Rock nation? Dwayne Johnson considering run for White House
Dwayne ' The Rock ' Johnson for President?
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he's a nigger
He does resemble Mussolini. Though he has no real leadership experience.
I don't want to not like the Rock. Pls don't do it man
The dems will eat him up.
InfoKikes called this 2 weeks ago.
2020 really will be wrestlemania.
Oh yeah well he fixed the fast and the furious franchise. So there.
God imagine how much the leftists wpuld bring up Idiocracy if he won
Dems already loving the idea it seems
A monkey with DAI lesions? Oh boy, oh boy. He'll get the disabled vote for sure!
Fuck no. Island niggers are worse.
I would bring it up. Nightmare becomes reality.
Dwayne "That one fucking forced action nigger" Johnson is an unoriginal faggot. Boooo! Trump already did it, you'd have to be a woman to be different.
another clickbait slide thread
Its like they want to hand Trump another term on a silver platter?
Also if this happens I'll laugh my ass off when normalfags make him the candidate over Bernie for a second time in a row
Mfw 2020 might be Faceberg Cuckerberg vs The most electrifying man in Sports Entertainment for Democratic Prez Nomination
Found the Kike
This is 100% related to politics of this island nigger is going to run for President
We can easily meme his destruction. Look at them attempting to shut down this discussion.
Just spam old Rock Block pics if he decides to run
Less about based, more about not wanting to hate the monkey when he does performances.
What a strange timeline we're in. Well it is we the people huh?
He's actually some native oceanian or something.
I though he was Somoan? His dad is a nigger though. Rocky Maivia
Island niggers are still niggers.
I am okay with this.
He's Samoan and nigger.
Samoan and nigger.
Hope he does. I want the term Pineapple Nigger to become mainstream.
What's great is that the Left, I'll include the Rock, is the idea that Trump won because he was on tv and famous. They will throw every scumbag Hollywood prick into the political arena. This will speed up the crash of kike controlled movie industry. With no survivors. It will also force the GOP to find new candidates that are populist and nationalistic to appeal to the masses.
nig father, samoan mother
Both parents need to be Americans, which is why "obama" was a non valid president in which everything he did in office should be null and void.
Was trump's mom American?
Scottish, though I don't know if she was born there or not.
His dad is Rocky Johnson, you moron. Only his mom is Samoan.
I doubt this is any more legit than Hulk Hogan or Kanye running for president.
But it would be fun to see Trump versus The Rock running for president, the thing more American would be a cowboy shitting out bald eagles.
Shut up kike. This is celebrity bullshit slide thread.
American, as in citizens.
Will Smith and Oprah also made noise about running. Whoever it is you can bet they won't be white, they won't make the mistake of putting another white person up and having abysmal turnout from shitskins.
Because why the fuck not.
He's also a fucking leaf.
Huh, whaddaya know. Like it really matters though, we all know where his dad really originates from.
I guess that's what happens when you hack CERN
Okay, when do we just give up on all the dullards and just secede?
I really don't want to live in idiocracy. And every year seems we are headed closer and closer to it.
Civil War is inevitable, don't even try to fight it.
The Rock said in a Canadian magazine that he likes Canada better than America and if he had to renounce one citizenship it would be the American one.
He's DOA for politics.
I wouldn't fight a civil war from happening. Or do you mean don't fight the fall?
Because I don't think I mentioned fighting against either. I was just talking about secession, which would probably end up leading to a war.
Idiocracy is a dumb movie. Its not an idiocracy its a Zionist Jewish occupation. The US Government is a facade.
Keep in mind Reagan, Trump, and Schwarzenegger all came from entertainment backgrounds and were wildly popular. Also for a celebrity to keep their mouth shut on politics for so long means they are more likely to be right wing of some sort, like those avengers guys, Vaugn, and of course Mel "I can't hide my powerlevel" Gibson.
I would say it is both. Dumbed down population caused by ZOG. Essentially idiocracy used as a metaphor for what Jewish occupation has done.
The Rock has mentioned already he wanted inclusiveness. Spoke against the travel ban.
Being physically strong and capable usually makes one lean right as well.
Polished shit is still shit. If it's on a tv or silver screen it's automatically shit.
This primarily only applies for whites.
I hope the edge or john cena competes at the same time.
Election 2020 - wrestlemania.
We must meme this.
Don't forget kanye.
So I guess someone showed Rock some footage of him porking someone he wasn't supposed to or some other incriminating shit and told him he'll run for pres next cycle.
Guy looks like henchman#128
Mel Gibson was born in NY.
I wasn't implying he's /ourguy/ by any stretch but he's likely not a basic bitch leftist.
