doesn't need to be the holohoax.

it's impossible to take Holla Forums seriously when half the board assumes a beautiful white girl under duress is a coal burner and totally abandons her

Many Anons needs an excuse to give up not only on a thread.. but on their country, their town, their family, their job, life, identity… their very existence. If they can categorize a thing as hopeless– then they can feel good about their decision to do nothing all the time. Like depression, some Anons visit Holla Forums from time to time and some people live here.

Are you really so retarded you can't understand he's mocking the concept of "n word"?

I don't think I've ever seen shilling this obvious.

this. cannot tell if they are blackpilled or just shills trying to render us useless. If we were in Wiemar Germany right now, these (((anons))) would be saying Hitler was probably controlled by the Jews and there's no reason to support him anyway.

It doesn't matter who she is, it matters that she's white and being mobbed by blacks & sjws. If we don't do something about it just because of who some autists suspect her of being, then what are we fighting for? If it was her boyfriend beating her after she let him black her, that'd be another thing, but this isn't that.

He just made his case.

I started the old thread but was away for all of yesterday. How are things?

mmm. We had a long talk about effects of the shills and trolls. Not much new.

What I don't understand is if Niggers don't want to be called Niggers then on why do they call each other Niggers and say Niggers in main stream media that refers only to Niggers that they identify as Niggers. Really confusing stuff, if you don't want people saying Niggers or calling you Niggers then stop using it yourself. It will never for as long as you draw attention to it.

Niggers are Fucking stupid.

werent some people doxed?

I don't know. Seems like every thread thats going too well for too long is attacked these days. It is incomprehensible.

First Post Worst Postβ„’

Who is that actor?

Ryan "Gas 'Em Again" Gosling. Prominent star of anti-semitic hate film "Drive"; which propagated "race realism" with its main character existing as an analogy to the story of the Scorpion and the Frog.
Pic unrelated.

You faggots on here too salty to help this girl should get the fuck off Holla Forums. We all talk about reclaiming our women and protecting the Aryan race, but when a girl actually needs help against these savages you curl away cos >muh women's are mean to me

on one hand, Driver was a cuck who wanted to look after the coalburner and her mestizo son.
on the other hand, he single-handedly took out an explicitly jewish crime organization…

dubs of truth. it's either blackpilled faggots or shills. both should be ignored.

That's that "hard R" *nigger*.

That's that "saying it like you mean it" *nigger*.

Pics unrelated.

I'm disappoint user, you've gotta expand your thinker

how is the OP girl a whore?

get out of the house more MGTOW faggot. Nigger hate belongs in every thread.

How about someone actually take care of these niggers who lives around the area for attacking a white person. Maybe feed them double batter extra crispy fried chicken to accelerate their multiple heart attacks

This, anyone that disagrees and thinks we shouldn't help racial kin in need is anti-white

Race traitors will hang

Cry more fags
Keep getting mad at the irrelevant details, I'm only going to enjoy it more

So who are the lucky grooms?

this is actually my biggest issue with the chans. I think too many treat this as group therapy

Some locals posting here already said they gonna scout her out, and reverse-gangstalk her. In other words, wait out until some nogs jump her, and come to her defense.

Between this, and the advertising thread that's apparently filled with posts from the same ID, I'd say Holla Forums is nearing a compromise.



Is that the name of the movie? Drive?
Fuck it, I'm going to watch it. It'll be nice to see something that isn't 100% bullshit; even if it is a propagandist film.

Disregard. It's actually 'The Believer' written in 2001 by Henry Bean.

Judging by the way she can actually enunciate words, I'm going to doubt she's a coalburner. I could be wrong, as I don't know what the fuck kids these days do in high school, but most of the coalburners were more obvious than this one when I rode the bus to school. I really don't know the context of what's going on here besides the fact she said "nigger" rather than "nigga" but it sounds like she called a spade a spade. I'm sure as fuck glad social media and smartphones weren't around and by around, I mean as popular as this shit is today when I was in school. This probably would have been me, minus being female.

Definite coal burner. The only way the neegs would tolerate evil whitey saying the N word is if she was putting out. Seen it many times. A white woman who puts out can pretty much say anything tand the groid will tolerate it.

From personal experience, I've seen white girls say "nigger" in the presence of black folk and they don't say shit about it. It only seems to be when a white guy says "nigger" regardless of the context that they catch an attitude. I guess it's because they figure they can fuck the white girl, whereas with a white guy, all they can do is "fight"

I'll never understand how they can call each other niggers all day long without issue, but if a white male uses the term, even in context where it couldn't possibly be construed as offensive, it's still fighting words. If it's that offensive a word, why use it at all?

