Education Secretary met with Boos and Protests at Black College Graduation

BCU Graduates standing and turning their back and Booed on Betsy Devos during her commencement speech.

Bethune-Cookman University dean interrupts DeVos speech, threatens students "your degrees will be mailed to you!" They persist!

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Petishuns an sheit

Boomercucks and niggers protesting outside the Ocean Center

Niggers love to use that word, but they don't seem to have any grasp on what being part of a community actually entails.

Well you've shown her that you coons can't sit still and keep your liver lips shut for half an hour.

No they do just their definition of community is "People who are around me who we shoot and yell at".

Ebonics for jungle.

Kek. How many of you went through school when they attempted to make ebonics an official language taught in school? When they attempted to change grading standards to take their language into account?

With all this whining I'm surprised it isn't already a stereotype for blacks to be cry babies.

Jesus Christ its like a fucking ghetto middle school
What the fuck is wrong with these literal niggers?

Checked for bitch niggas crying

Where the fuck did you go to school? Holy shit you have my sympathies. Even in the liberal hell that I live in, we were required to learn cursive. Writing and speaking right were encouraged. I even had one teacher who wouldn't answer if you asked "can I use the bathroom." I guess the more proper way is "may I use the bathroom." She was an old stickler that everyone hated when they had to take her. But she was an old lady who used to make her own clothes, built her own house, and ran her own farm. Hardcore American woman. Even black kids didn't mess with her.

I'll bet cursive is considered racist too now….

I was out by the time they were trying it in commiefornia. Not sure if other states tried to pull it.


In Florida I had an excellent 3rd grade teacher whom I partly credit for my above-average cursive handwriting today. They phased cursive out of the curriculum quite a few years ago because niggers fail at it like swimming. Just like how the teacher's unions made standardized testing out to be a bogeyman because muds fail at it, and everybody points the finger at the teachers.

the only time I can remember something like that is when some sandnigger English teacher tried to say that ebonics is a "dialect" like British English and American English, and therefore can't be considered "incorrect"


One of the comments:

These fucking people. Fucking EVERYTHING is Harry Potter

They're branching out. Ironically into a solely white franchise.

It's because both them and Harry live in a fantasy world. Harry potter is the most inane black and white drivel ever the good guys are good because their good and the bad guys are bad because their bad.

Stars Wars has more shades of gray and the two opposing forces are literally called the light and dark side. Everything about the plot of Harry Potter is made to appeal to idiots who don't like to investigate motive or reason for others' actions.

Wow do they sell LotR abridged version now or is it nigger text like what they did to Shakespeare?

odd, since in the books it talks about blood so much and how mixing was a bad thing
It also warns against marrying late and having few children
can we turn this around on them?

Nigger Lord of the Rings?

Every single one of their golems can be turned around on them.

That happened in my college. They set up a trial ebonics course as part of some black history thing. It was obviously made so niggers could get an easy degree but they still failed because they barely showed up for classes.


White frum al dat buk lernin



This useful idiot is the perfect example of why the jew cares little for their good goyim. Comey, on the other hand, was at least promoted over and over again for the (((services))) he performed for the Clintons.


Well it's safe to say I won't be hiring any electrical engineers from this college.

Guys, what if they start referencing classical literature?
"This is exactly like the time Julius Caesar crossed the rubicon!"

Fuck, now we can never reference any literature ever when making arguments. I suppose the SJW cucks have just ruined it entirely.
Fuck. RIP Allegory, you had a good run.

Wait a second, if all allegory is off-limits, then Trump can't read us the snek poem.

God dammit, now we can't use the cave anymore either. BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD, PLATO YOU FUCKING LIBERAL HACK.

I wonder why black colleges never have any major research or useful projects going on…wonder what it could be…

I feel more insulted by that than by them referencing Shitty Kid's Fantasy Escapism.


I was talking about Harry Potter, what they normally use.

HBCUs exist to teach niggers how to get affirmative action jobs from the government. Want to know why is the VA such a clusterfuck? Middle management is full of niggers and every one of them is embezzeling money.

Is that why I see so many niggers with expensive cars?

Being this much a cuck 2bb826?

lol fuck off moron

Make me you fucking nog bitch. We can tell by how you type you're a dirty negress.

Why are you being so gay? What is wrong with you? Did you wake up today and just think to yourself, "I'm going to be mean as fuck to the first literary autist I see on Holla Forums today!"?

Jesus Christ, just leave him be, he's just autistic over literature.

I rest my case.

Lawd of the Rangs!

if you spread that image around the libsphere we'd have a meltdown on our hands

We wuz hobbits en shieet we wuz aalves and dwurs we wuz everyone.

Just looked into this. The VA has 271,682 permanent employees. About 24% are niggers. They're 29% of the practical nurses, and 22% of the first-level supervisors or managers. I note that 60% of all employees are women, again clustered near the front line and first-level management.

Where the fuck do you think you are?

The autism is the problem? Not you being a white knighting cuck bitch?

Sorry. I didn't mean to be a jerk to you, either. He's obviously just enjoying himself and possibly high on a combination of caffeine and autism, possibly manic depression as well. You can't say that you haven't felt/done the same thing that he has. Shit, I know I get autistic as a motherfucker about the English language as well as literature, too.

We're all Autists for politics. It's something that brings us together. Sorry for being gay.

supposedly devos was wearing doctoral robes when she wasnt a doctoral graduate

That document is from 2009. I'd wager the number of niggers at VA went up 10-20% during the Kang Nigger era, because that was right around the time the agency started to unravel.

It's like the fast food restaurant formula. For example, if you go to a Wendy's with more than 1/3 Black employees on sift, it's going to be dysfunctional in some way: unacceptable wait times for fast food, the tables won't be cleaned, the fountain machine will be out of syrup, the food will be made incorrectly, etc. The more Black employees in an organization, the lower the quality of customer service.

They're niggers.

No there ain't nothing wrong with them here niggers. That's how they conduct themselves, white cucks can't change biology they are born this way. At least the Jews know that.

I remember that I wasn't redpilled back then I thought I was "up" because I knew a bunch of black kids well, they'd always be trying to push me around and fain a hit or something to gain my reaction. I didn't hold back and acted similar because I thought, "they were equal".

Based on now what I know I'd probably create a white enclave as best I could, maybe goth style.

god damn black people are fucking stupid, every other race sees you as the bottom of the barrel


She failed to acknowledge the settled historical evidence that the graduates of Bethune-Cookman University were once kangz n sheit.

Get the fuck out, faggot.


I found cursive to be easier on the wrist but not much faster to write in than print, and some letters even take longer to write. I also generally prefer the look of print. Actually by middle school some of my teachers were telling people that they weren't required to write in cursive because it made it take longer to read through papers.