I think they still lean right but it just means they are "brown nationalists" or whatever and use the cucked leftists to benefit their people. Mexicans are pretty nationalist but they vote left because the Democrats try to help them. Recently there was a thread about Albanian nationalists forming a coalition with the Macedonian communist party, not because they're commies but because multiculturalism helps them get a foothold.
I hope your trolling. This is cruising my view of reality.
I don't know if i can handle this.
Just run Stone Cold against his black ass, and use Austin 1488 shirts for the campaign.
I see these in my targeted ads a lot, what's the story behind them?
Austin is a faggot lover, may as well run Dickie.
Imagine the debates.
The greatest kayfabe every told. The Rock will do his duty and go heel, finally allowing Trump to turn face for the rest of the nation. Vince, Linda, Trump: The absolute mad carnies have been planning this from the beginning.
If only this got repeating digits so that Kek wills it.
I refuse to believe.
Back to cuckchan
Going down the Jew Hole…
> Maurice Chevalier: Chevalier was born in Paris, France. His father was a French house painter…. In 1941, he appeared in a successful revue in the Casino de Paris, Bonjour Paris, which was Nazi propaganda, reassuring the public that nothing had basically changed under the occupation. The Nazis knew that he was harbouring a Jewish family in the South of France, and put pressure on him to perform in Berlin and sing for the collaborating radio station Radio Paris. He refused, but did perform for prisoners of war in Germany at the same camp where he had been held captive in World War I, and succeeded in getting ten French soldiers freed in exchange….In 1944, he had already participated in a Communist demonstration in Paris. He was therefore even less popular in the U.S. during the McCarthyism period; in 1951, he was refused re-entry into the U.S. because he had signed the Stockholm Appeal. (
Austins the fucking man dude. Do you even Holla Forums?
Him naming the jew(while also being friends with jews) doesn't negate him being a faggot lover.
CAA has a long list of A-list clients, including J. J. Abrams,[3] George Clooney,[15] Marion Cotillard,[47] Tom Cruise,[15] Michael Douglas,[19] Tom Hanks,[3][19] David Letterman,[4] Brad Pitt,[15] Martin Scorsese,[19] Will Smith,[33] Steven Spielberg,[15][19][33] Sharon Stone,[19] Meryl Streep,[4][33] and numerous other stars and directors and filmmakers.
>From his early morning workouts, pictures of his dog Hobbs and videos of his life documented to his 130 million social media followers, to his film choices, the 15-member team from William Morris Endeavor (WME) always has his back, no matter how broad.
>At the helm is Dany Garcia, his long-time manager, closest confident, producing partner and believe it or not, his ex wife.
To clarify:
The Rock is a Cuckold
Typical Jewywood pawn. His Kikestagram profile spouts the "diversity" agenda
The fuck, stupid other faggot's reply got in my check
If you read the trouble Mike Judge had trying to get the movie distributed you can see that it caused some kvetching and they decided to sacrifice the shekels.
Its really quite telling - everything about this reeks of Jewish media attempting to test the waters for what they might push forth next time around.
This whole thing is blatantly manufactured by the Jewish media elite, and if you follow the strands of connection, you quickly realize as much.
The jews know well that they have no good candidate to push. This is obviously just a search for their new special goy to push on us. Of course, as always, they'll get overconfident and fuck up.
you mean /thread
Never underestimate your enemy. Though they really don't have much at this point. They pushed Chelsea Clinton for a while but that went horribly. I don't even think a dindu would work anymore as after Obama only the cuck/dindu crowd would vote for him and that's not enough. They didn't expect actual opposition and now they're fucked.
I think Holla Forums is missing something critical.
Dwayne Johnson wants to run against the only man who could avenge Paul Walker.
Did Dwayne rat out Paul to (((them)))?!
They'll try floating another alpha sports guy from a non-head injury causing sport.
These stupid celebs seriously think, If a celebrity like Donald did it, I can too. They conveniently forget that he was a self-made billionaire.
He's Samoan you retard.
Donald wasn't the first celebrity President. Reagan was head of the Screen Actors Guild, ffs.
And with the Jews backing them like Trump they can too. The countries a fucking joke
A New Presidential Candidate Approaches
His dad's a nigger.
We don't need another nigger in White house. Good thing barcock osama ruined it for any colored person ever reaching the presidency.
fucking lol
He'll crash and burn worse than Paul Walker
too soon
Can you SMELL who the ROCK is cucking?
Man Cell would be a great president. He can drink all the kikes, niggers and traitors in the country and adsorb their power.
18 is aryan as fuck.
lel, great stuff user. keep it up my man
Holy shit this thread drew out the redditors like flies to shit.