Bump to make that MGTOW kike shitskin cuckposter even madder :^)




Nigs only care when the evil white man says it. It's a power thing. Niggers know they can get away with assaulting a white man for saying "nigger", but they'll never get away with assaulting or raping a white woman for that. Unless they're in Europe

ban me mods I suck coxx

If they only tolerate coalburners saying that word, then why can't they tolerate who you call a coalburner saying that word?



There are based blacks but statistically they are a liability and even based blacks will have nigger children. They have to be contained in their own societies until they can unfuck their genepool.

I concur. But I think it's sad that she has to be in a stressful environment where she's constantly under attack.

(wasted dubs)

Filtered, nigger/kike/MGTOW faggots
Race traitors will hang on the DOTR

Oh boy here we go
…just like a cancerous boomer who wants a pet nigger, begging Holla Forums, "can we keep him?"
The Answer is No You Cannot

Don't engage with the genetic dead-end that is the MGTOW zog slave.

The rest of your post is on point.


Jews seem to really like poop, for some reason.

Bumping against the obvious slide going on.

>unlv. edu/studentconduct/student-conduct

Reporting white women telling niggers what they are…. why is this shit OP not permabanned let alone the entire thread not deleted? Fuck sake


MGTOW faggots deserve the rope too.

The nigger. Report the nigger.

Read the fucking OP before typing shit.


I've never seen so much whiteknighting over a coal-burning whore in my life.

Only in your dreams, Schlomo!

So far the only evidence provided for this claim was
1. an assertion made by an anonymous shitposter on cuckchan and that she was dating niggers
2. That she was
3. And that she according to

I'm sure if real evidence of her coulburning ere provided, the tone would change, and I wouldn't defend her anymore.

one post by this ID huh?

Another 1 post by this ID huh?

Sad, isn't it?

Keep up that deflection, it's sure to work eventually, right?

They're sliding this shit hard, man.

She says "nigger" because she wants attention from Black men, and saying that word is a surefire way to secure it.
and you can tell that she is a vacuous whore just from her ridiculous attention whoring expression.
Relevant to Holla Forums? Not really, unless it was posted as an example of the sort of woman to avoid.

Wow, I don't think I've seen so much projection concentrated in one post

Post a timestamped picture of your nose, now.


Why isn't the kike/mgtow cuckposter banned?


this is only true in israel and new york

The sheboon Laina Serrato lives in North Las Vegas, NV.

Her mother and father are Elissa Yvett Serrato and Miguel S Serrato.

Proof nigger? Bumping cause of MGTOW anti-white shills out of spite

Bump for interest.


Anti-slide bump.

actually nigger is a short form of negro, the latin word for black.

Niggers lack introspection and a capacity for abstract thought. The concept of a thing being wrong in and of itself, malum en se, is utterly beyond them. And so they must have rules imposed from outside, malum prohibitum, to do any good at all. They are also deficient in empathy, and they fail to understand the Golden Rule – which every human society eventually comes up with, except for spics and niggers – because the concept of a categorical imperative is 20,000 leagues beyond their present evolution.

Ask a nigger: "How would you like it if somebody did that to you?" and you'll get some variation on: "But it ain't me."

The notion of other people having an internal landscape similar to yourself is not a natural thought in a nigger's head. That's why we wince when we see torture or other violence those of us who haven't dehumanised, that is while they laugh at victims' twitches and cries. It isn't real to them.

It naturally follows that, while they can do as they like and rob, rape, murder, and steal whatever isn't under lock and key, whites who call them on their shit are flat-out evil for doing so. Niggers think, emote, and act – above all act – as children, which is why our wise ancestors treated them as children. Those bad old timey racists just set some simple rules for niggers:
1) No murder
2) No rape
3) No stealing
4) No white women
5) Always show respect for whites
and left them to themselves. The niggers who lived under this regime didn't like the rules, and most didn't even understand them, in the same way a petulant 12-year-old doesn't like having a bedtime, but it worked. Society had a rest, and the niggers were relatively peaceful.

Then came the Jews. . .

They were the one to sell the niggers, in the first place, and capped Lincoln off before he could deport them all to Liberia. Don't act like it was whites who brought them over, to begin with.

I think you will find the following link interesting:
Morality and Abstract Thinking – How Africans may differ from Westerners from Amren.com

Bump for interest, and anti-slide. They've really got this site going, now.

Why should we care about this dumbass slut? Is it just because she is white?

It's not about lack of self control, or coddling, or anything like that. It's about status. The dreaded nigger-word is the modern-day equivalent of sumptuary laws, the Chinese imperial yellow, or taboo in the original Polynesian sense. Saying "nigger" is something that one select class of people is allowed to do, and inferiors who infringe on it are severely punished. It's a common enough phenomenon across human history, and I imagine it must be pretty satisfying to be in the superior group and have a special protected way to flaunt your superiority over the rest. Once you understand that, you see that using the nigger-word in front of whites is a feature, not a bug. The fact that they can say it and it's fun and meaningless, while it remains instant death to us, must be absolutely delightful for them.