Get the fuck out, you're not welcome here.
Trumps no WWF/E newfag
But was he a CIAnigger?
Found the fag
Plus when he's under the threat of imminent death but manages to survive, he regenerates and comes back stronger than ever.
Cell's existence is a direct reference to the White Man's resolve.
He also doesn't care for the merchant's money.
Wew, checked
He was also created by a mad scientist, Dr. Gero.
According to the Nation of Islam the White Man was created by a big-headed black scientist named Yakub, who regarded the White Race as his greatest creation.
just not a fan of children's entertainment
They actually think trump won solely based on his celebrity, nothing to do with the shit state the country and society as a whole is heading or how everyone was sick of our establishment "two" party system helping themselves while fucking us in the ass.
Trump is going to murder this turbo cuck, but he would murder anyone else the dems have too so whatever. They have no chance in 2020, Presidents almost always win reelection even if their total shit.
literally who?
Yeah, he's DOA as a republican.
The left would love it. The left isn't like John Kennedy anymore, their traitorous ambitions are completely out in the open. If Dwayne Johnson comes out and says he hates America, shits on a flag on camera, and refers to whites as honkies, it will only increase his popularity.
The only way to secure another win is to have Trump, even if ever so slightly, improve our demographic situation. If we can do that, nationalist whites will be able to eek out another win against a popular nigger. I don't see whites moving back to the democratic party, but they may splinter from the republican party into third parties if the gop can't accomplish some anti-globalist legislation.
If the left can get the niggers and spics excited for a candidate because of "swag as fuck, and screw whitey" we are in trouble, unless we can regain a demographic advantage. Our best bet is to keep pushing for the Bernie Sanders wing of socialists. Only white people and intellectuals will get excited for such a candidate. They are at least delusional enough to think that presidential elections are about issues and ideas and not a popularity contest. In a straight up popularity contest we lose to the "based nego" because of the minority vote, and because millenials and gen z have been indoctrinated by hip hop and rap culture. ( Seriously, stop listening to, and stop allowing other people from listening to nigger beats around you. Stop glorifying them at all, and make your displeasure known.)
We need to keep pushing the left to run ideological old white people (and/or jews, who minorities think are white people) Make them keep using statistics and be as boring as possible. Keep the farm animals disengaged from the process, and more interested in pussy at da club, and shoes named after basketball stars.
Or to sum up, more white people = less power for the left. So we need more white people as a % of the population. And their pets are only as dangerous as the left is willing to put aside ideology in the interest of popularity. The more boring, and issue oriented a candidate (especially towards socialism) the less dangerous they are. The nightmare scenario is if they can find a minority that is both.
The audacity of the Rock to think he's qualified to be president.
I don't think they would be that stupid, but then again there was something about Clinton wanting to try again in 2020.
isn't he a Philipino citizen?
That's where you're wrong, newfag.
Trump and Vince have been friends a long time, he's a goddamn WWE hall of famer.
Trump v Johnson
Vince's wife works in Trump's administration.
nice shops
So the Democrap primary will be The Rock vs Zuckerberg vs Kanye?
Kanye isn't running after meeting President Daddy. Now he likes him.
too bad he regularly gets half naked and fondles other men.
Never going to happen because 'nice guy' Dwayne has WAY too many skeltons in his closet. Hint, he's fucked like 10k pornstars. Everyone one of these skanks I hack knows him. Fucker is a total fraud.
I've heard slight rumors that he's even screwed Trish Stratus.
Nevertheless, Bill had plenty of Skeletons in his closet, yet he still won the presidency. I don't see why The Rock couldn't win either, even if he fucked all of the porn stars.
that's some high-res porn
Fucking this. Trump deporting the 5 million beaner votes that swayed California would be a fucking amazing upset in 2020. If more leave of their own accord because 'muh families' all the better.
No playing fair, obviously Trump should earn support by improving the economy, jobs, stop the fucking useless wars except eliminating the CIA's ISIS and stopping the european rapefugee crisis but it would be more delicious to completely gut Democratic support by deporting their voters.
You're severely retarded.
(polite sage)
That era is gone, for one liberals don't give a fuck about this, if anything its a selling point to half their base. For another don't forget that even Republicans elected someone who was on a porn magazine's cover, who was known as a playboy, and who is married to a woman who posed nude in multiple magazines.
No mate, you're actually retarded if you think those are shops when Trump's in the WWE hall of fame and took part in a Wrestlemania.
that's more fake news
Are you just pretending at this point?
i guess these are real too
wonder if anime counts though
Wrestling being nothing but a male soap opera does not negate Trump having been a guest actor in it.
so you admit that wrestling is gay?
If the Rock is running, goddamn fucking Mel Gibson should run against him.
I don't like wrestling so I don't care what people call it.
good because it's fake news
Chances they are setting up the Rock to be the next Bernie figure? (meaning use his popularity to draw attention to the Democratic side)
I can't imagine a scenario where he actually gets taken seriously as a real candidate but I also wasn't paying much attention when the Schwarzenegger thing happened so I don't have experience to draw from here.
You realize that noone thinks wrestling is real, right?
He's semi-redpilled on the jews though. Even Trump is a faggot lover, nobody is perfect right now.
I'm almost positive there would be some spicy meme potential from The Rocks "Nation of Domination" days.
Would be a real shit heel if the Rock runs republican.
The next two elections are going to be fucking hysterical.
Could this happen? I mean he wouldn't win the nomination regardless but I'd find it funny.
Everyone thinks that Trump won by luck and just on his celebrity status. They think they can replicate. Ship has sailed.
tell that to all of the people saying Trump is involved with Wrussiamania
You have to be pretending to be this big of a moron.
he seems gay, or at least modeled upon penises
cry cry, back to (((reddt))) with you
2/10 made me respond
I could already imagine Megan Kelly at the debates.
Dwayne you called you didn't like
that's so fucking racist
Jesus christ, fuck off back to cuckchan you fucking autist.
I guess we found out the truth today. I'm glad I could put some commie scum in their place.
Kill everything that isn't White and those that are if they don't past the test subjugate them.
fucking hell, those that are White subjugate them and if their seed is unworthy kill them.
I don't know what makes me more sick, the stupid "wrussiamania" joke, or the idiots that respond to it seriously.
the rock is an idiot
Are they trying to outmeme us?
Like the Trump family, his family has a filipina housekeeper, if that counts.
Italians confirmed non white.
What was the last good anime you honestly watched on the electric jew they you didn't download or stream online?
Will Vince McMahon and Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho contest the next election?
Democrats are officially the anti-white party and are trying to win back a portion of the white vote.
The Rock is the latest A/B testing candidate for 2024 to see who sticks. They always mention 2020 as a possibility but Trump is unbeatable with Perez/Ellison as the opposition. Perez/Ellison are in place to stoke the flames and chip away at Trumps support base. It won't work. Watching the democrats implode is too enjoyable.
List so far:
Elizabeth Warren (white women) - Pocahontas lied about her genealogy to get into college. A non starter to build around and the memes write themselves. Trump destroyed her career.
Chelsea Clinton (white women)- Gauged the amount of support left for the Clinton family. Based on her book sales and media reception post election, the clintons are finished. Hallelujah! At most we'll see her win a senate position in jew york.
Mark Zuckerberg (white geeks) - A poor attempt to appeal to the geek/tech crowd not realizing that facebooks censoring and data collecting policies are loathed by the average american. He also isn't white and we'll remind them of that.
Dwayne Johnson (white alpha males) - With the right on the rise, white alphas are coming out of the wood works to destroy the communist agenda. While hes entertained us in the WWE and movie theatres over the years, no one will ever take him seriously. Too much baggage.
An A/B testing candidate that you will never see again: white alpha male. If they decide to go down this road after failing miserably to steal back white support, the party will officially be finished. The meming potential on a such a move would be disastrous: "Democrats need the "white man" to win another election.
Northern are, southern aren't. There is a distinct difference between the two.
can't even be arsed to do this properly for you
fuck off
rip 555
You must be new here…….
Yeah and it will be decided in a cage match, no disqualifications, only tapout.
Literally cuckchan tier.
After obama nobody wants a nonwhite president anymore.
The only exception is duterte caliber, and we all know the Rock is just another progressive cunt that was pro hillary as evident by his "against travel ban" comment
rolling for this
Would take rock over a libtard anyday
Don't wanna burst your bubble mate but he is a libtard. Stone Cold on the other hand.
Ow my balls!
I realised my fuck up too late, please just shhh
I am related to Dwayne Johnson, AMA
If he does run for president we'll have an user on the inside….
user, I dare you the next time you see Dwayne, tell him, "Paul trusted you."
Record/post what happens.
These are our options.
Elizebeth Warren: "You're so racist , sexist misogynistic Donald!"
The Rock: Probably is the best choice from a democrat perspective.
Mark Zuckerberg: "Well you know Donald , uhm…. You're policies are outdated eh….. W-w-we want something more progressive.
So the left kept repeating that Trump was a reality tv star and thereby illegitimate candidate for President. They made shitty memes and kept spout idiocracy memes not understanding that their policies and beliefs are what results that type of world.