If you don't care then why do you even reply to this thread, faggot?
Stop crying, filter it and move the fuck on

It's utterly infuriating how they can't comprehend something so simple


I demand user who was going to marry this girl report back on his progress.

They attacked the thread like fucking dogs. Something tells me they fear this place actually acting upon something so much that they've probably acted themselves, already. Agents, and all. The utter silence around it isn't helping. Blackouts in the media like this don't usually mean anything, but with how quick they were to shut it down, they're probably cooking something up to make sure that no one is safe.


In that case I'll lend a bump.

Nice trips, user. Nice. I can only hope gets do something good, in these troubling times.

Thank you, and I hope so too. And to you I say, nice dubs.

This is 100% coalburner lol
The black women aren't after her because she's racist, it's because she's stealing the black guys they might've otherwise had lol and the only ones that would tolerate them
Son, you just don't get any more cucked than whiteknighting for coalburners. Period.
This shit reeks of Alex Wuori and ought to be handled the same way, Holla Forums is not your personal army

You forgot to sage, shill.

just popping in this thread
inb4 mgtow shills say >whiteknighting

its like clockwork!

She was merely stating a fact.

This thread is filled with the most obvious shilling I've ever seen on Holla Forums.

The fact they're starting to care less and less about being "found out" is most definitely a sign of complacency, on their part. It's almost as if they're on top of the world.

So this happened a few weeks ago, what has come of it? Is the girl ok? Is she at the same school?

And yes for the Nth time this is not about white knighting it's about normalizing racism, you dunces.

The nigger who posted that video on twitter got doxed.

Just because a white woman sits around niggers does not make her a coalburner
Correlation != causation, faggot
This further invalidates your opinion

You'd have to mark every woman in western society as a coal burner, if you were to use such obscene standards. Can you imagine how many whites alone have had the misfortune of being within the proximity of even a single non-white?


bump 4 white justice



Perfect post. 100% true, well written and said, and finished with the ultimate lead into our world. Bravo

Not true, fear in white guys voice does something.
uttered fearlessly, you'll catch as much attitude as if you said rainbow


Its true, believe it or not ive seen a white man say call a group of niggers niggers to the relief of the other black folks in my group. Why, because the niggers were niggers , and there was no fear in his voice. A tense moment, around blacks, defused by a vile hate filled exclamation of head shake "pffft, niggers!"

i swear on my mothers eyes this shit happed, next words were "I'm glad you said it, i was thinking it"

Battle Beasts. Oh man, you must be about my age. I still have a mess of them closeted away, I hope I have kids some day so I can play with them all over again.

call them nigger

notice how hurt he is

What program was used for that 1st pic?

Those are not accurate

Jews don't like being called what they are, because they don't want anyone to know what they are. Niggers don't like being called what they are, because they don't want to know what they are.

You better not be implying there are "based" niggers.


Ohh idk, plenty of instances of niggers raping 80 or 90 year old white women here in America. Colin Flaherty probably has like 50 or so videos on his youtube channel documenting crimes like this.

Niggers will rape anything from dogs, goats all the way up to 90 year old great grandmothers. I bet a nigger would even rape his own mother.

evertiem with 'muh race traitor' fags

He is, simply put, one who consorts with beasts.

I can't believe this thread is still up, were there any updates on this? the tweet in OP has some pretty high numbers now, I'll bet he feels like he's somebody

Bump for interest.

Not likely, user.

Battle Beasts were awesome though. So were M.U.S.C.L.E. figures.

nigger lover coal burning race traitor.

It does when they only make up 4% of the student body


Why is this thread bumped every day ? Isn't it over already ?

It's being successfully slid, and that's a fucking problem, mister "I've never posted in this thread before but I'm gonna demand it ends" (1) post shill.


proof they wasn't kangs



Stop that
So she's actually a mix?

it wasn't a (1) anyway, some of us are smart enough to not bareback sunshinechan

You do know those names aren't native to spics. Right?


That's kinda hot tbh. Want to see the portrait video of that shit.

Schlomo, you're up past your bedtime again, rabbi Schmoulie said 10 a clock!


I swear every single time a blonde haired girl is posted on this board some kike comes in and calls her a coalburner. It's an obsession



They dont want you to care about anything.

I'll bet the same people pushing the "all blonde girls who get attacked are actually race traitors" are the same people pushing the "muslims dindu nuffin" narrative.

They know! Shut it down!

This shit still going on?
You know what, fuck it dump me some nigger doxes I've got some traveling money and my mac-10 will solve this shit real quick