Everyone was some unidentifiable racial mixture, low iq, history irrelevant, law meaningless, election meaningless, presidential cabinet members picked by winning cereal contest, retards flying planes, no borders, no identity, culture or language. Its their wet dream utopia and they think that just because the people were dumb as fuck that it represents a republican dystopia.
What can you expect when you have adults who read childrens books for political insight and commentary.
are you black
How the fuck are you related then, kek
Also checked your dubs
Not trying to doxx myself, but demographically a real autist could probably figure out who I am. I'd post a picture for proof, but anything that can't already be found on google means it's a private picture, and why would I post that on here instead of just selling it to TMZ for an easy $1k, just to let one of you faggots sell it instead.
Nice heel work, Roman
Post it and replace your eyes with Pepe's eyes.
I'm not a drawfag
The Rock is a fag. And a nigger. And a fag.
Plus I'm not too interested in letting out my identity, because as I said, if he DOES run (he will win too, no doubt) We will have an insider and I'll make sure I'm on his advisor team.
Cmon nigger. I'll fucking get his eyes and edit them into something you can put on your pic nigger.
Editing 10% out of an image makes it impossible to pick up on image search engines.
Checking your quads too.
I dunno why I'm not putting this in my original message, as if I'm some sperg.
The quads alone should be enough proof
How do I know you're not some faggot dicking around with us, kek
Hmm, well, you don't know. You shouldn't believe me I guess, but I wouldn't disbelieve me either. Open minded skepticism probably is your best bet.
The problem is: if I post a picture that clearly shows I am related, and if it's a private picture it could be sold and we've had problems with this in the past people leaking information and shit to the tabloids. If the picture is not good enough to be sold, someone else could save the picture and fake like they are related in a future post which I'm not too keen on either.
This is why we use physical timestamps, Roman.
Fun fact: The Rock's wikipedia page was created with "He might be gay" when it was started back in 2002
You haven't been around for long haven't you? The dude bitched out from a big interview at the height of his career in the early 2000's because some anonymous writer at a pro-wrestling-forum made a joke wether on his mixed-ethnicity.
The guy is black through and through, identify as such and behaves as such with his identity-politics. Not only that but the lack of females around him in the press makes me think he's a flaming faggot aswell.
eh would be funny
Rock is half samoan, stupid.
So you're calling Italians niggers?
Why is this thread posted here? I'd never vote for the homosexual negro-samoan…Unless he bribed me.
Found the traitor/jew
You don't need to know anything else.
>some celeb who is looking for you to pay attention to him makes these bogus claims
Daily reminder that the only reason why Terminator wasn't president was because he wasn't born in american soil.
Dwayne has more chances to win than that beta retard.
No matter how much gore and torture videos I've seen . . . I just can't even watch that again.
No way in hell any respectable white will vote for this samoa poly nigger.Dem anti white ploy.
JUST NO!! running out of options aren't you shlomo BWUAHAHAHAHA!!! Soon Jew.
i saw a post on Holla Forums whining about exactly this, but they said the rock woould be republican lol, and win.
This might be the biggest joke yet. Scraping the bottom of the barrel. While Trump lacked political experience, his business acumen and wealth spanned decades. What is the rocks resume? "I wrestled n sheit and I was in fast and furious 8".
Its clear they're having trouble finding an appealing non white alpha male who actually supports the liberal agenda. They hate that we enjoy Trumps rallies, speeches and trolling.
This is why I love this place
minus a certain roach
Tiger is a conservative. That is why they destroyed him. His fall happened about 6 months after I saw the first Tiger for president articles on conservative outlets.
He's a scumbag.
No, we are not doing President Pineapple Nigger. Fuck everything about that. I think we've seen enough melanin in the white house.
*I'd play D&D with him though, I hear he's secretly /tg/ as fuck**
He's half-a-nigger horn-dog that fucks anything that moves. There's no based niggers, we got to rely on ourselves, stop with this bullshit about clinging hope to non-whites like they are interested in the white man's survival and chance for sovereignity in this world.
This nigger is going to be really fucking bad for America. The jews will surround him with all of their jew advisors and he'll do everything they say because he's too fucking dumb to know any better. He'll also not give a single fuck about white interests since he is an actual nigger.
Anyone voting for him is the same sort of mark Olbermann worked over in the 90's on ESPN's Sportscenter. By that, I mean:
Keep failing dems
I would vote for the Rock, on the condition that he promises to continue taking steroids. If only because it would be funny and America is a joke.
made me laugh more than it should have
you bumped a thread for that, you inter dimensional turbo faggot? On an 11 day post?
who the fuck cares?